Characteristic features of professional study of physical education and sports in the USA

Popularization of health-improving events and Olympic sports. Study of professional training in physical education and sports in the United States. Financial and material support of the educational process. Academic specialization in sports education.

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Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Characteristic features of professional study of physical education and sports in the USA

Serhii Medynskyi 1Ph. D. in Physical and

Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor.


Actuality. Innovative processes in the field of physical culture and sports, understanding the value of health, recognition of high social importance of physical education, promotion of fitness, physical activities and sports, creating a positive public attitude to physical activity and sport through the recognition and respect for the achievements of teams or individual people - all of the above leads to the need of the expansion of the services rendered by means of physical activity and accordingly requires substantial changes in the study of future professionals of physical education and sport. One of the current issues in society today is a lack of professionals in the sphere of physical education and sport. Preparation of these professionals should take into account current global trends of education and the need to consider the experience of leading countries. Methods. Methodological principles of research are: the theory of philosophical knowledge and mutual interdependence of the phenomena of objective reality; an objective study of the development and communication of specific historical conditions based on the unity logical and historical, general and special, theory and practice. Results. The study proved the theory and practice of professional preparation of specialists of physical education and sports in the USA. Scientific theory of the system of such training is generalized. Tendencies of development of physical culture and sports in the US as determinants of modernization of professional preparation of specialists are revealed. The system of professional preparation of specialists of physical education and sports is characterized as one that has a coherent, continuous and differentiated character within university education We studied majors, spheres of physical education and sports, in a wild range of USA universities. The analysis of educational programs, available at these universities, helped us to generalize them as the bachelor programs - academic specializations, which are determined as majors. We outline twelve majors of bachelor's levels which correspond with the titles of bachelor's specializations. Data of the comparative analysis of curriculum shows that it structure has common and quite unified character and consists of three key components: general education, field disciplines and major courses. It was found that for the Parks, recreation, leisure, and fitness studies divides these components pretty much alike and displays slight divergences not as much in the content of curricula as in the titles of the studied disciplines. Four years is provided for a bachelor's degree education, during which the student assimilates a set of academic courses within 120 credits. Selection process at the universities is based on grade requirements for academic courses. Hence only 14-15 % of the students on average complete bachelors degree in the USA.

It is studied that in US schools traditional forms of learning and modern interactive technologies are practiced. Current control and selection provide quality of professional preparation of specialists. Universities and colleges in the United States available additional paid spring and summer semester lasting 1-3 weeks to eliminate the «debt» capture additional students in disciplines such additional payment semesters.

Key words: major, bachelor, professional preparation, specialist, physical education, sport, the USA.


Сергій Мединський. Характерні риси системи професійної підготовки фахівців із фізичного виховання й спорту в США. Актуальність. Інноваційні процеси у сфері фізичної культури й спорту, осмислення цінності здоров'я людини, визнання високої соціальної значущості фізкультурної освіти, популяризація фізкультурно-оздоровчих заходів та олімпійських видів спорту, формування позитивного ставлення широкого загалу до фізкультури й спорту через визнання та пошанування досягнень команд чи окремих осіб - усе це зумовлює потребу в розширенні послуг, що здійснюються засобами фізичної культури й, відповідно, потребує суттєвих змін у професійній підготовці майбутніх фахівців із фізичного виховання та спорту. Актуальне питання сьогодення - потреба суспільства в педагогічних кадрах, підготовка яких має відбуватися з урахуванням сучасних світових тенденцій освіти та необхідністю врахування досвіду провідних країн світу з досліджень проблем професійної підготовки фахівців із фізичної культури й спорту, зокрема США. Методи дослідження. Дослідження ґрунтується на порівняльно-аналітичному вивченні професійної підготовки фахівців із фізичного виховання та спорту в США, в основу якого покладено системний підхід, що передбачає розгляд органічних складових цілого в їх взаємодії, а також дає змогу провести дослідження з позицій цілісності, розкрити структурні компоненти системи професійної освіти, виявити механізми їх взаємозв'язків і взаємовпливів. Результати дослідження. Особливими ознаками професійної підготовки фахівців із фізичного виховання й спорту в Сполучених Штатах Америки визначено децентралізацію освіти (відсутність прямого впливу Департаменту освіти США на освітній процес; запровадження освітніх стандартів та ліцензування фахівців департаментами освіти штатів; визначення змісту освітніх програм і внутрішніх правил та вимог навчальними закладами безпосередньо); наявність законодавчо визначеної освітньої галузі «Парки, рекреація, дозвілля та фітнес»; наявність чотирьох основних напрямів (педагогічного, тренерсько-інструкторського, оздоровчо-реабілітаційного, управлінсько-адміністративного) і 12 академічних спеціалізацій із підготовки фахівців із фізичного виховання й спорту в рамках університетської освіти; для здобуття ступеня бакалавра передбачено чотири роки, протягом яких студент засвоює комплекс навчальних дисциплін у межах 120 кредитів; наявність у програмах підготовки фахівців блоків дисциплін загальної освіти, галузі знань, академічної спеціалізації, вибіркового блоку дисциплін; вимоги щодо якості знань студентів як з окремих дисциплін, так і змістових блоків упродовж періоду навчання, що визначають умови поточного відбору та зумовлює низький відсоток (14-15 %) випускників бакалаврату впродовж останніх 50 років; об'ємну та різнопланову складову практичної діяльності з особливими вимогами допуску й звітності; додаткові навчальні семестри тривалістю 1-3 тижні для ліквідації «заборгованостей», опанування додаткових навчальних дисциплін (додатково оплачувані); високий рівень фінансово-матеріального забезпечення навчального процесу. Висновки. Комплексно розкрито теоретичні та практичні засади професійної підготовки фахівців із фізичного виховання й спорту в Сполучених Штатах Америки, що виявляється у виявленні та розкритті концептуальних засад, змісту та особливостей організації професійної підготовки фахівців із фізичного виховання й спорту в системі вищої освіти США.

Ключові слова: академічна спеціалізація, бакалавр, професійна підготовка, фахівець, фізичне виховання, спорт, США.


Сергей Медынский. Характерные черты системы профессиональной подготовки специалистов по физическому воспитанию и спорту в США. Актуальность. Инновационные процессы в сфере физической культуры и спорта, осмысление ценности здоровья человека, признание высокой социальной значимости физкультурного образования, популяризация физкультурно-оздоровительных мероприятий и олимпийских видов спорта, формирование позитивного отношения широкой общественности к физкультуре и спорту через признание и уважение достижений команд или отдельных спортсменов - все это обусловливает потребность в расширении услуг, осуществляемых средствами физической культуры и, соответственно, требует существенных изменений в профессиональной подготовке будущих специалистов по физическому воспитанию и спорту. Актуальным вопросом сегодняшнего дня есть потребность общества в педагогических кадрах, подготовка которых должна происходить с учетом современных мировых тенденций образования и необходимостью учета опыта ведущих стран мира по исследованиям проблем профессиональной подготовки специалистов по физической культуре и спорту, в частности в США. Методы исследования. Исследование базируется на сравнительно-аналитическом изучении профессиональной подготовки специалистов по физическому воспитанию и спорту в США, в основу которого положен системный подход, предполагающий рассмотрение органических составляющих целого в их взаимодействии, а также позволяет провести исследования с позиций целостности, раскрыть структурные компоненты системы профессионального образования, выявить механизмы их взаимосвязей и взаимовлияния. Результаты исследования. Особыми признаками профессиональной подготовки специалистов по физическому воспитанию и спорту в США определены децентрализация образования (отсутствие прямого воздействия Департамента образования США на образовательный процесс; внедрение образовательных стандартов и лицензирования специалистов департаментами образования штатов, определение содержания образовательных программ и внутренних правил и требований учебными заведениями непосредственно); наличие законодательно определенной образовательной отрасли «Парки, рекреация, досуг и фитнес»; наличие четырех основных направлений (педагогический, тренерско-инструкторский, оздоровительно-реабилитационный, административно-управленческий) и 12 академических специализаций по подготовке специалистов по физическому воспитанию и спорту в рамках университетского образования; для получения степени бакалавра предусмотрено четыри года, в течение которых студент усваивает комплекс учебных дисциплин в пределах 120 кредитов; наличие в программах подготовки специалистов блоков дисциплин общего образования, отрасли знаний, академической специализации, выборочного блока дисциплин; требования к качеству знаний студентов как по отдельным дисциплинам, так и содержательных блоков в течение периода обучения, определяющие условия текущего отбора, низкий процент (14-15 %) выпускников баклаврата в течение последних 50 лет; объемную и разнообразную составляющую практической подготовки с особыми требованиями допуска и отчетности; дополнительные учебные семестры продолжительностью 1-3 недели для ликвидации «задолженностей», овладение дополнительными учебными дисциплинами (дополнительно оплачиваемые), высокий уровень финансово-материального обеспечения учебного процесса. Выводы. Комплексно раскрываются теоретические и практические основы профессиональной подготовки специалистов по физическому воспитанию и спорту в Соединенных Штатах Америки, что отражается в выявлении и раскрытии концептуальных основ, содержания и особенностей организации профессиональной подготовки специалистов по физическому воспитанию и спорту в системе высшего образования США.

Ключевые слова: академическая специализация, бакалавр, профессиональная подготовка, специалист, физическое воспитание, спорт, США.


olympic sport education

Innovative processes in the field of physical culture and sports, understanding the value of health, recognition of high social importance of physical education, promotion of fitness, physical activities and sports, creating a positive public attitude to physical activity and sport through the recognition and respect for the achievements of teams or individual people-all of the above leads to the need of the expansion of the services rendered by means of physical activity and accordingly requires substantial changes in the study of future professionals of physical education and sport.

One of the current issues in society today is a lack of professionals in the sphere of physical education and sport. Preparation of these professionals should take into account current global trends of education and the need to consider the experience of leading countries.

Indisputable global leadership of the USA in the achievements of Olympic, professional and student sports; comprehensive state policy to encourage citizens into recreational physical activity; progressive system of improving motor activity of the population; a wide range of educational programs in the field of physical education and sport in universities and colleges requires the analysis of American experience. In this context, the acquisition of US experience of professional study in the field of physical education and sport is of particular interest to us.

In this paper we research both the educational sphere of physical culture and sports of the United States and define commonalities US higher education in general.

1. Material and Methods of the Study

Methodological principles of research are: the theory of philosophical knowledge and mutual interdependence of the phenomena of objective reality; an objective study of the development and communication of specific historical conditions based on the unity logical and historical, general and special, theory and practice.

We used a system approach which enables the analysis of the study of professionals of physical education and sport in the United States from the standpoint of integrity; disclosure of the structural components of vocational education; specific features inherent in the system of professional study in physical education and sports in the United States.

The base study sources are: documents of the American government and its departments (President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition, Department of Health and Human Services, The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, The Office of the First Lady), documents of public associations and organizations in the field of physical education and, sports and higher education of the USA (Education Department, Education Commission Of The States, National Education Association, Association Of American Colleges And Universities, American Alliance For Health, Physical Education, Recreation And Dance, National Association for Sport and Physical Education); scientific, methodological and analytical literature of colleges and universities of the USA (education curricula, syllabus, guidelines, textbooks and academic journals for future specialists in physical education and sport in the United States).

2. Results of the Study. Discussion

There have been significant changes in American higher education in general and university training program in particular during the last decade.

The main reasons for the above changes were radical transformation of universities and higher education programs. This paper defines majors available in the United States universities and colleges in order to specify educational sphere of physical culture and sport of the US. Furthermore, the analysis of the relationship of state and public higher education quality management has been conducted.

National Center for Education Statistics of the United States is the primary federal agency for the collection, analysis and presentation of data related to education in the United States and other countries. Department of Education of the Institute of Educational Sciences of the National Center for Education Statistics of the United States has developed Classification of Instructional Programs, which is a systematized study programs in US colleges and universities [1].

Working on Classification, we have established the existence of more than 60 areas of study.

To the sphere of physical education and sports we have allocated the following:

- Area of Study № 13 «Education», Instructional Program 13.1314 Physical Education Teaching and Coaching;

- Area of Study № 31 Parks, Recreation, Leisure, and Fitness Studies. This area of Study consists of training programs that focus on the principles and techniques of management of parks and other recreational and fitness organizations, as well as providing services in recreation, leisure and fitness and studies human functional condition. We have researched that it includes 5 concentrations and consists of 12 Instructional Programs [2].

In the course of a close scrutiny of the USA physical education field was established the whole «Parks, recreation, leisure, and fitness studies» division according to the USA educational information sites «Campus Explorer», «The College Board», «Educational portal», «College Majors 101», «My» [3; 4; 5; 6].

Comparing the list of educational programs of the educational information sites to the list of Classification of Instructional Programs we have noted the following controversies:

- Educational information site offers 2 educational concentrations in contrast to Classification of Instructional Programs which offers 5 educational concentrations;

- Educational information site offers from 9 to 13 instructional programs whereas Classification of Instructional Programs offers 12 instructional programs;

- Educational information site «Campus Explorer» offers similar instructional programs in both educational concentration «Physical Fitness» and «Park, Recreation and Leisure».

S. Hoffman noted the presence in the Area of Study «Parks, recreation, leisure, and fitness studies» six majors: Physical Education teacher, trainer, expert in athletic training, fitness specialist, sports manager, a specialist in health promotion. Each of the above majors has special requirements within the curriculum, but they are treated as professionals in kinesiology. These professions combine academic career in five areas of specialists in physical education and sport in the United States: 1. Teaching; 2. Coaching and sport;

3. Rehabilitation; 4. Recreation and fitness; 5. Sports management [7].

We have studied each educational program, represented in Educational information site, at least at five different universities. Thus, we researched that universities offer «majors» instead of «educational programs». Furthermore, universities offer several academic majors for the same «educational program» from the educational information site.

The title of the academic major is the same as the title of the bachelor program, and this title is quite different from the title of the educational program, which is presented in the educational information site. Our research identifies 12 types of majors for the Bachelor level in the educational field of physical education and sport USA. Further research allowed us to group these majors into 4 educational concentrations [8; 9].

Thus, we identify the following educational concentrations in the sphere of physical education and sport in the United States:

1. Teaching-includes two academic majors:

- Physical Education Teacher Education,

- Adapted Physical Education;

2. Trainer-instructor - consists of three academic majors:

- Fitness Specialist,

- Exercise Science or/and Applied Exercise and Sport Sciences,

- Sport Psychology and Leadership;

3. Health-Rehabilitation - comprises five academic majors:

- Athletic Training,

- Foods & Nutrition,

- Pre-Physical Therapy,

- Health Promotion,

- RecreationalTherapy;

4. Administrative management - combines two academic majors:

- Sport Administration/ Management,

- Recreation Administration.

Each state has the right to set different levels of monitoring and control over education under the federal law. Quality of education is periodically monitored by the accreditation. There are two main types of accreditation: institutional accreditation (comprehensive assessment of the educational institutions, university's departments); academic Accreditation (evaluation of educational programs, academic disciplines). Information about the accreditation of educational institutions and programs is accessible to the public. This information is available on the Federal Department of Education US website. It is represented as a special catalog, which lists all accredited colleges and programs.

However, higher education institutions are allowed to operate with a significant degree of independence and autonomy. As a consequence, American educational institutions can widely and quickly change their educational programs according to the market demand, society, development of science and technology. Thus, the higher education of the USA combines diverse state institutions and community associations in the field of education, physical culture and sports. Their joint efforts are aimed at providing modem and high level quality in education.

Below we are going to outline the general characteristics of academic majors and define public organizations in charge of certifying specialists of every major:

1) Physical Education Teacher Education. This major prepares teachers of physical education who can work at schools (from primary to high school). Classes are taught using different techniques of aerobics and at the same time students are introduced to the basics of various sports. Major programmer includes such classes as pedagogy, health teaching methods, physiology, kinesiology, aerobics and recreational sports, and applied physical education. Usually a field student-teaching experience is included towards the end of the bachelor's program. It enables students to obtain first-hand experience in teaching students at educational institutions supervised by licensed instructors. Physical education teachers can also coach sport teams at schools.

Graduates of this major are certified by National Association for Sport and Physical Education, a leading organization of all levels of physical education. It is compulsory for physical education teachers who work at public schools to have a license, however at private institutions it is not obligatory to have the above license in order to teach or coach. Terms and conditions of licensing vary depending on the state, however the main criteria are successful completion of a 4-year major program and good grade point average. Even after obtaining a license, teachers are required to renew it every 3 to 5 years.

2) Adapted Physical Education major is a type of physical education, which is modified so as to be suitable for people with disabilities and health disparities. There are Adapted Physical Education National Standards, which determine the career direction of Adapted Physical Education graduates. In addition, this organization is also in charge of issuing the certificates and licenses for the professionals of this filed.

3) Fitness Specialist major focuses on physical education and fitness. Students can undertake various positions related to promoting a healthy lifestyle. Fitness Specialist major is based on the applicative scientific theories and on research and development, sufficient enough for the students to obtain qualification certified by ACSM. Students study principles of physiology and kinesiology. They are also involved in numerous workshops and activities related to fitness and physical activity assessment, developing training programs, nutrition plans and theories of sports motivation.

Generally, fitness specialist developing programs aimed at reducing cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic and musculoskeletal health problems. Directions and recommendations of American College of Sports Medicine are used as a basis for curricula of the most universities in the US.

4) Exercise Sciences and Applied Exercise and Sport Sciences major.

The curriculum of this major combines medical and sports disciplines. So, that makes it possible to obtain not only the profession of coach, but also one of the non-medical professions such as movement therapy specialist.

Major Exercise Sciences is accredited by Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs according to the standards determined by Committee on Accreditation for the Exercise Sciences. This major consists of the following components: core academic subjects, specialized courses in assessment, preparation and implementation of training programs and practical application of acquired skills.

5) Sport Psychology and Leadership major is an interdisciplinary science that combines aspects of both psychology and kinesiology. This major studies the relationship of psychological factors and sports performance and the level of sports training and how psychological status and athletic performance are affected by training activities and exercises.

In addition to teaching and forming psychological skills that improve sports results of athletes, Sport Psychology and Leadership graduates can also build a career directly working with athletes, coaches and parents on issues such as trauma, rehabilitation, team building, career development etc.

Association for Applied Sport Psychology issues the licenses for Sport Psychology and Leadership graduates which enables them to work as a Certified Consultant.

6) Athletic Training major is an academic specialization that prepares professionals in the provision of health and rehabilitation services, rather than training athletes or coaching fitness classes.

Graduates of this major can become certified staff in a sphere of health care, specializing on activities in the field of sports medicine.

American Medical Association, AMA, was the first association to recognize Athletic Trainer profession as one of the auxiliary medical specialty occupations in 1990. This academic major is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education. Professional Certification of Athletic Training specialists are granted by The Board of Certification, formed in 1989. The Board of Certification establishes standards for athletic training and regularly reviews the requirements of already certified athletic trainers.

7) Foods and Nutrition (Foods science, or Dietics) major enables students with complex knowledge of the basic principles of food use and nutritional necessities of the person. The diverse program incorporates the regions of food science, nutrition, biochemistry, physiology administration, and social sciences. This major is an interdisciplinary study of the impact of the quality and sources of food, its evaluation and selection, dietary health status and well-being of people.

Graduates of Foods and nutrition major qualify as food science technical specialists; they often work with sales and marketing of foods and nutritional products, weight control and fitness programs; as service managers at food companies, governmental agencies and laboratories.

Many graduates have become food science technical specialists doing research, development and quality control of food products for food companies.

This program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics; Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; officially recognized by the Council on Postsecondar Accreditation and the US Department of education.

8) The Pre-Physical Therapy program of study is not a degree-granting major. Pre-Physical Therapy major is one of many academic disciplines of the faculty of kinesiology, which provides students with basic knowledge and skills that enable them to choose among many Master's programs in health care. It is important to understand that physical therapy is the so-called graduation or master's program.

Physical therapists use their acquired scientific and medical knowledge to treat patients of all ages; to ease their pain; to minimize or prevent deformities; to improve patients' general health and functional ability.

Physical Therapy Association (now called the American Physical Therapy Association) provides accreditation of educational programs, academic disciplines and licensing specialists of Physiotherapy Association.

9) Health Promotion major prepares students to ensure a good level of health and disease prevention and improve the quality of life for public. The major prepares students to master the roles of wellness/health, fitness professionals in private or public sector, community organizations, and health care centers.

Following graduation students posses the below skills: planning of health program, conducting health needs assessments, implementation and evaluation of health programs.

Experts of this major are certified in such institutions and organizations as Certified Health Education Specialist, American College of Sports Medicine, National Academy of Sports Medicine etc.

10) Recreational Therapy major specializes on recreational activities and other exercises for the treatment and improvement of functional status of people in aspects of their mental, emotional and social well-being. In its activities, recreational therapists often use techniques such as adaptive sports, play therapy, anger management and psychological training, water therapy, cognitive training, stress management and relaxation and more.

A Recreational Therapist helps clients to improve functioning for greater health through developing their knowledge, skills and behaviors. Activity-based interventions are used as a part of the methodical therapeutic recreation process that addresses specific evidence-based results.

Most recreational therapists work in health care facilities such as hospitals, medical centers, schools and so on..

11) Sport Administration major combines elements of business education in physical education and sport.

This major enables students with an understanding of vital communication and business principles that are necessary for successful administion within the sport industry; knowledge of how to use business principles in the areas of sports industry

Major includes following topic: management communications, finance, research, marketing, media relations, leadership, law and regulations etc.

Graduates of this major are taught how to use legal and business principles to manage sports teams, health clubs, athletic programs and fitness facilities.

12) Recreation Administration major focuses on the fundamental concepts of recreational and leisure activities; holdind indoor and outdoor recreational events and services for the citizens.

Graduates of this major should be concerned in creating programs that are tailored to the target audience; search for, hire and fire staff; interact with the community to promote recreational and sport events.

Students of Recreation Administration major intensively study disciplines such as management and planning theory, ecology, management of recreation outdoors and more. They acquire practical experience during the three-month internship period

Takes care accreditation recreation programs and recreation park National Association

National Recreation and Park Association acridities this major and certificates professionals which are called Certified Park and Recreation Professionals.

Specific features of the higher education in the USA are following:

I. Curriculum.

An undergraduate curriculum is a formal academic plan for the learning experiences of students in pursuit of a college degree. The term curriculum, broadly defined, includes goals for student learning (skills, knowledge and attitudes); content (the subject matter in which learning experiences are embedded); sequence (the order in which concepts are presented); learners; instructional methods and activities; instructional resources (materials and settings); evaluation (methods used to assess student learning as a result of these experiences); and adjustments to teaching and learning processes, based on experience and evaluation [10].

Our research reveals that curricula of higher education at universities of the US are divided into three basic components:

- general or liberal arts studies;

- professional education (discipline of Studying Area);

- major education (also includes laboratory and field experience).

Each of the above components is worth a specific amount of credits: general or liberal arts studies courses - 20-40 credits; professional education courses - 20-30 credits; courses of major education - 30-50 credits.

General or liberal arts studies component provides a wide range of optional courses. However courses of major education are usually clearly defined at each university.

II. Educational credits.

The Bachelor degree program traditionally requires a total of 120 credits (credit hours, units).

A credit hour certainly interconnects with student contact hours.

Cumulative students' contact hours are independent of the universities and are determined by the total number of credit hours.

Universities and colleges in the United States available additional paid semester lasting 1-3 weeks to eliminate the «debt» capture additional students in disciplines such additional payment semesters;

Traditionally a calendar year is divided into 2 semesters (fall and spring) of 15 weeks each. There also is an additional spring and summer session of varying lengths, but there is no official summer semester. These additional sessions are used for the retake or studying extra courses.

III. Educational requirements.

There are specific grade requirements for academic courses. Furthermore, there are prerequisites to some courses where basic level of the subject should be completed before being admitted onto the higher level.

Moving onto studying major education is allowed only after completing general or liberal arts studies and some courses of professional education with the grade of C or above.

Major education is a key component in a bachelor study. It includes experiential education such as field studies, internships, service-learning, intenships and practica.

There are specific admission requirements to practice and reporting.

Personality-oriented, interactive professional and educational technologies are widely used in the higher education process. They include personal mentoring and individual formation of educational programs, adaptation workshops, a first year seminar, senior seminars, case method, the Socratic method; professional and simulation training, modular technology, the formation of professional portfolios and multidirectional training.

Selection process at the universities is based on grade requirements for academic courses. Students' knowledge is assessed throughout the semester and exam periods. Thus there is constant selection of the students. Hence only 14-15 % of the students on average complete bachelors degree in the USA.

IV. Additionaly.

An important encouraging factor is the opportunity to receive a scholarship. Our research determined that 60-80 % of students receive various scholarships.


This paper analyses the system of professional study of physical education and sport in the United States. It shows that the preparation of such specialists is systemic, multidimensional phenomenon that is holistic, of continuous character that encompasses a set of interconnected structural elements (legal framework; universities, colleges and educational centers; national and federal programs for the development of physical education and sports; education and sports and recreational programs; curricular; principles of innovative learning; teaching staff, scientific and methodological support etc.). Such structure of the higher education positively affects the quality of the professional education and leads to individual and society development.

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