Порівняльний аналіз рівня спеціальної фізичної підготовленості дзюдоїстів різної кваліфікації

Педагогічне тестування спеціальної фізичної підготовленості у кваліфікованих і висококваліфікованих дзюдоїстів. Техніка в процесі ведення поєдинку, ефективне виконання спуртів і кидків. Шляхи індивідуалізації методики навчально-тренувального процесу.

Рубрика Спорт и туризм
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 18.11.2023
Размер файла 41,7 K

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69. Tropin YU.M. (2022). Osoblyvosti rozvytku koordynatsiynykh zdibnostey karatystiv. Novatsiyi, praktyky ta perspektyvy rozvytku fizychnoyi kul'tury ta sportu: materialy V Vseukrayins'koho naukovo-praktychnoho semynaru, 15-16 kvitnya 2022 r. Kropyvnyts'kyy: Vydavets' Lysenka V.F., 59-62.

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72. Chobot'ko, M.A., Chobot'ko, I.I., & Boychenko, N.V. (2020). Rozvytok rivnovahy za dopomohoyu vprav z balansuvannya na fitbolakh. Yedynoborstva, 1(15), 78-88. DOI:10.15391/ed.2020- 1.08

73. Ambrozy, T., Rydzik, L., Spieszny, M., Chwala, W., Jaszczur-Nowicki, J., Jekielek, M., ... & Cynarski, W.J. (2021). Evaluation of the Level of Technical and Tactical Skills and Its Relationships with Aerobic Capacity and Special Fitness in Elite Ju-Jitsu Athletes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(23), 12286.

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76. Ermakov, S.S., Tropin, J.N., & Boychenko, N.V. (2016). Special'naja fizicheskaja podgotovka kvalificirovannyh borcov. Aktual'nye problemy sportivnyh edinoborstv v vuzah, 12, 20-22.

77. Kamaev, O.I., & Tropin, Y.N. (2013). Effects of special power qualities on technical and tactical preparedness in the struggle. Problemy i perspektivy razvitiya sportivnykh igr i edinoborstv: Sbornik statey IKh nauchnoy konferentsii, 8 fevralya 2013 goda, KhNPU, 149-152.

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79. Korobeynikov, G., Matveyev, S., Danko, G., Vorontsov, A., Curby, D., Korobeynikova, L., & Tropin, Y. (2020). Ukraian wrestling: achievements, contradictions, problems and perspectives. International Journal of Wrestling Science, 1(10), 27-30.

80. Markovic, M., Kukic, F., Dopsaj, M., Kasum, G., Toskic, L., & Zaric, I. (2021). Validity of a Novel Specific Wrestling Fitness Test. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 35, S51- S57. DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003538

81. Pashkov, I.N. (2015). Methodic of coordination's perfection of junior taekwondo athletes at stage of pre-basic training. Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 19(5), 27-31. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15561/18189172.2015.0505

82. Plush, Matthew G., Guppy, Stuart N., Nosaka, Kazunori, & Barley, Oliver R. (2022). Exploring the Physical and Physiological Characteristics Relevant to Mixed Martial Arts. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 44(2), 52-60. DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000649

83. Podrigalo, L.V., Galashko, M.N., Galashko, N.I., Prusik, K., & Cieslicka, M. (2014). Research of hands' strength and endurance indications of arm sport athletes having different levels of skills. Physical education of students, 18(2), 37-40. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.907140

84. Podrigalo, L.V., Galashko, M.N., & Galashko, N.I. (2015). Study of specificities of arm wrestlers' psychological status in competition period. Physical education of students, 3, 44-51. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15561/20755279.2015.0306

85. Podrigalo, L.V., Galashko, M.N., & Galashko, N.I. (2013). Study and evaluation of indicators of relationships motor analyzer sportsmen of armsport. Physical education of students, 17(3), 46-49. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.669671

86. Podrigalo, L, Volodchenko, A, Rovnaya, O, & Stankiewicz, B. (2017) Analysis of martial arts athletes' goniometric indicators. Physical Education of Students, 21(4), 182-8. DOI:

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88. Podrihalo, O.O., Podrigalo, L.V., Bezkorovainyi, D.O., Halashko, O.I., Nikulin, I.N., Kadutskaya, L.A., & Jagiello, M. (2020). The analysis of handgrip strength and somatotype features in arm wrestling athletes with different skill levels. Physical education of students, 24(2), 120126. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2020.0208

89. Podrihalo, O., Podrigalo, L., Kiprych, S., Galashko, M., Alekseev, A., Tropin, Y., Deineko, A., Marchenkov, M., & Nasonkina, O. (2021). The comparative analysis of morphological and functional indicators of armwrestling and street workout athletes. Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports, 25(3), 188-193. https://doi.org/10.15561/26649837.2021.0307

90. Prystupa, E., Okopnyy, A., Hutsul, N., Khimenes, K., Kotelnyk, A., Hryb, I., & Pityn, M. (2019). Development of special physical qualities skilled kickboxers various style of competitive activity. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 19, 273-280. DOI:

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95. Rovniy, A., Pasko, V., Karpets, L., Lyzogub, V., Romanenko, V., Dzhym, V., & Dzhym, Y. (2018). Optimization Of Physical Loads As A Basis For Formation Of The Coordination Features Of Young Taekvondo Athletes. Research journal of pharmaceutical biological and chemical sciences, 9(5), 2216-2225.

96. Tao, L. (2021). Application of data mining in the analysis of martial arts athlete competition skills and tactics. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2(21), 385-391. DOI:

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98. Tropin, Y., Ponomaryov, V., & Klemenko, O. (2017). Interrelation of level of physical fitness with indicators of competitive activity at young wrestlers of the Greek-roman style. Slobozhanskyi herald of science and sport, 1(57), 87-90. DOI:

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100. Tropin, Y., & Boychenko, N. (2018). Interrelation of psychophysiological indicators and physical readiness of qualified wrestlers. Slobozhanskyi herald of science and sport, 2(64), 65-69. DOI: https://doi:10.15391/snsv.2018-2.016

101. Tropin, Y., Boychenko, N., & Kovalenko, J. (2021). Improving the Methodology of Development of Strength Qualities Of 15-16-Year-Old Judokas. Slobozhanskyi herald of science and sport, 9(2), 26-35. DOI:10.15391/snsv.2021-2.003

102. W^sacz, W., Rydzik, L., Ouergui, I., Koteja, A., Ambrozy, D., Ambrozy, T., Ruzbarsky, P., & Rzepko, M. (2022). Comparison of the Physical Fitness Profile of Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Athletes with Reference to Training Experience. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(14), 8451.

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104. Zhang, H., & Fan, Q. (2021). Study on Network Structure Characteristics of Boxers' Physical Fitness System From the Perspective of Complex Network. International Conference on Modern Education Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Social Science , 147155. DOI:10.2991/assehr.k.210206.031

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