Methodological bases of mechanism of creation of image of national tourism product in globalization conditions
Prerequisites for the formation of a positive image of a tourist product that affects increasing the authority of the state at the international level, increasing tourist flows, promoting investment, and developing tourist and recreational infrastructure.
Рубрика | Спорт и туризм |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 11.02.2022 |
Размер файла | 24,2 K |
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Methodological bases of mechanism of creation of image of national tourism product in globalization conditions
Lesia Kovalska,
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Tourism Studies and Local History, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
Tetyana Tkachenko,
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of International Tourism Kiev National University of Culture and Arts (Kiev, Ukraine)
Anzhela Kovalska,
laboratory assistant, Department of Tourism Studies and Local History, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
The article outlines the preconditions for the formation of a positive image of a tourist product, which influences the increase of the authority of the state on the international level, increase of tourist flows, promotion of investment inflow, development of tourist and recreational infrastructure, increase of the general level of economic development and welfare of the population. It is revealed that in order to determine the "tourist magnet" for visitors it is necessary to take into account the completeness of the tourist product filling, which reflects the state, content and structure of the tourist and recreational potential of the country. It is also noted that the image affects the formation and attractiveness of the tourist destination for recreation, namely: health improvement, treatment, travel, etc. To cover the main provisions of the article, complex and historical approaches are used with the use of general scientific research methods: empirical (observation, experiment, description, comparison), empirical-theoretical (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, approach), theoretical (formalization, definition, description, etc).
It was established that the perception of the tourist image is influenced by rational requirements, interests, stereotypes, socio-cultural features of mass consciousness. In addition, by its nature, tourism has a figurative character - it's memories, associations, representations that are caused by mentioning a certain country as a tourist object. The image exists autonomously from state or other structures that are interested in its positive formation. The main difference between the image of the vision is that the image is constructed purposefully and consciously, while the vision is formed independently, naturally. It is proved that the formed positive image of the national tourist product, is associated with a high level of attractiveness, aesthetics, comfort, safety, the possibility of implementing a variety of tourist practices. To objectively assess the level of attractiveness of the image, it is necessary to establish the estimated indicators, of which the main groups are: psychophysical, social, reputation, cultural-aesthetic, and economic.
Taking into account the particularities of the tourism industry, namely: the priority of the wishes of the consumers, the primacy and uniqueness of the tourist service, the extremely important role of marketing in the industry, as well as the integrated structure of the national tourist product on the basis of the WTO classification and the concept of the territorial tourism product.
Such a structure should include the following components: tourist and recreational resources and services, including goods; related products and services; organizational, legal and socio-political environment of tourism; personnel potential of the country; infrastructure; marketing.
Keywords: tourist image, tourist image of the country, tourism, tourist product, market, tourism industry, brand.
Леся Ковальська,
кандидат географічних наук, доцент кафедри туризмознавства і краєзнавства,
ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника» image tourist product recreational
(м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
Тетяна Ткаченко,
кандидат географічних наук, доцент кафедри міжнародного туризму,
Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв
(м. Київ, Україна)
Анжела Ковальська,
лаборант кафедри туризмознавства і краєзнавства, ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника»
(м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
Анотація. У статті визначені передумови формування позитивного іміджу туристичного продукту, який впливає на підвищення авторитету держави на міжнародному рівні, збільшення туристичних потоків, сприяння надходженню інвестицій, розвиток туристично-рекреаційної інфраструктури, підвищення загального рівня розвитку економіки та добробуту населення, залучення молоді до роботи в туристичній галузі. З'ясовано, що з метою визначення «туристичного магніту» для відвідувачів слід враховувати повноту наповнення туристичного продукту, який відображає стан, зміст та структуру туристично-рекреаційного потенціалу країни. Зазначено також, що імідж впливає на формування та привабливість туристичної дестинації для відпочинку, а саме: оздоровлення, лікування, подорожей тощо. Для висвітлення основних положень статті застосовані комплексний та історичний підходи з використанням загальнонаукових методів дослідження: емпіричний (спостереження, експеримент, опис, порівняння), емпірико- теоретичний (аналіз і синтез, індукція і дедукція), теоретичні (формалізація, визначення, опис тощо).
Встановлено, що на сприйняття туристичного іміджу впливають раціональні вимоги, інтереси, стереотипи, соціокультурні особливості масової свідомості.Крім того, за своєю природою туризм має образний характер - це спогади, асоціації, уявлення, які викликаються згадкою про певну країну як туристичний об'єкт.Образ існує автономно від державних чи інших структур, які зацікавлені в його позитивному формуванні.Головною відмінністю іміджу від образу є те, що імідж конструюється цілеспрямовано і свідомо, тоді як образ утворюється самостійно, природним шляхом.
Доведено, що сформований позитивний імідж національного туристичного продукту асоціюється з високим рівнем атрактивності, естетичності, комфорту, безпеки, можливістю реалізації різноманітних туристичних практик. Для об'єктивної оцінки рівня привабливості іміджу слід встановити оцінні показники, з яких основними групами є: психофізичні, соціальні, репутаційні, культурно-естетичні, економічні.
Беручи до уваги особливості туристичної галузі, а саме: пріоритетність побажань споживачів, непервинність та унікальність туристичної послуги, надзвичайно важлива роль маркетингу в галузі, а також на основі класифікації ВТО та концепції територіального туристичного продукту розроблено комплексну структуру національного туристичного продукту. Ця структура повинна вміщувати такі складники: туристично-рекреаційні ресурси та послуги, в тому числі й товари; супутні товари та послуги; організаційно-правове та соціально-політичне середовища туризму; кадровий потенціал країни; інфраструктура; маркетинг.
Ключові слова: туристичний імідж, туристичний образ країни, туризм, туристичний продукт, ринок, діяльність у туристичній галузі, бренд.
Formulation of the problem.The creation of an attractive image and promotion of a national tourist product that has embraced the diversity and uniqueness of the country's tourist potential is of great importance throughout the world. In the tourist sphere of Ukraine, the question of creating a new image of a national tourist product is new and relevant. However, it should be noted that the analysis of the information component of the national tourist product is not substantially and completely reflected in scientific works, but only in part. Therefore, attempts to conduct tourist and recreational research in order to address these problems of the regions of the country and the state as a whole are relevant. The positive image of the country and its individual regions is one of the factors of sustainable development of the territory, a means of increasing the competitiveness of products manufactured (provided) by the state. Positive image stimulates business activity of the population and promotes attraction of investments. The positive image of the tourism product of Ukraine, individual territories or tourist facilities contributes to the formation of a positive image of the
country as a whole, increasing the authority of the state on the interstate level. Increasing tourist flows leads to increased profits, the development of tourist and recreational infrastructure, raising the overall level of economic development and welfare of the population. In order that the country was a "tourist magnet" for visitors, it is necessary to create a positive image, always taking into account that it is the fullness of tourism product content reflects the state, content and structure of the tourism potential of the country and its image directly affects on the formation of a new image of Ukraine as an attractive destination for recreation, health improvement, treatment, travel. The characteristic, genesis and significance of the image, image and brand of the national tourist product is the formation of an integrated approach to the creation, promotion and implementation of the image of the national tourist product of Ukraine, and the latter, in its turn, determines its attractiveness, and as a result influences the formation of tourism flows.
The approved Tourism and Resorts Development Strategy until 2026 defines the approach of the state tourism policy in the areas of tourist safety, regulatory support, development of tourism infrastructure and human resources, marketing policy for tourism development and resorts. The strategy envisages that by 2026 in Ukraine: the number of foreign tourists will increase by 2.5 times, the number of domestic tourists will increase by 5 times, the number of workplaces in the tourism sector will increase by 5 times, the filling of budgets of all levels from tourism activity will increase by 10 times, the number of subjects of tourist activity will increase 5 times, tourists spend on travels in Ukraine to 80 billion UAH, will create a positive image of Ukraine as an attractive country for tourism. The development of national tourism stimulates growth in tangible spheres of the economy, which is especially important for the regional development of Ukraine. In addition, Ukraine has enormous opportunities for attracting national tourism, thanks to its unique natural opportunities, rich historical and cultural heritage [1].
Analysis of recent researches and publications. The work of I. Kalutsky L. Kovalska is devoted to the role of events of economic, military-political character and their role in the formation of the tourism industry in Ukraine, and hence the formation of a tourist image. Primak T.O., Primak D.S. studied the issues of organization of marketing support for tourist image of Ukraine. The authors drew attention to the role of tourist information centers, which should lobby tourist potential of the country, as well as paid attention to missing tourist offices of Ukraine abroad, an official information portal, which in aggregate leads to the fact that our country is little known in the world. On the influence of modern conditions on the formation of a tourist image on the international market is dedicated to the work of Tunyk O.M. Recent publications make it possible to conclude that there is a need to create an image of a national tourist product in a globalized world.
Identification of unsettled parts of the general problem.Uncovering the value of the tourist image of the territory to enhance the tourist flow both domestic and international. Taking into account the complex and little predicted militarypolitical situation in the state, in connection with the annexation of the Crimean peninsula and the Russian-Ukrainian war in the east of Ukraine, the consolidation of the tourist image of Ukraine, in particular as a safe country for travel with a unique natural and historical and cultural heritage, may need a lot of time. The formation of the tourist image of the state will be influenced by the socio-economic situation of the population, which would like a better standard of living. Therefore, the formation of the tourist attractiveness of the country, is an important need of today.
The purpose and objectives of the article. The purpose of the work is to form and develop a highly effective and competitive positive image of the national tourist product as an important indicator of the state's development, providing a wide range of opportunities for meeting the needs of domestic and international tourists for a variety of tourist and recreational services; as well as forming the image of Ukraine as an attractive tourist country in the world.
Among the objectives of the study are the following: a) studying the theoretical positions of tourism studies, which forms the basis of the study of the formation and development of a highly effective and competitive positive image of the national tourist product as an important indicator of the development of the state; b) analysis of the factors of formation of the theoretical component "national tourist product", "image", "image", "brand", "cultural level", its structural units; c) revealing the main problems of the existing image of Ukraine, development and substantiation of perspective directions of tourism development.The object is the image of the positive component of the national tourist product, the basis of which is the territorial-spatial system of Ukraine. The subject of the study is the design of interconnections and interactions within the territorial-spatial system of the natural-territorial complex of Ukraine, constituent components of the new image of the national tourism product of Ukraine, through the complex formation and correction of the logic and ideology of the strategy image for the disclosure of the recreational and tourist potential of the tourist product and its further progress at the national and international levels.
For solving the tasks, the general scientific methods of research were used: empirical (observation, experiment, description, comparison), empirical-theoretical (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, historical approach), theoretical (formalization, definition, description, etc.).
The scientific novelty of the obtained results consists in the following provisions: the concept of analysis of the structure of the new image of the national tourist product as a scientific basis for solving problems of further promotion of tourist products on the national and international levels was substantiated, the information component of the "image ^ image ^ brand" of the national tourism product in the context has been improved. formation of a new highly effective and competitive positive image of the national tourism product of Ukraine.
Main part. The presented scientific research is one of the types of cognitive activity in the course of which new scientific knowledge is being carried out in relation to the research object in the form of a complex of logical constructions, experimental operations for establishing the properties of the object and certain regularities of its existence. In the simplest form, the methods of scientific knowledge are divided into three groups: general scientific methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization, induction, deduction, analogy and modeling), methods of empirical research (observation, description, measurement, experiment) and methods of theoretical research (imaginary experiment, idealization, formalization, etc). The presented work is a derivative of the combined methodology.
In modern science there are different approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "image". This concept has been known since ancient times and has had a variety of interpretations in philosophy and art. In ancient Rome, "imago" called statues of God-like creatures, endowed with the ideal and exceptionally good features that had a significant impact on the life of a people or an individual. The etymology of the word comes from Latin "imago", from English "image" is translated as image, image, reflection, idol. In modern English, "image" means image, image, image, statue, idol, icon, metaphor, personification, likeness, reflection, association, image distortion, mirror effect, etc. In the eighteenth century. Latin played a prominent role in the formation of scientific, political, philosophical terminology and business speech. In particular, the Latin "imago" was used by scholars in scientific and poetic writings in the sense of both the way of perception and the image-representation. Today, "imago" almost unchanged has become part of contemporary European languages, retaining a large number of initial values.
In modern terms, the term is universal. An economists' image is defined as the image of a product, a service or a company, as a combination of associations and impressions about them, which are formed in the minds of consumers and forms their specific relation to this product, service or company. The system approach considers the image using the method of structural and functional analysis of R. Merton as a positive - functional, and negative - dysfunctional phenomenon. Depending on what emotions are the image of the bearer, the image is classified as positive and negative.
The overall image of the country is extremely influential on the tourist image, but there is also a feedback. Since tourism has a clear territorial-spatial reference, for the understanding of the tourist image, the concept of "image of the territory" is used as the basis. UNWTO defines the image of the territory as a collection of emotional and rational representations that arise from a comparison of all characteristics of the country, experience and rumors that affect the creation of a particular image.
The geographical component of the image of the region is a set of ideas associated with its natural features and localization, which leads to the allocation of certain territories with varying degrees of attraction, which determine its specialization. Preferably, the attractiveness is determined by a set of factors (natural, cultural, technological, etc.). Regions in which complex factors are represented are particularly attractive to consumers. Cultural component of the image of the state or region characterizes the sum of visions about the state (region) associated with the totality of material and spiritual values created by man.
Ethnic component of the image represents the notion of the population of the state as representatives of a certain community. The perception of the ethnic group has a characteristic feature to go to the domestic level. The image of the people is transferred to the image of the state as a whole, there is a division of regions into those that have positive features and those that are more negative in nature. The historical component of the country's image includes associative representations related to the history and development process of the country. Each region is an arena for deploying a variety of historical events. Rational requirements, interests, stereotypes, socio-cultural features (place of residence, peculiarities of everyday life, character, historical experience, national values, etc.) of mass consciousness influence the perception of the image [2].
The image and image of any object, including the tourist product of the country, to a large extent depends on the value of the "contact audience" installations. It is formed under the influence of views, which is the result of a comparison of all the characteristics inherent in this state, their own experience, rumors. Created imagination depends on historically formed stereotypes of thought, inertia of certain socio-cultural considerations. A certain image of the country allows it to be identified immediately at the first mention of the name. This feature is extremely important for the tourism industry [2].
In addition, by its nature tourism has a figurative nature, it is from this position that the image components of the tourist product's realization become of special significance. A special place among them is tourism, namely: a national tourist product, as a product to meet the needs of travelers. Along with the acquisition of the tour, the tourist buys not only a trip, but also a certain territorial resource with the corresponding emotional load, perceived individually. The idea of a national tourist product, its image, directly affects the degree of demand from potential customers. An image is a collective representation of an individual or a group of individuals, a complete, but incomplete representation of a particular object or group of objects. The peculiarity of the image is determined by the fact that it is subjective, ideal; he can not independently exist in relation to his material basis - the object of reflection [3].
Thus, the image of the territory as an object is a complex of various interconnected representations representing certain aspects, connections, features or functions of an object, where each of these representations is reproduced depending on the situation or direction of the tourist's opinion. The image of a national tourist product is those memories, associations, representations that are caused by the mention of a particular country as a tourist object. A characteristic feature of the image of a national tourist product is also that it exists autonomously from state or other structures that are interested in its positive formation. The image is not controlled by such organizations, but is created spontaneously, chaotic [3].
The main difference between the image of the image is that the image is constructed purposefully and consciously, while the image is formed independently, naturally. The image is specially formed as the limit of the transition of the image into the image. Professionally formed image of the national tourism product of the country is based on real, and not fictional features of the country, embodies its historical, cultural, ethnogeographical, natural and other features. The image of a national tourist product allows you to identify the terrain in the coordinates of world tourism and reflects the material and semiotic resources of the country. The formed positive image of the national tourist product, is associated with a high level of attractiveness, aesthetics, comfort, security, the possibility of implementing a variety of tourist practices, etc. At a certain stage, this image acquires a kind of "symbolic value". This "symbolic value" gives the image of a national tourist product a very realistic value and visual representation, becoming a brand. It should be noted that for the successful formation of the image of national tourism products, it is necessary to carry out regular marketing research, which will reveal certain regularities and causal relationships, as well as assess the attractiveness of the existing tourism product of the state for consumers [4].
In order to objectively assess the level of attractiveness of the image, it is important to establish valuation indicators, of which the main groups are: psychophysical - characterize the physical and emotional comfort of stay in the country, environmental safety of rest; social - reflect the social stability in the region, hospitality, the attitude of the local population towards tourists; reputational (image) - reveal the degree of prestige of rest in the country, cultural and aesthetic - characterize the level of historical and cultural potential of the region, the degree of cognitive excursion routes, informational saturation, economic - express the level of tourist expenses, the correspondence of prices and quality of services, the cost of basic and additional services.
Based on the classification of the WTO and the concept of a territorial tourism product, a comprehensive structure of the national tourism product with the following components has been developed: tourist and recreational resources that cover both natural (climate, landscape, relief, balneological resources, etc.), as well as cultural and anthropogenic (historically-architectural, archeological, cultural, etc.); tourist services that are provided and can be provided on the territory of the state (services of tour operators and travel agencies, accommodation, meals, leisure); tourist goods that are created and sold in the country (souvenirs, handicrafts, holiday products, drinks, food, etc.); related products and services accompanying tourism products consumption (financial, banking, information services, insurance services, security, etc.); the organizational and legal environment of tourism and the human potential of the country (legal and economic background of the activities of enterprises and organizations involved in the creation and promotion of a national tourism product, the conditions for coordinating their activities and cooperation, the regulatory framework for tourism regulation, the availability of highly skilled personnel, availability and level of system of training, retraining and improvement of their qualifications); socio-political environment of tourism activity (general political the state of tourism in the state, the place of tourism in the system of state priorities, the availability of public funding, the presence of programs to attract investment in the tourism sector, participation in the formation and promotion of national tourist products of citizens, etc.); infrastructure (vehicles, communications and communications, specific tourist and recreationalinfrastructure); direct activity on the creation, promotion and promotion of the national tourist product (targeted formation of the image of the national tourist product, development and implementation of the branding strategy of the national tourism product and other targeted programs in the field of tourism, representation of public and private structures at tourist exhibitions in order to popularize the tourist product of the state) [5].
The tourist industry has a number of features that need to be taken into account when developing a national tourist product. The main ones are: the priority of the wishes of end users in planning activities, not the primacy of tourism services, the extremely important role of marketing in the industry, the uniqueness of service. Thus, the development of tourism in each country should use as a basis mainly those types and forms of tourism, which allow the maximum and comprehensive use of existing recreational and tourist potential.
Adapted the complex ideology of the image image of the image ^ image ^ brand to the national tourism product, for the disclosure of recreational and tourist potential of the tourist event and its further promotion at the national and international levels. The image is not backed up by the real state of things. It is not able to create a competitive, high- quality national tourism product, therefore, it is necessary to modernize the existing infrastructure and build a new one, to improve the regulatory and legal framework and to give priority and privileges to entrepreneurship in tourism, to provide state financial support for the promotion of tourist products, to introduce advanced innovative management projects of the industry, to create a favorable investment environment for the development of the tourism industry, to establish cooperation with foreign countries, to open tourist information offices abroad, to involve the state structures of all levels, business structures, citizens in the formation and support of the tourist product image.
For the first time, the structure of the national (Ukrainian) tourist product was proposed on the basis of the component of the territorial product. The national tourist product consists of the following structural units, such as: tourist and recreational resources, tourist services, tourist goods, related products and services, organizational and legal, sociopolitical environment, infrastructure, state support activities for the national tourist product. The level of consumption of the national tourist product is one of the important indicators of the quality of life of the country. The formation of a new national tourist image becomes the number one strategic goal for the development of the tourist sector of Ukraine.
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реферат [2,3 M], добавлен 13.03.2015Description of the Golden Ring of Russia as a group of tourist routes through the ancient Russian city. Historical facts and architectural attractions of Vladimir, Suzdal, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Sergiev Posad, Yaroslavl, Pereslavl, Rostov (Yaroslavl region).
реферат [55,2 K], добавлен 13.01.2016The largest city in the Midwest. The ideal time to visit the Windy City. The main tourist attractions. Best time to visit Chikago. MileNorth Hotel, The Silversmith Hotel & Suites, Manilow Suites Corporate Housing, Fairmont Chicago at Millennium Park.
презентация [1,0 M], добавлен 17.03.2013A specific feature of services. The main form of supply of services abroad. A need for international regulation of trade in services. Operations on foreign tourism. International tourism as a form of foreign economic activity. World Tourism Organization.
реферат [1,2 M], добавлен 30.09.2014Historical development in travel and tourism industry, its structure. The impact of national economic policy in Scotland for success in this area. The function of government, state bodies in the industry. Factors affecting tourism demand in the country.
реферат [13,2 K], добавлен 11.11.2015The value of domestic tourism for the Russian economy: an increase in jobs in hotels, restaurants, food industry and transport. Stages of development of domestic tourism in post-revolutionary and Soviet periods. Treatment, athletic and business tourism.
реферат [20,0 K], добавлен 04.03.2012Finland is a wonderful Nordic country and a priority of tourists which can estimate the nature. Progress of eco-tourism in Finland. The unique lakes and wildelife are objectives of travelers. New Year in Finland, which is the home of Santa Claus.
презентация [1,5 M], добавлен 17.06.2013General information about geography and population of Canada. Ontario as one of the provinces of the country. Place of the tourism in the economy of Quebec. Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre. Natural beauty of British Columbia. The Vancouver Maritime Museum.
контрольная работа [4,0 M], добавлен 30.09.2012Psychology of the incentive. Benefits of Incentive Travel. Group and Individual Incentives. Cruise Incentives. Travel incentives are a reward subset of an incentive, recognition or a loyalty program. The growing importance of religious tourism.
реферат [19,3 K], добавлен 26.12.2013Визитные карточки мировых круизный компаний, регионы плавания. Описание кают на кораблях различного класса. Путешествие на борту круизных лайнеров Royal Caribbean International - настоящие каникулы мечты. Сервис, программа отдыха, береговые экскурсии.
реферат [1,2 M], добавлен 24.12.2009Доля мировых гостиничных корпораций на российском рынке. Роль гостиничных цепей (сетей) в туризме и экономике в целом, а также характеристика их крупнейших представителей: Marriott International, Holiday Inn, Hilton Hotels Corporation и Forte Hotel Group.
курсовая работа [51,5 K], добавлен 13.11.2009Отдых по системе all inclusive в турецких и египетских отелях. Таймшер в системе отдыха, современная концепция. Клубный отдых, система Resort Condominiums International. Отличие отдыха в клубной системе от отдыха в гостинице. Основные недостатки Таймшера.
контрольная работа [18,4 K], добавлен 01.03.2011Historical background, names of national sports, borrowed games. Problems and prospects of American sport. Professional sport. The business of sport. Olympic Games and the names of American heroes. Leisure sports. Sports at colleges. Unusual sports.
курсовая работа [65,2 K], добавлен 05.08.2008The functions of image and role for the travel agency. Good name is the key for success. The corporate style. The main carriers of elements of corporate stile. The methods of research organization's image. Selection of target audience for making image.
реферат [17,4 K], добавлен 28.03.2012Geographical position (nature, coasts, relief, climate), historic territory and counties of the United Kingdom. Promoting British tourism. Profit from tourist industry in the economy of country. Visitors are the lifeblood of Britain's tourism industry.
контрольная работа [20,1 K], добавлен 18.07.2009Scotland is the most northern part of the island of Great Britain, divided into three parts: the Highlands, the Lowlands and the Southern Uplands. History and milestones for the development of Edinburgh, its tourist attractions, recreational resources.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 24.04.2014Geographical position of Australia, climate. Tourist industry, rest, sights. Tourism Australia continues to strive to take the lead by employing creative marketing strategies and innovative activities in Korea and many other markets around the world.
реферат [34,8 K], добавлен 18.07.2009Politics ukrainization, conducted by the bolsheviks. National and spiritual revival of Ukraine after the First World War. Proofs of regional revitalization movement. Museum of local traffic as a kind of excursion. Preferential tourist activities.
реферат [17,9 K], добавлен 10.05.2011