State regulation of ecotourism in the context of european experience
Study of the European experience in the development of ecotourism and the development of proposals for its use at the level of state administration and development regulation. Assessment of the peculiarities of its support and regulation by the state.
Рубрика | Спорт и туризм |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.07.2022 |
Размер файла | 280,3 K |
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Размещено на
Gryshova Inna Yu.,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Jiangsu Normal University,
Shabatura Tatyana S.,
Ph. D. in Economics, Аssociate professor, Associate professor of the Department of Economic Theory
and Economics of the Enterprise, Odessa State Agrarian University
Nikoliuk Olena V.,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Logistics, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
The article is devoted to the research of the European experience in the development of ecotourism and the features of its support and regulation by the state; analysis of the development of the tourism sphere, in particular ecotourism in the leading countries of Europe; consideration of models of state regulation of tourism in European countries; the analysis of the modern development of ecotourism in Ukraine is given, in accordance with which identified the main reasons for the low activating its ecotourism development; the regulatory framework for the development of the domestic tourism sphere has been investigated; proposed the introduction of the necessary state tools for managing and regulating the development of tourism business in the relevant areas.
The purpose of the article is to study the European experience in the development of ecotourism and the development of proposals for its use at the level of public administration and regulation of the development of ecotourism.
The scientific novelty is to justify the necessity to introduce a number of state instruments for managing and regulating the development of tourism business in the relevant areas in order to ensure the economic growth of domestic ecotourism, as the main platform for socio-economic reconstruction of rural areas.
Conclusions. The use of European experience in the development of the tourism business in Ukraine will contribute to the development and implementation of various areas of management and coordination of domestic ecotourism, the strategic goal of which should be the creation of a competitive tourism product that can satisfy the needs of external and internal tourists. For Ukraine, the third management model is acceptable in the form of organization of the tourism sphere and the ranges of world tourism. However, ensuring the effectiveness of its development requires at least partial funding for the country's participation in the creation of an appropriate monitoring, accounting, and control over the efficient use of recreational resources; creation of a transparent marketing platform; development of provincial and regional tourism development programs; synchronization of travel agencies with transfer organizations, cultural institutions, farmsteads, agro-formations; creation of appropriate consulting centers; the introduction of a classification systematization of rest places, etc.
Keywords: ecotourism, public administration, regulation of agribusiness entities, development of agrarian sphere, rural areas, tourism business.
Державне регулювання екотуризму в контексті європейського досвіду. Гришова Інна Юріївна, доктор економічних наук, професор Цянсуського педагогічного університету Шабатура Тетяна Сергіївна, кандидат економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри економічної теорії і економіки підприємства Одеського державного аграрного університету. Ніколюк Олена Володимирівна, доктор економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту та логістики Одеської національної академії харчових технологій
Статтю присвячено дослідженню європейського досвіду розвитку екотуризму, особливостей його підтримки та регулювання з боку держави; аналізу розвитку туристичної сфери, зокрема екотуризму в провідних країнах Європи; розгляду моделей державного регулювання туризму в європейських країнах; наведено аналіз сучасного розвитку екотуризму в Україні; виділено головні причини низької активізації його розвитку; досліджено нормативно-правову базу забезпечення розвитку вітчизняної туристичної сфери; запропоновано впровадження необхідних державних інструментів управління та регулювання розвитку бізнесу туристичної сфери за відповідними напрямками.
Мета статті - вивчення європейського досвіду розвитку екотуризму та розробка пропозицій щодо його використання на рівні державного управління та регулювання розвитку екотуризму в Україні.
Наукова новизна полягає в обґрунтуванні необхідності впровадження ряду державних інструментів управління та регулювання розвитку бізнесу туристичної сфери за відповідними напрямками з метою забезпечення економічного зростання вітчизняного екотуризму як основної платформи соціально-економічної відбудови сільських територій.
Висновки. Використання в Україні європейського досвіду розвитку туристичного бізнесу сприятиме розробці та реалізації різних напрямків управління та координування вітчизняного екотуризму, стратегічною метою розвитку якого має стати створення конкурентоспроможного туристичного продукту, спроможного максимально задовольнити потреби зовнішніх та внутрішніх туристів. Для України за формою організації туристичної сфери та діапазонами світового туризму найприйнятнішою є саме третя модель управління. Утім забезпечення ефективності її розвитку вимагає хоча б часткового фінансування для участі країни у створенні відповідної служби моніторингу, обліку, а також контролю за ефективним використанням рекреаційних ресурсів; створення прозорої маркетингової платформи; розробки обласних та регіональних програми розвитку туристичної сфери; синхронізування туристичних агентств з трансфертними організаціями, культурними установами, агрооселями, агроформуваннями; створення відповідних консалтингових центрів; запровадження класифікаційної систематизації місць відпочинку тощо.
Ключові слова: екотуризм, державне управління, регулювання суб'єктів агробізнесу, розвиток аграрної сфери, сільські території, туристичний бізнес.
ecotourism state administration european
Problem statement
Increased attention to the development of ecotourism is observed in all countries of the world, however, each of them is trying to develop and implement a development model for this sector of the economy. As for Ukraine, in the future, the development of ecotourism will contribute to the socio-economic recovery of rural areas and serve as a catalyst for the systemic transformation of the rural economy. At the same time, the tourism sector of the national economy, as a multi-vector type of activity, requires a greater emphasis from the state in the areas of management and regulation of its development than other sectors of the national economy. However, the burdensomeness state intervention inhibits the manifestation of an entrepreneurial initiative to develop an ecotourism business. Therefore, improving the state management policy and regulating the development of ecotourism is a rather complicated process, which requires the development and implementation of appropriate levers and instruments of state regulation of tourism, in particular ecotourism.
Analysis of recent research and publications
The research of problematic aspects of state regulation of the development of tourism business at the level of rural areas is devoted to the works of such scientists as: I. Gryshova, D. Fedorkin [1; 2], T. Mazur, I. Myshchak [3; 4], V. Rusan, O. Dyachenko [5] and others. However, despite the fundamental nature of their scientific work, the sphere of state regulation is still not sufficiently effective. Therefore, today in the field of ecotourism, many issues that are now overdue are not sufficiently settled or are generally ignored by public authorities.
The purpose of the article is to study the European experience in the development of ecotourism and the development of proposals for its use at the level of public administration and regulation of the development of ecotourism.
Presenting main material
Ecotourism is a type of activity that is necessary both for vacationers and for the owners themselves, namely: peasants, rural communities, regions or the state as a whole, which contributes to the development of many related sectors of the national economy. However, this direction of tourism cannot develop everywhere, but only in ecologically clean regions. Today, in the world economic system, ecotourism occupies a leading position, thereby displacing the leading form of land use, which is agriculture. In European countries consider the development of ecotourism as a strategic direction for the social development and economic recovery of rural depressed regions [2]. Due to the fact that in such European countries as Germany, France, Spain, United Kingdom, Holland, Ireland and other countries, it is encouraged and supported at the state level and is considered as the basis for improving the living standards of rural population and makes it possible to find and introduce new environmental protection measures [1].
In general, according to the results of an assessment by the World Tourism Organization, at the end of 2000, this type of business took first place among other sectors of the world economic system in terms of the export scale of tourism services provided. More than 40 countries in the world tourism industry are among the main source of the budget, while 70 countries - in the three main items of its formation. Almost 12% of the global gross domestic product (GDP) and 7 % of global investment flows account for tourism. And in the world tourism industry, more than 260 million people are employed (10 % of employees). According to the World Tourism Organization, the total number of tourists, including sightseers, is more than a third of the world's population.
A great deal of positive ecotourism experience has been gained in European countries, which should be objective and disseminated within the framework of the state policy for managing and regulating rural development.
In the European countries, France and Spain are in the first place in terms of the development of ecotourism business, where ecotourism has moved into a highly profitable industry. In Spain, the owners of farmsteads are united in associations, whose main task is to implement the categorization of rural houses differentially in the volume of services provided, as well as to monitor their compliance with the requirements of the associations. The distribution of accommodation establishments in rural areas, was introduced in Spain, which are subject to taxation as agribusiness entities, into the following classes: HR (hotel rural) - rural hotel, CR (casa rural) - rural house [6].
In Austria, the highlight of rural recreation is the direct involvement of guests in the collection of alpine grasses and forest berries, pasture cattle on alpine meadows, the manufacture of dairy products and the implementation of many different programs of active ecotourism [7].
Regarding Italy, it can be noted that ecotourism in this country originates from the population of rural areas, who considered it as the main form of entrepreneurial employment. An extensive network of luxury holiday homes, which according to the criteria of the quality of the services provided, are assigned no lower than a 3-star level with the necessary recreational infrastructure has arisen due to the preferential tax treatment for rural businesses. In addition, an equally important difference between Italian ecotourism is that almost half of the owners of these agricultural cottages do not receive the relevant state certification, nor do they receive activity licenses, and therefore do not pay taxes [8].
Regarding Romania, ecotourism is gaining momentum especially in the Southern Carpathians, and is directed to the same prerogatives as Ukraine, namely to protect the environment and ethno-cultural traditions of the country.
The legislation of Hungary refers to ecotourism in the sphere of conducting personal peasant farming. Therefore, at the state level of this country, the necessary preferential tax instruments are introduced to support the development of national ecotourism. In Hungary, «rural hospitality» or «rural tourism» refers to the kind of works and services that are usually implemented in the process of conducting business activities by the owners of the estates. Therefore, the regulation on activities in the field of ecotourism is spelled out in the relevant regulatory acts on the conduct of family farms without setting any additional obligations or restrictions on economic activities. The regulation of relations arising from the management of family estates in Hungarian law is not subject to the regulations governing relations in the field of entrepreneurship. Therefore, the personal incomes received by the peasants from using their own households to receive tourists are not taxable. However, the following requirements must be observed:
- the number of beds available for tourists is limited to 10;
- housing should be located in the rural area, which is not a health resort area;
- the place of residence of the person is the real estate used;
- the amount of annual income received from this activity should not exceed 10 minimum salaries per month.
Along with this, there are special privileges and prerogatives for family farms that are engaged in (or want to engage in) ecotourism activities if they are located in rural areas in economically underdeveloped (recognized economically depressed) regions.
In Hungary, permission to host tourists is granted after inspections by competent persons of the Rural Hospitality Program. According to this Program, there are own rules - internal minimum standards, which provide the necessary conditions for the provision of services to tourists. Within the framework of the Program, these permits are granted to owners if they have more than eight beds for the provision of services. However, a special permit is not required in the case of services in smaller volumes than indicated. At the request of the owner, in accordance with the internal rules of the Program, a special inspection may also be carried out with the aim of «qualification in quality» [9].
In Poland, peasants who seek to start activities in the field of ecotourism, and those who are already engaged in this type of activity, do not have a law regulating entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, income received for services in the field of ecotourism do not charge VAT. According to Polish law, certain conditions are provided that exempt the income received from the tax on personal income. However, the law confronts agriculture in the need to record the tourists in a special journal. The basis of a civil liability could become non-performance or improper performance of the agreements between the parties and the conditions of the injury. This type of liability is based on the cost of the damage compensation. On both sides of the rights and obligations prescribed in the contract concluded between them.
The provision of ecotourism services in accordance with Polish law does not apply to business activities. However, the legislation provides for the exemption of income from taxation obtained by providing overnight services to vacationers in the following circumstances: the premises intended for renting rooms are the property of the owner of the farm; rooms are rented only to vacationers, and not to temporary workers or third parties; the number of rooms rented to vacationers does not exceed 5; rooms for vacationers are located in the premises of a rural family, and not in the second building, which is suitably equipped for rest.
The new provisions for the classification and categorization of rural lodging facilities were introduced by the Polish Ecotourism Federation «Hospitable Farms», which contributed to the growth of the quality of the services offered by the owners of the rural lodging base. At the same time, it should be noted that the categorization scheme of the lodging base in rural areas is based and operates on a voluntary basis. Yards that have been categorized guarantee high quality services, which attracts more guests, so the owner of this base has the right to advertise their services in the relevant materials of the Federation.
The main disadvantages of the Polish ecotourism include the low communication support of the material base of ecotourism services with agriculture, traditional architecture and interiors. Rural populations often try to bring their homes closer to the city level, which spoils their exoticism and authenticity [5].
So, in the vast majority of the European countries, the development of ecotourism is considered as a structural element of the systematic socio-economic upsurge of rural areas, making their experience more important for the development of Ukraine, primarily for the population of the Carpathians Mountains. It is the Carpathians that have an attractive geographical position for the European countries, which determines new prospects for the development of domestic ecotourism in the framework of improving the state policy of management and regulation [10, p. 119].
Analyzing the dominants of state regulation and business management of the tourism sector, in particular ecotourism, we can identify a number of relevant features that exist today in the global tourism market, namely: strict tax regulation of all directions of development of domestic tourism; indifference at the village level and the agrarian model of management to tourism, as a social and economic phenomenon; the combination of various areas of tourism with related sectors of the national economy in the structure of the combined ministry; loyal measures to the management and regulation of the tourism business by the bodies of the national tourism administration.
So, today there are many organizational systems of tourism management, in particular ecotourism - from independent or joint ministries to national administrations directly subordinate to the government. Along with this, some European countries at the level of regional government bodies carry out tourism management, while others - do not have state levers for managing and coordinating the development of tourism business [9, p. 67]. The variety of these forms is associated with the specificity of the political and socio-economic conditions for the development of individual countries, the level of significance of tourism development in their national economy, the degree of market development of the country, as well as the ranges of tourism in other countries.
However, as the analysis of the relevant scientific publications, today in the European practice formed four constitutive model of tourism management at the state level [9, p. 66]. The quintessence of modeling is revealed by the level of state intervention in the development of the tourism sector of the economy. According to the first model, an independent tourism ministry is organized with the appropriate powers regarding the activities of this type of business. This model of management and coordination of tourism business is typical for the United States, introduced after the elimination events in 1997, the state structure of U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration (USTTA), which was responsible for the development of the tourism business in the state.
According to the second model, the responsibility for the development of tourism business in the state rests with the central authority - the Ministry. To perform the functions of control and management must be ensured the following conditions: significant amounts of financing of the tourism sector in the areas of marketing and advertising; as well as directing the appropriate amount of investment, etc. This model of management and coordination of tourism business development has become widespread in Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Mexico and other countries where the tourism sector is the main source of budgeting [11].
In most European countries, the third model prevails, according to which the responsibility for the development of the tourism business is vested in the ministries of health at the level of the relevant industry unit, the main tasks of which are: responsibility for the development of the tourism business in the state by solving or coordinating the main areas of regulation by the state [2]. It should be noted that this model of state intervention in the development of tourism business received the conditional name «European».
According to the fourth model in the tourism sphere, the central executive authority may be absent at all, which is why it was distributed only in 7 countries of the world, namely: Belgium (macro-region «Europe»), Burundi (Africa), UAE (Middle East), Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Nauru (AТR).
Based on the research of the system of state regulation of the tourist sector of the economy in most European countries (41 % of the European countries) it was found that the second most common model of state regulation is the most common, according to which a combined ministry is organized that combines the tourism sector with related sectors of the national economy. A third of European countries, namely 3 1%, use the third model of state regulation, and every fifth (21 %) countries in the world has a separate tourism ministry, which is on the first model, and only 7 % of the states do not regulate the tourism industry at the level of central government [4]. However, according to observations, international tourism in the world is developing at an uneven pace through the difference in the socio-economic development of individual countries and regions. However, international tourism is the most common in Western European countries.
Ecotourism is one of the strategically important vectors for the socio-economic uplift of the country's rural areas, which outlines the interest of the state and the implementation of its stimulating tourism policy, oriented towards the development of the tourism business in accordance with European standards [12].
Studying and summarizing the international experience of state regulation of tourism, it is necessary to proceed to consider the specifics of its organization in our country. It should be noted that since the transformation of Ukraine into a sovereign state, a rational tourism management system has been sought. In recent years, the country has seen a constant reorganization of agencies providing state regulation of tourism. This can be clearly illustrated in Table 1, which was developed on the basis of a study of regulatory acts of the legislation of Ukraine on tourism.
Table 1 - Bodies of state regulation of tourism in Ukraine *
№ |
Years |
The central government authority in the field of tourism |
Model |
1. |
until 1989 |
General Directorate of Foreign Tourism |
Third |
2 . |
1989 - 1993 |
There is no central executive authority in the field of tourism |
Fourth |
3 . |
1993 - 2000 |
State Committee of Ukraine for Tourism |
Third |
4. |
2000 - 2001 |
State Committee of Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism |
Third |
5 . |
2001 - 2002 |
State Department of Tourism |
Third |
6 . |
2002 - 2006 |
State Tourism Administration |
Third |
7 . |
2006 - 2010 |
Ministry of Culture and Tourism |
Second |
8 . |
2010 - 2014 |
Ministry of Infrastructure (NTA - State Agency for Tourism and Resorts) |
Third |
9 . |
2014 - until now |
Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine (NTA - Department of Tourism and Resorts) |
Third |
Public administration and regulation of the tourism sector of the national economy is carried out to ensure:
- the rights of the country's population to rest, restore and promote health;
- environmental conditions;
- building and maintaining the recreational potential of the state on the basis of the rational use of its resource base, as well as protection during the development of territories intended for tourist visits;
- protect the legitimate interests and rights of tourism entities, as well as tourists themselves;
- appropriate conditions for the improvement and development of the tourism business based on the implementation of the relevant state support of the priority vectors of tourism services in combination with the agricultural business;
- supporting private agrarian business, rural communities, as well as public unions in organizing ecotourism by investing and introducing social innovations.
For Ukraine, the third management model is acceptable in the form of organization of the tourism sector and the ranges of world tourism. The system of state authorities of Ukraine, which regulate tourism, is primarily the activity of public authorities of general competence in accordance with the powers defined by the Constitution of Ukraine on these issues and special competence (Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine «On Tourism») (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. The system of public authorities carrying out regulation in the sphere of tourism Compiled by the authors according to the information on the central executive bodies of Ukraine * Built by authors using sources [12; 13]
In Ukraine, the development of ecotourism is currently not provided with an appropriate legal framework, because this type of tourism industry is prescribed in the Law of Ukraine «On Tourism» only as a type of tourism, which is why it does not have a clear wording. Moreover, these features are not enough and other laws of Ukraine, primarily in the Law of Ukraine «On personal peasant farming». The Law of Ukraine «On personal peasant farming» spells out the right of personal peasant farming to engage in ecotourism. The law also contained the following basic principles: ecotourism - is an economic activity that is carried out without establishing a legal entity natural person individually or persons who are in a family or related relations and living together; ecotourism is one of the varieties of economic activity within the host's personal farming; activities related to the conduct of personal peasant farming, in particular in the field of ecotourism, does not apply to entrepreneurial activity [4].
The main reasons for the low activation of ecotourism in Ukraine include the following [3; 4]:
- low level of his awareness of both the state and international markets, because due to the inability of the owners to advertise their business in modern social networks, information about functioning estates is not available to the consumer.
- the lack of a state investment policy in the field of ecotourism, the imperfection of the legislative framework, as well as a unified system of government management and control over the use of tourist and recreational resources, the introduction of an effective system for protecting the rights and interests of tourists, the creation of safe conditions at objects of tourist visits and according to tourist transfer vectors , different departmental subordination of tourist and resort-recreational resources and the like.
- the lack of development of scientific research, as well as innovative activities in the field of ecotourism, which could become a platform for offering innovative tourism products, the systematic use and preservation of recreational resources, environmental protection and etc.
In Ukraine, the constitutive vectors of implementing state support for the development of tourism, in particular ecotourism, include: protecting the interests of owners of the domestic tourism business; protecting the rights of tourists and providing them with appropriate support [10].
According to the results of a study by a number of leading scientists on this topic [1-5; 10; 11], to ensure the effectiveness of the domestic tourism business by the state, it is imperative that the Law of Ukraine «On Rural Green Tourism» be enforced, the draft of which was adopted by the Supreme Council No. 2179 dated November 16, 2004. According to this law, was determined the general legal, organizational and socio-economic provisions of the implementation of the state policy of Ukraine in the field of ecotourism and was aimed at ensuring the rights of citizens fixed by the Constitution of Ukraine to rest, freedom of movement, protection of health, an environment safe for life and health, satisfaction of spiritual needs and other rights in the implementation of tourist trips. It establishes the basis for the rational use of tourism resources and regulates relations associated with the organization and implementation of ecotourism in Ukraine [13].
Further regulatory instrument governing the development of domestic tourism, is the Presidential Decree No. 1356 dated 20.12. 2000 «On the basic principles of development of the social sphere of the village», according to which one of the means of development is «the development of ancillary activities in the field of ecotourism and giving priority to issues of revival of national culture, customs, traditions and rituals, the development of folk crafts» development of tourist sulfur is impossible at all [14].
According to Article 18 of the Law of Ukraine «On Tourism» the domestic standardization system in the sphere of tourism activity is oriented to the solution of the following directions, namely: protection of interests of consumers and the state on the issues of tourism safety, life and health of citizens, protection of property and environment; improving the quality of goods, works and services in accordance with the needs of consumers; ensuring the safety of tourist sites, taking into account the risk of natural and man-made disasters and other emergencies; interchangeability and compatibility of goods, works, services, their unification; creation of normative base of functioning of systems of standardization and certification of goods, works, services.
Another, equally important for the development of domestic tourism business is certification, which will serve as a promising tool for managing and regulating the quality of tourist services. After all, as evidenced by the European experience, certified yards are more attractive to holidaymakers. It will become a platform for expanding the scope of foreign tourism in certified yards of tourist regions of Ukraine. At the same time, the system of ecological certification «Green farmstead» is currently functioning in Ukraine, the system of its action taking into account the provisions on environmental protection: preservation of ethno-traditions of the state; the dissemination of environmentally-friendly destinations for tourism products. The next most important instrument of public administration and coordination of the development of domestic ecotourism will be the categorization of agricultural estates, which will create a transparent platform for advertising tourist services, classify them by directions and pricing policy, ensure the quality control of tourist products. At present, in order to improve the quality of integrated tourist services, to ensure the socio-economic reconstruction of rural areas in Ukraine, the Union for the Promotion of Ecotourism in Ukraine has developed and approved the Program of Voluntary Categorization in the Field of Ecotourism «Ukrainian Hospitality Estate».
Therefore, in order to ensure the economic growth of domestic ecotourism, as the main platform for socio-economic reconstruction of rural theories, a number of appropriate tools for managing and regulating tourism business development in the following directions should be developed and implemented at the state level:
- establishment of an appropriate service for monitoring, accounting, and control over the efficient use of recreational resources;
- creation of a transparent marketing platform for promotion of advertising of tourist services, analysis of the volume of demand and supply for ecotour products;
- development of regional and regional tourism development programs with relevant capital construction and investment projects;
- coordinate and work of travel agencies with transfer organizations, cultural institutions, agro-villages, agro-formations;
- create appropriate consulting centers for the training of tourism and related sectors of the national economy;
- oblige the owners of the tourist business of the enterprise to deduct a part of the received income in local budgets for the formation of infrastructure and improvement of the area, as well as to implement social measures in order to gain consumer confidence;
- introduce classification systematization of rest places according to natural conditions and signs of importance and functionality;
- develop methods of substantiation of norms of simultaneous loading on different natural complexes.
Development and implementation of these directions of public administration and coordination of tourism business will help increase tourist flows, create new jobs, increase revenues to state and local budgets, and restore the socio-economic development of rural areas.
The use of European experience in the development of the tourism business in Ukraine will contribute to the development and implementation of various areas of management and coordination of domestic ecotourism, the strategic goal of which should be the creation of a competitive tourism product that can satisfy the needs of external and internal tourists. At the same time, the choice of four common models of state regulation that defines the degree of influence of the state on ecotourism should become a significant aspect of the influence of the state on the development of tourism activities. For Ukraine, the third management model is acceptable in the form of organization of the tourism sphere and the ranges of world tourism. However, ensuring the effectiveness of its development requires at least partial funding for the country's participation in the creation of an appropriate monitoring, accounting, and control over the efficient use of recreational resources; creation of a transparent marketing platform; development of provincial and regional tourism development programs; synchronization of travel agencies with transfer organizations, cultural institutions, farmsteads, agro-formations; creation of appropriate consulting centers; the introduction of a classification systematization of rest places, etc.
The decisive prerequisite for a successful process of formation and development of domestic ecotourism as an organizational form of agribusiness is the improvement of the existing regulatory framework and the adoption of the necessary regulatory laws, which determines the prospect of further research.
1. Gryshova,I.Yu., Fedorkin,D.V. (2018). Functioning of the mechanism of management of ecological safety of agricultural production. Scientific Papers of the Legislation Institute of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 1, 59-69 [in Ukrainian].
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14. DobrianskаN., NikoliukO., LebedievaV. Organizational and economic measures of tourism development on the example of the Avan- gard United Territorial Community of Odessa region. Food Industry Economics. 2019. Vol.11. Issue 3. P. 88-96. doi: 10.15673/fie.v11i3.1466
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