The role of tourism industry growth in attaining sustainable development goals in a modern globalized world
Exploring of the effects of socioeconomic growth in the tourism industry to attain sustainable development goals in the contemporary globalized environment. Negative effects for the environment from rapid tourism growth. Tourism potential of Ukraine.
Рубрика | Спорт и туризм |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 08.01.2024 |
Размер файла | 234,3 K |
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Размещено на
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
A.M. Verhun, J.A. Bondarchuk
tourism sustainable development environment
This article seeks to explore the effects of socioeconomic growth in the tourism industry to attain sustainable development goals in the contemporary globalized environment. A study on tourism as one of the fastest growing industries has revealed that modern tourism, an important area in foreign economic activity of many countries and a highly profitable sector, is a complex intersectoral phenomenon that contributes to tackling a number of critical economic and social issues. It is argued that tourism development promotes further integration and spurs international specialization. However, it is noted that rapid tourism growth might generate negative effects for the environment: soil and ocean pollution, climate change, inefficient use of energy sources, destruction of natural monuments, biodiversity loss, etc. In the context of this study, tourism is viewed as a promising management tool able to consolidate resources to meet economic, social and aesthetic needs along with preserving cultural identity, basic environmental processes, biodiversity and life support systems. Thus, the findings provide a rationale to assert that tourism boosting strategies should rely on sustainable development. It is emphasized that sustainable tourism development concept, in full compliance with the principles of harmonious development, is difficult to implement, however it is an ideal, a landmark that should be pursued. Despite the fact that over 4.2 million tourists visited Ukraine in 2021, the current tourism potential is yet to be further unlocked (the share of tourism industry in Ukraine's GDP makes only 1.5 2.5%). Among the key barriers to enhancing the tourism sector growth in Ukraine are the global CO VID-19 pandemic as well as a range of managerial, economic, social, environmental and cultural factors. The study presents an overview on the recommendations of the Global Tourism Crisis Committee plan to restore the global tourism industry with a particular focus to attain sustainable development goals and the use of opportunities for transition to a circular economy.
Keywords: tourism industry; sustainable development; globalization; sustainable tourism development concept; socioeconomic development of tourism industry; negative effects from tourism development.
Антоніна М. Вергун, Юлія А. Бондарчук
Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, Україна
Статтю присвячено дослідженню ролі соціально-економічного розвитку індустрії туризму в досягненні цілей сталого розвитку в сучасному глобалізованому світі. При дослідженні феномену туризму, як однієї з галузей, яка найбільш стрімко розвивається, встановлено, що сучасний туризм, як важлива сфера зовнішньоекономічної діяльності багатьох країн, є складним міжгалузевим комплексом, що забезпечує вирішення найважливіших економічних та соціальних завдань і належить до високоприбуткових галузей економіки. Підкреслюється, що розвиток туризму сприяє подальшому поглибленню процесу інтеграції і міжнародної спеціалізації. Разом з тим зазначається, що активний розвиток туризму має свої негативні наслідки для природного середовища: забруднення ґрунтів і океанів, зміна клімату, неефективне використання джерел енергії, руйнація пам 'яток природи, знищення біорізноманіття тощо. Туризм розглядається як напрям, який здатен консолідувати управління всіма ресурсами в такий спосіб, що економічні, соціальні й естетичні потреби можуть задовольнятися за одночасного збереження культурної самобутності, основних екологічних процесів, біологічної різноманітності і систем підтримки життя. Тобто впевнено можна стверджувати, що розвиток туризму має здійснюватися на засадах сталого розвитку. Наголошується, що концепція розвитку сталого туризму, з повним дотриманням принципів гармонійного розвитку, є складною в реалізації, але водночас вона є ідеалом, орієнтиром, до якого варто прагнути. Незважаючи на те, що протягом 2021 року Україну відвідало більше ніж 4,2 млн туристів, туристичний потенціал України на сьогоднішній день розкрито не повністю (частка туристичної галузі в структурі ВВП країни - 1,5-2,5%). Визначено, що основними перешкодами розвитку туристичного сектору в Україні є глобальна пандемія, спричинена COVID-19, а також певні чинники управлінського, економічного, соціального, екологічного та культурного характеру. Здійснено огляд рекомендацій Глобального кризового комітету з туризму щодо плану відновлення світової індустрії туризму, серед яких чільне місце посідають рекомендації щодо цілей сталого розвитку та використання можливості переходу до циркулярної економіки.
Ключові слова: індустрія туризму; сталий розвиток; глобалізація; концепція розвитку сталого туризму; соціально-економічний розвиток індустрії туризму; негативні наслідки розвитку туризму.
Антонина Н. Вергун, Юлия А. Бондарчук
Киевский национальный университет технологий и дизайна, Украина
Статья посвящена исследованию роли социально-экономического развития индустрии туризма в достижении целей устойчивого развития в современном глобализированном мире. При исследовании феномена туризма, как одной из наиболее стремительно развивающихся отраслей, установлено, что современный туризм, как важная сфера внешнеэкономической деятельности многих стран, является сложным межотраслевым комплексом, обеспечивающим решение важнейших экономических и социальных задач и относящийся к высокодоходным отраслям экономики. Подчёркивается, что развитие туризма способствует дальнейшему углублению процесса интеграции и международной специализации. Вместе с тем отмечается, что активное развитие туризма имеет свои негативные последствия для природной среды: загрязнение почв и океанов, изменение климата, неэффективное использование источников энергии, разрушение памятников природы, уничтожение биоразнообразия. Туризм рассматривается как направление, способное консолидировать управление всеми ресурсами таким образом, что экономические, социальные и эстетические потребности могут удовлетворяться при одновременном сохранении культурной самобытности, основных экологических процессов, биологического разнообразия и систем поддержания жизни. То есть уверенно можно утверждать, что развитие туризма должно осуществляться на основе устойчивого развития. Отмечается, что концепция развития устойчивого туризма, с полным соблюдением принципов гармоничного развития, является сложной в реализации, но в то же время - это идеал, ориентир, к которому следует стремиться. Несмотря на то, что в течение 2021 года Украину посетило более 4,2 млн туристов, туристический потенциал Украины на сегодняшний день раскрыт не полностью (доля туристической отрасли в структуре ВВП страны - 1,5-2,5%). Определено, что основными препятствиями развития туристического сектора в Украине является глобальная пандемия, вызванная COVID-19, а также факторы управленческого, экономического, социального, экологического и культурного характера. Осуществлён обзор рекомендаций Глобального кризисного комитета по туризму по плану восстановления мировой индустрии туризма, среди которых ведущее место занимают рекомендации по целям устойчивого развития и использованию возможности перехода к циркулярной экономике.
Ключевые слова: индустрия туризма; устойчивое развитие; глобализация; концепция развития устойчивого туризма; социально-экономическое развитие индустрии туризма; негативные последствия развития туризма.
The current stage of human development is characterized by the strengthening of intercultural communication and the active development of tourism. Tourism received intensive development only in the second half of the XX century, during the rapid development of technology, technology and public relations. Modern tourism is a complicated intersectoral complex that provides solutions to major economic and social problems and is one of the most profitable sectors of the economy, the most dynamically developing, being an important part of foreign economic activity of many countries. This industry attracts about 8.8 trillion US dollars in financial turnover and creates about 334 million jobs. For a third of the countries participating in the tourism market, revenues from tourism are the main item of budget revenues, and in 80 countries they are among the top five budget-generating items [1].
But despite the dynamic development and growth of the economy, it also has negative consequences for the environment: pollution of soils and oceans, climate change, inefficient use of energy sources, destruction of natural monuments, destruction of biodiversity, etc.
The real impact of tourism on the environment remains hidden due to the fact that transport, hotel and restaurant business are perceived as separate sectors of the service sector, rather than as interconnected components of a single complex, whose main task is to meet the growing needs of tourism.
The growing importance of tourism and the exacerbation of problems associated with its development, make us talk about the need for changes and the search for new vectors of development. This has led to numerous attempts to adapt the main provisions and principles of the concept of sustainable development in the context of tourism.
The role and importance of tourism for the development of the country's economy is reflected in the works of domestic and foreign researchers such as N.V. Buntova [2], V.A. Yevtushenko [3], M.S. Rakhman [3], I.I. Sichka, D.V. Mangushev [3], S.A. Tsyganov [2] and many others.
Socio-economic direction of tourism development and its role in achieving sustainable development goals is given considerable attention in the documents of international organizations, including the State Agency for Tourism Development (SATD) [1], the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) [4], the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) [5], the International Economic Association (IEA) [6] and others. These trends of significant impact of the development of the market of tourist services on the economy of many countries underline the relevance of our study.
Despite the relevance of the study, a number of aspects of this issue remain insufficiently studied and need further research, namely in the analysis of the impact of socio-economic development of tourism on achieving sustainable development goals, especially during the COVID19 pandemic.
The aim of the article is to study the relationship between socio-economic development of the tourism industry in achieving the goals of sustainable development in today's globalized world.
Results of the research
The rapid development of tourism contributes to the development of many sectors of the economy: trade, transport, consumer services, production of consumer goods, agriculture, construction and others. To meet the needs of tourists, the level of which is constantly growing in modern conditions of development, it is necessary to study the whole set of industries that produce goods or services that contribute to the maximum saturation of the tourism market.
It should be noted that the first attempt to define sustainable tourism was made in 1988 by the World Tourism Organization. Sustainable tourism was seen as a direction that leads to the management of all resources in such a way that economic, social and aesthetic needs can be met while preserving cultural identity, basic environmental processes, biodiversity and life support systems.
Efforts to develop the principles of sustainable tourism have significantly intensified since the adoption of the “Agenda for the XXI century” [7]. Tourism has not been included as a separate section in this policy paper, which covers various aspects of the sustainable development of the world community. Nevertheless, the 21st Century Agenda has argued that the tourism industry has enormous potential and can make a constructive contribution to the sustainable development of all regions of the world.
An important step was done with the development in 1996 of the World Tourism Organization, the World Travel and Tourism Council and the Earth Council of its own “Agenda for the XXI Century in the Travel and Tourism Industry”. In addition, a number of other international instruments were adopted during the 1990s. In particular, the International Conference on Tourism, held in Lancero (Canary Islands) in 1995, adopted the “Charter on Sustainable Tourism”. In April 1999, a decision of the UN General Assembly and the UN Commission on Sustainable Development approved the “International Program for Sustainable Tourism”. In the same year, the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism was adopted in Santiago, Chile. All these documents in one way or another reveal the environmental, economic and social components of sustainable tourism development. The development of tourism, as stated in the Charter on Sustainable Tourism, must be based on the criteria of sustainability. This means that it is environmentally friendly for a long period of time, economically viable, and ethically and socially just and equitable to local communities”.
This is especially relevant for Ukraine, a country with enormous tourist and recreational potential, which has high hopes for the tourism sector of the economy. Ukraine now has the opportunity to develop the tourism industry on a sustainable basis. Of course, the concept of sustainable tourism development, in full compliance with the principles of harmonious development, is difficult to implement, but at the same time it is an ideal, a guideline to be pursued.
Resort and recreational areas of our state are about 9.1 million hectares, i.e. 15% of the territory. Approximately 17 million foreigners visit Ukraine each year, most of them CIS nationals and a third from the EU. According to the World Tourism Organization, Ukraine's share in European tourism flows is about 4%, as well as about 0.9% in European revenues from tourism [8].
Despite the restrictions on Covid-19, citizens of different countries actively visited Ukraine in 2021. The number of foreigners who crossed the border of our country in 2021, compared to 2020, increased by 26.3% and amounted to almost 4.271 million people.
The list of countries from which the largest number of people came to Ukraine and the number of visitors is shown in Fig. 1 [8].
As for Ukrainians, 14.7 million of our compatriots crossed the border last year. TOP directions are shown in Fig. 2 [8].
According to the SATD [1], 56% of Ukrainians, planning their vacation abroad, used the help of tourism service providers - tour operators and travel agencies. 44% planned their travels on their own. During the last year, 18% of citizens travelled abroad at least once.
When asked about the countries of the last trip abroad, the respondents mostly mentioned European countries - 42%, Turkey - 28% and Egypt - 21%. Another 5% visited the countries of the former Soviet Union; 2% travelled to Asia and Africa, but the states of North and South America, as well as the Arab countries were visited by 1% of our citizens.
Fig. 1 List of countries from which the 1 argest number of people came to Ukraine
Fig. 2 Top travel destinations of Ukrainians
Although the tourist potential of Ukraine is not fully revealed nowadays (the share of the tourism industry in the structure of GDP - 1.5-2.5%). The main obstacles to the development of the tourism sector in Ukraine are mainly factors of managerial, economic, social, environmental and cultural nature.
Thus, we can conclude that the development of tourism within the concept of sustainable development should take place on the basis of environmental, economic and social components.
The socio-economic component of tourism is manifested in the following functions: profitable function of tourism; foreign economic function of tourism; employment promotion function; leveling tourism function.
The profitable function of tourism is that tourism attracts funds, their rapid turnover, intensifies investment processes, has a positive effect on the development of other sectors of the economy.
The foreign economic function of tourism is the contribution of tourism in the formation of the national balance of payments. The tourism industry receives a particular importance for the economies in a situation of trade deficit and lack of its own raw materials and fuel resources.
The function of promoting employment is that in the field of tourism there is a constant demand for labor, which largely solves the problem of unemployment. In Austria, for example, the tourist service sector employs more than 140,000 people, or 4.5% of the total number of people employed in all sectors of the economy. Tourism helps to solve the problem of employment, both directly and indirectly.
Direct effect of employment is workers employed in hotel, transport, resort and sanatorium facilities working in travel agencies, i.e. work is directly related to tourist services. Indirect effect of employment is workers employed in sectors working in the field of tourism (agriculture, construction, production of goods for tourists, etc.).
The equalizing function of tourism is manifested in the fact that the creation of tourism enterprises in economically weak regions or countries provides an additional source of income for local people, reduce the outflow of more developed regions, strengthen the economic position of this region compared to other, more resourceful or industrial potential. Due to revenues from tourism in such regions and countries, related industries are being developed, living standards are rising and economic activity is intensifying.
Thus, it can be argued that the development of the tourism industry contributes to the goals of sustainable development by influencing social, economic and environmental indicators. In other words, the tourism industry allows to ensure the harmonization and combination of social, economic and environmental goals, their implementation in a particular area (country, region) [9].
The social component of sustainable development is human-oriented and aimed at maintaining the stability of social and cultural systems. An important aspect of this approach is the equitable distribution of wealth, as well as the preservation of cultural capital and diversity on a global scale, the fuller use of sustainable development practices that exist in non-dominant cultures.
The economic impact of tourism is accompanied by a strong socio-cultural impact. Tourism is a social factor of recreation, health, mutual understanding between people, access to historical and cultural values of personal development, political stability, social balance.
Modern tourism has an active influence on the development of the social sphere, promoting employment, preservation and development of cultural potential, rational leisure and restoration of reproductive potential. The territory of the region is becoming more and more attractive for living and running a tourism business.
From an ecological point of view, sustainable development must ensure the integrity of biological and physical natural systems, the viability of ecosystems on which the global stability of the entire biosphere depends. Degradation of depleted natural resources, environmental pollution and loss of biodiversity reduce the ability of ecological systems to reproduce themselves.
Reconciling the various components (environmental, social, economic) and confirming them with concrete measures that are a means of achieving sustainable development is an extremely difficult task, as all three elements of sustainable development must be considered in a balanced way.
However, with the development of tourism, not only positive but also negative consequences are possible, which are summarized in table 1.
Undoubtedly, the strongest factor that has significantly slowed down the development of the industry is the coronavirus pandemic. In 2019, the contribution of tourism to the world economy was 10.4% or $ 9.2 trillion. In 2020, the sector lost almost $ 4.5 trillion, and its contribution to world GDP fell by 49%. At the same time, the overall slowdown in the world economy was 3.7%. In 2020, almost 62 million or 18.5% of jobs in the tourism sector were reduced. Now the number in the industry is 272 million. The threat of losing even more jobs remains, as many of them are supported by government assistance programs to the industry [9].
Table 1
Consequences of tourism development
Benefits |
Loss |
Economic consequences |
1. Expanding participation in the international labour division. 2. Use of local resources. 3. Attracting foreign capital and receiving income in foreign currency. 4. Growth of local business turnover. 5. Structural changes in the national production of goods and services. 6. Increasing the number of employees. 7. Tax revenues to the state treasury. 8. Growth of personal income. 9. Balance of regional disparities. 10. Creating the economic image of the country abroad. |
1. Leakage of “hard” currency. 2. Growth of imports. 3. Outflow from traditional spheres of employment. 4. Seasonal employment. 5. Inflation. 6. Power usurpation by foreign companies. 7. Dependence on the political situation, international economic conditions, fashion. 8. The emergence of economic crises and imbalances in development. |
Sociocultural consequences |
1. Leveling language, social, class, religious barriers. 2. Improving the education level. 3. Preservation of works of art and traditions. 4. Access to information. |
1. Negative attitude of local residents. 2. Creating stereotypes. 3. The effect of demonstration (imitation in consumption). 4. Commercialization of culture, religion, art. 5. The growth of social problems. 6. Changes in social culture. |
Environmental |
consequences |
1. Creation of national parks and reserves. |
1. Environmental pollution. 2. Degradation of landscapes. 3. Withdrawal of agricultural land from circulation. |
In response to COVID-19, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has established the Global Crisis Committee on Tourism [4] (hereinafter referred to as the Committee), which includes WHO (World Health Organization), ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) and the IMO (International Maritime Organization). The private sector is represented by Airport Council International (ACI), Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the World Tourism and Tourism Council (WTTC) [5]. The Committee develops a sector recovery plan, prepares a Recovery Technical Assistance Package, and provides leadership in helping governments take action to protect the community and protect the most vulnerable members of society.
The Committee has published the first package of recommendations for urgent use by governments and the private sector in three main areas [4], among which measures to achieve the goals of sustainable development are prominent:
1. Crisis management and mitigation. Recommendations include job retention, support for self-employed workers, liquidity, skills development and tax review, fees and travel and tourism regulations.
2. Provide incentives and speed up recovery, including the provision of financial incentives, including favorable tax policies, the lifting of travel restrictions as soon as the situation allows, the facilitation of visas, marketing and consumer confidence. The recommendations also provide the definition of tourism at the heart of national recovery policies and action plans.
3. Preparing for the future. It is recommended to pay more attention to the contributions of the tourism sector in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development and to form resilience to learning from the lessons of the current crisis.
The recommendations call on governments and private sector actors to develop preparedness plans and use this opportunity to move to a circular economy.
Summarizing the above, it can be noted that tourism occupies an important place in the economic complex of the country, regions, individual cities and in the world economic system. The development of tourism contributes to the further deepening of the process of integration and international specialization. It is necessary to pay serious attention to the tourism industry as a large sector of the economy, as the interdependence of the system that affects economic and social processes in society. The degree of economic development of domestic tourism is currently estimated by the share in the gross domestic product of the country and its share in the revenue side of the budget.
However, tourism is a specific area where economic benefits and social roles must be complementary, i.e. tourism must be highly profitable, while successfully fulfilling its important social and cultural role, while maintaining the viability of ecosystems for global sustainable development.
References Література
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реферат [13,2 K], добавлен 11.11.2015The value of domestic tourism for the Russian economy: an increase in jobs in hotels, restaurants, food industry and transport. Stages of development of domestic tourism in post-revolutionary and Soviet periods. Treatment, athletic and business tourism.
реферат [20,0 K], добавлен 04.03.2012A specific feature of services. The main form of supply of services abroad. A need for international regulation of trade in services. Operations on foreign tourism. International tourism as a form of foreign economic activity. World Tourism Organization.
реферат [1,2 M], добавлен 30.09.2014Tourism as an invisible export. The British Tourist Authority and the English Tourism Council. The competition between National Bus and private companies. The Act about wholesale de-regulation. The Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations.
презентация [785,1 K], добавлен 31.03.2014Finland is a wonderful Nordic country and a priority of tourists which can estimate the nature. Progress of eco-tourism in Finland. The unique lakes and wildelife are objectives of travelers. New Year in Finland, which is the home of Santa Claus.
презентация [1,5 M], добавлен 17.06.2013Official statistics of tourism in Switzerland. Notable tourist destinations: Alpine (Grisons, Engadin, Davos, Wildhaus, Jungfrau, Grindelwald, Zermatt) and Cities (Zurich, Bern, Lucerne, Basel, Geneva, Lausanne, Canton Ticino, Locarno, Lugano, Ascona).
реферат [2,3 M], добавлен 13.03.2015General information about geography and population of Canada. Ontario as one of the provinces of the country. Place of the tourism in the economy of Quebec. Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre. Natural beauty of British Columbia. The Vancouver Maritime Museum.
контрольная работа [4,0 M], добавлен 30.09.2012Psychology of the incentive. Benefits of Incentive Travel. Group and Individual Incentives. Cruise Incentives. Travel incentives are a reward subset of an incentive, recognition or a loyalty program. The growing importance of religious tourism.
реферат [19,3 K], добавлен 26.12.2013Culture Shock is a "normal" reaction when we are confronted with unfamiliar surroundings and environment. The symptoms of this phenomenon, its manifestations and consequences. Basic tips about how to cope with culture shock to reduce its impact.
презентация [651,2 K], добавлен 22.04.2015History of sports betting. The "cash out" option in sports betting. The main determinants of the betting process. To test the hypothesis that the risk-aversion as the factor that makes individuals accept the amount to "cash out" proposed by a bookmaker.
дипломная работа [651,3 K], добавлен 04.11.2015London is the British capital and one of the biggest cities in the world. Sightseeing of the city - Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, museums and galleries, the Palace of Westminster. History Trafalgar Square, St. Paul's Cathedral.
презентация [2,4 M], добавлен 21.05.2015Sights of cities of Germany. The fall of the Berlin Wall. The Reichstag building. New Synagogue - one of the greatest synagogues in the world. The Brandenburg Gate. Hamburg for Germany is its gate in the world. Munich is the capital city of Bavaria.
презентация [7,0 M], добавлен 11.11.2011"Ferrari World Abu Dhabi" как самый большой тематический экскурсионно-развлекательный павильон в мире. Расположение парка и транспортные связи с ним. Его внутренние помещения и уникальные особенности. Обзорная экскурсия по аттракционам, детский уголок.
презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 04.10.2016The world’s most famous tennis tournament is Wimbledon. It started at a small club in south London in the nineteenth century. It begins on the nearest Monday to June 22. Some of the most well-known Wimbledon champions are: B. Becker, S. Graf, M. Seles.
презентация [2,4 M], добавлен 19.11.2014The Tower of London as one of the most imposing of London's historical sites. Westminster Abbey as one of the most attractive constructions. St Paul's Cathedral is one of the most famous buildings in the world. Trafalgar Square. The British Museum.
презентация [592,8 K], добавлен 13.04.2015I.E. Slutskaya Russian figure skater. The story of her ascent to the Olympic victory. Slutskaya winning championships in Russia and Europe, has won first place in the Grand Prix and second in the World Cup. Silver, gold and bronze medal athletes.
презентация [1,1 M], добавлен 15.10.2012История становления и развития фитнеса в Санкт–Петербурге. Коммуникационное сопровождение организации. Связь с общественностью в фитнес-клубе "World Class". Фитнес как коммерческая организация. Обзор российского рынка фитнес-услуг в Российской Федерации.
дипломная работа [3,7 M], добавлен 10.12.2013Сервіс та його основні функції. Аналіз тенденцій надання різноманітних послуг в світових готельних комплексах. Структура споживчого попиту на готельні послуги. Організація сервісного обслуговування в закладах громадського харчування та у номерах готелю.
курсовая работа [1,8 M], добавлен 22.10.2013Sport in my life. Sports in Russia. Sports in Great Britain. The Olympic Games. Sports and Healthy Way of Life. Sport is not only for champions. All over the world people of different ages are very fond of sports and games.
реферат [11,4 K], добавлен 06.06.2004Sightseeing tour of London. Attractions: Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Chapel of Henry VII, the Palace of Westminster, together with Victoria Tower and the Clock Tower - which houses the most famous clock in the world, Big Ben.
краткое изложение [18,8 K], добавлен 15.02.2011