The influence of run workloads in a mixed energy supply mode upon the functional preparedness of students with a high fat component content
Influence of exercises by training programs in a mixed energy supply mode upon body mass, body muscle components contents of students. Influence of cyclic moderate intensity work on functional fitness old students with high content of fat component.
Рубрика | Спорт и туризм |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 02.11.2020 |
Размер файла | 330,9 K |
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Yuriy Furman, Oleksandra Brezdeniuk
Doctor of Science in Biology, Professor, Head of Department Biomedical Foundations of Physical Education and Physical Rehabilitation. Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsubynskyi, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Ph.D. in Physical Education and Sports, Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education, Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsubynskyi, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
The current relevance of the investigation is conditioned by the necessity of creating new physical education programs, implementing which would promote the functional capabilities enhancement of students with a «high» content of the body mass fat component. The goal of the research is to ascertain the influence of run workloads in a mixed energy supply mode on the functional preparedness of students aged 17-21 with a «high» content of the body mass fat component. Research findings. Run workloads in a mixed energy supply mode with a three times per week periodicity have an efficient influence upon the functional preparedness of students with a «high» content of the body mass fat component. After 8 weeks of training the females' aerobic productivity level rose to «excellent», and it improved up to «satisfactory» level in males after 16 weeks of their training. Irrespective of sex, probable enhancement of the threshold of anaerobic metabolism relative indicators was registered after 16 weeks since the training sessions' start. Such run workloads did not influence the females' anaerobic productivity, while the males' volume indices of the anaerobic lactate energy supply processes improved. Exercises with stimulation of anaerobic lactate energy supply processes furthered the body mass fat component content decrease from «high» to «normal» level, and the muscle component increase - from «normal» to «high» both in the females and males. Conclusions. Stimulation of anaerobic energy supply processes during run trainings irrespective of a person's sex is likely to enhance the aerobic energy supply processes capacity in the maximum oxygen consumption indicators, as well as the aerobic energy supply processes volume in the threshold of anaerobic metabolism indices. Training sessions by the run workloads program conducted in a mixed energy supply mode didn't cause probable changes in the females' anaerobic productivity indices, while in the males they enlarged the volume of anaerobic lactate energy supply processes. Under the influence of such exercises as a whole the body mass fat component content gets reduced, while the muscle component content increases.
Key words: females, males, run workloads, aerobic productivity, anaerobic productivity, body mass component content.
Юрій Фурман, Олександра Брезденюк.
Вплив бігових навантажень у змішаному режимі енергозабезпечення на функціональну підготовленість студентів із високим вмістом жирового компонента.
Актуальність дослідження зумовлена необхідністю створення нових програм із фізичного виховання, застосування яких сприяло б підвищенню функціональних можливостей студентів із високим умістом жирового компонента маси тіла. Мета дослідження - виявити вплив бігових навантажень у змішаному режимі енергозабезпечення на функціональну підготовленість студентів 17-21 року з високим умістом жирового компонента маси тіла. Результати роботи. Бігові навантаження у змішаному режимі енергозабезпечення періодичністю три рази на тиждень ефективно впливають на функціональну підготовленість студентів із високим умістом жирового компонента. У дівчат через вісім тижнів занять рівень аеробної продуктивності зріс до відмінного, а в юнаків через 16 тижнів покращився до посереднього. Вірогідне покращення відносних показників порога анаеробного обміну, незалежно від статі, зареєстровано через 16 тижнів від початку тренувань. Такі бігові навантаження не вплинули на анаеробну продуктивність дівчат, у той час як у юнаків покращилися показники ємності анаеробних лактатних процесів енергозабезпечення. Заняття зі стимуляцією анаеробних процесів енергозабезпечення як у дівчат, так і в юнаків сприяли зменшенню рівня вмісту жирового компоненту маси тіла від високого до нормального та збільшенню вмісту м'язового компонента від нормального до високого.
Стимуляція анаеробних процесів енергозабезпечення під час занять бігом, незалежно від статі, вірогідно покращує потужність аеробних процесів енергозабезпечення за показниками максимального споживання кисню та ємність аеробних процесів енергозабезпечення за показниками порога анаеробного обміну. Заняття за програмою бігових навантажень у змішаному режимі енергозабезпечення не викликали вірогідних змін показників анаеробної продуктивності дівчат, у той час як у юнаків вони сприяли покращенню ємності анаеробних лактатних процесів енергозабезпечення. Під впливом таких занять у дівчат і юнаків зменшується вміст жирового компонента маси тіла й збільшується вміст м'язового компонента.
Ключові слова: дівчата, юнаки, бігові навантаження, аеробна продуктивність, анаеробна продуктивність, компонентний склад маси тіла.
Юрий Фурман, Александра Брезденюк.
Влияние беговых нагрузок в смешанном режиме энергообеспечения на функциональную подготовленность студентов с високим содержанием жирового компонента. Актуальность исследования обусловлена необходимостью создания новых программ по физическому воспитанию, применение которых способствовало бы повышению функциональных возможностей студентов с високим содержанием жирового компонента массы тела. Цель исследования - выявить влияние беговых нагрузок в смешанном режиме энергообеспечения на функциональную подготовленность студентов 17-21 года с високим содержанием жирового компонента массы тела. Результаты работы. Беговые нагрузки в смешанном режиме энергообеспечения периодичностью три раза в неделю эффективно влияют на функциональную подготовленность студентов с высоким содержанием жирового компонента. У девушек через восемь недель занятий уровень аэробной производительности вырос к окличному, а в юношей через 16 недель улучшился к среднему. Достоверное улучшение относительных показателей порога анаэробного обмена, независимо от пола зарегистрировано через 16 недель после начала тренировок. Такие беговые нагрузки не повлияли на анаэробную производительность девушек, в то время как у юношей улучшились показатели емкости анаэробных лактатных процессов энергообеспечения. Занятия со стимуляцией анаэробных процессов энергообеспечения как у девушек, так и в юношей способствовали уменьшению уровня содержания жирового компонента массы тела от високого к нормальному и увеличению содержания мышечного компонента от нормального к високому.
Стимуляция анаэробных процессов энергообеспечения во время занятий бегом, независимо от пола, достоверно улучшает мощность аэробных процессов энергообеспечения по показателям максимального потребления кислорода и емкость аэробных процессов энергообеспечения по показателям порога анаэробного обмена. Занятия по программе беговых нагрузок в смешанном режиме энергообеспечения не вызвали достоверных изменений показателей анаэробной производительности девушек, в то время как у юношей они способствовали улучшению емкости анаэробных лактатных процессов энергообеспечения. Под влиянием таких занятий у девушек и юношей уменьшается содержание жирового компонента массы тела и увеличивается содержание мышечного компонента.
Ключевые слова: девушки, юноши, беговые нагрузки, аэробная производительность, анаэробная производительность, компонентный состав массы тела.
Introduction. The body aerobic and anaerobic productivity types are considered integral indicators of a person's functional preparedness. Scientifically determined are also statements about a link between a person's physical health and body's aerobic and anaerobic capacities [1; 7; 14]. Precisely for this reason, a number of scientists point out the necessity of enhanc ing man's aerobic as well as anaerobic body capacities with the aim of providing a proper health level [4; 5; 10].
At present physical education sessions conducted in accordance with the higher education establishments program do not ensure body's aerobic and anaerobic efficiency enhancement [4; 6; 10], because, as we believe, individual functional properties of students' bodies are not taken into account when dosing out physical exercises.
There are scientifically based records, according to which students' functional preparedness is measured, to a certain extent, by body weight fat component content. So with the increase of the latter to a high level both girls and boys' aerobic and anaerobic efficiency indices decline [2; 8].
As is well known, young students' functional capabilities improvement is carried out by employing
physical exercises, which stimulate aerobic and anaerobic metabolic processes [4; 6]. Among the existent physical education methods, the widely available and effective means of functional preparedness enhancement is run, which purposively allows to improve aerobic and anaerobic energy supply processes [3; 10; 12].
There is a considerable body of work on a more significant influence of run workloads on body aerobic and anaerobic productivity in a mixed energy supply mode as compared to that performed in aerobic conditions [10; 11]. For that reason, as a way of functional preparedness correction of young people with a «high» body weight fat component content, we employed run workloads in a mixed energy supply mode.
The goal of the study is to ascertain the influence of run workloads in a mixed energy supply mode upon functional preparedness of students aged 17-21 with the a «high» body weight fat component content.
Materials and methods of the Study. Since in our previous studies it has been determined, that, irrespective of sex, the lowest aerobic and anaerobic efficiency indices are characteristic of students whose body fat component content exceeds the norm, we have researched possibilities of run workloads application with the anaerobic energy supply processes stimulation for the purpose of functional preparedness correction of young males and females with the a «high» fat component content.
To realize the above mentioned idea at the beginning of the «forming» experiment pilot females (PG1, n=17) and males (PG 2, n=19) groups were formed from the students of Vinnytsia State Mykhailo Kotsubynskyi pedagogical university, who were never engaged in sports and by state of their health belonged to the basic medical group. The females and males of the mentioned pilot groups had run workloads sessions carried out in a mixed energy supply mode three times a week for the period of 24 weeks.
To prevent the negative influence of such training sessions upon the locomotor apparatus, we were mindful of the body mass index (BMI), which was within the normal range in students of the pilot groups.
Programs of training sessions in a mixed energy supply mode were characterized by doing four speed- ups 100 m each with the intensity close to maximal (heart rate of appr. 180 beats per min) by the students under investigation during running in the aerobic energy supply mode (heart rate of appr. 150 beats per min) after 7-8 minutes from the beginning of the run workload.
Energy input per one session totaled approximately 50 % of the maximum permissible value; run workload intensity made about 60 %, and during speed-ups - 80 % of maximum oxigen consumption. The interval between speed-ups made up 2 min. During the speed-ups anaerobic energy supply processes were stimulated, which during a two-minute interval between each were gradually passing into the aerobic energy supply mode. Thus the workload was being carried out in the energy supply mode of the muscle work shifting from aerobic to anaerobic and vice versa.
During two weeks from the training sessions' beginning, the external volume of the run workloads was gradually increasing, reaching the level consistent with a certain program. The report of the heart rate monitoring of one of the students under investigation during a training session in a mixed energy supply mode is presented in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. Heart Rate Monitoring Report of Student A. During a Training Session in a Mixed Energy Supply Mode
Efficiency of training sessions influence upon functional preparedness of males and females was analyzed by the maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) and by threshold of anaerobic metabolism (TAM) indices, both of which correspondingly characterize the capacity and volume of aerobic energy supply processes; by capacity of anaerobic alactate (Wingate anaerobic test for 10 sec - WAnTio) and lactate (Wingate anaerobic test for 30 sec - WAnT3o) energy supply processes; by volume of anaerobic alactate energy supply processes (maximum quantity of mechanical work for 1 minute - MQMK) [11; 14].
Indicators of body aerobic productivity were estimated by the relative value of maximum oxygen consumption according to the criteria of Y. P. Piarnat [7], and the physical health level - according to G. L. Apanasenko [1] (in females the «safe» health level refers to the VO2 max relative value of at least 35 mbmin'^kg"1, in males - of at least 42 mbmin'^kg"1).
With the purpose of defining body mass, BMI, fat and muscle components content of the body mass the method of bioelectrical impedance with the use of «OMRON BF 511» device was applied. Quantitative contents of fat and muscle components were appreciated by the criteria of D. Gallagher [13], H. D. McCarthy [15] and Omron Healthcare. Test results were registered after 8, 16 and 24 weeks since the start of the «forming» experiment.
For operative calculation of individual aerobic productivity and energy consumption indices during running at certain heart rates, as well as for the purpose of evaluating body aerobic productivity of the people under investigation, we applied the author's original computer program «Health calculation» [9].
Statistical processing of the data obtained during the research was carried out with the help of mathematical statistics methods. Such figures as the arithmetical mean (x), root-mean-square deviation (±) and arithmetical mean error (±S) were defined. Considering the fact, that the obtained data contained permissible changeability for a normal distribution, we employed Student's t-criterion for setting confidence of differences in the arithmetical mean values of the research.
Discussion and the results of the study. Training sessions by the program of run workloads with the stimulation of anaerobic energy supply processes facilitated the increase of the students' aerobic productivity irrespective of sex (table 1).
Influence of Training Sessions by Programs of Run Workloads in the Mixed Energy SupplyMode Upon Aerobic and Anaerobic Productivity Indicators of Students
Table 1
Indicator |
Sex |
Mean values, x±S |
Before Trainings |
After 8 Weeks |
After 16 Weeks |
After 24 Weeks |
VO2 max, mimin'1 *kg'1 |
female |
34,74±0,25 |
37,03±0,44* |
40,18±0,52* |
40,07±0,45* |
male |
37,12±0,49 |
39,86±0,46* |
43,38±0,27* |
42,92±0,35* |
TAM, Wkg'1 |
female |
2,28±0,05 |
2,33±0,07 |
2,68±0,08* |
2,72±0,08* |
male |
2,53±0,10 |
2,72±0,07 |
2,96±0,07* |
3,03±0,08* |
MQMK, kgmmin'1 *kg'1 |
female |
23,67±0,89 |
24,80±1,18 |
26,13±1,19 |
25,85±1,16 |
male |
30,10±1,11 |
34,03±0,95* |
37,05±0,90* |
38,54±0,84* |
WAhUo, kgmmin1 *kg'1 |
female |
33,00±1,67 |
34,59±1,67 |
36,18±1,46 |
34,59±1,25 |
male |
59,21±3,07 |
60,32±3,07 |
64,74±2,68 |
65,37±2,30 |
WAnUo, kgmmin1 *kg'1 |
female |
29,06±1,60 |
29,47±1,53 |
30,06±1,46 |
29,65±1,39 |
male |
48,05±2,75 |
48,89±2,49 |
50,58±2,49 |
52,68±2,36 |
Note. Confidence of differences in indicators of output data:* - р<0,05.
After 8 weeks under the influence of training the mean values of the VO 2 max relative index in females and males increased correspondently by 6,59 and 7,38 %, and 16 weeks later - by 15,66 and 16,86 % (p<0,05).
Under the influence of trainings in the mixed energy supply mode the females' aerobic productivity level (APL) by the criteria of Y. P. Piarnat rose from «good» to «excellent» after 8 weeks since the training sessions start. In males trainings with the anaerobic energy supply processes stimulation facilitated the APL increase from a «below satisfactory» to a «satisfactory» level after 16 weeks since the training sessions start.
It is also worth mentioning, that before the start of the «forming» experiment the females' mean value of the VO 2 max relative index according to G. L. Apanasenko was below the «safe health level», and after 8 weeks since the trainings start it rose beyond the «safe health level». Under influence of training sessions by the run workloads program the males' «safe health level» was registered after 16 weeks of training.
Probable increase of the TAM values irrespective of sex was registered after 16 weeks of training (see table 1). Mean values of the relative TAM indicators increased by 17,54 % in the females and by 17,00 % in the males.
Run workloads in a mixed energy supply mode didn't influence the females' anaerobic productivity, while they enlarged the males' anaerobic lactate energy supply processes volume: their relat ive MQMK indicators increased by 13,06 % after 8 weeks since the training start, by 23,09 % - after 16 weeks, and 28 % - after 24 weeks (see table 1).
Exercises with stimulation of anaerobic energy supply processes furthered the body mass fat component content decrease from «high» to «normal» and the muscle component increase from «normal» to «high» both in the females and males. As can be seen in table 2, after 16 weeks of training the fat component content decreased by 5,85 % (after 24 weeks - by 8,29 %) in the females, and by 6,43 % (after 24 weeks - by 12,03 %) in the males. The muscle component content increased by 5,57 % after 16 weeks of training (after 24 weeks - by 8,85%) in the females, and by 6,55 % (after 24 weeks - by 9,96 %) in the males.
training muscle fat exercise
Table 2 Influence of Exercises by Training Programs in a Mixed Energy Supply Mode Upon Body Mass, BMI, Body Fat and Muscle Components Contents of Students
Indicator |
Sex |
Mean Values, x±S |
Before Trainings |
After 8 Weeks |
After 16 Weeks |
After 24 Weeks |
Body mass, kg |
female |
63,11±0,66 |
62,98±0,65 |
62,09±0,70 |
61,88±0,77 |
male |
77,81±1,27 |
77,45±1,27 |
76,29±1,21 |
76,16±1,18 |
female |
23,28±0,30 |
23,24±0,27 |
22,95±0,29 |
22,88±0,31 |
male |
24,33±0,17 |
24,23±0,17 |
23,87±0,18 |
23,83±0,18 |
Fat content, % |
female |
35,71±0,46 |
34,81±0,42 |
33,62±0,46* |
32,75±0,42* |
male |
22,69±0,40 |
21,96±0,38 |
21,23±0,33* |
19,96±0,28* |
Skeletal muscles, % |
female |
26,55±0,19 |
27,05±0,16 |
28,03±0,24* |
28,82±0,25* |
male |
39,24±0,34 |
40,17±0,29* |
40,76±0,30* |
41,81±0,35* |
Note. Confidence of differences in indicators of output data:* - р<0,05.
In summary, run workloads in a mixed energy supply mode can be employed as a means of functional preparedness level increase of students aged 17-21. Considering the dependence of functional preparedness of females and males of the mentioned age upon the body fat component content (i.e. while the fat component increases, aerobic and anaerobic productivity indicators decrease), the practical advisability of such physical workloads employment for students with the excessive body fat component is evident.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. Stimulation of anaerobic energy supply processes during run trainings irrespective of sex probably enhances the aerobic energy supply processes capacity by the maximum oxygen consumption indicators, as well as the aerobic energy supply processes volume by the threshold of anaerobic metabolism indices. Influence of the run workloads with the stimulation of anaerobic energy supply processes upon the anaerobic lactate productivity is conditioned by sex factor.
Such workloads did not cause probable changes in the females' anaerobic lactate productivity by the index of maximum quantity of mechanical work for 1 minute as compared with males. Irrespective of sex under the influence of exercises in a mixed energy supply mode the body mass fat component content decreases, while the muscle component increases.
One of the perspectives of further research can be considered the study influence of exercises by various run workloads programs on physical preparedness of students with a «high» body mass fat component content.
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15. McCarthy, HD, Ashwell, A. (2006). A study of central fatness using waist-to-height ratios in UK children and adolescents over two decades supports the simple message-keep your waist circumference to less than half your height. International Journal of Obesity, 30, 988-992.
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