Geospatial research methodology organizations of military tourism in Ukraine
Defines the factors affecting the development of military tourism, formulates the goals and principles of the development of military tourism, presents the theoretical foundations of the study of the geospatial organization of military tourism in Ukraine.
Рубрика | Спорт и туризм |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.03.2023 |
Размер файла | 20,5 K |
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Geospatial research methodology organizations of military tourism in Ukraine
Zhibo Cui, PhD Student
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine
In the context of studying tourist resources and building an attractive tourist image of the country, such a type of tourism as military will play an important role. Military tourism is tourism at the sites of battles and historical battles for all interested parties, as well as for veterans and relatives of fallen soldiers, visits to existing and historical military facilities and training grounds, combat naval ships, submarines on training grounds and shooting ranges, participation in military exercises and maneuvers, staying at training grounds as spectators - a military tour, these can also include tours to visit military concentration camps and prisons.
At the same time, military tourism in Ukraine is not sufficiently developed. As one of the belligerent states in the Second World War and the birthplace of Eastern European culture, Ukraine not only has deep historical and cultural traditions, but also has an atmosphere of modernization as well as its own culture. Ukraine has preserved a large number of Soviet military facilities, weapons and equipment, including extremely unique nuclear facilities, military factories, military sites. to serve not only as a thematic subject of tourism development, but also as an appropriate addition to Ukrainian tourism as a whole.
The article examines the concept of "military tourism", defines the factors affecting the development of military tourism, formulates the goals and principles of the development of military tourism, presents the theoretical foundations of the study of the geospatial organization of military tourism in Ukraine, identifies the directions and problems of the development of military tourism, and gives an assessment of the current level the development of military tourism in Ukraine, the assessment of the impact of tourism on the socio-economic development of the country as a whole, the prospective directions of the development of military tourism were determined, the algorithm for the integration of the regional tourist space into various forms of national tourism was analyzed, and the geographical prerequisites for the distribution of tourist resources for the effective organization of military tourism were also identified. The author substantiates the necessity of developing and applying the concept of military tourism in Ukraine in the region.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the problems and prospects for the development of military tourism in Ukraine using the example of monuments of the Second World War.
The article uses such general scientific methods of research as analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, and the systematic method, which are based on reliable facts, the collection and analysis of which was carried out using methods based on the observation and study of military tourism activities.
Keywords: military tourism, tourist resources, geospatial organization, integration, tourist flows.
Джибо Цуй, асп.
Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ, Україна
У контексті вивчення туристичних ресурсів і побудови привабливого туристичного іміджу країни важливе значення відігріє такий різновид туризму, як військовий. Військовий туризм - це туризм на місцях боїв та історичних битв для всіх зацікавлених, а також для ветеранів і родичів загиблих воїнів, відвідання існуючих та історичних військових об'єктів і полігонів, бойових морських кораблів, підводних човнів на полігонах і в тирах, участь у військових навчаннях та маневрах, перебування на полігонах як глядачів - мілітарі-тур. До таких також можна віднести і тури на відвідання воєнних концтаборів та в'язниць?
Разом із тим, військовий туризм в Україні недостатньо розвинений. Як одна з воюючих держав у Другій світовій війні та батьківщина східноєвропейської культури, Україна не тільки має глибокі історичні й культурні традиції, але й атмосферу модернізації, а також власну культуру. Україна зберегла велику кількість радянських військових об'єктів, озброєння та техніки, включаючи надзвичайно унікальні ядерні об'єкти, військові заводи, місця військових дій. Ресурси військового туризму в Україні є дуже значними, багатими на типи та мають велике значення для його розвитку.
Розглянуто поняття "військовий туризм", визначено фактори, що впливають на розвиток військового туризму, сформульовано цілі та принципи розвитку військового туризму, представлено теоретичні засади дослідження геопросторової організації військового туризму в Україні. Виявлено напрями та проблеми розвитку військового туризму. Подано оцінку поточного рівня розвитку сфери військового туризму в Україні, оцінку впливу сфери туризму на соціально-економічний розвиток країни в цілому. Визначено перспективні напрями розвитку сфери військового туризму. Проаналізовано алгоритм інтеграції регіонального туристичного простору в різноманітні форми національного туризму, а також ідентифіковано географічні передумови розподілу туристичних ресурсів для ефективної організації військового туризму. Обґрунтовано необхідність розроблення й застосування у регіоні концепції військового туризму в Україні.
Мета статті полягає в аналізі проблематики та перспектив розвитку військового туризму в Україні на прикладі пам'яток Другої світової війни.
Використано такі загальнонаукові методи дослідження, як аналіз, синтез, дедукція, індукція й системний метод, в основі яких лежать достовірні факти, збирання та аналіз яких здійснено з використанням методів, заснованих на спостереженні та вивченні військово-туристичної діяльності.
Ключові слова: військовий туризм, туристичні ресурси, геопросторова організація, інтеграція, туристопотоки.
Formulation of the problem in general
military tourism ukraine
Today, a characteristic feature of the economies of almost all countries of the world is the extremely fast pace of globalization, which radically changes the relations between the subjects of the world economic system. In addition, as evidenced by the scientific works of researchers, the current state of development of the processes of the economic system today is characterized by a state of close interdependence of the countries of the world. In the conditions of economic collapses - economic, financial, economic crises, there is a tendency to minimize the duration of the negative impact of these phenomena on the economy of various countries, especially those with an insufficient level of economic development. In such conditions, all countries of the world are looking for effective ways to preserve their economic, financial, and energy security and strengthen their international competitiveness. One of the most promising sectors of the world economy, which significantly affects the development of the state, is the tourism industry. Even under the conditions of a crisis, the role of tourism is constantly growing, because it contributes to the increase of jobs, the inflow of currency income to the country, and is a source of replenishment of budgets of various levels (Bezuhlyi, 2007).
Analysis of recent research and publications
Such scientists as I. Bezugliy, M. Boyko, V. Vecherskyi, V. Yevdokymenko, V. Yermachenko, H. Zinoviev, I. Kartashevska dealt with the problem of researching the geospatial organization of military tourism and the integration of regional tourist space into various forms of national tourism, V. Kvartalnov, V. Kyfyak, M. Klyap and others.
At the same time, military tourism in Ukraine is not sufficiently developed. As one of the belligerent states in the Second World War and the birthplace of Eastern European culture, Ukraine not only has deep historical and cultural traditions, but also has an atmosphere of modernization as well as its own culture. However, until now, there are no regulatory documents on the organization and development of military tourism in Ukraine, and the definition of "military tourism" itself is absent in the Law on Tourism.
At the same time, as evidenced by the analysis of literary sources, the issue of studying the peculiarities of the geospatial organization of military tourism in Ukraine, as well as in the study of algorithms for the integration of the regional tourist space into various forms of national tourism by determining the geographical prerequisites for the distribution of tourist resources for the effective organization of military tourism, has not been studied enough. To date, scientific economic and touristic practice lacks a clear concept of the development and operation of a toolkit for the construction of a regional tourist space, uncertain influencing factors on the formation of a system of geospatial organization of military tourism in Ukraine, project-research work in the direction of researching technologies and ways of functioning of an effective system is unsystematic distribution of tourist resources, the content, forms and methods of such work are not sufficiently disclosed.
Formulation of the goals of the article (statement of the task).The purpose of the article is to analyze the geospatial organization of military tourism in Ukraine, as well as to study algorithms for the integration of regional tourist space into various forms of national tourism by determining the geographical prerequisites for the distribution of tourist resources for the effective organization of military tourism.
Methods and methodology
The article uses such general scientific methods of research as analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, and the systematic method, which are based on reliable facts, the collection and analysis of which was carried out using methods based on the observation and study of military tourism activities. Such studies do not involve the creation of an artificial, experimental situation to identify and collect the necessary facts. These facts are real events of military tourism that took place in the course of military tourism activities. Descriptive and explanatory methods were also used, reflecting the facts concerning little-studied objects and phenomena of military tourism; explanation of causes and causal relationships between facts. Methods of theoretical research are included, in which, in addition to a review and critical analysis of the literature, there are own proposals aimed at solving the problem.
Presentation of the main research material
One of the most promising sectors of the world economy, which significantly affects the development of the state, is the tourism industry. Even under conditions of crisis, the role of tourism is constantly growing, because it contributes to the increase of jobs, the inflow of foreign exchange earnings to the country, and is a source of replenishment of budgets at various levels.
The analysis of the state and trends in the development of tourism in Ukraine shows that the development of the sphere is chaotic, without a purposeful comprehensive state tourism policy, which leads to the outflow of funds abroad, because outbound tourism dominates over inbound tourism.
The development of the domestic tourism industry belongs to the European model of state regulation of tourism activities, which is based on tourism as one of the priority areas of development at the state level, where issues of the development of the sphere are resolved at the level of the ministry or the relevant branch body, which focuses its activities on solving general issues and conducting an effective marketing policy to create a positive tourist image and promote the country's brand.
It should be emphasized that the positioning of the country in the international arena, the development of the state brand and the effective management of this process in modern realities play an important role. The ability to create a positive image of the country by highlighting its advantages, revealing various aspects of identity, creative and thoughtful work aimed at devaluing the objective-subjective negative associative series, aiming at changing ideas about the established image is a relatively new mechanism in the arsenal of tools implementation of foreign policy.
International tourism for a number of developing countries is the main item of export of services and one of the main sources of foreign currency income for these countries; serves as a stabilizing lever for the formation of their budgets and credit-financial relations with other states. The share of tourism in the national economy and international trade has turned it into an important indicator of world development.
As a result of effective tourism branding, a certain image of the country emerges, which covers its past, present and future. Successful branding of the state is a powerful means of influencing international public opinion.
On the other hand, the tourist resources of the state are a natural material basis and a prerequisite for the development of the tourism industry as a whole, which currently plays an increasingly important role in society, economy and life.
In the context of studying tourist resources and building an attractive tourist image of the country, such a type of tourism as military will play an important role. Military tourism is tourism at the sites of battles and historical battles for all interested, as well as for veterans and relatives of fallen soldiers, visiting existing and historical military facilities and training grounds, combat naval ships, submarines, riding on military equipment, shooting weapons on training grounds and shooting ranges, participation in military exercises and maneuvers, staying on training grounds as spectators - a military tour, which also includes tours to visit military concentration camps and prisons.
The geospatial structure of military tourism refers to the spatial economic relations in which different departments of the tourism industry compete with each other, rely on each other, and complement each other in the geospatial scheme of a geographic region (Boiko, 2009).
Послідовний розподіл ресурсів військового туризму, спираючись на центральні міста, виходить з умов The consistent distribution of military tourism resources, based on central cities, is based on the conditions of natural regions, historical relations and certain economic and social conditions and, according to the needs of tourists, through development and construction to form a characteristic tourist space, includes the following elements (Vecherskyi, Polishchuk, 1994):
* Points of Interest;
* transport;
* accommodation;
* auxiliary means and infrastructure.
Monuments of military culture and places of military events include:
* fortresses;
* defensive walls and ramparts;
* memorial places of battles and battles;
* military memorials;
* monuments;
* obelisks;
* places of military burials.
Let's take a closer look at the process of integration into various forms of tourism. This process occurs through general planning to form a hierarchical system with clear organization and coordinated activities (Yevdokymenko, 1994).
According to the requirements of general planning, transportation network, information exchange, financial city, common market, industry chain, science and technology development and environmental protection, realize macro- morphological integration, which not only integrates the city and the hinterland to a high degree, but also requires that cities were closely interconnected in space so that there were no marginalized areas, with multi-centered separate zones formed with many elements of very dense fog structures (Yermachenko, 2007).
It should be noted that without regional integration of the spatial market, regional economic integration would be impossible, therefore it is extremely important to remove obstacles to regional cooperation and create a basis for the integration of the tourism regional market and the economy to ensure the free flow of various factors of production through the market; with regard to products that interfere with production factors, raw materials, interregional functioning, such products should be decisively eliminated; with the help of production factors such as:
* capital;
* technologies and personnel;
* property rights, tourism, culture.
The integration of the industry consists in building a division of labor and a system of cooperation of a regional industrial structure with a clear division of labor and close connections (Zinov'iev, 2005).
It is necessary to constantly progress the modernization and improvement of industry, to make industrial planning and development based on long-term schemes in terms of food, housing, transport, tourism, entertainment and health care, to build an efficient industrial system to more profitably realize industries and more rational planning, promoting thus the harmonious and sustainable development of the entire industrial system (Kartashevska, 2000).
The industrial integration of the tourism space should improve its content through the development of the cultural industry, paying attention to enriching the connotation of tourism culture, improving the quality of the industry, and ultimately form the integration of culture and industry and form a mutual promotion, complementary and mutual prosperity pattern between industry and culture (Kvartalnov, 2002).
At the same time, it is necessary to fully integrate various traffic routes in the region. If the region does not have a convenient and well-established transportation network, the factors of tourism, manufacturing and raw materials will be severely limited, and satisfactory integrated development of the regional economy will not be realized. Therefore, it is important to constantly speed up the connection and development of urban roads, vehicles and auxiliary facilities of provinces, cities and towns in the region, jointly improve and promote the formation of advanced regional transportation hubs, promote economic development and renewal, and promote the rapid development of transportation in order to realize the integration of tourism space and three-dimensional transport (Kyfiak, 2003).
In addition, with the constant improvement of technologies, computer and network technologies, information technologies penetrate into all aspects of social life and economic development, therefore the status and role of the integration of informatization in the tourist space in Ukraine is constantly growing in regional economic integration (Kliap, 2013; Shandor, 2013).
It is important to promote the intelligent management of informatization in tourism with the help of information technology, communication and network technology, to implement technological management and network management through the wide use of information technology in order to improve the efficiency of service and management as a whole, and to implement the exchange and sharing of information resources (Krachylo, 1987).
To implement the integration of regional institutions in tourism, it is necessary to standardize the policies and institutions of different regions, establish and improve tourism rules and regulations, implement tourism policies and regulations, formulate unified legal norms, market rules and government behavior to ensure institutional norms and legal guarantees for development regional tourism and economy (Kurylo, 2003).
It should be noted that the structure of the organization of military tourism is based on the geographical distribution of tourist resources, with the premise of convenient transportation, as well as on the principle of mutual benefit and complementary advantages between scenic spots, achieving a common function of tourist attractions, tourist routes, tourist products, tourist accommodation, the market of tourist sources and other factors, in order to form an integrated, orderly and unified system in an unevenly developed geographical area, to achieve cross-regional, inter-sectoral integration and optimization of tourist resources as a whole, to achieve the goal of complementarity of resources, market and development, additional development and effectively promoting the accessibility, diversity and richness of tourism in such a way as to promote the vigorous development of military tourism (Liubitseva, 2003 a).
At the same time, the organizational structure of the military tourism space makes military tourism resources, goods, services, transport and facilities in different regions organically connected to form a stronger comprehensive entity characterized by comprehensiveness, diversity, integrity, privileges and service characteristics (Liubitseva, 2003 b).
From the perspective of the spatial organization of the military tourism structure, in a certain regional range, each tourism market is in a scattered state, with relative independence, but from the perspective of the whole region, each tourism market is in the relationship between a point, a line and an area.
Based on functional differentiation, through different levels and types form an orderly integrity, in order to promote different types of tourism market to form the overall benefit with agglomeration and increase, and the integrity is more capable than the sum of the parts, which is not only a single and independent dispersion , but also a comprehensive and unified combination that could significantly increase the external attractiveness of military tourism products (Chzhan, 2009; Siu, 2009).
The spatial organizational structure of military tourism is developed based on the division of labor and cooperation between different regions and industries. Its goal is to achieve win-win results through cooperation and the harmonious and sustainable development of the military tourism economy (Chzhan, 2010; Chzhan, 2010).
Thus, in the process of developing the strategy of military tourism, it is necessary to constantly observe relative balance and dynamic coordination between regions, to make general planning and coordinated development of various tourist resources in different regions, to understand the characteristics of their preservation, it is necessary to rationally separate local standards, and not simply pursue excessive development without observing the balance.
Conclusions to this research and proposals
Therefore, it is important to competently and harmoniously model the system of military tourism development at the regional level in order to ensure the sustainable development of this type of tourism throughout the country. The distribution of military tourism resources, based on central cities, is based on the conditions of natural regions, historical relations and certain economic and social conditions and, according to the needs of tourists, through development and construction to form a characteristic tourist space, includes such elements as landmarks facilities, transport, accommodation, aids and infrastructure.
Our country has a lot to be proud of, including from the point of view of military history, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that Ukrainian citizens have a rather high level of patriotic sentiment and sense of national pride.
Military-patriotic tourism has an important educational function. It is of great importance for the formation of a sense of national self-awareness and love for the motherland in the younger generation.
Taking into account the significant corresponding potential, as well as problems with financing the Ukrainian army and enterprises of the military-industrial complex, I believe that military tourism should take place in Ukraine as an alternative way to solve financial and material problems, as well as an effective form of popularizing the country abroad, forming its tourism . image, education of citizens' patriotism.
Military tourism in Ukraine can and should become a source of significant replenishment of state and local budgets, an important source of funding for the army, a means of publicly accessible and full-fledged recreation, as well as an effective form of familiarization and study of the military-historical heritage of the nation and the state. Which is undoubtedly important for the patriotic education of all citizens of the country.
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курсовая работа [107,9 K], добавлен 18.07.2009College of Tourism and hotel management. Planning the research. Statement of objectives and hypothesis to be examined. The limitation of the hypothesis question, the history of Turkish tourism. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism strategy, word brands.
реферат [1,2 M], добавлен 20.08.2009Tourism is defined as the act of travel with the intentions of recreational pleasure. There are different types of tourism that can be enjoyed. Description and development of extreme tourism, cultural tourism, educational tourism, ecological tourism.
контрольная работа [21,2 K], добавлен 11.11.2010The World Tourism Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations, is the leading international organization in the field of tourism. International tourism is the world's largest export earner in the balance of payments of most nations.
реферат [15,3 K], добавлен 18.07.2009Tourism as a relatively new phenomenon in the world, the structure of tourism industry, accommodations and catering service and transportation. Tourism in Spain: ideal times for a Spanish trip, eating and drinking. Classification of accommodation.
контрольная работа [30,5 K], добавлен 18.07.2009Borrowing as a method of new word formation. History of military borrowing from Latin and Old Norse. The etymology and modern functions of military loanwords. The use of borrowed terms in historical fiction and fantasy genre. Non-military modern meanings.
курсовая работа [274,2 K], добавлен 08.05.2016Imperialism has helped countries to build better technology, increase trade, and has helped to build powerful militaries. During 19th century America played an important role in the development of military technologies. Militarism led to the World War I.
контрольная работа [20,2 K], добавлен 26.01.2012Tourism is one of the world’s fastest growing industries as income is generated by the spending of goods and services required by tourists. Some of the most popular types of tourism worldwide where tourists are categorized by the purpose of their visit.
реферат [12,8 K], добавлен 10.02.2014Canada and its neighboring countries. Canada as a country with developed tourism industry. Primary modes of transportation in Canada, hotel services, restaurants, main sectors within the catering industry, tourism industry and domestic tourism demand.
курсовая работа [38,0 K], добавлен 18.07.2009Practical aspects of U.S. security policy from the point of view of their reflection in the "Grand strategy", as well as military-political and military-political doctrines. The hierarchy of strategic documents defining the policy of safety and defense.
статья [26,3 K], добавлен 19.09.2017