Evaluation of the psychomotory of hortingists for forming their active life positions
Studing of psychological processes that promote improvement, consolidation at a high (sufficient) level of psychomotor of hortingists and the formation of an active lifestyle. The complex battery of techniques for successful research of psychomotorics.
Рубрика | Спорт и туризм |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 30.08.2018 |
Размер файла | 28,1 K |
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Evaluation of the psychomotory of hortingists for forming their active life positions
Zoya Dihtyarenko
Зоя Діхтяренко
Оцінювання психомоторики хортингістів для формування їхньої активної життєвої позиції
У статті „ Оцінювання психомоторики хортингістів для формування їхньої активної життєвої позиції“ перелічено психічні процеси, які сприяють удосконаленню, закріпленню на високому (достатньому) рівню психомоторику хортингістів і формуванню активної життєвої позиції; звернено увагу на комплексну батарею методик (складається з 12 окремих тестів, розроблених раніше різними авторами), яку запропонував Н. Вайзман для успішного дослідження психомоторики; описано тренінгові вправи для тренерів хортингу щодо формування в хортингістів активної життєвої позиції, готовності до захисту Вітчизни та підвищення їхньої психомоторики: „Хортинг і моя сім'я - головне для мене“, „Мої думки - мої бажання“, „Мені в житті щастить, бо я оптиміст“. Автор статті робить висновки, акцентуючи увагу, що хортингісти повинні щоденно розвивати морально-вольові, психічні, фізичні якості та дотримуватися етичних правил і настанов юним хортингістам для контролю думок, слів, тіла під час різноманітних життєвих обставинах; тренерам хортингу впроваджувати послідовно ідеомоторне тренування; рівень психомоторної активності та формування активної позитивної життєвої позиції в хортингістів залежить від адаптації їх до тренера, тренувань і взаємодії вихованців між собою, а, отже, педагогу потрібно систематично впроваджувати тренінгові вправи, заняття, семінари, тестування тощо.
Ключові слова: хортинг, спортсмени, тренери, пульс, тренування, психомоторика, активна життєва позиція, логічне мислення, стратегія, екстремальні умови, індивідуальні особливості, якості особистості, методики, тренінгові вправи, заняття, семінари, тестування.
Zoya Dihtyarenko
Institute of Problems on Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (Berlynskoho Str. 9, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Evaluation of psychomotor of hortingists for the formation of their active life position.
In the article „Evaluation of the psychotherapy of hortingists for the formation of their active life position “, listed psychological processes that promote improvement, consolidation at a high (sufficient) level of psychomotor of hortingists and the formation of an active lifestyle; Attention is drawn to the complex battery of techniques (consisting of 12 separate tests, previously developed by different authors), which N. Weizmann proposed for successful research of psychomotorics; Describes training exercises for Horting trainers on forming active livelihoods in Hortinggists and improving their psychomotor: „Horting and my family is the main thing for me“, „My thoughts are my desires“, „I am happy in my life, because I am an optimist“. The author concludes, emphasizing that Hortingists should develop morally-volitional, psychic, physical qualities and ethical rules daily and instructed by hortingists to control thoughts, words, and body in various life circumstances; Horting trainers to implement successively ideomotor training; The level of psychomotor activity and the formation of an active positive life position in the Hortingists depends on their adaptation to the coach, the training and interaction of the pupils with each other, and, consequently, the teacher should systematically implement training exercises, classes, seminars, testing, etc.
Key words: horting, athletes, trainers, pulse, training, psychomotor, active life position, logical thinking, strategy, extreme conditions, individual characteristics, personality traits, methods, training exercises, classes, seminars, testing.
psychomotor hortingist lifestyle
Зоя Дихтяренко
Оценивание психомоторики хортингистов для формирования их активной жизненной позиции
В статье „Оценивание психомоторики хортингистов для формирования их активной жизненной позиции “ перечислены психические процессы, которые способствуют совершенствованию, закреплению на высоком (достаточном) уровню психомоторику хортингистов и формированию активной жизненной позиции; обращено внимание на комплексную батарею методик (состоит из 12 отдельных тестов, разработанных ранее различными авторами), которую предложил Н. Вайзман для успешного исследования психомоторики; описано тренинговые упражнения для тренеров хортинга по формированию в хортингистов активной жизненной позиции, готовности к защите Отечества и повышение их психомоторики: „Хортинг и моя семья - главное для меня“, „Мои мысли - мои желания“, „Мне в жизни везет, потому что я оптимист“. Автор статьи делает выводы, акцентируя внимание, что хортингисты должны ежедневно развивать морально-волевые, психические, физические качества и соблюдать этические правила и установок юным хортингистам для контроля мыслей, слов, тела во время различных жизненных обстоятельствах; тренерам хортинга внедрять последовательно идеомоторные тренировки; уровень психомоторной активности и формирование активной позитивной жизненной позиции в хортингистов зависит от адаптации их к тренеру, тренировок и взаимодействия воспитанников между собой, а, следовательно, педагогу нужно систематически внедрять тренинговые упражнения, занятия, семинары, тестирования и т. п.
Ключевые слова: хортинг, спортсмены, тренеры, пульс, тренировки, психомоторика, активная жизненная позиция, логическое мышление, стратегия, экстремальные условия, индивидуальные особенности, качества личности, методики, тренинговые упражнения, занятия, семинары, тестирование.
Relevance of research. In the world there are no people who would not have their own national physical exercises and mobile games that make up one of the elements of physical education. This is confirmed by a considerable number of national sports, including martial arts, which embody the national spirit, philosophy and lifestyle of a certain people. Ukraine also contributed to the world treasury of martial arts, where on the national background martial arts emerged, which became the foundation of the modern national spirit, philosophy and way of life. Today horing is becoming an increasingly popular sport in the world. Young people go to horsing to develop both their physical strength, skills, and strengthen their own psychological state. Psychology as a sport in general, and horting in particular, although very important, but not sufficiently studied. In the main, the process of psychological support for hortingists falls on the shoulders of coaches. However, not every coach is able to provide full-fledged psychological support and development of the Hortinger in terms of its preparation for the competition and after their completion [6, p. 8]. Because UFH regularly conducts nationwide judicial seminars Horting trainers and judges Horting, and for athletes hortynhistiv There certification (certification in Horting - is hours of marathon. The most spectacular and the most difficult part - full contact sparring, that is, control the fight with several different opponents. According to the results of the certification, practically all of its participants must go through the fight and get cherished wounds. The disadvantaged person is waiting for a re-examination after six months. Each student of Horting, who has been on the path of studying I martial arts, is able passing of training and attestation seminars led by experienced instructors from Horting, pass the official exam and obtain appropriate qualifications - degree Horting (am). The procedure for organizing examinations for awarding student and maysterskoho degree approved by the technical committees at national and Respectively, the World Federation of Horting and is constantly improving as the martial arts develop) [5, p. 8].
Thus, systematic Presidium of the Ukrainian Federation Horting judicial seminars for coaches and referees certification and Horting athletes hortynhistiv facilitate detailed assessment of all the members of psychomotor UFH (kind of objectification of the human psyche in sensorimotor, ideomotor and emotional and motor reactions and behavioral acts. By Psychometrics include motor acts, labor operations, skills and abilities) [11, p. 289] and the formation of an active life position (purposeful, systematic transformation of the personality of himself and the environment On environment. due to internal needs conscious, proactive particular purpose which can be humanistic and social orientation) [9, p. 20].
The concept of „psychomotor“ was initiated by I. Sechenov, expressing a number of weighty ideas. Many famous domestic and foreign psychologists, educators turned to study the phenomena of „psychomotor“ (J. Bech, F. Galton, Descartes, M. Jones, W. Ivashkovskyy, E. Ilyin, V. Klimenko, S. Kondratyuk S. Maksimenko, I. Sechenov, B. Spinoza, V. Tishchenko, etc.) and „formation of an active lifestyle“ (B. Ananiev, V. Andrushchenko, A. Bezpalko, I. Bech, L. Vygotsky, O. Kolomiets, V. Kremin, S. Rubinstein, Z. Khomenko, etc.). To date, only one scientific work is known, which focuses on the psychomotor of Hortingists [6].
The exceptional urgency and lack of theoretical and methodological not elaborated the problem of evaluating psychomotor hortynhistiv to form their active life position defined purpose of the article - count ethical rules, guidelines young hortynhistam and mental processes that contribute to the improvement, consolidation at a high (enough) the level of psychomotor hortynhistiv and the formation of active Life position; Pay attention to the complex battery techniques, which was proposed by N. Weisman for successful research of psychomotorics; describe the training exercises for Horting trainers on the formation of active livelihoods and enhancement of their psychomotor in Hortingists.
Presentation of the main research material. Horting coach should develop the pupils comprehensively. So, in order to evaluate the psychomotor in the hortingists and to form an active life position in them, the teacher should always be an example in everything. Favorable environment, mobile games and gaming activities - the opportunity to „get closer“ with adults, to become true and reliable friends, gradually forming an active life position that will be shown in the willingness to act boldly with the initiative. After all, if Horting coach and parents - is the „engine“ of the process, supporting the desire to help when you have difficulties to reach this goal hortynhisty - educate their leaders with their own point of view, the belief that you can bring and defend. It is in the views of I. Bech, E. Ilyin, S. Rubinstein, I. Sechenov, V. Sukhomlynsky and others, who argue that the environment in which a person lives and develops contributes to the development of his will, volitional qualities, as well as conclusions E. Arkina, D. Kolotz and others. The fact that games are a positive emotional source of manifestation of the first volitional attempts must be based on the educational process of the trainers. Moving games - one of the types of gaming activities for preschoolers and schoolchildren. Because, through the activities developed and educated person, then mobile games are an important means of physical education and formation of strong-willed personality traits as perseverance, dedication, determination, discipline, courage, patience, endurance, organization and more. Moving and Ukrainian folk games (according to the etymological dictionary token „game“ Old Slavic origin, which has no reliable etymology, developed from Old Slavic „jgra“- and spark the ancient Indian „aig“- sharp move, akin to Old Slavonic „amuse“- to order, to call, to pre-Slavic „baviti“- to speak, to speak, to speak Indo- European,, bha“- to entertain. In the Ukrainian pedagogical dictionary S. Goncharenko, the game is a form of a free self-expressive person, which implies real openness to the world. Possible or unfolding in the form of competition, etc. Different interpretations of the meaning of the word „game“ different nations: the ancient Greeks - an action that is inherent in children and is expressed by what is now called „give in to the boy“, the Jews - jokes and laughter; Romans „Iodo“ - joy, fun, Sanskrit for „klyada“ - a game joy Germans „spilan“ - easy smooth motion, like the motion of a pendulum that brings pleasure, then by all European nations understand the game, in - First, easy work, and secondly, the work from which you get fun and joy) yyayut improving speech of children and the formation of physical education volitional qualities meet the biological needs of preschool children and students [3, p. 30-31; 75-76; 4, p. 41-43, 232-249].
Ethical rules (carefully watching him, the circumstances of his own life and in others, have authority initiative in any endeavor, comprehend it fully and acts decisively, know when to stop, follow the middle between joy and depression, exhaustion and laziness, reckless bravado And cajole, forgive others, insignificant moral errors, strive to have a closer relationship with peers, strive to control your jealous attitude towards the partner; do not offend through trifles; tend not to show your anger; apologize for the wrong actions; be others with respect, share your skills with others; thank others for any help) and guidance to young hortynhistam (hortynhist - athlete- warrior (not looking for peace, causes of failures and omissions; or serve money and Mai their power over themselves Fight for justice not only for yourself but for others; obey your own whims of mind and will; admit yourself and assert yourself as a warrior; act in accordance with virtues); in the fraternity of the Hortingists (everyone is equal to everyone; all are equal to all; You will become equal to all when you consider yourself a warrior when you acknowledge the fraternization of Horting and his power over himself, when the brotherhood recognizes you and your authority over him; Everyone stands for everyone; Rejecting one, you reject all; If you reject brotherhood - brotherhood rejects you); Commitment to Horting''s teaching (if you do not believe in the doctrine, then it meansyou reject the doctrine; Believe not because they say, but because you see; Look for your own beliefs; Believing everything means not believing in the doctrine; Never raise faith over reason; Your faith in the doctrine is your loyalty to the path); The word hortingist (your price is your word; do not say two words where only words are waiting for you, if you can keep silent - do not say anything; listen not what they say, but what they try to conceal with the help of words; you can not hear Ears - listen to the heart, acknowledging someone equal to yourself, answer for his word as his own); Attitude to the case (whether he is heavier, do nothing half, if you want, then you can - go straight - does not mean to go right; skip ahead of someone who can bring more benefits to the cause than you); Hortingist in competition (the strong always survives, the weak always dies, what you hold reliably, nobody will take away from you; do not wait for you to knock from your feet, think in advance - start the first; do not go to one unsuccessful trail twice; If you can not go forward, then stand firmly in one place); The path to your goal (launch each arrow in the target; the goal is not to fight, but to win, the goal that you left, appropriates your opponent, do not expect a great success from achieving a small goal); Measure and restraint (in what happens to you, blame only yourself; do not separate yourself from friendship either in the big, or in the small one; do not show anyone completely any pain or joy; do not want to the other - you will not get it yourself); The dignity of the hortingist (you can be destroyed, but never won - sorry for whoever is ready to forgive you; never forgive anything; never ask twice; offer yourself help if the other needs it); Property and things (you only have what you can take with you, promise only what you can give, return to yourself what is lost, do not touch someone else's, it's not for you) [9, p. 37]) consolidate the process Formation of an active life position and thereby systematize their psychomotor abilities on a high (sufficient) level.
The researchers (I. Bilotserkivets, Z. Dyhhtyarenko, M. Zubaliy, N. Zubaliy, V. Ivashkovsky, M. Kutskir, A. Litvinenko, A. Ostapenko, S. Prysyazhnyuk, L. Pustomiakova, S. Sichov, M. Timchik, T. Fedorchenko, A. Khatko, B. Shapovalov, and others). In the process of experimental data [2; 4-6; 9; 11] and confirmed the conclusions of scientists Zh. Petrochko and E. Yeromenko:
People who systematically engage in horting have a great ability to think effectively. Horting develops more logical thinking, the ability to find optimal and rational decisions. He learns to define tactics, to follow a certain strategy. This applies not only to physical education, but also to the entire life of a person.
Horting - intellectual sport. At Horta you need to quickly calculate strokes and throws, as well as combinations of receptions, their trajectory, strength and accuracy, to anticipate further actions of the opponent, to build in co-operation with the coach their own strategy, tactics of the fight. Logical thinking and the high speed of making such decisions are equally important resources of the athlete, rather than the elaborated muscles. In accordance with such an intense mental work, hortingist sets for himself the rules of intellectual behavior and rational thinking.
Choosing the moment of attack requires from the hortingist a sense of distance that is associated with a sense of time... The ability to control the position of his body relative to the enemy creates the preconditions for successful combat operations.
„Horta's sensation“ is a complex perception. It includes both visual and muscular-motor feelings in their organic combination: an athlete estimates the distance from the edge of the horta not just in spatial values: perceived by the vision, but also in the amplitude of those techniques and movements that can fit in this space.
Attention has certain parameters and features, which in many respects characterize the capabilities and capabilities of the hortingist. The main properties of attention include: concentration, intensity, stability, volume, distribution, switching.
Of particular interest to the Horting trainers has always been arbitrary attention, which requires conscious self-control and accompanied by a sense of effort over itself, in a sense self- immitting hortingist, which in this case suppresses their involuntary reactions in the name of a reasonable need - victory in a fight over an opponent.
Muscle memory - this is a kind of stock that each hortingist has in the event of a long break in training. Due to this phenomenon, an athlete who was forced to stop actively or completely engage in horting can achieve preliminary results in a short time. Thus, Hortingist has the first training to learn how to perform exercises and techniques technically and correctly.
Horting is characterized by a deep interconnectedness of various mental qualities, such as a sense of distance with a sense of time and reaction speed; A sense of orientation in the ring and a sense of distance [9, p. 163-165, 168, 170, 174, 175, 176], etc.
Consequently, the listed mental processes contribute to the improvement, consolidation of a high (sufficient) level of psychomotor hortingists and the formation of an active life position.
In turn, N. Weisman proposed a comprehensive battery of techniques that allows the successful research of psychomotor, consisting of 12 separate tests, previously developed by various authors [1]:
The test for static coordination of movements. Investigates the functions of static equilibrium and mainly finds the part of the rubs-pinal level (according to N. Bernstein).
Dynamic coordination test. Determines the consistency of the activity of a large number of muscle groups with equilibrium. Finds the activity of the level of synergies and the lower sublayer of the spatial field (according to N. Bernstein).
Speed test of the body. Determines the dynamic coordination of the entire body and allows you to determine the speed and agility of movements. The activity of levels B and C 1 (according to N. Bernshtein) is found out predominantly.
Manual dexterity test. Determines the speed of manipulation of small objects, manual craftsmanship. Finds the activity of the subject and spatial level of organization of movements (according to N. Bernstein).
The test of the rhythm of movements. Displays the maintenance of cortical activity.
Simultaneous movement test. Characterizes the cortical level of movement formation, reveals syncenesis.
Motor memory test. Displays the functioning of the frontal sections of the cerebral cortex of the level D.
The test for coordination of movements and motor memory. Detects function of level D (according to N. Bernstein).
Mimic test. Determines the cortical organization of movements.
Muscle strength test. Investigates the activity of the spatial field C 2.
Static endurance test. Detects activity of rub-Rospanal level A.
Test for dynamic coordination of movements. Determines agility, motor maneuverability. Detects activity level synergies B.
Thus, based on various studies Z. Dyhhtyarenko training exercises designed for trainers on Horting hortynhistiv formation of active life position and improve their psychomotor „Horting and my family - the main thing for me“, „My thoughts, My desire“, „I am happy in my life, because I am an optimist“.
Exercise „Horting and my family - the main thing for me“.
The „Microphone“ method gives the opportunity to each participant, in turn, to say quickly, answering the questions, expressing their opinion (position). One can only say, in an imaginary microphone, which is transmitted from a participant to a participant after expressing his or her own opinion. Advantage of the method: it is not necessary to divide the participants into groups; Listening to answers, participants will learn new, change or „correct“ their own vision of the situation. Lack: not all participants are always ready to voice their own thoughts and ideas.
Time: 20 min.
Purpose: to determine the type of vital position (active, selfish, depressive, collectivist, optimistic, etc.) in Hortingists; Formation of an active positive life position; Assistance in raising the level (low, medium, high) of psychomotor activity.
Equipment: multimedia projector, microphone (imaginary microphone).
All participants sit in a round (square placed) table. The coach invites everyone to look at the multimedia projector screen and express their own opinion by seeing the photo: „My active life position“, „My family's active life“, „Active position of the coach of Horting“, „Formation of active life at the training sessions on Horting“, „My level of psychomotor activity“, „Level of psychomotor activity of my family“, „Level of psychomotor activity of the coach of horting“, „Increase of level of psychomotor activity in trainings from horting“, etc. The photo on the screen changes when all the participants have spoken. Speak only to the microphone (imaginary microphone) and do not cry, laugh, do not comment, do not evaluate the answers. Commenting, the first coach speaks out, and then, in a circle, every child, passing a microphone.
After expressing all the participants of one's own opinion on one photo, the coach by two or three sentences brings a general conclusion without mentioning the names, surnames of the participants and emphasizes the influence of the family and the coach of Horting on the formation of an active positive attitude in the Hortingist and promotion in raising his level Psychomotor activity.
Reflection. Setting all participants to a friendly attitude to each other during the selfpresentation of the formed active positive life position; Assistance in raising the level of psychomotor activity.
Exercise „My Thoughts - My Desires“.
The „Unfinished sentence“ method has long been used in experimental practice. There are many variants of it. We offer trainers to make sure that the Kortingists form an active life position spontaneously and subconsciously, which will eventually acquire the features of awareness and purposefulness. An active life position is a measure of human involvement in solving their own, social and social problems. Allocate measures of participation: high, average, low vital activity; passivity. A coach in the process of training will be able to predict the level of psychomotor activity in athletes. Advantage of the method: it is not necessary to divide the participants into groups; Exercise is performed simultaneously by all participants. Lack: Not all participants are always ready to express their opinions, ideas, or can not clearly formulate the sentence, sentence.
Time: 20-25 minutes.
Purpose: to determine the type of vital position (active, selfish, depressive, collectivist, optimistic, etc.) in Hortingists; Formation of readiness to protect the Motherland; Formation of an active positive life position; Assistance in raising the level (low, medium, high) of psychomotor activity.
Equipment: multimedia projector, sheets A-4, pens.
All participants sit in a round (square placed) table. The trainer suggests not to sign the distributed leaflets, but to silently add a sentence in them with one or more words, emphasizing that their thoughts influence the desire:
Horting is a national sport of Ukraine. I go to the horses because it is for me...
My parents do my workouts... because they believe that...
Having learned various techniques, I will be able to...
At school my classmates know that I'm going to horsing and that's why...
I'm at school all... because I know how...
I can apply all my abilities... and therefore I...
At school I'm asked... but I...
I send all my physical strength to... and so to me...
My parents talk about workout..., but I answer them...
In the classroom I'm talking about training..., and I answer them...
I know that a lot of things are needed to move...
When I see that they are harassing the child, Man, then...
When I grow up, I can do it... because I need it for my own life.
I am a member of the Ukrainian society and therefore I think that...
Abroad high salaries and so...
When I grow up, then I will be able to...
To teach methods of classmates I...
Motor activity in me is normal, because I...
Training is enough for me...
When I do not want to help, then I say...
I can go through nothing without saying anything, if I see that someone is doing harm because...
I'm happy with my school life, Because...
When I grow up, I will work... because...
In my spare time I... because it is...
When I ask for help, I help myself, I do not impose myself, because...
I believe that the existence of good and It's evil on the ground...
I'm impressed with the warrior-... because I feel... but when I wear hortovka, I feel that...
The main thing in my life is this... because I think that adults should...
When I Grow up, I want to change... because it is...
I answer the coach about fulfilling my homework... because I want to be for him...
The coach concludes with two or three sentences, for example, without naming the names,
surnames of the participants and emphasizing the influence of their own thoughts on the pursuit of desires.
Reflection. Attention to the difficulty in implementing this exercise and the expression of each participant's own experiences, beliefs, and the like. Setting up all participants to form an active positive life position; Readiness to protect the Motherland; Assistance in raising the level of psychomotor activity.
Exercise „I am happy in my life, because I am an optimist“.
The combination of two methods: „The Unfinished Script“ and „Microphone“ will contribute to the ground-breaking study of the horting coach for the goal, and participants will be able to speak clearly, briefly, essentially and convincingly, speak and express and compare confidently their own thoughts, ideas with others. We offer trainers to make sure that the Hortingists form an active life position spontaneously and subconsciously, which will eventually acquire the features of awareness and purposefulness. An active life position is a measure of human involvement in solving their own, social and social problems. Allocate measures of participation: high, average, low vital activity; passivity. A coach in the process of training will be able to predict the level of psychomotor activity in athletes. Advantage of the method: it is not necessary to divide the participants into groups; Listening to answers, participants will learn new, change or „correct4 ` their own vision of the situation. Lack: not all participants are always ready to voice their own thoughts and ideas.
Time: 30 min.
Purpose: to form positive thinking and tune in to victory, success, readiness to defend the Motherland; Definition of the type of life position (active, selfish, depressive, collectivist, optimistic, etc.) in Hortingists; Formation of an active positive life position; Assistance in raising the level (low, medium, high) of psychomotor activity.
Equipment: multimedia projector, sheets A-4, colored pencils.
All participants sit in a circle (round tables (placed on a square) at the table). The coach offers one or two sentences to each participant in turn to tell when he did not „lower“ his hands and did not give up, then he was lucky. It is necessary to begin to speak with phrases written on the screen of a multimedia projector: „I did not“ lower my hands „and did not give up... then I was lucky...“. Or: „I am an optimist because...“. „I did not swell my cheeks, I was not offended by someone (at all / on something), I started... then I was lucky...“. „I did not start to cry, scream, do anyone / something guilty, I understood... then I was lucky...“. „I was optimistic about the situation and realized that...“. The coach first continues the phrase, only expressed in a microphone (imaginary microphone), and then, in a circle, every child, transmitting the microphone. No one shouts, comments or evaluates answers. When everyone spoke, the trainer summarizes the answers by two or three sentences, without naming the names, surnames of the participants, and emphasizing optimism that promotes happiness. Following the conclusions of the coach, all participants draw a picture on the topic: „Looking at... I'm becoming an optimist“. One or two sentences each participant self-expresses his own work.
Reflection. Every participant's expression of his own experiences and feelings, which helped to draw a picture. Setting all participants to a friendly attitude to each other during the selfpresentation of the formed active positive life position; Assistance in raising the level of psychomotor activity; Formation of readiness to protect the Motherland.
Thus, in all members of the UFH an active life position can be formed and psychomotorics evaluated systematically under the following conditions:
Monthly (quarterly) testing („Sensation of harmony“, „Energy tort of the hortingist“,
„Semimetric measuring standard“, etc.) hortingists According to different methods with the construction of graphs of indicators that reflect the state of psychomotor.
Considering that the level of psychomotor activity and the formation of an active positive
life position in the Hortingists depends on their adaptation to the trainer, training and interaction of the pupils with each other, systematic implementation of training exercises („Horting and my family - most important for me“, „My Thoughts are my desires“, „I am happy in my life, because I am an optimist“, etc.), classes, seminars, etc., regarding the formation of an active positive attitude and enhancement of their psychomotor in Hortingists.
To develop moral and volitional, mental, physical qualities and ethical rules for hortingists daily and to guide hortingists to control thoughts, words and body in a variety of life circumstances, as each of the extreme sports has its own peculiarities of affecting the athlete through powerful pain feeling.
The introduction by the coaches of the Concept of the National Philosophy of Education
of The Children and The Young in Ukraine on the principles of horting for realization personally oriented model of horting [10, p. 39-49]. After all, its purpose (to substantiate the importance of Horting development in Ukraine and the necessity of spreading it the world - the national sport of Ukraine, which has Slavic roots and has absorbed in itself the most rational elements of national types of martial arts and cultures, embodied the most effective methods of sports and applied martial arts and martial arts of the peoples of central Europe; which can become an effective system of perfection of the person, the foundation of the spirit, philosophy and lifestyle of all age groups and segments of the population the Ukrainian people. This goal is the national philosophy of bringing up children and young people in Ukraine on the basis of horting can be considered through national-patriotic, pedagogical, social, psychological, legal and philosophical aspects. Realization of the goal of the National Concept the philosophy of bringing up children and young people in Ukraine on the basis of horting can to be realized through: the main types of horting (military-sports, military and police), a horting system at higher levels its functioning and development (massive traditional horting, horting as professional sport, horting as a professional-commercial sport, horting as professional-applied sport, horting as a means of physical rehabilitation); representation of horting in educational institutions of different types and types (pre-school educational institutions, general educational institutions, extracurricular institutions, higher education institutions) and sections built on three educational positions: understanding, recognition and acceptance child (author I. Bech), provided in this model [7, p. 33-34].
A number of studies have shown that experimentally grounded ideomotor techniques
taken into the training process contribute to the highest level of regulation of the emotional state and movements of athletes at different stages of psychological training. Consequently, systematically and consistently implement ideomotor training: individual planning of tasks from idemoratory; Mental reproduction of actions with a concentration of attention on the crucial phases (first figuratively, then aesthetically with muscular tension, relaxation and imitation of the specifics of power, speed and other characteristics of the movement); Self-programming of future action; Performance exercises after a shorter special warm-up and without it; Suggestion and self-hypothesis of the necessity and ability to perform an exercise or action in a difficult competitive situation after ideomotor setting. In the system of psychological training, the effectiveness of each admission, dosage and mode of exercise are dependent on the sensory and psychomotor characteristics of athletes [6, p. 74].
Prospects for further exploration we see in the development of training exercises, occupations, etc. on the formation of an active life position and raising psychomotorics of hortingists.
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