Strategies of communicative and pragmatic influence in politicians' speeches
Review of the strategy of communicative and pragmatic influence in the speeches of politicians. The study of political speech as a type of political communication between the authorities and citizens, between different representatives of interests.
Рубрика | Коммуникации, связь, цифровые приборы и радиоэлектроника |
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Дата добавления | 24.02.2024 |
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Strategies of communicative and pragmatic influence in politicians' speeches
Kryvoruchko Tetiana Vasyliivna PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of the English Language and Applied Linguistics, Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University
The article deals with the strategies of communicative and pragmatic influence in politicians' speeches.
Political speech is one of the main types of political communication used by political leaders and other participants in the political process to convey their ideas and views.
It can be used for various purposes, such as convincing voters, encouraging action, reassuring the public during crisis situations, etc. In the political sphere, political communication is a tool for interaction between the government and citizens, which helps to solve problems, establish partnerships and create an atmosphere of trust between different stakeholders.
The translator must understand where and when the speech is delivered, what exactly is being said, what the topic is, what the mood is, whether jargon and slang are acceptable, and how to interpret them. Strategies of communicative and pragmatic influence in politicians' speeches can be classified according to several criteria: style of speech, emotionality, appeal to authority, etc.
Means of communicative and pragmatic influence are an important tool of political communication. Their use in the speeches of American politicians allows them to effectively communicate with and influence the audience.
This is what makes politicians' ideas more understandable, convincing, and memorable. In Ukrainian, these tools are often translated using special terms and constructions that convey a certain emotional, pragmatic, or stylistic tone of speech.
The translator should constantly improve his or her understanding of a particular culture, as well as have a complete understanding of the speech, with all its subtleties. In some cases, it is impossible to convey the subtext in a few words, so the interpreter can further explain the meaning or express a specific phrase in a broader and more understandable way for the other party.
Keywords: political speech, strategies of communicative and pragmatic influence, subtext, political communication, political translation, translation techniques.
Криворучко Тетяна Василівна кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри англійської мови та прикладної лінгвістики, Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка
У статті розглядаються стратегії комунікативно- прагматичного впливу у промовах політиків. Політична промова - один з основних видів політичної комунікації, що використовується політичними лідерами та іншими учасниками політичного процесу для передачі своїх ідей та поглядів. Вона може бути використана для різних цілей, таких як переконання виборців, спонукання до дії, заспокоєння суспільства під час кризових ситуацій тощо. У політичній сфері, політична комунікація є інструментом взаємодії між владою та громадянами, який допомагає вирішувати проблеми, налагоджувати партнерські відносини та створювати атмосферу довіри між різними виразниками інтересів.
Перекладач повинен розуміти де і коли проводиться промова, про що саме розповідається, яка тема, який настрій, чи допустимі жаргонізми, сленг, та як їх інтерпретувати. Стратегії комунікативно- прагматичного впливу в промовах політиків можна класифікувати за декількома критеріями: стиль мовлення, емоційність, звернення до авторитетів тощо. Засоби комунікативно-прагматичного впливу є важливим інструментом політичної комунікації. Їх вживання у промовах американських політиків дозволяє ефективно спілкуватися з аудиторією та впливати на неї. Саме це робить ідеї політиків більш зрозумілими, переконливими та пам'ятними. Українською мовою ці засоби часто перекладаються за допомогою спеціальних термінів та конструкцій, які передають певний емоційний, прагматичний чи стилістичний відтінок мовлення. Перекладачу слід постійно покращувати розуміння конкретної культури, так само як мати повне розуміння виступу, з усіма його тонкощами. У деяких випадках, передати підтекст декількома словами неможливо, тому перекладач може додатково пояснити значення, або ж виразити конкретну фразу більш ширше та зрозуміло для іншої сторони.
Ключові слова: політична промова, стратегії комунікативно- прагматичний впливу, підтекст, політична комунікація, політичний переклад, прийоми перекладу.
Problem statement
In modern society different interests in the spheres of economy, politics and social life may conflict with each other. To solve such conflicts, it is necessary to create a dialogue and an atmosphere of trust between various parties. This can be achieved through partnerships and communication between participants in political life. Ukraine especially needs such an approach due to citizens' distrust of the authorities and other reasons. Communication plays an important role in all aspects of social life and provides links between different systems, including international relations. However, information flows can both help and hinder social processes.
Analysis of recent studies and publications. Important aspects of the study of political speeches are covered by the following Ukrainian and foreign researchers: O. Levchenko, V. Overchuk, B. Zaichuk, A. Liddellom, J. Piaget, L. Vygotsky, D. A. Miller, K. Popper, etc.
The purpose of the article is to study the strategies of communicative and pragmatic influence in politicians' speeches.
Presentation of the basic material
In the political sphere, political communication is a tool of interaction between the authorities and citizens, which helps to solve problems, establish partnership relations and create an atmosphere of trust between different representatives of interests. It should be taken into account that the uncontrolled stream of information can be both a catalyst for social actions and a brake that stops their development. Therefore, it is necessary to establish effective control of information flows to ensure the stability and development of society.
Political speech is one of the main types of political communication, used by political leaders and other participants in the political process to convey their ideas, views and programs. It can be used for various purposes, such as persuading voters, prompting action, reassuring society during crisis situations [1].
The effectiveness of a political speech depends on various factors, such as the skill of presentation, the way of using language and gestures, the ability to clearly formulate one's ideas and programs [2]. It should also be aimed at a specific audience and take into account the context of the political situation.
Political speeches can be delivered in various formats, such as: speeches during election campaigns, addresses to the nation, speeches at meetings of parliament or other authorities, press conferences, etc. They can be of different duration and form - from short addresses to large speeches in public.
In general, political speech is an important tool of political communication, which allows politicians to influence the opinions and beliefs of citizens, shape public opinion and direct society in the right direction.
Political speeches are of great importance for political communication, as they are one of the most important means of influencing public opinion and the perception of political reality. A well-written and well-delivered political speech can influence the attitudes and behavior of large numbers of people, including encouraging support for a particular candidate, party, or ideology.
Political speeches can have different goals and orientations, from conviction in the correctness of a certain position to the mobilization of citizens to certain actions. They can be aimed at developing a specific strategy, increasing the popularity of a party or candidate, as well as changing public sentiment.
The importance of political speeches also lies in the fact that they help to raise the level of public awareness of a certain problem or ideology. They can be the beginning of discussions and discussions, as well as provide a basis for the formation of new ideas and concepts.
In addition, political speeches are an important element of political life that reflects the state of democracy and the development of civil society. They testify to the existence of freedom of speech and thought, to the importance of dialogue and discussion of issues of general interest.
There are many nuances in political speeches that are worth paying attention to. First of all, a political speech is made using commonly used vocabulary in order to fully convey one's opinion to all sections of the population, but at the same time, it also includes certain characteristically determined terms that are commonly known to a large number of the population [2] .
During the speech, the politician should also watch his words and choose softer vocabulary, expressions, etc. This is especially true of speeches held at the international level. Sharp expressions can lead to disputes, misunderstandings, and even provoke an international conflict that will turn into a war.
On the other hand, in order to fully express your opinion, you can use other techniques, which often carry more meaning and can be interpreted in different ways. Thanks to this, a politician can appeal to a crowd emotionally: by raising spirits and lighting a fire in people's hearts during a campaign program, and also, psychologically: by manipulating words to impose certain ideas and views on people. At the same time, the political speech of politicians usually contains metaphors, rhetorical techniques, and cliched expressions.
Another feature of political speeches is a special, unique in nature national mentality. Each state and ethnic group has its own special mentality, which can vary in very wide ranges, from pacifism and diplomacy, to a belligerent and harsh attitude towards everything foreign. Of course, the speech of a politician in a state with a militant mentality and the idea of an "external enemy" will be more harsh, will contain more ultimatums, intimidation and encouragement in the style of "If we win, everything will be better."
At the same time, the speech of a political figure from a more democratic country with a higher standard of living will be extremely restrained, without sharp expressions, calling for a peaceful resolution of the conflict without using aggressive methods.
A political speech is primarily a method of influencing people, so it usually has a clear structure that depends on the specific goals of the politician. For example, taking a losing position, you can play on people's emotions by giving a report on "Why" and "Why" certain actions were taken, and then reduce everything to the circumstances, the situation in the country, manipulating words in such a way as to play to your advantage. Therefore, it is safe to say that a good politician is a successful manipulator. Political speeches are a very powerful method of influencing the population. The most important thing for a politician is to generate an idea, a direction of movement, a goal, a mood, etc. within people, and then cultivate all this to achieve their goal.
Political translation (eng. political translation) is the process of converting political information from one language to another in order to ensure the clarity and accuracy of content transmission. Political translation is a complex process, as it includes not only the translation of words, but also adaptation to cultural, social and other features of different linguistic environments [3] . Political translation is usually performed by professional translators who are highly qualified and experienced in working with political texts.
It is important to keep in mind that political translation can influence the perception of messages in different countries, so it should not only be accurate, but also culturally adapted. It should be borne in mind that political translation can have a political impact on the mass audience, as it can convey not only the content, but also the tone and implications.
Political translation may involve the transformation of terms that have different meanings in different countries. Therefore, it is important to take into account cultural differences, for example, when the national emblem or flag of one country may have negative associations in the minds of the inhabitants of another country. In such cases, the translator must be aware of cultural sensitivities and take them into account when translating.
Political translation is of great importance for political figures, authorities, diplomats and journalists. It helps to ensure mutual understanding and promotes the development of international relations. It can also be used to influence public opinion in different countries, which makes it an important tool in political communication.
In today's world, political translation is becoming an increasingly urgent task, as globalization and the development of international relations increase the need for accurate and culturally adapted translation of political information. Therefore, professional translators who have appropriate qualifications and experience working with political texts are becoming increasingly important in the world of modern communications. Translators of political translation are especially necessary now, in the period of war. Fast, accurate and adequate communication can become both an assistant and an enemy in negotiations with a partner country, so this work should be treated with extreme care.
Translation of means of communicative and pragmatic influence is an important component of political translation. This requires the translator to be able to understand the pragmatic features of the input text and take these features into account in the source text.
Let's look at the main methods of translating means of communicative and pragmatic influence.
Translation of tone and implications. Translation of tone and implications is one of the most important methods of translating means of communicative and pragmatic influence [3]. In political texts, especially in interviews, statements, or speeches, the author may use a certain tone to give the text a certain emotional color and convey his or her implications, i.e., implications that are not directly expressed. When translating political texts, the translator must understand the tone used by the author and reproduce it accordingly. For example, if the author uses sarcasm or irony, the translator must find the appropriate equivalent to convey this tone. In addition, the translator must also understand the implications contained in the political text, that is, those unexpressed, subtextual meanings that the author has in mind. For example, in an interview with a politician, there may be a remark about an opponent that aims to characterize him negatively. In such a case, the translator must detect this implication and reproduce it in the source text. Cultural and historical contexts also need to be taken into account, as tone and implications may depend on cultural background and historical events. For example, in one culture the use of a certain expression can have a positive connotation, and in another - a negative one. For successful translation of means of communicative and pragmatic influence, the translator must have relevant knowledge and experience in political translation, as well as be able to understand and reproduce the emotional content of the text in an appropriate manner.
Some of the techniques for translating tone and implications include:
1. Using appropriate vocabulary that reflects the emotional coloring of the text. For example, using words with negative or positive connotations that convey the appropriate tone of the text.
2. Using context to understand implications. Implications often depend on the context in which they are used. The translator must take into account the context of the text and reproduce it in the source translation.
3. Using equivalents. The translator must find a suitable equivalent to reproduce the tone or implication in the source translation. This may involve using phrases or expressions that have a similar emotional coloring.
4. Using a paraphrase. In some cases, when an exact translation is not possible, a translator can use paraphrase to convey the tone and implications of a text.
5. Determining the most accurate equivalent. When translating a political text, the translator must find the most accurate equivalent for each term used in the input text. This will help preserve the pragmatic content of the text. Determining the most accurate equivalent is one of the key techniques of translation. This technique consists in finding the most exact equivalent of a term or expression from the source language in the target language.
In order to determine the most accurate equivalent, the translator must have sufficient knowledge in both languages and a good understanding of the context and content of the text. This technique allows you to transfer the exact content of an idea or concept from the source language to the translation language, which is very important, especially when translating scientific or technical texts.
To determine the most accurate equivalent, the translator can use different methods:
1) The method of context analysis, which includes the study of the content of the text and its context, as well as knowledge of the cultural characteristics of the source language and the language of translation.
2) The method of using dictionaries and other reference sources. The translator can use special dictionaries and terminological guides to determine the exact meaning of terms and expressions.
3) The method of consultations with experts. In case of a difficult term or an unclear concept, the translator can turn to experts in the relevant field, who will provide additional information and explanations. A translator can use different translation strategies such as tracing, free translation, paraphrasing, adaptation, etc. To find the most accurate equivalent, sometimes it is necessary to resort to different strategies at the same time.
No less important techniques of translation include the reproduction of expressions used to address the audience. These can be forms of greeting, expressions of respect and other elements of speech etiquette that are important in communicating with the audience. One of the key aspects of translating these expressions is maintaining the proper style and tone of speech. For example, the Ukrainian expression "Добрий день" can be translated as "Good afternoon" or "Hello", but the choice of a specific translation depends on the context, audience and style of the text.
To translate expressions used to address the audience in a proper way, the translator must carefully study the context and cultural characteristics of the countries that speak the languages being translated. For example, different forms of address may be used in different countries, which have their own nuances of meaning and reflect the relationship between interlocutors.
It is also necessary to pay attention to the language level of the text and the audience. For example, scientific or technical texts may use formal expressions of address, while texts for a general audience may have more informal options. The translation of expressions addressing the audience may include the following techniques:
Using equivalents depending on the type of audience. For example, the Ukrainian address "товариш" can be translated as "sir" in the general context.
Consideration of shades of values and moods. For example, "будь ласка" can be translated as "please", "if you please", "kindly" or "you're welcome", depending on the context and tone of the appeal.
Taking into account socio-cultural features. For example, some countries may use terms of address based on age, gender, social status or occupation.
Use of speech options that correspond to the language level and style of the text. For example, academic texts may use formal expressions of address, while advertising texts may have more informal options.
In turn, translating metaphors and idioms can be a difficult task, as they often have a nuance that cannot be accurately conveyed using phrases or individual words. In order to successfully translate metaphors and idioms, you can use the following techniques:
1. Taking a definition of the general tone and theme of a metaphor or idiom and searching for an appropriate equivalent.
2. The practice of using the figurative meaning of words to convey the tone of a metaphor or idiom.
3. Acceptance of cultural differences and national traditions.
4. The practice of using descriptive constructions to convey the tone of a metaphor or idiom.
In addition, when translating metaphors and idioms, it is important to be attentive to the context, as the tone of the metaphor or idiom can change depending on the situation. The translation of metaphors and idioms is an important element of the translation process, which requires the ability to find exact equivalents, carefully study the context, and take into account cultural differences between languages.
In the process of translating texts of means of communicative and pragmatic influence, it is very important to take into account their target audience, the general context and the intention of the author. These devices often contain various expressions, metaphors, idioms and other linguistic devices used to increase the emotional impact on the audience and achieve a certain goal.
An important element in the process of translating the means of communicative and pragmatic influence is also the preservation of the stylistic shade and proper lexical expression of the original. For this, various stylistic techniques can be used, which make it possible to strengthen the emotional impact on the audience and convey shades of content.
As stated earlier, political speeches have a mentality, many metaphors, fixed cliches, etc. And therefore, they also have realities in them. Let's have a look at moral and ethnic values. It would seem that such a simple concept of morality is not the same for all people by nature, but formed by the centuries-old growth of ethnicity and society. Even now, in the era of globalization, we have many examples of different perceptions of morality. The simplest example here will be the attitude towards women in the Middle East, which in those realities seems to be the norm, but gives rise to many complex emotions in our society.
That is why understanding intercultural communication and the specific required culture is so important for a translator. A translator serves as an important mediator between two people, and possibly cultures. An adequate and correct translation is a necessary condition for the understanding of the two parties, otherwise, a bad translation can lead to an international scandal.
The translator must understand where and when the speech is being made, what exactly is being said, what the topic is, what the mood is, whether jargon, slang is acceptable, and how to interpret them. In the same English, especially in its American version, you can often find words that have a specific meaning only in a specific city or business, and usually do not stand out in speech. An inexperienced translator can confuse the surname and "nickname" of a certain person, thereby misleading and confusing the meaning. The same can be said about the dialectical features of politicians.
In the United States of America, there are many linguistic features, dialects, and especially slang and neologisms, which may appear in a specific region of the country, and which are not used in others.
Thus, it can be seen that there are many problems when translating political speeches, so the translator should constantly improve his understanding of the specific culture, as well as having a complete understanding of the speech, with all its subtleties. In some cases, it is impossible to convey the subtext in a few words, so the translator can additionally explain the meaning, or express a specific phrase more widely and comprehensibly for the other party.
Strategies of communicative and pragmatic influence in the speeches of politicians can be classified according to several criteria, such as speech style, emotionality, appeal to authorities, etc. Let's consider the main strategies of communicative influence with positive and negative sides of use. For example, emotional influence is one of the most common types of communicative influence strategies. Emotional influence consists in the fact that a politician creates certain emotional images and stimulates an emotional response in listeners.
This strategy helps to increase the audience's interest, but it can also lead to the use of excessive emotion and manipulation of the emotional state of the audience.
They also practice such a strategy as appealing to authorities. This strategy of communicative influence is to use authoritative sources of information, famous people, experts, etc. to emphasize your position. This can help increase the credibility of the politician, but at the same time, people can perceive it as a lack of own position and an attempt to use other people's opinions.
The strategy of formulating specific questions, instead, is to ask questions that encourage listeners to actively participate in the discussion. This can help draw attention to the issue and increase the interactivity of the speech, but it can also be perceived as an attempt to avoid answering a specific question.
Addressing the emotions and feelings of the audience [3 p.33]. This strategy involves the use of linguistic means that cause an emotional response in listeners in order to gain support or divert attention from problematic issues. For example, a politician can use metaphors, allegories, vivid examples to attract attention and emotionally involve the audience in his ideas. The positive sides of this strategy are the ability to create deep emotional connections between the politician and the audience, help memorizing the key points of the speech, and increase the impact on the audience.
The negative sides of this strategy include: "using it to divert attention from specific issues and discuss important problems, which can be perceived as a manipulative tool, in particular in case of excessive use."
The use of repetitions, in turn, consists in emphasizing key ideas and memorizing them by the audience. A politician may repeat certain words, phrases, or ideas to emphasize their importance. A positive aspect of this strategy is the ability to increase the memorization of key ideas and their effectiveness, and it can also make the audience listen more carefully and concentrate on the speech. The negative aspects include the perception of excessive manipulation by the communicator when used too often. Also, this strategy may cause some listeners to feel bored.
Another strategy of communicative and pragmatic influence in the speeches of American politicians is the use of historical analogies [3]. This strategy consists of comparing the current situation with the situation that occurred in the past and proposing solutions that were effective in the past. This approach makes it possible to show that the problem faced by the people is not new, and that there are solutions that have already been applied in the past. At the same time, the negative side of this strategy can be distortion of historical facts or inadequate comparison of modern events with ancient historical events, which can lead to wrong perception of the situation and wrong choice of decision. And, finally, the use of personal experience. This means including in the speech personal stories and experiences of a politician who is able to relate these stories to the issue the speech is about. This strategy allows you to gain the trust of the audience, to show that the politician understands the problem he is talking about and has experience in solving it. However, the negative side of this strategy can be a feeling of detachment from the problem or a lack of competence in solving this problem on the part of the politician.
It is also important to keep in mind that the effectiveness of each of these strategies depends on the audience and the context of the speech, but as already mentioned above, combining means of communicative and pragmatic influence is of key importance in achieving the respective goal. Therefore, understanding where and when to use this or that strategy, or this or that means of communicative and pragmatic influence, is probably one of the most valuable qualities for a politician.
As an example we'll take probably the most famous speech of Barack Obama, namely "Barack Obama: Iowa Caucus Victory Speech" [4]. Many Americans still use quotes from this speech, indicating its importance in the history of the United States. Many of them consider this speech to be the best political speech of the 21st century.
In order to understand what is special about Barack Obama's speech, you need to understand the structure and what the politician said. How he used certain words, what he emphasized, what he remembered only partially.
To fully understand the speech, let's start with contrasts. Contrast is a powerful technique of successful speakers, which helps to keep the attention of the audience, forcing them to listen carefully to every word [5] . With the sentence "you said the time has come to move beyond the bitterness and pettiness..." the politician emphasizes the problems of the past and notes that it is time to move on.
Thus contrasting the bad past with a bright future. The phrase "to move beyond the bitterness and pettiness" uses euphemisms because "bitterness and pettiness" refers to harder times, generalizing them, and at the same time presenting them in a soft way. Obama does not directly say that before, Americans had devastation and suffering, he gently approaches the problems, but does not minimize them, drawing the attention of listeners to his side, forcing them to sympathize with the speaker. The same can be said about the next phrase of the politician "we are choosing hope over fear". This is a vivid example of contrast, every person wants to feel something positive, but not fear.
A politician seems to speak for each citizen, raising their desires from the depths of the soul. Next, the equally significant expression "we are choosing unity over division and send a powerful message that change is coming to America", which is also a euphemism. Obama talks about uniting the nation without resorting to comparisons between himself and other politicians, but at the same time hints to all politicians that change is near, thereby warning them and increasing his authority in the eyes of voters. After this sentence, people began to applaud the speaker in agreement. This reflects how acute the problem of "different America" and "united America" was at that time.
By adding another phrase "...our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared..." Obama depicts the unity of the people. Such a euphemism replaces the usual expression "We are one" in a more beautiful, emotionally better form, taking into account each individual citizen, rather than generalizing everyone together, which gives it sympathy from the people.
"block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand" is an example of repetition, also a powerful element of political speech. This expression is a euphemism that depicts the hard work of Americans, as well as the path they will walk together little by little towards a better future. Replacing this expression with a simple "we will make it" will not have that emotional context, will not convey that feeling when painstaking work, little by little, leads to great success. "This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time" is another vivid example of repetition using euphemisms.
The politician is not talking about something specifically, he is talking about the feeling that right now we can do everything, emphasizing that there is no need to be afraid, while hiding that even though this is "our" time, he still has more power.
"You said the time has come to tell the lobbyists who think their money and their influence speak louder than our voices." With this sentence, the politician emphasized that people are stronger than money and connections. Obama glossed over the specifics, reframing the crude form of "corrupt" to a more acceptable one. Of course, it is clear to everyone what the politician meant, but from the side of other government officials, it looked more acceptable. The word "voices" also has a symbolic meaning. Freedom is a symbol of the united states, especially freedom of speech, and the use of the expression "our voices" is very appropriate and a good choice.
Another example of euphemisms is: "we listen to you and learn from you even when we disagree." By this statement, the politician meant that his policy will listen to people and accept their opinion even if it is not correct from their point of view. Although the meaning is very close to what the politician meant, the chosen context is more pleasant for listeners. He does not say that the opinion of citizens is unimportant to them, he gently says that even if they do not agree with you, you will still be heard. The next example of euphemisms will be the sentence " free this nation from the tyranny of oil once and for all". In this sentence is hidden one of the biggest problems of Americans, namely - dependence on oil, gasoline and diesel fuel.
This problem is relevant even today, not to mention the times when Barack Obama became president. "tyranny of oil" is a euphemism that hides the dependence of Americans on oil. This expression seems to shift the responsibility from people to oil, to its tyranny, to the fact that it is so convenient and inexpensive that they simply have no other choice but to use this type of fuel. In addition, Obama emphasized that he wants to end this addiction once and for all, thereby reinforcing the importance of this problem. This is followed by the no less interesting sentence "I'll be a president who ends this war in Iraq, and finally brings our troops home." With this he emphasizes the same sins of America, and, as some people believe, the futile war in Iraq, thereby emphasizing this problem, but not talking about it directly. Even if it is obvious, the president of the country cannot admit and directly say that his country is doing something wrong, he has to use euphemisms, but gently talk about the situation, trying not to tarnish his reputation, as well as to preserve the image of the country. One should also recall such a euphemism as "9/11". It is not customary for Americans to talk about the September 11 terrorist attack, as it was a tragic day in their history when the Twin Towers collapsed and many people died.
Instead, they use an expression like "9/11" to mask the tragic event, using words that do not evoke such a strong emotional load. Something similar has already been explained earlier using the example of Russian news. The sentence "I know you didn't do this for me" can also be called a euphemism, because in fact, the politician only increases the importance of the choice of citizens, thereby attracting more supporters and sympathy of listeners to his side. Of course he does it for his own benefit, giving people what they want. Therefore, it is not surprising that he was able to gain so much attention and make his performance one of the most memorable in modern American history.
We can note that Obama knows his business, has a confident command of the word, successfully uses euphemisms and wordplay, which attracts many supporters to his side. Means of communicative and pragmatic influence are an important tool of political communication. Their use in the speeches of American politicians allows you to effectively communicate with the audience and influence it, making your ideas more understandable, convincing and memorable.
In Ukrainian, these means are often translated using special terms and constructions that convey a certain emotional, pragmatic or stylistic shade of speech.
Therefore, in the process of translating means of communicative and pragmatic influence, it is necessary to take into account many factors, such as the target audience, the author's intention, the context of the statement, cultural features and others. To achieve the maximum effect on the audience and preserve the meaning and emotional impact of the original, various translation techniques can be used, such as the translation of tone and implications, the determination of the most accurate equivalent, the translation of expressions used to address the audience, and othersAll these factors, together with knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, make the translation of means of communicative and pragmatic influence an important element of effective political communication and affect the perception and understanding of politicians' speech in different countries.
speech politics communication
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