Sports-animation activities in Pidkarpattiya: status and staffing prospects

The purpose of the article is to identify the characteristics of sports and animation services in cities and to establish the feasibility of training for sports and animation events in places of mass entertainment. The theoretical analysis is used.

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Дата добавления 02.11.2020
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Sports-animation activities in Pidkarpattiya: status and staffing prospects

Bogdan Mytskan

Nazar Fedyniak

Oleh Vintoniak


The aim of this study was to identify the characteristics of sports and animation services in cities and establish feasibility Pidkarpatiya training to provide sports and animation activities in places of public entertainment. We used theoretical analysis, surveys and statistical methods. Among the respondents, the number of 1200 people, representing the general population, included people of different professions: teachers, doctors, students, workers manufacturing jobs and the service sector. In every village we have interviewed 300 people. Found that animation activities, standing out from a number of other types of social activity has its characteristics, namely implemented in their spare time; different freedom of choice, voluntary, active as the initiative of one person, and different social groups; caused by ethnic, regional peculiarities and traditions; characterized by a diversity of species based on different interests of adults, youth and children; a humanistic, cultural, developmental, recreational and educational nature. We conducted a survey showed that the most popular animation activities in Ivano-Frankivsk (reported by 44,0 % of respondents), 36,0 % of respondents say that the animation used in Bukovel, 14,0 % - in Vorokhta and 6,0 % - in Yaremche. So in all tourist centers Pidkarpatiya formation occurred animation scope of the various groups. This is obviously a deterrent is the lack of qualified personnel, providing animation activities requires an appropriate response to this education of the profile. sports animation entertainment

Key words: animation sports, leisure, staffing.

Богдан Мицкан, Назарій Фединяк, Олег Вінтоняк.

Спортивно-анімаційна діяльність у Підкарпатті: стан та перспективи кадрового забезпечення.

Мета цього дослідження - виявити особливості розвитку спортивно-анімаційних послуг у містах Підкарпаття та встановити доцільність підготовки кадрів для забезпечення спортивно-анімаційної діяльності населення в місцях проведення дозвілля. Методи. Під час дослідження використано теоретичний аналіз, опитування, статистичні методи. До респондентів у кількості 1200 осіб, котрі становили генеральну сукупність, входили люди різних професій: учителі, лікарі, студенти, працівники виробничих професій і сфер обслуговування. У кожному населеному пункті нами опитано по 300 осіб. Установлено, що анімаційна діяльність, виділяючись із низки інших видів суспільної діяльності, має свої характерні ознаки, а саме: реалізується у вільний час; відрізняється свободою вибору, добровільністю, активністю, як ініціативою однієї людини, так і різних соціальних груп; зумовлена національно-етнічними, регіональними особливостями й традиціями; характеризується різноманіттям видів на базі різних інтересів дорослих, молоді та дітей; має гуманістичний, культурологічний, розвивальний, оздоровчий і виховний характер. Проведене опитування показало, що анімаційна діяльність найбільш популярна в Івано-Франківську (на це вказали 44,0 % респондентів); 36,0 % опитуваних стверджують, що анімація використовується на Буковелі, 14,0 % - у Ворохті та 6,0 % - у Яремчі. Отже, у всіх туристичних центрах Підкарпаття відбулося становлення анімаційної сфери діяльності різних груп населення. При цьому очевидно, що стримувальним фактором є дефіцит кваліфікованих кадрів, які забезпечують анімаційну діяльність, що вимагає відповідного реагування на це навчальних закладів відповідного профілю.

Ключові слова: спортивна анімація, дозвілля, кадрове забезпечення.

Богдан Мицкан, Назарий Фединяк, Олег Винтоняк. Спортивно-анимационная деятельность в Подкарпатье: состояние и перспективы кадрового обеспечения. Цель исследования - выявить особенности развития спортивно-анимационных услуг в городах Прикарпатья и установить целесообразность подготовки кадров для обеспечения спортивно-анимационной деятельности населения в местах проведения досуга. Методы. Во время исследования использовали теоретический анализ, опросы, статистические методы. К числу респондентов, в количестве 1200 человек, что составляло генеральную совокупность, входили люди разных профессий: учителя, врачи, студенты, работники производственных профессий и сфер обслуживания. В каждом населенном пункте нами опрошено по 300 человек. Установлено, что анимационная деятельность, выделяясь из ряда других видов общественной деятельности, имеет свои характерные признаки, а именно: реализуется в свободное время; отличается свободой выбора, добровольностью, активностью, как по инициативе одного человека, так и различных социальных групп; обусловлена национально-этническими, региональными особенностями и традициями; характеризуется многообразием видов на базе различных интересов взрослых, молодежи и детей; имеет гуманистический, культурологический, развивающий, оздоровительный и воспитательный характер. Проведенный нами опрос показал, что анимационная деятельность наиболее популярная в Ивано-Франковске (на это указали 44,0 % респондентов); 36,0 % опрошенных утверждают, что анимация используется на Буковеле, 14,0 % - в Ворохте и 6,0 % - в Яремче. Так что во всех туристических центрах Прикарпатья произошло становление анимационной сферы деятельности различных групп населения. При этом очевидно, что сдерживающим фактором является дефицит квалифицированных кадров, которые обеспечивают анимационную деятельность, что требует соответствующего реагирования на это учебных заведений соответствующего профиля.

Ключевые слова: спортивная анимация, досуг, кадровое обеспечение.


Most researchers [2; 4; 18] consider the concept of animation as a new trend in tourism, which is designed to "breathe life" into tourism programs and thereby to engage a lot of people of different functions to participate in them. As for the animator, this is an expert who is engaged in the development and implementation of individual and collective programs for active leisure and proving proper rest.

However, according to M. Dutchak [3] in the modern world the concept of "animation" - is determined by "3D": delassiment - "relaxation", divertissement - "fun" development - "evolution", which involves the physical restoration of a person (relaxation) through experiencing joy and satisfaction (fun), as well as fulfilling of needs (evolution).

According to Alyoshina AI [1] animation - a kind of service that aims to improve quality of service while helping to attract people to the active forms of leisure.

Today in tourism and leisure business of Ukraine quite fundamental changes take place: a departure from the standards of the Soviet system and the transition to European service began, including service in the field of entertainment. As a result, there is a "Europeanisation" of tourist facilities and leisure services, and specialists of this field require a higher level of training that would enable them to acquire relevant competencies [4].

It is clear that the tourism sphere badly needs skilled animators, whose preparation should be based on modern philosophy, principles and values of active leisure. [2] In this regard, the issue of professional training of specialists animators is quite important for the education system in Ukraine. The term "specialist in the field of leisure" covers various concepts and is characterized by ambiguity in the universe. In Italy, Spain, France, specialist in the field of leisure are called socio-cultural animators, in Germany - social workers, free time teachers, in the US - recreator-therapists, in the UK - social workers [2].

Our analysis of publications on the issue of sports animation (Dutchak M. V., Pasichnyak L. V., 2015, Schuryk I. M., 2015), animation as a form of recreational activity (Aleshin A., Bychuk A., 2016), tourist animation (Maksymets A. V., 2011; Soboryn M. S., 2011), legal regulation of animation activities in the country (Danilyeva J. G., Lastochkina D. Y., 2010, Zasymovych E. S., and Volobueva I. I., 2010), shows that the problem of training STAFFING to implement the animation activities is the most important since according to Dutchak M. V. [3] sports animation through its significance and demand, acquires features of independent type of social activity.

The aim - to identify the characteristics of sports and animation services in cities of Prykarpattia and establish preparation feasibility of staffing to provide sports and animation activities of the population.

Material and Methods of the Study. To achieve this goal a set of interrelated methods were used, such as: analysis, synthesis and generalization of scientific information on the problem of study, surveys, statistical analysis of quantitative data. Among the respondents, the number of 1200 people,which represents the general population, included people of different professions: teachers, doctors, students, manufacturing jobs workers and the service sector. In every settlement we have interviewed 300 people.

Results of the Study. Discussion. Organizer of animation services - a creative profession that requires knowledge of history, sociology of tourism, psychology, pedagogy, history of world tourism development, regional geography, tourism resources, religious studies [5]. Organizer should have a high level of professional communication culture and professional speech, and therefore, a thorough knowledge of the Ukrainian language of professional direction, foreign languages and other subjects, which students study according to the curriculum.

Animation - a completely new direction, which is extensively used throughout the world, as people expect from future vacation not only physical and psychological recovery of the body, but still something special and unusual, which they do not have in everyday life. Animation - a kind of service that aims to improve the quality of service. The essence of the animation activity is to attract people to the active forms of leisure. Sometimes animation is called intermediary between the individual and society [1].

Animation activities, standing out from a number of other types of personal and social activities, has its characteristic features [1], namely:

- it is realized in his free time;

- has freedom of choice, voluntary, activity, as the initiative of one person, as different social groups;

- is caused by ethnic, regional features and traditions;

- is characterized by a diversity of kinds of actiities based on different interests of adults, youth and children;

- has humanistic, cultural, developmental, recreational and educational nature.

However, still there is not conducted a proper systematic scientific study of this social phenomenon [6]. It should be noted that the term "animation", "sports animation", "tourist animation" is not clearly understood among scientists and the public. Mostly, among the respondents, animator is regarded as "massovik-zatiynyk", "tamada", "humorist" or "animator" who is to entertain people during the leisure.

In our opinion, the animation - a service aimed at organizing an active forms of leisure of the person, improving and sustaining the health, formation of knowledge and skills about healthy lifestyles and recreation, as well as attracting a diverse population to physical activity.

We conducted a survey in Ivano-Frankivsk, ski resort of Bukovel, Yaremche and Vorokhta, which showed that animation is the most popular activity in the Ivano-Frankivsk (figure 1).

Fig. 1. Results of the Survey to Provide Sports and Animation Sen ices Pidkarpatiya

Data on the use of sports animation of different groups is shown in fig. 2. As shown in figure among the students sports animation is more common among males. As for doctors, teachers and service workers, during leisure sports animation is much more used by women. The least common sports animation is among manufacturing jobs workers.

The results of investigation in Ivano-Frankivsk, which were received by L. Pasichnyak [6] confirms our assertion, namely: 53,8 % of respondents do not understand the importance of programs of sports animation and their feasibility in leisure due to low awareness and motivation for health-recreational physical activity, also the attention is drawn by the fact that the vast majority (84,2 %) do not use animation services in their free time and this phenomenon is largely due to ignorance of what animation activities are. However, a small part of respondents (15,8 %) use animation services, but prefer the hotel, tourism and children's animation.

Fig. 2. The Use of Animation Sports by Different Groups in Pidkarpatiya

Conclusion. In the near future there will be an increase of the demand for teaching people to become an animator and the training of specialists of cultural and leisure areas on the in higher educational institutions.

The study of the problem, allows us to conclude that the improvement process of preparing future professionals of animation licensing in universities of Ukraine is an actual problem of national higher education. We have found that there is no clear understanding of the concept of animation activities among scientists, experts and ordinary citizens. We have questioned different groups of people which confirmed the hypothesis about using animation sports in tourist market in Pidkarpatiya, however it requires appropriate staffing.

Services that are provided as "animated" generally do not foresee any interaction between the animator and the consumer, since there are no health or recreational exposure. Functions of the "animator" are only entertainment activities, programs, and so on.

Therefore, the purpose of training future professionals of animation licensing in universities of Ukraine should be training of highly qualified personnel, able to fully implement the tasks that belong in sports animation.

Prospects for further research are available for graduates with this educational background of the particular profile as will as the provision of sports and animation services to different groups of people.

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10. Barengo, C., Hu, G. & Lakka, T. A. (2004). Low physical activity as a predictor for total and cardiovascular disease mortality in middle-aged men and women in Finland, vol. 25, 2204-2211.

11. Catherine, A., Sarkisian, M. D. & Thomas, R. (2005). The Relationship Between Expectations for Aging and Physical Activity Among Older Adults, vol. 12, 911-915.

12. Dimitrov, G. (2014). Children animation resources in the infant school and the primary school : Activities in Physical Education and Sport, vol. 4, no. 1, 16-20.

13. Jakovlev, Z., Koteski, C. & Bardarova, S. (2014). The Sports-Recreational Animation as a Factor for Tourism Development: Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, vol. 2, 1-5.

14. Jennifer, W., Kang, J. H. & Manson, J. E. (2004). Physical Activity, Including Walking, and Cognitive Function in Older Women, Original Contribution, vol. 292, 1454-1461.

15. Schallock, R. L. (2000). Three Decades of Quality of Life, Focus on Autism & Other Developmental Disabilities, vol.15, 116-127.

16. Schallock, R. L. (2004). The Concept of Quality of Life: What We Know and Do Not Know, Journal of Cardiovascular Risk, vol. 48, 203-216.

17. Singer P. A., Martin D. K., Kelner M., (2000). Quality end-of-life care: patients perspectives, vol. 13, 163-168.

18. Taillifer, M. C., Dupils, G. & Roberge, M. A. (2003). Health-Related Quality of life Models: Systematic Review of the literature, Social Indicators Research, vol. 64, 293-323.

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  • Paintballing is one of the most popular outdoor participation sports around. Dress of paintball, the paintball guns used by Paintballgame. Rules in Paintball, team death match, two flags game. The basic cooperation is necessary in this game type.

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  • Problem: Nobody deals with workouts that have the form. Benefits of our gyms. The advantages described gym, range of services provided. Necessary and sufficient area of the premises under a fitness club. The number of visits to the gym in a week.

    презентация [652,1 K], добавлен 09.12.2014

  • A specific feature of services. The main form of supply of services abroad. A need for international regulation of trade in services. Operations on foreign tourism. International tourism as a form of foreign economic activity. World Tourism Organization.

    реферат [1,2 M], добавлен 30.09.2014

  • The general information of Victor Wild, who won gold medals in the parallel slalom and parallel giant slalom at 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi (his sport career, achievements and awards, childhood, ptinciples of training and diet, methods of relax).

    презентация [644,1 K], добавлен 28.06.2017

  • London is the British capital and one of the biggest cities in the world. Sightseeing of the city - Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, museums and galleries, the Palace of Westminster. History Trafalgar Square, St. Paul's Cathedral.

    презентация [2,4 M], добавлен 21.05.2015

  • General information about geography and population of Canada. Ontario as one of the provinces of the country. Place of the tourism in the economy of Quebec. Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre. Natural beauty of British Columbia. The Vancouver Maritime Museum.

    контрольная работа [4,0 M], добавлен 30.09.2012

  • Official statistics of tourism in Switzerland. Notable tourist destinations: Alpine (Grisons, Engadin, Davos, Wildhaus, Jungfrau, Grindelwald, Zermatt) and Cities (Zurich, Bern, Lucerne, Basel, Geneva, Lausanne, Canton Ticino, Locarno, Lugano, Ascona).

    реферат [2,3 M], добавлен 13.03.2015

  • Sights of cities of Germany. The fall of the Berlin Wall. The Reichstag building. New Synagogue - one of the greatest synagogues in the world. The Brandenburg Gate. Hamburg for Germany is its gate in the world. Munich is the capital city of Bavaria.

    презентация [7,0 M], добавлен 11.11.2011

  • The most popular sports in Russia are: football, basketball, tennis, hockey, volleyball, skating, skiing. Sports to watch, to do. Typical school sports. Sports meets which are spent in the winter and in the summer. Displays of competitions on the TV.

    презентация [319,5 K], добавлен 21.11.2010

  • Sports in Britain: athletics, football, rugby, cricket, tennis, golf, polo, hunting, riding, hockey, bowls, motorsport, billiards, snooker, mountaineering, swimming, greyhound and horse racing. Walking and fishing as the most popular sports for people.

    курсовая работа [21,1 K], добавлен 18.07.2009

  • Film "The Humorous Phases of Funny Faces". Creation of characters. Sculptures Base and Woody with the coordinate grid, ready to numbering. Process of animation. Advantages of some programs. Staff from a cartoon film. The imagination and a good software.

    презентация [317,6 K], добавлен 07.03.2012

  • The study of harm to children from watching American cartoons. Problem of imitating negative or mindless characters from cartoons. Leading role of American cartoon industry in the animation history. First steps in the progress of a child’s development.

    эссе [16,3 K], добавлен 11.04.2013

  • Средства для предупреждения раннего старения - умеренность во всем смолоду и, конечно, занятия физической культурой и спортом. Утренняя гимнастика. Плавание и лыжный спорт. Physical culture and sports. Morning gymnastics. Navigation and skiing.

    реферат [18,7 K], добавлен 19.03.2008

  • The value of sports in the American life. Сharacteristic of football, basketball, boxing. Acquaintance with the americans, who extol the country of their achievements in sports: Muhammad Ali, Bob Beamon, Mike Tys, Arnold Schwarzenegger and many other.

    реферат [16,3 K], добавлен 25.12.2011

  • Sports - passion, helpful and pleasant vacation, the value of sport for health, the establishment of good relations between people. The development of sport in Russia: stadiums, swimming pools, schools, societies and clubs. Popular sports in my family.

    презентация [17,0 K], добавлен 26.12.2011

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