Recreational component of the leisure industry in the phenomena of mass culture of modern Ukraine

Development of the leisure industry, its recreational component in the mass culture of Ukraine. A meaningful vision of the recreational component in modern mass culture. Factors determining the proximity of mass culture and the leisure industry.

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Дата добавления 16.04.2023
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Recreational component of the leisure industry in the phenomena of mass culture of modern Ukraine

Nina Didenko

graduate student of the Department of Cultural Studies

and Information Communications, National Academy of Managing Personnel of Culture and Arts


Ніна Олександрівна аспірантка кафедри культурології та інформаційних комунікацій, Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв


The article highlights the peculiarities of the leisure industry development, in particular its recreational component, in the phenomena of mass culture of modern Ukraine. It was found that in modern mass culture the recreational component acquires new meanings. This is due to the orientation of Ukrainian modern cultural industries on the mass consumer, which, in turn, leads to the emergence of new recreational forms of leisure activities. A set of factors that determine the essence and indicate the proximity of mass culture and the leisure industry is the following: the implementation of maximum social communication, the possibility of maximum replication and diversification of artifacts of mass culture. The features inherent in modern mass culture are determined: multiplicity, lack of a single center, heterogeneity, combination of everything with everything. It was found that the modern recreational infrastructure exists and develops in the communicative field of mass media, without which the mass distribution of recreative media texts, as well as the production would be impossible. Recreational infrastructure of mass culture is defined as the leisure industry. The specified division of the mentioned industry in Ukraine into three basic sectors - leisure, entertainment and holidays is offered. It is proved that the recreational component is present in all types of services provided by these industries, or recreation is their main content. It is noted that in the socio-cultural life of modern Ukraine, recreational services of the leisure industry have the function of a socio-regulator in mass culture.

Keywords: recreation, recreational services, leisure industry, mass culture, media culture.


Діденко Ніна Олександрівна

Рекреаційний компонент індустрії дозвілля в явищах масової культури сучасної України

У статті висвітлено особливості розвитку індустрії дозвілля, зокрема його рекреаційного компоненту, у явищах масової культури сучасної України. З'ясовано, що в сучасній масовій культурі рекреаційний компонент набуває нових змістовних значень. Це пов'язано з орієнтацією українських сучасних культурних індустрій на масового споживача, що, своєю чергою, призводить до виникнення нових рекреаційних форм дозвіллєвої діяльності. Розглянуто комплекс факторів, що визначають сутність та вказують на близькість масової культури й індустрії дозвілля: реалізація максимальної соціальної комунікації, можливості максимального тиражування та диверсифікації артефактів масової культури. Визначено риси, притаманні сучасній масовій культурі: множинність, відсутність єдиного центру, неоднорідність, поєднання всього зі всім. З'ясовано, що сучасна рекреаційна інфраструктура розвивається на комунікативних засадах масмедіа, без яких масове поширення рекреативних медіатекстів, а також їхнє виробництво було б неможливим. Рекреаційна інфраструктура масової культури визначається як індустрія дозвілля. Запропоновано уточнений поділ зазначеної індустрії в Україні на три основні сектори -- відпочинку, розваг і свята. Доведено, що рекреаційний компонент наявний в усіх видах послуг, які надаються цими індустріями, або рекреація складає їхній основний зміст. Відзначено, що в соціокультурному житті сучасної України рекреаційні послуги індустрії дозвілля виконують функцію соціорегулятора в масовій культурі.

Ключові слова: рекреація, рекреаційні послуги, індустрія дозвілля, масова культура, медіакультура.

Formulation of the problem

leisure industry recreational

As a complex and multilevel system, culture necessarily contains a recreational component that affects all mass culture industries, the leisure industry, and so on. In Ukraine, such scientific disciplines as recreational geography, economics and nature management are sufficiently developed. However, there is almost no scientific research on the recreational component of the leisure industry in the phenomena of mass culture, which is one of the brightest manifestations of public life in modern Ukraine. It is poorly understood and not enough studied both in terms of general cultural theory and analysis of the current socio-cultural situation.

Recent research and publications. A large number of scientific works of researchers in the field of recrealogy, studying the causes and methods of recreational activities to create conditions and organize health, medical, cultural and educational activities, is devoted to recreation as a system of activities related to the use of free time and covering all types of recreation (in nature, during a tourist trip, etc.). Among those are the works of O. Gulych (Гулич, 2011), A. Ignatenko (Игнатенко, 1989), V Matsola (Мацола, 1997) and others Particular attention is paid to the work of L. Sekretova (Секретова, 2013), where the author offers a list of socio-cultural areas of leisure activities as components or related activities of cultural industries, as well as a study by I. Petrova (Петрова, 2013) on the phenomenon of leisure in historical and cultural dimension. The scientific developments of M. Yaroshenko (Ярошенко, 2016) and V Stalnaya (Стальная, 2008) were used to clarify the classification of the spheres of the leisure and entertainment industries. The efficiency of the use of natural recreational resources in Ukraine is discussed in the work of N. Borulko (Борулько, 2014).

Important for the exploration of the recreational component of the leisure industry, in particular, its new content, were the works of representatives of the «critical theory of mass communication» W. Benjamin (Беньямин, 2000) and S. Hall (Hall, 2004), who studied mass culture (media culture). The article also uses: scientific developments of representatives of the theory of «information society» by G. Innis (Innis, 1964) and M. McLuhan (Маклюэн, 2007; 2013), who combine approaches to understanding the phenomenon of «me- dia» as a communication technology that determines cultural communication roles; sociological theory of communication systems of N. Luhmann (Луман, 2010); N. Chomsky's work (Chomsky, 1988), devoted to the influence of the media, the advocacy function of the model of communication that is developing today; N. Negroponte's scientific research (Negroponte, 1970) on the prediction of mass digitization of the world; and the research of J. Deleuze and F. Guattari (Делёз, Гваттари, 2007), where the authors introduce the concept of «rhizome» into the scientific space and propose to study modern mass culture in the context of the features inherent in this concept.

Scientific research of cultural, philosophical, psychological, media orientation became the methodological basis of our study. Comparative, logical and analytical methods were also used, which allowed to consider this problem holistically.

The aim of the article is to consider the recreational component of the leisure industry in the phenomena of mass culture of modern Ukraine. The need to study this component is primarily due to the evolution of the leisure industry in the recreational sphere, because the institutional Ukrainian system of sports and health services was formed in the socio-cultural reality of the Soviet Union. Over the last thirty years, it has been reformed and modified in fundamentally different socio-economic and political conditions, in particular, in the context of global commercialization of all social relations. In addition, today it is impossible to imagine the leisure industry without the involvement of modern mass media, which promote communication between different segments of the population, the formation of moral norms, values and interests inherent in society's consumption.

Presentation of research material

The term recreation means «re-creation», «reproduction». This effect is achieved in different ways, but the ultimate goal is for the individual to acquire an optimal state -- physical, mental -- which in 61 BC Decimus Junius Juvenalis described as «a healthy spirit in a healthy body». Achieving a harmonious combination of physical and mental components is what can be called a recreational effect. This effect is achieved in different ways, but there is no doubt that recreation is a social activity, as it includes all kinds of human activity in one's free time.

Changes in the socio-cultural space of the XXI century, compared to the last quarter of the last century, when the leisure industry was purely commercial, indicate that information technologies, consumption of media resources have become elements of everyday life. In this context, the content of the concepts of «recreational infrastructure» and «recreational ser- vice» have undergone radical changes. Consequently, the recreational effect acquires some other meanings in mass culture, the cultural institutions of which include the leisure industry, in particular, the provision of services for the organization of health and physical rehabilitation. Such a significant change is due to the focus of cultural industries on the mass consumer.

It should be noted that mass culture is distinguished by several factors: the implementation of maximum social communication, the possibility of maximum replication and diversification of artifacts of mass culture. Due to their spreading into all spheres of life, a set of new stereotypes of thinking, values, norms and rules inherent in the society of consumption is formed. Adherence to such a single complex brings together mass culture and the leisure industry.

The leisure industry provides cultural services, the receipt of which is the implementation of a recreational (hedonistic in nature) function of mass culture. In turn, mass culture can be considered as a superstructure, the material basis of which is the leisure industry. Thus, mass culture, as dominant in modern consumer society, is a socio-regulator, even a quasi-religion of the form of material civilization that humanity has built in the XX century if the term «material civilization» is understood as the world economy according to F. Brodel (Бродель, 1997) and the tertiary sector of which is the leisure industry among others.

Mass culture is not homogeneous, heterogeneous and can only conditionally be considered hierarchical. According to J. Deleuze and F. Guattari (Делёз, Гваттари, 2007), culture in general is a plural phenomenon, a «rhizome» (fr. la rhizome -- «rhizome, rootstock»), a rhizome of multiple horizontal relationships unorganized in the hierarchy, when there is rejection from a rigid hierarchy of meanings that now coexist. The concept of rhizome contains features that are inherent in modern mass culture: plurality, lack of a single center, heterogeneity, the combination of everything with everything. Thus, the opposition «mass -- elitist» in modern society is gradually being replaced by the «peaceful coexistence» of various, sometimes oppositional phenomena in their discursive practices. Based on the opinion of French researchers, we can say that mass culture and its material embodiment -- the leisure industry -- have no single paradigm at the meta-level. There is a set of phenomena that are not connected by a single «root» of common origin, but coexist in the «rhizome», which fills a plural sociocultural space.

It should be noted that there is no single classification of segments of the leisure industry in the scientific literature. Each of the researchers considers these segments based on their own ideas or on the basis of information (mostly advertising) in mass media. In particular, L. Sekretova conducted a kind of «inven- tory» of socio-cultural areas of leisure activities. The researcher proposes to study the components or related activities of cultural industries, among which she names the leisure industry, entertainment industry, holiday industry, show industry, animation industry, gaming industry, computer industry, music industry, event industry, beauty industry, fashion industry, leisure and entertainment industry, intimate leisure industry, sports industry, mountain ski industry, ocean industry, fast food industry and many others (Секретова, 2013).

This list, although not complete, does not claim to be exhaustive and is based on data from various sources of information. Thus, it is devoid of systematicity, which allows us to recognize its classification. Each of these industries is defined by the author as an industry1, however, we believe that this term cannot be used in all cases. Rather, it may be a leisure industry that is in demand for products and/or services and has a certain level of organization.

Most of the types of «industries» listed by L. Sekretova are one recreational service, which is provided comprehensively until the moment of completion, that is, the termination of the service of the recreant. Each of these services, divided into a separate operational and procedural «chain», can be attributed to three types of leisure industry -- recreation, entertainment, holidays, where the essential differences are noticeable in the system of recreational services. The distinction is logically justified, because the UN Conference on Trade and Development classified everything related to leisure as cultural industries, which are divided into four components -- cultural heritage, art, media, functional areas. M. Yaroshenko claims that the entertainment industry (which he does not separate from recreation) is understood as a «functional sphere», which includes creative services and cultural leisure (Ярошенко, 2016).

However, if we consider the provision by social institutions and specialized institutions of physical recreation services (treatment, rehabilitation), the sphere of the leisure industry includes those services that provide the recreant an active form of recreation.

Active recreation, according to the classification of V Stalnaya (Стальная, 2008), can also be understood as walks in the form of communication with nature; visiting national nature parks; visiting playgrounds, bowling, skating rinks, amusement parks, discos; scientific and educational recreation (cognitive activity), etc. The recreant voluntarily, according to his own preferences, chooses a form of recreation, which is held outdoors or indoors.

Thus, the leisure industry includes all types of tourism, medical and treatment recreation, it means those that involve the use of recreational resources and infrastructure both in the country of residence and abroad (in the case of providing the service). These varieties include the hotel industry, the industry of children's recreation and leisure, the hospitality industry.

In the United States, where the latter is particularly developed, hospitality includes motels, auto courts, bed and breakfasts hotels, dormitories, camps and car parks, and places to eat quickly on the road. That is the sphere of services for travelers.

Recreational resources are also among the «pearls» that nature has endowed Ukraine with. In Ukraine, a significant part of the natural potential consists of recreational landscapes (forest, coastal, mountain), health resources (mineral waters and therapeutic mud), nature reserves, historical and cultural areas, etc. The second group of recreational resources are historical and cultural, the third are socio-economic, resources that provide production, sale and provision of recreational services.

The following data testify to the efficiency of the use of natural recreational resources. In Ukraine, medicinal mineral waters of different chemical composition are available in almost all forest-steppe regions, but out of 400 sources only 34 are used for balneological purposes and industrial bottling, out of 104 known in Ukraine deposits of therapeutic peat and silt mud only 26 are used to treat. In Crimea, the total length of beaches was 1160 km, or 47% of the coast, which is enough to heal at the same time 4.1 million people. Prior to hostilities in eastern Ukraine in 2014, there were 3,041 sanatoriums in Ukraine, including 296 rest homes and boarding houses, 1,940 bases and other recreation institutions (Борулько, 2014).

The recreational infrastructure and resource base of the Ukrainian leisure industry can only be indirectly attributed to mass culture, although they are also used by other segments, namely the leisure industry. An analysis of the services provided by the leisure industry shows that these services are practices of mass culture, therefore, entertaining functions (essentially hedonistic) can be considered a practical implementation of the functions of mass culture as such. In addition to the fact that the entertainment industry is the implementation of a recreational function, it has been developing rapidly since the first third of the XX century as a separate sector of the economy. This fact gives us the right (at least to some extent artificially) to separate entertainment from leisure, because the tourism, spa industries are sectors of the economy that emerged long before the formation of mass culture (tourism, for example, has been known since ancient times, and people traveled «to the water» already in the XVIII century).

The basis of the entertainment industry is the modern media culture, the technological expression of consumerism as a system of values, ideology, even quasi-religion, a tool for manipulating the consciousness of the masses, whose meaning in life is consumption. If at the end of the XIX century and further mass culture formed and spread spontaneously, and its artifacts and ideologies (services) appeared as proposals «from above», caused by demand «from below», then media culture is a product of the media, representing and reproducing the dominant ideology, forming public opinion, tastes, needs, and therefore -- the mass consciousness. In our opinion, media culture in the form in which it exists today is a modern manifestation of mass culture, which differs from previous formations in the ability to impose «bottom» orienting models of social life «from above». Actually, that's why it is also mass media.

Therefore, the services in the entertainment industry are specific, because they provide information, good mood, relaxation -- declining the tone of human muscles, caused by the inner state of calm and knowledge of nervous tension, disconnection from all the surrounding problems and troubles. In this context, in the XXI century, the ancient Roman formula for the tranquility of «the bread and spectacle» plebs has been updated with modern technology, and as a result, there is a great growth in the provision of services globally, including through the leisure industry. Of course, the «leisure industry» is only part of the service industry. However, every year the world market in this area is growing rapidly.

However, the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting self-isolation regime in 2020 led to a decrease in indicators -- minus 5.6% (with an average annual growth rate of global industry before the pandemic of 2.8%). The pandemic also affected the volume of the film industry, as cinemas closed in most countries in March 2020. In total, the world box office may lose 5 billion US dollars by the end of the year, despite the fact that at the peak of profitability in 2018, the global film industry «cost» consumers 136 billion US dollars (Долбнєва, 2020).

In the last decades of the XX and the beginning of the XXI centuries such changes have taken place, that it is possible to state about the new quality of leisure activities and fundamentally new forms of it, which depend, first of all, on the use of information technologies. The technical component is becoming an integral part of people's lives, their daily lives, which makes the era of post-industrial leisure different from any of the previous eras.

The socio-cultural space of modern Ukrainian society is determined by global trends, so today it is part of the global telecommunications network, the main features of which are multimedia, interactivity and virtuality. N. Luhmann aptly noticed: what we know about our society we know through the media. «Even if we doubt any information, we will still be based on it. Applying Kant's terminology, the mass media create a transcendental illusion -- the inevitable error of reason, which arises in the realization of its dialectical nature and arises as a result of the mind beyond the experimental application of categories. In any case, it is a constructed reality» (Луман, 2010, С. 27).

This «constructed reality» is heterogeneous and is a matrix of subcultures -- a multicomponent formation. Each of the components has its prehistory, generic properties and place in the overall system of recreational services of the leisure industry. These subcultures exist in different formats of consumption of a cultural product, but the media form is common to most of them. Services provided on the Internet, television networks, listening to the radio, etc. give the vacationer the opportunity to receive media products for a fee or as a result of direct use free of charge. Such services on a global scale and in the Ukrainian sociocultural space include: Internet access, Internet advertising, pay-TV, television advertising, radio broadcasting, outdoor advertising, publishing of newspapers and magazines, business information (B2B), OTT Service.

Considering the socio-cultural space in which the modern Ukrainian is, it is necessary to note the full integration of his cultural and spiritual life into the world entertainment industry in its highest technological manifestation -- the media space. There are no restrictions on access to global social and other networks (services). Despite the fact that only 52% of Ukrainians have access to the Internet, they are in the networks not less than citizens of other countries -- almost seven hours a day (a study by WeAreSocial). Moreover, according to Mediakix, teenagers use networks (first of all, social platforms) for up to 9 hours a day, and 60% of the time spent in networks is using mobile devices (smartphones). Of course, the average figures are much lower (taking into account all segments of the population) -- 2 hours (116 minutes), but they are as much as 5 years and 4 months of human life.

Satisfying leisure needs with the exclusive consumption of information and entertainment content is a social problem on a global scale. In Ukrainian society, these needs are met not only in a passive mode -- on the Internet, by watching TV programs, movies and others. Since Ukraine is a part of the post-Soviet space, on the one hand, it is the heir of the cultural matrix of totalitarianism, on the other hand, it is integrated into the world mass culture and, accordingly, the media space. Hence, the multilayered, multidimensional, cultural needs are caused by the multilayered nature of society, which looks like a heterogeneous system consisting of people of different ages, different educations, different interests and values.

Multi-layeredness leads to a situation that can be considered a conflict of generations (to some extent, because there is no open confrontation in Ukraine, rather, there is a coexistence of worldviews and ways of life of different generations). However, all generations are united by a common attitude to the cultural needs and values formed by the previous socio-economic formation -- to sports, concerts, opera, digital, dance and other performances (public spectacles), to the activities of libraries, archives, museums, botanical gardens, zoos, nature reserves. It should be noted that in Ukraine 53 nature reserves have the status of national nature parks, in each city there are cultural parks (sometimes not one), there are 6 zoological parks of national importance and 5 of local importance, circus performances take place in 20 stationary and at least 8 mobile circuses, there are (according to data from 2018) 117 working theaters -- 4 in state ownership and 16 in municipal and communal.

In addition to the above-mentioned, the average Ukrainian has the opportunity to use bookmaking services, participate in lotteries, watch sports, especially football, as well as visit entertainment venues (nightclubs, discos, etc.). Considering these types of recreational services as an industry, we first consider it as a system of institutions that provide these services, conditionally grouped into a single industry called the «industry of holidays», without separating theatrical, concert and socio-cultural activities.

The leisure industry also includes the music, dance and fashion industries, as the modern format of these industries means that they function primarily as media cultures. These industries are developing in the media environment, but operate not only in the field of communication services (it means in the systems of information dissemination and production sales on all types of media), but also directly in the field of public spectacles and entertainment -- the industry of holidays.

The industry of holidays. The world industry of holidays is organized by commercial structures, which are called event companies, and activities -- by event management. These institutions are the organizers of music concerts, festivals, some sporting events, exhibitions and conferences and more. The sources of income for event companies are both sponsorship and ticket sales. The pandemic has had a significant impact on the industry of holidays: as for March 2020, the industry lost 16.5 billion US dollars.

The Ukrainian event market has been developing dynamically since the country gained independence and on the eve of the pandemic, it reached an annual turnover of UAH 2 billion. About 250 thousand people, 50 rather large companies and 1.5 thousand small ones work in this sphere. Losses in 2020 amounted to almost UAH 1 billion, the pandemic put the industry on the brink of survival. These companies include the organizers of concert activities, most of which have been operating since the Soviet period, 23 philharmonics, 8 touring and concert and 5 concert and pop associations. Concerts and tours are also organized by professional creative groups, it means those persons who, according to the Law of Ukraine «On Touring Events in Ukraine» have the right to be tour organizers.

Regarding the socio-cultural life of Ukraine, it should be noted a significant number of institutions, left mostly inherited from the previous socio-economic formation, and in which cultures, houses of creativity, houses of teachers, doctors, agronomists, scientists, tourists and more work. In addition to the above-mentioned, recreational facilities also include collective accommodation -- hotels, motels, hostels, campsites and parking lots for caravans and trailers, dormitories for visitors, in fact, the entire network, defined as the hotel industry and / or the hospitality industry.

An overview of the Ukrainian leisure industry will be incomplete if we ignore the domestic fashion industry. The world industry is quite clearly segmented, and the vertical segmentation corresponds to the «canons» of mass culture -- from the kitsch level to the mass market of fashion clothing / footwear («fast fashion»), and above the «pyramid» there is haute couture. Haute couture is a media culture with all its attributes, mythology, which is a vivid manifestation of consumerism and the quintessence of the values of a consumer society.

Like other leisure industries, the global fashion industry has slowed a little bit in 2019, but the market is expected to recover in 2023. These data are provided by experts on the current trends in the development of «fast fashion» -- retail chains of the largest «players» in the market (a total of 24 brands), which have their own lines of ready-made clothing and footwear. According to other data, the total capitalization of the global fashion industry exceeds the telecommunications and is estimated at 3 trillion US dollars of annual sales.

In 2017, the market of domestic women's clothing in Ukraine was estimated at approximately UAH 8.66 billion, and the bulk of Ukrainian production is focused on export markets. There are currently 6,000 textile factories in Ukraine. About 600 Ukrainian fashion designers retail their own brands and collections, of which almost 200 designers are regular participants in fashion weeks in different countries. Ukrainian Fashion Week is the most successful of similar Eastern European cultural events.

We take into consideration only generalized indicators of the development of industries, leisure, entertainment, holidays, which give an idea of the scale of the phenomena. There are many areas of business related to the leisure industry, but statistics on production volumes are not able to properly assess the services provided by entrepreneurs, especially as recreational services.

In our opinion, the services of the leisure industry differ from the services provided by other sectors of the tertiary sector, the ultimate goal of their provision (rest, rehabilitation, entertainment, relaxation, etc.), while the means of achieving the goal may be different and do not always indicate this goal. For example, in the mass segment of the fashion industry the main goal is to meet one of the fundamental needs of human existence -- in clothes, shoes, but the end effect of buying fashionable products is aesthetic -- joy, sometimes euphoric, from a well-chosen stylish outfit. That is why shopping is one of the most common forms of entertainment and not only for women. Recreational influence is only a component of the general phenomenon, but it is meaningful.

The absence of a single paradigm does not mean the absence of common properties, features, norms, dominant functions in different subcultural phenomena. Despite the fact that each phenomenon has its own, sometimes unique, infrastructure, resource base, its own specific services, etc., certain components are contained in the service systems of each of the subcultures of industry. One of such components of any subculture of the leisure sphere is music, because even indifferent to each other or «hostile» (countercultural) seedlings of «rhizome» contain to a greater or lesser extent a musical component. Without music, it is difficult to imagine the media, the film industry, any kind of entertainment, leisure, holidays and no cultural event at all. In our opinion, this statement is axiomatic, because the release of TV or radio news is now accompanied by a musical sound.

Thus, it is the total presence of music as a sociocultural phenomenon in all aspects of human social life that defines the music industry as a central element of modern mass culture. Purely industry is the production and distribution of music stocks, as well as festivals and concerts.

According to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), in 2020 there was recorded a steady increase in revenue, observed for the fifth year in a row (regardless of the pandemic). Total revenue was 20.2 billion US dollars, and more than half of the income of commercial participants («record labels») received from streaming (OTT) services such as Spotify, Amazon, AppleMusic. The number of users of paid streaming services reached 341 million people, which is 34% more than in 2018. However, CDs and vinyl records account for only one-fifth of sales. Experts believe that these trends are not related to the coronavirus pandemic.

The state of the world dance industry as a separate industry that unites dance training industry has been significantly affected by the pandemic. Analysts distinguish between professional choreographic art and the structures that organize (produce) it, combining them into a single concept of «dance companies», and dance studios or fine art schools. The Ukrainian dance industry is closely connected with the music industry. This connection has emerged and strengthened over the centuries, continuing the unique musical and dance direction of choreographic art, which has no analogues in terms of mass distribution in popular culture. Dance music today remains a mainstay in the global entertainment industry and is briefly defined as dance-music. This simple definition hides a new configuration, if we compare it to the previous, in which the musical and choreographic components are equal and functionally complement each other, creating a synergistic effect. The first and most noticeable difference is the focus on fundamentally new rhythmic accents and metrorhythmic formulas, which can be without exaggeration declared a rhythmic revolution, the so-called groove, which has a recreational effect. The special groove of rhythms created the conditions for the emergence of recreational choreography -- a functionally new, compared to previous, area of leisure industry and social life of mankind, which is extremely promising in our time and requires separate research.


The presence of a system-forming recreational component in the phenomena of mass culture is one of the reasons for the process of transformation of the functions of traditional culture in the XX -- early XXI century in masculine functions. They are based on hedonistic relativism, which ultimately determines the cultural model realized in other artifacts and value systems that are based on tradition, but fill it with new meanings.

It was found that in modern mass culture, which includes cultural institutions and the leisure industry, the recreational component acquires new meanings. This is due to the orientation of Ukrainian modern cultural industries on the mass consumer, which, in turn, leads to the emergence of new recreational forms of leisure activities, dependent primarily on the use of information technology. A set of factors that determine the essence and indicate the proximity of mass culture and the leisure industry are the following: the implementation of maximum social communication, the possibility of maximum replication and diversification of artifacts of mass culture. Based on the theory of J. Deleuze and F. Guattari (Делёз, Гваттари, 2007) on culture as a plural phenomenon, «rhizome», the features inherent in modern mass culture are identified: multiplicity, lack of a single center, heterogeneity, combining everything with everything.

Recreational infrastructure of mass culture is defined as the leisure industry. The specified division of the specified industry into three basic sectors -- leisure, entertainment and holidays is offered. It is proved that the recreational component is present in all types of services provided by these industries, or recreation is their main content. Thus, services provided in the leisure industry are recreational, consumers are recreants, and the provision system is a system of recreational services. Recreational services are becoming a kind of social practice that helps to restore energy consumption and health in two forms -- passive and active, which allows to explore the recreational component of the leisure industry as a culture of mental recreation and rehabilitation (passive form) and culture of physical development, support and renewing (active form).

It is proposed to consider the leisure industry as a system of recreational services provided in the socio-cultural space, as well as a matrix of subcultures -- a multicomponent entity that has a predominantly media form. Thus, every subcultural phenomenon of the leisure industry functions mainly (but not exclusively) as media culture. Consequently, the modern recreational infrastructure is a media culture that ensures the functioning of the information environment, without which the mass distribution of recreational media texts, as well as the production and distribution of relevant images would be impossible. This infrastructure can exist and develop only in the communicative field of mass media. Of course, the media does not replace clubs, cinemas, «live» concerts and theater performances, stadiums, travel, etc., but most of the free time a person spends in online communication in the Internet, which informs him, teaches, entertains, politically engages, and, most importantly, allows him to communicate on social networks.

Ukrainian socio-cultural space is integrated into the world leisure industry. Analysis of the recreational component of the leisure industry in the mass culture of modern Ukraine revealed that consumers of this industry are people of different ages, so Ukrainian society looks like a heterogeneous system, which has no acute conflict between generations, typical of the second half of last century. Regardless of social, cultural and age differences, the recreational effect is achieved through sublimation of desires, instincts, creating a pragmatic background for information assimilation, lack of significant efforts to assimilate information, lack of significant efforts to assimilate and/or familiarize with specialized knowledge, removal of psycho-emotional load etc.

Thus, the proposed culturological analysis of the recreational component of the leisure industry in the phenomena of mass culture of modern Ukraine is relevant today and may be of interest to other researchers in this field.


leisure industry recreational

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