China's digital policy: system analysis and implementation prospects for Ukraine

The support was the key to effective implementation of advanced technologies and systemic implementation scale of China’s digital policy. A comparative analysis of the transformational processes of digitalization of China and Ukraine was carried out.

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Дата добавления 21.08.2022
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MAZARAKI Anatolii,

DSc (Economics), Professor, Rector of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


DSc (Economics), Professor,

Head of the Department of Digital Economics and System Analysis Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


PhD (Economics), Associate Professor,

Associate Professor of Digital Economics and System Analysis Department of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

A system analysis of the phenomenon of rapid growth in China's digitalization process was carried out. Various areas of digital transformation are highlighted. The analysis of the main principles and driving force of China's state digital strategy is carried out. We found out that state support was the key to effective implementation of advanced technologies, wide and systemic implementation scale of China's digital policy. A comparative analysis of the transformational processes of digitalization of China and Ukraine was carried out.

Keywords: digital policy, digitalization strategy, digital technologies, Chinese economy, Ukrainian economy, investment policy.

Мазаракі А., Роскладка А., Іванова О. Цифрова політика Китаю: системний аналіз і перспективи впровадження для України.

Постановка проблеми. Цифрова політика як системний метод управління цифровою економікою останнім часом знаходиться в центрі уваги світового бізнесу і світової наукової спільноти. Цифрова трансформація Китаю вже має глибокий вплив на власну економіку і в майбутньому суттєво впливатиме на світову економіку, у тому числі й на економіку України.

Таким чином, актуальним дослідницьким завданням є ретельне вивчення історичних причин, тенденцій, факторів розвитку та перспектив цифрової політики Китаю, яка нині визначає динаміку економічного розвитку як окремих країн, так і світового бізнесу загалом.

Метою статті є системний аналіз процесу цифровізації в Китаї за допомогою аналітичних та візуальних інструментів дослідження, оцінка перспектив впровадження найкращих практик китайської цифрової політики в Україні.

Матеріали та методи. У статті використано офіційні статистичні дані щодо розвитку процесів цифрової трансформації Китаю, аналітичні та статистичні методи, порівняльний аналіз та емпіричні дослідження.

Результати дослідження. Проведено системний аналіз феномену вибухового прориву процесу диджиталізації в Китаї. Досліджено різні сфери цифрової трансформації: електронна комерція, використання інтернету та мобільних технологій, інноваційна політика країни у сфері диджиталізації. Здійснено аналіз основних принципів та рушійної сили державної цифрової стратегії Китаю. Доведено, що запорукою ефективного впровадження передових технологій є державна підтримка та широкий і системний масштаб реалізації цифрової політики Китаю. Проведено порівняльний аналіз трансформаційних процесів диджиталізації Китаю та України. Сформовано систему факторів, які є перспективними для впровадження в Україні: стратегічний підхід до розроблення та імпорту нових технологій, державне фінансування науки й освіти у сфері розвитку інноваційних технологій, створення та підтримка вільних технологічних та економічних зон для залучення прямих іноземних інвестицій, цивілізована та відкрита конкуренція на внутрішньому інвестиційному ринку.

Висновки. Сьогодні Китай по праву входить до когорти світових лідерів цифрової трансформації. Такі здобутки передусім слід пов 'язувати з ефективною цифровою політикою китайського уряду, який активно заохочує цифрові інновації та підприємництво, є інвестором, розробником та споживачем нових технологій.

Україна, яка тільки розпочинає свій шлях у напрямку системної цифровізації, має унікальну можливість перейняти досвід і кращі практики цифрової трансформації Китаю.

Ключові слова: цифрова політика, стратегія диджиталізації, цифрові технології, економіка Китаю, економіка України, інвестиційна політика.

technologies systemic china digitalization


Today the world is facing serious changes in all spheres of human activity. Disruptive technologies and innovative products are emerging at a tremendous rate; they improve existing business processes and economic models. Expanding opportunities for the use of scientific and technological innovations are very important for transition to high-quality economic development of world leaders and developing countries. In this context, digital policy is especially important, since it has become an integral part of economic transformation process in modern world.

Digital policy as a systematic method of managing digital economy has recently been in the spotlight of business world and world scientific community. Thanks to significant integration of digital technologies into real economy, not only new and traditional industries are developing, but also new development models and public administration are being created that form country's digital policy. This digital transformation has led to improved governance practices in many countries. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development estimates that digital economy in developed countries will have exceeded 62 % of GDP by 2030.

China is the largest investor and developer of new digital technologies. China is well positioned to rapidly commercialize digital business models, primarily because of its very large domestic market of young and energetic consumers. The Chinese government has an effective digital policy, actively encouraging digital innovation and entrepreneurship, giving companies opportunity to experiment and offering support as an investor, developer and consumer of new technologies. China's digital transformation has already had a great impact on its own economy and will certainly have a big influence on global economy in the future.

At first glance China's leading position in digital economy is obvious. The volume of GDP, the number of consumers and investments in digital sphere are quite corresponding to the world leader level. However, implementation of China's digital policy is more complex in view of the significant development specifics of digital industry sector. An intensive study of the historical reasons, trends, development factors and prospects for digital politics and China's digital economy is the main research task. It is very important, since digital policy determines the dynamics of economic development of both individual countries and world business as a whole today.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified every aspect of the world's digital transformation. Therefore, many countries are strengthening their strategic approach to digital transformation policies. OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2020 [1] provides an analysis of the global Internet trends, global big data opportunities for businesses and consumers, and also new emerging security and privacy problems.

China has quickly overcome the pandemic and considers COVID-19 as an opportunity to rebuild its economy by putting digitalization first in line with existing goals and plans. A. Larionov, E. Avdokushin, G. Ratz [2] and B. Hou, J. Hong, S. Wang, X. Shi, C. Zhu [3] analyze the transition from the administrative-command model of managing the Chinese economy to an open economy with determining and guiding role of the state. The open door policy and the interaction of economy and education, as well as the use of mechanisms and potential of the world economy, have become the most important components of economic reform and the entire development model of the Chinese economy. N. Sansa [4] examines the impact of China's industrial policy on digital economy based on available data from the World Bank and UN reports.

R. Arcesati [5], I. Danilin [6] emphasize China's great influence on the economies of Europe and the United States, but such influence cannot become unlimited. The authors of the web resource [7] give interesting forecasts about development of the world economy in the future. Neither China no the United States will have become a hegemonic state by 2030. Due to communication technologies, power is moving to multifaceted and amorphous networks of state and non-state subjects that will be formed to influence global politics on various issues.

Nevertheless, China is one of the world's largest investors and digital activists, and is also home to one third of the world's users [8]. L. Tomai- chuk examines the phenomenon of economy's digitalization using the example of Chinese society. The administrative structure regulating technological areas and the regulatory framework is considered in [9]. Political, economic, social factors of digitalization growth and the problems that hinder digitalization process in China are highlighted. The resources [10-12] provide comprehensive statistical information on the current state of China's digital economy.

The main focus of the analysis of publications is directed to the study of China's digital policy. K. Shi-Kupfer, M. Ohlberg [13], as well as other authors [14] argue that China's existing digital economy demonstrates strategic stability thanks to the appropriate stimulating policy of the Chinese Communist Party, which implements an integrated digital strategy with forecasting global power. D. Tiorkina examines the consistent implementtation of the state strategy for working with big data in her article [15]. Big data is viewed by China as a strategic resource that will help advance development of the economy and improve its efficiency. R. Creemers [16] analyzes the implementation of the National Strategy for the Development of Informatization, which is an important component of the general system of China's national strategy. The authors [17, 18] note the uniqueness of China's digital policy. Local regulation of the Internet means that international web giants like Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are completely blocked. China has developed a parallel digital ecosystem that is completely different from what we know in the West. There is Baidu instead of Google, Youku is instead of Youtube, WeChat is a unique social media platform. O. Pishchulina in her article [19] underlines the serious concern of the world community in connection with the Chinese digital dictatorship and the establishment of general control over Chinese citizens using digital technologies, when it becomes possible to track every step, every person's word, and in the future, his thoughts.

This author, as well as D. Ovcharenko [20] and Yu. Trach [21] investigate the state of digital economy in Ukraine, and, in particular, the problems and prospects for the development of the domestic IT-market.

The aim of the article is a system analysis of China's digitalization process in using analytical and visual research tools and assessment of implementation prospects for the best practices of Chinese digital policy for Ukraine.

Materials and methods

Official statistics of the development of China's digital transformation processes, analytical and statistical methods, comparative analysis and empirical research were used in this article.

Results. China's digital economy has rapid growth as against its own historical outcomes and in comparison with other countries. The rate of China's e-commerce is so dynamic that the total transaction value exceeds those of France, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. Many regions of the country are digitalized with a greater degree of internet accessibility and penetration than several key regions of the United States or Europe. Chinese GDP in 2020 exceeded USD 14 trillion, which allowed China to outstrip other major countries such as Brazil, India, and Russia. According to the world digital competitiveness rating, China got 84.11 score points, leaving behind EU countries though following the U.S. (figure 1)

Figure 1. 2020 IMD World Digital competitiveness rating

Source: explored by the authors on the basis of [22].

Quite improved knowledge and stable technology along with permanently high future readiness pulled up China's digital competitiveness (figure 2).

One of the active socioeconomic impetuses of China's digital economy is electronic commerce, strongly developed along with powerful China's digital environment, including intensive online payments, digital search technologies, knowledge systems, digital social platforms, video hosting, and cyber governance, AI, and quantum computing dynamics. E-com- merce in China is steadily intensifying due to systematic approach to powerful digitalization of the national economy, wide mobile connectivity and common public access to the Internet.

Figure 2. Structure of China's overall digital competitiveness rating

Source: explored by the authors on the basis of [22].

According to the estimations made at the beginning of current year, over 80% of population connects with financial institutions through their accounts, and 48.8 % of Chinese individuals makes purchases and pays bills via the Internet. Consumer interest and long-term use of the Internet, from product search to purchase, have been more prevalent in Chinese consumer behavior than in any other country. Over 72 % of Internet users (aged from 16 to 64) surfed the Internet for a product purchase, while 91.5 % of them visited online stores from any devices, but not all of these searches succeeded. Online purchases were made by 77.4% of these Internet users, while mobile purchases got even lower level of successful completion, 64.3% at the beginning of 2021.

China's digital policy succeeds actively through the Internet usage. The rate of digital access of Chinese population gets high along with the increase of urban growth at the beginning of 2021 (figure 3).

Figure 3. Mobile, Internet and social media use in China

Source: explored by the authors on the basis of [11].

Distribution of active categories of Internet users in China by the type of device is shown below (figure 4).

Figure 4. Percentage of active Internet users aged from 16 to 64, by kind of device

Source: explored by the authors on the basis of [11].

Mobile access to the Internet is widely popular in China due to a wide range of mobile devices. In January 2021, the percentage of the Internet users via mobile phones has increased to over 93 % [11]. There is almost complete coverage (94 %) of 3G-5G broadband connection for all mobile connections. Due to modern technical capacities, the level of availability of appropriate services and the Internet content provided to the final users was estimated over 81 % for mobile Internet users. Digital payments, reached by mobile Internet usage, turned to proactive and state-supported mobile commerce development. Thus, over 34 % of population use mobile devices (e.g. Samsung Pay and Apply Pay) to pay online monthly.

One of the most promising areas of close attention of Chinese IT developers is the Internet of Things (IoT). The potential of this country with 64 % of global cellular network connections is huge and up-and-coming [23]. China explores mobile IoT LPWAN technologies by over 750 operators, including top IoT businesses like nAO, JUSTPRO, Saelum, Neusoft Corp and others [24]. Multiple cases of IoT includes installation of numerous IoT sensors for environmental and utility monitoring on over 35 km Jinyang area, alarm systems, temperature sensors across China, and other urban digitalization advancements. China uses 5G technology and accelerates IoT development and its penetration in all economic sectors. The large companies rating in the World IoT Convention are Huawei, China Unicorn, Alibaba Cloud, CETC, Softbank, and Haier U+.

Digitalization of the Chinese economy is the result of the strong well- grounded digital strategy implementation. The conducive drivers of such global force are large population of Internet users (939.8 million users in January 2021, which is more than in the European countries and the USA), intensive volumes of e-commerce (over 40 % of the world e-commercial transactions volumes), high value of start-ups as innovation entrepreneurship incentives (over USD 1 billion value), favorable active ecosystem for investment in digital start-ups, active development of mobile payments (over 10 times more than in the USA), powerful digital business innovators, media companies mergers, which empowered the consolidated Chinese media power, and other impetuses [25-28]. Despite such digital market competitive advantages, China continues searching for other growth drivers for the world digital leadership.

China's digital policy is built on the concrete and well-developed political initiatives to implement ambitious and assertive intentions in digital area. The landmark of Chinese aspiring growth is digital strategy of the country. It pursues stable growing rate of socioeconomic life, effective governance, global digital leadership, and combined economic and security targets. Accordingly, the political initiatives provide this strategy implementation in formation of the world's digital standards, technological impact and Chinese ambitious state-owned business expansion. The issued National Informatization Development Strategy 2006-2020 is China's long-term evidence to regulate digital change globally, which will bring modernization of governance and networking power. China's stated strategy intertwines with vision of strategic positioning and rejuvenation of the nation's development potential. Political regulation makes significant emphasis on digitalization as a means or tool for implementing many ambitious plans to achieve leadership in global digitalization. This standardizing document formulated China's main policies in informatization.

Large-scale strategy and accompanying policy of confident China was built on the guiding ideology and political organizational background. Adhering to the Socialism with its Chinese typical identity, the digital strategy and policy reflected the ideas of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Plenums of the 18th Congress and 19th Congress of the China Communist Party, "Three Represents", and Xiaoping Theory [16]. Chinese policy focused on innovative and regulated development ideas and closely interweaved with the "Four Comprehensives" and "Five to One" arrangements. Thus, China's large- scale digitalization, a great interest in collaboration and long-term investment projects of modernizing smartification has a solid political and ideological background that regulates adherence to socialist ideals in the global market and active competition for digital leadership.

China's digital policy and strategy follow the formalized principles as the regulatory guidelines. Comprehensive development aspiring to the welfare and prosperous economy denotes inclusion of all common trends in an industry, focus on both state and local scale, permanent communication with government, amalgamation of all long- and short-term goals, and comprehensive and coordinated approach to digitalization [16]. Another principle denominates innovative character of the economic growth. It was the attitude to the strengthening of own growth factors and solving environmental changes and risks. Chinese governance of digitalization led to economic leadership, which went beyond competition with anyone except time. The chosen way of Chinese politicians intentionally invoke ubiquitous changes in economy, including all business models and sectors, society, culture, ecology, and defense in the broader area.

Implementation of China's digital policy has extensive systematic scale. Common vision of the accepted strategy of wide informatization emphasizes main technologies development, implements indigenous innovations, as well as advanced infrastructure building [16]. Paying tribute to total infrastructure informatization, the government motivates competition among the enterprises of various ownership forms, moving towards controlled infrastructure in both urban and rural areas.

The country focused external influence and integration on the prevailed presence of own businesses and leadership in global digital governance although Chinese digitalization strategy followed collaboration principle and mutual benefits. Chinese politics attempted to strengthen its ambitious influence on the global digital markets and large foreign markets as it is active participant in cyberspace advancements and interested in global and local digital control. State support of the large Chinese IT-companies engaged in digital infrastructure consolidated and promoted their leading positions in communication, e-commerce, online payments, and other digital sectors.

Internal control of Chinese authorities over digital activity is notable for its scale and comprehensiveness. Despite large number of the Internet users connected through broadband network, internal digital space is highly regulated by the state. Digital policy regarding anonymous activity, freedom of access, open data resources differs from other large countries like in the USA, where liberal and democratic approach is declared to these aspects of Internet use by the individuals [29]. The published content of the Internet users is of the same responsibility of Internet providers, that makes them caring of own place in the Internet area and adhering to the Chinese laws on eligible or not eligible information publication. The Chinese Cyberspace Administration performs the review of all products explored in the crucial infrastructure to pursue cyber security through the source code exposure. This may limit the activity of foreign organizations in the Chinese ICT market. Moreover, China's digital policy obliges internal companies to store any personal data and prove whether their transfer abroad is required for normal economic activity. Therefore, advanced ICTs are necessary to handle these tremendous data volumes.

The US and European concerns of the Chinese digital growth lie in the fact their large media and IT companies have comparatively little presence and impact on such a huge market occupied by the strong local competitors and consolidated power. Thus, the largest social media companies Twitter, Facebook or Google are not widely present in China; meanwhile, active Internet users in China have access to Baidu, WeChat, Weibo, and other search engines and social platforms for the Internet surfing and communicating [17]. On other hand, such capital-raising businesses like Huawei or Alibaba have entered the European telecom, network, online payment segments of digital market. Instead of participation in the UN's 5G development schedule, the experts from China lead in ISO 5G expert group, enrolling in the global digital regulatory [13].

National protectionism that corresponds to the Chinese strategic development in the digital area appears as a risk to the world macroeconomic competition mode. Goal-seeking, ambitious and self-confident power of the Chinese digital policy underlies in common China's economic system, which presents the integral model combining strong organization, competition, entrepreneurship of market economy along with planning of economic growth and active state participation in strategic implementation [18]. Substantial China's aid to own companies, including those which operate worldwide, is blamed by the US and European officials for intervention of market competition on the international level. They consider it as unfair advantage in international competition. Nevertheless, IT giants are still interested in own growth in the Chinese economy. Thus, Microsoft, Amazon and IBM provide cloud computing services to domestic Chinese enterprises to strengthen digital data security [18].

Unlike China, Ukraine is just beginning its way to systemic digitalization. Underestimated and unpretentious Ukrainian knowledge subfactors, technology and digital readiness keep Ukraine on 58th place in the world ranking (figure 5). Moreover, Ukraine has achieved almost no progress in the ranking of digital competitiveness over the past 5 years.

Figure 5. Structure of Ukraine's overall digital competitiveness rating

Source: explored by the authors on the basis of [22].

The rate of IT development in Ukraine is really impressive. In 2012, the contribution of IT to the country's economy was 0.8 % of Ukraine's GDP, and now is more than 4 % [20; 30]. Today, the export of IT services in Ukraine brings more than 5 billion dollars per year, while in 2013 this mark barely reached 2 billion [20]. In 2017, the IT sector broke into the top three largest sectors of Ukraine's economy in the export of services, and in 2020 for the first time became the leader in this list. However, despite the constant desire to increase Ukraine's digital competitiveness in the world market, in particular, due to technological, resource, educational and information cooperation with foreign countries, including China, our country must form a clear direction of stable digitalization.

Finally, we present the factors and peculiarities of Chinese digital policy that Ukraine should analyze and adopt:

• strategic approach and active creation, development and/or import of technologies, know-how, and other innovations nudged China forward through several technological orders, which in turn gave an impulse to technological export (it has grown in 130 times in 1992-2013) [18];

• state funding of science and education as original environments for innovation development and creative thinking; strong connection between research centers and educational institutions as well as with industrial enterprises;

• creation and support of Free Economic Zones (5 FEZs, 32 technological and economic development zones, 15 free trade areas, 14 cross-border economic cooperation areas) to attract foreign direct investments, new technologies, and qualified talents as well as ensure the monitoring of advanced digital trends and the related world processes [31];

• domestic competition of local authorities in attracting investments as one of the system components of digital development;

• creation of fertile ground and environment for developing and fostering of IT startups, banking sector engagement in funding and supporting innovative projects [32- 36].

These features of digital orientation of the Chinese economy are formed within the framework of a systematic approach to formation and development of socio-economic leadership of the country on the world stage. The unification of all spheres of the national economy and active participation in international processes are progressive due to the active state support of digital innovations and the national goals system of economic and political ways of China.


Today, China is one of the cohorts of world leaders in digital transformation. Such gains should primarily be linked to the effective digital policy of the Chinese government, which actively encourages digital innovation and entrepreneurship, acts as an investor, developer and consumer of new technologies. China's digital development is thriving through the system approach, which includes digital policy, adherence to digital strategy, active public policy, open financial support, intensive use of the Internet and mobile networks, loT and other information technologies, proactive international activities, domestic protectionism and other factors. These drivers of China's successful digital system policy are evidenced by the analytical and visual results of the study.

Ukraine begins its way to systemic digitalization, despite the less ambitious rate of its digital development, it has a unique opportunity to learn from the experience and best practices of China's digital transformation. Implementation prospects of the best Chinese practices in digital policy in Ukraine are high if a similar systemic approach to comprehensive digital changes is followed.


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  • Модели звуковых карт, их возможности, качество звука и размеры. Устройство звуковых карт и принципы их функционирования. Методы генерации звука, применяющиеся в звуковых платах. Особенности системы пространственного звуковоспроизведения Dolby Digital.

    реферат [34,8 K], добавлен 13.03.2011

  • Lines of communication and the properties of the fiber optic link. Selection of the type of optical cable. The choice of construction method, the route for laying fiber-optic. Calculation of the required number of channels. Digital transmission systems.

    дипломная работа [1,8 M], добавлен 09.08.2016

  • Practical acquaintance with the capabilities and configuration of firewalls, their basic principles and types. Block specific IP-address. Files and Folders Integrity Protection firewalls. Development of information security of corporate policy system.

    лабораторная работа [3,2 M], добавлен 09.04.2016

  • Theoretical aspects of the application digital education resources in teaching computer science according to the capabilities of electronic programs. Capabilities of tools Microsoft Office and Macromedia Flash. Application of the program Microsoft Excel.

    контрольная работа [1,5 M], добавлен 07.07.2013

  • The material and technological basis of the information society are all sorts of systems based on computers and computer networks, information technology, telecommunication. The task of Ukraine in area of information and communication technologies.

    реферат [29,5 K], добавлен 10.05.2011

  • Високовольтний імпульсний драйвер MOSFET з синхронним випрямлянням від фірми Intersil. Ключові властивості драйверів SCALE. Концепція захисту драйверів SCALE. Технологія та характеристики драйверів SCALE для IGBT-модулів. Режими роботи драйверів SCALE.

    реферат [180,3 K], добавлен 08.11.2010

  • Digital Versatile Disk - цифровой многофункциональный диск. Основы устройства DVD. Возможности использования DVD. Новые форматы дисков. Отличие CD от DVD. Емкость хранимых данных. Новейшие стандарты Blu-Ray и HD DVD.

    реферат [136,6 K], добавлен 17.02.2007

  • Общее понятие о системе Earth Resources Data Analysis System. Расчет матрицы преобразования космоснимка оврага. Инструменты геометрической коррекции, трансформирование. Создание векторных слоев. Оцифрованные классы объектов. Процесс подключения скрипта.

    курсовая работа [4,3 M], добавлен 17.12.2013

  • Consideration of a systematic approach to the identification of the organization's processes for improving management efficiency. Approaches to the identification of business processes. Architecture of an Integrated Information Systems methodology.

    реферат [195,5 K], добавлен 12.02.2016

  • Характеристика и возможности графической программы Advanced Grapher. Решение систем уравнений и неравенств. Теория пределов. Дифференцирование функций одной переменной. Аналитическая геометрия на плоскости. Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика.

    курсовая работа [2,7 M], добавлен 21.01.2015

  • Принятые на конкурс алгоритмы: CAST-256 (Канада), CRYPTON (Южная Корея), DEAL (Норвегия, Канада), DFC или Decorrelated Fast Cipher (Франция). Основные этапы конкурса на Advanced Encryption Standard. Финалист и победитель конкурса, сравнение шифров.

    курсовая работа [439,9 K], добавлен 07.07.2012

  • Анализ материнской платы Intel D815EEA, установка процессора. Хаб Графики и Памяти 82815E – GMCH, Южный мост. Описание программного Хаба 82802AB, слотов PCI и CNR, слотов памяти. Опциональные звуковые чипы. Цифровой видеовыход Digital Video Out.

    лабораторная работа [571,2 K], добавлен 11.05.2010

  • Рынок карт памяти стандарта SD. Накопители стандарта SD как незаменимые "помощники" в сфере информации. Рост объема памяти и скорости передачи данных. Классы скорости, вид и размер карт памяти. Рейтинг карт памяти по разным техническим показателям.

    реферат [1,6 M], добавлен 05.06.2015

  • IS management standards development. The national peculiarities of the IS management standards. The most integrated existent IS management solution. General description of the ISS model. Application of semi-Markov processes in ISS state description.

    дипломная работа [2,2 M], добавлен 28.10.2011

  • Модули, входящие в пакет программного обеспечения. Project Menagement, Methodology Management, Portfolio Analysis, Timesheets, myPrimavera, Software Development Kit, ProjectLink. Иерархическая структура Primavera и ее взаимосвязь с программой MS Project.

    контрольная работа [9,5 K], добавлен 18.11.2009

  • Обнаружение аномалий сетевого трафика на основе дискретного вейвлет-анализа с применением статистических критериев и критерия Фишера для выбросов дисперсий. Парсинг .pcap-файлов и визуализация. Блок-схемы алгоритмов функций main, analysis, koef, disp.

    курсовая работа [295,2 K], добавлен 22.03.2018

  • Анализ пакета программ схемотехнического моделирования и проектирования семейства Microcomputer Circuit Analysis Program. Особенности создания чертежа электрической схемы в МС. Общая характеристика и принципы форматов заданий компонентов и переменных.

    реферат [581,4 K], добавлен 17.03.2011

  • История Network File System. Общие опции экспорта иерархий каталогов. Описание протокола NFS при монтировании удаленного каталога. Монтирование файловой системы Network Files System командой mount. Конфигурации, обмен данными между клиентом и сервером.

    курсовая работа [1,3 M], добавлен 16.06.2014

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