Trusted digital repositories in context: definitions, diagnoses, and directions for better practice

The purpose of the article is to consider the concept of a trusted digital repository (TDR) - not only in a broad context, but also in fundamental terms, in evaluating the efforts of professionals to set up processes and technical infrastructure.

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Trusted digital repositories in context: definitions, diagnoses, and directions for better practice

Karen Trivette


Fashion Institute of Technology State University of New York (USA), Gladys Marcus Library unit of Special Collections and College Archives (SPARC); Doctoral Student, Archival Science Department, Alma Mater Europaea - ECM


The purpose of this paper is to define the concept of a trusted digital repository (TDR) not only in a broad context but also in elemental terms and to measure the efforts of professionals, operations, and technological infrastructure at the Fashion Institute of Technology - State University of New York, against this clearly defined concept. Method/Approach: The author will examine not only the scholarly literature to better understand TDR, but also she will examine a sample institution's operational and technological infrastructure to measure its ability to deliver trustworthy resources and information. The latter phase of inquiry will involve qualitative research in the form of interviews with relevant professionals employed at the sample institution. For context, this author selected her home institution not out of convenience but rather because it is a publically-funded institution with very limited resources including time, money, and human resources. She wanted to investigate if a compromised setting could deliver what was expected regarding such TDR concepts and deliverables and to see how close to "best practices" the sample institution actually practiced given limited resources. Results: This paper will place the concept of a TDR in a broader context - one that hinges on traditional archival practice, one that reflects the infrastructure and goals of a sample institution, and one that reports the TDR successes and challenges of a sample institution vis-a-vis trusted digital repositories. Conclusion/Findings: Trustworthiness comes at a price paid with commodities such as time, money, and human resources. With enough, or the right combination of these, digital repositories, and their contents, can be trusted and they can deliver data, information, knowledge, or even wisdom that is or are expected and required for equally trusted, reliable, and even wise decision-making.

Key words: Trusted digital repositories; electronic records management; information integrity; digital preservation.

Карен Тріветт

професорка, Інститут технології моди Університету штату Нью-Йорк (США), Бібліотека Ґледіс Маркус, Відділ спеціальних колекцій та архів коледжу (SPARC); докторантка, Департамент архівознавства Alma Mater Europaea - ECM


Мета статті полягає у розгляді концепції надійного цифрового репозиторію (trusted digital repository, TDR) не лише у широкому контексті, а й у засадничих термінах, в оцінці зусиль професіоналів щодо налаштування процесів і технічної інфраструктури в Інституті технології моди при Університеті штату Нью-Йорк (США) відповідно до визначеної концепції. Метод/ підхід: Авторка не лише аналізує наукову літературу для кращого розуміння функціонування надійних цифрових репозиторіїв, але й вивчає операційну та технологічну інфраструктуру установи, щоб оцінити її здатність надавати надійні ресурси та інформацію. Останній етап включає проведення дослідження у формі інтерв'ю зі спеціалістами, які працюють у згадуваній установі. Для дослідження авторка обрала аналіз ситуації, що склалася у державній установі з незначним рівнем фінансування та обмеженою кількістю працівників. У фокусі вивчення перебуває проблема створення й підтримки надійних цифрових репозиторіїв і реалізації ефективних практик в умовах обмеженості ресурсів. Результати: ця стаття розглядає концепцію надійних цифрових репозиторіїв у ширшому контексті, що ґрунтується на традиційній архівній практиці, відображає інфраструктуру досліджуваної інституції та унаочнює здобутки й виклики у діяльності установи зі створення цих сховищ.

Висновки: надійність забезпечується такими критеріями як час, фінансові та людські ресурси. Внаслідок оптимального поєднання згадуваних факторів, цифрові сховища та їхній контент набувають високого рівня надійності та можуть забезпечити доступ до даних, інформації і знань. Водночас, збереження достовірної інформації необхідне для прийняття зважених рішень. digital repository technical

Ключові слова: надійні цифрові репозиторії; електронний документообіг; цілісність інформації; цифрове збереження.


In the scientific context of archives practice, please consider the terms "trustworthy", "digital", and "repository". Let us examine each of these terms separately before we knit them together to form the conceptual focus of this paper.


Trustworthiness is so paramount in importance to archival science that the Society of American Archivists (SAA) decided to include the term in its official dictionary. SAA defines it as "the quality of being dependable and reliable" 1. The source adds meaningful and context-enhancing notes:

In general, trustworthiness is synonymous with reliable. In archival literature and records, trustworthiness is often defined in terms of reliability and authenticity. This definition loses its apparent circularity when the reliability of records is understood in the diplomatic sense, created with appropriate authority, according to established processes, and being complete in all its formal elements.

In the context of electronic records, trustworthiness often implies that the system is dependable and produces consistent results based on well- established procedures!

Keeping our attention on electronic records, the next term to define is "digital". Again, referring to SAA's dictionary, it defines digital as an adjective in reference to "(records, archives, media, projects, activities, responsibilities, etc.) involving or making use of computer devices, data, or media" 3.

Lastly, we define "repository". SAA offers two definitions, those being "a space used to store items of continuing value, particularly records; a storehouse" and "an institution focused on the care and storage of items of continuing value, particularly records"4.

SAA expands on the concept with the following notes:

The term repository can refer to any storehouse holding any type of material. Archivists generally use the term to refer to storage venues holding paper or digital records, and even both. The term, however, can be used for storage areas that hold nothing but books or museum artifacts, though for archivists this term is employed to cover whatever cultural materials held by an archives. A repository is the organization that runs the physical or digital Dictionary of Archives Terminology // The Society of American Archivists.

URL: (accessed:

12.02.2022) . Ibid. Dictionary of Archives Terminology // The Society of American Archivists. URL: (accessed: 12.02.2022). Dictionary of Archives Terminology // The Society of American Archivists. URL: (accessed: 12.02.2023). repository, although it is occasionally impossible to separate one sense of the word from another in a sentenceDictionary of Archives Terminology // The Society of American Archivists. URL: (accessed: 12.02.2023). Dictionary of Archives Terminology // The Society of American Archivists.

URL: (accessed:

12.02.2023) ..

SAA tightens yet furthers the concept referring to a digital repository (DR), that being "the technical infrastructure, services, and resources for the storage and management of digital information"!5.

With those properties in mind, what are the reasonable expectations of DRs and how they operate? Via ScienceDirect, Iris Xie and Krystyna K. Matusiak explain that DRs are expected to be robust "information systems that ingest, store, manage, preserve, and provide access to digital content"Discover Digital Libraries. URL: computer-science/digital-repository (accessed: 12.02.2023)..

Ultimately, a trusted digital repository (TDR) is defined as one "whose mission is to provide long-term access to managed digital resources to its designated community, now and into the future; that accepts responsibility for the long-term maintenance of digital resources on behalf of its depositors and for the benefit of current and future users; that designs its system(s) in accordance with commonly accepted conventions and standards to ensure the ongoing management, access, and security of materials deposited within it; that establishes methodologies for system evaluation that meet community expectations of trustworthiness; that can be depended upon to carry out its long-term responsibilities to depositors and users openly and explicitly; and whose policies, practices, and performance can be audited and measured" Digital preservation program at the Libraries // University of Minnesota Libraries. URL: (accessed: 12.02.2023)..

These foundational concepts bring us ever-closer to the focus and purpose of this paper. What follows immediately is a targeted review of the relevant scholarly literature.

Literature review

"Digital" and "repository" need little exploration at this point. Therefore, this writer will focus the literature review on the concept and forms of "trust" and its variations and synonyms vis-a-vis archival science.

SAA, in its effort to fully define a term in the context of archival science, provides citations for the use of terms from the scholarly literature that are included in its glossary. In the case of "trustworthiness", SAA directs readers to Wendy M. Duff, Luciana Duranti, and Heather MacNeil.

W. M. Duff is a professor and Dean in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. There, she instructs on topics including archival access and community archives. She researches and publishes on the subjects including access, archives and social justice, and archival users. She is exploring "the emotional impact of archival work"Wendy Duff // University of Toronto. School of Information. Faculty of Information. URL: (accessed:

12.02.2023) ..

In her article entitled "Ensuring the Preservation of Reliable Evidence: A Research Project Funded by the NHPRC", Duff proclaims that "the environment in which records reside can either increase or decrease their reliability and trustworthiness" Duff W. Ensuring the Preservation of Reliable Evidence: A Research Project Funded by the NHPRC // Archivaria. 1996. № 42 (Fall). P. 28-45. URL: (accessed:

25.10.2022) . Ibid.. She argues that trust can only be established or maintained by way of the infrastructure in which records are secured in the regular course of business activity and over the entire life cycle of the records11.

L. Duranti addresses trust at a more basic level of understanding in her article "Reliability and Authenticity: The Concepts and Their Implications". She argues that all literate civilizations generally accept that documents are trustworthy and therefore reliable because of such measures as completeness and control even at the point of creation. Control, however, must be kept intact across such activities as transmission and preservation to ensure documents' authenticity; as such, records then can be assumed to be genuine as to their contentDuranti L. Reliability and Authenticity: The Concepts and Their Implications // Archivaria. 1995. № 39 (Spring), P. 5-10. URL: https://archivaria. ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/12063/13035 (accessed: 25.10.2022). Luciana Duranti // The University of British Columbia. School of Information. Profiles. URL: (accessed:

10.02.2023) ..

L. Duranti is a member of the Faculty of Arts at the University of British Columbia's School of Information. There, she teaches courses on topics ranging from diplomatics to records appraisal to preservation of digital records and advanced archival theory. Since 1998, she has directed the International Research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems or InterPARES. It is "a multi-national and multi-disciplinary research project studying the long-term preservation of authentic electronic records"!3.

In "Dimensions of Document Trustworthiness" H. MacNeil reviews document trustworthiness in the context of societal traditions. She refers to matters of legal evidence, as in admissibility and historical criticism, as in diplomatics. She declares, "in all these traditions, the concepts of reliability and authenticity are posited on a direct connection between the word and the world and are rooted, both literally and metaphorically, in observational principles"!MacNeil H. Dimensions of Document Trustworthiness. Paper presented at

the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities. University of Virginia, 2002. URL: (accessed:

25.10.2022) ..

H. MacNeil, like Duff mentioned above, is a member of the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. She teaches courses covering such topics as archival theory and method and histories of records and recordkeeping. Pertinent to this paper is her research and publications focus on the trustworthiness of digital records and their larger environments!University of Toronto. School of Information. Faculty of Information. URL: (accessed: 10.02.2023)..

Also, in exploring the concept of a TDR, this writer could not help but reflect on the opening of Jacques Derrida's 1994 lecture entitled, "Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression". In his initial comments, J. Derrida offers a clear and concise bisection - and eventual dissection - of the term "archive". One-half of the bisection focuses on the essence of "command". J. Derrida stresses this essence as it relates to the notion of authority. In short, an archival repository has - and its archivists are - the authority and/or authorities uniquely qualified to collect, secure, and provide records in a program of stewardship that will ensure the records' authenticity. Archivists are indeed charged with the responsibility of upholding a certain infrastructure that ensures that their repository's holdings are authentic and that the records' content is indeed trustworthy regardless of the records' format!Derrida J. Archive Fever: a Freudian Impression / trans. E. Prenowitz. University of Chicago Press, 1996. 113 p. Corrado E. M., Moulaison S. H. Digital Preservation for Libraries, Archives, and Museums. Rowman & Littlefield, 2017. 159 p..

Other than trustworthiness, two concepts that define a TDR are matters of duration and routine examination; these points are addressed by Edward

M. Corrado and Heather Moulaison Sandy in their book entitled "Digital Preservation for Libraries, Archives, and Museums". They state that "a trusted digital repository that has a mission to provide long-term access and preservation [duration] should be expected to perform constant monitoring and be perpetually engaged in planning. In order for a digital preservation system to remain trustworthy, a regular cycle of audit and certification [routine examination] is recommended"4f7.

Research design

The research method for this project is qualitative in nature. This writer posed three questions to four Fashion Institute of Technology - State University of New York (FIT) colleagues, each an expert from a different

FIT unit or division, to gauge their informed opinion as to the trustworthiness of FIT's DR operations and infrastructure.

Sample Digital Repository Examination.

Founded in 1944, FIT is one of sixty-four campuses of the State University of New York (SUNY). FIT is a college with curricula focusing on programs across all expressions of design including and not limited to fashion and various other forms of communication. It also confers undergraduate and graduate degrees in the realms of the fine arts and business. It is known for "rigorous, unique, and adaptable academic programming, experiential learning opportunities, academic and industry partnerships, and commitment to research, innovation, and entrepreneurship" Fashion Institute of Technology - State University of New York. The College. URL: (accessed: 25.10.2022).. As far as it is recorded in the College Archives, FIT has been a campus concerned with digital matters and assets since the founding of its Computer Science program and laboratory in the mid-1980s.

This writer is the College Archivist for FIT; she has held this position for thirteen years as she administers the FIT Library unit of Special Collections and College Archives (SPARC). Upon her arrival at FIT in 2008, she quickly recognized a need to control all aspects of the digital asset management operations and infrastructure of her unit and to understand those of the college beyond SPARC. "An asset [digital or otherwise] is anything that has value to the organization and which therefore requires protection"!Hajtnik T. Electronic Archiving and Information Infrastructure Lecture part 2, Slide 36 of 61 // Alma Mater Europaea-ECM. 2021. Slide stack retained in the Author's Google Drive account at d/1hg_i_BR5muc25nYqZlnvVWpVt_C-iL8w/view?usp=share_link (accessed:

26.10.2022) ..

To codify the SPARC digital asset environment and to impose structure, she drafted a "Digitization Policies and Principles" documentTrivette K. Digitization Policies and Principles. 2012. URL: https://docs. ng&ouid=113270537629194574782&rtpof=true&sd=true (accessed: 26.10.2022). that addressed matters such as capture format standards, storage process(es), and asset delivery options, among other points. The elements of this document were and are meant to adhere as closely as possible to the standards and best practices established by such authorities as the United States' Library of Congress and its National Digital Library Program; the Bibliographical Center for Research, which later merged with the Collaborative Digitization Program; the Western States Digital Standards Group Digital Imaging Working Group; and the New York State Archives.

What resulted in her and others' efforts was a fledgling DR. The DR at FIT holds both digitized assets and born-digital assets. According to Tatjana

Hajtnik, "to ensure the authenticity of born digital documents, we need to preserve their essential characteristics. By doing so, we will preserve the value of digital documents"21.

Eventually, this writer, as the College Archivist, also desired the DR she oversaw to exemplify the traits of a TDR as defined at the time by the Research Libraries Group (RLG). RLG prescribed the following: to be trusted as a repository that can meet the needs and expectations of its users, a DR must:

- accept responsibility for the long-term maintenance of digital resources on behalf of its depositors and for the benefit of current and future users;

- have an organizational system that supports not only long-term viability of the repository, but also the digital information for which it has responsibility;

- demonstrate fiscal responsibility and sustainability;

- design its system(s) in accordance with commonly accepted conventions and standards to ensure the ongoing management, access, and security of materials deposited within it;

- establish methodologies for system evaluation that meet community expectations of trustworthiness;

- be depended upon to carry out its long-term responsibilities to depositors and users openly and explicitly; and

- have policies, practices, and performance that can be audited and measured 22.

FIT Colleague Interviews.

To reach well beyond and increase her understanding of FIT's DR trustworthiness, this writer interviewed informed practitioners and professionals in both the Library, home of FIT's DR, and the IT division of FIT that supports the Library's efforts. They are: Samantha Levin, Curator of Digital Assets, FIT Library, Special Collections & College Archives; Joseph Anderson, Digital Initiatives Librarian, FIT Library, Acquisitions & Metadata Services; Salvatore Rando, Manager, Computer Operations, FIT IT Operations & Systems; Walter Kerner, FIT IT Assistant Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer.

This author asked her interviewees three questions:

1. Do you believe FIT to operate a TDR?

2. If so, then why; if not, then why not?

3. How can we bridge the chasm between what FIT presents and its operating a TDR? Hajtnik T. Electronic Archiving and Information Infrastructure Lecture part 1, Slide 12 of 57 // Alma Mater Europaea-ECM. 2021... Trusted Digital Repositories: Attributes and Responsibilities. An RLG- OCLC Report // Research Libraries Group. 2002. 62 p. URL: content/dam/research/activities/trustedrep/repositories.pdf (accessed: 25.10.2022).

The answers to these questions are meant to reveal if FIT's DR holds usable and reliable content; such content, according to T. Hajtnik, is only reliable "when it is possible to locate it, reproduce it, display it and interpret it throughout the duration of its storage"23.


The responses from colleagues are quite revealing and sometimes border on contradiction.

4. Rando offered a composite statement; he said: "I do believe FIT- SUNY to be a Trusted Digital Repository. We demonstrate this in the manner we manage and protect our digital data. All of our data is stored on servers that meet all industry standards from a security perspective. Also, we grant access to the data via granular permissions that are administered based on department and/or username. Furthermore, the data is backed up to secure disk as well as offsite in the Cloud which gives us recoverability as needed"24.

However, in J. Anderson's informed opinion, he stated: "I guess it depends on what types of resources you are talking about. I think in the realm of cultural heritage resources that we deal with in the library, then I think the answer is probably more on the no/maybe side because we're not really up to the standards of what other libraries/cultural institutions are doing, how they safeguard those materials and how they make them available to the public. We currently use a very scattershot approach where resources are maintained across a series of different systems. For instance, the Library stores many digital assets on a network drive, whereas video assets are stored on Google Drive - neither of these approaches are necessarily preferable but they're borne out of making the best of the resources we have available at FIT. I think we have managed a lot of creative solutions working with these limited resources, but I still think we have a lot of work to do going forward. However, this is precisely what we're trying to achieve in building our new Archivematica/Digital Repository system, which would create a more cohesive system for stewarding our digital resource/cultural heritage. That system has only begun to get off the ground. I think as we can migrate our resources into it and solidify its foundation over the next few years, we can move more toward something you are describing as a trusted digital repository"25.

Archivematica is one of several tools offered by the Canada-based firm Artefactual. It describes itself as offering "sustainable preservation and access Hajtnik T. Electronic Archiving and Information Infrastructure Lecture part 1, Slide 28 of 57 // Alma Mater Europaea-ECM. 2021... S. Rando interview response delivered via email to the Author on 18 Oct 2021 and retained in her email archives. J. Anderson interview response delivered via email to the Author on 18 Oct 2021 and retained in her email archives. solutions for cultural heritage and academic research organizations"Archivematica // Artefactual. URL: (accessed: 25.10.2021).. One such solution is Archivematica.

Archivematica is a web- and standards-based, open-source application which allows your institution to preserve long-term access to trustworthy, authentic and reliable digital content. Archivematica is an integrated suite of open-source software tools that allows users to process digital objects from ingest to access in compliance with the ISO-OAIS [Open Archival Information System] functional model. Users monitor and control ingest and preservation micro-services via a web-based dashboard. Archivematica uses METS, PREMIS, Dublin Core, the Library of Congress BagIt specification and other recognized standards to generate trustworthy, authentic, reliable and system-independent Archival Information Packages (AIPs) for storage in your preferred repository22Ibid..

FIT Library and its SPARC unit also employ Artefactual's "Access to Memory" or AtoM tool, which compliments its Archivematica instance quite well.

S. Levin added to J. Anderson's points saying: "I strongly back what Joseph stated in relation to long term preservation of cultural heritage resources, which includes the college archive. I'll add that the lack of manpower and digital storage capacity adds to our challenges, as well as our becoming more reliant on born-digital material to preserve our history. With more institutional support and a strategic plan we could more quickly reach and maintain the standards of a trusted digital repository as defined by professional digital preservation standards. We've done some great work so far, and I have a lot of faith that we can reach that goal"S. Levin interview response delivered via email to the Author on 19 Oct 2021 and retained in her email archives. Hajtnik T. Electronic Archiving and Information Infrastructure Lecture part 1a, Slide 3 of 31 // Alma Mater Europaea-ECM. 2021..

From a slightly different and more targeted point of view, W. Kerner focused primarily on FIT's information security, a natural response given his distinctive role at FIT. His reply, while more narrow than the others' comments, is certainly valuable as T. Hajtnik emphasizes that "risk management is the cornerstone of any information security program...)^9.

W. Kerner offered the following generous response:

The object of FIT's information security program is to ensure and enhance the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our information systems and assets.

In a nutshell: confidentiality means that only properly authorized people or entities can look at information; integrity means that only properly authorized people or entities can change information; availability means that only properly authorized people or entities can bring information or systems offline or otherwise control access.

These principles apply to a broad range of information assets, ranging from record and data assets like grades and social security numbers, to content assets from the library and museum. The program protects these information assets in a number of ways:

- Policy: The Information Security Policy (IT 002) is based on NIST 800-171 and lays out broad overall guidelines for information protection;

- User awareness: We run a wide range of awareness initiatives including phishing simulations, online training, a monthly newsletter, and other events;

- Technical controls: We employ a number of technologies such as antimalware software, firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, and many more to detect and defend against attacks against our environment;

- Operational processes: We have procedures to ensure that critical systems are patched and configured according to best security practices;

- Response: In the event that a security problem does occur, we have documented procedures on how to respond to minimize the incident and protect against further data loss30.


Thomas Jefferson was one of the founding fathers of the United States of America. He authored the country's Declaration of Independence and was the country's second President. He was an intellectual and an avid book collector and thereby an information curator.

With that framework in mind, he understood the value of trustworthiness and reliability as they pertain to information, which is but one step on the journey to wisdom. We can assert this position as T. Jefferson actually declared that, "Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom"31.

This writer will take a moment to unpack the journey to wisdom beginning even before the point of a single datum.

Knowledge is Power(ful).

All of this begs the question: what is the point of the reliability of the information we seek or that which finds us? This writer would assert that it all eventually comes down to measuring the quality of the human experience by way of wise decision-making. W. Kerner interview response delivered via email to the Author on 20 Oct 2021 and retained in her email archives. Jefferson to Ticknor, November 25, 1817, in PTJ:RS, 12:204. Transcription available at Jefferson Quotes & Family Letters // Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia. URL: quotation#footnote2_qhn0b (accessed: 25.10.2022).

If that assertion is valid, then let us work towards the ultimate goal of wisdom starting at the grain of a single datum, wisdom's first and formative building block.

Even before we consider one, singular datum, we must acknowledge the birth of an idea. Ideation is an effort of building in terms of scope and process. Synonyms for ideation include contrivance, creativity, invention, and originality!2.

Data is plural for datum; they are "facts, ideas, or discrete pieces of information, especially when in the form originally collected and unanalyzed"33. They are the raw bits of qualifiable and/or quantifiable elements. A datum is "something given or admitted especially as a basis for reasoning or inference"34.

Information is data conceived within a construct or framework. SAA defines information as a "collection of data, ideas, thoughts, or memories. It is the meaningful portion of a signal, as distinguished from noise"35. SAA adds more context to the definition by noting: "Information and data are near synonyms. Whereas data connotes facts or ideas in their most atomized form, information refers to more complex concepts made up of multiple data elements. Information may take many forms, including words, sounds, images, and formulas.

Information, like data, is independent of any medium in which it is captured as content. Information is intangible until it has been recorded in some medium. Recorded information may be captured in databases, spreadsheets, documents, sound recordings, or motion pictures. Even when captured in a document or other form, the information remains distinct from the medium" 36.

Knowledge is information made understandable and/or applicable and/ or actionable for wise decision-making. Merriam-Webster Dictionary adds precision to this definition stating that knowledge is the condition of being aware of something; the range of one's understanding; the circumstance or of apprehending truth or fact through reasoning; the condition of being learned; and the sum of what is known; the body of truth, information, and principles acquired by humankind37. Ideation // Merriam-Webster Dictionary. URL: https://www.merriam- (accessed: 12.10.2022). Dictionary of Archives Terminology // Society of American Archivists. URL: (accessed: 12.10.2022). Datum // Merriam-Webster Dictionary. URL: https ://www.merriam- (accessed: 12.10.2022). Information // Dictionary of Archives Terminology. Society of American Archivists. URL: (accessed:

12.10.2022) . Ibid. Knowledge // Merriam-Webster Dictionary. URL: https ://www.merriam- (accessed: 25.10.2022).

Readers will note that particular attention is paid to the notion of truth, even equating knowledge to a body of truth. This writer would postulate if what we know is false, then our knowledge is stripped of all power and value.

Let us turn our attention back to T. Jefferson. In an 1817 letter to George Ticknor, T. Jefferson equated knowledge with power; but he went further, declaring important truths as they pertain to knowledge. He states that "...knowledge is power, that knowledge is safety, and that knowledge is happiness"38.

Indeed, how can a society be empowered, safe, and happy while depending on and responding to a factually false foundation? The simple answer is that no one can be empowered, safe, or happy without trustworthy information on which to make sound decisions.

But why is happiness a concern? Happiness is correlated with comfort and comfort emanates from an accurate understanding of one's environment. We can only derive a sound understanding when we trust what surrounds us. Therefore, trust is essential to society's happiness and well-being.

We finally arrive at wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge worth remembering and worth conveying to and sharing with others for a more harmonious humankind and a healthier and happier society. It is collectively human beings' ability to reach intelligent conclusions39. To have wisdom implies one has a "reliable ability to judge and decide with soundness, prudence, and intelligence"40.

One can continue on this path of logic to declare that wisdom is the product of an authority's expertise.

Once we have this knowledge worth remembering, then how do we protect it and reliably share it over time? Ultimately, archives are the repositories of a society's memory. As such, archives are or can be, by their very nature and mission, powerful entities. That power is meaningless without credibility and authenticity in terms of its holdings and practices as well as the expertise of its stewards.

Credibility and Confidence Matter.

To have confidence in a source's credibility makes a world of difference as it pertains to making wise decisions and forming a healthy, well-informed society. This matters as much for digital societies as any other segment of the human experience and can ultimately lead to information fluency.

In his chapter entitled "Information is Power" Sora Park stated that: "The core element that drives the digital society is digitalised information. Information is the key to how the digital society adds value and redistributes The Thomas Jefferson Foundation // Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia. URL: quotation#footnote2_qhn0bl5 (accessed: 25.10.2022) Wisdom // Merriam-Webster Dictionary. URL: https://www.merriam- (accessed: 25.10.2022) Ibid. power. In a connected world, information gains power through permanent storage and wide distribution. The same information that existed in the analogue world can exponentially increase in power once shared on digital networks. Digital information is intangible. Yet once recorded, it can exist forever. This new way of existing and sharing creates gaps between those who can use information as a resource and those who cannot. The ability to locate data, convert it into information, and apply it in the offline context is the key to information fluency"41.

T. Hajtnik echoes S. Park's sentiments as she asserts that "...our main goal in the long-term storage of digital documents is to maintain their accessibility, usability, integrity and authenticity" 42. She continues in that to have full confidence in documents' contents, ".they [must be] accessible and authentic throughout their storage, which in other words means that we need to preserve the essential characteristics of original documents"43. Those characteristics involve more than documents' contents; it must also involve their context!4, structure!15, as well as their look and feel46.


T. Hajtnik declared that information content must be "accessible, useful and authentic" not just for today's needs, but for all time. "In order to achieve this, we need to implement both technological and organizational measures"47. Organizational measures would include but not be limited to ".evaluating, selecting, identificating [sic] and validating format, integrity and authenticity" while also "validating, managing metadata, normalizing and converting between database formats."!18.

As archivists and information professionals otherwise, we obtain sound guidance for achieving these demanding goals from the International Organization of Standardization or the ISOr9. The products, i.e. standards, of the ISO "set out criteria, methods and best practices and provide an important basis for the planning, maintenance, use and protection of e-repositories" 50.

In its own words, the ISO offers guidance "that describes the best way of doing something. It could be about making a product, managing a process, Park S. Information is Power // Digital Capital. Palgrave Macmillan. 2017. URL: (accessed: 25.10.2022). Hajtnik T. Electronic Archiving and Information Infrastructure Lecture part 1, Slide 2 of 57 // Alma Mater Europaea-ECM. 2021. Ibid. Slide 8 of 57. Ibid. Slide 20 of 57. Ibid. Slide 22 of 57. Ibid. Slide 23 of 57. Ibid. Slide 40 of 57. Ibid. Slide 45 of 57. International Organization for Standardization (ISO). URL: https://www. (accessed: 15.02.2023). Hajtnik T. Electronic Archiving and Information Infrastructure Lecture part 2, Slide 2 of 61 // Alma Mater Europaea-ECM. 2021. delivering a service or supplying materials - standards cover a huge range of activities"Standards // International Organization for Standardization (ISO). URL: (accessed: 10.02.2023)..

Returning to the concept of wisdom, the ISO declares that "standards are the distilled wisdom of people with expertise in their subject matter and who know the needs of the organizations they represent"25Ibid..

A collection of applicable ISO standards for our purposes of ensuring the trustworthiness of digital content follows.

From the auspices of the ISO archives and records management technical subcommittee, ISO 15489-1:2016 "defines the concepts and principles from which approaches to the creation, capture and management of records are developed" ISO 15489-1:2016 Information and documentation - Records management - Part 1: Concepts and principles // International Organization for Standardization (ISO). (accessed: 25.10.2022).. This standard addresses macro-level records concerns including:

a) records, metadata for records and records systems;

b) policies, assigned responsibilities, monitoring and training supporting the effective management of records;

c) recurrent analysis of business context and the identification of records requirements;

d) records controls; and

e) processes for creating, capturing and managing records Ibid..

This standard applies broadly to the "creation, capture and management of records regardless of structure or form, in all types of business and technological environments, over time"!Ibid..

According to T. Hajtnik, "every organization, all size, sector and country, which creates records and needs to control them is a potential user of [the] ISO 30300 [standards] family"Hajtnik T. Electronic Archiving and Information Infrastructure Lecture part 1a, Slide 8 of 31 // Alma Mater Europaea-ECM. 2021....

The ISO sets this particular standard in context:

It is important for organizations to keep records of their decision making processes and maintain a documented trail of actions taken. This is good practice which can aid efficiency, help to manage risk and nurture repeat business. Also, when faced with litigation or investigations, it allows organizations to retrieve information so they can ascertain which decisions and actions were taken and why. As the transition from paper to digital format becomes inevitable for most organizations, it is more important than ever for them to implement a management system for records (MSR).

The ISO 30300 series constitutes a reference point for information management and for the creation and control of documents, establishing requirements for: policy and procedures; definitions of roles and responsibilities; design and implementation of the MSR; evaluation of performance and how to improve!7.

We now address the area of W. Kerner's focus and expertise vis-a-vis standards. The "ISO 27001 standard describes how to manage information security in an organization"ISO 30300 series briefing note // International Organization for Standardization (ISO). URL: pdf/en/30300_briefing-note.pdf (accessed: 25.10.2022). Hajtnik T. Electronic Archiving and Information Infrastructure Lecture part 1a, Slide 16 of 31 // Alma Mater Europaea-ECM. 2021.... T. Hajtnik plainly states that "the basic logic of ISO 27001 is to try to prevent [security] incidents"!Ibid. Slide 19..

ISO broadens this standard's fuller context; it explains that it is "widely known, providing requirements for an information security management system (ISMS), though there are more than a dozen standards in the ISO/ IEC 27000 family. Using them enables organizations of any kind to manage the security of assets such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details or information entrusted by third parties"International Organization for Standardization (ISO). URL: https://www. (accessed: 25.10.2022)..

Of this standard family, and of particular interest to W. Kerner and other CISOs, would be ISO 27002. This standard "gives guidelines for the selection, implementation and management of controls taking into consideration the organization's information security risk assessment" Hajtnik T. Electronic Archiving and Information Infrastructure Lecture part 1a, Slide 20 of 31 // Alma Mater Europaea-ECM. 2021. Ibid. Slide 24 of 31..

If we consider J. Anderson's vantage point and role, and SPARC's use of Archivematica, then standard ISO 13008 applies as it "provides guidance for the conversion of records from one format to another and the migration of records from one hardware or software configuration to another. [It] also specifies the planning issues, requirements and procedures for the conversion and/or migration of digital records (which includes digital objects plus metadata) in order to preserve the authenticity, reliability, integrity and usability of such records as evidence of business transactions"!}52.

Considering S. Levin's role in SPARC and her distinct concerns, "Standard ISO 13028 establishes best practice guidelines for digitization to ensure the trustworthiness and reliability of records, where the original paper, or other non- digital source record, has been copied by digitizing" Ibid. Slide 26 of 31..

S. Levin, and any Curator of (archival) Digital Assets, would also benefit from Standard ISO 14721 [as it] "defines the reference model for an OAIS... [it] provides detailed models of both archival functions and archival information. [and] represents a framework for the understanding and awareness of the archival concepts needed for long-term preservation and access to establish a system for archiving records, both digitalized and physical, with an organizational scheme composed of people who accept the responsibility to preserve digital records and make it available to all interested users"Ibid. Slide 28 of 31. Ibid. Slide 31 of 31..

Lastly, this writer presents an extremely important element that seems to be lacking, at least on the surface, in the FIT model of practice, operations, and infrastructure; it is the standard related to audit and certification as they apply to TDRs. Unlike the other standards discussed so far in this paper, ISO 16363 was created under the auspices of the ISO technical subcommittee of space data and information transfer systems. This standard details all recommendations for auditing and certifying digital repositories as truly trustworthy. The standard is based on the OAIS model and uses the same terminology as found in the OAIS reference model. It is very detailed and presents over 100 criteria for trusted institutional repositories and this set of criteria is divided into 3 main sections:

1. Organizational Infrastructure.

2. Digital Object Management.

3. Security Risk Management!55.

In partial compliance with this standard, FIT/SPARC does have, as part of its organizational infrastructure, a mission statement; a preservation strategic plan; and a collections policy. Also, it engages knowledgeable and experienced professionals to support various unit functions and services.

However, in matters such as information integrity measures, selfassessment, and external certification, FIT falls short of its responsibilities.

As part of its meeting its digital object management responsibilities, FIT maintains "contemporaneous records of actions and administration processes that are relevant to content acquisition"ISO 16363:2012 Space data and information transfer systems - Audit and certification of trustworthy digital repositories // International Organization for Standardization (ISO). URL: (accessed:

01.02.2023) .. As such, it executes an official Deed of Gift for every deposit and/or contribution made to the unit's holdings, analog or digital.

However, regarding audit matters, such as an independent mechanism for verifying the integrity of the repository collection/content, again, FIT's DR needs improvement.

The health of FIT's DR security risk management is mixed. While S. Rando and W. Kerner provided confidence-building information (confirmation of backups and a business continuity plan as part of a larger recovery plan), this writer still wanted more assurance regarding FIT's checking the integrity of digital assets (hash/checksum) perhaps by way of an audit trailHajtnik T. Electronic Archiving and Information Infrastructure Lecture part 2, Slide 42 of 61 // Alma Mater Europaea-ECM. 2021..

Reaching back to the concepts of expertise and confidence, "...experts have recognized the need for mechanisms or tools for auditing and the certification process of e-repositories to create a general climate of confidence in the ability of the systems to meet their requirements"Ibid. Slide 9 of 61..


Professor T. Hajtnik said, "if our goal is [to] establish a trusted e-repository, we need [a] legal basis and basic professional requirements, which shall be implemented [...] using international standards and good practices"Ibid. Slide 6 of 61..

T. Hajtnik further suggests repositories take a proactive approach rather than a passive, retroactive oneIbid. Slide 42 of 61.. According to current-day measures of best practice, including a variety of ISO standards discussed above, the FIT operations are headed in a positive and promising direction as measured against the ideal elements of a TDR and given available resources.

That said, FIT might need to look to other sources that outline additional requirements of TDRs; those would include and not be limited to legislation; principles, objectives and business (contractual) requirements of each organization; risk assessment; and more standards especially related to audit and certification mattersIbid. Slide 7 of 61..

Kenneth Thibodeau addresses the matter of gauging the success or failure of digital repositories in the conclusion of his article "If You Build It, Will It Fly?: Criteria for Success in a Digital Repository" thusly: "Abstract models of what such a repository should be, what functions it should fulfill, and whether it merits trust need to situate digital repositories along several axes:

- Service: does the repository know the different groups of stakeholders it serves and understand their respective needs? How well does it satisfy those needs?


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