Intercultural political and economic relations of maritime specialists

Review of factors of effectiveness of intercultural communication of maritime specialists. Language as a tool for perceiving the world and transmitting information and understanding culture. Political and economic connections of maritime experts.

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Intercultural political and economic relations of maritime specialists

Bernatskyi Taras Hryhorovych graduate student of the department of innovative and information technologies in education, Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University


Intercultural communication of maritime specialists reflects both commonality and diversity, which leads to the need to exchange information, feelings and thoughts that reflect the socio-cultural characteristics of the interlocutor. The effectiveness of such communication depends on successful language interaction, which takes place in the sociocultural context, determines the form of the message and reflects the mental characteristics of cultures in the dialogue process.

Language acts as a tool for perceiving the world and transmitting information, as well as understanding the values and spiritual aspects of culture. The development of an information and computer system for marine transport, which provides monitoring of the health and location of the crew, will contribute to the reduction of accidents on the ship and prevent the disappearance of sailors from the board, becoming a key component of the global integrated navigation system. In the cultural context, different narratives may arise, which sometimes do not correspond to the state ones, and even oppose them, especially when a certain part of society is inclined to alternative narratives that differ from those officially put forward by the state, for example, dissident ones. State strategic narratives may differ from national and cultural narratives, even contradict them, but, in general, they need to be reconciled.

Since the state has significant influence, it can subordinate national and cultural values to itself, even passing off its narrow-group interests as national or even universal. Such conditions determine communications accompanied by intercultural relationships.

The modern level of technical development and innovation leads to changes in the training of top-ranking marine specialists, which takes place at a new qualitative level. A competitive specialist of the new generation must have a set of professional competencies, international experience in his field and possess a set of professional qualities characteristic of his specialty.

Keywords: maritime specialists, administration, intercultural competence, international relations, maritime transport enterprises.


Бернацький Тарас Григорович аспірант кафедри інноваційних та інформаційних технологій в освіті, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського


Міжкультурне спілкування морських фахівців відображає як спільність, так і різноманітність, що зумовлює необхідність обміну інформацією, почуттями та думками, які відображають соціокультурні особливості співрозмовника. Ефективність такого спілкування залежить від успішної мовної взаємодії, яка відбувається в соціокультурному контексті, визначає форму повідомлення та відображає ментальні особливості культур у процесі діалогу.

Мова виступає як інструмент сприйняття світу та передачі інформації, а також розуміння цінностей і духовних аспектів культури. Розробка інформаційно-комп'ютерної системи для морського транспорту, яка забезпечує моніторинг стану здоров'я та розташування екіпажу, сприятиме зниженню аварійності на судні та запобігатиме зникненню моряків з борту, ставши ключовою складовою глобальна інтегрована навігаційна система. У культурному контексті можуть виникати різні наративи, які інколи не відповідають державним, а то й протистоять їм, особливо коли певна частина суспільства схиляється до альтернативних наративів, відмінних від тих, які офіційно висуває держава, наприклад , дисидентські. Державні стратегічні наративи можуть відрізнятися від національно-культурних наративів, навіть суперечити їм, але, загалом, їх потрібно узгоджувати.

Оскільки держава має значний вплив, вона може підпорядковувати собі національно-культурні цінності, навіть видаючи свої вузькогрупові інтереси за національні чи навіть загальнолюдські. Такі умови визначають комунікації, що супроводжуються міжкультурними стосунками. Сучасний рівень технічного розвитку та інновацій призводить до змін у підготовці морських фахівців вищого рангу, яка відбувається на новому якісному рівні. Конкурентоспроможний фахівець нового покоління повинен володіти комплексом професійних компетенцій, міжнародним досвідом у своїй галузі та володіти набором професійних якостей, характерних для його спеціальності.

Ключові слова: морські фахівці, управління, міжкультурна компетентність, міжнародні відносини, морські транспортні підприємства.

Formulation of the problem

An important component of Ukraine's development strategy in the direction of European integration is bringing Ukrainian legislation and the state administration system into compliance with the standards in force in the European Union. In 2012, a key agreement was adopted - the Agreement on the Association of Ukraine with the European Union, which described many aspects, including intercultural interaction, in particular the management of migration flows and current issues in the field of migration. Among other initiatives of the European Union, aimed at strengthening cooperation with Ukraine and intensifying regional cooperation, it is worth noting the Cross-Border Cooperation Program, the Eastern Partnership Program of the European Union and other projects within the framework of the European Neighborhood Policy [1 - 5].

Analysis of recent research and publications. The process of European integration in Ukraine is accompanied by profound transformations in the sphere of culture. The main goal of this process is to revise management approaches to cultural policy, in particular, taking into account the principles of democracy and celebrating cultural rights and freedoms. The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which establishes the EU's obligations in relation to cultural, religious and linguistic diversity, is of great importance in this process. According to the Lisbon Treaty, the "Culture" Program has reached a new level, becoming more than simple cultural cooperation. Ukraine got the opportunity to participate in this Program after the ratification in 2010 of the Convention on the Protection and Support of the Diversity of Forms of Cultural Expression. [1, 3].

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the intercultural political and economic relations of maritime specialists.

Presenting main material

intercultural communication maritime specialist

Within the framework of the "Culture" program, the European Commission, together with the Council of Europe, is implementing an important project "Intercultural Cities", in which Ukraine actively participates. This project is based on the principles and documents of the Council of Europe aimed at supporting cultural diversity, intercultural competence, multilingualism, intercultural education, prevention of hatred, fight against racism and xenophobia. Special attention is paid to the role of mass media in the development of a culture of tolerance and interaction between migrants and host societies. This innovative project is aimed not only at supporting interaction between different cultures, but also at developing intercultural competence of social services. An important part of the program is to create a conducive environment for mutual understanding, where different groups have the opportunity to learn from each other and enrich each other.

This applies not only to coexistence between different ethnic groups, but also to bringing people from different cultural and social backgrounds closer together [2, 5].

The main goal of communication, in particular intercultural communication, is to achieve mutual understanding. Within this process, there are various structures, especially in the context of dialogue, that should be considered in order to achieve this goal. One of these structures is the narrative organization of the communicative process.

Narrative is a special story consisting of more than one story. It encompasses a variety of narratives that participants tell each other in order to explain, understand, interpret, joke, or express indignation. Narratives can have a complex structure, including extended or condensed stories. These stories can complement each other or even contradict each other, but they generally form a picture of the goal, the methods of achieving this goal, the sequence of events, etc. [3, 5].

It is obvious that strategic narratives are necessarily linked to national and cultural histories, as political aspects always permeate cultural structures. Strategic narratives can play a crucial role in shaping a nation's cultural identity, especially during periods when that nation is moving towards its own statehood and independence, when these goals are being fought for. In such periods, these narratives permeate philosophy, literature, music, painting, and other forms of cultural expression, sometimes even religion [1, 3].

In the cultural context, narratives can emerge that differ from the state, and sometimes even oppose them, especially when a certain part of society adheres to a completely different narrative, which is opposite to the one officially promoted by the state, for example, a dissident one. Of course, state strategic narratives can differ from national and cultural narratives, contradict them, although in general they need to be reconciled. Because the state has considerable influence, from legislation to propaganda, especially in a totalitarian or authoritarian society, it can subjugate national and cultural values, even masquerading its narrow-group interests as national or even universal. It is in such conditions that communications are formed, accompanied by numerous intercultural relationships [2, 5].

The modern level of technical development and innovation brings significant changes to the process of training specialists in the field of maritime affairs at a new, higher level of quality. This means taking into account a number of conditions determined by the technologization of professional processes: increasing the requirements for theoretical training in maritime higher educational institutions; increasing the volume of practical training and the level of formation of professional skills; increasing the requirements for a complex of personal and professionally important qualities of future maritime specialists, which correspond to modern moral and professional values [3, 5].

A new generation specialist who is competitive must have a set of professional competencies, skills in the field of professional activity at the international level, as well as characteristics corresponding to his specialty [4, 5].

During the significant time of the formation of the Ukrainian merchant fleet, considerable experience was accumulated in the training of specialists of all levels of marine specialties, from ordinary personnel to management. Therefore, in modern conditions of socio-cultural relations, high requirements are placed on the quality of training of specialists. In connection with the growth of responsibility and complexity of professional tasks, the requirements for business, professional and personal qualities of specialists in the maritime industry are increasing.

The National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for the 21st Century defines that the main goal of the Ukrainian education system is to create conditions for the development and self-realization of each individual, as well as to ensure high-quality education for secondary and higher school graduates [1, 5].

The term "professionally important qualities" covers a wider range of meanings than the concepts of "competence" and "competence". Competence defines the scope of authority, while competence reflects the developed qualities of an individual that allow performing tasks according to established standards. "Professionally important qualities" include any characteristics of a person that are important for successful performance in a particular profession, including physical characteristics that meet the requirements of a given profession and contribute to its successful performance. The system of professionally important qualities is related to, but not identical with, the concept of "professional competence", while "competencies" are related to the "requirements of the profession" and the systems of professional tasks that a person must or can perform on the basis of his competence [2, 3].

To analyze the structure of key professional qualities in higher education for future marine specialists, it is necessary to consider in detail and understand all aspects related to the requirements for the student's personality, taking into account his future professional activity. However, each person has his own unique set of characteristics and qualities: motives, goals, tasks, needs, interests, relationships, values, as well as psychological features; professional ambitions, self-esteem in the field of professional development, self-awareness as a professional; emotional state, mental state; satisfaction with work performance, process and result. [1, 2, 4]. To ensure the successful management of the ship, as well as all ship operations in general, the coordinated work of the entire team is necessary, which includes various specialists responsible for the management of the ship and its route, as well as for technical maintenance in various directions [3, 5].

Marine profile specialists perform their duties in an intensive mode during long voyages, which, as a rule, last up to 6 months, and then have a rest period of 1-3 months. This leads to a difficult work schedule, where you have to work almost without days off during the flight. Working hours are organized in shifts that change daily rather than a regular work schedule, which can cause fatigue and health risks, especially due to long periods of separation from family [2, 5].

Such a work schedule can require a high level of adaptation and lead to fatigue and even health problems. Working in such conditions, you can emphasize the negative aspects of the individual, since professional activity takes place in a closed space and in a limited team. Therefore, it is important to have communication skills that will allow you to successfully adapt to the team and avoid conflicts that could threaten the safety of the crew. This situation increases the requirements for the communication skills of marine specialists.

Although the activities of these professionals are diverse, they have some common features, especially when working as part of a ship's crew. The link that unites them and stimulates close interaction is the presence of a single object of activity - a ship. This means that any type of vessel requires a professional person who possesses specific, professionally important qualities characteristic of his profession. Since the nature of activity at sea sets high standards of professional training and education for each specialist, the professional activity itself also affects specialists as subjects of activity, developing their knowledge, skills, skills and abilities, forming certain professionally important qualities [3, 4].

It is known that in complex non-standard situations that arise on a ship, the requirements for the mental properties of an individual increase sharply. This leads to the need to select young people - future specialists in the maritime industry who meet the psychological requirements for working on ships, and weed out unsuitable [2, 4].

The ability to monitor the health and location of the crew on the ship, along with prompt reporting to the main monitors, will contribute to a significant reduction in accidents and predict the disappearance of sailors from the ship. The goal is to develop a new information and computer system for water transport, which will become a necessary component of the global integrated navigation system for information interaction on the ship, which will significantly reduce the risks of loss of health and life on the ship [1, 3, 5].

Accidents on ships are a necessary component of maritime activity. Most of them are related to the fact that people can unexpectedly fall overboard, get injured on the deck, in the engine room or in other parts of the ship during work. In addition, there is a lot of mechanical and electrical equipment on deck and in the engine room that requires special attention during operation. With the development of technology, modern sailors are faced with complex and dangerous mechanisms almost every day. [3, 4].

The International Maritime Organization reports that the main cause of most maritime disasters is not mechanical problems, but the "human factor". Untimely reactions and mistakes by seafarers often cause ship accidents, human casualties and man-made disasters. Extreme stress, lack of sleep and other psychological factors can trigger mistakes at sea.

As part of cross-cultural communication, it is important for maritime professionals to achieve understanding through the elements of language etiquette, such as forms of address, input of information, invitations, compliments and greetings. These components reflect the sociocultural characteristics of the interlocutor in the act of communication. Language acts as a tool for perceiving the world, preserving and transmitting information, and in the intercultural context it is also a means of understanding the mental characteristics of cultures during the dialogue between them. We consider this type of communication, first of all, as a component of cultural mentality, which reflects the sphere of spirituality and values [2, 3].

As part of cross-cultural communication, it is important for maritime professionals to achieve understanding through the elements of language etiquette, such as forms of address, input of information, invitations, compliments and greetings. These components reflect the sociocultural characteristics of the interlocutor in the act of communication. Language acts as a tool for perceiving the world, preserving and transmitting information, and in the intercultural context it is also a means of understanding the mental characteristics of cultures during the dialogue between them. We consider this type of communication, first of all, as a component of cultural mentality, which reflects the sphere of spirituality and values [1, 4, 5].

Modern scientists have begun the development of special bracelets designed to monitor a person's condition. All data will be transmitted to CPU monitors using Wi-Fi. These bracelets allow tracking the location of people in emergency and extreme situations and their quick evacuation from emergency compartments. They will also help to record the moment when the crew leaves the ship through the gangway or overboard, as well as to monitor the movements of visitors. In addition, bracelets in real time are able to monitor the state of health of the crew, allowing to prevent hypertensive crises, heart attacks, strokes, critical fluctuations in the level of sugar in the body and other dangerous conditions [2, 5].

Most of these devices can transmit data via Bluetooth, but this protocol has a limitation - the maximum number of devices that can be connected to a single server is 7. This makes it difficult to monitor more than 7 people at the same time. Therefore, it is suggested to use Wi-Fi technology, which has no restrictions on the number of connected devices. In addition, the Wi-Fi range is approximately 100 meters (depending on the implementation of the access point), which is sufficient for most marine vessels, and can be easily extended by installing additional access points. Thus, the main additional function of the smart bracelet from the point of view of achieving the goal is the presence of built-in Wi-Fi modules. For example, the Garmin Forerunner smart bracelet has this function.

To create a server, it is enough to have a portable computer with support for connecting to a Wi-Fi network, which can work in access point mode, which allows you to avoid using an additional router. Data exchange between devices takes place over a Wi-Fi network using the TCP/IP protocol. The proposed software implementation of the information system should consist of three separate parts (hardware implementation and general structure of the monitoring system): a client application for the bracelet that transmits data to the server; visual interface for monitoring data of crew members; a web server for receiving data from clients, processing and saving it, as well as controlling further access to it [1, 3, 5].

Quatix 5 isn't just for sailors. People who spend more time on land can also take advantage of its features: it measures calories during runs, bike rides, hikes, and more. With Garmin's patented Elevate heart rate tracking technology, it also measures your heart rate, and smart notifications from a connected smartphone help you stay on top of texts, calls, emails and social media updates [2, 4].

All this data can be transferred to Garmin Connect, which allows you to automatically back it up over Wi-Fi, even without a smartphone. Connect IQ, Garmin's open developer platform, enables you to create and download apps, widgets and other human location applications.

Considering the above, it is obvious that the general principles of communication operate in the intercultural communication of maritime specialists. Before direct interaction, there is a specific process of "unraveling" or predicting the content of future communication. In addition, the success of language interaction between representatives of different cultures is partly determined not only by logical arguments, but also by the level of mutual sympathy and trust. During intercultural meetings, there is a possibility of conflict situations, which may be caused by the lack of an opportunity to clearly express or perceive signals (since participants of communication from different cultures have a different approach to this issue in the intracultural context). In such cases, intercultural communication will require additional efforts.


Consequently, new political and economic relations among maritime professionals lead to an increase in personal contacts and interactions at the household level, as well as in informal situations. During intercultural encounters with representatives of other cultures, differences arise that often make these contacts difficult or even impossible due to differences in language, culinary customs, clothing, norms of behavior and ideas about work. However, these challenges are only a part of intercultural communication, since the main problems are different approaches to the world and mutual perception.

A major obstacle in overcoming these problems is that maritime professionals often evaluate communication through the prism of their own culture, which limits their understanding of cross-cultural situations. Effective intercultural communication requires systematic training and development of intercultural competence among maritime transport managers in the context of international relations.

Psychological, sociological and linguistic aspects, which depend on the object and methodology of the research, are investigated in the studies of intercultural communication of maritime specialists. Psychological aspects include the study of different communication styles and the concept of accommodation, which is explored in further scientific research.


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2. Nhai, P. & Yanush, S. (2015). Treninh mizhkulturnoi komunikatsii dlia vchyteliv anhliiskoi movy: pryklad prohramy zanurennia dlia vchyteliv Pivdennoi Korei [Intercultural Communication Training for English Language Teachers: An Example of an Immersion Program for South Korean Teachers]. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 44(4), 345-368. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

3.Sharma, Аг., Sharma, Am., Gupta, A., Tomar, D. & Mishra,, A. (2016). A review on soldier monitoring system. Intern. Journal ofSci. ResearchandManagementStudies, 3(4), 153-156 [in English].

4. Vizniuk I., Dolynnyi S., Rabetska N., Ladychenko T. & Zahrebelna N. (2023). Formuvannia komunikatyvnoi kompetentnosti u maibutnikh fakhivtsiv sotsialno-ekonomichnoi sfery [Formation of communicative competence in future specialists of the socio-economic sphere]. Amazonia Investiga , 12 (67), 19-29. Retrieved from 2023.67.07.2 [in Ukrainian].

5. Vizniuk, I. M., Dolynna, A. S., Dolynnyi, S. S., & Palamarchuk, O. M. (2023). Formuvannia informatsiinoi kompetentnosti v osvitno-profesiinii sferi diialnosti aspirantiv [Formation of information competence in the educational and professional field of graduate students]. Orhanizatsiina psykholohiia. ekonomichna psykholohiia - Organizational psychology. economic psychology, 1 (28), 76-84 [in Ukrainian].


1.Gurevych R., Vizmuk I., Lapshyna I., Dolynnyi S., Tymoshevska S. Formation of Foreign Language Competence in Scientific and Professional Fields of Activities of Educators. Moderni vida, 2022. Р.109.

2.Sharma Аг., Sharma Am., Gupta A., Tomar D., Mishra A. A review on soldier monitoring system. Intern. Journal of Sci. Research and Management Studies. 2016. Vol. 3, Issue 4. P. 153-156.

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  • Електронна пошта як засіб ділового спілкування та комунікацій. Класична електронна пошта і електронна пошта на базі World Wide Web. Етикет електронної пошти та поштових вкладень. Програми обміну миттєвими повідомленнями. Система інтернет телефонії VoIP.

    реферат [63,3 K], добавлен 03.08.2010

  • Intercultural Communication Competence: Language and Culture. The role Intercultural Communicative Competence in teaching foreign languages. Intercultural Competence in Foreign language teaching. Contexts for intercultural learning in the classroom.

    курсовая работа [94,1 K], добавлен 13.05.2017

  • Basic approaches to the study of the English language. Intercultural communication and computerization of education. The use of technical means for intensification of the educational process. The use of video and Internet resources in the classroom.

    курсовая работа [333,1 K], добавлен 02.07.2014

  • Consideration of the problem of the translation of the texts of the maritime industry. An analysis of modern English marine terms, the peculiarities of the use of these techniques in the translation of marine concepts from English into Ukrainian.

    статья [37,5 K], добавлен 24.04.2018

  • Culture in the Foreign language classroom. Cross-cultural communication. The importance of teaching culture in the foreign language classroom. The role of interactive methods in teaching foreign intercultural communication: passive, active, interactive.

    курсовая работа [83,2 K], добавлен 02.07.2014

  • The definition of term "economic security of enterprise" and characteristic of it functional components: technical and technological, intellectual and human resources component, information, financial, environmental, political and legal component.

    презентация [511,3 K], добавлен 09.03.2014

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