Useful of electronic portable resources in efl classes
The author conducted work on identifying the role of computer lexicography in improving the quality of work of users of electronic dictionaries in particular translators and foreign language learners. Made conclusions about the advantages of dictionaries.
Рубрика | Программирование, компьютеры и кибернетика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.10.2022 |
Размер файла | 1,1 M |
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Useful of electronic portable resources in efl classes
Mammadova Z.E.
Linguistics Institute named after I. Nasimi of The Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
The main focus is directed to the role of electron dictionaries and electron resources in teaching foreign languages and differences from print dictionaries. The relevance of this article is beyond doubt, since the use of dictionaries in foreign language lessons at a university is a very important and necessary part of the educational process, and the development of technology allows us to look for new ways and methods of using dictionaries.
The author has carried out serious work to identify the role of computer lexicography in improving the quality of work of users of electronic dictionaries, in particular, translators and learners of foreign languages. He drew conclusions about the advantages of electronic and traditional dictionaries, as well as the possibilities of their wide application. The author also talks about the prospects for further development of computer lexicography and great opportunities.
Nowadays dictionaries have more information and they are easier to access and to understand than ever before. And, with the appearing of electronic formats, space is no longer the problem it was. Electronic dictionaries have become more and more attractive, accepted and popular to EFL learners at different levels, using electronic dictionaries in EFL classroom has gradually become an alternative to many. As for teachers, or students helping students tap into electronic dictionaries effectively is one of the best ways to help them become independent, lifelong language learners. In this essay, the functionality of electronic dictionaries and reasons why they are popular in EFL class will be introduced. Also, some of the current issues related to the integration of electronic dictionaries into EFL instruction and learning will be identified and discussed. The author's views towards this topic will be presented as well, based on the observation and reflection of using electronic dictionaries in EFL classes at every university.
Key words: electron dictionary, translation, tradition dictionary, monolingual dictionary
Основна увага спрямована на роль електронних словників та електронних ресурсів у навчанні іноземних мов та на відміну від друкованих словників. Актуальність цієї статті не викликає сумніву, оскільки використання словників на уроках іноземної мови у ВНЗ є дуже важливою та необхідною складовою навчального процесу, а розвиток технологій дозволяє шукати нові шляхи та методи використання словників. Автор провів серйозну роботу з виявлення ролі комп'ютерної лексикографії у покращенні якості роботи користувачів електронних словників зокрема перекладачів та вивчають іноземні мови. Зробив висновки про переваги електронних та традиційних словників, а також можливості широкого їх застосування. Автор також говорить про перспективи подальшого розвитку комп'ютерної лексикографії та великі можливості.
В даний час в словниках міститься більше інформації, і до них легше отримати доступ і зрозуміти, ніж будь-коли раніше. А з появою електронних форматів простір перестав бути проблемою, як і раніше. Електронні словники стають все більш привабливими, прийнятими та популярними серед тих, хто вивчає англійську мову як англійську на різних рівнях, використання електронних словників на уроках англійської мови поступово стало для багатьох альтернативою. Що стосується вчителів або учнів, то допомога учням в ефективному використанні електронних словників є одним із найкращих способів допомогти їм стати незалежними та вивчати мову протягом усього життя. У цьому есе будуть представлені функціональні можливості електронних словників та причини, з яких вони популярні у класі EFL. Крім того, буде визначено та обговорено деякі з поточних питань, пов'язаних з інтеграцією електронних словників у викладання та навчання англійської мови. Також будуть представлені погляди автора на цю тему, що базуються на спостереженнях та роздумах щодо використання електронних словників на заняттях з англійської мови в кожному університеті.
Ключові слова: електронний словник, переклад, традиційний словник, одномовний словник. language learners computer lexicography
Electronic dictionaries include new search capabilities, not found in traditional dictionaries that could meet users' needs. The aim of the thesis is to explain the importance of electron dictionaries and available electron resources in language teaching lessons. The theoretical part of the study deals with the information provided by monolingual dictionaries and shows the role of a teacher in choosing the right dictionary for a particular class. The practical part analyses a set of activities based on dictionary work performed with a class of lower secondary school students. The main goal of the present study is to help teachers to deal with these problems in order to lead a lesson by advantages and disadvantages of a particular kind of electron dictionaries, information provided by dictionaries. Using computers in the automatism process of lexicography`s work is also spoken in this article. Then, appearing speedy and bilingual dictionaries by the help of IBM computers and some preferences of computer lexicography were discussed here. Using computers are make opportunity collecting necessary words alphabetically, defining the speedy of the words, drawing pictures, creating illustration quotations, finding etymology of the word and etc. It`s obviously clear that choosing training materials and the method of using them in the process of teaching is one of the important problems. This problem has been warning all worlds Methodists yet. Completing different dictionaries by this aim is gave different hopeful results. Generally, it`s impossible to learn a language completely. [2, 44-46]
Although integration and evolution becomes high, its very interesting and also importance when information are separated in its language of each people in the net. Google ( is one of the most popular net beside searching website in the world. When we search - electron dictionaries (translation)! in Google in Azerbaijan, firstly we find information about Poliglot and Dilmanc dictionaries /www. / [4, 65]. Explanation of grammar by deductive methods, sociability, intercourse, pronunciation, intonation and group workings are the most importance during teaching of foreign languages. Teachers are observed as an assistant, coordinator, mediator in this process. The aim is to help teachers engaging with this problem.
They will be observe very interesting lesson by the help of electron dictionaries. Conducting lesson by protector (additional technical means) attracts attention to the teacher`s speech. If teacher`s has technical information about hyperlinks of electron dictionaries he or she can find unknown words of the text by that links in group. Finding unknown words by different electron dictionaries and discussing together students makes lesson more interesting, beside this students can enjoy from this lesson. But sometimes we meet some problems, because all electron dictionaries aren`t perfect. Its clear that, there are a lot of electron dictionaries in internet. Its easy to download from Play Store. These dictionaries have different functions.
These dictionaries help users 60-70 percent. If electron dictionaries include illustration, animations, videos, multimedia elements and etc in it then it will be suit for users. Thus the Oxford English Dictionary on CD-ROM can act, among other things, as a synonym finder, a dictionary of quotations, or a terminology bank, simply through the rearrangement of the information which is provided in the original paper-based text (Figure 1) Pocket electronic dictionaries (or PEDs) permit poor spellers to type in a "sound alike" version of their search word and select from a range of near matches the dictionary suggests, while cd- rom dictionary users can "hyperlink" and "interface" to call up entries for unknown words within the entry they are consulting, or in an unrelated on-line text.
Fig. 1
Being mass social information technology of contemporary period internet is applied entirely in compelete of different issues. Multi functional internet has also the functions of completing, collecting, keeping, and transfering information and realising different electron communications. Appearing electron dictionaries was more important for learners of foreign languages. Internet did all its best in solving this problem. Nowadays billion users are using different electron dictionaries and language teaching web sites in order to learn foreign languages. Dictionaries have a lot of problems for discassing. One of them is therothical and practical compiling. Different words are included in different contents of dictionaries. Basically it depends on various approches to the units of dictionaries. "Vocabulary ought to base language richness, to protect its word treasure, to keep the entrance open for all to use... Vocabulary is the magnificent monument of the people. It reflects now and past of it''s" Yakob Grim (1785-1863)
Electronic dictionary use is often so quick and convenient that there is a danger that users will be less inclined to query entry information or adjust its meaning according to the context in which the word appears [7, 599] found that some teachers were worried that easy dictionary access would prevent the development of their students` reading skills. Similarly [10, 41] comments on the possibility that the most easily extracted information may require least thought, and be soonest forgotten. Unthinking acceptance of dictionary information is particularly dangerous when the ED is based on an inaccurate, outdated or limited source [3, 537-538].
Applyable resourses: Electron resources in the Azerbaijan language: When we write - electron dictionary^ in Google in Azerbaijan, firstly we can see information about Polyglots and Dilmanc electron dictionaries, and then some new e-dictionaries. Dilmanc is the first machine translation system in Azerbaijan. website has been acting since 2012. This internet portal offers following dictionaries in online regime; Explanatory dictionary of Azerbaijan language (45.193), Azerbaijan - Russian dictionary (68.882), Russian- Azerbaijan dictionary (9.072), Russian-Lazgi dictionary (34.086), The names of Azerbaijan men (6.895), Dialect dictionary of Azerbaijan language (20.250), Synonyms dictionary of Azerbaijan language (17.458). Then, we can see other e-dictionaries of Azer.dict Company [2].
Approximately 50 dictionaries are located on the dictionary and ensyclodies page of National Electron Library of Azerbaijan Republic website which they don`t regard as electron dictionary. They are intended only to read. It is impossible to get information according to any query. These dictionaries are compiled by the help of computers. They are as followings;
1. Abdullayev Alovset Zakir oglu. Modern Azerbaijan language [Text] Sintaxsis: [textbook] /A. Abdullayev, Y. Seyidov, A. Hasanov; red. E. Hasanova, i.Ahmadzade. A. Gulaliyev] 4 part - Baki: West-East, 2007. - 422, [2] p.
2. Azerbaijan language - explanatory dictionary [Text]: IV- part. ABCQD I part /red. A. Orujov; B. Abdullayev, N. Rahimzade; A. Axundov; ANAS Linguistic Institute - B: West-East, 2006. - 744 p. [2]
Vikipedia is one of the best information portal in world internet. It is open, virtual ensyclopedia which enriched in different languages by volunters freely. Vikipedia in Azerbaijan language has been activating since 2004. Number of articles 402.807, number of users 323.726. Collecting contents in Vikipedia (text, picture, sound, video and other multimedia elements) are compiled and enlarged by different people from different countries of the world. Vikipedia is not only knowledge sourse, its huge social net.
Applyable resourses: Electron resources in the English language: Beside the catalogues of electron dictionaries of the English language,!, -Onelook dictionaries!, -Online dictionaries!, -Your dictionary! are very popular. All of them are grouped thematically, unilingual (English, German, and French) and bilingual (English-Spain, Chinese-English etc) and more than 200 general and special dictionaries. - Your dictionary! offers dictionaries in 240 languages and more than 30 news books. It is the most huge electron dictionary in the English language`s electron resource. Then, another list of dictionaries are opened - -Diversity Dictionary University of Maryland!, -Glossary Humanities! -Yahoo dictionaries! and etc.
Applyable resourses: Electron resources in the Russian language: -Yandex! encyclopedic resource system is the most popular in Russia. -High Soviet Encyclopedia!, -Small Soviet Encyclopedia!, -Brokgauz and Efrona small encyclopedic dictionaries!, -Literary encyclopedia (11 part)!, -Russian synonyms dictionary!, -Land history from ancient to modern!, -Explanatory dictionary by V.I. Dal! and etc.
Result. Several studies have been conducted to evaluate student's perceptions on and attitudes toward the use of electronic dictionaries in educational contexts. For further improvement of the dictionaries, appearances of electronic dictionaries have been resulted in interest of the modern linguistics. Keeping more information in these dictionaries have internal users ability even can give anonymous comments and feedback.
1. National strategy of Azerbaijan Republic for develpoing ICT (ICTNS). 2003-2012. Baki. 2003. URL:,
2. Mahmudov M.A - Formal classification system of the text! (on the basie of Azerbaijan materials), Baki: -Elm!, 2002. - 244 p.
3. (CONTEXT 4.0 Electronic Dictionaries System for Windows. Copyright 1991-2001 Informatic, Russia and Smart Link Corp. USA. P. 36)
4. Алексеев П.М. Статистическая лексикография. Учебн.пособие. Ленинград, Ленинградский пед. Институт им. А.И. Герцена, 1975, 120 с.
5. Internet resource:;;; canedebiyyatia
6. Алексеев П.М. Статистическая лексикография. Учебн.пособие. Ленинград, Ленинградский пед. Институт им. А.И. Герцена, 1975, 120 с.
7. Internet resurs: www.
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