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The rectifying rites of the Heart of Heaven (Tian xin zheng fa): It's history, content and place in 10th-13th century's Daoism

I. V. Belaya, A. D. Zelnitskiy

The article is deals with the history and specific features of the school of the Heart of Heaven (Tianxin pai ) -- religious Daoist tradition of the 10th century. The main reason for its popularity was the specialization of the exorcist rituals. The teaching of Tianxing pai be- came an integral part of the later Daoist movements. The goal of the study is to give a holistic view of the Tianxin pai. With the content and contextual analysis to consider the history of this teaching and to assess the role of Tan Zixiao in its creation; to distinguish its doctrine in the religious and philosophical representations; consider the content of the therapeutic ritual Tianxin zhengfa and structure its algorithm. As a result of the research it was established that the personality of Tan Zixiao as the founder of the tradition is semi-legendary.

The popularity of this school was ensured by the belief that its rituals can protect the country.

Its followers believed in the healing power of the Sun, the Moon and the Big Dipper and the opportunity to seek help in fighting demons to the Tianpeng, Heisha and Xuanwu through special rituals. The algorithm of healing rituals of Tianxin fully corresponded to the paradigm of Daoist ritual bureaucracy. In addition to the therapeutic component, the rituals of the Tianxin pai had a similar traditional Daoist soteriological content, which enabled to gain them popularity at the court and the Daoist schools of subsequent eras.

Keywords: China, Daoism, School of the Heart of Heaven, Rectifying Rites of the Heart of Heaven, Tianxin zhengfa.

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