Links among intellectual terrorism, religious and political dissent

The unusual rapid change of globalization process, winning of extreme right parties in some countries, who ask for racism and refuse other nationalities and races makes the world very unstable and coexistence among various nations is in dangerous.

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Links among intellectual terrorism, religious and political dissent

Sarteep Mawlood,

post-graduate student «KROK» University

Сартіп Мавлуд. Зв'язки між інтелектуальним тероризмом, релігійним і політичним інакомисленням.

Незвичайно швидка зміна процесів глобалізації, перемога праворадикальних партій у країнах, які сприяють расизму й відмовляють іншим національностям та расами в праві на існування, роблять світ нестабільним, а співіснування між різними націями небезпечним. Усе це не виникає без певного плану екстремістських партій й підривної діяльності в різних місцях. Фізичному тероризму та терористичним актам ще можна частково протидіяти, але сучасні екстремістські групи знайшли інші способи щоб тероризувати суспільство, вони загрожують людям не фізично, а морально, на інтелектуальному рівні.

На користь окремих приватних інтересів або заради захоплення влади в країнах відбувається експлуатація різних ідей й поглядів різних партій, що перетворюється на інтелектуальний тероризм. Під виглядом боротьби за права відбувається нехтування релігійним устроєм. Шляхом обману людей підштовхують до незвичайної поведінки та дій, що призводять до гніву деяких людей, образи їх релігійних відчуттів через спалення релігійних книг, зловживання релігійними персонажами та інших провокацій. Ці дії являють собою прояв інтелектуального тероризму й намагання призвести до ворожнечі між релігіями, які раніше співіснували в мирі без будь-яких важливих і серйозних великих проблем. З цією нищівною метою екстремістські партії та їхні елементи намагаються використовувати будь-які засоби для досягнення своїх брудних і поганих намірів. Зараз ми живемо в глобалізованому світі в період медіа-революції, тому, якщо щось трапиться в найвіддаленішій частині світу, ця подія буде так чи інакше відома в інших частинах, що змусить їх мати ворожі ідеї проти тих, хто не на-лежить до їхньої релігії, етнічного походження, національності чи мови, навіть деякі високопосадовці різних країн у своїх виступах та промовах поширюють ворожі ідеї. Це не має нічого спільного зі свободою слова.

Це також тероризм, проте не фізичний, а інтелектуальний. Він виражається в маніпуляції людьми через їх релігійні погляди та політичну орієнтацію. Нам усім разом потрібно протистояти інтелектуальному тероризму та зупинити його, інакше ситуація тільки погіршуватиметься.

Ключові слова: диференціація, тероризм, екстремістські ідеї, соціальне лицемірство, порушення інших релігій, нестабільність соціального миру, плутанина, інтенсивний страх, незахищене співіснування між суспільствами, політичний тероризм, порушення та хиткість, зловживання соціальними медіа, порушення та спотворення релігії, нігілізм філософія, транснаціональний тероризм, промивання мізків, вербування терористів.

Sarteep Mawlood. Links among Intellectual Terrorism, Religious and Political Dissent.

The unusual rapid change of globalization process, winning of extreme right parties in some countries, who ask for racism and refuse other nationalities and races makes the world unstable and coexistence among various nations is in dangerous. All these things does not come to exist without any plan of some extremist parties, subversive activities in different places. Physical terrorism and terrorist acts are semi controlled, but the extreme groups nowadays found other ways to terrorize societies, frighten and threaten people intellectually. There is an exploiting of different ideas, different views of parties in a country and change it to an intellectual terrorism just for specific and private interests or to take power in a country. Under the name of rights there is a huge deface on religion through deception and mislead people and push them to take unusual habits and acts which leads to anger some people without taking into account of other religion through burning the religious book, abusing religious characters and all these acts consider to be intellectual terrorism and spreading hatred among different religions who were living in peace before without any crucial and serious big problem. To this devastating end, the extremist parties and their elements try to use any way of means to reach their dirty and bad intentions. Even we live in a media revolution nowadays which if anything happens in the farthest part of the world will be known in other parts in a way or another, make them to have hostile ideas against who are not in their religion, ethnic, nationality or language, even some of high officials and ranks clearly mention in front of their assembly and spread hostile idea. It has nothing to do with the freedom of expression. It is some kind of terrorism, not physical but intellectual and it is stupidity of people through their bad planned ideas, their political orientation and their trade in the blood of others. Unfortunately there are still many who believe in such things and terrorism and terror belongs to specific religion or ideology without having a minimum information on it. We all together need to face intellectual terrorism and stop them otherwise the situation goes worse than it is.

Key words: differentiate, terrorism, extremist ideas, social hypocrisy, transgressions of other religions, unstable of social peace, confusion, intensive fear, insecure the coexistence among societies, political terrorism, violation and precarious, abuse of social media, violation and deface on religion, nihilistic philosophy, transnational terrorism, brainwashing, terrorist recruitment.

Formulation of the problem

Currently the World faces the most dangerous challenges through the history after Second World War due to unprecedented multiple conditions from extreme parties and groups, fiery and provocative statements by high officials, subversive and disguised hands, mismanagement of social medias and sites by the intelligence and spies of some countries. In addition discouraging coexistence among various societies and winning of the extreme right wing parties and emergence of racism led to abnormal climate among the people.

Study of the problem

intellectual terrorism religious political dissent

Even it is difficult to control terrorism acts especially intellectual terrorism nowadays in the world of social media and globalization, but almost every disease has a cure even if it takes long time. The important thing here, is to specify the exact reasons and resources behind the terrorism not only finding a solution, because always taking care and prevention is better than a cure. In general terrorism belongs to none of religions, cultures or other ethnics, but it is exploiting and misleading people or misunderstanding of the religion. As Serafim A. in her publication "Terrorism-A Cultural Phenomenon? Vol. 4, No. 1 (Spring 2005), pp. 61-74 (14 pages)" mentions that terrorism can be found in religion, but it does not mean it is the religion itself but those people who use religion to find an excuse for themselves for doing terrorism acts. Besides sometimes misuse by the states or authorities themselves for specific interests or capitalism or maybe just to take power in a country and play with people's feeling in a way or another just to be chosen in an election as "Gullet C, 2009, Intellectual

Terrorism: Prosecuting the Treason of Legislative Socialism" specifies it.

Aims. Dealing with intellectual terrorism is not an easy task. The main target here is to find out the diagnose for the problem before dealing with otherwise is almost wasting time, in return the intellectual terrorism gets worse on our thinking in general. The main is to know what are the reasons behind intellectual terrorism, the main characters, the defaults, the sources of intellectual terrorism, the previous mistakes in this fields, the weak points, the ideology, and the solutions. In addition to reform the system and adjust laws related to religious rituals.


Standing repeatedly in the way of progress and human dignity, then and now, are the nihilistic philosophies of radical economic Socialism and its myopic mystical counterpart, violent religious fanaticism. Today, these two binary ideological forces are embodied by irrational terrorism on the part of Islamic fanatics in the Middle East and radical secular extremists posing as intellectuals in the socialist wing of the Democratic Party, the U.S. Congress and the White House. Together they form a political and ideological date-rape drug for liberty and Capitalism. (1) When a major terrorist incident occurs, the media tend to turn to academic experts and ask them to comment both on the terrorist perpetrators and the government's response. Quite often, the experts seem to know better than the government itself what the best response should be. One frequently heard piece of advice is that the government should not "overreact". It is true that too strong a reaction might alienate parts of the public, sectors of which might find themselves suddenly suspected of providing an enabling environment for terrorists. On the other hand, too weak a reaction might embolden a terrorist group, making the government look like a "paper tiger". The question is: who decides what the "right" level of reaction is and how can one know that beforehand? (2) That's why The European Counter Terrorism Centre - ECTC was established in the wake of the series of terrorist attacks that shook Europe in 2015. These attacks resulted in an unprecedented boost in cooperation between EU Member States and partners and led to the creation of a dedicated counter terrorism center at Europol. The ECTC's experience and expertise in all areas of terrorist phenomena aims to provide a comprehensive response to the constantly changing threat of terrorism in the EU. In light of this, the ECTC has extended its support in recent years to EU Member States and external partners in dealing with violent left-wing and right-wing extremism, as well as religiously motivated terrorism. To enhance the capabilities of counter terrorism authorities, the ECTC creates and develops tools to address emerging counter terrorism needs. (3) Research on "right-wing/far- right" terrorism, although not new in this domain, shows clear signs of re-emergence and surge of activities. The analyses also identify gaps where further research is required. Most notable on that front is the striking paucity of empirical research on human behavior (i.e., civilian response) during (or in the aftermath of) terror attacks. Largely overlooked in this domain is the potential role of individual mental preparedness and/or peace-time training in mitigating the impact of terror events and increasing communities' self-efficacy in the face of terror. The multitude of dimensions that branch out from this single notion could potentially form a new division of terrorism research-possibly, a multidisciplinary crossover between the existing psychology and emergency response divisions- whose findings can help better prepare the public and reduce impacts of terror attacks on civilian communities. (4) As well analyzing culture as a category is not an easy task, and it is not a purely scientific enterprise. What people think, how they think, and the way they react to events are all influenced by culture. Culture is the usual scientific sense of beliefs, values, with special attention to religion as a central component. It is not only about religion, but it is also true that the most prominent cultural dimension of twenty-first century terrorism can be found in religion. Most of western analysts are hesitant to identify terrorist acts with the central teachings of one of the world's great religions, preferring to view them instead as a perversion of religion that is essentially peace-loving and tolerant. Moreover, an interpretation that places the blame for terrorism on religious and cultural traits runs the risk of being branded as bigoted and Islam-phobic. Muslims often accuse western analysts of misinterpreting of Islam and ignorance about its real essence. Who initially misunderstood and misguided Islam, but rather the terrorists themselves. (5)


Even the fanatic groups and parties were existing in the past from time to time, but there was not that fanatic in this way as we have today or at least there was trying to put the problem out and cover it up with compromise and objective solution and it is a dangerous alarm to all. In the most terrorist cases the academic experts in this field knows the reasons and the response and the solutions for the cases, but many times governments do not follow the tips and advices because of subordinating to the policies of the winning party even if it is not the right policy. Even there is some kind of progress in relationship towards Terrorism counter among countries and states, but still need more and more as we see from time to time because of tension and coldness in relationship among countries then the tension has an effect on other coordination especially with the fight against terrorism. In addition there are individuals and groups who want to mislead people and show that the main reason behind terrorism act is religion.


1. If there were a small fanatical groups and extremist parties in the past, but in the time being we see extremist governments and openly declaring discrimination and racism against other nationalities, religions. This is kind of intellectual terrorism which affects many people on the ground. Those governments should form their foreign policy again,

2. Every action has reaction, so that any hostility towards any religion, ethnic or other doctrine will lead to angering the opposite side so that it is difficult to control the situation. On this regard, none of religion pushes its believers to erase another religion or group, so there is nothing bad relating to do with the religion, but it is the human being.

3. Hurting people's feeling by burning the religious book is not freedom of expression and human right, but it is abuse and deface of hundreds millions of people and intellectual terrorism. Towards this act the law should be adjusted if there is no prevention regarding it, as a man in Sweden burned a copy of Quran recently under police guard.

4. Many fake pages, sites, other social Medias programs behind intellectual terrorism makes coexistence among religions and ethnics in dangerous. On one hand the people should make sure of fake news and do not believe everything publishes. On another hand governments should control the sites and social media better especially those who discourage hates and violence in societies.

5. Due to recent chaos and riots in France some of right and fanatic parties in Europe pretended to the people of its countries that if they are not chosen the situation will be the same as in France. Some believed it and the far-right party in Germany won the election in eastern town of Sonneberg. It is the first victory for them in the town and means the situation goes worse and worse in many countries as it is known there is no even one country with only one ethnic or one nation but there are tens of ethnics live in the same country. That's why this misleading should be stopped.

6. There is frankly intellectual terrorism and misleading people by some parties to take the power of the country or for private interests only because other opposite parties having different opinion. It remind us with the saying whether with us or against us and it is not true. The first victim is the people, the parties must deal with the circumstances more carefully and take the public interest as well the peace cohesion of living in the country.

7. Hurting people's feeling by burning religious books or cursing and saying rude things on a specific religion do not change anything into better, but vice versa it gets the situation worse, everyone is free to be believer or not as it is written in Islamic book Quran "You have your religion and I have mine" there is lack and neglect by the states towards it.

8. The best way to prevent coming of transnationals terrorism the Governments and systems should keep the balance among religions and ethnics. Instead of hostile thoughts, the governments should educate and teach people in moderate and non-hostile program through flyers, TV programs, and other visual and audio channels.

9. There is an advance decision that some specific religion i.e. Islam is a fanatic religion and there are hostile thinking as well a bad image on Islam by some formal and informal channels without know the diagnose of the problems.


1. Gullet C, 2009, Intellectual Terrorism: Prosecuting the Treason of Legislative Socialism, Paperback, retrieved from: https:// ism-Prosecuting-Legislative-Socialism/ dp/0984155953.

2. Schmid A.P, 2014, Terrorism Research and Government, retrieved from: https:// search-and-government.

3. An official website of the EUROPOL, last update 2023, European Counter Terrorism Centre - ECTC, retrieved from: https:// ropean-counter-terrorism-centre-ectc.

4. Haghani M, Kuligowski E, Rajabifard A, Lenti-

ni P, 2022, Fifty years of scholarly research on terrorism: Intellectual progression,

structural composition, trends and knowledge gaps of the field, volume68, retrieved from:


5. Serafim A, 2005, Terrorism--A Cultural Phenomenon? Vol4, No1, retrieved from:

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