The management of military toutism development in Ukraine

Assessment of prospects for turning the consequences of the war into a resource for restoration of the of Ukraine. Definition of conceptual directions of military tourism management. Creation of an innovative tourism cluster in the post-crisis period.

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Дата добавления 24.02.2024
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Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University

Department of Public Administration

The management of military toutism development in Ukraine

Zubar I, М. Dzevelyuk


Purpose. The aim of the article is studying the experience and substantiation of prospects for the development of military tourism in the post-war period in Ukraine and managing of its development.

Design/methodology/approach. In the process of the study, the general scientific and special methods of scientific cognition were used, which allowed taking a comprehensive approach to the solution of the setted goal.

The dialectical method of cognition was used in order to study and detail the object of study. The methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis were used to consider military tourism.

The systemic and abstractly-logical methods were used to identify the main trends in the development of military tourism.

Findings. The scientific article is devoted to the study of the prospects for ensuring the management and development of the industry of military tourism in Ukraine. war military tourism ukraine

It is noted, that the war in Ukraine demonstrates destructive socio-economic and environmental consequences in the form of large-scale destruction of settlements and their infrastructure, transformation of civilian objects into the defence installations, the emergence of new landscape formations during hostilities, the remains of projectiles and destroyed equipment, the large-scale human burial places, etc.

The attention is drawn to the prospects of turning these phenomena into the one of resources of the post-war restoration of Ukraine in the form of integrating them into the tourism industry as a military-tourist product and historically-cultural heritage.

The research has been carried out of the foreign practice of effective implementation of this perspective. It is noted, that the potential tourist flow requires the development of a concept of the development of tourism industry in the vector of innovative quality for Ukraine - military tourism.

The attention is drawn to the achievements of the scientists in studying the idea of “military tourism” in the form of use of various military facilities in tourism, which is explained by the desire and curiosity of people to visit places associated with the most important battles, events that changed the course of history, places of great trials and human grief.

Summarizing the suggestions of the scientists, the author's vision of the definition of military tourism is proposed.

The types of tourism have been diversified for military-historical, military- adventure and military event-based. A key problem in the development of military tourism is the lack of management model, in particular, an organization that would exercise control of the quality of services and safety in the sphere of military-tourism.

Practical implications. In order to maximize the economic benefits of the development of military tourism, it is proposed to identify risk factors, affecting the industry, and to develop the possible means of mitigating their consequences. A dual causal relationship has been found between the geopolitical risks present in the countries and the number of tourists and the financial revenues from tourism.

The conceptual directions have been developed of management of the sphere of military tourism in the post-crisis period, among which the basis is to achieve a “sustainable result”, which includes not only “reconstruction” to the previous state, but also “a leap forward” through training, transformation and growth.

In particular, it has been determined that the permanence of small and medium-sized tourism enterprises will depend on the personal psychological stability of managers and their attitude to a staff of an enterprise. It has been proposed to apply a differentiated approach to the development of the sphere of management of these enterprises in the directions of financial, organizational and psychological support.

Originality/value. The value of the research lies in the establishment and analysis of the cause-and-effect relationship between the opportunities for the development of the socio-economic system.

An effective tool for the practical implementation of this concept in practice is the model of creating a new tourist product - an innovative tourist cluster, which involves the unification of state administration bodies, enterprises, societies, higher educational institutions, and public organizations for the purpose of synergistic cooperation.

Key words: military tourism; the management in the military tourism sphere; functioning of the state in the tourism sphere.

Paper type: research paper.


The problem statement. The development of the tourism business is increasingly attracting attention worldwide due to its associated direct, indirect and induced economic consequences. The tourism business creates income in foreign currency, creates jobs and increases revenues of the industry. Empirical evidences shows that the development of tourism has a positive impact on gross domestic product. The development of the sphere of tourism has recently undergone a significant destructive impact in Ukraine. The occupation by the Russian Federation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and parts of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in 2014 has marked the beginning of this phenomenon, which led to a decrease in the number of tourist flows. The quarantine restrictions, associated with the pandemic COVID-19, did not reflect in the best way on the tourism sector. At the same time, this negative trend was significantly aggravated by the instability of the macroeconomic state, the lack of an effective concept of the development of tourism and the low level of solvency of most of the population [11]. The economic situation has become critical as a result of the full- scale invasion of Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. In the conditions of war in the country, tourism suffers colossal losses as in the absence of tourist flows, destruction of touristically- recreational potential, damage to material complexes, destruction of historically-cultural monuments and natural objects, damage to the infrastructure of the territories that got under occupation and suffered as a result of hostilities.

Considering the received losses, let us note, that it is tourism should be considered one of the most promising industries that will be able to quickly regenerate the lost potential in the post-war recovery period. This is confirmed by the results of research by the scientists of the experience of countries that have gone through the path of post-war recovery [1]. In such conditions, a significant role will be played by the development of tourism management in the post-war period. It should be noted, that Ukraine has significant prospects for restructuring the tourism sector with the involvement of new types of management of tourist projects, in particular, related to military actions and memory of victims. That's why the direction of management needs the special attention in the development of military tourism.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Various aspects of the development of tourism in the post-war period are devoted to the work of the domestic researchers, including N. V. Barvinok, L. V. Bezkorovaina, I. I. Vinnichenko, Yu. A. Rudnichenko, M. M. Petrushenko, A. Melnyk, A. L. Pomaza-Ponomarenko, and the foreign scientists, including M. Hrusovsky, K. Noeres, G. M. Zavarika, E. Guenther, J. Hillmann, C Lee., G. Olasehinde-Williams etc.

The scientists M. Hrusovsky and K. Noeres [15], studying this perspective on the example of the world experience, confirm that the fact of the war at its conclusion causes significant interest from both local and foreign tourists, motivated by the desire to honor the fact of the suffering of the people for their independence and the death of a large number of people. As an example is the growing demand for military tourism in Afghanistan from people visiting combat sites and former terrorist camps.

Therefore, the potential tourist flow requires the development of a concept of the development of tourism industry in the vector of innovative quality for Ukraine. Here you should pay attention to the achievements of the scientists I. I. Vynnychenko and Yu. A. Rudnichenko [3], who study the idea of “military tourism”. The scientists in their researches assert that the world has long gained popularity visiting tourists of various military objects. Such motivation and behavioral intentions of tourists can be explained by integral aspects of consumer psychology [11], which is based on the perception of emotions as a consequence of final behavior.

The research of tourism, related to motivation, often include discussion of risks, threats and uncertainties regarding crises and disasters. The motives were behind many tourist activities, used to be based on the sociality and interaction of people and places. However, as social distancing, quarantine and global travel restrictions are increasingly taking root in daily life, the ways of tourists interact are changing with people and places while travelling, which in turn shape behavioural intentions. This phenomenon is determined by the desire and curiosity of people to visit places associated with the most important battles, events that once changed the course of history, the places of great trials and grief, that have been etched into human memory forever to pay a tribute to history and its heroes. Due to the above reasons, war or military tourism can be considered as a separate prospective segment of tourism in Ukraine.

This type of tourism is very popular abroad. The leaders in this sphere are currently the USA, Israel, France, Latvia, Germany, Czech Republic, Finland, China, Sweden, Great Britain and Poland [17]. In the sphere of the development of military tourism, the fact of creating associations also unite these countries, that coordinate joint activities in this sphere. There are about 14 associations of military tourism in Europe. The same applies to the United States, which distinguished itself in the hot spots of the whole planet, and China, which buys outdated military equipment and arranges museums in it [3].

Formulation of hypotheses and setting of goals. The aim of the article is studying the experience and substantiation of prospects for the development of military tourism in the post-war period in Ukraine and managing of its development.

Methods of research. In the process of the study, the general scientific and special methods of scientific cognition were used, which allowed taking a comprehensive approach to the solution of the setted goal. The dialectical method of cognition was used in order to study and detail the object of study. The methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis were used to consider military tourism. The systemic and abstractly-logical methods were used to identify the main trends in the development of military tourism.

Presentation of the main material

The reality of the war in Ukraine demonstrates the destructive socio-economic and environmental consequences in the form of large-scale destruction of settlements and their infrastructure, the transformation of civilian objects into defense structures, the emergence of new landscape formations (funnels, burning, flood, etc.) during hostilities, the remains of shells and destroyed equipment, large-scale human burials, etc.

Despite the enormity of these facts, it is not worth rejecting the prospects of turning them into one of the resources of the post-war restoration of Ukraine, integrating them into the tourism industry as a military-tourist product and historically-cultural heritage.

Military tourism can be a significant source for replenishing state and local budgets and economic development on the whole. Ukraine has recently become significantly famous in the world, which has considerably increased the number of people who want to visit it.

In addition, foreigners have always shown significant interest in soviet military history (equipment, weapons, objects, museums, etc.) and many such historical monuments are located in Ukraine [3].

It is worth noting that in tourism studies there is no unitary approach to determining the military tourism, classification its subspecies and determining the institutional composition of management entities that will become the basis for its provision.

Barvinok N.V. in his researches of military tourism considers as “military heritage tourism” - this is travel, research or participation in visiting objects of military heritage or military events, that have personal historical significance, resonance or interest for a visitor or a tourist, and do not involve remuneration [1].

M. Hrusovsky, K. Noeres, exploring military tourism, indicate that it is a holiday that has a military background. The authors identify two components of this type of tourism: the first is everything related to military equipment and considered as a segment of adventure tourism, the second is that they concentrate on historical events and belong more to the educational segment of tourism [15].

A. Melnik defines military tourism as a type of tourism, the purpose of which is to visit the area associated with military and war actions [9].

M. P. Klyap and F. F. Shandor point to the delimitation of military tourism into military tourism, war tourism and armoury tourism. It is military tourism that the scientists interpret as a kind of tourism, the purpose of which is to visit the area associated with military and war events [7]. The concept of “war” and “military” is also distinguished by D. Kadnichansky and M. Kadnichansky, indicating that “war” tourism refers to the war associated with it and is much wider than “military”, which concerns troops and military service [6].

Summarizing the proposals of the scientists, we propose to consider military tourism as a segment of the general type of tourism, related to the use of military-historical and military objects, sites of active hostilities, objects of military engineering and technical and fortification structures and their subsequent transformation into tourist attractions by conceptualizing the use of military history, heritage and military monuments for tourist purposes.

In turn, it is necessary to take into account the difference between the resource support of these types of tourism on the basis of which military tourism can be diversified into military-historical, military- adventure and military-event-based. Military and historical tourism should include visits to defensive structures, battlefields, monuments, war graves, memorial complexes and museums. Such objects are extremely important, because they are of historical importance in preserving and honoring the memory of both the dead and the victims, and the events that took place there as a whole.

Also, memorial complexes are important objects for honoring the memory of injured civilians, whose role is to show the terrible consequences of the war and the mass character of unjust murder.

Creation of such memorial complexes in the future at Bucha, Irpen, Borodyantsya, Gostomel, Ohtirtsya, Izum, Mariupol and elsewhere should show the brutality of the war to the world. In addition, it is precisely because of the historical memory of the war events the patriotic education should take place of both young and adult generations in order to form a person endowed with civic responsibility, national consciousness, high spiritual values, family and patriotic feelings. In the post-war period, this subspecies of military tourism will be of priority.

Military adventure and military-event-based tourism involves the use of resources of the military industry and the military-industrial complex:

- Military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and their property. The use in tourist activities of existing military units and firing grounds, naval warships, submarines, riding on military equipment, gun shooting at firing grounds and shooting-ranges, participation in military exercises and maneuvers, staying at firing grounds as spectators.

Life in army conditions and participation in military training programs has good prospects in connection with the transition of the army to a contract basis. And in Vietnam, military tourism is considered the best male means for weight loss: a week of drill training in the jungle gives impressive results [8].

Many military units have museums available to visit, including tours to visit military concentration camps and prisons, which can be integrated and contextualized into military tours. The quite potential resources of military tourism are owned by the enterprises of “Ukroboronprom” in Ukraine, whose products may also interest tourists.

- Military museums. These objects are the largest repositories of national military history and attract a significant number of visitors and currently play one of the most important roles in the approval of military tourism in Europe.

- Enterprises and historical recreational associations. Associated with a specific historical time or territorial area, these associations and enterprises play a key role in pooling resources for the development of military tourism.

- Battlefields. The motivation seems obvious to attend many of these stages and can be a catalyst for well-structured commercial initiatives.

- Military construction. This includes fortifications and defensive structures, which have today been built throughout Ukraine.

- Presentations of military history are another tool for the development of military-adventure and military-event-based tourism. All historical content and its presentation should be transformed into innovative products of an entertaining educational and inspiring nature.

- Documentary collections. Huge numbers are dispersed across military institutions, organizations and units, as well as museums that play an important role in the spread of military tourism. These collections can be a strong incentive for a variety of academic and scientific research.

Military tourism as a segment of cultural tourism can be seen as the appropriation of tourist resources, namely of historical and military character, following the process of transformation of these attractions and presented in various forms of attractions with various inherent possibilities. The resources of military tourism can be turned into a series of products ranging from didactic and pedagogical activities relating to military history, interpretation, events, arrangements, visits and social activities with military personnel (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The conceptual structure of military tourism Source: formed by the authors

To promote the development of this type of tourism in the post-war period, it is worth highlighting the areas of activity that will be favorable for this process:

- support for the development of military-historical tourism by a state;

- attracting foreign investors;

- introduction of Internet-technologies to disseminate information about new objects of military- historical tourism of memory, which will contribute to greater awareness of tourists;

- creation of the maximum balance “price-quality” in the market of tourist services, which will play an important role in the development of military-historical tourism;

- creation of memory routes, which will include a number of objects of military-historical tourism;

- holding public events in memory of military events, that are aimed at patriotic education of the population on the basis of objects of military-historical tourism [1].

The lack of a management model, in particular, an organization that would monitor the quality of services and security in the military tourism sphere is remained as the problem in the development of military tourism. To do this, it is necessary to develop and introduce industry standards of the provision of services in military tourism. The introduction of relevant standards will contribute to the intensive development of the tourism industry as a whole and its component - military-patriotic tourism. With regard to the development of the latter, this is especially important, so far as it is necessary to develop principles of safety and quality of services [8].

The country has a great potential, in particular there are unique military structures of international importance in Ukraine. For example, a unique bunker in the former whereabouts of Gimmler “Hegevald” near Zhytomyr, the whereabouts of Gitler “Vervolf” near Vinnytsia. Today the attraction is not available to those who wishes to visit it, since it is located on the territory of a military unit. There are six military lines of defense on the territory of Transcarpathia, - four Hungarian: Arpada Line, Gunyadi Line, Laslo Line and Eugenyi Line, and two Czechoslovak - Benesh Line and Masarik Line. The most popular among them is the Arpada line. This is a multi-kilometer fortification, which had dozens of tunnels, barracks (rated for thousands of troops), hundreds of pill-boxes, gun-ports, anti-tank structures and even (besides - in the mountains) several military hospitals. Quite popular and even unique are museums specializing in military subjects in Ukraine.

In particular, the museum of strategic missile forces in Pervomaisk (Mykolaiv region), was founded on October 30, 2001, has only one analogue - the Strategic Aviation Museum in the USA. These and many other facilities, with the proper promotion, can annually accept tens of thousands of tourists who are ready to leave their own money for receiving appropriate services. Another problem is its promotion in the development of military tourism.

Abroad, there are associations that pay considerable attention to the issue of military tourism (created TV channels - for example, “American Heroes Channel” in the USA [14], Internet portals and websites), then there are only single companies that illegally provide services for this type of tourism in Ukraine. The first attempts started in the development of the industry of military tourism in the form of “dark tourism” in Ukraine, involving tours in places, destroyed by Russian invaders in Kyiv region - Irpen, Butcha, Gostomel, etc. The organizers aim to convey to the world the truth about the tragic events of the war in Ukraine.

Along with these, the tourist trends will include in post-war Ukraine:

- the increase of the need for recreational tourism (rest and restoration of forces by the sea or in the forest, etc.) - as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the wave of migration, caused by the war, that is, due to going beyond everyday life, afterwards stress, grief and loss;

- the increase of the popularity of relax-tours, which will help to restore the psyche of people, injured and exhausted mentally and physically from the war: servicemen, doctors, police, residents, who were in epicentre of the war and destruction;

- the growing of the interest in traditions, in trips to native, familiar places: spending weekends in nature, pottery, painting of Easter eggs, agritourism, etc. [5], [11].

In order to maximize the economic benefits that can be obtained from the development of military tourism, in the direction of ensuring the management of this sphere, first of all, it is necessary to adequately identify the risk factors affecting the industry and develop the possible means of mitigating their consequences. The investors, avoiding risks, willingly direct their resources into an industry in which forecasts suggest minimal risk and uncertainty. In addition, it is well known that everyone appreciates personal safety, naturally tries to prevent any form of threat to their personal safety.

It is also worth noting that the demand for tourist services is closely related to the availability and quality of tourist infrastructure: the places of residence of visitors, serving food and drinks, passenger transportation and travel agencies and their booking services. The results of the research by the scientists show, when a country is able to increase the volume of its tourist objects by 1 %, it should be expect an increase in financial revenues to the state budget by 0.14-0.19 %. Granger's causality was conducted in a number of countries (China, Columbia, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Ukraine) by the scientists C. Lee and G. Olasehinde-Williams [18]. This study allowed the scientists to identify a dual causal relationship between geopolitical risks present in countries, and the number of tourists and financial revenues from tourism. In the countries, undergoing geopolitical destabilization, there are often traced facts of an economic recession, which, in turn, leads to forced price-cutting in their tourism sector, as well as inflationary processes enhance the growth of exchange rate of foreign currency. These factors make holidays cheaper for foreigners. Thus, the geopolitical risks can indirectly lead to an increase in demand for tourism. This conclusion additionally corroborates our assertion that geopolitical risks affect tourism demand and the development of military tourism will be successful in Ukraine.

However, it should be noted that this factor is motivating only with a short-term nature. The longterm impact of geopolitical risks (in our case, the military aggression of the russian federation) has a negative effect on tourist demand. Consequently, the dynamic characteristics of both local and international political environment significantly affects the consumer decisions of tourists and the economic indicators of tourist destinations. This conclusion emphasizes the importance of geopolitical stability for the development of military tourism for the long term outlook, and peace and stability are the key conditions for the development of the tourism sector.

We believe that before the crisis, offering global or specific directions of the tourism sector development policy, the government and the private tourism institutions should jointly develop the concept of management of the sphere of military tourism, where to provide:

- the creation of tourism police departments, which will consist of police officers specially trained to assess the level of risk in the sector and adequately respond to the crisis;

- the creation of crisis management working groups, which will consist of representatives of the government, tourism industry and representatives of territorial communities. The target group should be devoted exclusively to managing the crisis and ensuring a full renovation.

In developing the concept of managing the sphere of military tourism, we consider the use of the term “sustainable result” correct, which is used by the foreign scientists J. Hillmann, E. Guenther [17].

The scientists, studying the post-crisis development of the tourism industry, the content of the concept “sustainable result” includes not only “recovery” to the state preceding the crisis, but also ”a leap forward” through training, transformation and growth. We can summarize the achievements of the scientists in this direction in the form of an integrated model of managing the organizational stability of military tourism (Fig. 2).

Investigating the impact of war on the tourism industry in Ukraine, the scientists K. Tomej, I. Bilynets and O. Koval [19] came to the conclusion about the general lack of readiness of travel companies for the crisis. The main reason for this is the lack of behavioral resources, such as knowledge and plans for overcoming crisis situations and the specificity of organizational reactions, in particular, the adaptability of cognitive, emotionally-regulatory and relationship resources.

Therefore, we can conclude that the organizational stability of small and medium-sized tourism enterprises depends on the personal psychological stability of managers and their attitude to a staff of an enterprise.

Fig. 2. The conceptual model of sustainable development of tourism in the war and post-war period

Source: [19], [17].

The transformation of such enterprises, as a result of experienced adversity, will allow realizing a unique vision of the future development of an enterprise in a new quality - innovative business in the industry of military tourism. This approach will have positive consequences, especially if it is included in the strategies for restoring of war- affected territories.

The tourist enterprises, transforming as a result of adversity, are becoming more sustainable and can become the impellent and support for the restoration of damaged economic structures. The use of this potential requires resource support to develop the personal sustainability of managers in the sphere of military tourism. Here the scientists K. Tomej, I. Bilynets, O. Koval [19] propose to apply a differentiated approach to the development of the sphere of management in the directions of financial, organizational and psychological support. Enterprises of the industry of military tourism with innovative and creative managers need more freedom (for example, in taxation and state regulation) for the transformation and growth, so that it will give them the opportunity to experiment with types of tourist services.

Since the war has caused serious damage to the economy, tourism and energy infrastructure, the “sustainable result” will have an effect not only in the tourism industry, but also in the organizational development of territorial communities and other spheres adjacent to tourism [19].

Accordingly, communities that have been directly affected by the war, they are also interested in the development of the sphere of military tourism, which will increase the efficiency of this sector due to the knowledge of the indigenous population. It will allow specialist-practitioners to pay attention to social needs and cultural values that have decisive importance [20].

An effective tool for the integration of the described concept in practice can be the model of creating a new tourist product - an innovative tourist cluster, proposed by L. V. Bezkorovaina [2], which provides for the unification of public administration bodies, enterprises, societies, institutions of higher education, public organizations and other promising spheres of tourism [21] for the purpose of synergistic cooperation, that provides an opportunity to respond more quickly to market requests, to take advantage of the market mechanism, effectively introduce new knowledge, innovations, scientific discoveries. The main tasks that will be set before these integrated structures are:

- uniting the efforts of specialists of various industries, societies, public organizations and scientific institutions to initiate an innovative tourist directions (military tourism) to ensure its productive development;

- increase in the number of potential tourists (foreign and domestic);

- sustainable development of domestic tourism;

- dissemination of the image of the new sector (military tourism) as a guaranteed platform for business cooperation;

- development of all industries that directly or indirectly ensure the functioning and development of the military tourism industry;

- socio-economic and cultural development of a region;

- development and implementation of relevant standards and normative legal rules on information security, that will comply with the international standards;

- ensuring interaction between different authorities and stakeholders in the implementation of the information security system [13].

Therefore, the construction of an innovative tourism cluster will allow it to become an effective tool for an effective, efficient, flexible mechanism for the development of the sphere of military tourism in Ukraine.


Summarizing the results of the carried out scientific research, it is worth noting that the industry of military tourism is innovative in the Ukrainian tourist market, although it has received the international development. The interest of tourists in the events in Ukraine makes relevant and promising this type of tourism. Military tourism continues to gain momentum abroad, but in Ukraine, with a sufficient resource base, it is still remained out of attention. This, accordingly, creates certain problems - inaccessible prices to ordinary citizens and a low level of promotion. Military tourism can also become a significant source of replenishment of state and local budgets, one of the sources of financing the army, its acquisition of prestige and familiarization with the military- historical heritage of the people of Ukraine, as well as a means of full rest, which will additionally serve as an instrument of patriotic education of youth in Ukraine. It is important to develop the concept of managing the sphere of military tourism, considering the information security in the crisis and post-crisis period of the development of the tourism industry. The key to this development is achieving a “sustainable outcome”, involving the process of recovering to a precrisis state, as well as “a leap forward” through learning, transformation, and growth. An effective tool, for integrating the described concept into practice, is the model of creating a new tourist product - an innovative tourist cluster. Prospects for further research. We consider that in further research it is advisable to analyze the socio-economic effects of influence of the global transformational changes factors determined by the military Russian aggression on the development of Ukraine. To assess the potential of the socio-economic development of Ukraine in the conditions of a full-scale war due to the development of the military tourism industry, as well as to develop recommendations for improving the regulatory and legal support of this area.


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16. Zavarika G. M. Military tourism as a peculiarity of tourism development in a post-conflict territory. Journal of geology geography and geoecology, 2022, 31 (1), 186-193. DOI:

17. Guenther E., Hillmann J. Organizational Resilience: A Valuable Construct for Management Research? International Journal of Management Reviews, 2020. Vol. 00, 1-38. DOI: 10.1111/ijmr.12239

18. Lee C., Olasehinde-Williams G. Geopolitical risk and tourism: Evidence from dynamic heterogeneous panel models. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2021, Vol. 23, Iss. 1, 26-38.

19. Tomej K., Bilynets I., Koval O. Tourism business resilience in the time of war The first three months following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Annals ofTourism Research, 2023, Vol. 99, 1-5. DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2023.103547

20. Yang Y. Zhang C., Rickly J. A review of early COVID-19 research in tourism: Launching the Annals of Tourism Research's Curated Collection on coronavirus and tourism. Annals of Tourism Research. 2021, Vol. 91, 1-17. DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2021.103313

21. Zubar, I., & Onyshchuk, Y. Heliceculture as a promising area of agricultural production. Innovative economy, 2020, 7-8, 33-41. DOI: 10.37332/2309-1533.2020.7-8.5


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14. American Heroes Channel. URL:

15. Hrusovsky M., Noeres K. (2011). Military tourism. The Long Tail of Tourism: Holiday Niches and their Impact on Mainstream Tourism, 87-94 (in English).

16. Zavarika G. M. (2022). Military tourism as a peculiarity of tourism development in a post-conflict territory. Journal of geology geography and geoecology, 31 (1), 186-193. DOI: (in English).

17. Guenther E., Hillmann J. (2020). Organizational Resilience: A Valuable Construct for Management Research. International Journal of Management Reviews, Vol. 00, 1-38. DOI: 10.1111/ijmr.12239 (in English).

18. Lee C., Olasehinde-Williams G. (2021). Geopolitical risk and tourism: Evidence from dynamic heterogeneous panel models. Internat.Journal of Tourism Research, Vol. 23, Iss. 1, 26-38. (in Engl.).

19. Tomej K., Bilynets I., Koval O. (2023). Tourism business resilience in the time of war The first three months following Russias invasion of Ukraine. Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 99, 1-5. DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2023.103547 (in English).

20. Yang Y. Zhang C., Rickly J. (2021). A review of early COVID-19 research in tourism: Launching the Annals of Tourism Researchs Curated Collection on coronavirus and tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 91, 1-17. DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2021.103313 (in English).

21. Zubar, I., & Onyshchuk, Y. (2020). Heliceculture as a promising area of agricultural production. Innovative economy, Vol. 7-8, 33-41. DOI: 10.37332/2309-1533.2020.7-8.5 (in English).


Управління розвитком мілітарі туризму в Україні

І.В. Зубар, М.В. Дзевелюк Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського

Висвітлено перспективи забезпечення управління та розвитку галузі мілітарі туризму в Україні. Звернено увагу на перспективи перетворення наслідків війни на один із ресурсів післявоєнного відновлення України у вигляді військово-туристичного продукту та історико-куль- турної спадщини. Досліджено закордонну практикк ефективної реалізації зазначеної перспективи.

Розглянуто ідею “мілітарі туризму” у формі використання у туризмі різних воєнних об'єктів. Запропоновано авторське бачення дефініції мілітарі туризму як сегмента загального виду туризму та диверсифікацію його видів.

Ключовою проблемою у розвитку мілітарі туризму в Україні, на думку авторів, є відсутність моделі управління у військово-туристичній сфері. Розроблено концептуальні напрями управління сферою мілітарі туризму в посткризовий період, серед яких за основу взято досягнення “сталого результату”.

Узагальнено інтегровану модель управління організаційною сталістю мілітарі туризму. Ефективним інструментом для інтеграції описаної концепції на практиці визначено модель створення інноваційного туристичного кластера.

Ключові слова: мілітарі туризм; управління у військово-туристичній сфері; функціонування держави у сфері туризму.

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