Territorial and logistical organization of urban tourism in context of its sustainable development (Ukraine's case)

Consideration of aspects of a comprehensive strategy for sustainable development of urban tourism, which is based on the concepts of tourism decentralization and reverse logistics. Geological planning of tourist flows and determination of their needs.

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Дата добавления 09.10.2020
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Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Territorial and logistical organization of urban tourism in context of its sustainable development (ukraine's case)

I. Smyrnov, Doctor of Science in Geography

Kyiv, Ukraine


The territorial and logistic aspects of the integrated strategy of sustainable development of urban tourism, based on two concepts-tourism decentralization and reverse logistics are outlined. The first concept is based on the geologistical organization of the tourist space of the city, which includes such components as: geologistical (geographical and logistical) identification of the resource base of urban tourism; geologistical planning of tourist flows and determination of their needs; geologistical design of tourist infrastructure; geologistical design of supply chains of tourist infrastructure. At the same time, the geographical identification of the resource base of urban tourism means geospatial localization of tourist objects in the city. They should be considered as a kind of "tourist magnets", which attract the flow of tourists to certain parts of the city. Accordingly, the territorial concentration of tourist objects causes a concentration of tourist flows, therefore these considerations should be taken into account when creating and placing new tourist objects in certain parts of the city, so that there will be no territorial oversaturation of them. Consequently, instead of the territorial concentration of tourist objects in the central parts of the city, their territorial dispersion, that is, dispersion across the city territory, should be proposed. Logistical identification of the resource base of urban tourism means the definition of the logistic potentials of individual tourist objects, that is, the maximum possible tourist flows, which will not affect the sustainable development of tourism and the state of tourist resources. Geologistical planning of tourist flows and their needs means forecasting the size and structure of tourist flows and their needs, which can be divided into needs of the first and second levels. Geologistical planning of tourist infrastructure is to develop a network of tourism infrastructure objects in order to meet the previously determined needs of tourists of the first and second levels. The geologistical design of supply chains to ensure the functioning of tourism infrastructure objects includes the development of territorial transport and logistic schemes for their supply, taking into account the characteristics of the road network of cities and the locations of the objects themselves.

The second concept involves an integrated approach to the recycling of the total amount of urban waste, including tourist one, taking into account their collection and removal from the city, as well as processing at special enterprises. The experience of Ukrainian cities of Lviv and Kyiv in this context is considered. At the same time Kyiv is more efficient in processing municipal waste, including tourist one, and Lviv faces the problem of the removal and recycling of urban waste, including tourist, over which the city now works.

Key words: urban tourism, complex strategy, sustainable development, territorial and logistic approaches, tourist decentralization, reverse logistics.

Розкрито територіальні та логістичні аспекти комплексної стратегії сталого розвитку міського туризму, яка базується на двох концепціях: туристичної децентралізації та зворотної логістики. Перша концепція заснована на геологістичній організації туристичного простору міста, яка включає такі компоненти, як: геологістична (географічна та логістична) ідентифікація ресурсної бази міського туризму; геологістичне планування туристичних потоків та визначення їх потреб; геологістичний дизайн туристичної інфраструктури; геологістичний дизайн ланцюгів постачання туристичної інфраструктури. При цьому географічна ідентифікація ресурсної бази урботуризму означає геопросторову локалізацію туристичних об'єктів у місті. Їх слід розглядати як свого роду "туристичні магніти", які притягують потоки туристів до певних частин міста. Територіальна концентрація туристичних об'єктів відповідно викликає концентрацію туристичних потоків, тому ці міркування слід ураховувати при створенні та розміщенні нових туристичних об'єктів у певних частинах міста, щоб не було територіального перенасичення ними. Отже, замість територіальної концентрації туристичних об'єктів у центральних частинах міста слід пропонувати їхню територіальну дисперсію, тобто розосередження по всій міській площі. Логістична ідентифікація ресурсної бази туризму міст означає визначення логістичного потенціалу окремих туристичних об'єктів, тобто максимально можливого туристопотоку, який не зашкодить сталому розвитку туризму та стану туристичних ресурсів. Геологістичне планування туристичних потоків та їхніх потреб означає прогнозування величини і структури турпотоків та їхніх потреб, які можна поділити на потреби першого та другого ступенів. Геологістичне проектування туристичної інфраструктури полягає в розробці мережі об'єктів туристичної інфраструктури з метою задоволення попередньо визначених потреб туристів першого та другого ступенів. Геологістичне проектування ланцюжків поставок для забезпечення функціонування об'єктів туристичної інфраструктури охоплює розробку територіальних транспортно-логістичних схем їхнього постачання з урахуванням особливостей транспортно-дорожної мережі міст та розміщення самих об'єктів.

Друга концепція передбачає інтегрований підхід до переробки загальної кількості міських відходів, включаючи туристичні, з урахуванням їхнього збирання та вивезення з міста, а також переробки на спеціальних підприємствах. Розглянуто досвід українських міст Львова та Києва у цьому контексті. При цьому Київ більш ефективно здійснює переробку міських відходів, включаючи туристичні, а Львів стик- нувся із проблемою вивезення та переробки міських відходів, включаючи туристичні, над вирішенням якої місто нині працює.

Ключові слова: міський туризм, комплексна стратегія, сталий розвиток, територіальні та логістичні підходи, туристична децентралізація, зворотна логістика.

Раскрыты территориальные и логистические аспекты комплексной стратегии устойчивого развития урботуризма, которая базируется на двух концепціях: туристической децентрализации и обратной логистики. Первая концепция основана на геологистической организации туристического пространства города, которая включает такие компоненты, как: геологистическая (географическая и логистическая) идентификация ресурсной базы урботуризма; геологистическое планирование туристических потоков и определение их потребностей; геологистическое проектирование туристической инфраструктуры; геологистическое проектирование цепей поставок туристической инфраструктуры. При этом географическая идентификация ресурсной базы урботуризма означает геопространственную локализацию туристических объектов в городе. Их следует рассматривать как своего рода "туристические магниты", которые привлекают потоки туристов к определенным частям города. Территориальная концентрация туристических объектов соответственно вызывает концентрацию туристических потоков, поэтому эти соображения следует учитывать при создании и размещении новых туристических объектов в определенных частях города с тем, чтобы не было территориального перенасыщения ими. Следова-тельно, вместо территориальной концентрации туристических объектов в центральных частях города целесообразна их территориальная дисперсия, то есть рассредоточение по всей территории города. Логистическая идентификация ресурсной базы туризма городов означает определение логистического потенциала отдельных туристических объектов, то есть максимально возможного тури- стопотока, который не повредит устойчивому развитию туризма и состоянию туристических ресурсов. Геологистическое планирование туристических потоков и их потребностей означает прогнозирование величины и структуры турпотоков и их потребностей, которые можно разделить на потребности первой и второй степени. Геологистическое проектирование туристической инфраструктуры заключается в разработке сети ее объектов с целью удовлетворения предварительно определенных потребностей туристов первой и второй степени. Геологистическое проектирование цепочек поставок для обеспечения функционирования объектов туристической инфраструктуры охватывает разработку территориальных транспортно-логистических схем их снабжения с учетом особенностей транспортно-дорожной сети городов и размещения самих объектов.

Вторая концепция предусматривает интегрированный подход к переработке общего количества городских отходов, включая туристические, с учетом их сбора и вывоза из города, а также переработки на специальных предприятиях. Рассмотрен опыт украинских городов Львова и Киева в этом контексте. При этом Киев более эффективно осуществляет переработку городских отходов, включая туристические, а Львов столкнулся с проблемой вывоза и переработки городских отходов, вместе с туристическими, над решением которой город сейчас работает.

Ключевые слова: городской туризм, комплексная стратегия, устойчивое развитие, территориальные и логистические подходы, туристическая децентрализация, обратная логистика.

Relevance of the scientific question. Urban tourism nowadays is becoming more and more popular both in Ukraine and in the world. Urban turism has its own peculiarities connected with the high concentration of tourists on the limited territory of cities, especially their central and historical parts. In connection with this, there is a problem of tourist load increasing on the resource base of tourism in cities, which can lead to its deterioration and degradation. To solve this problem is possible by using integrated geologistical approach to the sustainable development of urban tourism. strategy tourism decentralization logistics

Study of the issue in scientific literature. Attention to this problem in the scientific literature for the time being is insufficient [1], while in practical management of urban tourism development, this problem is already well-known and reflected in the development and adoption of relevant

documents, for example, in city of Lviv, where the "Concept of Tourist Decentralization" was introduced recently [2; 3; 4].

The purpose of the research is to reveal the content, essence and features of complex geologistical approach (strategy) to the sustainable development of urban tourism on the example of Ukrainian cities.

Presenting results of the research. Tourism is now one of the most dynamic sectors of regions and cities economy. The urgent problems in this regard include the task of ensuring the sustainable development of tourism industry in cities. This is especially true for the most popular destinations among tourists, i.e. metropolitan and historic cities, which attract significant tourist streams. The latter means tourist load increasing on the existing cities' resource base of tourism, as well as on the whole urban economy, population, development and nature. In this context the task of tourism sustainable development in cities requires the consolidation of efforts of various scientific and practical directions, among which the important place belongs to tourism geography and logistics [1, 188], that studies the flows phenomena in the tourism industry, highlighting the tourist traffic (flow of tourists) as the main stream, and financial, informational, commodity, personnel, material flows as servicing (additional) ones. The task of tourism geologistics in the context of travel industry sustainable development is to regulate the main flow (i.e. tourist traffic), which would ensure the conservation of the tourism resource base in cities and in rural areas in order to further development of tourism activities. This problem is now quite noticeable not only in cities - the largest tourist centers of the world, but it is also acute in many cities of Ukraine. This concerns, first of all, Lviv, Kyiv, Odesa and other Ukrainian cities - popular tourist destinations. The problem of tourist overloading in Lviv is quite well-known recently, which was covered, in particular, in the author's publications [1, 195]. So, in our opinion, there is time for working out the complex geographical and logistical strategy of the tourism sustainable development in cities. This strategy, developed by the author, is based on two concepts. The first one is the concept of tourist decentralization, the second - the concept of reversible logistics. The first concept involves the need for an effective geologistical organization of the city's tourist area ( GLO CTA).

The main components of GLO CTA are: 1) geologistical identification of tourism resource base; 2) geologistical planning of tourist flows; 3) geologistical design of tourism infrastructure; 4) geologistical design of supply chains for tourism infrastructure objects [1, 200].

The first component covers the geographical and logistical identification of city tourist resources. Geographical identification of tourism resource base means geospatial localization of tourist objects of interest. They act as "tourist magnets", which attract tourist flows to a certain city area. So significant territorial concentration of tourist resources (objects) causes the concentration and overlap of tourist flows. These considerations should be taken into account when creating and placing new tourist objects (i.e. museums, monuments), which should not be "squeezed" to cities' central parts that are already overloaded with tourist objects. Consequently, instead of excessive spatial concentration of tourist objects in cities' downtowns, their spatial dispersion is recommended by us. Logistical identification of tourist resources means the calculation of the logistical potential of each tourist object, that is, the maximum possible tourist flow, which will not affect tourism sustainable development and tourist resources state. It should be distinguished between the concurrent number of tourists at the object, their number per day (taking into account the rotation coefficient), per month, per season, finally, per year. Geologistical identification is performed taking into account the division of tourist resources (objects) into: cultural-historical (monuments, museums, theaters, etc.), architectural (historical and contemporary), events (various activities of public-cultural-entertaining nature).

The second component is based on determining the size and structure of tourist flows and their corresponding needs, which can be divided into first-order needs (benches, garbage cans, bio-toilets, street food, currency exchange etc.) and second-order needs (souvenirs, informational and advertising materials, press, touristic goods etc.).

The third component involves geologistical design of tourism infrastructure network to meet the needs of tourists, in particular, first order needs (tourist infrastructure objects like institutions of street food, currency exchange offices etc.), second-order needs (tourist infrastructure objects like souvenirs shops, press and informational materials booths, tourist goods stores etc.) and the relevant logistics and transport infrastructure to meet the needs of the infrastructural facilities of the first and second line, as well as collection and removal of waste. It should take into account the peculiarities of their placement in a certain city territory.

The fourth component involves the logistic design of supply chains to provide needs of first and second-order tourism infrastructure with the logistics and transport components in their composition, taking into account the particularity of their location in the city and the needs for collection and removal of tourist waste.

These issues are very relevant for Kyiv, where the increased tourist load on the resource base of the city's tourism has already led to cases of physical destruction of some of the most visited tourist objects. This applies not only to the old buildings of Kiev, but also to those that have been recently restored. Such cases include not only Samson's fountain on Podil, but also a monument to Magdeburg Law, located on the Embankment Highway, not far from Postal Square. It is also known as the Monument of Baptism of Ancient (Kyiv) Rus' or the Lower Monument to St. Volodymyr. The 18-meter-long column with a round gilded dome and cross on pedestal of pavilion-chapel with arches was installed in the distant 1802 by the project of the first Kyiv chief architect A.Melensky. The monument was erected in honor of the return of Magdeburg Law to Kyiv, which gave the city government wider powers. They gave him another meaning - it also meant the holy place from which the baptism of city of Kyiv and whole Ancient Rus' began. The fate of the monument proved to be difficult, and its appearance changed periodically. So, in nineteenth century in the middle of the pedestal there was a well with "holy water", and later there was an octagonal fountain-bowl installed here. In the Soviet era, the chapel was closed, and the cross from its top was removed. The monument has been repeatedly brought to an emergency, so it has experienced several restorations. Thus, to the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Kyiv Rus' in 1988 the cross was returned to the column, and an underground passage to the Dnieper-river was built nearby. Last time the global reconstruction of the monument was made - to the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Kyiv Rus' in 2013: monument became white, and in the middle of the pavilion a chapel and a fountain-bowl with a crane in the form of a "golden" cross were restored. Only 5 years have passed away and now we see an absolutely obscure picture: inside the pavilion is dirty, the fountain does not work, the crane is absent. In addition, the inscriptions left by the vandals are painted on the column and on the pedestal. Despite this, the monument still impresses with its beauty and grandeur. After visiting the monument to Magdeburg Law, tourists are advised to go down to the underground passageway. It also deserves attention. On the one side, above the entrance, a cross is depicted with inscription: "Here in 988, in the confluence of the waves of the Dnieper-river and Pochayna-river Kyiv Rus' was Baptized" (some letters, however, already fell apart). On the other side of the passageway, from the side of the Dnieper, in the shallow niches in the wall there are two bas-reliefs - figures of John the Baptist and Kyiv Crown Prince Volodymyr the Great surrounded by angels. All this appeared in 2013. Interior of the passageway was the masterpiece in itself: on its walls student's depicted fragments of the map of Kiev in the X-XIII centuries with Lyadsky Gate and Sofiyivsky Cathedral. But, unfortunately, wildness has won spirituality: now maps in the passageway are no longer there, and every millimeter of walls and even partially of the ceiling is filled with inscriptions made by "unknown artists", with most of inscriptions are frankly obscene. By the way, in 2014, another monument should appear at the site, as indicated on a sign near the bas-reliefs. There was even a competition announced and the best option was chosen - a wooden font on the water like a cross measuring 22.6 by 31.4 m. But the object never appeared.

As for Lviv, there are fewer such cases (perhapse, due to the quality of historical Austrian construction), but nevertheless they are also. There are many other problems in the city of Lviv, the main one now is the removal of rubbish. After the fire at Gribovychy landfill in the summer of 2016, Lviv did not know where to move out its waste, the volume of which naturally grew with the growth of tourists' number. No wonder that the tourist record of Lviv (2.6 million tourists in 2017 - the first place among the Ukraine cities) coincided with the "rubbish crisis" in this city.

So using of the second concept i.e. reverse logistics aims to provide a comprehensive recycling of the total amount of urban waste, in particular, solid household (SHW). Generally speaking it's necessary to separate the actual municipal waste and one that is the result of the tourists stay. The proof that tourist waste occupies a significant share in the citywide waste volume is its peak increases, particularly in cities central districts, after any holidays (at one third a minimum). For example, from the center of Kiev after the final match of the Champions League on May 26, 2018 more than 212 tons of garbage was taken in just one day!

It should be noted that there is a certain specifics of the problem of garbage collection in the city, its removal and processing. Thus, garbage collection has its peculiarities depending on the distance of the district from the center; the waste removal from the city can be carried out either to landfills, or to incineration and waste recycling plants; finally, the waste treatment at the waste processing enterprises means the location of the latters within or outside the city, as well as their belonging to specialized establishments or other industries such as pulp and paper (PPM) and card and paper mills (CPM), glass factories, etc. Knowledge of the pulp and paper and glass-making industries' geography can help in solving of the problem of waste removal from the city and garbage processing. So, near Lviv is located Zhydachiv PPM, and near Kyiv - the Obukhiv CPM and Gostomel' glass factory, which buy a significant part of raw materials (up to one third) abroad.

And at that time both cities of Lviv and Kyiv have big problems with the removal and processing of solid household (including waste paper) and other (including glass containers) types of waste.

Let's note that the tourist left behind a lot of waste, especially in the city center. It is the direct waste. In addition to it, there is indirect waste, it is a waste of hotels, restaurants, cafes, which in the center of Lviv in recent years appeared a lot. This waste also requires efficient collection, removal and processing technologies - such possibility is provided by "reverse logistics". In Lviv, the need to place trash cans near each bench in the center was taken into account (garbage cans were artistically designed and made by local craftsmen), but no ways were found for the removal of solid waste and its subsequent processing. Meanwhile, the daily amount of waste in the city of Lviv is 600 tons. It is possible to solve the garbage problem in Lviv on the basis of two approaches, i.e. transport and logistical. Until recently, the first approach was used in the city, which was to find transport intermediaries (companies), which were obliged (for a very decent payments) to find suitable landfills and take out urban waste from Lviv. But, as experience showed, when Lviv garbage got into almost all areas of Ukraine, it did not solve the problem of waste removal. And only recently the city leadership turned to a logistic approach, i.e. the use of "reverse" logistics, when not only input streams to the city (including tourists, goods, raw materials, fuel etc.) were analyzed, but also city output streams were subject to analysis, among them waste streams. Logistical science and practice have developed proposals for efficient management of these flows and their deep processing at special enterprises (waste processing plants). Such enterprises can be built in relatively short time (as the example of the city of Rivne shows - in a year time), and the corresponding investments can be both international and internal. Such experience is represented by Kyiv, where the waste volume is 3000 tons per day, but their storage and processing is successfully carried out, firstly, at the landfill site near Pidhirtsi village; secondly, at the Bortnychy Aeration Station (BAS); and thirdly, at the incineration plant "Energy" in Darnitsa. Kyiv actively attracts international achievements and investments, so BAS is being modernized with the participation of Japanese companies, and in the city of Fastov, a plastic waste recycling plant was constructed with Chinese participation (accordingly, several plastic picking points were opened in Kyiv). The next idea of the new technology of street waste control the Mayor of Kyiv V.Klychko brought from a business trip to Berlin. This is the installation of underground garbage cans, which will gradually replace the usual old-style containers for garbage. In such way, the old urns that are still "working" in the Ukraine capital and did not meet the needs of Kyiv residents and guests of the city will be replaced with new modern ones [2].

One more problematic aspect connected with a sharp increase in the number of tourists in Lviv is one that was warned by American experts who helped to develop The Tourist Concept of Lviv: as soon as tourism begins to develop dynamically, among the guests of the city there will appear those who came here for intimacy. A similar way was taken by many cities, which were relying on tourism. Annually, according to UNWTO, in the world more than 3 mln people travels in order to receive sexual services, and the turnover of this "industry" is estimated at an amount of up to $ 100 billion. Of course, sex tourism develops mainly in poor countries where rich tourists travel for the certain purposes [1, 241-250]. The popular Italian edition La Repubblica devoted an entire article to the modern sexual destinations of the world, among which, along with Thailand, Brazil, Cambodia, Cuba, Bangladesh, Colombia and Bulgaria, Ukraine is also mentioned. And until recently, Ukrainian cities, where intim-tourism traditionally existed, as La Repubblica considers, were Odesa, Kyiv and Kharkiv. Lviv joined them relatively recently, although before the World War II it was a service city with hotels, restaurants, casinos. "It was then a kind of European Las Vegas" - says about Lviv the famous city restaurateur Andriy Hudo, co-founder of the Holding of Emotions "! FEST". With the development of tourism and resort infrastructure, the city of Lviv is once again returning to the pre-war economic structure, and this fact is of concern to some Lviv residents. A. Khudo also notes that the flow of sex tourists to Lviv has sharply increased since the last devaluation of hryvnia, when the rest in Ukraine became accessible even to foreigners with modest revenues [3]. "Promotes" this process the rapid development of the city's tourist infrastructure in recent years with many luxury hotels, clubs and restaurants, as well as its geographical proximity to the EU countries, their visa-free regime with Ukraine, increasing diversity of flights to Lviv from many countries, including budget airlines. Under these conditions, in our opinion, the task of the authorities and representatives of the national and regional tourism industry is that Ukraine (and in particular its largest cities like Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, Kharkiv etc.) has to be associated first of all with historical and architectural values, natural resources, gastronomy and culture [4].


The dynamic development of urban tourism, which has recently been observed in Ukraine and in the world, raises a number of problems, among which one can note the tourist overload of cities, especially their central and historical parts; destruction many historical and architectural objects and monuments; increase in the amount of urban waste, including tourist one; cases of intimate tourism etc. Solutions most of these problems are possible on the base of the integrated geologistical approach. So this approach, applied in the "Concept of Tourist Decentralization of the City of Lviv", should be extended to all other aspects of the city's tourism industry, including waste management, using the latest technologies and attracting national and international investments. This proposal applies not only to Kyiv and Lviv, but also to other cities - significant tourist centers of Ukraine, namely, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Odesa etc.


1. SmyrnovI.G. Marketing in Tourism : Text-book / I. G. Smyrnov. - K.: KNU named after Taras Shevchenko, 2016. - 251 p.

2. Ivanova E. 50 shades of Lviv / E. Ivanova // Novoye vremia strany. - 2018. - № 19. - May 24. - P. 38-41.

3. Tulchinskaya M. Beautiful country, but they love her not for this / M. Tullchinskaya // Correspondent. - 2018. - May 11, No. 9 (801). - P. 40-43.

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  • Historical development in travel and tourism industry, its structure. The impact of national economic policy in Scotland for success in this area. The function of government, state bodies in the industry. Factors affecting tourism demand in the country.

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  • Tourism as an invisible export. The British Tourist Authority and the English Tourism Council. The competition between National Bus and private companies. The Act about wholesale de-regulation. The Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations.

    презентация [785,1 K], добавлен 31.03.2014

  • A specific feature of services. The main form of supply of services abroad. A need for international regulation of trade in services. Operations on foreign tourism. International tourism as a form of foreign economic activity. World Tourism Organization.

    реферат [1,2 M], добавлен 30.09.2014

  • Official statistics of tourism in Switzerland. Notable tourist destinations: Alpine (Grisons, Engadin, Davos, Wildhaus, Jungfrau, Grindelwald, Zermatt) and Cities (Zurich, Bern, Lucerne, Basel, Geneva, Lausanne, Canton Ticino, Locarno, Lugano, Ascona).

    реферат [2,3 M], добавлен 13.03.2015

  • Finland is a wonderful Nordic country and a priority of tourists which can estimate the nature. Progress of eco-tourism in Finland. The unique lakes and wildelife are objectives of travelers. New Year in Finland, which is the home of Santa Claus.

    презентация [1,5 M], добавлен 17.06.2013

  • General information about geography and population of Canada. Ontario as one of the provinces of the country. Place of the tourism in the economy of Quebec. Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre. Natural beauty of British Columbia. The Vancouver Maritime Museum.

    контрольная работа [4,0 M], добавлен 30.09.2012

  • Psychology of the incentive. Benefits of Incentive Travel. Group and Individual Incentives. Cruise Incentives. Travel incentives are a reward subset of an incentive, recognition or a loyalty program. The growing importance of religious tourism.

    реферат [19,3 K], добавлен 26.12.2013

  • Consideration of geographical location, topography, climatic conditions in Argentina. Introduction to the country's main tourist attractions - museums in Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls. Walking through the city of Mendoza and hiking in the Andes mountains.

    презентация [8,7 M], добавлен 02.12.2011

  • Description of the Golden Ring of Russia as a group of tourist routes through the ancient Russian city. Historical facts and architectural attractions of Vladimir, Suzdal, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Sergiev Posad, Yaroslavl, Pereslavl, Rostov (Yaroslavl region).

    реферат [55,2 K], добавлен 13.01.2016

  • The largest city in the Midwest. The ideal time to visit the Windy City. The main tourist attractions. Best time to visit Chikago. MileNorth Hotel, The Silversmith Hotel & Suites, Manilow Suites Corporate Housing, Fairmont Chicago at Millennium Park.

    презентация [1,0 M], добавлен 17.03.2013

  • History of sports betting. The "cash out" option in sports betting. The main determinants of the betting process. To test the hypothesis that the risk-aversion as the factor that makes individuals accept the amount to "cash out" proposed by a bookmaker.

    дипломная работа [651,3 K], добавлен 04.11.2015

  • College of Tourism and hotel management. Planning the research. Statement of objectives and hypothesis to be examined. The limitation of the hypothesis question, the history of Turkish tourism. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism strategy, word brands.

    реферат [1,2 M], добавлен 20.08.2009

  • Tourism is defined as the act of travel with the intentions of recreational pleasure. There are different types of tourism that can be enjoyed. Description and development of extreme tourism, cultural tourism, educational tourism, ecological tourism.

    контрольная работа [21,2 K], добавлен 11.11.2010

  • The World Tourism Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations, is the leading international organization in the field of tourism. International tourism is the world's largest export earner in the balance of payments of most nations.

    реферат [15,3 K], добавлен 18.07.2009

  • The ecological tourism agency in Lithuania which would provide sustainable tours within the country, individual and group travel tours to eco tourists, professional service and consultation. Mission and vision. Company ownership. Legal establishment.

    курсовая работа [781,7 K], добавлен 11.04.2013

  • United Kingdom of Great Britain on the world map of tourism. The UK is a land made up of many regions, each with a special character and cultural heritage. Sights of England. Development of tourist industry. Value of tourism for the economy of country.

    реферат [31,9 K], добавлен 18.07.2009

  • European capitals as the centers of tourism. Bonn, Madrid, Rome tourist information about eating and drinking, sightseeing, music, theatre, transport, hotels of cities. The role in the tourism in Europe is a tourist exchange between European peoples.

    контрольная работа [37,7 K], добавлен 18.07.2009

  • Tourism as a relatively new phenomenon in the world, the structure of tourism industry, accommodations and catering service and transportation. Tourism in Spain: ideal times for a Spanish trip, eating and drinking. Classification of accommodation.

    контрольная работа [30,5 K], добавлен 18.07.2009

  • Modern Austria and its monarchy, the military and political weakness of the empire. The tourism industry as a major part of the Austrian economy: the organizational structure, economic significance, trends in tourism and the tourism labour market.

    курсовая работа [107,9 K], добавлен 18.07.2009

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