Love your city: Nizhny Novgorod walking tour

General characteristics of the territory of the Strelka as a unique object of cultural and historical heritage. Assessment of the need to preserve and preserve this territory of regional significance. Brief description of historical attractions.

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Love your city: Nizhny Novgorod walking tour

One of the most beautiful places in Nizhny Novgorod is the confluence of the Oka and the Volga rivers. The Strelka (arrow) divides the Oka and the Volga, and also serves as a port for the cargo ships arriving to Nizhny Novgorod and going from it. The view on the Strelka is one of the most picturesque in Nizhny Novgorod along with the Kremlin, Nizhny Novgorod Trade Fair, Rozhdestvenskaya (Stroganovskaya) church Chkalovskaya Staircase or Bolshaya Pokrovskaya street [1; 2]. Some people call them the visiting cards of the city. Every Nizhegorodian has his favorite itinerary. We suggest you having a walk with us along the spot where the Volga meets the Oka.

The Nizhny Novgorod Trade Fair is the phenomenon. Its history is more than four centuries old. The Nizhny Novgorod fair is on the place where two great two rivers the Oka and the Volga come together. It was believed the best venue for the new fair. The magnificent view of the renowned Nizhny Novgorod Trade Fair attracts visitors from all over the world.

strelka cultural historical tour

In 1817 it was relocated from the Makarievsky Nunnery to Nizhny Novgorod. A. Betancourt was appointed chief architect to complete the project. The construction was lasting for years but in 1882 the fair banners were raised and the bargaining started. The new Trade Fair Building attracted merchants from many countries of the world. A number of other remarkable constructions were built in that time. For the Muslims there used to be the mosque, for the Armenians there was an Armenian church. The Jews were served by a rabbi. People for all believes were able to pray to God. The trade went on during the day but at night all the visiting public entertained themselves in numerous bars and restaurants watching Punch and Judy shows. The business deals between the merchants were very important too. Written contract were not often been used because merchants were relying on the «word of honor». For the first few years the goods were sold with a value of more than 24 million rubles. It was really a colossal sum of money for that time. The whole streets were formed to serve for the merchants' trade for just two month a year. One could really find almost everything at the Fair. The merchants` stalls haven`t preserved till the present days Some of them fell down by themselves over the time, while the others were demolished to free up the space for the new constructions.

The international recognition of the Nizhny Novgorod fair, its huge value for economic development of Russia became the reason why Nizhny Novgorod unique differs from the other cities and had been chosen for holding the XVI All-Russian Industrial and Art Exhibition in 1896. This exhibition was considered as one of the most significant events of the XIX century the most grandiose exhibition in the history of Russia. Nowadays the Nizhny Novgorod Trade Fair annually plays host to more than seventy exhibitions on various themes. The peak of the exhibition season is the All Russia Forums which have become traditional.

Almost all Russians know about the existence of Nizhniy's Strelka or the song about it: «The Volga is wide, the Strelka is far…».

The Alexander Nevsky cathedral is visible from different points to observe the Strelka (from the former Bashkirov mill and from the Upper Volga Embankment). It serves a great role of the symbol of the city. It was built in 1881 by the project of a famous architect R. Kilevein (with participation of L. Dal). L. Dal elaborated many scetches and measurements of architectural monuments of the Nizhny Npvgorod area. If you come close to its walls and glance at it up and down, your eyes will touch the peak, crowned with our life-maintaining Russian Orthodox Cross. The emphasized massive forms of the cathedral were planned to be visible at great distances both from the river and the hills of the city`s upper part. The cathedral was built in the Old Russian style as it was percieved at that time. The authors note that the intereset to the national architecture was really huge back then [3; 4; 5].

Its history has begun in the mid-fifties of the XIX century. The Spassky Cathedral in a fair mall could not place all Christians any more, and the merchants appealed to the bishop Anthony to construct a new temple for the sake of the Savior and the Wonder-worker Nikolas. The bishop sent the application to the governor A.N. Muravjev. But it was not constructed after the Emperor Alexander II his wife Empress Maria `s visit to Nizhny Novgorod.

As it was already mentioned above, the cathedral is visible from the mountain part of the city over the river, and from the Volga and Oka Rivers. Grandiose height of it (87m) still provides it the third place among temples of Russia after the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow and St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

It is worth noting the fact that many people donated money to erect the temple. By 1862 the collected amount had been 60 thousand rubles that allowed starting doing the works on the project. The first stone in the foundation of the temple was pledged by the grand duke Vladimir who arrived to Nizhny Novgorod on July 15, 1868. In 1880 the construction works were finished, and the temple was given to the Nizhny Novgorod diocese and a priest, a deacon, psalm readers were appointed. The main throne of the temple for the sake of the Saint blessed prince Alexander Nevsky was consecrated on July 20, 1881. By 2018 it has been planned to construct a stadium for the FIFA World Cup Championship and a new metro station [6; 7]. To conclude, the authors note that having spent the entire day walking on the historical area of the Strelka you will keep in mind the slight breeze bringing music from the boats and the fantastic views of sunsets in your memories. Love your city and enjoy every moment you can spend exploring it with your friends or by yourself!


strelka cultural historical tour

1. Tynnikova A.N., Smirnova E.V. Rozhdestvenskaya (Stroganovskaya) church in Nizhny Novgorod as an object of cultural heritage. http://

2. Khrancovsky N.I. A short sketch of the history and the description of Nizhny Novgorod. - N. Novgorod, 1998.

3. Tynnikova A.N. Historical and cultural significance of the territory of Blagovetscenskaya Sloboda in Nizhny Novgorod. http://

4. Moskaeva A.S., Kocheva E.A., Smirnova E.V. The main design features of the temples. European Journal of Natural History. 2016. №3. 103-105pp.

5. Strelkov Е. E. The Nizhny Novgorod walks. The illustrative guidebook with schemes and figures. N. Novgorod, 1999.

6. Agafonov S. The Nativity church // Agafonov, S. Gorky - Nizhny Novgorod / S. Agafonov; edited by V. А. Vesnin. - М, 1947.

7. Smirnova E.V. Specific of the guide-interpreter's job. 17 International Scientific and Industrial Forum, NNGASU 2015, 329-332pp.

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