Інноваційні джерела підвищення конкурентоспроможності підприємств сільського зеленого туризму

Аналіз інноваційних джерел підвищення конкурентоспроможності підприємств сільського зеленого туризму. Чинники, інструменти здійснення інноваційної діяльності в умовах економіки знань, цифрових технологій, безготівкових розрахунків, швидкісного інтернету.

Рубрика Спорт и туризм
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Дата добавления 24.01.2022
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Інноваційні джерела підвищення конкурентоспроможності підприємств сільського зеленого туризму

Адамчик О.О.

Предметом дослідження є теоретичні та практичні аспекти визначення та впровадження інновацій, форм і напрямів здійснення інноваційної діяльності з метою підвищення конкурентоспроможності підприємств сільського зеленого туризму.

Метою роботи є виявлення інноваційних джерел підвищення конкурентоспроможності підприємств сільського зеленого туризму й обґрунтування чинників, складників та інструментів здійснення інноваційної діяльності в умовах економіки знань, цифрових технологій, безготівкових розрахунків, швидкісного інтернету.

Методологічною основою статті стали теоретичні й методологічні положення сучасної економіки підприємств, історичний та монографічний методи наукового пізнання, а також системно-структурного аналізу і синтезу вивчення явищ і процесів, проблемно-цільового підходу в обґрунтуванні видів, форм і напрямів впровадження інновацій.

Результати роботи. Виявлені джерела та запропоновані складники, напрями й інструменти впровадження інновацій у роботу підприємств сільського зеленого туризму, у тому числі у вигляді організаційно-управлінських, маркетингових, продуктових їх груп; у формах ІТ-стартапів, туроперейтингу й цифрових систем та мереж резервування; таймшерінгу, кластеризації, стратегічних альянсів і клубів; смарт-Інтернет-проектів, програмного забезпечення організації й управління діяльності власне агроосель і туристичних підприємств на селі для підвищення їх конкурентоспроможності.

Галузь застосування результатів. Висновки та результати можуть бути використані у роботі підприємств сільського зеленого туризму, сільських громад, громадських організацій, органів місцевого самоврядування; у навчально-науковому процесі економічних факультетів університетів, коледжів туристичної спеціалізації, інших закладів вищої освіти.

Висновки. Інноваційна діяльність у системі стратегічних цілей, пріоритетів та орієнтирів підвищення конкурентоспроможності розвитку підприємств сільського зеленого туризму в епоху розвитку економіки знань й діджиталізації займе провідне місце. Реалізація їх важливих соціально- економічних функцій, як і інших суб'єктів суспільної життєдіяльності стає все більш пов'язаною з інноваційним типом розвитку. В свою чергу, його основою є безперервний і цілеспрямований процес пошуку, підготовки й реалізації нововведень. Можливість і мотивація отримання більш високих доходів та необхідність підвищення ефективності використання фінансових і інвестиційних ресурсів змушує учасників туристичного бізнесу на селі цілеспрямовано створювати у покупців нові смаки, інтереси і потреби, впроваджувати принципово нові вироби, продукти, послуги й технології. Все це також пов'язано із прискоренням інноваційних процесів.

Ключові слова: підприємства, сільський зелений туризм, інновації, джерела, впровадження, конкурентоспроможність, підвищення.


Адамчик А.А.

Предметом исследования являются теоретические и практические аспекты определения и внедрения инноваций, форм и направлений инновационной деятельности с целью повышения конкурентоспособности предприятий сельского зеленого туризма.

Целью работы является выявление инновационных источников повышения конкурентоспособности предприятий сельского зеленого туризма и обоснование факторов, компонентов и инструментов для инноваций в экономике знаний, цифровых технологий, безналичных платежей, высокоскоростного Интернета.

Методологической основой статьи стали теоретико-методологические положения современной экономики бизнеса, историко-монографические методы научного познания, а также системно-структурный анализ и синтез исследований явлений и процессов, проблемный подход в обосновании типов, форм и направлений инноваций.

Результаты работы. Выявлены источники и предлагаемые компоненты, направления и инструменты внедрения инноваций в работу предприятий сельского зеленого туризма, в том числе в виде организационно-управленческой, маркетинговой, товарной групп их; в виде ИТ-стартапов, туристических и цифровых систем и сетей резервного копирования; разделение времени, кластеризация, стратегические альянсы и клубы; умные интернет-проекты, организация программного обеспечения и управление собственными агродомами и туристическими предприятиями в сельской местности для повышения их конкурентоспособности.

Область применения результатов. Выводы и результаты могут быть использованы в работе предприятий сельского зеленого туризма, сельских сообществ, общественных организаций, органов местного самоуправления; в учебно-научном процессе экономических факультетов университетов, колледжей туристической специализации, других вузов.

Выводы. Инновационная деятельность в системе стратегических целей, приоритетов и руководящих принципов для повышения конкурентоспособности предприятий сельского зеленого туризма в эпоху экономики знаний и цифровизации будет занимать ведущее место. Реализация их важных социально-экономических функций, как и других субъектов общественной жизни, все больше ассоциируется с инновационным типом развития. В свою очередь, он основан на непрерывном и целенаправленном процессе поиска, подготовки и внедрения инноваций. Возможность и мотивация для получения более высоких доходов и необходимость повышения эффективности финансовых и инвестиционных ресурсов заставляет участников туристического бизнеса в сельской местности целенаправленно создавать новые вкусы, интересы и потребности, внедрять принципиально новые продукты, продукты, услуги и технологии. Все это также связано с ускорением инновационных процессов.

Ключевые слова: предприятия, сельский зеленый туризм, инновации, источники, реализация, конкурентоспособность, рост.


Adamchyk Oleksandr

The subject of research is the theoretical and practical aspects of the definition and implementation of innovations, forms and directions of innovation in order to increase the competitiveness of rural green tourism enterprises.

The aim of the work is to identify innovative sources of increasing the competitiveness of rural green tourism enterprises and substantiate the factors, components and tools for innovation in a knowledge economy, digital technologies, non-cash payments, high-speed Internet.

The methodological basis of the article were the theoretical and methodological provisions of modern business economics, historical and monographic methods of scientific knowledge, as well as system-structural analysis and synthesis of the study of phenomena and processes, problem-based approach in justifying types, forms and directions of innovation.

Results of work.The sources and offered components, directions and tools of introduction of innovations in work of the enterprises of rural green tourism, including in the form of organizational and administrative, marketing, product groups of them are revealed; in the form of IT startups, touring and digital systems and backup networks; timesharing, clustering, strategic alliances and clubs; smart Internet projects, software organization and management of the actual agro-villages and tourist enterprises in the countryside to increase their competitiveness.

Field of application of results. Conclusions and results can be used in the work of rural green tourism enterprises, rural communities, public organizations, local governments; in the educational and scientific process of economic faculties of universities, colleges of tourist specialization, other institutions of higher education.

Conclusions. Innovative activity in the system of strategic goals, priorities and guidelines for increasing the competitiveness of rural green tourism enterprises in the era of knowledge economy and digitalization will take a leading place. The realization of their important socio-economic functions, as well as other subjects of social life is becoming increasingly associated with an innovative type of development. In turn, it is based on a continuous and purposeful process of finding, preparing and implementing innovations. The possibility and motivation to obtain higher incomes and the need to increase the efficiency of financial and investment resources forces the participants of the tourism business in the countryside to purposefully create new tastes, interests and needs, introduce fundamentally new products, products, services and technologies. All this is also connected with the acceleration of innovation processes.

Key words: enterprises, rural green tourism, innovations, sources, implementation, competitiveness, increase.

Formulation of the problem

конкурентоспроможність туризм сільський

Rural green tourism enterprises have become widespread in European countries in recent decades. They are considered as an independent effective type of activity, an alternative to agriculture and agribusiness in terms of employment of rural residents, improving their income and quality of life, providing socially significant services. Ukraine also has favorable institutional conditions, significant resources and social, economic and environmental motivation for their development.

However, such enterprises in domestic rural areas are not characterized by dynamic and, most importantly, systematic and consistent development, except for the Western and Southern regions. If in Europe and the United States there are tens of thousands of agro-villages, mini-hotels and other tourism businesses in the countryside, in our country - only hundreds, i.e. the bill is an order of magnitude lower. Therefore, the search for sources and tools to increase their competitiveness, in particular, innovative, is relevant and timely.

Analysis of recent research and publications

A significant contribution to the study and solution of issues of innovative development of enterprises was made by such well-known Ukrainian scientists as Amosha O. I., Bazhal Y. M., Budnikevich I. M., Geets V. M., Grinyova V. M., Denisenko M. P., Krasnokutskaya N. V., Osetsky V. L., Fedulova L. I., Khariv P. S,. Chervanev D. M., Chukhno A. A. The works of domestic and foreign scientists Ihnatenko M., Marmul L., Marchenko O., Novikova B., Romaniuk I., Tkachenko T., Ushakova D., Shkoly I. and others are directly devoted to the topic of innovations in the field of tourism. However, the study of innovations in the activities of rural green tourism enterprises, especially as a factor of their competitiveness, financial and economic stability and social responsibility need further development.

The purpose of the article is to identify innovative sources of increasing the competitiveness of rural green tourism enterprises and substantiate the factors, components and tools for innovation in a knowledge-based economy, digital technologies, non-cash payments, high-speed Internet.

Presentation of the main research material

The last decades of development of human life are accompanied by dynamic changes in techniques and technologies of management, production, consumption, sales; in the fields of communications, recreation, culture and art, marketing, i.e. in their innovative support. The postindustrial society is being replaced by the knowledge economy and digital, virtual technologies, neural networks, and so on. Therefore, the operation of rural green tourism enterprises should take into account these changes and develop their own innovative activities in order to increase competitiveness. According to M. Ihnatenko, based on available tourist resources and products, environmental factors, it should perform not just certain functions to improve, increase, enhance something, but become the basis for creating their innovative potential in the functioning, organization, management, marketing strategies [1, p. 145].

Tourist activities in the countryside are extremely multifaceted. It includes not only unique attractions, but also services in accommodation and food, transportation and household services, equipment rental, etc. On the one hand, this complicates the implementation of innovations, and on the other - provides additional opportunities for them. It is a question of application of the most various technologies, first of all information, beginning from development of the specialized software providing automation of work of the separate tourist enterprise or mini-hotel, used in improvement of tourist products and services, and ending with use of global computer networks in sales, booking, transfers.

Therefore, the development of rural green tourism both in Ukraine and in the world as a whole, requires the intensification and significant expansion of the innovative activities of its enterprises and agro-villages. Investment in human capital, research and development based on international cooperation in science and technology is an important prerequisite for improving the efficiency of tourism services in rural areas. They, significantly increasing the productivity of staff, the quality of tourism products and services while reducing costs - are able to ensure high-quality economic growth of tourism businesses, infrastructure and rural areas in general, increasing their competitiveness, including at the international level.

Thus, in the modern market space, the achievement of economic and social goals of society is inextricably linked with the innovative type of development [2, p. 113]. It is understood as a systematic, consistent, continuous and purposeful process of finding ideas, their implementation and implementation in the form of innovations, the use of which can significantly improve the efficiency of social production and services, opens new perspectives for their comprehensive improvement. Since each branch and type of activity of the national economy has its own features and peculiarities of reproduction, innovations in the functioning of rural green tourism enterprises are, first of all, those innovations that are accompanied by:

- restoration and development of spiritual and physical forces of tourists on the basis of introduction and use of qualitatively new changes of a tourist product;

- increasing the efficiency of tourism production, rural green tourism infrastructure and public infrastructure;

- increasing the efficiency of management of sustainable operation and development of tourism enterprises in rural areas, the processes of formation, positioning and consumption of tourist services;

- progressive changes in factors of production, improving the image and competitiveness of rural green tourism enterprises.

According to theoretical scientific research and practical experience, in the enterprises of rural green tourism innovative activity develops in three basic directions: 1) organizational and managerial innovations which are connected with the organization, development of business and business; management systems, components and structures; with reorganization, acquisition of competing entities; restructuring of tourism entities based on the introduction of new equipment and advanced technologies; implementation of personnel policy, rational economic, environmental and financial activities; 2) marketing innovations that meet the needs of target consumers, attract new customers; 3) product innovations, which are aimed at changing the consumer qualities of the tourist product, its positioning in the market.

The experience of developed countries shows that the use of innovations in the market of tourist services provides a stable increase in productivity, production and sales of hotel products [3, p. 67]. It also results in increased profits, accelerated turnover of invested capital, development and provision of qualitatively new types of products and services. Studies of the 50 largest innovative companies in the world have shown the following main trends in achieving high innovation results: focus on excellence; ability to conduct research for a long time; ensuring financial self-sufficiency; implementation of green business ideas; comprehensive consideration of the interests and needs of customers.

Currently, the functioning of the tourism sector of Ukraine, especially rural enterprises, can be characterized as insufficiently competitive in domestic and foreign markets [4, p. 215]. This is due to the following issues:

- obsolete houses and farm buildings, built in the 60-70s of last century (55,0-60,0% of the total structure of housing in rural areas), have a significant level of wear, shortcomings of property and material and technical base and need major repairs, modernization and functional reconstruction as a means of accommodation and accommodation of tourists in accordance with modern sanitary and hygienic standards, the availability of amenities and comfort requirements;

- insufficient development of important components of tourism and other infrastructure, transport and communications, the network of catering establishments and the entertainment industry, environmental problems of rural areas;

- unsatisfactory condition of historical and cultural monuments, lack of a comprehensive program for the development of museum work in the countryside;

- lack of regulated urban planning principles of organization of tourist activity, architectural principles of arrangement of recreational zones and tourist destinations, rural areas in general;

- limited use of national features and traditions directly in rural tourism, in the organization and construction of housing, tourist areas and general infrastructure;

- shortage of qualified specialists in the organization and development of rural green, other types of domestic and inbound tourism;

- orientation of travel companies and operators on foreign travel;

- thoroughly unexplored and poorly advertised tourist and excursion potential of Ukraine, the lack of an actively functioning network of tourist information centers of national, regional and local levels.

Based on this, the strategic guidelines for the development of rural green tourism enterprises in Ukraine should be aimed at overcoming the identified negative problems through the introduction of innovations and modernization of housing and other fixed assets, infrastructure of the tourism sector. According to O. Marchenko, a combination of efforts of enterprises in the form of tourism clusters, alliances, associations, pilot projects at the level of rural communities is possible in the implementation of certain types of innovation activities and the introduction of certain types of innovations in rural green tourism enterprises [5, p. 9]. This includes increasing financial resources and investments, cooperation of organizations of the relevant direction at the level of rural areas and even the region of their location, as well as support from local governments, NGOs and more.

On the other hand, innovative technologies in tourism, as in other industries, are a matter of time. They also open up new opportunities for innovators. We are talking about various innovative developments in the form of startups and their companies, Internet projects, which are based on an ambitious, innovative idea and a promising product that can be quickly implemented in practice [6, p. 205]. This makes rural green tourism and other types of tourism more accessible to different categories of the population in terms of interests and needs, solvency, gender and age groups, location, duration of recreation and its content, and so on.

It should be noted that the development of innovative IT startups (IT projects) in the field of tourism in general and rural green in particular takes place in the presence of the following three components: tourism business; innovative technologies and information systems; management technologies. These components make it possible to simplify both the procedure of forming a tourist product, and provide the client with information that will allow him to organize and carry out his tour or vacation. That is why the development of IT startups is one of the promising tools for innovative support for the long-term development of the tourism business.

The results of the analysis of IT startups show, for example, great prospects and a great future for smart tourism. Thus, the development processes of projects such as «smart city» and «smart destinations» have more and more supporters, and therefore tourists. The main priorities of these projects are: clustering of the tourist community of cities, towns, villages; creation of a tourist mobile application of the city; use of QR-codes at all tourist sites with information in many languages; introduction of cloud technologies and the Internet of Things in various fields, as well as expanding the use of Wi-Fi and 4G [7, p. 52].

The next direction of introduction of innovations in tourist activity in the countryside for the purpose of increase of its competitiveness can be innovative technologies which are effectively used in tour rating, namely programs of electronic (on-line, virtual) booking and drawing up of rounds. Technological connections of tour operators and travel agencies; tour operators and enterprises providing hospitality, food, transportation services; banks, insurance companies are carried out almost entirely through the use of electronic communication channels, the Internet, international distribution systems, global electronic backup networks.

The most popular and competitive in the global dimension are reservation systems [8, p. 82]. Among them is the largest distribution company AMADEUS, headquartered in Madrid and headquartered in Ering, Germany. The company carries out more than a billion transactions and more than 3,0 million bookings every day. The company's databases are used by more than 104,0 thousand travel agencies and 170 airlines. It stores information about 95,0% of seats for regular flights, the availability of tickets from 784 airlines, free rooms in 85,7 thousand hotels, car rental in 26 companies, cruises in 20 companies. With 5 regional and 3 continental centers, concentrating 8,9 thousand employees, AMADEUS covers 35,0% of the global market for travel services.

The next global competitive network of search, order and purchase of air tickets, hotel rooms, tours, cars, cruises is GALILEO with headquarters in Langley (UK). Focused on the countries of Europe, the Middle East and Africa, it processes 6.0 billion requests daily and provides 28,0% of the world market of tourist services [9, p. 8].

The American efficient SABER system has divisions in 45, operates in 112 countries with offices of more than 400 airlines, 125.0 thousand hotels and hotel chains, 27 car rental companies, 16 cruise lines, installed in 415,0 thousand travel agencies and cooperates with 200,0 tour operators. It provides 37,0% of the world's airline ticket booking and concentrates 24,0% of the world travel market.

Also very popular and widespread is the American WORLDSPAN system with headquarters in Atlanta, commensurate with previous figures and the concentration of 13,0% of the world market. Preferably, these systems require the installation of special, rather complex and expensive software. However, even now an ordinary consumer can order tickets, rooms or a ticket with the help of airline websites, hotels and travel agencies equipped with appropriate systems.

That is, we are talking about a variety of online smart applications online, which already have positive reviews from tourists, namely: Vooking - hotel reservations; GoEuro - all transport in Europe; Idealo Hotel - looks for prices for hotels, houses and accommodation, compares them and allows you to make a reservation; TripAdvisor - hotels, air tickets, restaurants; trivago - compares prices and finds the perfect hotel; Agoda - hotel reservations; momondo - air tickets and hotels; Notels.com - hotel reservations. Currently, there are many such applications for platforms such as Android and IOS.

Thus, the Internet allows you to more widely use an individual approach to customers, who in turn become active participants in marketing strategies of tourism enterprises, including in the countryside, independently choosing sites, mobile applications that contain the necessary information [10, p. 243]. There is a possibility of feedback from potential customers and manufacturers of travel products. The sale of rural green tourism products and services via the Internet has not yet become significant. The reason for this is its banal absence in the countryside, low speed and the need to use specialized security programs in the field of e-commerce, e-transactions, such as: IKR - Internet Keyed Payment Protocol, SET - Security Electronic Transaction, Security Courier.

However, the expansion of the Internet is growing. 4G and 5G high-speed satellite networks are being introduced. High-speed Internet, the development of the cryptocurrency market can make a radical difference in the content of the tourism business, help to manifest its competitive advantages in the countryside. This will be a radically new stage of development, in which companies that provide travel services and offer travel products should review their activities. There is a question about the need for organizational innovations that would allow travel agents to go beyond the technology of reservation, registration and sale, and reorient their activities to provide consulting services, expert assessments, professional training and support [11, p. 9].

Currently, timeshare tourism has become an important direction of implementation and a form of organizational, managerial and product innovations in the activities of tourism enterprises. If the average growth rate of tourism is 6,7-8,0%, the timeshare increases by 15,0% per year. This innovation not only increases the cost of hotels and other tourism businesses, but provides guarantees of recreation of the consumer's choice in any, even in high season, not only for VIPs, but also for moderate money. In addition, by paying a share in the hotel for a certain period, consumers are saved from spending time and effort on annual bookings, insured against risks and uncertainties of service. They know in advance what awaits them.

Thus, timeshare or timeshare and similar concepts allow to connect the categories of time and space in the tourism business, promotes the creation of economy class hotels, hotels such as «resorts». In rural green tourism, a similar effect for consumers could be provided by innovation in the form of club exchange, when several agro-villages and mini-hotels are combined into clubs to provide a variety of recreation to groups of vacationers at any time, provided only one [12, p. 49]. This can significantly increase the competitiveness of rural enterprises.

In addition, the development of the hotel business today depends on the level of use of technological innovations, in particular, the automation of reception and accommodation services. The automated system of placement of FIDELIO is actual. It allows you to control and optimize the processes of reception, accommodation, room service, automates the document management system, reduces the risk of errors in the booking system, intensifies pricing policy and tariff management and more.

Ukraine uses the global distribution networks AMADEUS and GALILEO, which are accessed through the national reservation system «Sirena». There is also an automated management system in the hotel industry «FIDELIO», there are tourist portals and databases of specialized information. They allow for information retrieval, reservation and sale of tickets, the ability to order services of local tours, accommodation and meals, vehicles and travel services in real time [13, p. 92].

Thus, the essence of the innovative approach, tools of innovation to increase the competitiveness of tourism enterprises in rural areas is to create new and improve existing services and products, including touring, automated and information and cloud systems for booking and arranging tours, etc. [14, p. 48]. It is also an innovation in the development of new markets and the attraction of new groups or segments of consumers.

It is a question of introduction of timesharing and creation of strategic business alliances, clubs, clusters, pilot projects and associations of agro-villages and rural mini-hotels for the purpose of increase of quality of service and rest at reduction of expenses on the basis of active involvement of modern information, cloud, digital technologies, networks. and systems, the use of new forms and methods of management [15, p. 35].


Thus, innovation in the system of strategic goals, priorities and benchmarks to increase the competitiveness of rural green tourism enterprises in the era of knowledge economy and digitalization will take the lead. The realization of their important socio-economic functions, as well as other subjects of social life is becoming increasingly associated with an innovative type of development. In turn, it is based on a continuous and purposeful process of finding, preparing and implementing innovations. The possibility and motivation to obtain higher incomes and the need to increase the efficiency of financial and investment resources forces the participants of the tourism business in the countryside to purposefully create new tastes, interests and needs, introduce fundamentally new products, products, services and technologies. All this is also connected with the acceleration of innovation processes.

The peculiarity of innovation in rural green tourism enterprises is that the development of its individual types requires a joint combination of efforts in the format of alliances, clusters, clubs. It also involves the interaction of organizations of the appropriate direction at the level of the country, region, rural areas, support for NGOs, large agribusiness, local governments and even global tourism networks.

It is noted that the development of innovative IT startups (IT projects) in the activities of tourism enterprises in general and rural green tourism in particular takes place in the presence of the following three components: tourism business; innovative technologies and information systems; management technologies. In synergetic interaction at the intersection of spheres of influence, they allow IT startups to be most actively implemented by attracting and creating such tools as a new tourism product, the latest information technologies and tools, enterprise automation systems.

Список використаних джерел

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