Organizational features of service of tourists with disabilities
Features and characteristics of tourists with disabilities in the hotels of Ukraine. The analysis of the organizational structure and the production program. The development and application of proposals relating to the equipment rooms for the disabled.
Рубрика | Спорт и туризм |
Вид | курсовая работа |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.12.2016 |
Размер файла | 88,2 K |
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on the discipline “Organization of hotel industry”
on the topic : Organizational features of service of tourists with disabilities
Shcherban Anastasia
Kyiv - 2016 year
CHAPTER 1. Theoretical aspects, determination and research of classification features of services for tourists with disabilities at the enterprises of hotel industry
1.1 Features of service of tourists with disabilities
1.2 Analysis of the world experience of providing services to disabled people
1.3 Research of organizational features of services for people with disabilities in the hotel enterprises of Ukraine
CHAPTER 2. Analysis of economic activity of the "11 Mirrors Hotel
2.1 General characteristic of the "11 mirrors Hotel
2.2 Analysis of organizational structure and production program of the "Mirrors Hotel
2.3 Research of the current state of organization of service for people with disabilities at the "11 Mirrors Hotel
CHAPTER 3. Proposals for improvement of organization of service for people with disabilities at the "11 Mirrors Hotel
3.1 The concept of universal design as an important factor in improving of the quality of service and proposals of its implementation
3.2 Elaboration of proposals regarding equipment of hotel premises and organization of work with disabled people at the "11 Mirrors Hotel
3.3 Elaboration of proposals regarding equipment of guestrooms for disabled people at the "11 Mirrors Hotel
Actuality of theme. Today there are about 650 millions of disabled people with physical, mental or sensory disabilities in the world. Taking into account their families the number of people associated with disability will reach nearly 2 billions, which is almost a third of the world population.
Meanwhile tourism for people with this problem is becoming increasingly common. It is known that the number of tourists of this category is 10% of all travellers.
People with special physical needs begin to rightly demand from society an openness and free access to all public resources - including the hotel industry. But society often rejects people with special needs and disabilities in health, and does not serve them properly.
An understanding of the need to ensure people with limited functionality by accommodation and hospitality services within the integrated structures is not only the result of the humanistic aspiration of equality, but also is dictated by the objective requirements of today.
For serving of this category of tourists, especially ones with limited mobility, international experts in tourism sphere identified a number of requirements for equipment in the hotel facilities. But this issue is only began to be considered and elaborated in Ukraine.
Today the infrastructure of the hotel market in Ukraine does not meet the demand for hotel services neither in quantity nor in quality; material and technical base of a large part of hotels is physically and morally obsolete, and does not require international standards.
Thus, most hotels and other accommodation facilities are not adapted for the accommodation of people with physical disabilities.
A tiny percentage of Ukrainian hotels are equipped for the needs of disabled people, despite the fact that according to the state building standards of projects of civil buildings 10% of rooms in the hotels must be specially designed for people with disabilities.
Although, in the context of preparations for Euro 2012, in terms of construction of new hotels the mandatory requirement was the implementation of control over compliance of requirements of adaptability of accommodation facilities for people with disabilities.
Thanks to this the situation with service of disabled people in Ukraine has improved and set the new trend of improving of proper conditions of accommodation of such quests in all hotel facilities in the country.
Considering all aforementioned, research of organizational issues of hospitality services at accommodation and service of disabled tourists in Ukraine is very relevant.
The object of the research is the "11 Mirrors Hotel".
The subject of the research are organizational features of service of tourists with disabilities at the "11 Mirrors Hotel".
The purpose of the research is an elaboration of specific proposals regarding equipment and services for disabled people at the chosen hotel, based on study of organizational features of service of tourists with disabilities in the world experience.
The main tasks of the research are:
* to gather, systemize and analyze the theoretical information on organizational features of service of disabled tourists;
* to characterize the current state of development of service of tourists with disabilities in the world and Ukraine;
* to define the advantages and disadvantages of service of people with disabilities at the hotel industry;
* to compare the level of service of tourists of such type in the Ukrainian and world hotels;
* to find out the main requirements of equipment of hotel premises for accessibility of people with physical disabilities;
* to elaborate the recommendations regarding improvement of conditions of service of disabled people at the "11 Mirrors Hotel".
The source base of the research consists of 26 sources. In the writing of the research were used legislative documents, tutorials, textbooks, articles and Internet resources.
Structurally the research include introduction, three chapters, conclusions, the list of sources and four additions.
CHAPTER 1. Theoretical aspects, determination and research of classification features of services for tourists with disabilities at the enterprises of hotel industry
1.1 Features of service of tourists with disabilities
The analysis of materials of United Nations shows that more than 500 million people around the world are disabled as a result of mental, physical or sensory disorders. They are entitled to use the same rights and opportunities as well as all other people. Often they can not lead a sterling lifestyle because of existing social and physical barriers in the community that prevent them fully participate in public life.
As a result millions of children and adults are often forced to conduct a such way of life that leads to their segregation and humiliation of their dignity. This is evidenced by the research of various international organizations and UN documents.
Analysis of international documents shows that during the many years policy towards the disabled has changed: it has gone from usual care for the people with disabilities to determining of their rights, freedoms and conditions of development. Has started to appear the organizations of disabled persons and their families who were argued for improving of the living conditions of such people.
On December 10, 1948 the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in which was proclaimed: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights" (Article 1). This and other legal regulations on freedom of each person were included in the constitutions of many countries and has become a landmark for the activities of the UN and other international organizations.
In the current conditions of global economy the role of service sector has significantly increased due to the high level of employment of population by service organizations (50%) and increasing of their share in the replenishment of the state budget. In addition, service maintenance is maximally oriented on ensuring of social human needs, which meets modern strategies of socialization and responsibility of business around the world.
A significant structural component of service organizations are enterprises of hotel industry. The intensification of development of hotel business in the conditions of globalization leads to increased competition in this sector. Accordingly, to stabilize its position on the background of growing competition hotel companies must maximize the use of innovative trends when choosing a competitive advantages. All of the above determines the relevance of research of development and implementation of social innovations in the hospitality industry.
In the modern business environment one of the competitive advantages for enterprises of hotel industry can be accomplishment of 100% of "customer satisfaction index" or reliability of service for a wide segment of consumers. The data of numerous studies confirm that one unhappy customer leads to the loss of 300 potential customers. Taking into account the social component of hotel services which is based on perception of the complex product in the process of customer contact with the organization (effects on the human body, its assets, intelligence, and information processing), can be significantly expanded the target market of the company.
One of the options for expanding of target market may be an access on consumers which are completely uncovered by a particular service or limited in it. That segment of consumers includes disabled people or people with limited mobility. Determination of the needs of these potential clients and innovative trends in the organization of their service is the main objective of this research.
The development of society requires creating of conditions for the formation of new and innovative components in the social sphere, innovative means of social activity, and innovation is a form of this social development. Modern trends of global socialization put forward new requirements for the service of people with disabilities and other groups of people with limited mobility, as not covered by the full-service segment of consumers.
According to the normative documents groups of people with limited mobility include people who have difficulties with independent movement, access to services and necessary information or the orientation in space (see. Table 1.1).
Table 1. 1
Groups of people with limited mobility in Ukraine
Elderly people |
Over 40 % of the population |
People with disabilities |
About 12 % of the population |
Individuals with temporary health disorders |
About 1,5 % of the population |
Pregnant women |
About 1 % of the population |
Preschool children |
About 1 % of the population |
People with prams |
About 1 % of the population |
The research data of the World Health Organization indicates that, considering the world global trends, one person out of ten have one or more functional disorders that cause disability. As for our country, according to the official statistics, there are more than two and a half million people with disabilities in Ukraine. These are people with certain features of disability (see. Table. 1.2).
Table 1.2
Features of people with disabilities
Individuals which: |
* have physical defects; must use special means for moving (walkers, wheelchair); patients with arthritis and other diseases of the motor system |
* have effects from brain injury |
* can not see, or have limited vision |
* can not hear, or have limited hearing |
* have defects of the mental health or psychological difficulties |
* have «invisible» disability |
1.2 Analysis of the world experience of providing services to disabled people
Most highly developed countries create favorable conditions for the life of people with disabilities, which leads to activation of their social and labour activities, increase of prosperity and the needs of different kinds of service (including hotel, restaurant and travel services). Considering the significant increase of the share of people with disabilities in the total number of world population they are an important segment of potential customers that are not covered by different kinds of service due to low availability of service environment.
The particular importance for the development of social innovations in the domestic hotel industry has the research of practical experience of social and innovation activities of leading hotel companies in the world, namely:
1. Park-Hotel - boarding house for the elderly people of European level.
Unlike western countries, the states formed on the post-Soviet space, virtually are unable to provide the adequate maintenance and service for the elderly people who need care. This function is implemented by the park-hotels for elderly people that provide social services of the European level, in particular accommodation, care and medical aid. The services provided by the park-hotels for elderly people include:
* the possibility of recourse at any time of day with the request of assistance to the highly-qualified medical staff, trained under special programs developed and widely used in Europe and the USA;
* balanced, composed on the basis of recommendations of a nutritionist and personal taste preferences nutrition;
* comfortable, maximally secure living conditions, which include the availability of handrails in public places, alarm buttons in the rooms, special beds and anti-bedsored systems, multifunctional devices for non-mobile people, special means for moving in space for those, who completely lost the ability to move;
* individual approach to every guest of the park-hotel, that allows the person to feel himself needed, regardless of his degree of independence;
* atmosphere of comfort and care, communication, various programs and facilities for the interesting joint leisure, group and individual sessions with a psychologist;
* choice of visit program according to the medical and social needs of the elderly person and his family;
* the opportunity to escape the feeling of dependence and helplessness, to feel like a complete human being, and even open a new talent;
* accommodation in the ecologically clean place.
2. The network Toyoko Inn is a hotel where in all guest rooms can stay
customers that use wheelchairs. While their stay clients with disabilities receive the following aid:
* providing of all designated for this purpose equipment by the client request;
* escort to the hotel room by the client request;
* help in changing the placement of furniture in the room (for customers in wheelchairs);
* explanation concerning the room equipment and shape of objects (for customers with visual impairments);
* agreement on ways of emergency communication between the client and the reception (for customers with hearing disabilities);
* thorough and detailed explanation of ways to use the room equipment (for elderly customers).
Toyoko Inn hotels use design that allows a large number of customers to stay in hotels independently, while feeling themselves comfortable and equally.
3. Hotels of Scandic network care for people with special needs.
"Designed for everyone, convenient for everyone" - it is the motto of the Scandic network. There are additional devices in all rooms for people with special needs. Hotels of network differs from each other, but there are rooms adapted for guests with disabilities in each of them.
It was introduced a single program of increased availability of all the hotels, and it is constantly evolving. In cooperation with organizations established to support people with disabilities, as well as the guests and hotels staff, were drawn a list of 110 items, called Scandic availability standard. This standard includes all support measures for such guests and is obligatory to comply in the preparation of products and services Scandic.
4. In Spanish five-star Majestic Hotel & Spa in Barcelona appeared the first number in the country, adapted for people with severe forms of disability.
Thanks to its equipment it has received a special certificate of conformity. This room is suitable for people with muscular dystrophy, who suffered a spinal cord injury of the cervical spine and other people with disabilities who have weakened hands.
In the room is installed the lift above the bad, which allows guests with a disability to go to bed and get up from the bed on their own. The very bed is equipped with a system of autonomous movement. The room also provides access to a system adapted toilets and showers and a remote control that allows to adjust the height of the furniture, light intensity and air temperature, open the windows and doors.
5. La Residence hotel in the Abano Terme resort, equipped with everything necessary to receive clients with limited mobility functions. This applies both to the whole hotel infrastructure and specially equipped rooms for disabled guests.
These rooms are also suitable for people who are temporarily confronted with impaired motor functions due to transferred traumas or operations, and come to the hotel for a vacation or for a course of rehabilitation in thermal water. All rooms are for people with disabilities are located on the first floor and has a specially equipped bathrooms and beds with remote control for adjusting the position of the bed.
6. A practical example of the concept of universal design is the "Prilagodjeni hoteli" ("Adapted hotels") project, founded by Zdeslav Krznaric in Croatia.
The idea consists in creating of a new concept of tourist offer, architectural projects and service solutions, designed to meet the needs of elderly people and the very young and disabled members of society. According to the author's idea, "Prilagodjeni hoteli" will include several hotels built with considering of requirements of accessibility.
Also, in Zagreb soon will be opened the first hotel in the world "World Of Silence" for customers with hearing impairments.
7. Social responsibility of Turkish hotels specializing in medical tourism.
Turkish hotels Lykia Group began to cooperate with medical institutions. The tourists coming to Antalya, now have the opportunity not only to relax in the hotel, but also use the services of dentists and beauticians. The program partners are Flavius (beauty centre) and Interdentalia (stomatological hospital). Flavius services are quite diverse. Those who want quit smoking can receive special training. For those who are over 30, proposed a program of rejuvenation. Special attention is given to women, for which is organized postpartum rehabilitation. The quality of work of Flavius is confirmed by the state license and international certificates.
Lykia Group hotels also provide the best service and facilities for rehabilitation of tourists after operations and medical procedures. Hotel equipped with all the necessary and there are prescribed medical personnel, which serves each client with individual approach.
7. Sports and Rehabilitation Hotel Complex in Moscow with the Russian Society of the Blind (RSB) jointly developed the project "Social tourism for people with visual impairments".
There are two directions proposed under this initiative:
1) According to the project: participation of people with disabilities within the framework of RSB;
2) Individually: participation of all interested persons without disabilities: family members, friends or accompanying persons of people on preferential terms aged 14 to 70 years.
1.3 Research of organizational features of services for people with disabilities in the hotel enterprises of Ukraine
Equality of access is the most important condition for the development of an integrated society. The concept of buildings, environment, products, communication systems and electronic equipment is particularly important to facilitate the participation and promote the independence of people with disabilities in all aspects of life. On the way to integration into European and world community Ukraine has ratified a number of international acts that have made some impact on the formation of national policy and practice to ensure equal opportunities for all citizens, implementation of the principles of accessibility in various areas of life of persons with disabilities.
The main provisions of these acts were transformed into national legislation. To the main legislative acts that regulate the rights of people with disabilities in Ukraine primarily can be referred Constitution of Ukraine and Laws of Ukraine: "On the basis of social protection of disabled people of Ukraine", "On the rehabilitation of the disabled people in Ukraine", "On the planning and development of territories", "On the consumer rights protection", "On the transport", "On the urban electric transport", "On the road traffic"; Decrees of the President of Ukraine "On urgent measures to create favorable living conditions of persons with disabilities", "On measures for solving urgent problems of persons with disabilities"; Resolutions of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of ensuring unimpeded access of people with disabilities to residential and public buildings", "On measures related to the needs of persons with disabilities, particularly in the preparation and holding of the final part of Euro 2012 Football Championship in Ukraine".
As for the social obligations imposed on the business structure in general, and directly to the hotel industry enterprises, by the state standards is provided a number of requirements for availability of service environment for people with disabilities at the stage of design work (DBN, DSTU).
One of the directions of European integration which is noteworthy is the "tourism without barriers" - tourism for all, including for people with disabilities. Ukrainian cities have a chance to become similar with European ones, not only in terms of the number of buildings or hotels, but also amenities and level of comfort for all consumers, regardless of their physical or mental condition, including the elderly and disabled people.
People who can not fully function and live because of physical and mental disabilities need special attention. Their needs require some costs that are not covered by usual plans and architectural planning decisions of hotel management. At the same time, these people despite the difficulties they entail to hotel businesses, remain permanent consumers of hotels and promote the expansion of the customer base. And every hotel should be interested in maximal expanding of the categories of potential consumers.
Provision of services to people with disabilities in Ukraine must be solved at two levels: at the level of logistics and architectural-planned decisions; and the level of psychological training of personnel of enterprises of hotel industry.
One of the world's innovative trends in modern service, able to solve the problem of availability of service to customers with disabilities, is the implementation of the "Concept of universal design". Universal design, or "design for all" - is a concept that involves the design of products and environments in such way that it can be used by the widest range of people.
Ukraine has already carried out certain efforts of implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the disabled people, including the field of Accessibility of environment and Universal Design. Thus, was adopted a number of regulations that provide people with disabilities and limited mobility realization of their rights.
Unfortunately for people with disabilities most hotels are not available and the principles of universal design not taken into account, separating people with disabilities. Recently, research has shown that accessibility must mean something more than just access to the room. Under the accessibility is understood the following types of accessibility as information availability, access to quality services and more.
That is why it is particularly important that universal design is a concept that goes beyond the issue of accessibility and adaptability of buildings, including social, economic, cultural issues, and will maximally help to unite people and not divide them into separate groups for different degrees of opportunities. The use of universal design will allow hotel companies and many other service organizations to use in the service the basic principles and ideas of equality and convenience for all customers.
Thus, after exploring of at least a few successful projects of hotel companies in the world, it can be formulated the main aspects that are required to create and develop similar hotel enterprises in Ukraine. (see Table 1.3).
Table 1.3
The main goals for creating the qualitative hotel enterprise for people with disabilities
1 |
Easy access to the hotel enterprise (properly designed ramps and walkways) |
2 |
The availability and proper design of all the necessary equipment required to help the disabled people to get necessary information and services in the hotel |
3 |
A sufficient number of hotel rooms, fully equipped for people with disabilities |
4 |
Availability of highly-qualified staff, specially trained to serve and work with disabled people |
5 |
The use of foreign experience and trends for improving the service maintenance with people with disabilities |
CHAPTER 2. Analysis of economic activity of the "11 Mirrors Hotel"
2.1 General characteristic of the "11 mirrors Hotel"
The full name of the hotel: "11 mirrors Design Hotel" ("Eleven mirrors").
Date of commissioning: 2012.
Form of ownership: private.
The hotel is subordinated to the DEOL Partners.
The legal address : 34A, Bogdana Khmelnytskogo Street, Shevchenkivskiy district, Kyiv, 01030 Ukraine.
The hotel is functioning all year round.
Management structure: linear.
Contact phone number: +38 044 581 11 11
Fax: +38 044 581 11 10
Skype: elevenmirrors
The "11 Mirrors Hotel" is an independent hotel with the strong sense of style expected today. The Hotel is ideally located in the very heart of old and dynamic Kyiv, just a few meters from the National Opera House, major business and leisure areas (see Addition A).
The railway station is situated in 3 minutes of a subway ride (on train station). Also the distance from airports is quite convenient: 29.6 km from Boryspil and 6.6 km from Zhulyany airports, while all the ground and underground transportation is available.
Each of the 49 guestrooms and suites at the "11 Mirrors Hotel" takes inspiration from contemporary interior design with profound understanding of worldwide trends and new concepts. Smart elegance without any heavy elements and imperial exaggerations sets up a creative environment and encourages interaction and inspiration. The Hotel's staff provide an exceptional full-quality service.
The hotel is created for those who are in a dynamic rhythm of life, always inthe centre of events, and in harmony with itself. The main contingent of visitors is the busy executives and travelers, business leaders and creative class. A unique atmosphere of the hotel is designed to work, relax and enjoy of life.
The hotel is a member of Design Hotel AG, that unites more than 200 independent hotel in 40 countries all around the world. Design-hotel "11 mirrors" became the first member of Design Hotel AG in Eastern Europe and CIS. It became one of the winners of prestigious international award in the sphere of hospitality and lifestyle - Seven Star Global Luxury Award 2013; won the TripAdvisor Travellers' choice 2014 in the "Best hotels of Ukraine" and "Luxury Hotels" categories; received the 2015 Travellers' Choice prize. The hotel became the number one in 3 categories at once: The Best Hotel, The Best Luxury Hotel and The Best Service in Ukraine.
The hotel provides special services, such as:
* 24 Hours Concierge service;
* 24 Hours Room service;
* 24 Hours Security;
* Business Centre services;
* Wi-Fi Internet connection (complimentary);
* Full daily housekeeping, preparation of room for sleeping;
* "Buffet" Breakfast.
Some additional services can be offered too. It include:
* Children caring;
* Laundry, Dry Cleaning & Shoe Shining;
* Iron & Ironing board on request;
* Turndown service;
* Taxi Cab service;
* Mini-bar service;
* Food ordering in the room;
* Delivery service;
* Compliment services (room decoration, gifts in the room at the settling)
* Accessibility for the guests with special needs.
Concierge service in the "11 Mirrors Design Hotel" is provided in partnership with Quintessentially Lifestyle, the leading luxury members only concierge club. Professional team tailors the personalized assistance to guests' specific needs 24 hours a day in order to create unforgettable experience. Whether it's for business or pleasure, everything is arranged with exceptional style and bespoke service.
Thus, services that can be provided by concierge include:
* Tickets: access to prestigious sporting finals, front row theatre tickets or sold-out concerts;
* Reservations: table bookings at restaurants and guest lists at exclusive night spots;
* Travel: door-to-door VIP-transfer (by car or by helicopter);
* Sightseeing: exclusive way to explore Kyiv - Dnipro yacht cruises, breathtaking aerostat trips etc;
* Shopping: a show-stopping outfit and inspiring gift ideas;
* Health: well-being of guests with indulgent spa breaks, detoxes and elite personal trainers;
* Events: birthday party or private business-meeting at the roof of the hotel.
Within two minutes walking distance from the hotel situated the "Leonardo Wellness Club". It is the hotel's partner so the guests of "11 mirrors Hotel" are provided with special rates while visiting the club. "11 mirrors Hotel" guests are welcome to enjoy access to 25-meter swimming-pool, fitness classes and gym, SPA Zone and Beauty Salon. "Leonardo Wellness Club" offers luxury services with passion, values, integrity and products that are essential for healthy living.
For the relaxation of body and mind Wellness Club offers to hotel guests:
* Fitness (Gym; Studios for individual and group classes; Pilates Studios; Boxing and Kick Boxing Studio; Personal and group trainings);
* Swimming Pool (25-meter swimming pool; Hydromassage Zone; Children's pool; Aquafitness Classes)
* SPA (SPA procedures; Beauty equipment; Facial esthetics; Thalasso
treatment; Cryotherapy; Salt Caves Therapy)
* Sauna Center (Bath complex; Russian bath; Hamam; Roman bath; Jacuzzi; Cold Plunge Pool; Switches and Soap Massage; Peeling)
* Beauty Salon (Dress-up studio; Manicure and Pedicure; Solarium)
The main aspects of the hotel structure are filed in the Table 2.1.
Table 2.1
Specifics of the "11 mirrors Hotel"
Indicators |
Characteristic |
1 |
Capacity |
50 rooms ? 47 places |
2 |
Level of functioning capacity, the average annual percentage |
83 % |
3 |
The percentage of regular customers |
About 50 % |
4 |
Total number of staff |
Due to the fact that not all services are located in the hotel building, the number of employees can not be determined. |
5 |
The number of personnel per one place |
*Data taken approximately 55/50 = 1.1 per one place |
6 |
Certification of food establishments |
*The hotel does not provide such information, because it is believed as confidential |
7 |
Structure of food service |
Restaurant and lobby-bar are available. Capacity: 25 places |
8 |
The number of personnel of food establishments |
Total amount of staff ? 15 persons |
9 |
Kinds and types of food organization |
"Buffet" Breakfast Service "A la carte" |
The "11 Mirrors Hotel" is a five-star design hotel, which consists of the centralized arrangement of premises. All of the premises are located in the same building. It has 11 floors. There are 49 guestrooms at the hotel. Structure of the hotel room stock and prices for the accommodation can be seen in the table 2.2 and table 2.3 accordingly.
Table 2.2
Structure of the hotel room stock
Room stock |
Number of rooms |
Number of places |
Room size, m2 |
Specific weight, % |
Courtyard Standard Room: double room with 1 bed or 2 separate beds |
10 |
20 |
27 |
20,4 |
Incognito Superoir Room: double room with 1 bed or 2 separate beds |
9 |
18 |
27 |
18,3 |
Deluxe room |
10 |
10 |
37 |
20,4 |
Premium room |
20 |
20 |
39 |
40,8 |
The visual distribution of numbers at the "11 Mirrors Hotel" by its types and quantity can be seen at the Picture 2.1.
Figure 2.1. Room stock of the hotel
The cost for accommodation at all types of rooms at the "11 Mirrors Hotel" and its changes compared between 2013, 2014 and 2016 years are shown at the Table 2.3.
service disabled tourist hotel
Table 2.3
Prices for accommodation service
Type of room |
Total number of rooms |
The cost of accommodation, UAH |
2013 |
2014 |
2016 |
Courtyard Standard Room |
10 |
5900 |
6800 |
6630 |
Incognito Superior Room |
9 |
6400 |
7300 |
9500 |
Deluxe room |
10 |
7400 |
8600 |
11820 |
Premium room |
20 |
9600 |
10300 |
13115 |
As the table 2.3 shows, the cost of accommodation during the 2013, 2014 and 2016 years in all types of rooms increased significantly (except for the price on Courtyard Standard Room - comparing between 2014 and 2016 it was decreased on 170 hryvnas).
2.2 Analysis of organizational structure and production program of the "11 Mirrors Hotel"
The organizational structure of the hotel is a system of interaction of all services and departments (see Addition E). At its head is the director. To the director of the hotel are subordinated administrative service and chief engineer.
In its turn, the room stock service, reception, financial services and food service are the subjects to director of the hotel and administrative service.
Administrative services is responsible for the organization of the maintaining by all services of the hotel complex, solves financial and staffing issues, is involved in creating and maintaining of the necessary working conditions for hotel staff, monitors compliance with the established norms, rules of labor protection, safety, fire and environmental safety. To the chief engineer are subordinated the engineering-technical service, which creates the conditions for the operation of air conditioning, heating, sanitary equipment, electrical equipment, repair and construction services, television and communication systems. The structure of service includes: plumber, electrician, remote control, repair master of refrigeration equipment, the driver, mechanic, janitor.
Room stock service are engaged in solving of issues related to the booking and accommodation of guests in rooms, as well as sending them home. It provides room service and personal services, maintains the necessary sanitary and hygienic condition of the rooms and level of comfort premises. Structure of service: head of the economic part, seamstress, cleaner, laundress.
On reception service depends the first impression of guests. The task of manager of this service is to control the entire process of receiving and accommodating of guests. The structure of the service include: senior manager, hostess, maid.
Technology of hotel reception and accommodation at the "11 mirrors Hotel" described at the table 2.4.
Table 2.4
Technology of hotel reception and accommodation
Indicators |
Characteristic |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
Forms of organization of work area |
Angular |
2 |
The location of work area |
Lobby |
3 |
Planning organization of work area |
Frontal |
4 |
The structure of service and its subordination |
The service is subordinated to the manager of service of reception and accommodation |
5 |
The functions of the contact service |
Functions of the cashier, |
1 |
2 |
3 |
receptionist and information service |
6 |
The functions of the non-contact service |
Reservation |
7 |
Technological cycles: booking - check-in - accommodation - payment - check-out |
All the cycles are available |
8 |
Network and types of reservation |
Two channels of booking, guaranteed booking |
9 |
The number of attendant staff |
*Confidential |
10 |
Automatization of technological process |
Automated: faxes, computers are available |
11 |
Automatization of technological contacts between services |
Automated: Micros Fidelio |
12 |
Types of programs |
Automated hotel and restaurant management systems are available |
13 |
Quality of services |
Regulated by job descriptions and standards of reception. The cultural level of employees is high. The level of service at the hotel is high. |
14 |
Comfort level |
All the hotel premises have been designed so that guests and hotel staff had a quick access to all functional premises of the hotel |
15 |
Duration of time for the accommodation of group |
? 5-15 minutes |
16 |
Duration of time for the accommodation of individuals |
? 2-5 minutes |
Financial services solves questions of financial security of guests and receive reports from the cashiers at each point of sale. Financial services conducts a single financial accounting of the hotel (revenue from shops, cost accounting and revenue management operations under the account of paid working time, etc.). Service structure: senior accountant and service manager. Additional services: hairdresser, manicure master, shops, kiosks.
Control over financial activity of the enterprise is carried out by the accounting. Chief Accountant performs accounting and support book keeping and documents of the accounting and statistical reporting of the Company in accordance with applicable law.
Food service includes a coffee shop, bar, units for banquet service, as well as the catering department (kitchen). Provides food services to the guests. Service structure: chef, cook, waiter.
Security service performs the function of maintaining of order and security in the hotel.
The main function of the production process in the hotel company is to provide services of accommodation and food to the customers. This function is operated by the reception of the hotel and food service. But, to carry out this function, the material and technical base, equipment and comfortability of the room stock of enterprise must be taken into account too.
Thus, all service and hotel units will be used to perform the main function of the manufacturing process.
Secondary functions that characterize the communication links with the environment are implemented by the purchasing department, which is responsible for the acquisition of furniture and equipment, food and beverage, consumables. Room Reservation Service also interacts with the environment, providing guests with the opportunity to pre-register a hotel booking.
The production program of the hotel is a task by the quantity, quality and range of rendered services. To analyze the production program of enterprises use both natural and cost indicators.
The number of provided bed-days is the natural indicator in the hotel industry. Calculation of key indicators of the production program of the "11 Mirrors Hotel" are executed in a table 2.5.
Table 2.5
Analysis of indicators of production program of the "11 Mirrors Hotel"
Indicators |
Year |
Absolute deviation, +/- |
Relative deviation, % |
2013 |
2014 |
1. One-time capacity, beds |
68 |
68 |
0 |
0 |
2. Number of bed-days in inventory, b-d. |
24820 |
24820 |
0 |
0 |
3. Number of downtimes, b-d. |
1320 |
1080 |
-240 |
-18 |
4. Amount of bed-days in operation, b-d. |
23500 |
23740 |
240 |
1 |
5. The load factor, % |
87 |
83 |
-4 |
-4 |
6. Number of provided bed-days, b-d. |
20445 |
19704 |
-741 |
-3 |
7. Average rate, UAH |
7808 |
8688 |
880 |
11 |
8. Income from the sale of bed-days, ths. UAH. |
159 712 |
171 188 |
11 476 |
7 |
Despite of the known political events in Ukraine at the end of 2013 the stream of foreign guests at "11 Mirrors Hotel" has not decreased significantly. As the table 2.5 shows, loading indicators of 2014 have deteriorated only on 4%. The average rate has increased on 11%, and the income from the sale of bed-days in UAH increased on 7%.
2.3 Research of the current state of organization of service for people with disabilities at the "11 Mirrors Hotel"
Conditions in the hotel "11 Mirrors Hotel" correspond to the convenient placement for people with disabilities. The hotel has a ramp (see Addition B), and movement from the lobby to the rooms and restaurant carried out on the elevator. For the visitors in wheelchairs is equipped one guestroom on the first floor.
Breakfast is provided right in the room, as well as the services of room service for people with disabilities are carried out with no extra charge for the service. The hotel staff strongly contributes in solving of any queries arising from the guests.
Currently an accessibility for the guests with special needs at the "11 Mirrors Hotel" is provided, but only for the individuals with limited mobility of legs, in particular - the persons in wheelchairs.
There is still a need in the availability and proper design of all the necessary equipment for disabled people with other problems, such as limited vision and hearing or defects of the mental health or psychological difficulties.
The number of guestrooms equipped for disabled people should increase for simultaneous stay of more visitors with such problems.
Also the are required the availability of highly-qualified staff, specially trained to serve and work with disabled people.
CHAPTER 3. Proposals for improvement of organization of service for people with disabilities at the "11 Mirrors Hotel"
3.1 The concept of universal design as an important factor in improving of the quality of service and proposals of its implementation
For western hotels an availability in the fund of rooms for disabled people has long been a good tone, and even indispensable rule of network. Caring for people with limited abilities is the privilege of hotels with a high reputation.
One of the innovative trends in modern service, able to solve the problem of availability of service to customers with disabilities, is the implementation of the "Concept of universal design".
Universal design (design for everyone) or inclusive design - it is a strategy aimed to design and content the different types of environment, products, communications, information technologies and services, to ensure accessibility and understanding by all customers, according for the public use without the need for adaptation.
Universal design provides meeting the needs of any customer of service organization on the basis of equitable use, flexibility, simplicity and ease of use, the perception of information regardless from the sensory capabilities of consumers, admissibility of mistakes from the customer, providing a low level of physical efforts during the consumption of services.
Universal design in general sense is the process of creating of spaces and objects as convenient as possible for all customers, regardless of their age, physical or cognitive abilities without the need for auxiliary or compensating means or narrowly targeted customized solutions.
For example, absence of steps or thresholds at the entrance to the building will make it adapted for both the person with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and for people with prams or wheelchair transport; the standards outside, but wider doors will be comfortable for the person on a wheelchair, and any person with suitcases in the hand.
It is particularly important that universal design is a concept that goes beyond the issue of accessibility and adaptability of buildings, also including social, economic, cultural issues, and will maximally help to unite the people, and not divide them into separate groups for varying degrees of capabilities.
Universal design becomes more and more important in the world, especially in conditions of the growing number of elderly people in many countries.
The philosophy of universal design is the idea of creating an environment of products and services that would be useful for every person, not just the people with disabilities. In the simplest sense, a universal design - it is a design of all things, in the spotlight of which is the person, and that takes into account the needs of everyone.
The use of universal design will allow hotel companies and many other service organizations to use the basic principles and ideas of equality and convenience for all customers in their service.
Thus, the main proposals of implementation of the concept of universal design in the "11 Mirrors Hotel" are:
* By heating the pavement at the entrance to the hotel can be prevented the slipping of visitors and hotel staff on ice and snow;
* The front reception should be a two-tier, which will be convenient both for sedentary employee, and the visitors who can sit or stand;
* Chairs for waiting in the lobby should be designed differently, so anyone can find a place according to its capabilities and preferences;
* The availability of ergonomic furniture, workplaces, the height of which can be adjustable, upper shelves and hanging drawers for documents in the business centre of the hotel that are suitable for people of different height and with different functionalities;
* The chairs in cabinets and conference room can should be possible to raise and lower, turn forward and backward, an lean, as well as armrests, making the chair comfortable to various people they can sit in different positions;
* Different floors and various premises in the hotel should be marked with graphic elements and special tables using Braille (a tactile writing system used by people who are blind or visually impaired).
3.2 Elaboration of proposals regarding equipment of hotel premises and organization of work with disabled people at the "11 Mirrors Hotel"
There are certain conditions for the accommodation at the hotel of tourists with disabilities, and to the equipment of room stock and other functional hotel premises that should be considered for creating of conditions for the full life of the disabled people and people with limited mobility.
Equipment of the hotel territory starts with the parking. It is important to provide extended parking place for cars with wheelchair users, but the main condition is the possibility of unhindered movement on the wheelchair: no thresholds and curbs along the whole way.
For the people with limited mobility the most important is the comfort of movement.
* The entrance area of the hotel, of course, must be equipped with back-lift by using a ramp with handrails (width of 1-1.1 m, with angle of slope of no more than 30-35 degrees).
The "11 Mirrors Hotel" already provides the ramp (although it does not equipped with the handrails), but it does not have its own parking place, so, in that case, it is important to remove a part of the border between the driveway and sidewalk by making it acclivous.
* There should be an automatic sliding doors on the path of the person in the wheelchair. The doorway should have a width of 1.5 m.
* Covering of the paths should ensure the normal passage of the wheelchair. The wheels in this mode of transport is usually narrow, and to avoid its stalling is recommended to apply the most solid, strong coverings, that can prevent the slipping. Thus, asphalt, tile, natural stone on concrete, well tamped ASG (sand-gravel aggregate) are appropriate. Not suitable: wooden floorings with longitudinal arrangement of the desks, step-by-step paths.
* The width of the track on which the wheelchair is moving must be 1.5 m or more (to provide the crossing of wheelchairs). The limit of slope should take 4-6%: longitudinal - 5%, transverse - 1 % (4-6 cm to 1 m).
If necessary there should be arranged the ramp. By 5-10 m in front of it should be set a warning label such as: "Caution! There is a ramp with length of 6 meters ahead!", and, possibly, its description: "abrupt", "slope".
Only under this condition the person in wheelchair if he moves alone, without escort, will be able to estimate his forces, especially while the climbing on the ramp.
* In the design of the lobby and wardrobe in public premises should be provided a space for the person accompanying the quest in wheelchair, at the rate of not less than 0.5 sq.m for each disabled.
* Zone for the placement of wheelchair should have a minimum width of 0.9 m and a length of at least 1.5 m. The width of the passage in the unilateral movement must be at least 1.2 m, with bilateral - at least 1.8 m. The height of the aisle must be at least 2.1 meters.
Sizes of the area for the turning on 90 degrees should be at least 1.3x1.3 m, on 180 degrees - at least 1.3x1.5 m, on 360 degrees - at least 1.5x1.5 m.
The width of the hotel corridors should be 0.9 m.
* It is essential to provide the possibility of lifting on the elevator, but there is still a need to locate rooms for disabled people on the lowest floor to avoid inconveniences in the case of power failure or malfunction of the lift. The width of the doorway of the lift should be 1.1 m.
All common toilets of the hotel must be designed for use by persons with disabilities in the chair:
* Sizes of the cabin must be at least 1.65x1.80 m, with parameters for placement of wheelchair - 0.9x1.5 m;
* One of the cabins should be equipped with the vertical handrails on each side of the cabin, and the hooks for crutches for disabled people that use supporting devices;
* In washrooms of toilets sinks should be installed at a height not exceeding 0.9 m.
There should be a free entrance to the door of the room (no obstacles on the way, expanded doorways). Across the whole area of passage should be installed special handrails.
At the hotel's partner "Leonardo Wellness Club" is provided the 25-meter swimming pool.
* Along the perimeter of the pool should be provided a bypass track with width of not less than 2 m. The width of the track from the starting tables and entrances from the locker rooms should be at least 3.5 m.
* At the locker rooms should be provided places for the storage of wheelchairs; individual cabins with the area of not less than 4 sq. m for changing clothes; not less than two individual wardrobes with height of not less than 1.7 m for storage of crutches and protheses.
Use of information by person in wheelchair has its own specifics:
* Stands should be located so that at the entrance to it wheelchair has been freed the road and not get across of it, as it could complicate the passage of those who follow the visitor;
* For this purpose the stands should be placed not right at the path, but at specially constructed "pockets" with area of 5.6 sq.m., which also should be paved. In these pocket-areas should be provided the benches for accompanying persons, and a canopy of sufficient length and width so that a disabled person in the wheelchair could be hided in the bad weather.
Perception of information of people on wheelchairs also has its own characteristics:
* Format of inscriptions on stands, size and style of the font should be
provided such way that even the smallest of them could be read without straining
from a sitting position, and on the distance of 2-2.5 m;
* great importance has a supply of persons in wheelchairs by booklets with clearly done schematic map of the territory, and provided with a list of phone numbers.
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