Features of special physical preparedness of greco-roman wrestlers at the stage of specialized basic training
Studies of current state of special physical preparedness of greco-roman wrestlers at the stage of specialized basic training. Determination of qualities of special physical preparedness of wrestlers in order to implement technical and tactical skills.
Рубрика | Спорт и туризм |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.10.2018 |
Размер файла | 24,2 K |
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Prydniprovsk State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport
Lukina Yelena, Voronyi Vladislav
В статье рассматривается проблема совершенствования специальной физической подготовленности спортсменов, которая является одним из условий достижения максимально высоких результатов в соревновательной деятельности в греко-римской борьбе. Результаты исследования показали, что ведущими качествами специальной физической подготовленности борцов, с целью реализации технико-тактического мастерства, являются силовая выносливость, скоростно-силовые качества и специальная выносливость. Эти качества чаще всего определяют результативность и успешность соревновательной деятельности борцов греко-римского стиля на этапе специализированной базовой подготовки.
Ключевые слова: специальная физическая подготовленность борцов, силовая выносливость, скоростно-силовые качества, специальная выносливость, соревновательная деятельность.
physical greco roman wrestler
У статті розглядається проблема вдосконалення спеціальної фізичної підготовленості спортсменів, яка є однією з умов досягнення максимально високих результатів у змагальній діяльності в греко-римській боротьбі. Результати дослідження показали, що провідними якостями спеціальної фізичної підготовленості борців, з метою реалізації техніко-тактичної майстерності, є силова витривалість, швидкісно-силові якості і спеціальна витривалість. Ці якості найчастіше визначають результативність та успішність змагальної діяльності борців греко-римського стилю на етапі спеціалізованої базової підготовки.
Ключові слова: спеціальна фізична підготовленість борців, силова витривалість, швидкісносилові якості, спеціальна витривалість, змагальна діяльність.
Modern sport makes high demands on the different sides of athletes' preparedness in almost all stages of long-term training [1, 5, 6, 10]. Special attention is paid to the problem of improvement of athletes' special physical preparedness, which is one of the main factors to achieve the highest possible results in competitive activities, including Greco-Roman wrestling [3, 4, 8]. The stage of specialized basic trainingis very important because it creates a comprehensive background for the intense specialized training providing a high level of sportsmanship in competitive encounters [6].
The analysis of literature has allowed to reveal the presence of a significant amount of researches on the problem of special athletes' physical preparedness in different sports [5, 10]. Some experts insist on a significant increase in a total volume of training to enhance the special physical preparedness of wrestlers [1, 3]. Other authors emphasize the increase of the special physical preparation in total volume of training and increase of competitive practice [4, 6, 10]. There is also the approach related to the organization of training and competitive loads, medical and biological means of recreation and widening the auxiliary means of training [6].
Experts insist on the necessity of individualization and differentiation of means and methods of sports training, as well as the development of new approaches for improving the efficiency of training process of skilled athletes at the stage of specialized basic training, the main feature of which is to focus the training process on the possibility of full realization of the potential in competitive activity [6, 7].
Analysis of scientific data allowed to reveal a limited number of experimental studies on the use of individual approach while improving special physical preparedness of Greco-Roman wrestlers that involves consideration of individual style of competitive activity (“power”, “speed”, “playing”) at the stage of specialized basic training [1, 3, 4.
The aim is to study the current state of special physical preparedness of Greco-Roman wrestlers at the stage of specialized basic training.
During the study we used the following research methods: study, analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific, methodic and special literature, and Internet resources.
The results of the study and their discussion
Present level of knowledge and requests of sport practice need to consider athletic training as anintegral multi-year process that allows an athlete to achieve during the career best performance possible and show them in the most crucial competitions [6.
Numerous scientific papers [1, 4, 6] notes that the process of sports training, from initial training to the stage of maximal realization of individual potentials, is characterized by a certain consistency and structure. Thus, each of the stages of long-term training is focused on the formation of specific knowledge and skills related to the peculiarities of a particular sport [3, 6, 9].
It should be noted that the current system of periodization of long-term training is conditioned by a number of factors characterizing the all-round and sequential solving problems related to individual and sexual characteristics of athletes, the age of starting going in for sport, the structure of competitive activity, the regularities of the development of various sides of sportsmanship and content of the training process, which are generally oriented towards the general goal to achieve the highest possible sports result [6, 7].
In special scientific and methodical literature considerable attention of specialists is drawn to the long-term preparation of athletes in general and its separate elements in particular.
It should be noted the fact that recent years specialists has paid close attention to the stage of specialized basic training [2, 4, 8].
As it is noted by V. M. Platonov [6], at the beginning of this stage, the principle place is continually taken bygeneral and supplementary training, exercises from related sportsimproving their technique are widely used. In the second half of the stage the training becomes more specialized.
At this stage means to increase the functional potential of an athlete without the use of a large amount of work closest in nature to competitive activityare usedwidely.
At the stage of specialized basic training not only a comprehensive background for intense specialized training at the next stage, the aim of which is achieving the highest results iscreated but a fairly high level of sportsmanship in selected types of competitions is provided. However, at this stage, intensive competitions should not be dictated by narrow specialization and intensive special training for specific competitions.
Special attention should be paid to systematic work at sport technique. The fact is that in puberty, the ending of which usually takes place during this stage of long-term training, there is an intense increase in the length and mass of an athlete's body. Sport technique, worked with other anthropometric parameters, requires some adjustment and harmonization with the structure of the body, typical for the end of puberty. Therefore, a large amount of different exercises of special preparatory character should be concentratedat this stage of a long-term improvement.It provids an effective technical improvement [3, 4, 9], and it, in turn, is directly related to a special physical training.
By analogy with other sports disciplines, athletes of Greco-Roman wrestling adheres to the same structure. This approach allows to solve relevant (for a specific age group of athletes) tasks, taking into account the optimal age at which the highest results can be achieved, and to provide the competitive sport reserve for the national team.
Groups of specialized basic training are formed with athletes who have the qualification not below the first adult category,whosatisfied the control and transitional standards for general physical, special physical and tactical and technical training. The objective of this stage in relation to Greco-Roman wrestling is creating the preconditions for further increase of sports skill on the basis of aall-roundgeneral physical training, development of special physical qualities, increasing the level of special working capacity; formation of individual style of wrestlingon the base of the inherent physical, morphological, psychological qualities and demands for modern competition activity; targeted development of those physical qualities, which take place at the sensitive phase of development, and the ones which will ensure the realization of individual style of wrestling; improvement of the techniques and tactics of GrecoRoman wrestling, the acquisition of competitive experience [3].
The training process at this stage is arranged in the form of individual and group classes, trainingclasses, training and competitive sessions of selected and complex orientation.
A long-term training of wrestlers in the age from 7-8 to 17-18 years old, according to.A. Vorobyov [2], should be considered as a single process that satisfies certain laws.
This process is implemented according to a managed system of sport training, which has a relatively stable form, its inherent peculiarities and own ways to improvement in wrestling. The management of such a system allows to create the possibility of effective realization of the regularities in sport training and transition of this system to a higher level [6, 10].
According to V. A. Vorobiev [2], the total expression of the degree of suitability of management of trainingprocess and an indicator of its effectiveness is an optimal gain of parametres in different aspects of fitness and athletic performance of young wrestlers. According to the expert, this approach to the management of long-term preparation of young wrestlers needs to take into account the dynamics of these parameters and sports results in accordance with the optimal age boundaries within which they are achieved [2].
According to the data of modern researches [4, 6, 10], since the second half of the stage of specialized basic training, individualization is becoming the leading trend in the training of wrestlers. Therefore, the expert recommends to identify the predisposition of a wrestler to a specific typical style of counteractionin the first half of this stage.
As the experts in wrestling mention[1, 2, 4], at the stage of specialized basic training the single-cycle construction of the training processis usedmost. The main competition of the year is the championship of Ukraine for juniors. The two-cycle structure in preparation for the national team of Ukraineis used only for athletes selected to the world or Europechampionship, according to the results of the championship of Ukraine [4].
According to the recommendations of the experts, in the process of physical training a wrestler needs to increase the level of functional systems which provide a high level of overall and special fitness, to develop motor qualities - strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, coordination abilities, as well as the ability to demonstratephysical qualities in terms of competitive activity, their joint development and manifestation.
According to the data of scientific and methodical literature [8, 9], at the earlier stages of the development of Greco-Roman wrestling, emphasis on physical fitness of wrestlers was done mainly on the development of their power qualities. With the further development of modern wrestling, namely, the constant growth of sports results, increased competition in the international arena, as well as the rapid development of scientific and technical progress, introduction of sport latest achievements necessitates the search for new approaches related to improving the effectiveness of training and competitive activities of athletes.
In the works done after the changes of competition rules [4, 8, 9] and the analysis of competitive activity of Greco-Roman style shows that the leading qualities of the special physical preparedness of wrestlers for the implementation of technical and tactical skill, is strength endurance, speed and strength characteristics and special endurance. They determine the effectiveness and success of competitive activity of Greco-Roman stylemost frequently.
Therefore, at the stage of specialized basic training individualization of general and special physical training occurs with predominant development of endurance, speedpower qualities and special endurance to ensure a high level of special working capacity in relation to the demands of training and competitive activities.
Summary. Current level of development of Greco-Roman wrestling requires from athletes a high level of special physical preparedness, which along with other types of training (technical, tactical and psychological) is the most important aspect of sportsmanship. At the same time, the leading factor for increase of skill of the skilled fighters that reflects modern competitions rules on Greco-Roman wrestling is a consistent development of special physical qualities that directly affect the quality of use of a diverse store of technical and tactical actions of wrestlers based on the individual style of competitive activity.
Data of specific literature show that the problem of increasing special physical training effectiveness is one of the most acute problems facing the theory and practice of sports, the relevance of which increases with an increase in athletic performance.
In accordance with the current guidelines of leading experts in the field of sports solution of the problems of improving special physical preparedness are advisable to be solvedat the stage of specialized basic training.
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