Problems of organizing physical activity events in the work of leisure time organizers: why and how?
Effective methods to improve public health that can change people's physical activity habits. Problems of organization of sports and recreational activities in the work of the organizer of leisure. Aspects of organizing physical activity events.
Рубрика | Спорт и туризм |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 18.04.2022 |
Размер файла | 328,9 K |
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Problems of organizing physical activity events in the work of leisure time organizers: why and how?
Svagzdiene, Biruta
Lithuanian Sports University (Kaunas, Lithuania)
Pupkis, Algirdas
Anyksciai Physical Fitness Center (Anyksciai, Lithuania)
Relevance and novelty. With the rapid growth of cities and industries in the developing countries physical inactivity thereis becoming an increasingly bigger problem as compared to economically developed countries.The lack of physical activity in the developing countries is partially due to the rapidly growing population, increase in economic poverty, high crime rates, growing air pollution, the lack of parks, sidewalks, sports and recreation equipment, as well as many other reasons. That is why complex effective public health improvement methods, which could change peoples' physical activity habits, are necessary[1,2]. The current physical activity level is partially based on unfit physical activity during leisure time and its increase during professional occupation of a leisure time organiser.Due to a higher level of urbanisation some factors have occurred that deter even leisure time organisers themselves from any physical activity. Problematic issue - What are the problems of organising physical activity events in the work of a leisure time organiser? Do event organisers take in consideration social benefits/impact on the society? Research subject - problems of event organisation in the work of leisure time organisers. Goal of the article - to identify problems of event organisation for leisure time organisers. Objectives of the article: 1. To show the aspects of physical activity events' organising; 2. To analyse the social benefits of a leisure time organiser's work. Methods - analysis and synthesis, abstraction, comparative analysis contribute the penetration into complex phenomena and processes of modern reality associated with leisure in context of globalisation. Results:Leisure time organising and physical activity are the factors that promote social activeness. One of the goals of such physical activity events' is to improve social skills.The lack of social activity is a serious problem in the age of modern technology.Physical activity events have the power and can influence this negative phenomenon. This type of eventsencourages people to not close off from the society at home in front of their computers or televisions, but rather integrate into the society. Physical activity events motivate the members of society to socialise and get acquainted with new people.They also promote selfrealisation, education processes, and the preservation of family, as a fundamental value. Moreover, physical activity events help to develop the feeling of communality between different people and have a lasting value. These events can change prejudice and create social changes.All of this can be considered as an improvement in the quality of life.
Keywords:physical activity, events, leisure time organiser, problems, quality of life.
ШВАГЖДЕНЕ, БІРУТА - Литовський університет спорту (Каунас, Литва),
ПУПКІС АЛГІРДАС - Центр физичної культури, м. Анікщяй (Анікщяй, Литва)
Актуальність і новизна. В умовах швидкого зростання міст і промисловості в країнах, що розвиваються, відсутність фізичної активності стає усе більш серйозною проблемою у порівнянні з економічно розвиненими країнами. Відсутність фізичної активності у країнах, що розвиваються, частково пов'язана зі швидко зростаючим населенням, зростанням економічної бідності, високим рівнем злочинності, зростаючим забрудненням повітря, відсутністю парків, тротуарів, спортивного і розважального устаткування, а також з багатьма іншими причинами. Тому потрібні складні ефективні методи поліпшення громадської охорони здоров'я, які можуть змінити звички людей у фізичній активності. Поточний рівень фізичної активності частково базується на непридатній фізичній активності у вільний час і його підвищенні під час професійної діяльності організаторами вільного часу. Через більш високий рівень урбанізації розвинулися деякі чинники, які утримують навіть організаторів дозвілля від будь-якої фізичної активності. Проблемне питання - які проблеми організації фізкультурно-оздоровчих заходівув роботі організатора дозвілля? Чи враховують організатори соціальні вигоди заходів / вплив на суспільство? Предмет дослідження - проблеми організації заходів в роботі організаторів дозвілля.
Мета статті - ідентифікувати проблеми організації заходів для організаторів дозвілля. Завдання статті: показати аспекти організації заходів з фізичної активності; проаналізувати прояв соціальних благ роботи організаторів дозвілля, проаналізувати прояв соціальних переваг роботи організатора дозвілля. Методи - аналіз і синтез, абстракція, порівняльний аналіз сприяють проникненню у складні явища і процеси сучасної реальності, пов'язані з відпочинком в умовах глобалізації. Результати: організація дозвілля і фізична активність є чинниками, сприяючими соціальну активності. Однією з цілей таких заходів з фізичної активності є поліпшення соціальних навичок. Відсутність соціальної активності є серйозною проблемою в епоху сучасних технологій. Заходи фізичної активності мають значення і можуть впливати на це негативне явище. Події такого типу спонукають людей не закриватися від суспільства у будинку перед своїми комп'ютерами або телевізорами, а швидше інтегруватися у суспільство. Заходи з фізичної активності мотивують членів суспільства до спілкування і знайомства з новими людьми. Вони також сприяють самореалізації, освітнім процесам і збереженню сім'ї як фундаментальної цінності. Крім того, події фізичної активності допомагають розвинути почуття спільності між різними людьми і мають тривалу цінність. Заходи мають унікальну можливість змінити забобони і створити соціальні зміни.Усе це можна розглядати як поліпшення якості життя.
Ключові слова: физична активність, заходи, організатор дозвілля, проблеми, якістьжиття.
ШВАГЖДЕНЕ, БИРУТА - Литовский университет спорта (Каунас, Литва),
АЛГИРДАС, ПУПКИС - Центр физической культуры, г. Аникщяй (Аникщяй, Литва)
Актуальность и новизна. В условиях быстрого роста городов и промышленности в развивающихся странах отсутствие физической активности становится все более серьезной проблемой по сравнению с экономически развитыми странами. Отсутствие физической активности в развивающихся странах частично связано с быстро растущим населением, ростом экономической бедности, высоким уровнем преступности, растущим загрязнением воздуха, отсутствием парков, тротуаров, спортивного и развлекательного оборудования, а также с многими другими причинами. Поэтому необходимы сложные эффективные методы улучшения общественного здравоохранения, которые могут изменить привычки людей в физической активности. Текущий уровень физической активности частично основан на непригодной физической активности в свободное время и его повышении во время профессиональной деятельности организатора свободного времени. Из-за более высокого уровня урбанизации возникли некоторые факторы, которые удерживают даже организаторов досуга от любой физической активности. Проблемный вопрос - каковы проблемы организации физкультурно-оздоровительных мероприятий в работе организатора досуга? Учитывают ли организаторы социальные выгодымероприятий / влияние на общество? Предмет исследования - проблемы организации мероприятий в работе организаторов досуга.
Цель статьи - выявить проблемы организации мероприятий для организаторов досуга. Задачи статьи: показать аспекты организации мероприятий по физической активности; проанализировать социальные преимущества работы организатора досуга. Методы - анализ и синтез, абстракция, сравнительный анализ способствуют проникновению в сложные явления и процессы современной реальности, связанные с отдыхом в условиях глобализации.
Результаты: организация досуга и физическая активность являются факторами, способствующими социальную активности. Одной из целей таких мероприятий по физической активности является улучшение социальных навыков. Отсутствие социальной активности является серьезной проблемой в эпоху современных технологий. Мероприятия физической активности имеют значение и могут влиять на это негативное явление. События такого типа побуждают людей не закрываться от общества дома перед своими компьютерами или телевизорами, а скорее интегрироваться в общество. Мероприятия по физической активности мотивируют членов общества к общению и знакомству с новыми людьми. Они также способствуют самореализации, образовательным процессам и сохранению семьи как фундаментальной ценности. Кроме того, события физической активности помогают развить чувство общности между разными людьми и имеют длительную ценность. Эти мероприятия могут изменить предрассудки и создать социальные изменения. Все это можно рассматривать как улучшение качества жизни.
Ключевые слова: физическая активность, мероприятия, организатор досуга, проблемы, качество жизни.
physical activity leisure
According to S. M. Manxhari (2015)[4]motivated and qualified workforce is extremely important in increasing productivity and the quality of organised services while striving to achieve organisational goals. Great wealth around the world is expressed in the form of human capital. Human resources play a huge part in increasing company's productivity. There is very littleresearchthat focuses on the issue of organising physical activity events in accordance to leisure time organiser's work, which would specifically focuson forming social capital, promoting social values and the quality of life. This statement provides proof of the relevance/importance of this study. Problematic issue - What are the problems of organising physical activity events in the work of a leisure time organiser? Do event organisers take in consideration social benefits/impact on the society? Subject - problems of event organisation in the work of leisure time organisers. Goal of the article - to identify problems of event organisation for leisure time organisers.Objectives of the article:to show the aspects of physical activity events' organising; to analyse the social benefits of a leisure time organiser's work.Methods - analysis and synthesis, abstraction, comparative analysis contribute the penetration into complex phenomena and processes of modern reality associated with leisure in context of globalization.
The theoretical aspect of organising physical activity events.
As Lithuania entered the age of rapid change and new challenges, people find it hard to orient themselves.Given these circumstances, peoplemust find out how to find their calling - develop physical, mental, spiritual powers, their ability to change their nature and the surrounding world. To survive, adapt and climb the career ladder in the modern society good health is the key. Nowadays, the whole world is paying more and more attention to healthcare: this can be observed from people choosing health politics direction and the development of healthy environment. [5].
In a rapidly growing and continuously improving society social engagement and participation are often discussed. One of the main functions of modern-day technologies is to make the life easier for people, increase the quality of life. In this context, a fundamental problem is brought to light - most of the members of a society become socially active only online. This factor decreases the actual socialisation, improvement of social skills and increases social exclusion. Although it is a paradox, but dominance of interactions over technological processes have a negative impact on the activeness of the society. That is why the importance of physical and social activity is stressed more and more often. There are many factors that have an influence on a person's behaviour and their choices to participate in certain leisure time activities, e.g. time, point of view, etc.[3].
Event organising andits definition by different authorsare described differently. The definition of an event depends on the category, purpose, place, goal, financial resources, the number of participants of an event as well as other less important factors. An event is an organised occurrence which is planned, organised, executed and evaluated, as well as done for a certain size of group of participants. Events are temporary and have a set length which for planned events is usually pre-arranged and announced. [2 cit. Getz, 1997].
One of the exclusive type of events are called special events. This type of eventsis regarded as an occurrence which stems from unusual events that offer recreation, cultural knowledge as well as meet people's and organisation's goals. According to Cemeviciьtиet al. (2015)[6]tourism, sport, leisure time organising services, wedding services, theme and amusement parks, etc. are part of the domain of creative industries. Throughout different countries the classification of creative industries varies, we can even find a new term “creative lifestyle”. Special events, unlike usual, provide an opportunity to educate, entertain or challenge a group of people. [2,12, 13] (Figure 1 Given)
Figure 1.Classification of special events, discerning recreational events (according to Shone,Parry, 2004), which are used to promote people 's physical activity[2].
In Figure 1 we can see that sport, health or other type of physical activity events are assigned to leisure events. Physical activity breaks or morning exercise introduction into a © Svagzdiene Biruta, Algirdas Pupkis, 2020 workplace depends on the managers. Employee loyalty can be increased by gifting physical activity related gifts like a gym membership card, organising physically active nature trips or outings for the employees as well as other health beneficial initiatives.
As for the problems in organising physical activity events in leisure time organising, organisational aspects of events have started being discussed. The best definition of a physical activity event would be close to that of a sports event, which states that a sports event is a means of publicising sports, educating people, and demonstrating their abilities. While analysing scientific literature it was observed that R. Zumeras (2014, cit. Murphy, 2007) [2]proposes to classify all physical activity (sports) events as follows:
1. Elite(of high mastery or professional) sports events (the Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup, etc.), in which people participate only as relatively passive observers and fans.
2. Non - elite eventsin which local people can participate. 3. Public health improvement events, which aim to increase physical activity of a certain social group.
To increase the effectiveness of provided health information more attention needs to be payed to the comprehensibility of the content of the information transmitted.Physically active people devote quite a lot of time to physical activities, but the public leisure time organising specialists still have to face the part of Lithuania's population whose job is not related to physical activities because leisure devotion to physical activity is not common.
To sum up, it can be stated that with substantial undergoing changes in the society, rise of the general quality of life, the need for cultural, art, spiritual values is felt. As an ancient proverb Bread and circuses states, not only do people need food but also entertainment. Unfortunately, recreational, art and culture areas are still waiting for “the better times” in Lithuanian social system. Nowadays, we do not have any recreational systems or strategies, which leads to a gap between theory and practice of social studies [7]. Insufficient attention is being paid to recreational phenomena in Lithuanian social system.
While analysing the problem of physical activity in the social domain the importance of a person's socialisation needs to be emphasised. D. Lisauskiene, V. Aleksiene (2016)[9]claim that one of the main constituents of a recreational process is the psychological aspect - according to their changing social status, engagement in new activities and subjective factories (values, orientations, skills, etc.) a person is being affected as a social entity which further develops and socialises.
Expression of social benefits of the work of leisure time organisers. Event planning and organising is a dynamic, creative process requiring more than relevant competencies from the leisure time organisers, but also good organisational skills, the ability to communicate and get along. According to V. Aleksieneir R. Ambrasaite (2014)[7], the lack of specialists, such as leisure organisers, working with the organisation of physical activity events, whose work would not be lacking synergistic cooperation and the competence of a social worker in managing the recreational process, is growing. R. Zumeras (2014)[2] states that it is important that individuals, who plan and organise physical activity events, would have the following general skills and competences:
1. Would have the knowledge of event organising theory and would be able to apply it in practice.
2. Would be able to offer and apply various solutions to problems that occur while planning and organising a physical activity event. 3. Would be able to overcome occurring financial, psychological, social, and other difficulties. 4. Would be able to evaluate their own personal and professional skills and constantly systematically improve them in accordance to professional improvement systems (e.g. various courses, conferences, seminars, etc.).
Professional leisure time organising requires employees to have new competences that they are currently lacking - leisure time organisers are not sufficiently introduced to leisure specificities and methodologies, especially in organising physical activity events. The needed qualifications and competences can be obtained according to various study programmes, like, in the Klaipeda State College, Lithuanian Sports University (primarily called Lithuanian Physical Education Academy, Tourism and sports management programme) as well as other higher education institutions.
Features of a successful event directly correlate with general physical activity requirements for physical activity events, consequent steps of event planning, evaluation criteria for physical activity events. According to this principle, all event management steps can be completed with success: planning, preparation, execution, and evaluation.
According to D. Ahrens (2019) [11]the heuristic social competence growth model can be perceived as a triangle, the main idea of which is concentrated around the ability of interactions between the subject, visible individual competence, and teamwork (see Figure 2)
Figure 2.Heuristic Model: The topic-centered triangle [12]
In Figure 2 we can see that the greatest attention was drawn towards regulating the actions (interactions between the partner as a subject having their own interests, experiences)and coordination (the ability to connect different interests) of the competences.
Sports events have a big impact on economy, tourism, social and cultural activities [14]. Although sports are usually a one-time thing, they have a long-lasting positive effect on the society: tourism development, community recognition, improving the quality of life.
According to R. Mikalauskas et al. (2019) [15]even though physical activity has a strong connection, one cannot ignore the fact that sports events impact society and different (different traditions) people. The benefits of sports events are felt not only in the economy, but also in the society, in improving its quality of life.
D. Komskieneand M. K. Sinkevicius (2014) [16] state that sometimes there are valid economic and non-economic reasons why the government should provide support for special events. An investment into social development is the desired result between communities that plan on achieving a positive social change through sports events. In addition to that, sports events, especially international events, can improve infrastructure that is usually financed by the local communities. It can be stated that short - term and long - term sports events provide similar benefits to the communities. Starting with the simplest social, economic changes and ending with improvements in the infrastructure.
1. Local politicians and administrators usually use policies, decision-making as well as strategic planning tools when planning activities to promote the health of children and young people in the field of physical activity and healthy nutrition, while in practice they use activity planning and its implementation tools.
2. The main obstacles rising from application of such tools: the lack of intersectional cooperation, the lack of financing and human resources, as well as passive attitudes of local communities towards activities promoting physical activity and healthy nutrition [10].
3. The following preconditions are necessary for the development of health promotion activities:targeted national health policy strategy and identified priorities, interinstitutional cooperation, intersectoral activities, available information on good practice interventions and their translation tools, as well as human, financial and information resources.
4. Social competences concretise adaptation and security leisure time organisers, and the challenge is to establish oneself in the social structure of the company. It appeared that there is an increase in competency requirements for taking up individual responsibility at work, but in contrast to that, very small companies struggle to find the suitable employees.
5. That is why physical activity events organisation problems in leisure time organiser's work can be identified as a challenge in accepting the roles of a moderator and a trainer. In this position, organisers are taking up traditional educational work, evaluating the fact that the society is continuously changing together with its values and outlook on work.
1. World Health Organisation, 2004. Physical inactivity: A Global Public health problem. Available online:
2. Zumeras, R., 2014. Fizinio aktyvumo renginip organizavimas ir vertinimas. Vilnius: Center for Health Education and Disease Prevention, 81.
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9. Lisauskiene, D., & Aleksiene, V. (2016). Socialinis darbuotojas kaip rekreacines veiklos organizatorius, dirbantis su gatveje laikp leidzianciais jaunais zmonemis. Visuomenиs sveikata, 83-91.
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11. Ahrens, D., 2019. Social skills do not develop en passant! The promotion of social competence in apprenticeship. In B. E. Stalder & C. Nдgele (Eds.), Trends in vocational education and training research, Vol. II. Proceedings of the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Vocational Education and Training Network (VETNET), 816.
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14. Tien, C., Lo, H-C., Lin, H-W., 2011. The Economic Benefits of Mega Events: A Myth or a Reality? A Longitudinal Study on the Olympic Games. Journal of Sport Management, 25(1), 11-23.
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дипломная работа [651,3 K], добавлен 04.11.2015Paris - is the capital and largest city of France. The flag and the emblem of Paris. The History and Sights of Paris, field of Mars, Moulin-Rouge. Disneyland is the largest leisure Park in Europe. View of Paris from the height of the Montparnasse tower.
презентация [7,1 M], добавлен 30.04.2013The Olympic Games have a very long history. It is old tradition in the world of sports. The Olympic Games take place every four years. The Olympic Games Committee decides the place of the Olympic Games and the sports that the athletes will compete in.
реферат [18,6 K], добавлен 04.07.2013Basejumping - extreme sport, which uses a special parachute to jump from fixed objects: building, antenna, span. Hamboards kind of extreme sport, which is a symbiosis of surfing with skateboarding. Features of such sports as free ride, zorbing, encierro.
презентация [722,3 K], добавлен 09.11.2013PR-акции департаментов по туризму. Разделение стран мира на группы, с точки зрения туризма. Направления основных методов PR-деятельности. Основные направления деятельности туристических фирм в области public relations. Примеры PR-акций некоторых стран.
реферат [28,3 K], добавлен 06.03.2009Рассмотрение понятия "public relations" и его функций (контроль поведения общественности, достижение взаимовыгодных отношений). Изучение основных аспектов лояльности в бизнесе. Характеристика технологии связей с потребителями для гостиничного бизнеса.
курсовая работа [83,2 K], добавлен 25.05.2010The largest city in the Midwest. The ideal time to visit the Windy City. The main tourist attractions. Best time to visit Chikago. MileNorth Hotel, The Silversmith Hotel & Suites, Manilow Suites Corporate Housing, Fairmont Chicago at Millennium Park.
презентация [1,0 M], добавлен 17.03.2013Public Relations у сфері туризму. Сутність та завдання PR-діяльності на підприємстві. Види та напрямки PR-діяльності туристичної фірми. Розробка концепції PR-програми для туристичного підприємства. Робота зі споживачами та з внутрішньою громадськістю.
дипломная работа [6,1 M], добавлен 27.05.2014Paintballing is one of the most popular outdoor participation sports around. Dress of paintball, the paintball guns used by Paintballgame. Rules in Paintball, team death match, two flags game. The basic cooperation is necessary in this game type.
реферат [12,7 K], добавлен 26.12.2009Современные виды и основные направления развития инновационного туризма. Программа лечебно-оздоровительного тура в новый аюрведический отель Siddhalepa Aurveda Health Resort 4*. Коммерческие ценности и каналы продвижения туристического продукта на рынок.
курсовая работа [61,5 K], добавлен 24.03.2015Buckingham Palace is the most famous place in London. Big Ben is the biggest Bell in the clock tower in Britain. Hamleys is the biggest toy shop in London. Trafalgar Square is the most popular place for people to meet. Wax Museum Madame Tussaud.
презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 05.02.2014The general information of Victor Wild, who won gold medals in the parallel slalom and parallel giant slalom at 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi (his sport career, achievements and awards, childhood, ptinciples of training and diet, methods of relax).
презентация [644,1 K], добавлен 28.06.2017Методы продвижения продуктов и услуг в СКС и туризме. Стимулирование сбыта в СКС и туризме. Связи с общественностью: реклама; личные, или персональные; Public relations; спонсорство. Другие средства сбыта: индивидуальная продажа, телемаркетинг, льготы.
курсовая работа [33,4 K], добавлен 17.10.2007When we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can amuse and entertain us. Some people find that collecting stamps, badges, model cars, planes or ships, bottles, or antiques are relaxing hobbies. Free time is organized in many schools.
сочинение [5,2 K], добавлен 04.02.2009Theoretical bases of the economic and legal substantiation of realization of innovative activity. The technique of the estimation of the innovative project in public health services. Personnel management in scientific organizations, and life safety.
дипломная работа [70,4 K], добавлен 21.06.2010The principles of personal safety in the application of physical restraint. Improving the practice of physical restraint in the activities of the tax police to enhance personal safety. Legal protection of the tax police in applying physical effects.
курсовая работа [0 b], добавлен 08.10.2012Средства для предупреждения раннего старения - умеренность во всем смолоду и, конечно, занятия физической культурой и спортом. Утренняя гимнастика. Плавание и лыжный спорт. Physical culture and sports. Morning gymnastics. Navigation and skiing.
реферат [18,7 K], добавлен 19.03.2008