Analysis of features of motivational priorities to recreation and recreational activities of different groups of people

The main reasons for the lack of focus on human health and their involvement in recreational and health activities. Involvement of the population in regular physical exercises during life. Classification of motivational factors for schoolchildren.

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Дата добавления 26.10.2020
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Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Analysis of features of motivational priorities to recreation and recreational activities of different groups of people

Anna Hakman, Angela Medved, Yuri Moseychuk, Vadym Muzhychok

Chernivtsi, Ukraine


Actuality. The reasons for insufficient focusing on of people's health and their involvement in recreational and healthful activities are due to the lack of motivation of individuals in different population groups, from childhood to maturity. Improving the situation in question requires taking a number of measures that presuppose identifying and creating conditions for the realization of the motives for recreational and healthful activities, involving people in regular physical training during their lives. The goal of the research is to determine the peculiarities in the motivational priorities of different population groups for recreational and healthful activities. Research Results. The task of recreational and healthful activities is to make motor activity more meaningful, purposeful in accordance with the individual peculiarities of everyone involved. E. O. Fedorenko suggested the classification of motivational factors for schoolchildren, which can be clustered into 5 groups: informational, individual, educational, informational and communicative, structural and financial. O. E. Likhachev distinguishes three types of motives for recreational and healthful activities in woman's class: motivation by an object as a type of motor activity; motivation by a situation and motivation through partnership. It should be noted that motivational factors for the elderly, according to A.B. Belorusov are rather specific, namely: internal-personal motives, interpersonal motives, motives that operate at the community level. Conclusions. Due to the investigation of the motivation for recreational and healthful activities of different population groups, the absence of a unified, integrated system for the development of motivational priorities throughout life, from childhood to maturity has been found out. Each age period has its own specific features depending on conditions and environment, on the level of health and support of family members and friends, on the opportunities to learn and develop individually, on the level of satisfaction and the perception of environment.

Key words: motivation, recreational and healthful activity, different population groups, recreation.

Ганна Гакман, Анжела Ведмідь, Юрій Мосейчук, Вадим Мужичок. Аналіз особливостей мотиваційних пріоритетів до рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності різних груп населення. Актуальність. Причинами недостатньої орієнтації на здоров'я людей і їх залучення до рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності є недостатня мотивація осіб різних груп населення з дитинства й до старості. Подолання такої ситуації потребує вжиття низки заходів, які передбачають виявлення та створення умов для реалізації мотивів рекреаційно- оздоровчої діяльності, залучення населення до регулярних занять фізичними вправами протягом життя. Мета дослідження - визначити особливості мотиваційних пріоритетів до рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності різних верств населення. Результати досліджень. Завдання рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності полягає в тому, щоб зробити активну рухову діяльність більш осмисленою, цілеспрямованою, такою, що відповідає індивідуальним особливостям кожного, хто займається. Е. О. Федоренко запропонувала класифікацію мотиваційних факторів, для школярів, які можна об'єднати в п'ять груп: інформаційні, індивідуальні, освітні, інформаційно- комунікативні структурно-фінансові. О. Е. Лихачов виокремлює три типи мотивів занять рекреаційно- оздоровчою діяльністю жінок: мотивація об' єктом виду рухової активності; мотивація ситуації й мотив через партнерство. Потрібно зазначити, що мотиваційні фактори для осіб похилого віку, на думку A. B. Бєлорусова, досить специфічні, а саме: внутрішньоособистісні мотиви, міжособистісні мотиви, мотиви, що діють на рівні спільнот. Висновки. У результаті досліджень мотивації до рекреаційно-оздоровчої діяльності різних груп населення виявлено відсутність єдиної взаємодоповнювальної системи розвитку мотиваційних установок протягом життя - із дитинства до старості. Кожен віковий період має свої особливості залежно від умов та оточення, рівня здоров'я й підтримки близьких, можливостей навчатися та розвиватись особисто, рівня отримання задоволення й світосприйняття довкілля.

Ключеві слова: мотивація, рекреаційно-оздоровча діяльність, різні групи населення, рекреація.

Анна Гакман, Анжела Медведь, Юрий Мосейчук, Вадим Мужичок. Анализ особенностей мотивационных приоритетов к рекреационно-оздоровительной деятельности разных групп населения. Актуальность. Причинами недостаточной ориентации на здоровье людей и привлечение их к рекреационно- оздоровительной деятельности является недостаточная мотивация лиц различных групп населения с детства и до старости. Преодоление этой ситуации требует принятия ряда мер, которые предусматривают выявление и создание условий для реализации мотивов рекреационно-оздоровительной деятельности, привлечения населения к регулярным занятиям физическими упражнениями в течение жизни. Цель исследования - определить особенности мотивационных приоритетов к рекреационно-оздоровительной деятельности разных слоев населения. Результаты исследований. Задачи рекреационно-оздоровительной деятельности заключается в том, чтобы сделать активную двигательную деятельность более осмысленной, целенаправленной,такой, которая бы соответствовала индивидуальным особенностям каждого занимающегося. Е. А. Федоренко предложила классификацию мотивационных факторов, для школьников, которые можно объединить в пять групп: информационные, индивидуальные, образовательные, информационно-коммуникативные, структурнофинансовые. А. Е. Лихачев выделяет три типа мотивов занятий рекреационно-оздоровительной деятельностью женщин: мотивация объектом вида двигательной активности; мотивация ситуации и мотив через партнерство. Следует отметить, что мотивационные факторы для лиц пожилиго возраста, по мнению A. B. Белоруссова, являются весьма специфическими, а именно: внутренне-личностные мотивы, межличностные мотивы, мотивы, действующие на уровне сообществ. Выводы. В результате исследований мотивации к рекреационнооздоровительной деятельности разных групп населения выявлено отсутствие единой взаемодополняющей системы развития мотивационных установок на протяжении жизни - с детства до старости. Каждый возрастной период имеет свои особенности в зависимости от условий и окружения, уровня здоровья и поддержки близких, возможностей учиться и развиваться лично, уровня получения удовольствия и восприятия окружающей среды.

Ключевые слова: мотивация, рекреационно-оздоровительная деятельность, различные группы населения, рекреация.

Introduction. Motivation presents the realized reason of activity aimed at achieving this goal and it is a priority for the organization of recreational and recreational activities [12]. Motivation is not constant, it varies depending on the environment. Creating positive conditions greatly increases motivation and provides the challenges health activities [4; 7; 9].

Researches (R.V Bibik, 2010; M. Vylenskyy, 1981; EP Ilyin, 2002 et al.) show that the needs, motivations and interests in physical education have their age features are related to psychological development, social formation of personality, temperament, socio-economic conditions. However, in the literature there are no data that allow to identify factors influencing the motivation of physical selfimprovement, incentives for regular exercise according to individual and typological features of the nervous system, socio-economic conditions of organizational and methodological conditions for recreation and recreational activities of different groups in all regions of Ukraine. Addressing these issues will improve the organizational and methodological basis for the organization of recreational activities of different sectors of the population, increasing the level of health and quality of life in Ukraine.

The research is performed in accordance with the plan of the research work of the department of physical culture and health basics of Chernivtsi National University. According to the department theme «Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and sport and training of the field» Physical education, sport and health». State registration number - 01091/002723.

The Aim of the Study. To identify features of motivational priorities to the recreational and health activities of various population groups.

Methods: method of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison and synthesis. health recreational physical motivational

Results and Discussion. One of the ways to improve recreational and health activities is to develop students motivation to complete self-study. Motivational sphere of students, their attitude to different activities and manifestation of activity in the classroom is basically defined by their needs and appropriate goals. Formation of motivational attitudes of activity begins in the childhood, and this process affects a large number of factors both external and internal. Formation of full motivation to studies is one of the ways to increase the efficiency of physical education, sports and recreational activities of students.

The structure of the motives and factors that influence their formation differs by age and sex specific. Comparative analysis of the structure of motivation of adolescents showed that there are expressed age- related features that should consider the organization of recreational and health activities [11].

Students are so busy that they just do not have time for recreation and fitness classes. And it is because of the large workload students lead a sedentary lifestyle. In secondary schools the necessary level of motor activity almost is never reached. Lack of meaningful motor activity (physical inactivity) inevitably leads to irreparable losses in physical development, weakening the body's defenses and serious health problems.

The essential pedagogical conditions that contribute to the maintenance and development of deep sustained interest of students to physical training are: a variety of means, methods and ways of organizing students in class; the use of competitive gaming and techniques to improve studied stage movements; providing clear, accurate, in-depth understanding of the importance of students each academic topics section of the program; setting specific tasks manageable for students learning and training; using of non-standard equipment and equipment; encouraging students to self-exercise at school time, using a system of rewards and others. Interest in physical culture passes through the mastery of knowledge and skills exercise, sports, satisfying needs, consistent theme, create a positive mood. Positive interest in physical training is defined as a form of cognitive orientation of the individual in terms of knowledge (sociocultural experience in physical development and improving human capabilities of their own physical self in close connection with the spiritual culture) [14].

There are different ways to motivate young people to exercise, demonstrating positive effects of physical activity; interest in new business; interesting forms of breakout sessions; opportunity to assert themselves in the environment and in competition with others; the opportunity to have a beautiful body; be healthy and attractive externally; career development opportunities; imitation idol; analyzing, together with friends, interesting and useful entertainment and more.

The success of the process of formation of motivation of senior pupils to specially organized motor activity depends on the orientation of the educational process, it has characteristic differences, depending on the priorities of the institution and features organizational and methodological conditions institution. The initial concept of the nature of motivation of pupils to specially organized motor activity are the main reasons that high school students guide in their actions, desires in terms of academic and extracurricular physical activities. Study of factors influencing the motivation of senior pupils to specially organized motor activity determines the structure of motivation.

The main motivation of exercise includes are improving sports training classes to enjoy physical activity, participation in sports competitions, health improving, harmony of physique, normalizing of body weight, self-assertion, active leisure, socializing with friends. Research has established that there are many factors influencing the motivation of high school students to a specially organized motor activity very.

O Fedorenko [17] proposed a classification of these factors by which they can be divided into 5 groups: information, personal, educational, informational communication structural and financial.

The first group of factors includes the information of required knowledge gained at the lessons of the physical education about the positive effect of physical activity on human health, as well as the impact of physical activity on the sound quality of life, physical and mental condition.

A group of individual factors includes gender and age characteristics of students, their desire to do, tastes and interests, this group of factors are extremely important and it is one of the priorities in the formation of motivation for physical activity.

The group innovative communication combines factors are fashion and advertising which in the vast majority of youth do not convey the correct setting for a healthy lifestyle, the term «successful person» through fashion and advertising today does not associates in young people with the concept of «harmonious development of person» that is a negative factor.

Factors such as socializing with friends, associations and youth organizations certainly have a great impact on the formation of motivation of senior pupils to physical activity.

The group of structural and financial factors includes: family material status, availability of developed infrastructure of schools and sections in various sports, finance of sports schools for youth.

Educational factors include education of the family and features of educational and organizational process of educational institutions and it certainly have a great influence on the formation of motivation of senior pupils to physical activity. .

The main tool in the implementation of personal reasons and serves the needs of students is the use of educational technology, sports and recreational and health orientation with regard to their health, physical fitness, motivational and psycho-emotional features. That's why technology of motivation needs is determined by many factors: ethnic and cultural traditions and climatic features of territory of residence, specific joint activities, etc. [16].

According to Yu Moseychuk [16], the preferred initial motivation courses of students are «health promotion» (33,5 and 33,4 %) and, characteristically, the largest percentage falls on first year girls students (52 %). Quite high indices have first year g students, and the second year students of motive «interesting free time» (17,0 and 16,8 %). The characteristic feature is a measure of «education volitional qualities» of girls where its indication is zero. In second year, and compared with the first year increases index of motive «communication with their peers,» indicating that the gradual adaptation of new students to living and studying.

The complex measures to improve and maintain the motivation of recreation and recreational activities, according to E. V. Andreeva [3] should include: accounting fitness and recreational interests of the population; then the analysis of the reasons reasons that motivate people to exercise. Formation of motivation is influenced by external and internal factors related to the implementation of human needs. In his studies, O. E. Likhachev [15] distinguishes three types of motives of recreational classes and recreational activities of women: motivation of the object of motor activity (fashion, popular form of motor activity) Motivation by the situation is realization that the health is lost, something must be done, and motivation through partnership - a friend does that, and I can try, because it is quite difficult for women of this age to decide to start classes without external support. Types of motives that prevail at the start of of physical activity classes determines the specifics of this of activity types it is the basis in determining ways to maintain the interest of women in recreational and recreational activities.

According to some authors [2; 8; 9; 10], little attention is paid to the involvement of elderly people to recreation and recreational activities, especially the study of motivational priorities. It is this age group can that serve a good role model for all age groups. Quite important is the fact that consideration of behavioral factors that influence on the decision of people the to change the style and way of life, believing that knowledge of these determinants and their integration in the development of appropriate policy measures will provide the implemented measures with more focused character and improve their effectiveness (table 1) [11].

Table 1 Factors that Encourage Seniors to Enhance Lifestyles

Groups of Factors


Intra-personal motives

Improving the health (physical and mental), combating diseases, weight loss, improve overall health, enjoyment of physical activity, its competitive nature

Interpersonal motives

Support for the family, colleagues, friends, meeting new people, socializing during workout

Motives acting at Community level

Institutional incentives: the nature of the program (collective action, music),

environmental parameters, motivational interviewing.

Financial Incentives: a reward for participating in the program, free software or programs with low price, volunteering

So determinants of motor activity of older people are quite large. Studies show that many of them can be given a positive external influence both through improvement of the environment according to the needs of older people and by organizing appropriate programs, taking into account the identified factors.

Conclusions and Perspectives for Further Research. As a result of studies of motivation to recreation and recreational activities of various groups the lack of a unified system of complementary motivational systems throughout life, from childhood to old age is identified. Each age period is different depending on the conditions and environment, the level of care and support of relatives opportunities to learn and develop personally, the level of enjoyment and outlook of the environment. It is found that motivation is based on external and internal factors. Moreover, the data components of motivation must exist in the dialectical unity. Further research should be directed at studying the motivational structures of different sections of the population as a whole system.

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