Аналіз міжнародних туристичних потоків України за період з 2012 по 2017 рік

Метою цієї статті є аналіз динаміки туристичних потоків між Україною та іншими країнами світу, а також виявлення чинників, які найбільше впливають на розвиток міжнародного туризму. Кількість українців, які відвідали інші країни з туристичною метою.

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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 04.03.2023
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Аналіз міжнародних туристичних потоків України за період з 2012 по 2017 рік

Глибовець Вікторія Леонідівна,

кандидат географічних наук, доцент

Хвесик Юлія Михайлівна,

доктор економічних наук, професор

Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, м. Київ


Метою статті є аналіз динаміки туристичних потоків між Україною та іншими країнами світу, а також виявлення чинників, які найбільше впливають на розвиток міжнародного туризму.

Методика дослідження. Найважливішими статистичними показниками, що характеризують туристичні потоки, є кількість українців, які відвідали інші країни з туристичною метою та кількість туристів - громадян інших країн, які прибули до України. У нашому дослідженні туристичних потоків України був використаний математичний показник, що відображає особливості туристичних потоків та їх соціально- економічне значення для розвитку міжнародного туризму в країні, а саме коефіцієнт туристичних обмінів. Для дослідження були обрані країни, які принаймні 2 роки поспіль відвідували понад 50 тисяч туристів з України. Загальна кількість туристів включає осіб, які подорожували зі службовими, туристичними та приватними цілями (не враховуючи обслуговуючий персонал та військовослужбовців).

Результати дослідження. Більшість туристів з України їдуть до сусідніх країн, а саме до Росії, Молдови, Білорусі, Польщі, Румунії, Угорщини та Туреччини. Туреччина є популярним місцем відпочинку серед українців, оскільки знаходиться недалеко від України і може надати туристам хороший сервіс. Необхідно врахувати той факт, що велика кількість українців працює за кордоном, переважно в Європі, а також у Росії. Коли ці люди виїжджають до іноземної країни, вони можуть заявити, що їх візит є приватним, а не робочим; тому їх помилково визначають як туристів. Країнами-донорами туристів, які приїжджають в Україну, є (коефіцієнт має тенденцію до "1") Таджикистан, Узбекистан та США. Країнами, для яких Україна є донором туристів, є (коефіцієнт має тенденцію до "-1") Об'єднані Арабські Емірати, Єгипет, Кіпр, Іспанія, Греція, Австрія, Туреччина та Польща.

Наукова новизна. Вперше розраховано коефіцієнт туристичних обмінів України по відношенню до 29 країн світу за 2012 та 2017 роки. Виявлено країни-донори туристів, що приїжджають до України, а також країни, для яких Україна є донором туристів.

Практична значимість. Полягає у виявленні того факту, що Україна - це країна-донор туристів. Враховуючи той факт, що Україна багата на туристичні ресурси, з часом, використовуючи досвід туристичних країн світу, вона може змінити цей статус і приймати більше іноземних туристів.

Ключові слова: туристичні потоки, коефіцієнт туристичних обмінів, донори туристів. туризм міжнародний світ

Глибовец Виктория Леонидовна,

кандидат географических наук, доцент

Хвесик Юлия Михайловна,

доктор экономических наук, профессор

Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко, Киев,


Целью статьи является анализ динамики туристических потоков между Украиной и другими странами мира, а также выявление факторов, которые больше всего влияют на развитие международного туризма.

Методика исследования. Важнейшими статистическими показателями, характеризующими туристические потоки, является количество украинский, посетивших другие страны с туристической целью и количество туристов - граждан других стран, которые прибыли в Украину. В нашем исследовании туристических потоков Украины был использован математический показатель, отражающий особенности туристических потоков и их социально-экономическое значение для развития международного туризма в стране, а именно коэффициент туристических обменов. Для исследования были выбраны страны, которые, по крайней мере, 2 года подряд посещали более 50 000 туристов из Украины. Общее количество туристов включает лиц, которые путешествовали со служебными, туристическими и частными целями (не считая персонал и военнослужащих).

Результаты исследования. Большинство туристов из Украины едут в соседние страны, а именно в Россию, Молдову, Беларусь, Польши, Румынии, Венгрии и Турции. Турция является популярным местом отдыха среди украинцев, поскольку находится недалеко от Украины и может предоставить туристам хороший сервис. Необходимо учесть тот факт, что большое количество украинцев работает за границей, преимущественно в Европе, а также в России. Когда эти люди выезжают в иностранное государство, они могут заявить, что их визит является частным, а не рабочим; поэтому их ошибочно определяют как туристов.

Странами-донорами туристов, которые приезжают в Украину, является (коэффициент имеет тенденцию к "1") Таджикистан, Узбекистан и США. Странами, для которых Украина является донором туристов, есть (коэффициент имеет тенденцию к "1") Объединенные Арабские Эмираты, Египет, Кипр, Испания, Греция, Австрия, Турция и Польша.

Научная новизна. Впервые рассчитан коэффициент туристических обменов Украины по отношению к 29 стран мира за 2012 и 2017 годы. Выявлено страны-доноры туристов, приезжающих в Украину, а также страны, для которых Украина является донором туристов.

Практическая значимость. Заключается в выявлении того факта, что Украина - это страна-донор туристов. Учитывая тот факт, что Украина богата на туристические ресурсы, со временем, используя опыт туристических стран мира, она может изменить этот статус и принимать больше иностранных туристов.

Ключевые слова: туристические потоки, коэффициент туристических обменов, доноры туристов.

Glybovets Victoria Leonidivna,

PhD (geography), Associate Professor

Khvesyk Yuliia Mykhailivna,

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine


The purpose of this article is to analyze the dynamics of tourist streams between Ukraine and other countries of the world, as well as to identify the factors that influence the development of international tourism most of all.

Research methodology. The most important statistical indicators that characterize tourist streams are the number of Ukrainians who visited other countries for tourist purposes and the number of tourists - citizens of other countries, who arrived in Ukraine. In our study of the tourist streams of Ukraine the mathematical indicator that reflects the features of tourist streams and their socio-economic importance for the development of international tourism in the country, namely the coefficient of tourist exchanges, was used. Selected for the research were the countries visited by more than 50 thousand tourists from Ukraine for at least 2 years in a row. The total number of the tourists includes persons who travelled for official, tourism, and private purposes (without vehicle servicing personnel and servicemen).

Results of the research. Most tourists from Ukraine go to neighboring countries, namely to Russia, Moldova, Belarus, Poland, Romania, Hungary, and Turkey. Turkey is a popular holiday destination among Ukrainians, because it's close to Ukraine and can provide tourists with a good service. It is necessary to take into account the fact that a large number of Ukrainians work abroad, mainly in Europe, as well as in Russia. When these people leave for a foreign country, they can state their visit is private, not working; therefore, they are mistakenly defined as tourists. The donor countries of tourists who come to Ukraine are (the coefficient tends to "1") Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and the United States. The countries for which Ukraine is a donor of tourists are the (coefficient tends to "-1") United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Cyprus, Spain, Greece, Austria, Turkey, and Poland.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, the coefficient of tourist exchanges of Ukraine in relation to 29 countries of the world for 2012 and 2017 was calculated. The donor countries of tourists coming to Ukraine, as well as the countries for which Ukraine is a donor of tourists were identified.

Practical significance. It is to reveal the fact that Ukraine is a donor country for tourists. Given the fact that Ukraine is rich in tourist resources, over time, using the experience of tourist countries around the world, it can change this status and receive more foreign tourists.

Keywords: tourist streams, the coefficient of tourist exchanges, donors of tourists.

Problem statement. Tourist stream is a set of people who leave their place of permanent residence to travel in various directions on foot or by some kind of transport in the period from 24 hours to one year without engaging in paid activities and go back. The tourist stream as a totality of organized and amateur travelers exists as the basis for the formation of a tourist product.

According to the methodology of the World Tourism Organization, all residents who temporarily travel abroad, regardless of the purpose of their trip, are considered as tourists, with the exception of persons leaving for the purpose of education and work.

The tourist business is the most profitable sector of the economy of many countries. Ukraine also began to focus its efforts on the development of tourism, both internal and external.

Tourism has boasted virtually uninterrupted growth over time, despite occasional shocks, demonstrating the sector's strength and resilience. International tourist arrivals have increased from 25 million globally in 1950 to 278 million in 1980, 674 million in 2000, and 1,235 million in 2016. International tourist arrivals (overnight visitors) in 2016 grew by 3.9% to reach a total of 1,235 million worldwide, an increase of 46 million over the previous year. It was the seventh consecutive year of above average growth in international tourism following the 2009 global economic crisis. A comparable sequence of uninterrupted solid growth has not been recorded since the 1960s (Kreag 2001).

WTTC's latest annual research, in conjunction with Oxford Economics, shows Travel & Tourism's contribution to world GDP outpaced the global economy for the sixth consecutive year in 2016, rising to a total of 10.2% of world GDP (US$7.6 trillion). The sector now supports 292 million people in employment - that's 1 in 10 jobs on the planet. Travel & Tourism forecasts over the next ten years also look extremely favourable with predicted growth rates of 3.9% annually (UNWTO 2017).

Tourism can improve the quality of life in an area by increasing the number of attractions, recreational opportunities, and services. Tourism offers residents opportunities to meet interesting people, make friendships, learn about the world, and expose themselves to new perspectives. Experiencing different cultural practices enriches experiences, broadens horizons, and increases insight and appreciation for different approaches to living. Often, dwindling interest in host cultures is revived by reawakening cultural heritage as part of tourism development, which increases demand for historical and cultural exhibits. This interest by tourists in local culture and history provides opportunities to support preservation of historical artifacts and architecture. By learning more about others, their differences become less threatening and more interesting (World Travel & Tourism Council 2017).

It's worth noting, that the year 2017 was declared by The United Nations General Assembly as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development recalling the potential of tourism to advance the universal 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Travel streams are worth exploring, as tourists are one of the sources of financial revenues in a country. It is an indisputable fact, that foreign tourists brings profit to a country. For this reason, our research concentrates on the international tourist streams of Ukraine.

Ukraine is a country rich in tourist resources, but numerous political events (public protests on the main square, Maydan Nezalezhnosti; anti-terrorist operations in the East of the country) have a negative impact on the development of tourism, and in particular on inbound tourism.

By conducting a detailed analysis of the international tourist streams of Ukraine, we will be able to find out from which countries a small number of tourists come to Ukraine. In this way, we will know that more attention is needed to publicize Ukraine as a tourist destination in these countries in order to attract more tourists. In addition, this research will allow us to see in which countries of the world Ukrainian citizens spend their holidays and determine the reasons for their popularity among Ukrainians. The practical value of the results of this research lies in it.

Analysis of research and publications. The issues of the tourist streams of Ukraine were considered by O.O. Lyubitseva (2004), V.I. Kostashchuk (2010), O.M. Lutak, L.V. Mikhalchuk (2012), O. Yu. Bordun (2013), N.F. Alekseeva, O. Ya. Drin (2014), O.A. Pys'mennyj (2014) et al. However, the theoretical analysis of the scientific sources showed that these problems are not studied fully, which creates a need for an in-depth study.

Foreign scientists such as J. Preez & S.F. Witt (2005), Li, G., K.K.F. Wong, H. Song & S.F. Witt (2008), C. Goh, R. Law & H.M.K. Mok (2010), J. Ritalahti, A. Konttinen (2013), D.A. Kozlov (2016), N.M. Karaulova, L.V. Silicheva, V.V. Antonenko, E.E. Konovalova, Lebedev K.A. (2017) etc. study problems of tourist streams.

Selection of previously unsolved parts of the overall problem. It is necessary to find out whether Ukraine is more of a donor of tourists to other countries of the world, or, conversely, a certain country or several countries are donors of tourists to Ukraine. It is also necessary to find out from which countries of the world tourists come to Ukraine the most, and to which countries Ukrainian tourists go.

The purpose of this research work is to analyze the dynamics of tourist streams between Ukraine and other countries of the world, as well as to identify the factors that influence the development of international tourism the most.

Data and methods. The most important statistical indicators that characterize tourist streams are the number of Ukrainians who visited other countries for tourist purposes and the number of tourists - citizens of other countries, who arrived in Ukraine.

In studying the current state of development of tourist streams it's important to use mathematical indicators that reflect the features of tourist streams and their socio-economic importance for the development of international tourism in the country. Such indicators should take into account the following characteristics of tourist flows: 1) the ratio between the number of arrivals of foreign tourists from the country studied and the number of citizens who left for the same country for tourist purposes; 2) the share of the relevant categories of tourists in the total volume of international tourists in the country; 3) represent the general socio-economic trends of the relevant international tourist streams. One of these indicators is the coefficient of tourist exchanges I (formula 1).

where Ni is the proportion of foreigners from another country, who visited the region (country) for tourism purposes, in the total number of foreign tourists; Zi is the share of citizens of the country who visited this other country with a tourist purpose in the total number of foreign tourists in the region (country) (Kostashhuk 2010).

The meaning of this indicator can vary from -1 to +1. Indicator "-1" means that there was only the departure of tourists from the region (country) and there were no registered arrivals of foreign tourists. This means that travel companies in the country mainly work only to send their own citizens abroad. Accordingly, such a state of international tourism in the region (country) doesn't contribute to the development of its own tourist complex, because under such conditions, the tourist product created here isn't consumed. Indicator "0" means that the intensity of arrivals from another country is comparable to the intensity of departures from this country. When the coefficient of tourist exchanges is "+1" it means that foreigners come to the region (country), and the return touristic stream is absent. This situation is the most attractive for the region (country), as it contributes to the intensification of consumption of the tourist product created here and the increase of the efficiency of the local tourist complex. Extreme values of the coefficient are possible in a limited number of cases. Therefore, the absolute majority of indicators of the coefficient of tourist exchanges ranges from "-1" to "+1". At the same time, the degree of approximation of the indicator to the extreme values characterizes the intensity and direction of tourist streams, and to a certain extent reflects the development of the tourist complex of the region (country), the direction and efficiency of economic activity of the subjects of tourism business (Kostashhuk 2010).

Tourist streams of Ukraine, 2012-2017

Table 1








Foreign tourists, million







Foreign tourists who visit for official, business or diplomatic purposes, million







Foreign tourists who visit for tourist purposes, million







Foreign tourists who visit for private purposes, million







Foreign tourists who visit for purposes of cultural and sports exchange, religious or other purposes, million







Tourists-citizens of Ukraine who travelled abroad, million







Tourists-citizens of Ukraine who travelled abroad for business purposes, million







Tourists-citizens of Ukraine who travelled abroad for tourist purposes, million







Tourists-citizens of Ukraine who travelled abroad for private purposes, million







The table was compiled by the author, according to the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.

The Table 1 shows that in 2014 the number of foreign tourists sharply decreased in Ukraine. We also see that among foreign tourists visiting Ukraine those who arrived for a private purpose considerably prevail. Among Ukrainians travelling abroad those who travel for a private purpose also significantly outnumber the tourists in other categories.

In 2017, 5 million more Ukrainians travelled abroad than in 2012. There is a tendency towards an increase in the number of Ukrainians travelling abroad for recreation, despite a slight decline in 2014 and 2015.

The population of Ukraine on December 1, 2017 amounted to 42.4 million (according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine). In 2017, 26.4 million Ukrainians travelled abroad. It's 62% of the total population of the country.

Table 2

Entrance tourism of Ukraine, 2012-2017









39 858

111 708

69 041

75 531

105 466

95 903


3 089 523

3 353 517

1 592 924

1 891518

1 822 173

2 727 591


272 843

253 259

131 171

154 470

170 733

209 422


741 917

771 005

874 184

1 070 034

1 269 653

1 058 970


105 874

120 856

101 687

149 313

216 573

261 454


88 473

90 807

55 352

63 230

76 141

84 626


53 943

83 283

29 401

34 898

51 922

75 511

Republic of Moldova

4 842 608

5 417 817

4 368 176

4 394 147

4 296 198

4 435 414


1 400 966

1 259 170

1 123 879

1 155 999

1 194 580

1 144 018


780 879

877 234

584 774

763 228

774 581

791 115



9 507 545

10 281 382

2 361 333

1 230 448

1 473 075

1 456 362


476 378

424 306

416 156

412 519

410 505

366 245


42 715

60 331

37 072

53 949

163 880

70 938


112 047

150 973

116 085

140 448

199 367

270 162



80 250

81 321

44 085

54 679

70 294

78 600


132 938

134 663

81 698

108 284

138 000

153 694


184 433

235 114

158 006

68 751

135 351

22 683


63 935

64 509

39 867

45 866

54 147

60 990



51 699

52 705

35 148

39 470

48 998

67 680


70 103

84 826

29 634

27 455

37 438

41 152

The table was compiled by the author, according to the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.

The Table 2 comprises the countries, from which more than 50 thousand tourists arrived to Ukraine for not less than two years in a row. The total number of tourists from a particular country includes persons who visited Ukraine for official, business, diplomatic, tourist, and private purposes, cultural and sports exchange, religious or other purposes (no vehicle servicing personnel and transit).

Most tourists come to Ukraine from the neighboring countries, namely from Russian Federation, Republic of Moldova, Belarus, and Poland. This is evident from the Table 1. Close family ties between citizens of Ukraine and citizens of these countries explain this situation.

2014 saw a decline in the number of tourists from almost all countries. Nevertheless, despite this, we can note a positive trend. From 2015 to 2017, the number of tourists from neighboring countries and from other countries increased. The number of tourists from Hungary, the Republic of Moldova, Poland and Slovakia didn't decrease in 2014. Again, this is due to the close family ties between citizens of Ukraine and the citizens of these countries.

We also see that the number of tourists from Tajikistan sharply increased in 2016 (163 880) compared to 2015 (53 949). This situation may be related to the internal processes that took place in this country.

It should be noted that Ukraine has a large diaspora in such countries as Russia (1928 thousand), USA (930 thousand), Moldova and Transnistria (442 thousand), Kazakhstan (333 thousand), Belarus (159 thousand), Poland (62 thousand), Czech Republic (54 thousand), Romania (51 thousand), Slovakia (41 thousand), Germany (approximately 40 thousand), France (approximately 35 thousand), Great Britain (approximately 30 thousand), Azerbaijan (22 thousand) (Zav'yalov 2017). Officially, 930 434 Ukrainians live in the USA, while according to the diaspora the number is higher than 1.5 million. (Dostup do pravdy' 2016). Persons who are now citizens of these countries but who are of Ukrainian descent can come to Ukraine to visit their relatives or friends. Despite the fact that they are Ukrainian by nationality, they start to be considered as foreign tourists as soon as they cross the border.

Selected for the research were the countries visited by more than 50 thousand tourists from Ukraine for at least 2 years in a row. The total number of the tourists includes persons who travelled for official, tourism, and private purposes (without vehicle servicing personnel and servicemen).

Most tourists from Ukraine go to neighboring countries, namely to Russia, Moldova, Belarus, Poland, Romania, Hungary and Turkey (table №3). Close family ties between citizens of Ukraine and citizens of these countries account for this situation (except for Turkey). Turkey is a popular holiday destination among Ukrainians, because it's situated close to Ukraine and can provide tourists wi th a good service.

Outbound tourism of Ukraine, 2012-2017

Table 3









103 207

112 392

96 809

106 451

105 905

115 406


1 673 717

1 738 907

1 538 160

1 325 546

1 114 457

1 186 466


48 594

64 351

47 480

43 860

54 162

58 597



85 047

109 659

76 590

62 439

64 528

63 920


121 536


151 286

101 298

96 419

104 774


50 170

82 312

90 487

81 601

104 517

111 981


297 267

336 173

400 427


417 949

733 597



124 057

117 833

129 311

146 379

155 074


92 939

119 730

99 614

60 710

89 606

112 982


152 709

191 616

172 845

113 373

122 294

173 573


26 775

35 366

47 601

57 303

80 023

58 326


8 079

16 767

22 611

28 559

57 639

54 867

Republic of Moldova

2 174 173

2 395 258


1 727 308

1 655 775

1 680 353


73 069

82 011

75 962

87 052

92 835

114 374


380 554

376 316

308 908

294 797

275 987

344 150

United Arab Emirates

151 181

210 772

161 728

137 442

150 673

166 586


5 765 184

6 991 778

7 657 021

9505 713

10 111 086

9 990 978



5 941 305

6 140 406


4 080 414

3 859 820

4 376 423


549 966

791 845

522 350

678 700

857 728

1 045 424


508 008

571 266

656 102

755 248

886 120

854 657


563 184

573 840

450 549

510 537

930 657

1 185 051


1 759 986

1 900 469

2 152 512

2 442 101

2 893 370

3 118 758


75 396

81 995

83 207

98 353

92 733

106 697

Czech Republic

299 444

170 114

84 948

52 738

41 754

73 536

The table was compiled by the author, according to the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that a large number of Ukrainians work abroad, mainly in Europe, as well as in Russia. When these people leave for a foreign country, they can state their visit is private, not working; therefore, they are mistakenly defined as tourists.

The Table 4 shows the rate of tourist exchanges for the years 2012 and 2017. Thus, one can see how the situation changed over 5 years.

Coefficient of tourist exchanges

Table 4

























Republic of Moldova









Russian Federation












United Kingdom



Results and discussion. The Table 4 shows that for 5 years the coefficient of tourist exchanges didn't change for the following countries: Germany, Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan, Greece, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.

The donor countries for tourists who come to Ukraine are (the coefficient tends to "1") Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and the United States.

The countries for which Ukraine is a donor of tourists (coeffic ient tends to "-1") are the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Cyprus, Spain, Greece, Austria, Turkey, and Poland.

The group of countries Ukraine has a constant exchange of tourists with (the c oefficient tends to "0") includes Belarus, Germany, Israel, Italy, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Great Britain, France, Bulgaria and Georgia.










Czech Republic






























United Arab Emirates



The table was compiled by the author, according to the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.

In 2012, the coefficient of tourist exchange between Azerbaijan and Ukraine was close to "0", and in 2017 it already tended to "1". This means that the situation changed. Az erbaijan began to supply more tourists to Ukraine.

With Hungary, the Netherlands and the Russian Federation, the situation is the opposite; in 2017, Ukraine began to supply more tourists to these countries (the coefficient tended to -1). This might be so because people who go to these countries to land a job sometimes falsely indicate the purpose of their trip.

In the cases of Kazakhstan and Lithuania, in 2012 the coefficient tended to "-1", and in 2017 it began to tend to "0". This change took place because more Ukrainians began to travel to these countries. Concerning the Czech Republic, the situation improved, because the coefficient which tended to "-1" began to tend to "0". Hence, tourists from the Czech Republic began to visit Ukraine.

Oresta Bordun (Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv) studied international tourist streams from 2008 to 2010. She notes, that during this period there was a dynamic predominance of the number of foreigners, who visited Ukraine over the number of Ukrainian tourists who travelled abroad (Bordun 2013). It's clear from the Table 1 that in 2012 and 2013 the number of foreign tourists who visited Ukraine and the number of Ukrainians who travelled abroad were almost equal. Ukrainian tourists who visited other countries began to outnumber foreign tourists coming to Ukraine in 2014 and this tendency has continued up to the present time.

In 2008, the tourist exchange coefficient was negative for Russia, Poland, and Hungary. For Romania, Slovakia, and Germany the tourist exchange coefficient was equal to zero, which meant equalizing the intensity of the tourist stream from Ukraine to these countries with the intensity of the "counter" stream (tourist stream from these countries) (Bordun 2013). We can see from the Table 4 that in 2017 the coefficient of tourist exchanges was also negative for Russia, Poland, and Hungary. As for Romania, Slovakia, and Germany, this coefficient tended to zero, but turned out to be negative in the end.

Motivation-based structure of the entrance tourist stream (9 months of 2010) is as follows: business trips - 3% of the stream; organized tourism - 6% of the stream; private tourism - 91% of the stream (Bordun 2013). The Table 1 shows that in 2017 business trips had 0.6%; organized tourism - 0.3%; private tourism - 96.5%; cultural exchange, sport exchange, religious purposes, etc. - 2.1% in the structure of the entrance tourist stream.

Motivation-based structure of the outgoing tourist stream (9 months of 2010) is as follows: business trips - 5% of the stream; organized tourism - 8% of the stream; private tourism - 87% of the stream (Bordun 2013). The Table №1 shows that in 2017 business trips had 0,4%; organized tourism - 0,4%; private tourism - 99,2% in the structure of the entrance tourist stream.

In 2011, Ukraine was visited by the largest number of tourists from the following countries: Russia (9.0 million), Moldova (4.0 million), Belarus (2.6 million), Poland (1.7 million), Hungary (0, 8 million), Romania (0.7 million), Slovakia (0.6 million), Germany (0.2 million), Uzbekistan (0.1 million), USA (0.1 million) (Lyutak, My'xal'chuk 2012). The Table 2 shows that in 2017 the largest number of tourists came to Ukraine from Moldova (4.4 million), Belarus (2.7 million), the Russian Federation (1.4 million), Poland (1.1 million), Hungary (1.1 million), Romania (0.8 million), Slovakia (0, 4 million), Turkey (0.3 million), Israel), and Germany (0.2 million). We can see that the situation slightly changed in 6 years. Fewer tourists began to arrive from the Russian Federation, and the places of Uzbekistan and the United States were taken by Turkey and Israel.


The results of the research show that Ukraine falls into the category of countries that are donors of tourists, and not into the one that comprises recipient countries. This is evident from the fact that nineteen out of the twenty-nine countries studied received a negative coefficient of tourist exchanges in 2017. Thus, Ukrainians went to these countries more often than the inhabitants of these countries came to Ukraine. Only 10 countries received a positive coefficient of tourist exchanges in 2017. More tourists from those countries came to Ukraine than there were Ukrainians who went to visit them. It concerned the following countries: Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Republic of Moldova, Lithuania, the United Kingdom, the USA and Israel. Therefore, we can conclude that Ukraine must eliminate internal political instability. With its moderate climate, a low feasibility of natural disasters, the development of a system of cultural monuments, a rich historical heritage, and the effective measures to publicize the domestic tourism product in the international tourist market, Ukraine can increase the volume of its GDP and take a worthy place among the originators and consumers of the global tourism product.


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