The problem of an athlete’s assertiveness and degree of their self-confidence

The ability of an individual to make demands and requests to himself and others in interaction with the social environment, as well as to achieve their effective implementation. The problem of assertiveness of the athlete, trust in their abilities.

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The problem of an athlete's assertiveness and degree of their self-confidence

Nikolaiev Leonid

Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, PhD in Psychology,

Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

Dub Igor

Associate Professor, PhD in Physical Education and Sport, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Therapy, Ergotherapy, Physical Education and Sport,

Khmelnytskyi Institute of Social Technologies of University “Ukraine”

Prokofieva Olesia Associate Professor, associate professor of the Department of Psychology, PhD in Psychology, Bogdan Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University

In one form or another, the problem of an athlete's assertiveness and confidence in one's abilities and self is covered in almost any scientific theory, which directly or indirectly relates to personality. It is well-known that athletes differ by degree of selfconfidence. The very concept of “confidence” exists in many languages all over the world. In some languages, there are even several words to denote it. At the same time, the concept of assertiveness concerning athlete training has been introduced only recently. Importantly, pedagogical correction of insecurities has created the basis for theoretical generalizations and concepts of self-confidence. In the 1960s, there originated the idea of confidence as a multi-faceted characteristic consisting of emotional, behavioural and cognitive components. Thus, assertiveness is a complex characteristic of an athlete's personality which includes emotional (positive feelings when winning, self-affirmation, satisfaction with sports results), behavioural (a set of behavioural patterns that are effective in various socio-psychological situations), cognitive (self-presentation, self-concept components), as well as axiological (sociality, maturity) components. Self-confidence as a behavioural characteristic of an assertive personality is seen as one's ability to demand and request more of oneself and others.

Keywords: pedagogical correction of an athlete's personality, a degree of self-confidence, a complex description of an athlete's personality, axiological components of athletes, the social environment of athletes.

Ніколаєв Л., Дуб І., Прокоф'єва О., Баличев М., Вишнівська Н., Овчарук В. Проблема асертивності особистості спортсмена та ступінь його впевненості в собі. У тому чи іншому вигляді проблему асертивності спортсмена, довіри до своїх здібностей і до себе можна виявити практично в будь-якій науковій теорії, яка так чи інакше стосується особистості. Той факт, що спортсмени відрізняються за ступенем впевненості в собі, цілком очевидний. Саме поняття «впевненість» існує в більшості мов світу, в деяких зустрічається кілька слів для позначення ujeiякості особистості спортсмена. Однак як наукове поняття «асертивність» з'явилося у літературі порівняно недавно в зв'язку з завданнями підготовки спортсмена. Практика педагогічної корекції невпевненості створила основу для низки теоретичних узагальнень і концепцій упевненості в собі. У результаті до початку 70-х років сформувалося уявлення про впевненість як про багатокомпонентну характеристику людини, що включає в себе певні емоційні, поведінкові і когнітивні компоненти. Таким чином, асертивність є комплексною характеристикою особистості спортсмена, що включає в себе емоційний (позитивні почуття при перемозі, самоствердженні, задоволеності результатами спортивної діяльності та ін.), поведінковий (набір певних, ефективних в різних соціально-психологічних ситуаціях навичок впевненої поведінки), когнітивний (процеси самопрезентації, настанови, компоненти «я»-концепції), а також ціннісний компоненти (соціальність, зрілість). Під упевненістю в собі, як поведінкової характеристики асертивної особистості, розуміється здатність індивіда пред'являти вимоги і запити до себе і інших у взаємодії із соціальним оточенням, а також домагатися їх ефективного здійснення.

Keywords: педагогічна корекція особистості спортсмена, ступінь впевненості у собі, комплексна характеристика особистості спортсмена, ціннісні компоненти спортсмена, соціальне оточення спортсмена.

Problem statement

Carrying out a theoretical analysis of the problem of athlete's assertiveness in domestic and foreign schools of developmental psychology, we inevitably encounter different, often polar, views on the nature of its origin and the specifics of the formation. The problem of assertiveness has been studied not only by foreign authors but also by domestic ones since the middle of the 20th century. Thus, in general, in the works of foreign psychologists, assertiveness is more associated with such socio-psychological categories as personal success, independence, autonomy, purposefulness. In the scientific works of domestic psychologists, this concept can be found more often in the context and relationship with such concepts as responsibility, personal position, moral conviction, the ability to resist group pressure. Accordingly, in the first case, athlete's assertiveness mainly acts on semantics as a behavioral component of personality, in the second - as a semantic, and therefore - internal psychological. The legitimacy of the above is confirmed, in our opinion, by theoretical and methodological reflection and analysis of the main approaches to the formation of assertiveness as a socio-psychological quality of personality in foreign and domestic psychological traditions. social environment athlete assertiveness

Analysis of topical researches

In the works of foreign authors on the study of the formation of athlete's assertiveness, the main attention is paid to the development of the above behavioral skills, patterns of action and stereotypes in socio-psychological situations. Numerous foreign psychological programs, Craig G. (2000), active socio-psychological training offer various types of training, aimed primarily at teaching assertive (confident) behavior. In modern domestic psychology the main emphasis in considering this problem of development and formation of athlete's assertiveness is paid to work with the motivational and value-semantic sphere of personality (Palamarchuk, 2020; Nerubasska, 2020a; Nerubasska, 2020b; Sheremet, 2019; Bezliudnyi, 2019).

Analysis of domestic and foreign scientific and scientific-practical literature on this issue showed that much more often scientific developments are devoted to the analysis of polysemantic confidence, Petrovsky A.V. (1990), but still there is no unambiguous definition of this personality trait and close to meaning, but different in modality of the concept of assertiveness and its development. Components that belong (or constitute a separate parameter) to the phenomenon of assertiveness are studied in the works of domestic and foreign authors, usually in isolation. The task before us is to study its integral structure and to reveal interdependence and interrelation of its components.

In one form or another, the problem of athlete's assertiveness, confidence in their abilities and themselves can be found in almost any psychological theory, which in one way or another relates to the psychology of personality. The fact that people differ in the degree of self-confidence is quite obvious. The very concept of "confidence" exists in most languages of the world, in some there are a few words to denote this quality of personality. However, as a psychological concept of "assertiveness" appeared in the psychological literature relatively recently in connection with the tasks of psychological correction and psychotherapy, Vasylkov V.M. (1999).

Experimental psychological study of confidence was preceded by various practices of "assertiveness training" in psychotherapy rooms and medical centers of neuroses and other psychological problems, Garbuzov V.I. (1994). Because some researchers, when discussing the problem of assertiveness in connection with anxiety and aggression, often point out that the line between confidence and aggression is minimal, and the manifestation of behavioral parameters of these properties is sometimes impossible to differentiate without the use of special psychodiagnostic instrumenatums. Other authors believe that confidence occupies a place among the poles of such qualities, as already noted, aggressiveness and anxiety, as well as uncertainty, Bodaleva A.A. (1987). There is also a point of view that aggressiveness and insecurity are two different forms of manifestation of lack of confidence. At the same time, energy unrealized in external interaction is transferred inward or rotates against others in the form of aggressiveness, Rubinstein S.L. (1973). Most researchers nevertheless consider aggressiveness and uncertainty to be two different personality traits, in particular, aggressive behavior and manipulation are not characteristic of asertive behavior.

Presentation of the main material

There are several approaches to the study of assertiveness: behavioral, emotionally expressive and subject-personal. The behavioral approach proposes the point of view according to which the directly opposite quality of confidence - uncertainty - is a kind of reaction to the lack of adequate modes of behavior that are designed to ensure the behavior of the individual in combination with the rigidity and narrowness of a wide repertoire of behavioral instrumenatums, that is, a specific lack of skills in the implementation of confidence, Petrovskaya L. A. (1989). So, the list of necessary social and psychological skills in the structure of the concept of assertiveness includes a number of parameters that have specific external manifestations (behavioral constructs): this is, first of all, the ability to speak openly about one's desires and requirements, the installation, if possible, to demonstrate to the interlocutor a refusal to do something or a willingness to talk openly about your feelings, the ability to establish contacts, enter into a conversation and end it.

There are also a number of studies that show that uncertainty can manifest itself at different stages of the implementation of individual actions and behavior in general, in setting goals, during action planning and implementation, as well as in evaluating the results of these actions. A number of authors associate uncertain behavior in general with unclear formulations of behavioral goals, unrealistic and inadequate setting of tasks, unrealistic claims of the subject of action, inadequate assessment of the results of their own actions and actions, inability to use positive consequences for reinforcement, as well as insufficient correction of their plans based on past negative experience, Rubinstein S.L. (1973).

The subject-personal approach postulates the important role of individual attitudes, self-assessments and evaluations of other people in the formation of confidence, Bekh I. (D. 1998). Notes the essential role of self-esteem and guidance in the implementation of confident behavior. In his opinion, negative self-assessments and attitudes such as: "I can't handle it", "It's beyond my strength" and others. inhibit confident behavior. By consolidating, they reduce self-confidence and contribute to the development of personal insecurity, Buhler S. (1931). Thus, confident behavior largely depends on the subject's positive assessment of their own capabilities, which are necessary to achieve meaningful goals. It consists of a positive experience of solving practical problems, evaluation of the results of their own actions and external evaluation by significant people.

An emotionally expressive approach to the study of confidence was formulated by Solter A. (1949), who said that the cause of uncertainty may be the predominance of inhibitory processes over excitatory processes that lead to the formation of "inhibitory" personality, unable to openly and spontaneously express feelings, desires and needs, which, in the end, makes it difficult to contact other people ". Based on the results obtained, Solter A. (1949) identified six main parameters that characterize assertiveness - emotionality of speech, openness and frank expression of feelings; expressiveness in behavior and speech, as well as the manifestation of feelings in the non-verbal sphere, the ability to protest and express one's opinion without looking back at others, the rare use of vague formulations and the frequent use of the pronoun "Ego", the exclusion of self-deprecation and the willingness to listen to praise addressed to oneself, the spontaneity of expressing one's feelings and needs, Andreeva G.M. (1999).

Later, one of his students and colleagues, the famous psychotherapist Volpe J. (1999) showed that emotions and, in particular, social fear play a significant role in the emergence of insecurity. It manifests itself in different forms and different situations: fear of criticism, fear of being rejected, fear of being the center of attention, fear of being inferior, fear of superiors, fear of new situations, fear of making claims and refusing to demand, fear of saying no and so on. etc. Social fear is usually associated with specific situations and reinforces itself. It reduces the chances of success, failure, in turn, increases fear and uncertainty in subsequent actions, Andreeva G.M. (1999).

Athlete's assertiveness was considered in the context of general psychological analysis of the concept of “confidence” in connection with the problem of decision-making by the subject. The results of these works revealed the existence of two indirectly related sources of the formation of confidence in a person:

- stable personality formations - attitude;

- assessment of the situation of the subject's interaction with the environment.

Despite the variety of approaches to the phenomenon of "confidence", there are two main provisions in understanding this construct, which have developed in both domestic and foreign psychology, and accordingly - two areas of research in this area: confidence in their judgments and self-confidence. For example, I. Weiner (1996) calls them situational and personal confidence, respectively. He believes that they are interconnected and are forms of subjective confidence. In his opinion, when getting into a particular situation, the formation of subjective confidence is, on the one hand, due to the experience already available to the person, on the other - due to the system of relations that have developed to this situation. I. Weiner (1996) very conditionally called this experience and attitude a subjective background. According to him, a combination of high personal confidence is possible, in turn, with both high and low situational confidence. Interestingly, the ratio of high personal and low situational confidence is optimal to achieve high efficiency.

Confidence in judgments was usually perceived as a characteristic of the decision-making process. "It is a systemic mental education, which performs the following functions: cognitive - the subject's reflection on the information received, their knowledge, probabilistic prediction of the correctness of decisions; regulatory - experience and state that is associated with these processes and affects the latency and outcome of the decision (acceptance of a hypothesis depending on the forecast of their correctness) and cognitive-regulatory - assessment of the correctness of the decision ", Anastazi A. (1982).

Regarding such a concept as self-confidence, a lot of data has been obtained in the context of the study of other mental phenomena, including because of this self-confidence in different psychological studies is also characterized differently. For example, Volpe J. (1999) used this construct as an indicator of openness of the person in relations with other people, K. Lieberman (2010) - "as ability to self-expression", A. Lazarus (2000) - "as a habit to emotional freedom". A. Rich and G. Schroeder gave the following definition of self-confidence: it is “... the ability to seek, maintain or enhance reinforcement in an interpersonal situation, through the expression of feelings or desires, when such expression involves the risk not only of losing support but and be punished ", Krivtsova S.V. (1993).

I. Skotnikova (2002) considers self-confidence as a specific self-esteem, measured by three indicators: size, degree of stability and degree of adequacy. From this point of view, confidence acts as a high stable self-esteem, which refers both to the operational, technical and value side of their own "Ego". "The characteristics of self-esteem retain the value and stability and when it comes to the level of claims, personal standard of achievement and forecast of achievement of the result formed on their basis, thus becoming a setting for themselves", Skotnikova I.G. (2002). The problem of assertiveness was considered in the study of the problem of "Ego" -concept. There are three aspects of the self-concept associated with such an indicator of assertiveness as confidence. The first of them - self-compliance, ie compliance with the abilities and qualities of the subject to his motives and goals, as well as the compliance of "Ego"-ideal and "Ego"-real personality.

The second aspect is the internal coherence and integration of the components of the "Ego" -concept, the feeling of continuous self-identity and unity of one's own "Ego". The third aspect of the "Ego" -concept, related to confidence, concerns the assessment of the level of their capabilities in comparison with other people and the difficulties of accepted and developed goals, Skotnikova I.G. (2002). The main conclusion of these studies is that confidence arises as a holistic personal characteristic, provided that a certain "Ego" -concept is able to integrate this quality. The authors argue that the "Ego" -concept is built on a clear hierarchy, highly integrated and conflict-free, is not in conflict with the general value system of the individual, actualizes confidence in the form of the process of assertiveness, Skotnikova I.G. (2002).

R. Ulrich proposed the definition of confidence, which reflects three aspects: cognitive, emotional and behavioral, which are manifested in interaction with the social environment. Under self-confidence, he understands the ability of the individual to make demands and requests in interaction with the social environment and seek their implementation, Skotnikova I.G. (2002). In his opinion, confidence also includes the ability to allow oneself to have requests and demands (attitudes towards oneself), to dare to show them (social fear and inhibition) and to have the skills to implement them (social skills).

V. Romek (1997) and V. Vygotsky developed and formulated definitions of confidence independently of each other, but these definitions are identical in content: “... self-confidence is the acceptance of one's actions, decisions, skills as correct, appropriate (i.e. acceptance of oneself)». The core of confidence is a generalized stable positive attitude of the individual to their own skills, abilities and abilities, which is manifested in social situations in which the individual finds himself and which involve his personal participation. V. Romek (1997) notes that an important component of self-confidence is the individual's self-esteem of his own behavioral repertoire and belief in its effectiveness. The connection between belief in self-efficacy and confidence in behavior has also been proven, Romek V.G. (1997). In his imagination, confident behavior is a culturally normalized repertoire of skills that ensures human self-realization in the appropriate social environment. The personal repertoire of confident behavior of a particular person, on the one hand, is determined by the characteristics of socially normative confident behavior (ideas in society about what skills a confident person should have), on the other - personal behavioral repertoire and formed by their intersection, Weiner I.V. (1996).

The leading personal determinants of assertiveness were such basic structures as achievement motivation, volitional self-control and anxiety, and the socio-psychological determinants were self-acceptance, initiative and courage in social contacts.

Representatives of the behavioral direction distinguish three classes of manifestations of self-confidence: the expression of positive feelings, the manifestation of negative emotions and the ability to refuse a request. A. Lazarus (2000), describing the phenomenon of self-confidence, identified four factors: the ability to say "no", the ability to call for help and ask, the ability to express negative and positive emotions and feelings and the ability to initiate communication. Thus, behaviorists have come to the conclusion that the lack or underdevelopment of a particular ability (skill) leads to a decrease in selfconfidence. Therefore, it is possible to reduce or remove barriers that prevent a person from being self-confident by teaching his skills of confident behavior through appropriate training, A. Lazarus (2000).

Some data were obtained on the necessary conditions for confidence building. N. Samoukina (1989) in his research identifies confident individuals by the nature of the means used by the individual, adequate to a particular situation, Samoukina

N.V. (1989). M. Kukharev (1990) also received data that "... self-confidence, first of all, is based on self-assessment of own activity, instead of on an external estimation and assumes rejection of criticism", Kukharev N.V. (1990).

Thus, self-confidence was interpreted through the description of other, adjacent to it, various mental phenomena: this is the ability for self-expression, and high stable self-esteem, and self-acceptance. The self-produced stable positive attitude of the individual to his own skills, abilities and abilities acts as the core of confidence.

Solter A. (1949) - a specialist in psychotherapy, summarized his experience, tried to give him a theoretical basis. Referring to the theory of I. Pavlov (1897), he suggested that the cause of uncertainty may be the predominance of inhibition over excitation, which leads to the formation of the so-called "inhibitory" personality, unable to openly and spontaneously express their feelings, desires and needs, limited in self-realization, which as a result has difficulty in contact with other people.

Based on his clinical experience, Solter A. (1949) identified and described six characteristics of a healthy, confident personality: the emotionality of language, which is manifested in open, spontaneous and genuine expression in language of all feelings experienced by the individual. By this Solter A. (1949) meant, first, openness. From his point of view, a confident person "calls the feelings by their names" and does not make the interlocutor guess what kind of feeling is behind her words. Secondly, a self-confident person expresses feelings spontaneously, that is, at the moment when they arose. Third, a confident person speaks precisely about the feelings he feels, not seeking to hide or "soften" the manifestations of both positive and negative feelings in Solter A. (1949).

He goes on to write about the expressiveness and congruence of behavior and speech, which means a clear expression of feelings in the nonverbal plane and the correspondence between words and nonverbal behavior. Psychologists studying assertiveness and self-confidence pay a lot of attention to studying the peculiarities of nonverbal behavior of selfconfident people. There is also the ability to resist and attack, which is manifested in the direct and honest expression of one's own opinion, regardless of others - this is also characteristic of confident behavior.

Confident people, according to the author, do not have self-humiliation and underestimation of their strengths and qualities, they are able to listen to the praise without embarrassment. Mentioned in this issue and the ability to improvise, ie to spontaneously express feelings and needs, it is also characteristic of confident people, Solter A. (1949).

J.Volpe (1999) found that a significant role in the emergence of insecurity is played by social fear, which is felt by a person in certain situations. Once established, it is strongly associated with certain social situations and then reinforces itself. The fear of "entering" the situation reduces the chances of success, and failure, in turn, increases the fear. Fear creates the basis for failures in social situations that cause it, and failures further reinforce fear. The problem of the insecure is that their social fear becomes the dominant feeling that blocks their social activity. R. and R. Ulrich in a complex experiment using factor analysis found that feelings of guilt and shame also play a significant role in the emergence of insecurity - along with a lack of social behavior skills.

They understand assertiveness as "... the ability of an individual to make demands and requests in interaction with the social environment and to seek their implementation", Rubinstein S.L. (1973). The characteristics of assertiveness include the ability to allow themselves to have requests and requirements (guidelines for themselves), to dare to identify them and to have the skills to implement them (social skills).

Some researchers view assertiveness as a feeling. This is especially distinguished by the experience, feeling and awareness of the individual of their capabilities in future actions, Ball G.A. (1994). Other authors tend to identify it as a volitional quality. Thus, V. Romek (1997) singled out the general volitional qualities that unite and cement: determination, courage, initiative and perseverance. Such a general volitional quality he called confidence. He writes that "... confidence in their actions and capabilities should be a constant component of the will of the athlete, without it sports activities can not be effective", Romek V.G. (1997).

I. Skotnikova (2002) presented a close position, where, speaking of courage, she emphasizes that a person can show courage at the level of mental states, not yet possessing the quality of courage, and that"... courage, like other volitional qualities, such as determination, confidence, persistence, becomes a property of the individual when it is not related to a particular situation and becomes a generalized way of behavior of the individual in all situations where justified risk is required to succeed".

E. Shcherbakov (1981) holds a similar opinion about confidence as a quality of personality. He concludes, "... where the focus is on the individual's self-esteem, self-esteem is a relatively constant element of the personality structure, as it is based on its qualities and properties, which at a certain age are relatively stable." Personality, in his opinion, experiences its volitional qualities. As a state of determination characterizes determination, so the experience of confidence in repetitive conditions forms the personal quality of confidence. However, properties and qualities function with the help of mental states. The latter are by their nature mobile, depend on life circumstances and can have a relatively stable expression, Vygotsky L.S. (1984). Thus, there is a direct logical connection between the mental state of the individual and the volitional quality, and confidence is considered as an active volitional state, often one of the characteristic features of people with a strong will.

I. Skotnikova (2002) believes that the volitional state is not identical to the will and volitional qualities, as the volitional state can be experienced by a helpless person, Skotnikova I.G. (2002). N. Levitov (1969) devoted the chapter in his book to mental states in the volitional activity of man. He speaks of states of volitional activity and passivity, of determination and indecision, of confidence and uncertainty, of the "struggle of motives" as a complex and typical volitional state, and even of repentance, Levitov N.D. (1969).

Ilyin E.P. (2000) writes that confidence or uncertainty are not volitional states that characterize the process of assessing the situation, the forecast of success or failure, ie related to the information side of mental activity, with its intellectual activity. "Uncertainty is doubt, confidence - the absence of doubt about the need for any activity or that something will happen," Ilyin E.P. (2000). This is a probabilistic characteristic associated with the evaluative activity of man, which may, with the significance of the desired result, cause a person certain states (anxiety, determination, indecision, joyful anticipation, etc.), but the state itself is not, Asmolov A. G. (1984). Thus, properties such as confidence-uncertainty are only the causes of any condition, and not in all cases.

O.Dashkevych (1985) also mentioned that insecurity can also be a property of a person, if a person has an inadequate underestimation of their capabilities or it is characterized by increased suggestibility, obsession, emotional instability. A. Pougny (1967) believed that "confidence is a component of the mental state, the duration of which can vary widely (from seconds to many days). In a state of mental readiness, he exudes not just confidence, but sober self-confidence.

Considering the mental state of mobilization readiness, scientists have characterized it as a fairly stable, directing human consciousness to achieve high results and willingness to deal with any difficulties in future activities. In this case, the psychological state of mobilization is characterized by the transfer from long-term memory to operational information necessary for effective activity, activation of mental processes (acceleration of operational thinking), the creation of self-confidence in success. It is important that confidence does not grow into self-confidence, Bozhovich L.I. (1968).

In turn, the presence of a certain degree of uncertainty indicates the adequacy of a person's reflection of the difficulties of future activities. At the same time, with overestimated or underestimated confidence, as a rule, the inadequacy of the level of demands that lead to incomplete mobilization (in one case because the person does not consider it necessary to "teach", and in another case - because he believes such mobilization is impossible or useless), Adler A. (1998). V. Labunska also considers self-confidence as a personality trait, the core of which is the individual's positive assessment of his own skills and abilities as sufficient to achieve goals that are significant for his and satisfy his needs.

Thus, in modern psychology, the most detailed study of the "behavioral" basis of self-confidence. Examining the causes of self-doubt, A. Lazarus (2000) suggested that "... the cause of self-doubt may be a lack of behaviors that should ensure full mastery of social reality, rigidity, and maladaptation of a small number of behavioral alternatives." A. Lazarus (2000) called the lack of behavioral skills a deficit of behavior "and suggested to consider its absence as the basis of self-confidence. He identified four groups of skills, which, in his opinion, are enough for a full life, and, consequently, for self-confidence. According to

his concept, an adult should own:

- ability to say "no";

- ability to speak openly about their desires and requirements;

- ability to speak openly about their positive and negative feelings;

- ability to establish contacts, start and end a conversation, Lazarus A.L. (2000).

K.Rogers (1994) noted that it is confident behavior is expressed in the ability to build relationships in the desired direction, for example, in communication with significant others and outsiders, in the ability to ask them or respond negatively to their requests. In addition, self-confidence leads to an increase in self-esteem, and an insecure person restrains feelings due to anxiety, guilt and lack of social skills.

J. Kelly (1979) compiled a list of basic human rights that support self-confidence: the right to be yourself, the right to be independent, the right to succeed, the right to be heard and taken seriously, the right to receive what you pay for, the right to have rights, for example , to act in the manner of a self-confident person, the right to refuse a request without feeling guilty and selfish, the right to ask for what you want, the right to make mistakes and be responsible for them, the right not to be assertive.

Another approach to describing confident behavior is to distinguish Lange and Jakubowski six types of statements that express self-confidence. The basic statement is a simple expression of feelings, opinions, thoughts and rights. An empathic statement indicates an awareness of another person's feelings and position.

Increasing self-confidence develops, in their opinion, gradually into assertiveness, which is a central feature of personality, the core of which is confidence, a positive assessment of the individual's own skills and abilities as sufficient to achieve meaningful goals and meet his needs: from the least confident, such , which relatively do not require effort, statements - to more categorical statements.


Thus, assertiveness began to interest psychologists in the mid-20th century, when scientists noticed a link between the problem of self-doubt and the presence of neuroses and some psychosomatic diseases. The practice of psychotherapy of insecurity has created the basis for a number of theoretical generalizations and concepts of self-confidence. As a result, by the early 70's formed the idea of confidence as a multicomponent characteristic of man, which includes certain emotional, behavioral and cognitive components. There is no single definition of assertiveness that most researchers would share today. Most foreign psychological dictionaries and encyclopedias are limited to describing different approaches to the study of problems, one way or another related to confidence. Neither an unambiguous and clear definition, nor a structural understanding and formulation of this concept yet exists. There are only ideas of different psychologists about this category, and these definitions are interrelated with the approach followed by the authors of certain theories and concepts. One of the most commonly used definitions of assertiveness is, as mentioned above, the idea that assertiveness is a central personality trait, the core of which is confidence, a positive assessment of an individual's own skills and abilities as sufficient to achieve meaningful goals and needs. It is a multicomponent personal education that has different, multiple internal and external forms of manifestation and includes the basic behavioral, emotional and cognitive characteristics of a confident person. It also seems possible to state that currently assertiveness can be considered as a feeling, state, quality and (or) property of the individual.

Analysis of the scientific literature has shown that in one form or another the problem of self-confidence, selfconfidence and their abilities can be found in many theories that in one way or another relate to the psychology of personality. However, as a psychological concept (category) - "assertiveness" appeared relatively recently in connection with the tasks of psychological correction and psychotherapy. Thus, athlete's assertiveness is a complex characteristic of personality, which includes emotional (positive feelings in overcoming their doubts, self-affirmation, satisfaction with performance, etc.), behavioral (a set of certain, effective in various socio-psychological situations skills of confident behavior), cognitive (processes of selfpresentation, guidelines, components of "Ego" -concept), as well as value components (sociality, maturity). Self-confidence, as a behavioral characteristic of athlete's assertive personality, means the ability of an individual to make demands and requests to himself and others in interaction with the social environment, as well as to achieve their effective implementation.


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