Perspective directions of motorcycle tourism development in the western territories of Ukraine during the war and post-war period

The main differences of such motorcycle tours from sports motorcycle tourism, focused on obtaining sports categories and titles, are analysed - refusal to deliberately complicate the route, division of tours into categories of complexity of the sports.

Рубрика Спорт и туризм
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Дата добавления 27.12.2023
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Perspective directions of motorcycle tourism development in the western territories of Ukraine during the war and post-war period

Yuriy Rymar* Candidate of Economic Sciences,

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Tourism,

Lviv Polytechnic National University

Yuriy Rymar, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Tourism, Lviv Polytechnic National University. Perspective directions of motorcycle tourism development in the western territories of Ukraine during the war and post-war period.

The article defines the concept of motorcycle tourism as an active recreation, which consists in travelling on a motorcycle on routes with tourist objects of excursion nature. The main differences of such motorcycle tours from sports motorcycle tourism, focused on obtaining sports categories and titles, are analysed - refusal to deliberately complicate the route, division of tours into categories of complexity and combination of the sports component of the tour with the inspection of cultural and natural attractions. It is substantiated that the complexity of such hikes can range from simple to extremely high, and the routes are laid out in such a way as to take advantage of the advantages offered by a motorcycle for fast movement along the route. The article briefly describes the development of tourist motorcycle traffic in the western territories of Ukraine and the problems it has encountered recently. The classification of types of motorcycles in terms of their suitability for travelling is presented. The author suggests ways to reorient the flow of motorcycle tourists to the western part of Ukraine due to the increased risk of being hit by explosive devices when travelling through the territory that was under occupation or in close proximity to the war zone. A number of attractive motorcycle tourist routes have been developed in western Ukraine during the war and post-war period. motorcycle tourism camping

Key words: motorcycle, motorcycle tourism, motorcycle route, motorcycle rental, motorcycle camping.

Римар Юрій Миколайович, кандидат економіних наук, старший викладач кафедри туризму, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка». Перспективні напрями розвитку мототуризму на західних теренах України у воєнний та поствоєнний період.

У статті визначено поняття мотоциклетного туризму як активного відпочинку, що полягає в подорожах на мотоциклі маршрутами з туристичними об'єктами. Автор аналізує основні відмінності таких мототурів від спортивного мотоциклетного туризму, орієнтованого на отримання спортивних розрядів і звань, такі як відмова від навмисного ускладнення маршруту, поділ турів на категорії складності та поєднання спортивної складової туру з оглядом культурних і природних пам'яток. Обґрунтовано, що складність таких турів може варіюватися від простої до надзвичайно високої, маршрути прокладені таким чином, щоб використовувати переваги, які надає мотоцикл для швидкого пересування по маршруту. У статті коротко описано розвиток туристичного мотоциклетного руху в Україні та проблеми, з якими він зіткнувся останнім часом. Представлено класифікацію типів мотоциклів з точки зору їхньої придатності для подорожей. Запропоновано шляхи переорієнтації потоку мототуристів на західну частину України у зв'язку з підвищеним ризиком наїзду на вибухонебезпечні предмети під час пересування територією, що перебуває під окупацією або в безпосередній близькості до зони бойових дій. У статті обґрунтовано пріоритетні напрями відновлення туризму в Україні з метою забезпечення гармонійного розвитку територій та з урахуванням цілей сталого розвитку, які мають бути враховані в процесі розвитку мотоциклетного туризму в регіоні. У воєнний та післявоєнний період на території Західної України було розроблено низку привабливих мотоциклетних туристичних маршрутів.

Ключові слова: мотоцикл, мототуризм, мотомаршрут, мотопрокат, мотокемпінг.


The driving force behind recreational activities is the recreational needs of individuals (needs for healing, relaxation and exploration), which determine the primary interest of tourists in various forms of recreation. Recreational needs arise at a certain level of social development as a result of the law of increasing human needs. This also applies to the current state of motorcycle tourism as a social phenomenon, influenced by the changes in social life in recent decades.

However, in the early part of the second decade of the 21st century, travel and opportunities for active, independent leisure were severely restricted. This was largely due to the global COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent restrictions on border crossing and movement around the world. Many trips had to be postponed because some countries declared a complete lockdown and did not allow foreigners to enter. In other cases, vaccinations were mandatory, but only with certain types of vaccines, which also prevented the planning of motorcycle trips abroad from Ukraine. On the other hand, this situation encouraged the development of domestic tourism, including motorcycle tourism.

However, the war unleashed by the Putin regime on 24 February 2022 was the second and main reason for the decline in tourism activity in Ukraine. In the first months of the Russian invasion, about 20% of Ukraine's territory came under occupation (excluding the territories occupied in 2014) [6]. Understandably, motorcycle travel was not a priority under these conditions, although the new motorcycle tourism season was just beginning. Many travel companies (not only from the occupied territories) closed or suspended their operations.

However, over time, a significant part of the occupied territories was de-occupied, the tourism business began to recover, and evacuated motorcycle owners returned to the cities. A new, unprecedented problem arose: it was impossible to leave the main asphalt roads in the occupied or close to the conflict zone of Ukraine because of landmines. This area remains densely mined, and it will take several years (or even decades) to clear it [2; 6]. Therefore, it is extremely dangerous to leave the main roads for forest or field roads. Motorcyclists often travel along forest paths and riverbanks, where there is an increased risk of encountering mines [2].

In this regard, all representatives of the tourism industry are currently concerned with the development and tourist support of motorcycle routes that pass through the part of Ukraine that was not under occupation, where there is no threat of minefields. This territory usually includes the western part of the country, in particular the Carpathian region. Based on the experience of personal experience, the author has developed a series of motorcycle routes along the roads of the Carpathians, which include sections of varying difficulty, not suitable for every motorcycle.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The issue of the development prospects of motorcycle tourism, taking into account the multivectoral influence of various factors, has been studied by Ukrainian scientists such as Kolotukha O., Hrabovsky Yu., Kilnytsky O., Zazherilo R., Cherednychenko M., Natyaganchuk E., Zigunova I. and others. The study proves that motorcycle tourism is a type of tourism in which a motorcycle serves as a means of transport. Some scholars also sometimes classify motorcycle tourism as a form of active recreation and even a type of sports tourism. In particular, researcher Kolotukha O. defines the term "motorcycle tourism" as "a type of sports tourism that involves the development of tourist routes on motorcycles and other motorised vehicles" [3]. The main feature of this type of tourism is the ability to get to the starting point of the route and return "on one's own", without the use of additional means of transport.

However, most works are devoted to general issues related to the definition of the concept and development of motorcycle tourism, and only a small number of studies deal with the specifics of the formation of motorcycle tourism and the implementation of development projects, especially in the war and post-war periods.

Objectives of the article

The purpose of the study is to identify promising areas for the development of motorcycle tourism in the western regions of Ukraine in the wartime and post-war periods.

The main material of the study

Over the past decade, Ukraine has seen a significant surge in interest in motorcycle travel as a form of active tourism. This is due to the fact that after a significant part of the economically active population, often referred to as the middle class, discovered the joy of outbound tourism with visits to popular beach holiday destinations abroad and in Ukraine, there was a need for active, self-organised travel with an educational purpose and a spirit of adventure. Various autonomous car and motorcycle trips, expeditions, safaris, etc. became popular among many representatives of these segments of the population who had sufficient financial resources. Such trips could be either long-term (lasting several days or even weeks) or short-term, for one or two days, or even in the format of a one-day weekend trip [1]. The community of active travellers who use their own transport has even coined the slang term "pokatushka" (a fun trip in a four-wheel drive car, ATV or motorcycle).

Taking into account the financial capabilities of the participants of such trips, the appropriate equipment was purchased, including minibuses, off-road vehicles, ATVs, motorcycles, bicycles, etc. This has contributed significantly to the expansion and enrichment of the recreational vehicle market in Ukraine. The number of motorcycle owners has increased significantly, as motorcycles have several advantages as a means of active travel: mobility, speed, off-road capability, load capacity, fuel efficiency, low purchase cost, low operating and storage costs [3]. The geography of motorcycle travel was constantly expanding, covering both distant countries, including round-the-world trips, and trips within Ukraine, during which travellers discovered new fascinating places and routes, extraordinary natural attractions, historical and cultural heritage sites, which Ukraine is so rich in [5]. The culture of motorcycle travel was actively developing: in almost every medium-sized town, one could find at least one group of amateur motorcyclists, and an increasing number of video and photo reports about motorcycle travel appeared on the global Internet, which became a significant factor in promoting motorcycle tourism and providing information support to newcomers who want to travel by motorcycle.

In order to assess the suitability of a particular type of motorcycle for off-road travel, a rough classification of motorcycle types is provided. In general, the entire range of motorcycles can be divided into several groups (categories, types) depending on their design features and functional purpose. For the average person unfamiliar with motorcycle tourism and motorcycles, the word "motorcycle" generally conjures up an image of a two-wheeled vehicle with an internal combustion engine, on which one or two people can sit, maintaining their balance through linear motion at high speed and changing direction by means of a horizontal handlebar connected to the moving front fork. In reality, there are several types of motorcycles and not all of them are suitable for certain operating conditions or the complexity of the route. Before describing the proposed routes, it is important to provide a classification of motorcycle types to determine which type of motorcycle is suitable for which route and which is not. This classification is by no means comprehensive; experienced motorcyclists can name many other types, subtypes and intermediate types of motorcycles, but for the sake of general understanding, consider this classification [4].

The first group or type of motorcycles consists of standard road or street motorcycles ("road" or "street"). These are not very fast motorcycles with a minimum of additional equipment and plastic fairings [7; 8], mainly intended for leisurely riding on the streets of large cities or other populated areas. They have a classic, upright seating position, but they are not very well suited to covering long distances or difficult, tiring sections of road.

The second type of motorcycle is the sportbike ("sport"). These are powerful motorcycles designed for high-speed riding, usually on special sports tracks. They have a streamlined shape, which is achieved through aerodynamic plastic fairings. They also have a streamlined seating position, with the rider leaning forward, which makes it uncomfortable to ride long distances on public roads, let alone off-road.

The third type of motorcycle includes cruisers ("cruisers"). Sometimes they are also called "choppers", although a chopper is a subclass of cruisers with an extended front fork and minimal additional equipment [7; 8]. These are heavy and powerful motorcycles designed for leisurely city-to-city travel on good, smooth asphalt roads. They do not have plastic fairings, but are made in a retro style with lots of shiny chrome-plated parts. The seats are deep and low, forcing the torso to lean back and the legs to stretch forward towards the front wheel. To reach the handlebars, they are made larger and higher. These bikes are heavy and feel unstable on dirt roads or muddy trails.

The fourth type of motorcycle is the touring motorcycle ("tourer"). These are powerful and heavy motorcycles designed for maximum comfort when travelling long distances, usually on roads with a good asphalt surface. They have a lot of additional equipment aimed at increasing comfort during the journey. They are comfortable, flat, and often have lumbar support. A subtype of this type is also the "sport-tourist" class [4], which combines the speed and power of sport motorcycles with the comfort of touring motorcycles.

The fifth type of motorcycle is the enduro ("enduro"). The name comes from the Latin 'indurare', which means to overcome, to endure, to conquer. These are motorcycles designed primarily for off-road riding: forest roads, swampy terrain, sandy paths, field tracks, and so forth [7; 8]. These are generally lightweight motorbikes with larger diameter wheels, making them taller by increasing the distance between the ground and the bottom of the engine (ground clearance). In addition, the suspension travel of the front and rear wheels is increased, making riding on uneven road surfaces more comfortable. The plastic "fairings" of these bikes are made of a special plastic that bends but does not break during the inevitable falls on rough terrain. Depending on the degree of off-road capability, these bikes can be divided into so-called "soft-enduro" bikes for easier conditions and "hard-enduro" bikes for more difficult conditions. The position here is as upright as possible, with high footrests that allow standing up when moving over rough terrain. The wheels are fitted with knobby off-road tyres. However, because of these features, long journeys on tarmac roads are not very convenient. One subtype of such motorbikes is the "touring-enduro", an intermediate class between "touring" and "enduro" motorbikes. It combines the comfort of touring motorbikes with the off-road capabilities of enduros.

The sixth type of motorcycle is motocross ("cross-country bikes") [7; 8]. These motorcycles are specifically designed for off-road use and are typically used to compete in off-road racing events. They are best suited for riding in challenging terrain with sharp turns, steep climbs, descents, jumps, etc., such as mountainous areas, but are not intended for use on public roads. They are therefore usually transported on trailers or in the back of vehicles to the venue of off-road events such as motocross races.

Summing up the results of the theoretical and practical study of the prospects for the development of motorcycle tourism in Western Ukraine during the war and post-war periods, it can be stated that this region has a significant recreational potential that can be used to organise motorcycle tours. However, changes are needed in the approach to the organisation of recreational activities in the region and improvements in infrastructure. It is important to implement policies aimed at supporting the development of motorcycle tourism, which will not only increase the investment attractiveness of recreational and tourism projects, but also have a positive impact on the region's economy. Such an approach will also make the western regions of Ukraine attractive to both domestic and foreign tourists, demonstrating the diverse tourist resources of this region [9].

In recent years, motorcycle tourism has become increasingly popular in Western Ukraine, and its prospects are really promising. These regions are now actively represented on the motorcycle tour market. However, domestic tour operators often underestimate this segment. Fortunately, non-governmental organisations, such as local professional associations and youth organisations, are acting as catalysts for the development of motorcycle tourism [6].

The development of the Ukrainian motorcycle tourism market is hindered by the low level of development of tourist and recreational infrastructure, poor road conditions, non-compliance with international accommodation standards, unsatisfactory state of historical and architectural heritage, etc. However, it is important to remember that the western regions of Ukraine have the potential to become attractive destinations for motorcycle tourism. A description of several attractive routes for motorcycle tourism in the western region is given in Table 1.

With the expected influx of motorcycle enthusiasts to the Ukrainian Carpathians, travel companies, especially those that have experienced a decline in the number of customers due to the conflict, may want to consider building and maintaining the necessary infrastructure in advance. This will allow them to gain a competitive advantage in the Ukrainian tourism market.

1. One of the areas of development of motorcycle tourism focused on travel in the Carpathians could be the creation of a tourist branch of a company specialising in motorcycle rental for such tours. To do this, it is necessary to purchase 3-5 affordable enduro bikes, place them in rented premises (garages) within Lviv or the suburban area, and organise the selection and equipment of small tourist groups interested in travelling in the Carpathian region. By offering motorbikes for rent, the tour operator frees its customers from the need to transport their own vehicles from remote eastern, central or southern regions of the country, saving them additional costs. It also simplifies the selection of the necessary equipment, which can also be rented. The tour operator can also provide guide and trip organiser services, leading the group on one of the rented motorcycles. In the case of a large group, a support vehicle with spare parts and materials can be added to make travelling on difficult sections of the route easier. Inexpensive Chinese enduro motorcycle models, such as the SPARK SP250D-1, costing up to 1,500 USD, or more powerful and reliable mid-range Chinese enduro motorcycles, such as the VOGE 300 Rally, costing up to 3,500 USD, can be rented [10].

2. Another area for the development of motorcycle tourism may be the construction of budgetary temporary accommodation facilities for motorcycle tourists, namely motorcycle camps. Despite the fact that an intense flow of motorcycle tourists travelling to the western region of Ukraine and further to European countries was formed long before the conflict began, not a single tourist campsite has appeared near Lviv since then. Here, travellers could pitch tents or park caravans, providing for their own needs as autonomously as possible during the journey, while having access to amenities such as hot and cold water, electricity, gas, internet, etc. Although there are many hotels, hostels and other accommodation options in the city itself, including private accommodation, staying in such establishments within the city, especially during the peak tourist season, is not always cost-effective. In addition, there is a certain category of travellers, especially motorcyclists, who prefer to spend their holidays in a campsite rather than a hotel. Therefore, to meet the needs of such travellers, market players can organise the opening and operation of small seasonal campsites around Lviv or other cities in western regions of Ukraine, including resort centres such as Skhidnytsia or Truskavets.

One of the possible locations for such a campsite could be the area near the Lypovi Rosy residential complex between the villages of Lypnyky and Porshna, 12 km from Lviv. The leased area should be fenced with metal mesh, and portable toilets and showers should be installed. Water (which can be brought from the nearest sources in Rakovets) and electricity should be provided, as well as a kitchen unit and several washing machines. In addition, space should be provided for vehicle maintenance. The fenced area should be divided into plots to accommodate 10-20 travelling crews, who, for a small fee, can drive into the rented plot and set up a tent to stay for one or more nights near the city, possibly taking in the sightseeing during the day.

Table 1

Description of motorbike routes in the western region

Name of motorcycle travel routes

Description of motorcycle travel routes

Route 1.

Lviv - Pustomyty - Shchyrets - Medenychi - Truskavets - Boryslav - Skhidnytsia - Urych - Pidhorodtsi - "Carpathian Sea" - Pidhorodtsi - Krushelnytsia - Verkhnie Synovydne - Stryi - Lviv.

This is a one-day route based in Lviv. From Lviv to

Boryslav, motorcyclists ride on a well-paved road with little car traffic. The route takes place during daylight hours in late spring, summer or early autumn. It is suitable for almost all types of motorcycles listed above. However, motocross motorcycles may have some difficulty overcoming the rocky terrain when approaching the "Carpathian Sea". Owners of such motorcycles can leave their vehicles near the asphalt road and walk 1.5-2 km to the mentioned attractions or ride as passengers on suitable motorcycles of other tour participants.

Route 2.

Skhidnytsia - Urych - Pidhorodtsi - "Carpathian Sea" - Pidhorodtsi - Krushelnytsia - Korchyn - Gurkalo Waterfall - Krushelnytskyi Waterfall - Pidhorodtsi - Sopit Waterfall - Lazny Waterfall - Rybnyk - Novy Kropyvnyk - Skhidnytsia

This is a one-day route based in Skhidnytsia, a famous balneological resort in the Lviv region. The route runs mainly on mountainous gravel roads and is therefore unsuitable for sport, cruiser and heavy touring motorcycles. The route lasts one day and includes visits to four waterfalls and riding along rivers or streams, so it can be considered a water motorcycle route.

Route 3.

Lviv - Pustomity - Shchyrets - Medenychi - Truskavets - Boryslav - Skhidnytsia - Urych - Pidhorodtsi - "Carpathian Sea" - Pidhorodtsi - Krushelnytsia - Verkhnie Synovydne - Dubyna - Kamianka - Sukil - Kozakivka - Bubnyshche - Rocks of Dovbush - Bolekhiv - Stryi - Lviv

The first part of the route repeats route 1 up to the exit onto the Kyiv - Chop highway in Verkhnie Synovydne. This route requires two daylight days to complete. Due to the significant amount of steep mountain roads, it is best suited for enduro and tour-enduro motorcycles. Motocross motorcycles may be most comfortable on the more challenging parts of the route, but they may need to be transported in a trailer attached to an all-wheel-drive support vehicle on the asphalt sections.

Route 4.

Lviv - Velykyi Liubin - Rudky - Sambir - Staryi Sambir - Rozluch - Turka - Uzhok Pass - Volosianka - Zhornava - Kostryna - Velykyi Bereznyi - Perechyn - Simer - Turi Remety - Svaliavka - Oleniovo - Ploske - Polyana - Uklyn - Verkhnia Grabivnytsia - Pidpolozzia - Nyzhni Vorota - Bilasovytsia - Veretsky Pass - Matkiv - Verkhnie Vysotske - Nyzhnie Vysotske - Borynia - Turka - Sambir - Rudky - Lviv

This is a two-day route with one overnight stay that starts and ends in Lviv. Initially, on the section from Lviv to Staryi Sambir, the road goes almost straight across the flat western part of the Lviv Oblast. Given the condition of the road surface along the entire route, it can be argued that any type of motorcycle listed above will cope with this journey. As for off-road vehicles, for which there are very few off-road sections on the route, it may be advisable to take them as escorts for those off-road enthusiasts who have the desire and skills to ride on two wheels to places where the main part of the group will walk, leaving the motorcycles before difficult sections of the route (for example, to the source of the Dniester).

Route 5.

Lviv - Velikyi Liubin - Rudky - Sambir - Staryi

Sambir - Rozluch - Turka - Uzhok Pass - Volosianka - Zhornava - Kostryna - Velykyi Bereznyi - Perechyn - Nevytske Castle - Uzhhorod - Serednie - Mukachevo - Chynadiieve - Nyzhni Vorota - Volovets - Volovets

Pass -Pylypets - Mizhhiria - Synevyr Pass - Synevyr Lake - Mizhhiria - Soimy - Torun Pass - Vyshkiv

Pass - Vyhoda - Dolyna - Bolekhiv - Stryi - Lviv

This motorbike route lasts three days with two overnights, starting and ending in Lviv. The initial part of the route from Lviv to Perechyn follows Route 4. Considering the road conditions, daily mileage and pace of travel, this route is suitable for almost all types of motorcycles mentioned above, except for motocross motorcycles designed for heavy off-road use, as there are few such sections along the route.

Source: compiled by the author

All structures on the campsite should be mobile, not stationary, so that they can be disassembled and taken to storage at the end of the season for reuse in the next season. The electricity supply of the campsite should be as autonomous as possible, based on renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power plants. Portable generators can be used for critical energy needs. Waste generated at the campsite should be disposed of by specialised companies with whom the relevant agreements have been concluded. Students of the Department of Tourism at Lviv Polytechnic National University or other higher education institutions can be engaged as service personnel to support the operation of such a campsite, thus gaining the necessary experience in managing the tourism business and additional income.

In addition, it is possible to combine the offer of motorcycle rental with the offer of creating a seasonal motorcycle campsite by placing storage and maintenance facilities for rented motorcycles directly on the campsite.


Thus, a promising area for the development of tourism, in particular motorcycle tourism, in Western Ukraine is the reorientation of tourist flows to travel to the Carpathian region, which has suffered the least from armed conflicts and does not have significant destruction and danger from mined areas and unexploded ordnance. To do this, tourism market players should actively focus on building the necessary tourism infrastructure aimed at providing budget hospitality services for both car and motorcycle tourists who want to travel as autonomously as possible. They should also focus on organising and supporting motorcycle tours in the Carpathian region. This includes the development of vehicle rental and tourist equipment needed for such trips.


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  • The value of domestic tourism for the Russian economy: an increase in jobs in hotels, restaurants, food industry and transport. Stages of development of domestic tourism in post-revolutionary and Soviet periods. Treatment, athletic and business tourism.

    реферат [20,0 K], добавлен 04.03.2012

  • The Olympic Games have a very long history. It is old tradition in the world of sports. The Olympic Games take place every four years. The Olympic Games Committee decides the place of the Olympic Games and the sports that the athletes will compete in.

    реферат [18,6 K], добавлен 04.07.2013

  • A specific feature of services. The main form of supply of services abroad. A need for international regulation of trade in services. Operations on foreign tourism. International tourism as a form of foreign economic activity. World Tourism Organization.

    реферат [1,2 M], добавлен 30.09.2014

  • Historical development in travel and tourism industry, its structure. The impact of national economic policy in Scotland for success in this area. The function of government, state bodies in the industry. Factors affecting tourism demand in the country.

    реферат [13,2 K], добавлен 11.11.2015

  • Basejumping - extreme sport, which uses a special parachute to jump from fixed objects: building, antenna, span. Hamboards kind of extreme sport, which is a symbiosis of surfing with skateboarding. Features of such sports as free ride, zorbing, encierro.

    презентация [722,3 K], добавлен 09.11.2013

  • История возникновения системы Rotel – путешествия в передвижных автобусах-гостиницах. Обустройство и типы номеров. Формирование туристических групп Rotel Tours, хранение багажа. Приготовление завтраков и состав меню туристов, спектр посещаемых мест.

    презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 23.02.2015

  • Finland is a wonderful Nordic country and a priority of tourists which can estimate the nature. Progress of eco-tourism in Finland. The unique lakes and wildelife are objectives of travelers. New Year in Finland, which is the home of Santa Claus.

    презентация [1,5 M], добавлен 17.06.2013

  • Official statistics of tourism in Switzerland. Notable tourist destinations: Alpine (Grisons, Engadin, Davos, Wildhaus, Jungfrau, Grindelwald, Zermatt) and Cities (Zurich, Bern, Lucerne, Basel, Geneva, Lausanne, Canton Ticino, Locarno, Lugano, Ascona).

    реферат [2,3 M], добавлен 13.03.2015

  • General information about geography and population of Canada. Ontario as one of the provinces of the country. Place of the tourism in the economy of Quebec. Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre. Natural beauty of British Columbia. The Vancouver Maritime Museum.

    контрольная работа [4,0 M], добавлен 30.09.2012

  • Paintballing is one of the most popular outdoor participation sports around. Dress of paintball, the paintball guns used by Paintballgame. Rules in Paintball, team death match, two flags game. The basic cooperation is necessary in this game type.

    реферат [12,7 K], добавлен 26.12.2009

  • Psychology of the incentive. Benefits of Incentive Travel. Group and Individual Incentives. Cruise Incentives. Travel incentives are a reward subset of an incentive, recognition or a loyalty program. The growing importance of religious tourism.

    реферат [19,3 K], добавлен 26.12.2013

  • Теоретичні підходи щодо технології й організації подорожей на СПА-курортах. Характеристика визначних СПА-курортiв на міжнародному ринку. Дослідження туристично-рекреаційної галузі в діяльності підприємства "Rainbow Tours". Аналіз перспективних напрямів.

    курсовая работа [626,2 K], добавлен 28.11.2012

  • Consideration of geographical location, topography, climatic conditions in Argentina. Introduction to the country's main tourist attractions - museums in Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls. Walking through the city of Mendoza and hiking in the Andes mountains.

    презентация [8,7 M], добавлен 02.12.2011

  • Анализ всего цикла стандартного обслуживания гостей, начиная от бронирования номера и заканчивая расчетом за проживание. Виды гарантированного бронирования. Предложения по совершенствованию обслуживания гостей в гостинице BEST WESTERN "Севастополь".

    курсовая работа [56,3 K], добавлен 01.05.2015

  • Территория развлекательного комплекса Disneyland Resort. Main street USA - главная улица Диснейленда, ее развлекательные мероприятия. Часть парка AdventureLand, полная сюрпризов и экзотики далеких стран. Главная достопримечательность Critter Country.

    презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 21.02.2015

  • Kent is county in South East England. Visit in a cathedral as to meet face to face with the charm and magic of architecture. The Cathedral’s history. Naves is the main body of the church. The Childhood home of Anne Boleyn. The gardens of the rose.

    презентация [51,0 M], добавлен 27.05.2015

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