Military tourism as a peculiarity of tourism development in a post-conflict territory

The study of the world experience of organization of military tourism. Elaboration of proposals for implementation of military tours in Luhansk and Donetsk regions. Using the opportunities of the affected territories for economic and cultural development.

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Дата добавления 26.02.2023
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Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University

Military tourism as a peculiarity of tourism development in a post-conflict territory

Galyna M. Zavarika

Severodonetsk Ukraine


One peculiarity of tourism development in the post-conflict territories of the Ukraine-controlled part of Donetsk and Luhansk regions is the possibility of development of military tourism and this is the urgent problem considered in the proposed article.

The relevance of the article lies in the possibility of exploiting the existing negative factors in certain eastern territories and turning them into a source of interest and a point of no return. Military tours can have an enormous educational and instructive value both for the younger generation and for all people's understanding of what conflict situations can lead to.

The aim of the work is to develop proposals for the creation of innovative military tours as a feature of post-conflict tourism development in the affected area. General scientific methods, namely analytical, comparative-geographical, historical and marketing analysis are applied.

World experience in organizing military tourism was analyzed and some recommendations for organizing such tours in Ukraine, and particularly in Luhansk and Donetsk regions, were revealed. The author's classification of possible military tours in our country is offered.

Recommendations on development of military tours to Ukraine are formed. Ukraine-controlled parts of Luhansk and Donetsk regions are evaluated as potentially promising areas for military tourism development. We have suggested specific tourist locations for creating military tours and developed proposals for creating innovative military tours as a feature of post-conflict tourism development in the affected areas in Ukraine's eastern regions.

The organizational mechanism of creating and promoting military tours on the tourism market on the example of the eastern territories of Ukraine has been studied. It is determined that military tours in the post-conflict times can become one of the promising directions of economic development of the eastern regions of Ukraine.

The key provisions, factual material and conclusions of the article can be used for further research into the process of tourism development in Luhansk and Donetsk regions in order to develop the national tourism industry. In the future, similar tours may be developed throughout the region after the reintegration process.

Keywords: tourism, military-tourism, military tour, advertising, tourist product, post-conflict tourism development.


Мілітарі-тури як особливість постконфліктного розвитку туризму території

Г.М. Заваріка

Східноукраїнський національний університет імені Володимира Даля, м. Сєвєродонецьк, Україна

Особливістю розвитку туризму на постконфліктних територіях підконтрольної Україні частині Донецької та Луганської областей є можливість розвитку мілітарі-туризму, саме ця актуальна проблема і розглянута в запропонованій статті.

Актуальність роботи полягає в можливості використання наявних негативних факторів на певних східних територіях та перетворення їх в джерело інтересу і точку неповернення. Мілітарі-тури можуть мати величезне виховне, повчальне значення як для молодого покоління так і для розуміння всіма людьми, до чого можуть призводити конфлікнітні ситуації.

Метою роботи є розробка пропозицій щодо створення інноваційних мілітарі-турів як особливості постконфліктного розвитку туризму постраждалої території.

Застосовано загальнонаукові методи, а саме аналітичний, порівняльно-географічний, історичний, маркетингового аналізу. Проаналізовано світовий досвід в організації мілітарі-туризму, та виявлено деякі рекомендації, щодо організації таких турів в Україні та зокрема в Луганській та Донецькій областях. Запропоновано авторську класифікацію можливих мілітарі-турів в нашій країні.

Сформовано рекомендації щодо розвитку мілітарі-турів в Україні. Оцінено підконтрольні Україні частини Луганської та Донецької областей як потенційно перспективні території для розвитку мілітарі-туризму. Запропоновано конкретні туристичні локації для створення мілітарі-туру та розроблено пропозиції щодо створення інноваційних мілітарі-турів як особливості постконфліктного розвитку туризму постраждалої території на прикладі східних регіонів України. Досліджено організаційний механізм створення та просування на туристичний ринок мілітарі-туру на прикладі східних територій України.

Визначено, що мілітарі-тури у постконфліктну добу можуть стати одним з перспективних напрямків економічного розвитку східних областей України. Основні положення, фактичний матеріал та висновки статті можуть бути використані для подальших досліджень процесу розвитку туризму Луганської та Донецької областей з метою розвитку національної туристичної галузі. В перспективі аналогічні тури можуть будуть розроблені на всій території областей після проведення процесу реінтеграції.

Ключові слова: мілітарі-туризм, військовий тур, маркетинг, постконфліктний розвиток туризму.


Ukraine as a source of military-historical recreation opportunities is underestimated. This is especially true of those small towns which have suffered the least from the technogenic pressure of the industrial era and where our historical heritage has survived the social transformation of the Soviet era to a large extent. For many of these towns, tourism may be the main strategy for their future development. military tourism luhansk donetsk

Each of the 147 cities, the list of which was approved by a decree of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers, is a page in the annals of Ukraine. Many military and historical events, some of which, without exaggeration, influenced the course of civilization, took place on this land over the centuries. Therefore, our history and cultural heritage is interesting not only to our closest neighbours. However, this huge potential of tourism is only marginally used today.

During the fighting in Luhansk and Donetsk regions in 2014, many towns and villages in the region were severely damaged. Some of these places remain in the occupied territories and in the `grey zone', but there are also some that are in quite safe areas where the fighting ended a long time ago and demining work has been carried out. Although these places are completely safe for people, the war has left many traces both in the form of various manifestations of damage and in the memories of people who witnessed or directly participated in those events. Since 2014, by order of the civil-military administration, there has been a four- year ban on trekking, excursions and tourist activities in many areas of Luhansk and Donetsk regions, but since 2018, tourism has been allowed in some areas, which we propose to consider in detail in this article.

The restoration of Ukraine's constitutional order and demining work in large parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions makes military tourism absolutely safe for both Ukrainian and foreign nationals. The advantage of such tours is that tourists can visit not only places of military operations, but also see the countryside and natural environment of Ukraine and taste Ukrainian cuisine.

The issues of development of various aspects of military tourism are rather actively studied by scientists. Among foreign scholars, Hrusovsky, M., Noeres, K. (2011), Marcussen, C. (2009), Papathanassis, Alexis (2011), Piekarz, M. (2007), Ryan, C., Trauer, B. (2005), R. Stone, P., Hartmann, R., Seaton, T., Sharpley, R., White, L. (2018). Among domestic researchers, the works of Borisova A. (2015), Holiborod I. (2012), Koveshnikov V. (2016), Lyapkalo M. (2018), Melnik A. (2012), Titov E. (2013). However, there is a lack of works about the possibilities of post-conflict development of military tourism in the affected eastern regions of Ukraine.

Objective of the article: to develop proposals for innovative military-tours as a feature of post-conflict tourism development in the affected territory.


- Determine the relevance and focus of militarytour;

- Formulate recommendations for the development of military tours in Ukraine;

- Analyze the Ukrainian-controlled parts of Luhansk and Donetsk regions as potentially promising areas for military tourism development;

- Investigate an organizational mechanism for creating and promoting military tours io the tourism market.

Material and research methods

Military tourism is a newcomer to the Ukrainian travel market, even though it has been developed internationally. Many seasoned experts are still afraid of using Luhansk and Donetsk as a tourism destination because of the events that are taking place there, although in many places the fighting has long ceased, the territory has been fully demined and is quite safe.

Tourists' interest in the events in Ukraine makes military tourism relevant and profitable, and a military-tour can contribute to the development of military tourism in Ukraine.

General scientific and special methods were applied during the research: scientific abstraction, induction and deduction and other methods of cognition of socio-geographical phenomena, objects and processes; systematic approach, analogy and quantitative and qualitative comparison. Military tourism, as one of the possible types of tourism, will promote the development of the post-conflict territory.

Scholars use several approaches to the definition of “economic development of post-conflict territory”, namely: transformative, process, integrative, innovative. In our opinion, only a synergetic approach most fully covers the specifics of this concept and corresponds to modern realities.

According to the principles of synergetics, economic development of the post-conflict territory is a priority of the general set of actions aimed at creating political, social, economic and environmental conditions for the most efficient use of the available resources of the post-conflict territory in the process of peace and national security.

It is the synergetic approach to defining the key task of this study - the development of post-conflict territory - on the principle of “creating conditions” that we will take as a basis for programming a strategy for tourism development in the context of conflict mitigation. And military tourism will become one of its components.

The integration of geographical science, which is to unite all its branches with common theoretical positions, is becoming especially important. The unity of geographical science today is manifested as an integral factor, as the specifics of the relationship “man-biosphere” began to be studied by specialists in many sciences (philosophers, economists, sociologists, mathematicians, biologists, political scientists, etc.), hence the interdisciplinary scientific approach.

Therefore, systematic research is very important, which is also related to the idea of the unity of science, which is that the general categories of thinking that arise in different fields of science are similar, so similar and theoretical models are created in them.

Of particular interest is the classification of connections of phenomena that occur in systems: 1 - interaction connections; 2 - genetic links; 3 - transformation; 4 - buildings; 5 - functioning; 6 - development; 7 - management.

It is the selection of the level of development of systems which is especially important in the period of transformational change. Changing connections within the system encourages the application of the probabilistic approach in the study of complex processes and phenomena.

The basis of post-conflict development of tourism as a system should be the law of self-preservation of mankind, which is based on the principles of sustainable development. This is evidenced by the world practice of post-conflict development of individual countries and regions.

Human self-preservation also depends on people's living conditions, their nutrition, the quality of the ecological environment. Green zones of parks, forests and meadows will help to ensure the self-preservation of mankind. And military tourism constitutes a certain antithesis to self-preservation, as a reminder to society of what can happen in the case of non-compliance with the norms of peaceful existence.

Results and their analysis

Military tourism has begun to develop very dynamically in the world in recent decades, the leaders in this type of tourism are the USA, Israel, Russia, France, Latvia, Germany, Czech Republic, Finland, China, Sweden, Great Britain and Poland. As is characteristic of many kinds of tourism, military tourism also creates associations which coordinate common activities (Titova, 2013). Today, a great variety of military tours are offered around the world, the most interesting examples of which are presented in Table 1.

Table 1.Examples of military tours in the world


Example of tour


The Maginot Line, a system of French fortifications on the border with Germany; an airborne military re-enactment in Carentan, the Loire Castles.


Siegfried Line tours


Gustav line


Mannerheim Line


Prevlaka peninsula




Osowiec Fortress, "Battle of Grunwald" reconstruction, Malbork Castle


Life in the army and participation in military training programmes, Beit HaSharion Armoured Museum


Life in the Army, Military Historical Celebration of the Assault on Koenigsberg (1945), Military Historical Action "War and Peace", Central Air Force Museum in Monino

Great Britain

Medieval battle re-enactments


Military re-enactment on the Gettysburg battlefield, life in the army, the aircraft carrier Intrepid, National Air and Space Museum


Australia's National War Memorial


Museum of Military History in Brussels


Strategic Missile Forces Museum in Pervomaisk, Mykolaiv region, Poltava Museum of Long-Range and Strategic Aviation, National Military Historical Museum of Ukraine and Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Kyiv, Museum of Military Equipment in Lutsk, Memorial Complex «In Memory of Krut Heroes" in Chernihiv region, Museum "Heroes of Dnipro" in Ivano-Frankivsk

During analysis of the world experience of countries in the organization of military tourism, we can highlight some recommendations for the organization of such tours in Ukraine and, in particular, in Luhansk and Donetsk regions. This type of tourism is very developed in the USA and Europe, and certainly in our country is a recreational base for its further development:

- Firstly, we should mention the development of tours to military-historical museums and performances. This is a military excursion tour. It may include excursions to places where military operations and historical battles took place, visits to places of military glory, trips to museums devoted to military subjects (wars, armament exhibitions, etc.).

Military tours in- elude visits to graves of fallen soldiers. Such tours can be particularly interesting to the younger generation who are keen to learn about the history of their country and have an important patriotic-educational role.

These tours will also be interesting to those involved in the events, or their relatives, as a kind of nostalgic page of life (Borisova, 2016).

- as a variant can be an event tour in the form of a military festival or a military history show or a reconstruction of past events (the Battle of Borodino, Battle of Poltava, Austerlitz, Waterloo, Grunwald). This type of tour has been gaining momentum recently around the world, especially among history buffs and more affluent adults, as it requires considerable preparatory work (costumes, equipment, script, rehearsals, participants, etc.).

- military-themed games are paramilitary games for children (similar to Zarnitsa and Jura). These are games with a military-patriotic nature, teaching the participants elements of orienteering, knot tying, sports stamina, thirst for victory, ability to pass a tourist obstacle course and cooking in the field. Most importantly, it builds team spirit and develops true patriots.

- Also, as a variant can be the organization of a field unit, with tents, based on field conditions of cooking, sports training with elements of military training. By the way, the organization of such tours can involve veterans of the ATO, who have been through a difficult path and can share their real experience. Special attention should be paid to safety and security of tourists and teaching them how to handle dangerous objects, rules of conduct in emergency situations and so on.

- The tour can be organized as a weekend tour from one to three days and is designed for middle and older schoolchildren and students, even for families with children. For families with children, it will be particularly interesting as it strengthens family ties.

Another option for a militarised game tour might be one that teaches survival and stamina. As life has shown, it is precisely that such skills are modern people lack and they do not endure when faced with extreme living conditions, as they are very used to “greenhouse” conditions. So when suddenly, without preparation, life presents such a challenge, not everyone can cope with the difficult situation.

In such a tour, you can teach participants how to find and recognise edible wild plants, insects, fish, animals, and how to cook them; teach how to make a fire without matches; purify water from a river or lake; create a temporary shelter from improvised material; provide first aid, and so on. Such tours can be arranged for children in the form of a short hike under the supervision of an adult instructor as well as be organized for adults. It is possible to offer elements of competition in these kinds of tours. It is important to remember about the high level of responsibility and safety rules during organizing such tours.

Game tours also include paintball (paintballs are used) and airsoftball, where the responsibility for following the rules lies with the players themselves, and a wide variety of weapons and participation in role-playing simulations and field games. It can be actively used in Luhansk region, in particular there is one such club in Severodonetsk, but there are no such clubs in the districts.

The classification of military tourism proposed above is depicted in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Classification of military tourism

Tours using military equipment. All kinds of tourism with the use of balloons, balloons in particular paraballooning, hang gliders, parachutes, as well as flights in combat (military) aircrafts, helicopters and so on. These journeys can be carried out with different variations in the use of muscular power (walking, mountaineering, skiing, cycling, etc.) as well as with road transport. Tracked vehicles are used for tank firing and riding, while wheeled vehicles are used for driving infantry fighting vehicles and armoured personnel carriers. The main service offered on these tours is shooting with military weapons at ranges and shooting ranges. Depending on the subject of the tour, various kinds of weapon (for example, a tour from “living history” - “Weapon of the First World”: shooting from a machine gun “Maxim” + a three-line rifle + “Nagan”) are offered. This kind of tourism is primarily aimed at wealthy tourists.

Global experience shows that the tourism industry can develop during economic crises. The potential tourist considers the following factors when choosing a country to travel to:

- political and economic stability;

- availability of tourism and recreation potential;

- offers from tourism companies;

- purpose of the trip;

- level of development of material and technical base of the hospitality industry;

- nature of visa regime;

- pricing policy;

- transport communication;

- feedback from the consumers of the tourist product;

- travel safety issues;

- natural, geographical, cultural and religious features of the country.

For the development of military tourism, it the availability of cultural and historical resources is quite important, which can be used in the creation of a tourist route (Melnik, 2012). For example, here is a correspondence table for the classification of cultural- historical resources (Table 2).

Table 2. Classification of cultural-historical monuments involved in military tourism

Name of resource

Type of landmark

Geography of resources

Historical landmarks

• archaeological sites: burial sites (for military personnel), execution sites, places where items of military value have been found, etc.)

• war memorials;

• historical military fortifications;

• technological complexes and installations of military tourism value;

• places of life and activities of famous people connected with military activities.

Ukraine (the Lutsk Barracks in Kiev), Poland (the Auschwitz Concentration Camp Memorials, a World Heritage Site commemorating crimes against humanity), Belarus, Germany (the Soviet Soldier Liberator in Treptow Park, Berlin), Hungary (the Budapest Liberation Monument on Mount Gellert), Romania (Constanta)

Urban and architectural


places where significant actions took place indirectly (signing of documents, proclamation of acts, commencement of hostilities, etc.)

Ukraine (National Historical and Memorial Reserve "Field of the Battle of Berestets", Pliasheva village, Rivne region), Poland (the centre of Krakow, which was saved from destruction by the Nazis, Germany (the Cecilienhof Palace in Potsdam, where the important signatures were signed. Potsdam, where important documents on the post-war arrangement of Germany and European countries were signed.


*written documents

Ukraine, Germany, Belarus, Poland, Czech Republic, Canada, USA and Hungary

Castle buildings

* fortifications, castles and defensive towers.

Ukraine (Upper Volyn Castle), Spain (Alcazar Castle), Switzerland (Chillon Castle), France (Loire Castles), France (Bastille Castle), Poland (Malbork Castle)

Ukraine's first military hotel, Gringof, has been operating in Zakarpattia since 2009. The Arpad Line passed through this area during the Second World War and it was this line that became the basis for the development of the hotel here and the creation of a military tour. The hotel takes into account this historical component in the form of appropriate tactical maps, small arms of that time and bunkers of the defence system. Even the restaurant takes into account cross-national culinary traditions from different times (Golyboroda, 2012).

So this wide range of organisational theoretical possibilities will translate into real proposals for organising a military tour of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

This route is safe and it will take place in the territory fully under Ukrainian control and at a considerable distance from the war zone. But apart from broken houses and blown-up bridges, a tourist will have an opportunity to see the incredible landscapes of Donbass, these are the slag heaps authentic for the region, the boundless Luhansk steppes and slopes, green forests, as well as the Azov Sea.

During the tour, the main sites to visit will be towns, villages and their surroundings affected by the 2014 hostilities.

The journey will be by jeep (off-road vehicle), due to the state of the roads, and the tour will be guided by a guide on foot and will include detailed descriptions of the events that took place at the sites.

At some locations, there will be interaction with eyewitnesses to the events, both locals and soldiers who took part in the actual fighting. The entire tour will take place in quite safe areas that have been fully demined by sappers.

One of the locations of the tour could be the outskirts of Lysychansk, where you can see old military positions (trenches, tank trenches), a bridge blown up by the militants in 2014, visit some areas of the city that suffered as a result of the fighting and talk to residents and military personnel. It will be interesting to see how the town has changed for the better since the events of 2014.

According to official figures from the city authorities, the registry of those destroyed places by the fighting included: 361 partially destroyed individual houses and 34 completely destroyed individual houses of private ownership;157 damaged apartment blocks of communal ownership, in which 514 flats were affected; 3 completely destroyed apartment blocks of communal ownership, in total 119 flats; 2 damaged hospitals and 2 schools; industrial facilities and infrastructure (primarily roads).

On the eve of 2017, a new bridge between the towns of Lysychansk and Severodonetsk was rebuilt, restoring normal long-distance travel. Also during this time, with the help of international organisations, a significant part of the destroyed facilities have been repaired and rebuilt.

The next location is the town of Kreminna. Although the town was not damaged in the fighting, it has a local history museum with exhibitions on World War II and the anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine.

After visiting the museum, the tourist can be shown the railway station in Rubizhne (located nearby), where in May 2014 a battle between Ukrainian army fighters and militants of pro-Russian illegal armed groups took place. On site, details of the battle will be reported and a visit will be made to the monument to fallen soldiers located on the station square.

The tourist is also encouraged to visit village Stanytsia Luhanska, where the border with the occupied territory in Luhansk region is now located. The tourist will not be able to visit the new bridge in the non-controlled by Ukrainian government area, but will be able to observe it from a nearby slope.

There tourists will see how the exit and entrance to the temporarily uncontrolled territory takes place. Apart from the observation, there will be a tour of the village itself, where tourists will also talk to the witnesses and participants of the events, and see the destroyed structures and destroyed forests around. Instead of lunch, a field lunch can be arranged, where the tourist will be able to try food from Ukrainian military dry rations.

Afterwards, the tourist will see a strategic facility, the Luhansk thermal power plant, and listen to the stories associated with it. The way back will pass through villages that have been badly ruined. In addition to the destroyed houses along the road, the visitor will enjoy the beauty of the Luhansk steppes and coniferous forests along the road.

The next destination is the town of Popasna, which was destroyed in the fighting. Here, a tour of the town is envisaged on the outskirts of the city, interacting with witnesses and participants in the events. The tourist will see some of the destroyed infrastructure, as well as visit old military positions.

A tour of Kramatorsk is also offered, where a tourist will see buildings damaged as a result of military operations, and then will go straight to a military facility, the Kramatorsk airfield, where tourists can look at military equipment and communicate with military personnel.

The cities Kramatorsk and Sloviansk, as well as the whole study area, were under enemy occupation for almost three months in 2014 and battles were fought here to liberate the Donbass.

Next up is the city Sloviansk, from which the sad events began in 2014. It is suggested to visit Karachun Mountain, the highest point in the city, where the bloody battles for the city took place six years ago. There is a monument, a memorial to fallen heroes, and a small chapel.

The name “Karachun” itself - translated from the Turkic language group - means “Black Soul”, which is reminiscent of the presence of these people in the eastern Ukraine.

There are many mystical legends about the mountain, associated with the storage of treasures that were plundered and hidden here, so these places have always attracted treasure hunters. From here the future city began to grow.

Next point is the village Semenivka, almost destroyed in the fighting. The village is still in ruins and many of its inhabitants have never returned. The place has been completely cleared of anti-personnel mines and unexploded ordnance by sappers.

The psychiatric hospital in the village is now being rebuilt with the help of charities and the International Red Cross.

Heading to Mariupol the tourist has the opportunity to see the landscapes and slag heaps of Donetsk region, and in this very place during the tour, the city outskirts and the beach, will see it transformed from a resting place to a defence line. All this will be accompanied by communication with witnesses and participants. Also in Mariupol you can visit the new modern promenade with a beautiful pier, which was built last year and already loved by all locals and visitors to the city.

The new military tour requires competent promotion and advertisement as it is crucial for successful tour realization on the market of tourist services. It is advisable to promote the tour on specialised websites, in social networks, on the radio, and in the press.

The tour is oriented on the citizens of Ukraine, though foreigners also have an opportunity to participate. Tourists can find out about the tour through advertising on various military portals, relevant groups in social networks. It is anticipated that a website with all the detailed information will be set up for the tour. On the same website tourists will be able to book tours online for their desired dates. The site will also have advisers who can answer all questions about the tour.

Friendly relations should be established with foreign travel agencies that would be willing to sell this product outside of Ukraine. Also, apart from mass media and travel agencies, this tour can be promoted at various relevant conferences abroad, which will enable more foreign citizens interested in military tourism to learn about this tour.

Publicity must adhere to basic rules; it must be truthful, authentic, and meet all ethical standards.

At the stage when the tour appears on the market, it should not scare off potential consumers, but rather attract attention. At first glance, the tour may seem dangerous, especially for foreign nationals, but the advertising must clearly prove otherwise.

For the successful promotion for this tour, the following activities should be implemented:

1) Agreements must be made with the accommodation and catering facilities; if there is no necessary guide-interpreter for the tour, the agreement should be made with the tour desk.

2) It is currently relevant to use for their promotional activities such types of advertising as: advertising in the press (newspapers, magazines, specialized catalogues) advertising in the World Wide Web; radio advertising; outdoor advertising; visual advertising.

3) Introduction of unique services and innovative tours, which will increasingly attract new clients. The proposed measures will make it easier to promote the tour to the potential consumer (Holloway J. Christopher, 2008).

There is now a problem of insufficient information about places to visit, about the military-historical past of the territory. If tourists go and know about the historical wealth of the region, then it will contribute to the post-conflict development of tourism.

So, as we can see, Luhansk region and Donetsk region have a certain potential for development of military tours, but due to insufficient funding and military conflict, this type of tourism is not developing.

In the long term, once the reintegration process of the occupied territories has been carried out, similar tours could be set up there. Particular attention should be paid to Luhansk and Donetsk airports, where brutal battles took place.

Certain scans could be created there that would reproduce those events as a memorial, as a reminder of how important it is to keep peace in the world. Such memorials already exist around the world at the sites of concentration camps (Auschwitz). But this work requires considerable investment, the search for investors, and above all the establishment of peace.


Thus, the following conclusions and generalisations can be drawn from this article. Ukraine is a promising country for the development of military tourism. The end of hostilities in certain areas and their demining makes this type of tourism safe and accessible to Ukrainians and foreigners alike.

The proposed military tour is a complex of fascinating excursions in Luhansk and Donetsk regions. The combination of the beauty of Luhansk and Donetsk regions combined with the places of military operations will make this adventure unforgettable and unique.

So far, no such tourist activities have been carried out in the former war zones. At the moment, militarized tours are most often conducted in other regions of our country, especially in Zakarpattia, but the proposals presented here will give a strong impetus to the development of this type of tourism in Donbass as well. Restoration of territorial integrity, which is one of the priority tasks for Ukraine, will open up great potential for the development of military tourism in Luhansk and Donetsk regions. This will give an opportunity to develop new and more interesting excursion routes.

Due to high demand for military tourism in the world, foreigners will definitely pay attention to Ukraine, which will increase the arrival of tourists to Ukraine. In the near future foreign travel companies


Alaris Travel Company (n. d.), Alaris, Military Adventure.

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