Development of hospitality in historical retrospective: European and Ukrainian context
The aim of the article is to identify the main features of hospitality, their manifestations, and their significance for the development of the accommodation and catering industry from ancient times to the present in the European and Ukrainian contexts.
Рубрика | Спорт и туризм |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.03.2023 |
Размер файла | 25,3 K |
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Размещено на
Opria Bohdana Oleksiivna,
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Opria Ihor Anatoliiovych,
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University
The aim of the article is to identify the main features of hospitality, their manifestations, and their significance for the development of the accommodation and catering industry from ancient times to the present in the European and Ukrainian contexts.
The research methodology is based on the use of general scientific (analytical and synthetic, inductive and deductive) and special historical (historical-comparative, problem-chronological, retrospective, diachronic) methods. Analytical and synthetic methods were used in identifying individual facts, phenomena, trends, and their further systematization in a logical sequence to argue certain assumptions, statements, and conclusions. Special historical methods were used in the process of highlighting the facts related to the development of hospitality in their chronological order and in comparison between different regions of the world to identify common trends.
Results. The formation of hospitality traditions began with the first cultural and economic communications between representatives of different communities. These traditions included respect for the guest and providing him with the necessary safe living conditions. Over time, the elements of hospitality have become the basis of an extensive and profitable industry, which includes not only accommodation and food, but also entertainment and leisure, but such changes have occurred relatively recently, with the transformation of tourism into a mass phenomenon.
Hospitality has played in the past and continues to play an important role in preserving and restoring national identity. Ukrainian national identity, which is changing very slowly and imperceptibly for its bearers, is becoming one of the features of the national character and includes elements of traditional folk hospitality. The history of the development of accommodation and catering shows the important role of hospitality as an integral factor of intercultural communication both in ancient times and in the modern world. Victory in the modern market of tourist services is possible only based on taking into account the historical specifics of traditional folk hospitality and its combination with today's trends in the hospitality industry.
The scientific novelty is to determine the features of hospitality and their implementation in accommodation and catering establishments over a long time in comparison with the European and Ukrainian experiences.
The practical significance is to draw the attention of the hotel and restaurant industry to the importance of hospitality, which has become an essential component of a successful business element.
Keywords: hospitality, accommodation, travel, hotel, restaurant.
Опря Богдана Олексіївна, кандидат історичних наук, доцент
Опря Ігор Анатолійович, кандидат історичних наук, доцент
Кам'янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка
Мета статті полягає у виявленні основних рис гостинності, їх проявів та значення для розвитку індустрії закладів розміщення та харчування від найдавніших часів до сьогодення в європейському та українському контексті.
Методика дослідження базується на використанні загальнонаукових (аналітичний і синтетичний, індуктивний і дедуктивний) та спеціальних історичних (історико-порівняльний, проблемно-хронологічний, ретроспективний, діахронічний) методів. Аналітичний та синтетичний методи використані при виявленні окремих фактів, явищ, тенденцій та їх подальшій систематизації у логічній послідовності для аргументації певних припущень, тверджень та висновків. Спеціальні історичні методи використані у процесі висвітлення фактів, пов'язаних з розвитком гостинності у їх хронологічній послідовності та у порівнянні між різними регіонами світу для виявлення загальних тенденцій.
Результати. Формування традицій гостинності розпочалося з часів перших культурних та економічних комунікацій між представниками різних спільнот. Ці традиції включали у себе поважне ставлення до гостя, забезпечення йому необхідних безпечних умов проживання. З часом елементи гостинності стають основою розгалуженої і досить прибуткової індустрії, котра включає в себе не лише послуги проживання та харчування, але й розваг та організації дозвілля, втім такі зміни відбулись відносно недавно, з перетворенням туризму на масове явище.
Гостинність відігравала в минулому та продовжує відігравати зараз важливу роль у збереженні та відтворенні національної ідентичності. Українська національна самобутність, що змінюється дуже повільно і непомітно для її носіїв стає однією з рис національного характеру та включає у себе елементи традиційної народної гостинності. Історія розвитку закладів розміщення та харчування свідчить про важливу роль гостинності як невід'ємного чинника міжкультурної комунікації як у давні часи, так і в сучасному світі. Перемога на сучасному ринку туристичних послуг можлива лише на основі урахування історичної специфіки традиційної народної гостинності та її поєднання з сьогоднішніми трендами індустрії гостинності.
Наукова новизна полягає у визначенні рис гостинності та їх реалізації у закладах розміщення та харчування на великому часовому проміжку у порівнянні європейського та українського досвіду.
Практична значимість полягає в актуалізації уваги суб'єктів готельно-ресторанної індустрії на важливості гостинності, яка з елементу культури перетворилася на обов'язкову складову успішного бізнесу.
Ключові слова: гостинність, заклад розміщення, подорож, готель, ресторан.
catering industry european ukrainian hospitality
Introduction. Hospitality is one of the most important consumer properties of modern tourism product, which provides a system of measures and procedures for their implementation to meet a variety of household, economic and cultural needs of guests of tourism enterprises, their quality service and a range of services. Hospitality performs numerous functions: ideological, communicative, educational, leisure and ensures the preservation of folk culture. Customs, traditions, rituals, symbols of hospitality act as moral precepts, folk wisdom and form a personal culture. The development of hospitality promotes intercultural communication with representatives of other cultures, civilizations, people who grew up in a different cultural environment. At the same time, traditional folk hospitality is undergoing changes in the conditions of transformation of tourism into a mass phenomenon, and therefore it is necessary to determine the content of these changes for the effective use of hospitality in the promotion of tourism products.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Issues of hospitality, the history of its development and implementation in specific historical conditions have been considered in many scientific studies. In particular, V. Rusavska researched the culture of hospitality of Ukrainians, which largely provided the spiritual and intellectual connection of many generations, influenced the formation of ethnocultural and national identity [11]. Significant achievements in the study of the topic were made by M. Malska and I. Pandyak. They revealed the evolution of the hospitality industry, analyzed the problems of typology and classification of hotel enterprises, organization and management of accommodation [8]. Valuable information is contained in the work of G. Krul. The author paid attention to the classification of accommodation facilities according to different principles and criteria, revealed the main stages of development of the hotel business in Ukraine [6]. Some aspects of the historical development of hospitality industry institutions have been studied by such anvils as K. Kolodniuk [4], I. Pandiak [9], M. Ulihanenets [15]. However, the outlined topic did not receive comprehensive coverage, which determines the need for further scientific research.
The aim of the article is to identify the main features of hospitality, their manifestations, and their significance for the development of the accommodation and catering industry from ancient times to the present in the European and Ukrainian contexts.
Presenting main material. The formation of the institute of hospitality began with the first communications between people of different cultures when travelers were provided with shelter and food, transportation services, and later entertainment and recreation. Analyzing the evolution of the hospitality institution and the formation of its industry, we can identify periods that historically correspond to the periods of development of human society: ancient, medieval, the period of "modern times" and modernity.
To the ancient period, most historians attribute the emergence of the first hospitality establishments - the prototypes of modern hotels and restaurants. The emergence of the first hospitality establishments is associated with the need to provide travelers with a place to stay, eat and relax. The first historical records of travel are found in ancient sources and are associated with the regions of Ancient Egypt, the Middle East, and Greece. The most intensive journeys between these regions were made for trade, pilgrimage, conquest, recovery, entertainment, cultural knowledge, etc. Gradually, travel is becoming one of the important means of accumulating knowledge about the world. The expansion of the geography of travel, and the accumulation of knowledge about the world contributed to the enrichment of the traditions of hospitality in the process of intercultural communication.
The first written mention of specialized hospitality is contained in ancient texts, one of which is the Code of King Hammurabi of Babylon, written around 1700 BC, which describes the legal norms of the hotel business, which indicate a fairly high development of hospitality at the time [2, p. 12].
The first stage is characterized by the following forms of hospitality: taverns, inns, and caravanserais. In ancient Greece, taverns were an important place of communication, which in addition to the main functions of providing food services are known as establishments providing accommodation services. The idea of a typical tavern of the Roman Empire as a service enterprise can be formed on the basis of archeological excavations in Pompeii - a city that tragically died during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79. On the ground floor of a standard Roman house was a tavern, and on the second floor lived the owner or rented rooms [1].
In ancient Greece, two types of inns became widespread - private and public. In city taverns, regardless of ownership, provided water supply, the presence of toilets in the yard, ponds, fountains, and decorative landscaping. The oldest inn mentioned in written sources was located on the island of Crete in about 1500 BC.
An important role in the development of the hospitality industry in ancient Greece was played by the Olympic Games, which were held every four years as a symbol of unity and mutual harmony between the Greek polices. Each Olympic Games became a holiday for the people, served as a kind of gathering of rulers and philosophers, a competition of sculptors and poets, playwrights and singers. The Olympics brought together not only athletes and spectators but also traders and artisans, i.e. both consumers and hospitality providers from all over Greece. It was during these competitions that the preconditions for the formation of hospitality infrastructure began to emerge: accommodation, food, attractions, retail space for the sale of goods, etc.
During the Roman Empire, the network of inns and taverns, mostly public, expanded especially. The inns were located outside the cities, in the villages, along all the main roads, at a distance of about 25 miles from each other, so that government officials could rest during the trip [14, p. 188].
The difference in the level of wealth and class structure of Roman society affected the hospitality industry. Even then, there was a certain classification of hotels. In the provinces and in Rome itself, there were two types of such institutions: some were intended only for patricians, others - for the plebeians. The Roman hotel had the appearance of a complex consisting of rooms for various functional purposes: not only for travelers but also for warehouses, stables, workshops, and more. Merchants and other travelers were not allowed to settle next to government officials and government envoys. Taverns an d inns designed to serve the lower classes offered a minimum of living and recreation conditions.
With the development of economic relations in the Roman Empire, the demands of travelers for living conditions and the level of service increased. As a result, there were well-organized and rich inns, where there were baths, massages, laundry, and shoeshine services. Government officials monitored the order, cleanliness, and compliance with the law in providing hospitality services [6, p. 17-19].
In ancient Rome, much attention was paid to medical tourism - healing minerals, thermal waters, and mountain climate. Thus, a network of healthy tourist destinations on the Adriatic coast was created for the elite of Roman society.
A special place in the structure of ancient Roman hospitality was occupied by baths - special public institutions for water treatments and recreation, which went down in history as a characteristic feature of Roman civilization. As public institutions, they were available to all segments of the population except slaves. Within the architectural complex of the baths, there was a hall for sports exercises and an amphitheater with seats for spectators who watched gymnastic exercises. In the atrium hung announcements of performances in the theater and gladiator fights. Along the inner perimeter, there were libraries, rooms for fakirs, and conversation halls. At the thermal baths, there were luxurious rooms where banquets were organized, both private and crowded, which took place on a special scale [11, p. 109-110]. In the modern culture of leisure, Roman baths are similar in function to libraries, art galleries, cafes, restaurants, gyms, and spas.
Roman mass spectacles also stimulated the development of the hospitality industry. Amphitheaters were used for various mass events - an arena, around which there were places for spectators. In the first place in popularity among the spectacles were gladiatorial fights and circus performances. Duels between gladiators and battles of entire units were replaced by duels of gladiators with lions, tigers, elephants, and other animals. Hotels, taverns, restaurants, shops, bakeries, etc. were built in the neighborhoods surrounding the amphitheater.
The development of trade relations in the Middle East, Asia, and the Caucasus played an important role in the emergence of hospitality enterprises. The territory of these regions was the largest trade route on which caravans with goods moved. To accommodate such travelers along the trade routes created special accommodation - caravanserais, consisting of accommodation and catering facilities, premises for business relations related to the exchange and sale of goods, detachments for camels, horses, and donkeys, etc. The complex of these buildings was surrounded by a fortress wall, which protected traders from natural disasters and robbers [8, p. 12-13].
Thus, the emergence of the first hospitality industry is associated with the regions with the highest economic development and large cities. Among the accommodation and catering establishments of the Ancient World, there was a differentiation in terms of the category of guests and conditions of service.
After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, a new period began in the development of the hospitality industry - the Middle Ages (V - XV centuries). Religious traditions had a great influence on the development of the service sector at that time. In the Middle Ages, the number of people who made pilgrimages to holy places increased and there was a need for inns near temples and monasteries. The widespread provision of free services by religious institutions to pilgrims and missionaries hindered the development of private accommodation and catering establishments. Meals for religious travelers provided by monasteries were modest but better than in roadside inns. This was due to the fact that the monasteries owned large plots of land, and ran a farm, which provided all their needs.
Most of the roadside inns offered rather modest living conditions. Travelers slept next to each other on hay-filled mattresses that spread out on the floor of one room. Guests ate their own supplies and could use the services of the owner of the yard or tavern. In the Middle Ages, private institutions of the hospitality industry were a place of noisy parties, often with excessive alcohol consumption, fights, and unsanitary conditions.
In England, a significant impetus for the development of private inns and taverns occurred only in the late Middle Ages and especially during the Reformation, when King Henry VIII of England secularized monasteries. All travelers lost the opportunity to stay for free in monasteries and were forced to settle in private inns and pay for accommodation. The origin of the concept of "hospitality" is connected with the period of the Middle Ages (the English word "hospitality" comes from the old French "hospice", which means a house for travelers).
If there is no reliable information about the development of hospitality traditions in the Ukrainian lands in the period of the ancient world, the Middle Ages are recorded in written sources. In the IX - XI centuries, Kievan Rus became the center of the intersection of trade routes between West and East, North and South. After the adoption of Christianity, priests, translators, book copyists, and artisans began to come to Russia from Byzantium. At this time, the word "guest" appeared in the ancient Russian language, meaning a visiting merchant. The sphere of hospitality in Kievan Rus continues to develop in the XII - XIII centuries. during the princely strife and Mongol-Tatar enslavement. Khan's messengers were in constant need of accommodation and food. Such locations in Kievan Rus are becoming known as "pit" [15, p. 147].
At the same time, inns appeared, which provided shelter for travelers of all categories and were not very convenient. The development of Kyivan Rus' trade relations with neighboring countries and pilgrimages contributed to the formation of stable paths along which hospitable courtyards were created - the ancient Russian name for buildings set aside in cities mainly for trade, initially only for foreign merchants. The peculiarity of the hospitable yard was that in addition to accommodation and meals there were opportunities for commercial activities. The courtyards consisted of furnished rooms, shops, commercial premises, and warehouses connected by covered galleries. In the later period, they lost their original significance and became the central city markets [10, p. 41].
The "korchma" has a prominent place in the creation of Ukrainian hospitality establishments. During its existence in Ukraine, the korchma, as an institution of Ukrainian hospitality, was a unique social organization and cultural and customary form of daily leisure for Ukrainians had its own characteristics and played an important role in the life of the peasantry. The korchma has long been located on the trade routes, where travelers could spend the night. The korchma served as a center of public life, as it discussed public and judicial matters, concluded oral agreements, held village meetings or ordinary fellow villagers, and held important events that served socialization, including the admission of boys to adult groups [11, p. 170-171].
The new age (XVI - XIX centuries) is an important stage in the development of the social relations in Europe. There were transformations in economic and cultural life. The revitalization of the economy, the revival of trade, and the expansion of employment are reflected in the increase in the number of travelers, which, in turn, leads to the evolution of hospitality - increasing the number of accommodation and food, improving the quality of service.
Taverns and inns were being built along the roads. Of course, the quality of service in such establishments remained low: poor food and dirty rooms were common. However, gradually, the owners of inns tried to diversify the range of services offered. Over time, inns turned into hotels. In the XVII century in France, the hotel was called a city house, which often stayed noble travelers. At the same time, guest rooms were then in every noble house. From the XVIII century, the term "hotel" began to be used in the hotel industry. Hotels began to be called high -rise buildings, rooms, and apartments, which were rented for any period to both city residents and travelers. The buzzword "hotel" emphasized the high standard and became widespread in various countries [7, p. 160].
One of the first hotels in Europe, Hotel Henri IV, was built in Nantes, France in 1788. This 60-bed hotel was considered the best in Europe. In Ukraine, around 1785, in Lviv, on the site of the current Museum of Ethnography on Svobody Avenue, businessman Johann Preschel built a three-story building - the first Ukrainian hotel called "Under the Roman Caesar". The Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra owned one of the first secular hotels in Kyiv. In the center of Pechersk in 1803 - 1805 was built a two-story building "Green Hotel", which in the first half of the XIX century was considered the best in the city. The hotel consisted of one four-story and three two-story buildings. In 1850 there were 200 separate rooms and about 20 common rooms. [10, p. 42].
Development of tourism in the XIX century had a favorable effect on the construction of hotels in Ukraine, and the main city of development was Kyiv. In 1851, the architect Oleksandr Beretti, at the request of a wealthy Ukrainian Hudym-Levkovych family, built the first European-style Kyiv hotel on Khreshchatyk with the appropriate name "European".
In 1870, a professor at the University of St. Vladimir Gustav Eisman completed his house on the street Khreshchatyk, the third floor of the hotel, which was called "Grand Hotel". The hotel has 120 rooms, had an excellent restaurant with separate offices, all the necessary amenities of the time (baths, telephone in the room, carriages for city trips), etc. The construction of hotels continued in the following years and by 1901 there were 64 hotels of different price categories in Kyiv [10, p. 43-44]. In Eastern Galicia, which was part of Austria-Hungary, in the second half of the XIX century - early XX century the sphere of hospitality was characterized by particularly high development. There were small hotels, restaurants, and cafes in almost every town [9, p. 181-182]. At the same time, the hotel business was only gaining momentum, borrowing European and world experience and principles of hospitality.
In Europe, in the second half of the XVIII century, the restaurant business is emerging and spreading. The first specialized catering establishments appear. Compared to inns and taverns, cooking and selling food become the only function of restaurants. The oldest European restaurant is the "Sobrino de Botin" in Madrid (1725). However, the homeland of the restaurant business is considered to be France. The word "restaurant" comes from the French verb "restaurer" (to feed, restore, strengthen) and the name of a special broth that "restored strength". This broth became the main dish of the 24-hour Parisian tavern M. Boulanger. From 1765 the tavern was called a "restaurant". Higher quality of service and a wider range of dishes than in conventional taverns attracted travelers and wealthy locals to the restaurants. Restaurants were so popular and profitable that in 1780 - 1790 in Paris their number reached 500. Parisian restaurants have become a model for the creation of similar restaurants in England, Germany, Switzerland, and other countries [7, p. 161].
The restaurant business also developed in Ukraine. The most expensive restaurant in Kyiv in the late nineteenth century. was considered a restaurant "Metropol". Prestigious were the restaurants at the hotels "Belle Vue", "European", "Grand Hotel", "Continental", "Semanedi", less expensive, but also delicious dishes served at the hotels "Orion", "Ancient Russia", "Marseille".
In modern times, the traditions of the church and monastery hospitality continue. In the XIX century, Kyiv has become a leading center of Orthodoxy and has become the target of religious travels of people of different social statuses. The growing number of worshipers required the constant expansion of the infrastructure of church hospitality. The monasteries maintained hotels for the worshipers of the privileged class, as well as accommodation for the faithful. During this period in Kyiv, there was: the hospital of the Kyiv-Pechersk Assumption Lavra, a hotel at the Kyiv Brotherhood Monastery, a hotel at the Intercession Monastery, a hotel at the Michael's Golden -Domed Monastery, a hotel at the Holy Trinity Monastery [11, p. 172, 178].
The modern period of development of the hospitality industry begins after the First World War, but tourism and the related hospitality industry became a mass phenomenon after the Second World War. The development of tourism and high business activity of the population determines the formation during the 50-70s of the XX century of a powerful network of accommodation, food, and entertainment.
Among the main trends in the modern development of the hospitality industry are the following: deepening specialization and diversification of hotel services; formation of large corporate forms - hotel chains, which become multinational companies; wide use in the hospitality industry of information systems of management, technological support, marketing; integration of capital of hotel enterprises with a capital of financial, insurance, construction, transport and other spheres of the economy; extensive use of scientific management in the organization and management of the hotel business; development of a network of small hotel enterprises focused on a specific market segment [8, p. 28].
The intensive concentration of hotel facilities in the XX century led to the creation of hotel chains. A chain is a group of hotels that carry out collective business and are under the direct control of the chain's management, which receives the bulk of profits but is also responsible for operating costs. The formation of hotel chains allows the promotion of high standards of customer service in the global market of hotel services.
Today, electronic hotel management and reservation systems are widely used in the hotel industry. Large hotel corporations with an extensive network of hotel enterprises use a single reservation system integrated into the global Internet system.
In Europe and Ukraine, accommodation is classified on a five-star scale. The largest number of hotels are three-star, which guarantee tourists a sufficient level of comfort, and living in them does not require extra costs for luxury items. In the XXI century among many tourists are gaining popularity hostels - budget hotels with rooms of different capacities (from 2 to 7) with amenities in a room or in a block of several rooms, and the so-called dormitories - rooms for 10-20 people with general amenities in the hallway).
The accommodation sector, which includes hotels, motels, campsites, boarding houses, tourist dormitories, flotels, and hostels occupies an important part of the modern tourist product. There are currently 26 million hotel places in the world, with more than 350 thousand comfortable hotels. At the same time, in the last 20 years, the number of rooms in the hotel industry in the world has been increasing annually by an average of 3-4%. The European region has the largest number of rooms - 45%, or more than 10 million seats [12, p. 176].
Modern hotel infrastructure has been formed and operates on the territory of Ukraine. If we consider the entire base of accommodation in Ukraine, it covers 4,256 collective accommodation facilities. The hotel base of Ukraine is located unevenly and is concentrated mainly in cultural, business, industrial, and tourist centers, places of rest of tourists, and zones of transport traffic of the international value. Western Ukraine and Kyiv are the most populated, with fewer hotels in the eastern region of the country.
The development of the European restaurant business at the present stage has moved to a new quality. Gradual economic recovery in most countries, liberalization of interstate relations, and globalization of the world economy in the second half of the XX - in the first decades of the XXI century opened for the restaurant business virtually unlimited opportunities for qualitative and quantitative growth. Business travel has become widespread and the norm for doing business, and tourism has become widespread and transcontinental. The 70s of the XX century was called the heyday of fast-food restaurants and network structures in the global restaurant business. Every year, the restaurant business deve lops, changes and new conceptual food establishments appear. Today, the main European restaurant trends include author's chains from the chef; northern cuisine; slow food; open kitchen; democratization of haute cuisine; Pop-up restaurants, etc. [3].
Ukraine follows the European trends in the restaurant business, but also has its own peculiarities. Recently, free creative spaces have appeared in Ukraine, which often calls themselves "coworking", "noncafe" or "smart cafes". They can be located in the city center or in-office centers. The basic concept of such institutions is free of charge, except for time. These establishments included work on an "all" basis (visitors pay not for food and beverages, but for time) and are the real estate of a new format, as specially adapted for freelancers, startups, IT entrepreneurs, and marketers. The best restaurants in Ukraine combine the principles of traditional hospitality with new trends and challenges of the time, which provides them with sustainable development today and bright prospects in the future.
Conclusions. Therefore, the formation of hospitality traditions began with the first cultural and economic communications between representatives of different communities. These traditions included respect for the guest and providing him with the necessary safe living conditions. Over time, the elements of hospitality have become the basis of an extensive and profitable industry, which includes not only accommodation and food, but also entertainment and leisure, but such changes have occurred relatively recently, with the transformation of tourism into a mass phenomenon.
Hospitality has played in the past and continues to play an important role in preserving and restoring national identity. Ukrainian national identity, which is changing very slowly and imperceptibly for its bearers, is becoming one of the features of the national character and includes elements of traditional folk hospitality. The history of the development of accommodation and catering shows the important role of hospitality as an integral factor of intercultural communication both in ancient times and in the modern world. Victory in the modern market of tourist services is possible only based on taking into account the historical specifics of traditional folk hospitality and its combination with today's trends in the hospitality industry.
Список використаних джерел
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