Problems and perspectives of adventure tourism development in Ukraine

The creation of budget tours within Ukraine through the current economic state of the country is proved. The analysis allowed to see the recreational resources existing and the development opportunities for adventure on the territory of Ukraine.

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Дата добавления 15.11.2017
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Темник І.О., кандидат економічних наук, Національний транспортний університет, Київ, Україна ПРОБЛЕМЫ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ РАЗВИТИЯ ПРИКЛЮЧЕНЧЕСКОГО ТУРИЗМА В УКРАИНЕ

Темник И.А., кандидат экономических наук, Национальный транспортный университет, Киев, Украина


Темник І.О. Проблеми та перспективи розвитку пригодницького туризму в Україні / І.О. Темник // Економіка та управління на транспорті. - К.: НТУ, 2015. - Вип. 2.

В статті розглядаються тенденція розвитку туризму в цілому та нового туристичного напрямку - пригодницький туризм. Зазначаються складові пригодницького туризму, надається класифікація видів такого виду туризму, наводиться діюча регіональна організація пригодницького туризму. Проведений аналіз дозволив побачити наявні рекреаційні ресурси та можливості для розвитку пригодницького туризму на території України, а також проблеми, які гальмують його розвиток. Наводяться пропозиції щодо подолання таких проблем.

Об'єктом дослідження є процес формування та просування на ринок нового туристичного напрямку - пригодницький туризм.

Мета роботи полягає у проведенні аналізу та дослідженні перспектив розвитку напряму пригодницького туризму на підприємстві в сучасних економічних умовах в Україні.

На основі проведених досліджень виявлено передумови для формування туристичного продукту у напрямку пригодницького туризму на туристичних підприємствах.



Temnyk І.О. Problems and prospects of development of adventure tourism in Ukraine. Economics and management on transport. Kyiv. National Transport University. 2015. Vol. 2.

The article is discussesed the trend of tourism development and the new direction of travel - adventure tourism. Specify the components of adventure tourism, its classification is shown, the current regional organization of adventure tourism is given. The analysis allowed to see the recreational resources existing and the development opportunities for adventure tourism on the territory of Ukraine, as well as problems that hinder its development. Suggestionsthat may help to overcome these problems are provided

The object of study is the process of formation and promotion of a new tourist destination - adventure tourism.

The goal is to analyse and study the prospects for the development of adventure tourism in the tour agency in the current economic conditions in Ukraine.

On the basis of the study the preconditions for the formation of the tourist product in the field of adventure tourism in frame of tourist enterprises were identified.



Темник И.А. Проблемы и перспективы развития приключенческого туризма в Украине / И.А. Темник // Экономика и управление на транспорте. - К.: НТУ, 2015. - Вып. 2.

В статье рассматриваются тенденция развития туризма в целом и новое туристическое направление - приключенческий туризм. Указываются составляющие приключенческого туризма, дается классификация видов такого вида туризма, приводится действующая региональная организация приключенческого туризма.

Проведенный анализ позволил увидеть имеющиеся рекреационные ресурсы и возможности для развития приключенческого туризма на территории Украины, а также проблемы, которые тормозят его развитие. Предоставляются предложения по преодолению таких проблем.

Объектом исследования является процесс формирования и продвижения на рынок нового туристического направления - приключенческий туризм.

Цель работы заключается в проведении анализа и исследовании перспектив развития направления приключенческого туризма на предприятии в современных экономических условиях в Украине.

На основе проведенных исследований выявлены предпосылки для формирования туристического продукта по направлению приключенческого туризма на туристических предприятиях.



Темник Інга Олександрівна, кандидат економічних наук, Національний транспортний університет, доцент кафедри туризму, тел. +380954302555, Україна, 01010, м. Київ, вул. Суворова, 1, к. 251.


Temnyk Inha O., Ph.D., National Transport University, associate professor, department of tourism, tel. +380954302555, Ukraine, 01010, Kyiv, Suvorova str., 1, k. 251.


Темник Инга Александровна, кандидат экономических наук, Национальный транспортный университет, доцент кафедры туризма, тел. +380954302555, Украина, 01010, г. Киев, ул. Суворова, 1, к. 251.


Бідняк М.Н., доктор технічних наук, професор, Національний транспортний університет, завідувач кафедри менеджменту, Київ, Україна.

Комар Ю.М., доктор наук з державного управління, професор, Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана, професор кафедри управління персоналом та економіки праці, Київ, Україна.


Bidnyak M.N., Dr.Sc. (engineering), professor, National Transport University, head, department of Management, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Komar Yu.M., Dr.Sc. in Public Administration, professor, KNEU named after Vadym Hetman, professor, department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Introduction. Today leisure, recreation, tourism, health are the highest social value. So for the last few decades the world is gradually increasing the value of tourism and recreation. This is due to the substantial growth of the population incomes, the growth of educational level of people, the development of transport. Now tourism occupies a significant place in the economy of many countries. Nowadays adventure tourism is gaining momentum.

Challenge problem. New travel requirements will demand the development of an appropriate tourism product. However, the organization of extreme relaxation is different from the usual tour. It is about real life, so travel companies must take into account the age, physical fitness, health status of each participant of the trip.

Review of recent papers. The Ukrainian scientists who were involved in the development of theoretical foundations for the development of adventure tourism are Beidik O.A., Vasiliev V.P., Getman V.I., Dmitruk O.Y., Zinko Y.V., Lubitseva O.O., Mironov Y.B., Oliynik Y.V., Rutynskyy M.T. They have formed and concepts of management and marketing, the priorities of the tourism industry of Ukraine, socio-economic factors in the development of adventure tourism, marketing the profile of the tourist and other aspects.

The purpose. Analysis and research of adventure tourism development prospects at the enterprise in Ukraine.

Presentation of the basic material. Today rationally organized world tourism industry creates work places for local people, develops related branches and provides money inflow to the region.

The diversified industrial complex of the tourism industry officially recognized as one of the largest profitable sector of the world economy, that is dynamically developing. A particular success of global tourism achieved over the last 30 years, when the number of international tourists increased by a factor of four, while foreign exchange income increased by 25 times. The tourism sector includes over 10 % of world GDP, over 6 % of global investment, each 10 workplace, 12 % of the world's consumer spending [9].

In recent times, particularly relevant is the so-called adventure tourism. Usually, this definition refers to the type of vacation that combines all active ways of movement and outdoor recreation, with the purpose of obtaining new sensations, impressions, improving the tourist physical forms and sports performance.

The concept of "adventure tourism" is found in the tourist literature often enough, however, to find its interpretation is quite difficult. Over the past decades the concepts of "tourism" and "adventure tourism", and still no definitive they are still in the process of transformation. Adventure tourism is closely intertwined with the exotic, sport and extreme tourism.

Exotic tourism is associated with the desire to see, learn and feel something unusual. This can be climatic conditions, unusual flora and fauna, national cuisine, architecture, ethnic customs, etc.

Extreme tourism (also often referred to as shock tourism, although both concepts do not appear strictly similar) is a niche in the tourism industry involving travel to dangerous places (mountains, jungles, deserts, caves, canyons, etc.) or participation in dangerous events. Extreme tourism overlaps with extreme sport. The two share the main attraction, "adrenaline rush" caused by an element of risk, and differing mostly in the degree of engagement and professionalism.

The adventure tourism includes hiking expeditions, safaris (hunting, fishing, wildlife photography, yachting, ect.

Extreme adventure tours you can take a kayaking or rafting (inflatable rafts), snowmobile safaris, Quad bike tours, jeep tours, sailing, multi-day trekking and so on. Ukrainian travel agencies offer trekking and rafting in India and Nepal, jeeping in the desert of North Africa or in Namibia, and climbing in mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The extreme adventure tours provide great opportunities expanses for Ukraine. According to UNWTO if traditional tourism increases annually by 2-4%, the adventure one - 10-15% [2].

The profitability of adventure tourism in most cases is no less than other types of tourism. However, in Ukraine this type of holiday is popular mainly among young people whose income is below the average. Therefore, tours, offered within the country, are mostly cheap. At the same time, resources for this type of tourism available in the country, attract more foreign visitors, who are more demandive to the quality of services that are offered.

Well-organized adventure tour should not be cheaper than the beach or even sightseeing tour as it provides significant funds for security measures.

Adventure (extreme) tourism is directly linked with stress. This kind of activities, like adventure (extreme) tourism has, in the opinion of athletes and professionals, healing power and helps keep the mechanisms of stress "in a good shape". economic budget tours tourism

Types of extreme tourism.

Leisure activities are gaining more and more fans among tourists. Especially popular is diving, one of the most extreme species. In 2014, there were nearly 20 million certified diversi the world, and 40 years ago there were only a few hundred [6].

Also very popular is skydiving. Parachute sport appeared more than a half century ago, but it became mass sport only 15 years ago. Now there are many variants of parachute jumps. These are skysurfing, and group acrobatics, but gaining increasing popularity base jumping.

Let us consider the features of each types of extreme tourism.

Diving (scuba diving) is very popular all over the world. This is rather an expensive kind of extreme tourism. General training and equipment will cost up to $ 1000. Additionally, you must pay the cost of the tour package. If the equipment is not to buy, the cost of preparing for the first round is reduced to $ 250. However, then you have to pay 30-40$. for the rent of the suit, scuba gear and other necessary stuff [2].

Divers are mostly young - average age is about 30 (USA - 36). This is an intelligent urban youth: in Ukraine the majority (77%) divers had higher education (in the US - 50%). But overall, the diving in Ukraine is poorly developed, and is very expensive.

Wakeboarding is a combination of water skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing. The boat tows the raider standing on a short, wide board. Moving at the speed of 30-40 km/h with extra ballast on a

226 board.

Windsurfing - type sailing; racing special oval Board made of carbon fiber, with fins stabilizers on the bottom plane and a small sail that attaches to the Board. Originated in the U.S. in 1968.

Surfing is the same, only without sails. Actually, Windsurfing evolved from surfing. With a good wind you can reach speeds of more than 10-12 m/sec.

Kayaking is popular abroad, and is gaining popularity in Ukraine. The sport of loners, but with a team spirit. On a kayak you can go on a water hike along the river or spend the game rafting on a small stretch of mountain rivers by selecting individual obstacles, such as barrels, shafts and waterfalls.

Rafting is a fascinating descent on a mountain river on a canoe or special rafts. Rafting is one of the most visited tours, totally safe even for the youngest tourists. In recent years, it causes such huge interest from fans of extreme leisure that the majority of suitable for tourism mountain rivers have been mastered by professionals who are now offering rafting trips to almost anywhere in the world.

The raft tours can include: day trips (from $60 to 150), half day trip ($25-75.) and multi-day trip. During multi-day tours tourists will find themselves in remote parts of the mountains with unspoilt nature where they can break camp and explore the wild around the neighborhood parks. The minimum cost of these raft tours - from $ 1000-1500.

Mountain Biking is becoming increasingly popular, despite its price. So, bike for a beginner cost from $ 300 to $ 500. Of course, you need to spend money on a costume and various parts. All togather may cost a tourist more than $800 This amount is for the beginner and professional biker spends much more money.

Mountain - is considered to be the most extreme rest. Today, climbing is an entire industry that is well - developed and popularized. Typically, high season is in summer, when the weather allows to reach the final dastination. However, the thrill does not stop even in winter, and severe weather conditions and avalanches only add visual effects.

Climbing equipment is expensive, a full set of quality gear will cost extreme tourist $1500-2000. However, if you just want to climb Elbrus, you can take the equipment for rent. It will cost a tourist about us $ 200.

Today Ukraine has lots of conditions for the development of many types of adventure tourism. The current regional organization of adventure tourism is next:

- travel and ski trips (ski tourism) - "Vyzhnytsya", "Skole Beskids";

- walking, cycling - "Synevyr";

- horse riding - "Synevyr". Shatskiy region, the Crimean Peninsula;

- water extreme tourism - rafting down the mountain river - Carpathian river; boat trips, water skiing, windsurfing, boating - Sewing, the Crimean Peninsula;

- scuba diving, underwater excursions to caves - the Azov sea, the Crimean Peninsula.

Inspite of touristy variety the tourist market of Ukraine has some problems [5]:

- the gaps in the regional regulation of the tourism industry;

- lack of information and promotional activities as for Ukraine abroad;

- the tax burden that prevents and deters potential investors in the tourism field;

- insufficient level of staff qualification in tourism sector;

- the destruction of beaches and coastal structures;

- mass destruction of green spaces of parks and reserves.

There are many methods for solving basic problems in the tourist market of Ukraine, but the main methods are next:

- assisting the external demand for tourist services of Ukraine through investment in material and

technical base of tourism infrastructure;

- creating the most optimal use of natural-tourist resources of the country;

- assist in the improvement of the socio-economic situation of the state to create comfortable conditions for domestic and foreign investors;

- standardization and certification of hotel and restaurant services;

- the strengthening of the state support of investment activity;

- active presentation, advertising the position of Ukraine abroad.

So today, the modern tourist is increasingly drawn to extreme adventure holidays, which allow to check yourself for strength in non-standard conditions. On the Ukrainian market now there are many travel agencies, but not many of them offer adventure tours.


1. Tourist resources of Ukraine have been studied, main advantages and disadvantages that impact on tourism development are analyzed.

2. The creation of budget tours within Ukraine through the current economic state of the country is proved.

Перелік посилань

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