ISO 15836: 2003: "Information and documentation. The Dublin core metadata element set": creation and practice of application

Problems of creation and application of the original mechanism of cataloging of digital information resources ISO 15836: 2003. Initiation of multiple metadata Dublin core, which is used for system-wide description of electronic information resources.

Рубрика Программирование, компьютеры и кибернетика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 05.03.2023
Размер файла 41,9 K

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22. ISO 15836:2009 Information and documentation- The Dublin Core metadata element set. Офіційний вебсайт ISO.

23. ISO 15836:2009/COR 1:2009 Information and documentation - The Dublin Core metadata element set - Technical Corrigendum 1. Офіційний вебсайт /SO.

24. ISO 15836-1:2017 Information and documentation - The Dublin Core metadata element set - Part 1: Core elements. Офіційний вебсайт ISO.

25. ISO 15836-2:2019 Information and documentation - The Dublin Core metadata element set - Part 2: DCMI Properties and classes. Офіційний вебсайт ISO.

26. Guinchard C. Dublin Core use in libraries: a survey. OCLC

27. Systems & Services. 2002. Vol. 18, № 1. Р 40-50.

28. Nevile, L., Lissonnet, S. Was CIMI too early? Dublin Core and Museum Information: metadata as cultural heritage data. International Journal of Metadata Semantics and Ontologies. January 2006. 1(3):198-206.

29. Perkins, J., Spinazze, Angela T. Finding Museum Information in the Internet Commons: A report on the CIMI Dublin Core Metadata Testbed Project.


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19. DUBLIN CORE. Ofitsiynyy vebsayt Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library [Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library official website].

20. Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1: Reference Description.

21. ISO 15836:2003 Information and documentation - The Dublin Core metadata element set. Official ISO website.

22. ISO 15836:2009. Information and documentation - The Dublin Core metadata element set. Official ISO website.

23. ISO 15836:2009/COR 1:2009. Information and documentation - The Dublin Core metadata element set - Technical Corrigendum 1. Official ISO website.

24. ISO 15836-1:2017. Information and documentation - The Dublin Core metadata element set - Part 1: Core elements. Official ISO website.

25. ISO 15836-2:2019. Information and documentation - The Dublin Core metadata element set - Part 2: DCMI Properties and classes. Official ISO website.

26. Guinchard, C. (2002). Dublin Core use in libraries: a survey.

27. OCLC Systems & Services. Vol. 18, № 1, 40-50.

28. Nevile, L. & Lissonnet, S. (2006). Was CIMI too early? Dublin

29. Core and Museum Information: metadata as cultural heritage data. International Journal of Metadata Semantics and Ontologies. January. 1(3):198-206.

30. Perkins, J. & Spinazze, Angela T. (1999). Finding Museum Information in the Internet Commons: A report on the CIMI Dublin Core Metadata Testbed Project.

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