Trends in the implementation of corporate social responsibility in the tourism sector

The oddity of the application of social responsibility in the field of catering and tourism, as well as in political, economic and business programs. Implementation of social responsibility in the category of economic activity in tourist organizations.

Рубрика Спорт и туризм
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Дата добавления 23.11.2022
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Trends in the implementation of corporate social responsibility in the tourism sector


Relevance. Social responsibility is becoming increasingly important for every modern organization and an integral part of the business strategy. According to Garcia, Leal, & Lee (2021) corporate social responsibility is gaining more and more scientific attention as it has become increasingly important in political, economic and business agendas in recent years, therefore, in modern society, organizations/companies want to create positive opinions, reputations and look attractive to consumers. Research problem: Corporate social responsibility is gaining more and more attention as it has become increasingly important in political economical and business agendas, and in modern society, organizations want to build a positive opinion, reputation and look attractive to consumers. Tourism businesses need to take responsibility for the impact of their activities and contribute to sustainable development, so integrating corporate social responsibility into business practices is a priority for tourism organizations. The question is what the trends are, what trends are in the application of social responsibility in the catering and travel sectors and how social responsibility is applied in practice in the activities of these organizations. The aim: to identify trends in the implementation of social responsibility in the tourism sector. Research methods. Analysis of scientific literature, online questionnaire, statistical data analysis, descriptive statistics. A quantitative study was selected for the study. Result sand conclusion: Obtained results have shown that catering is the least involved in CSR-oriented management and environmental protection compared to other tourism organizations. Also in the socio-economic category of CSR, tourism organizations are involved at a similar level. CSR has been found to offer both advantages and disadvantages. Comparing tourism organizations, there is a tendency that the worst of the social responsibility activities of tourism organizations are catering and the best care is provided for accommodation. Social responsibility is most and most actively pursued in the category of economic activities in tourism organizations.

Keywords: tourism organizations, social responsibility, trends in tourism, implementation



Литовського Університету Спорту (Каунас, Литва)


лектор Литовського Університету Спорту (Каунас, Литва)


Актуальність. Соціальна відповідальність стає все більш важливою для кожної сучасної організації та невід'ємною частиною бізнес-стратегії. Згідно Garcia, Leal, & Lee (2021), корпоративна соціальна відповідальність привертає все більше і більше наукової уваги, оскільки в останні роки вона стає все більш важливою у політичному, економічному та діловому порядку денному, тому у сучасному суспільстві організації/компанії хочуть створювати позитивну думку, репутацію та привабливість для споживачів.

Проблема дослідження: корпоративна соціальна відповідальність привертає все більше уваги, оскільки вона стає все більш важливою у політико-економічних та ділових програмах, а у сучасному суспільстві організації хочуть створити позитивну думку, репутацію та виглядати привабливо для споживачів. Туристичні підприємства повинні взяти на себе відповідальність за вплив своєї діяльності та зробити свій внесок у сталий розвиток, тому інтеграція корпоративної соціальної відповідальності у бізнес-практику є пріоритетом для туристичних організацій. Питання, які тенденції у застосуванні соціальної відповідальності у сфері громадського харчування та туризму і як соціальна відповідальність застосовується на практиці у діяльності цих організацій. Мета дослідження: виявити тенденції реалізації соціальної відповідальності у сфері туризму. Методи дослідження: аналіз наукової літератури, онлайн-анкетування, аналіз статистичних даних, описова статистика. Було обрано кількісне дослідження.

Результати та висновок: Отримані результати показали, що підприємства громадського харчування найменш залучені до управління КСВ та охорони навколишнього середовища порівняно з іншими туристичними організаціями. Також у соціально-економічній категорії КСВ на аналогічному рівні беруть участь туристичні організації. Виявлено, що КСВ має як переваги, так і недоліки. Порівнюючи туристичні організації, спостерігається тенденція до того, що найгіршим видом соціальної відповідальності туристичних організацій є громадське харчування, а найкраща увага приділяється розміщенню. Соціальна відповідальність найактивніше реалізується у категорії економічної діяльності у туристських організаціях.

Ключові слова: туристичні організації, соціальна відповідальність, тенденції розвитку, реалізація.

Trends in the implementation of Social responsibility

In tourism, as in other business sectors, corporate social responsibility as a voluntary practice has become a key part of organisations' strategies. According to Lund-Durlacher, D. (2015), in order to be successful in the future, tourism companies will have to constantly implement and adapt the principles of corporate social responsibility. Liu, Y., Xiao, T., Fon, Z. P., & Zhao, X. (2019) states that tourism companies must take responsibility for the impact of their activities and contribute to sustainable development, therefore the integration of the company's social responsibility into business practices is a priority part of the activities of tourism organisations.

Corporate social responsibility gradually becomes a commitment of tourism enterprises/organisations. significant number of companies implement social responsibility programmes for economic and environmental benefits. The implementation of social responsibility becomes a mutual benefit for both the organisation and the environment. (Horng, J. S., Hsu, H., ir Tsaai, C. Y., 2018).

Kumar & Kumar (2018) identifies social responsibility as a practice for tourism organisations on the social orientation towards meeting people's needs and improving quality of life. M. A. Camilleri (2016), the main recommendations of the guidelines for responsible tourism:Skatinti pagirtinus verslo procesus, kurie teikia ekonominq, socialinq ir aplinkosauginq vertq

Encourage creative and innovative approaches that encourage the development and application of sustainable and responsible practices;

partnership and cooperation with governments, trade unions and society as a whole;

Ensure an appropriate level in matters such as health and safety, decent working conditions, sustainable and appropriate environmental practices;

constructive communication, trust and awareness;

Governments can create a kind of regulatory framework that allows and promotes the implementation of sustainable and responsible behavioural practices in tourism enterprises.

(Gonzalez-Rodriguez,M. R.,Martm-Samper, R.C., Kцseoglu, M. A., & Okumus, F., 2019). development of CSE in the tourism sector has become one of the latest trends in the global tourism industry. Blinova, E., Gregoric, M., Dedusenko, E., & Romanova, M. (2018), that corporate social responsibility in tourism should cover a wide range of activities, including;

Creation and improvement of social conditions for staff (favourable conditions for work and leisure, training and professional development, social packages for employees, motivation;

Safety of workers and tourists (safe workplaces, health care of staff, protection of users of tourism services, compensation for unused excursions);

Local development (financial support for culture and historical, sporting and educational sites);

Environmental protection and sustainability (pollution prevention, tourism activities include effective environmental management, economic and prudent use of natural resources). social responsibility tourist business

The implementation and implementation of social responsibility can give the organization advantage and greater employee satisfaction with work. Kim, Woo, Uysal and Kwon (2018) study found that philanthropic and economic social responsibility of enterprises had a positive impact on the quality of employees' work. The results confirm the authors' insights that organizations need to strive not only for potential financial benefits for the business, but also for employees, as this can increase the quality of employee work, which can bring additional benefits to the organization. According to LundDurlacher, D. (2015), in order to be successful in the future, tourism organizations will have continously implement and adapt the principles of corporate social responsibility.

The same opinion about CSR in tourism have others researchers studying CSR in tourism sector who added that tourism companies must take responsibility for the impact of their activities and contribute to sustainable development, so integrating corporate social responsibility into business practices is a priority part of the activities of tourism organizations (Liu, Xiao, Fan & Zhao, 2019). In tourism, as in other business sectors, corporate social responsibility as a voluntary practice has become a key part of organisations' strategies. (Gonzalez-Rodriguez, M. R., Martm-Samper, R. C., Kцseoglu, M. A., & Okumus, F., 2019). The development of CSE in the tourism sector has become one of the latest trends in the global tourism industry.

Blinova, E., Gregoric, M., Dedusenko, E., & Romanova, M. (2018) states that corporate social responsibility in tourism should cover a wide range of activities, including: Creation and improvement of social conditions for staff (favourable conditions for work and leisure, training and professional development, social packages for employees, motivation; of workers and tourists (safe workplaces, health care for staff, protection of users of tourism services, compensation for unused excursions); local development (financial support for culture and historical, sporting and educational objects); environmental protection and sustainability (pollution prevention, tourism activities include effective environmental management, economic and prudent use of natural resources).

According to Font and Lynes (2018), corporate social responsibility is a concept that encompasses aspects that can be defined separately in a different ares of governance, involving consumers, shareholders, governance, employees, communities, ecosystems, suppliers and goverment. During this period, social responsibility is increasingly embedded in new sustainable business models designed to address environmental, societal and governance weaknesses. a result, organisations are increasingly using responsible processes in their for-profit (Camilleri, M. A., 2017).

Tourism organisations can use CSR to promote economic development, environmental protection and cultural assessment. At the same time, the implementation of CSRs in tourism organisations can have an impact on a wide range of stakeholders. OSR is a key element of organisations contributing to sustainable development (Farrington, T., Curran, R., Gori, K., O'Gorman, K. D., & Queenan, C. J., 2017). Tourism enterprises/organisations must take care not only of economic results, but also of social objectives and the impact of their activities on the environment. Social responsibility and economic benefits/ benefits are not contradictory but complementary (Zdravkovic, S., & Pekovic, J., (2020).

Issues of implementation of CSR practices in the field of theoretical and research are increasingly. For organisations in the tourism sector, the practice of CSR is acceptable in the context of the processes, advantages in attracting visitors, saving resources and increasing the attractiveness of organisations. There is a general opinion, confirmed by studies, that the application of social responsibility in the long term creates added value for the organization through trust in the company, customer loyalty and increasing competitiveness.

Results of research

The reliability of the questionnaires used in this study was found that questioning scales in CSR - oriented management, CSR environment activities and CSR social activities to be high and reliability of CSR economical activities was found to be avarage.

Table 1 The reliability of the questionnaires

Questioning scales

Cronbach's Alpha

CSR-oriented management


CSR environment activities


CSR social activities


CSR economical activities


Data analysis is carried out by analyzing dimensions accordingtoscales: management focuses on CSR, environmental activities, environmental activities, economic and socialactivities. The results of the study were processed by SppSS program and their analysis was performed using descriptive statistics. Data were analyzed using one-dimensional and two-dimensional statistical analysis methods.

This mean, standard deviation and percentage distirbutions were used in the matte analys alone. In a two-dimensional analysis, a non-parametric Kruskal-Walls criterion was used for inter-group comparisons due to the small sample size.

Results of the study revealing trends in CSR- oriented management in tourism organizations are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 From CSR oriented management









Kruskal- Walls H


Average(standard deviation)

The organisation is a member of the Global Compact initiative







The organisation discloses and explains how it engages stakeholders







The organisation has a CSR (corporate social responsibility) committee or team







Organization reports different ISA







The organisation is audited by external auditors on the reported







Promotion of senior management is linked to the achievement of CSR objectives







Overall scale







* Statistically significant differences p < 0,05.

Respondents assessed the current situation about the introduction of CSRs practices in their own organization with scores (1 point - not at all, 2 points - not match, 3 points - corresponds on average, 4 points - corresponds, 5 points - fully corresponds).

Statistically significant (p<0.05) differences were found in the calculation of CSA-oriented management data under the “CSA reports submitted by the organization” “the promotion of higher-level managers is linked to the achievement of CSR objectives”.

Based on the data obtained, it also has been found that accommodation organisations are mostly reporting and are encouraging managers to achieve CSR goals compared to other organizations. In overall scale also has been found statistically significant differences that restaurants and cafes are less involved in CSR orientied management than others organizations Other data, no statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were found when comparing by the organisation.

The analysis of CSRs-oriented environmental performance showed similar trends.

Results of the study revealing trends in CSR activities in the environment in tourism organizations are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 CSR activities in the environment









Kruskal- Walls H


Average(standard deviation)

The organization has its own environmental management team







The organization shall provide at least one product line that is designed to have a positive impact on the environment







The organization carries out environmental and ecological protection


4,0 (1,4)





Overall scale







A statistically significant difference was found in the overall scale and 3 others statements of 15 about CSR activities in the environment when comparing groups of organizations, and catering organizations are less focused on CSR activities in the environment compared to other tourism organizations. Catering are less focused on its own environmental management team, take less care of own product line that is designed to have a positive impact on the environment and cattering organizations show less concern about environmental and ecological protection than others tourism organizations.

The same trend remains that organizations in the accommodation sector implement high-level socially responsible environmental solutions, i.e. set emission targets or targets, use and avoid climate change and risks in the organisation, seek to ensure resource efficiency and ensure that the services provided have a positive impact on the environment. This behaviour is useful for attracting customers to the organization, as Zdravkovic & Pekovic (2020) found that more and moretourists are showing concern about the environment and choosing to stay in eco-friendly hotels during the trip.

The analysis of social (ethical and philanthropic activities) across all components did not reveal statistically significant differences, therefore, it can be said that organisations located in the tourism sector very similarly implement social activities in relation to employees and the community. It has been found that organizations are most concerned with setting goals and tasks, on equal pay or promotions, providing employee safety training, and promoting partnerships with the local community.

According to Zdravkovic & Pekovic (2020), tourism organizations must take care not only of economic results, but also of social goals, since social responsibility and economic profits do not contradict each other, but complement each other.

average, there is a tendency for accommodation organizations to be more involved and most actively interacting in terms of social responsibility with internal (employees) and external stakeholders (community, customers, partners).


Social responsibility practices are acceptable in the process of organizing activities, understanding the benefits of attracting visitors and clients, saving resources and increasing the attractivness of organizations.

The social responsibility of tourism organizations in tourism should cover a wide range of activities, including the creation and improvement of social conditions for staff (favourable conditions for work and leisure, training and professional development, social packages for employees, motivation; security of workers and tourists, development of local businesses (financial support for culture and history, sports and educational objects); environmental protection and sustainability (pollution prevention, effective environmental management included in tourism activities), economy.

Researchers summarize both advantages and disadvantages of applying CSR, but there is a general consensus that the application of social responsibility in a long-term tourism organization adds value through trust in the company, customer loyalty and much greater competitiveness.

These trends are revealed through the components defined in the social responsibility models, i.e. economic, social (legal and environmental), ethical and philanthropic responsibility. In recent years, emphasis has been placed on the need to act responsibly in the local market, ensuring the resolution of global problems in the local area, which is particularly important for the tourism industry.

Social responsibility trends are studied by distinguishing categories of management focused on CSR, environmental activities, social partnership activities, economic activities. CSR is most applies in organisations in the hospitality sector and the weakest CSR implemented is in catering companies. Economic social responsibility is the strongest support.


1. Blinova, E., Gregoric, M., Dedusenko, E., & Romanova, M. (2018). Corporate social responsibility in tourism: International practices. European Research Studies Journal, 21(3), 636-647.

2. Camilleri, M. A. (2017). Corporate sustainability, social responsibility and environmental management. Cham, Switzerland : Springer International Publishing.

3. Farrington, T., Curran, R., Gori, K., O'Gorman, K. D., & Queenan, C. J. (2017). Corporate social responsibility: Reviewed, rated, revised. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(1), 30-47.

4. Font, X., & Lynes, J. (2018). Corporate social responsibility in tourism and hospitality.

5. Garcia, A., Leal, M., & Lee, S. H. (2021). Competitive CSR in a strategic managerial delegation game with a multiproduct corporation. International Review of Economics, 1-30.

6. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, M. R., Martm-Samper, R. C., Kцseoglu, M. A., & Okumus, F. (2019). Hotels' corporate social responsibility practices, organizational culture, firm reputation, and performance. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27(3), 398-419.

7. Horng, J. S., Hsu, H., & Tsai, C. Y. (2018). An assessment model of corporate social responsibility practice in the tourism industry. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26(7), 1085-1104.

8. Kim, M., & Kim, Y. (2019). CSR and shareholder value in the restaurant industry: The roles of CSR communication through annual reports. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 60(1), 69-76.

9. Kim, H. L., Woo, E., Uysal, M., & Kwon, N. (2018). The effects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on employee well-being in the hospitality industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management

10. Kumar, R. B., & Kumar, M. (2018). Corporate social responsibility in Indian tour operation industry. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Systems, 11(2), 82-88.

11. Liu, Y, Xiao, T., Fan, Z. P., & Zhao, X. (2019). Pricing, environmental governance efficiency, and channel coordination in a socially responsible tourism supply chain. International Transactions in Operational Research, 26(3), 1025-1051.

12. Lund-Durlacher, D. (2015). Corporate social responsibility and tourism. In Education for sustainability in tourism. Pp. 59-73. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

13. Zdravkovic, S., & Pekovic, J. (2020). The analysis of factors influencing tourists' choice of green hotels. Менацмент у хотелщерству и туризму, vol (1).

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