Rondo training in football - a conceptual review

Searching for effective ways to increase the effectiveness of football competitions. Conceptual discussion of the impact of rondo training on world football. Application of the rondo method in training by "Barcelona", "Manchester City" and "Ajax".

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Дата добавления 17.04.2024
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Pondicherry University

Rondo training in football - a conceptual review

Mohammed Sameer C., Ph.D. Scholar, M.Phil.

Department of Physical Education & Sports,

Mohammed Sadique K., Ph.D. Scholar, M.P.Ed.

Department of Physical Education & Sports,

Fuad Sharaf V. C., Ph.D. Scholar, M.Phil.

Department of Physical Education & Sports,



Тренування рондо у футболі -- концептуальний огляд

Мохаммед Самір К., Мохаммед Садік К., Фуад Шараф В. К.

Це дослідження концептуально розглядає вплив тренувань рондо на футбол, використовуючи наявну літературу. На першому етапі дослідження була зроблена спроба внести концептуальну ясність в ідею рондо. Тут дослідження проілюструвало історію, майбутнє та вплив тренувань рондо на світовий футбол. Пізніше, на другому етапі, була вивчена відповідна література і показана актуальність тренування рондо у футболі концептуально, емпірично, на основі концептуального обговорення дослідження, зроблено висновок про те, що тренування рондо є дуже ефективним методом тренування, оскільки багато з них застосовуються однаково і досягають результатів. Руїс з "Барселони" винайшов тренування рондо, а Йохан Кройфф вивів її на новий рівень. Пеп Гвардіола успішно застосовував цей метод в" Барселоні"," Манчестер Сіті "і" Аяксі", а збірна Іспанії виграла Чемпіонат світу в 2010 році. дослідження демонструє концептуальне значення рондо у футболі. Це може допомогти тренерам, футболістам та технічному персоналу краще зрозуміти важливість тренувальних ефектів рондо у футболі для підвищення продуктивності.

Ключові слова: рондо, футбол, спорт.


This study conceptually examines rondo training effects significance of football using Available literature. The study's first phase tried to provide conceptual clarity on the idea of the rondo. Here the study illustrated the history, future, and effect of rondo training in world football. Later, the second phase examined the relevant literature and showed the relevance of rondo training in football conceptually empirically based on the study's conceptual discussion, concluding that rondo training is a very effective training method since many are applied the same and achieved the results. Ruiz, from Barcelona, invented rondo training, and Johan Cruyff took it to the next level. Pep Guardiola used this method for Barcelona, Manchester City, and Ajax FC successfully applied it, and Spain's national team won the world cup in 2010. the study exhibits the significance of rondo in football conceptually. This may help coaches, footballers, and technical staff gain more insights into the importance of rondo training effects in football to improve performance.

Keywords: rondo, football, sports.


Football is a really difficult sport to comprehend and describe straightforwardly. Numerous causes cause innumerable layered reactions that lead to ongoing adaptations. At several scales, football is a complicated adaptive system. in a state of perpetual equilibrium between order and chaos. Football is therefore mostly about the players and how they interact with their surroundings.

A rondo is a training exercise where players work together to maintain control of a football. Players are divided into two unequal sides, with the numerically inferior side being tasked with gaining control of the ball. In contrast to previous possession drills, Rondo requires the players to occupy a certain place in the circle rather than moving about freely. Players are often instructed to go to areas that are more similar to the motions of a typical game during possession exercises. Some of the rondo versions, nevertheless, do entail moves outside of the normal rondo's pre-defined zones.

«Everything that goes on in a match, except shooting, you can do in a rondo. The competitive aspect, fighting to make space, what to do when in possession and what to do when you haven't got the ball, how to play «one touch» soccer, how to counteract the tight marking, and how to win the ball back» - Johan Cruyff (Legendary player for FC Barcelona and Holland).

History of Rondo

Rondos cannot be attributed to a specific person because coaches have employed position-based drills for a long time and in a variety of methods. Laureano Ruiz, though, deserves some of the credit for the invention of the Rondo. Ruiz, a former footballer for Racing Santander and Gimnast ica, has always been interested in teaching and has frequently taken on coaching roles while still playing. He is credited with «inventing» the rondo in 1957 after studying the playing styles used in Hungarian football and creating drills to replicate them with his teammates.

Ruiz joined Barcelona in 1972 and was a notable character working with the Cantera throughout the decade (youth team). After Hennes Weisweiler was allegedly fired for daring to substitute Johan Cruyff against Sevilla and the Dutchman telling the club president, «Either he goes or I do», Ruiz genuinely took over the Bar5a first team in 1976. Rondo exercises were administered by Ruiz to the members of the first squad, and it appears that this had a long-lasting impact on Johan Cruyff. When Jose Luis Nez was elected club president in 1978, Ruiz resigned from his position and went on to manage his hometown clubs Racing Santander (1979-1980) and Celta Vigo (1978-1979). But with the Catalan club, he had already created the groundwork for a playing philosophy.

Rondo training and football- review of literature

The effect of rondo model training on accuracy ground passing club SMA NEGERI2 WAJO. The study revealed The impact of the rondo model training vs no rondo model training on the SMA Negeri 2 Wajo Soccer Club's ground passing accuracy. The population of this study included all of the soccer players from SMA Negeri 2 Wajo, and the sample size was 20 players. The sampling method employed the whole population, and the mechanism for grouping the participants used ordinal pairing machine learning. With the use of the SPSS version 20 application, the research tools employed included descriptive analysis, data normality analysis, homogeneity analysis, and t-test analysis. The finding is that the rondo model exercise has a bigger impact on the ground passing accuracy of the SMA Negeri 2 Wajo Soccer Club than it would have without it. Effect of rondo exercises on development of skillful performance tactical knowledge and effectiveness of performance for young player's soccer. Whereas the significance of research in highlighting the function of Rondo exercises in the events of developing the skill performance of the players and the leveling of the level to them through their use in a manner consistent with the demands of modern play as well as knowing its impact on raising the level of the team through the efficacy of a more performance during competition in addition to knowledge. To strengthen the players' ability and linear features, Rondo exercises are utilized in a variety of ways and many different areas. This allows for a better assessment of the efficacy of the team's performance since these exercises are employed in a way that is more harmonic with the game. football rondo barcelona ajax

The Effect of Rondo Exercises in Different Shapes and Spaces to Develop the Flexibility of Offensive Tactical Thinking for Football Players. Aims to prepare rondo exercises in various forms and sizes and to analyze how they affect players ' ability to think flexibly about offensive tactical options. Due to the importance and nature of the study topic, the researcher employed an experimental approach. The researcher adhered to the design of two equal numbers of experimental and control groups with pre-and post-tests. One of the most significant recommendations made by the researchers is that football coaches should use rondo exercises to help players develop their tactical awareness because of their significance in raising the players' level of tactical thinking, as well as the necessity of paying attention to rondo exercises when developing the training curricula for football teams because the research results showed the development of the research variables.


This study discovered that rondo training is a very effective method of player development in football. According to all pertinent research, rondo training may enhance a player's physical condition, passing accuracy, player vision, possession game, ability to clear space, capacity for thought and decisionmaking, and team cohesiveness.


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