Modern look at training of prospective specialists in physicaleducation and sport to recreational and health-related activities

The level of preparedness formation of prospective specialists in physical education and sport to their further profession was defined. Upravlenie znaniyami - odna iz kontseptsiy upravleniya v sfere obrazovaniya. Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v Rossii.

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Дата добавления 13.05.2018
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Myroslava Danylevych

Lviv State University of Physical Culture ORCID ID 0000-0002-1285-392X Galina Ivanova National Pedagogical Dragomanov University ORCID ID 0000-0003-4943-8110 Pavlo Slobozhaninov Chernivtsi Yuriy Fedkovich National University, ORCID ID 0000-0002-3703-2191 DOI 10.24139/2312-5993/2017.02/050-058


Стаття присвячена проблемі професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців з фізичного виховання та спорту до рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності в умовах сучасної парадигми вищої фізкультурної освіти. Проаналізовано результати опитування студентів десяти вищих навчальних закладів України щодо рівня їхніх знань, вмінь та навичок, необхідних для успішного здійснення рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності. Визначено рівень сформованості готовності майбутніх фахівців з фізичного виховання та спорту до подальшої професійної діяльності. Теоретично обґрунтована сучасна концепція професійної підготовки фахівців з фізичного виховання та спорту, здатних ефективно здійснювати рекреаційно-оздоровчу діяльність.

Ключові слова: професійна підготовка, майбутні фахівці з фізичного виховання та спорту, рекреаційно-оздоровча діяльність.


physical sport obrazovaniya pedagogicheskoe

Данилевич Мирослава, Иванова Галина, Слобожанинов Павел. Современный взгляд на профессиональную подготовку будущих специалистов по физическому воспитанию и спорту к рекреационно-оздоровительной деятельности.

Статья посвящена проблеме профессиональной подготовки будущих специалистов по физическому воспитанию и спорту к рекреационно-оздоровительной деятельности в условиях современной парадигмы высшего физкультурного образования. Проанализированы результаты анкетирования студентов десяти высших учебных заведений Украины относительно уровня их знаний, умений и навыков, необходимых для успешного осуществления рекреационно-оздоровительной деятельности. Определен уровень сформированности готовности будущих специалистов по физическому воспитанию и спорту к дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности. Теоретически обоснована современная концепция профессиональной подготовки специалистов по физической культуре и спорту, способных эффективно осуществлять рекреационно-оздоровительную деятельность.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная подготовка, будущие специалисты по физическому воспитанию и спорту, рекреационно-оздоровительная деятельность.


Danylevych Myroslava, Ivanova Galyna, Slobozhaninov Pavlo. Modern Look at Training of Prospective Specialists in Physical Education and Sport to Recreational and Health-Related Activities.

The article is devoted to the problem of training of prospective specialists in physical education to recreation and health-related activities in terms of the current higher education paradigm. The survey results of students from ten Ukrainian universities' concerning the level of their knowledge and skills necessary for the successful implementation of recreational and health-related activities were analyzed. The level of preparedness formation of prospective specialists in physical education and sport to their further profession was defined. Based on the analysis of scientific literature and the questionnaire results we have developed and theoretically grounded the modern concept of professional training of specialists in physical education and sports who can effectively carried into practice recreational and health-related activities. It was determined some socially important and professionally significant qualities of specialists in physical education and sports, the possession of which would contribute to their competitiveness in the labor market.

The socially important qualities of a prospective specialist in physical education and sports include: civic maturity, law-abidance, social activity, social optimism, high values orientation, enhanced intellectual and practical skills, dignity, focus on success; social mobility; capability to constructively resolve conflicts; adaptability, cooperation, responsibility.

The professionally significant qualities of a prospective specialist in physical education and sports comprise: professional abilities and skills (competence, professionalism), ability to plan, execute and control recreational and health-related activities; specific qualifications, professional mobility, industriousness; expertise in modern technologies and the scope of their application, willingness for a lifelong learning and advanced training, communication skills, the ability to involve customers in their health care by recreational means.

Prospects for further research foresee development and scientific grounds of training of prospective specialists in physical education and sport for recreational and health-related activities.

Key words: professional training, prospective specialists in physical education and sport, recreation and health-related activities.

Problem statement. The higher education level describes the development of civilization. The global system of higher education in the XXI century is in crisis, as evidenced by the decline in the quality of education, the gap between culture and science, and between natural science and humanities. Attempts to find a new paradigm of education led to the awareness of a need to develop the concept of training of prospective specialists in physical education and sport to recreational and health-related activities. According to O. V. Andreeva, Ukraine, for an extended period, didn't have a strong school of training for physical recreation areas that resulted shortage of specialists in this segment of the labor market [1, 221].

Review of recent publications. Analysis of library resources on the issue. Researches of some today's national scientists are devoted to the problems of training of prospective specialists in physical education and sport to professional activity (O.Yu. Azhyppo, P. B. Dzhurinsky, E. A. Zakharina, L. I. Ivanova, R. P. Karpyuk, A. P. Konoh, Ye. N. Prystupa, A. V. Svatyev, L. P. Sushchenko, O.V. Timoshenko and others).

Issues related to training for physical recreation areas are highlighted in the works of Ukrainian scientists O.V. Andreeva, O. L. Blahij, M. V. Dutchak, O.M. Zhdanova, T. Yu. Krutsevych, V. V. Levytskij and others. Thus, A. V. Andreeva considers it necessary to develop and justify theoretically the approaches to selection and structuring the content and methodical support of educational process at higher educational establishments; define perspective directions of modernization of professional training of future specialists in the field of physical recreation [1, 231].

A lot of studies curried out by foreign experts, including C. Bouchard, T. Wolanska, Z. Krawczyk touch upon the analysis of problems in physical recreation.

From the today's standpoint we carried into practice an active scientific search for ways to modernize professional training of prospective specialists in the field of physical recreation. However, currently there are no fundamental works devoted to the training of specialists in physical education and sport for recreational and health-related activities.

The purpose of the article is to characterize the modern view of the training of prospective specialists in physical education and sport for recreational and health-related activities.

According with the purpose we defined the following objectives:

1. To study the current state of training of prospective specialists in physical education and sport to recreational activities.

2. To formulate the basic training concepts of future specialists in physical education and sport for recreational and health activities.

To achieve the objectives the following methods were used: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature; survey of high school students; statistical processing of results.

Major content. The rapid development of science and technologies, socio-economic and cultural changes which take place in modern society define new terms, according to which universities must operate. Therefore professionalism of specialists in physical education and sport is measured according to the requirements imposed by employers.

To design the educational content thoroughly, T. A. Makarova (Say) identifies two groups of landmarks: 1) guidances that had been grounded by scientists before and still retained its influence today: a conceptual understanding of the educational content; didactic principles of the unity of procedural and substantive parties of training while selecting the educational content; nature of prospective graduates' careers; a methodological principle where the subject matter is the result of didactic outcome due to specific set of knowledge and skills needed to master professional qualifications; 2) new guidelines, which radically change the situation with the selection and design of educational content in higher education: globalization and the emergence of new forms of educational process, one of which is a distance learning; information and Internet technologies; joining the Bologna process and higher education reform based on competence approach; the emergence of new regulations that reflect the interests of different parties (students, employers, society and state) [3, 40].

Meeting new requests is possible in terms of transformation of the global academic community. The reform of educational systems abroad in the past decade, organization the Bologna process and joining it by Ukraine make characteristic changes in the development of education, namely the introduction of two-tier training system (bachelor, master); the introduction of the credit system; monitoring of higher education quality; students and teachers' mobility expanding; the issuance of a single European Diploma Supplement; graduates employment support and others.

In modern times much emphasis is on continual learning ( «lifelong learning»), which aims at the continuous process of mastering human knowledge and skills, which is carried throughout the human life.

To put into practice a modern paradigm of lifelong learning The European Commission on education and training (European Commission for Education and Training) has developed a strategy and international programs of continual education for the period 2009-2020 (Strategic framework for education and training). The main objectives for the countries participating in this project are: to realize lifelong learning and a human mobility; to increase the effectiveness of education and vocational training; to promote equity, social unity and active social position; to enhance the creative component and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and vocational training.

Since a modern approach to the problem of employment of prospective specialists in physical education and sport is the realization of the principle of personality oriented employment, in which not only graduate's professional but also personal characteristics are associated with actual and expected staffing needs in recreational and health-related areas, the problem of competitive specialist in physical education and sport is of particular urgency. Formation of competitiveness of future specialists in physical education and sport is a way out of the situation with employment of physical education staff.

In order to clarify the current state of training of prospective specialists in physical education and sport to recreation and health-related activity we conducted a survey of senior students of ten higher educational establishments of Ukraine: Dnipropetrovsk State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports, National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Dragomanov, National University of Physical Education and Sport of Ukraine, Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodimir Hnatyuk, Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Vinnitsja National Pedagogical University named after Mykhajlo Kotsiubynskyi, Chernivtsi National Universitynamed after Yurij Fedkovich, Uzhgorod National University, Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko, Carpathian National University named after V. Stefanik. The total number of respondents was 822 individuals.

Using questioning it was found that most surveyed students (78,2%) require additional practical training for further implementation of recreational and health-related activities (Fig. 1). Thus, far fewer individuals (64,33%) are planning to work as a specialist in physical recreation.

The research enabled us to determine the extent of future specialists mastering professional terminology necessary for the implementation of recreation and recreational activities into different groups of people. In particular, only 21,2% of respondents mastered professional terminology; 29,85% - said that rather yes than no; 36,98% - said that rather no than yes and 11,97% of the surveyed students indicated that it was hard to answer.

Questionnaires were aimed to establish the knowledge level of prospective specialists in physical education and sports, necessary for effective work in the field of recreation and health-related activities. The results showed that students mastered a method of monitoring of the physical exercises health effects on a human body (77,6%); features of recreational and health-related activities using for people of different sex (76,13%) and age (74,2%); forms of recreational and health-related activities (74,43%); objectives of recreational and health activities (73,64%). Along with this, students indicate insufficient knowledge as to the content of legislative and program documents on physical culture and sport development; state and public organizations subsystem, which competence is recreational and health-related activities of various groups of population; features of recreational and health-related activities for people of various fitness levels.

Through the survey we also determined the mastery level of future specialists in physical education and sports abilities and skills in physical recreation. Most students have mastered the following abilities and skills: to determine an individual's fitness level (87,5%); to generate motivation for recreational and health-related activities (79,77%); to conduct recreational and health-related activities with people of various age and sex (78,64%); to shape individuals behavior aimed at preserving and strengthening their health (77,89%); to program recreational and fitness classes with different types of exercise (77,78%).

In the list of skills, which students haven't mastered enough, the skill to advertise recreation and health-related services and recreational and fitness events of competitive nature for the various categories of the population dominates.

It is very important for the quality of training of prospective specialists in physical education and sport to provide the highest quality physical education, which determines the degree of formation of readiness for recreational and health related activities and indirectly, their personal, ideological and social development. Therefore we using a survey conducted self-assessment of the readiness degree formation of prospective specialists in physical education and sport to the recreational and health-related activities (Fig. 2).

Analysis of the questionnaire data showed that 74,21% of students surveyed consider themselves prepared for work in the field of physical recreation, 25,79% don't prepared for work in the field of physical recreation.

The results of the survey became the basis for the development and theoretical study of the modern concept of training of prospective specialists in physical education and sport for recreational and health-related activities which include the following:

1. Professional training for recreational and health-related activities is a subsystem of higher physical education and for formation competitiveness and mobility of prospective specialists in physical education and sport in a global market economy that expands and seeks to overcome the borders of states.

2. Professional training for recreational and health activities takes into account such factors as the transformation of the global academic community, humanization and liberalization of higher physical education, creation of information environment of higher education and two-tier system of training of prospective specialists in physical education and sport.

3. The selection and design of learning content in high school depends on the nature of graduates' future recreation and health-relative activities, the specific field of study and is reflected in the courses and programs of a particular university.

4. Professional training of prospective specialists in physical education and sport, who are capable of successful activity in the field of recreation, is carried out at the expense of active use of innovative teaching methods in the pedagogical environment of higher educational institution.

5. Organization of the educational process of training of prospective specialists in physical education and sport is based on the interaction with employers, recreation and fitness centres, public and state organizations.

The theoretical analysis of scientific literature allowed us to allocate socially important and professionally significant qualities of a specialist in physical education and sport.

Socially important qualities of a specialist in physical education and sports include: civic maturity, law-abiding, social activity, social optimism, high value orientations, development of intellectual and practical skills, dignity, success orientation; social mobility; capacity for constructive conflict resolution; adaptability, cooperation, ability to take responsibility.

Professionally important qualities of a specialist in physical education and sports include: possession of professional abilities and skills (competence, professionalism), the ability to plan, execute and control recreational and health- related activities; possession of certain qualifications, professional mobility, enterprise; possession of new technologies and understanding of their scope, readiness to lifelong self-education, professional development, communicative skills, ability to attract customers to their own recovery by means of recreation.

New modern technology with their powerful facilities, on the one hand, enhance the efficiency of the educational process, on the other, penetrating all spheres of society, changing social and psychological qualities of prospective specialist in physical education and sport, require improved teaching.

In modern times it is advisable in education, says V. Topchiy, to expand knowledge sharing system among students through: 1) organizing and conducting seminars by students (including curricula for Master course that officially provide teaching practice); 2) «storytelling» during which students could inform fellow students about the results of practical training, implementation of research, conference participation or competition. It can serve as additional motivation for other students to participate in similar activities; 3) providing conditions (e. g., e- portal) to interact applicants, students, alumni and faculty to exchange useful information, experience, knowledge with [4, p. 183]. We were impressed with the thought of the scientist.

Updating of higher physical education is a complex and ambiguous process in its form and manifestation. New concepts of such updating, says J. Keller, are based on the following principles: a driving force of the updating process is to update the economic, scientific and technological potential; upgrade to its content should be humane, environmental and social; updating is based on new information technologies; on the principle of high efficiency; on stratification; on training highly qualified personnel; focusing on the achievements [2, 23].

Conclusions. To improve the quality of training of prospective specialists in physical education and sport for recreational and health activities it is necessary: to enhance professionally-aimed training through theoretical and practical training; to increase the share of minor courses to better familiarize students with the features of future recreation and health-related activities; to extend the hours for independent work, and to use modern monitoring means to control over its implementation; to use modern pedagogical, and information and communication technologies that promote convergence of training activities and future recreation and health-related activities; to develop new professionally oriented courses and their educational and methodological support; upgrade existing teaching methods and others.

Prospects for further research foresee development and scientific grounds of training of prospective specialists in physical education and sport for recreational and health-related activities.


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2. Келлер Я. Модернизация - гуманизация общества или коррозия бытия: критические заметки о теории модернизации / Я. Келлер; пер. И. Л. Поповой, Н. В. Романовского // Социологические исследования. - 2002. - № 12. - С. 23-32.

3. Макарова (Сай) Т. А. Современные ориентиры обновления содержания образования в высшей школе / Т. А. Макарова (Сай) // Педагогическое образование в России. - 2015. - № 1. - С. 36-41.

4. Топчий В. В. Управление знаниями - одна из основных концепций управления в сфере высшего образования / В. В. Топчий // Царскосельские чтения. - 2016. - № ХХ. - Т. 2. - С. 180-184.


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2. Keller, Ya. (2012). Modernizatsiya - gumanizatsiya obschestva ili korroziya byitiya: kriticheskie zametki o teorii modernizatsii. Romanovskogo issledovaniya, 12, 23-32 [Russian].

3. Makarova (Say), T. A. (2015) Sovremennyie orientiryi obnovleniya obrazovaniya v vyisshey shkole. Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie v Rossii, 1, 36-41 [іп Russian].

4. Topchiy, V. V. (2016) Upravlenie znaniyami - odna iz osnovnyih kontseptsiy upravleniya v sfere vyisshego obrazovaniya. Tsarskoselskie chteniya, XX, T. 2, 180-184 [іп Russian].

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