World experience in organizing the educational process in the discipline of "Physical culture" in higher education institutions during the pandemic

The period of self-isolation, in world practice, has identified several types of distance learning that teachers have used to ensure the educational process of "Physical Education". This is synchronous and asynchronous learning, or blended learning.

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Дата добавления 29.01.2023
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World experience in organizing the educational process in the discipline of «Physical culture» in higher education institutions during the pandemic

Lopuha Hanna Volodymyrivna,

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Reshetilova Valeriya Mykolayivna,

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education of the Prydniprovska State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Mykhailenko Yuliya Mykolayivna,

Lecturer of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education of the Prydniprovska State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Lopuha H., Reshetilova V., Mikhailenko Yu. World Experience in Organizing the Educational Process in the Discipline of «Physical Culture» in Higher Education Institutions During the Pandemic

The article is devoted to the research of the problem of organization of the educational process in the discipline «Physical Culture» in higher education institutions during the pandemic period. The aim of the article is to analyze and summarize the world research literature on the problem of research. It was found out: first, teachers and students faced technical difficulties; lack of educational resources; insufficient information literacy of teachers; the difficulty of implementing regular curricula online; secondly, these are psychological problems: in practical classes, traditional teacherstudent communication has been replaced by student-computer-teacher communication; limited conditions for students to study at home and doubts about online physical education. But, despite the difficulties, the practice of physical education classes was as follows. In China, a mixed method of teaching physical education has been proposed - learning using an online course + push notifications of a public WeChat account, ie (synchronous and asynchronous learning). In Northern Macedonia, teachers used various forms, such as live online classes, recorded videos, student assignments, projects, or links to go. Weekly «movement diaries» were practiced in Hungary. In Italy, teachers were invited to teach through distance learning. In the US, SHAPE America has provided virtual online resources on health and physical education, #HPEatHome, including videos with theoretical and practical content. Teachers conducted online classes and performed one hour of physical activity daily. Teachers in Turkey read online courses through an educational information network called EBA, prepared by the Ministry of Education.

Conclusions. The period of self-isolation, in world practice, has identified several types of distance learning that teachers have used to ensure the educational process of «Physical Education». This is synchronous and asynchronous learning, or blended learning. This is synchronous and asynchronous learning, or blended learning. Physical education teachers have gained a wealth of experience gained during the pandemic and can use it when they return to normal activities.

Key words: applicants for higher education, distance learning, physical culture.

Лопуга Г.В., Решетилова В.М., Михайленко Ю.М. Світовий досвід щодо організації навчального процесу з дисципліни «Фізична культура» в закладах вищої освіти за період пандемії

Стаття присвячена дослідженню проблеми організації навчального процесу з дисципліни «Фізична культура» в закладах вищої освіти за період пандемії. Метою статті є аналіз та узагальнення світової науково- дослідної літератури з проблеми дослідження. Було з'ясовано: по-перше, викладачі та студенти зіткнулись з технічними труднощами; брак навчальних ресурсів; недостатня інформаційна грамотність викладачів; складність реалізації звичайних навчальних планів у режимі онлайн; подруге, це психологічні проблеми: традиційне спілкування викладач- студент замінилось спілкуванням студент-комп'ютер-викладач; обмежені умови для занять студентами вдома та сумніви щодо онлайн- фізкультури. Але, незважаючи на труднощі, практика занять з фізичної культури була такою. У Китаї було запропоновано змішаний метод навчання з фізкультури - навчання з використанням онлайн-курсу + push-сповіщення публічного облікового запису WeChat, тобто (синхронне та асинхронне навчання). У Північній Македонії викладачі використовували різні форми, такі як онлайн-класи з прямою трансляцією, записані відео, завдання для учнів, проекти або посилання для переходу. В Угорщині практикували щотижневі «щоденники рухів». В Італії викладачів запросили викладати за допомогою дистанційного онлайн-навчання. У США SHAPE America надала віртуальні онлайн- ресурси зі здоров'я та фізичного виховання, #HPEatHome, включаючи відео з теоретичним та практичним змістом. Викладачі проводили онлайн-заняття та виконували одну годину фізичної активності щоденно. Викладачі Туреччині читали онлайн-курси через освітню інформаційну мережу під назвою EBA, підготовлену Міністерством освіти.

Висновки. Період самоізоляції, в світовій практиці, визначив декілька видів дистанційного навчання, що використовували викладачі для забезпечення освітнього процесу з «Фізичної культури». Це синхронне та асинхронне навчання, або змішане навчання. Викладачі фізичної культури здобули багатий досвід, який набули під час пандемії та можуть його використовувати, коли повернуться к звичайним заняттям.

Ключові слова: здобувачі вищої освіти, дистанційне навчання, фізична культура.

Лопуга Г.В., Решетилова В.М., Михайленко Ю.М. Мировой опыт организации учебного процесса по дисциплине «Физическая культура» в высших учебных заведениях за период пандемии

Статья посвящена исследованию проблемы организации учебного процесса по дисциплине «Физическая культура» в высших учебных заведениях в период пандемии. Целью статьи является анализ и обобщение мировой научно-исследовательской литературы по проблеме исследования. Было выяснено: во-первых, преподаватели и студенты столкнулись с техническими трудностями; нехватка учебных ресурсов; недостаточная информационная грамотность преподавателей; сложность реализации обычных обучающих планов в режиме онлайн; во-вторых, это психологические проблемы: традиционное общение преподаватель- студент заменилось общением студент-компьютер-преподаватель; ограниченные условия для занятий студентами на дому и сомнения в онлайн-физкультуре.

Но, несмотря на трудности, практика занятий по физической культуре была таковой. В Китае был предложен смешанный метод обучения по физкультуре - обучение с использованием онлайн-курса + push-уведомление публичной учетной записи WeChat, то есть (синхронное и асинхронное обучение). В Северной Македонии преподаватели использовали разные формы, такие как онлайн-классы с прямой трансляцией, записанные видео, задания для учащихся, проекты или ссылки для перехода. В Венгрии практиковали еженедельные «дневники движений». В Италии преподавателей пригласили преподавать с помощью дистанционной онлайн-учебы. В США SHAPE America предоставила виртуальные онлайн-ресурсы по здоровью и физическому воспитанию, #HPEatHome, включая видео с теоретическим и практическим содержанием. Преподаватели проводили онлайн-занятия и выполняли один час физической активности ежедневно. Преподаватели Турции читали онлайн-курсы через образовательную информационную сеть под названием EBA, подготовленную Министерством образования.

Выводы. Период самоизоляции в мировой практике определил несколько видов дистанционного обучения, которые использовали преподаватели для обеспечения образовательного процесса по «Физической культуре». Это синхронное и асинхронное обучение или смешанное обучение. Преподаватели физической культуры получили богатый опыт, который приобрели во время пандемии и могут его использовать, когда вернутся к обычным занятиям.

Ключевые слова: соискатели высшего образования, дистанционное обучение, физическая культура.

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic spread worldwide. Educational institutions at all levels have suffered the most from this situation. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization said that 1.57 billion students were enrolled in the world education system, and that this category of people had suffered the most from the temporary closure of educational institutions by many governments to prevent a pandemic (UNESCO, 2020a).

The United Nations identified the devastating impact on education systems in 190 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic and identified three main hypotheses: physical culture education pandemic

* the crisis has increased educational disparities depending on the social status of students;

* along with education, there is a social impact associated with the closure of educational institutions, through a complementary role;

* at the same time, the crisis has stimulated innovation and renewal of educational methodologies and resources, accelerating the positive changes that need to be consolidated in the future.

The UN also stressed that governments and the international community should be responsible for establishing guidelines, reforms and investments that ensure the right to education for all, as humanity has been shocked by the COVID-19 crisis, which is unprecedented in education. It was also stressed the need for additional funding for education, strengthening infrastructure resources, connecting and training teachers. To this end, it was proposed to use the country's own resources and other resources for international cooperation (Naciones Unidas, 2020).

The purpose of the article is to analyze and summarize the world research literature on the experience of teaching the discipline «Physical Culture» in higher education institutions during quarantine restrictions.

At the beginning of the pandemic, the educational process had difficulties in implementing distance learning. After all, distance learning has become a necessity for our society, regardless of whether it is the best way to learn or not. Physical education teachers had to figure out how to teach a movement-based curriculum in a distance learning format. It is important to note that there is a difference between online physical education, as defined in the scientific literature, and the current experience of distance learning during the pandemic period.

The results of a survey among Ukrainian students and teachers of higher education institutions showed: first, they faced technical difficulties, as not all higher education institutions are technically prepared, so the training was conducted using Google Classroom, knowledge was assessed through text tests, preparation and presentation of projects was conducted via Skype, new platforms, resources and social networks (Moodle, Zoom, Skype, Viber, Telegram and Messenger). And teachers, as additional material, began to use external distance learning systems (Prometheus platform, Teams, etc.)

Also, the realities have shown that not all teachers have the necessary minimum skills and abilities to use modern information technology to use them in distance learning.

One of the tasks of the discipline «Physical Culture» is to increase the level of general endurance. Therefore, such tasks cannot be performed online, they go to the section of independent work of the applicant. The operational control over the performance of physical exercises performed without video communication was reduced; secondly, these are psychological problems. Students noted the lack of live communication. In practical classes, traditional teacher-student communication has been replaced by student-computer- teacher communication. There is also a lack of time to complete tasks, the obligation to fulfill their family responsibilities for the supervision / care of younger siblings while schools are closed for the period of online classes, limited access to a computer, as parents are also transferred to remote work (Kishchak, Kachmarchyk, 2020; Martynova, Kuzko, 2021).

The positive aspects of distance education were also noted by Turkish teachers. So, they have never used technology so intensively, because physical education classes are mostly held face to face. They had to learn to conduct classes remotely, using technology during classes to continue the learning process in the best way (Hande Baba Kaya. 2021).

Experts from China noted that while other subjects enrich the content of the curriculum by exchanging information and information in real time, physical education falls into the trap of the traditional model. The government and schools have been actively investing and developing distance learning, but education reform (distance learning) has never paid attention to physical education. Today the state provides rich educational resources, the introduction of distance learning in physical education. But physical education continues to face many challenges, such as lack of teaching resources, lack of information literacy of teachers, difficulty in implementing regular online curricula, limited conditions for homework, and doubts about online physical education (Wei Zheng, Yu-Yu Ma, Hung-Lung Lin, 2021).

Hande Baba Kaya (2021) believes that distance education should be individualized, and some courses should be redesigned to teach them more effectively - based on practice, especially physical education classes.

Turkish educators have launched educational television, which provides uninterrupted training 24 hours a day. On the one hand, the system of formal education is supported, on the other hand, it is accessible to all segments of society. Non-formal education and public education activities can be carried out continuously. It is also believed that distance learning applications can be taught in two different ways; students and teachers meet online in a predetermined common place at the same time or in cases where it is not possible to meet in the general period of time, use pre-prepared lecture presentations, videos, etc. This is the type of asynchronous learning that the teacher shares, where students can access this content at any time (Can E., 2020).

Chinese experts have developed and proposed a mixed method of teaching physical education. Learning using an online course + push notifications of a public WeChat account, ie (synchronous and asynchronous learning). Online classes were conducted live as regular classes. The educational content provided through the message presented records and schedules of the content of practical courses. In particular, the content was home videos in which students trained at home, with a variety of exercises suitable for the home environment, such as physical training, exercises for parents and children, tai chi, exercises with a ball, exercises with an expander and skipping rope. Elements of the exercises were serialized according to the content of the study, a message containing the theory of sports and health promotion, as well as general knowledge (compulsory reading for students) was sent every day (Wei Zheng, Yu-Yu Ma, Hung-Lung Lin, 2021).

During COVID-19, the practice of physical education in some European countries and the United States was as follows: in Northern Macedonia, the school year ended with online learning and home schooling. Different teachers used different forms, such as live online classes, recorded videos, student assignments, projects, or links to go. In Hungary, weekly «movement diaries» were the most common method of motivating students to take up physical education. In Italy, teachers were invited to teach through distance learning. SHAPE America - The Society of Physical Education and Health Teachers has supported physical education teachers by organizing online materials, video tutorials with practical and theoretical content, webinars on the most popular sports programs and how to teach physical education. In the United States, SHAPE America has supported physical education teachers by providing online virtual resources on health and physical education, #HPEatHome, including videos with theoretical and practical content. Teachers used a distance learning program with suggestions for physical education that could be done at home. They conducted online classes and performed one hour of physical activity from moderate to high daily, as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Teachers in Turkey read online courses through an educational information network called EBA, prepared by the Ministry of Education. (Ferman Konukman, 2020).

Ukrainian specialists considered two forms of work with students for the implementation of this discipline in the mode of self-isolation: group and individual work. Group work involved a video conference on the platform Google Classroom or «ZOOM», where the teacher at the appointed time with students of the study group performs a set of exercises. Individual work was designed to address the problematic issues faced by distance learning of the subject. After all, not all students had the opportunity to study online for many reasons.

The second variant of realization of the discipline «Physical culture» in the conditions of self-isolation is remote-individual work. The purpose of such an organization was to support motor activity in conditions of self-isolation. Students were offered classes in two alternating areas. The first direction: the teacher offers the student a set of exercises that must not only perform, but also to record the performance on video and make feedback.

The second direction: the teacher asks the student to create and perform their own set of exercises, and send a video report to the teacher with a written answer, which contains exercises and techniques for their implementation. This direction is aimed at independent work, which corresponds to their physical fitness (Слухенська, Куліш, Маланій, Бамбурак, 2020).

Experts (Sari, 2020; Can, 2020) noted that one serious shortcoming of distance education was assessment. After all, it cannot be performed without measurement, so it does not have accurate results. Therefore, this problem is one of the main ones that should be eliminated in distance learning in physical education.

One year after the outbreak, in many countries, blended learning has become an alternative to full-fledged online learning, combining distance and full-time learning to meet the health and education requirements of students. Spanish researchers used the results of an online survey of physical education experts to draw the following conclusions:

1) physical activity of students during the period of blended learning is lower than usual;

2) blended learning in comparison with full-time study involves overload at work, worsens social relations and does not increase student motivation;

3) it is more difficult to establish a relationship of trust with the student depending on the socio-economic status (Ivan Lopez-Fernandez, Rafael Burgueno, Francisco Javier Gil-Espinosa, 2021).

As we can see, the period of self-isolation, in world practice, has identified several types of distance learning, which were used by teachers to ensure the educational process in «Physical Culture». This is synchronous and asynchronous learning.

During this time, the world is discussing three scenarios for returning to school:

* Full-time training, including strict reduction protocols.

* Distance Learning.

* Hybrid learning (home and school, full-time and distance) (Ferman Konukman, 2020).

American educators believe it would be a shame if health and physical education teachers returned to pre-pandemic pedagogy, which lacks the skills of the 21st century and lacks the student-centered approaches that many used during the pandemic (David Daum, Tyler Goad, Chad Killian, 2021).


Analyzing the research literature on the topic, we can draw the following conclusions. Not only specialists of Ukraine faced problems with teaching the discipline «Physical Culture». World experience shows that in many countries, physical education professionals do not have information literacy. There are states that have never paid attention to physical education, especially in distance learning. Also note that distance learning of the subject, as defined in the scientific literature, differs from modern experience of distance learning during the pandemic.

But while there have been many challenges over the past year, the positive side of the COVID-19 pandemic is that physical education teachers have gained a wealth of experience that can have a positive impact on students when teachers and students return to regular face-to-face classes in stadiums, sports grounds and gyms.

Список використаної літератури

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1. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2020a). Education: From disruption to recovery. URL: [in English]. 2. Naciones Unidas. (2020). Book Review. Reporte. Policy Brief: Education during COVID-19 and beyond. 26 p. URL: [in English].

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10. Sari, H. (2020). Evde kal doneminde uzaktan egitim: Olgme ve degerlendirmeyi neden karantinaya almamaliyiz? [Distance learning during stay-at-home: Why shouldn't we quarantine measurement and evaluation?]. Uluslararasi Egitim ArasHrmacilari Dergisi - International Journal of Educational Researchers, 3 (1), 121-128 [in Turkish]. 11. Ivan, Lopez-

Fernandez, Rafael, Burgueno, Francisco, Javier Gil-Espinosa. (2021). High School Physical Education Teachers' Perceptions of Blended Learning One Year after the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 21. Retrieved from [in English]. 12. David,

Daum, Tyler, Goad & Chad, Killian. (2021). Teaching Physical Education

During COVID-19: Lessons Learned. Health & PE, Research. May 27, 2021. URL:

during-covid-19-lessons-learned/ [in English].

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  • A specific feature of services. The main form of supply of services abroad. A need for international regulation of trade in services. Operations on foreign tourism. International tourism as a form of foreign economic activity. World Tourism Organization.

    реферат [1,2 M], добавлен 30.09.2014

  • Culture Shock is a "normal" reaction when we are confronted with unfamiliar surroundings and environment. The symptoms of this phenomenon, its manifestations and consequences. Basic tips about how to cope with culture shock to reduce its impact.

    презентация [651,2 K], добавлен 22.04.2015

  • "Ferrari World Abu Dhabi" как самый большой тематический экскурсионно-развлекательный павильон в мире. Расположение парка и транспортные связи с ним. Его внутренние помещения и уникальные особенности. Обзорная экскурсия по аттракционам, детский уголок.

    презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 04.10.2016

  • The world’s most famous tennis tournament is Wimbledon. It started at a small club in south London in the nineteenth century. It begins on the nearest Monday to June 22. Some of the most well-known Wimbledon champions are: B. Becker, S. Graf, M. Seles.

    презентация [2,4 M], добавлен 19.11.2014

  • History of sports betting. The "cash out" option in sports betting. The main determinants of the betting process. To test the hypothesis that the risk-aversion as the factor that makes individuals accept the amount to "cash out" proposed by a bookmaker.

    дипломная работа [651,3 K], добавлен 04.11.2015

  • The Tower of London as one of the most imposing of London's historical sites. Westminster Abbey as one of the most attractive constructions. St Paul's Cathedral is one of the most famous buildings in the world. Trafalgar Square. The British Museum.

    презентация [592,8 K], добавлен 13.04.2015

  • I.E. Slutskaya Russian figure skater. The story of her ascent to the Olympic victory. Slutskaya winning championships in Russia and Europe, has won first place in the Grand Prix and second in the World Cup. Silver, gold and bronze medal athletes.

    презентация [1,1 M], добавлен 15.10.2012

  • История становления и развития фитнеса в Санкт–Петербурге. Коммуникационное сопровождение организации. Связь с общественностью в фитнес-клубе "World Class". Фитнес как коммерческая организация. Обзор российского рынка фитнес-услуг в Российской Федерации.

    дипломная работа [3,7 M], добавлен 10.12.2013

  • Сервіс та його основні функції. Аналіз тенденцій надання різноманітних послуг в світових готельних комплексах. Структура споживчого попиту на готельні послуги. Організація сервісного обслуговування в закладах громадського харчування та у номерах готелю.

    курсовая работа [1,8 M], добавлен 22.10.2013

  • Sport in my life. Sports in Russia. Sports in Great Britain. The Olympic Games. Sports and Healthy Way of Life. Sport is not only for champions. All over the world people of different ages are very fond of sports and games.

    реферат [11,4 K], добавлен 06.06.2004

  • Sightseeing tour of London. Attractions: Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Chapel of Henry VII, the Palace of Westminster, together with Victoria Tower and the Clock Tower - which houses the most famous clock in the world, Big Ben.

    краткое изложение [18,8 K], добавлен 15.02.2011

  • The Olympic Games have a very long history. It is old tradition in the world of sports. The Olympic Games take place every four years. The Olympic Games Committee decides the place of the Olympic Games and the sports that the athletes will compete in.

    реферат [18,6 K], добавлен 04.07.2013

  • The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.

    реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012

  • Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, and also something less tangible but more profound: the imparting of knowledge, positive judgment and well-developed wisdom. Systems education. Process. Teaching. Technology. Economics.

    реферат [19,0 K], добавлен 14.05.2008

  • History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.

    курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016

  • Особливості філософії освіти у ХХІ столітті. Характеристика системи інноваційних принципів та методів викладання у вищій школі - "Blended Learning", що забезпечує значно вищу результативність освітнього процесу. Особливості застосування цієї системи.

    статья [23,8 K], добавлен 21.09.2017

  • Children are learning at home with their families instead of enrolled in the public school system. The home education inception in the 1970. The provocative article "Who Stole Homeschooling?" by writer and magazine publisher Cheryl Lindsey Seelhoff.

    реферат [31,2 K], добавлен 23.06.2010

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