Historical development of waste hockey in Ukraine

Ice hockey is not the most popular sport in Ukraine. Football and basketball are of greater importance in the culture of our country. That is why the study of the origin, development and places in culture on the territory of Ukraine is an urgent problem.

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Historical development of waste hockey in Ukraine

Shiyan V.M., head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, PhD, associate professor (Dnipro)

Nikitin A.D., student Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Dnipro)


Ice hockey is not the most popular sport in Ukraine. Football and basketball are of greater importance in the culture of our country. Although this sport is quite developed, it is given very little attention, as, for example, in the above. There is not enough infrastructure for him, but a little interest in the community as a whole. However, this sport is popular in many countries: in particular, in Canada, Finland and Latvia, and one of the leading in the United States, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovakia. That is why the study of the origin, development and places in culture on the territory of Ukraine is an urgent problem.

Keywords: hockey, team, federation, competition, hockey player

Analysis of recent research and publications

Franz Reindl, President of the Hockey Federation of Germany (DEB), believes that, from a global perspective, hockey is still in its infancy.

Yang Hoon Kim, head of the Department of Tourism Management at the University of North Texas, USA, analyzing the state of hockey in Korea, says that hockey is a hockey game [4] a considerable share of popularity, however, still faces the problem of minimal funding from the authorities.

Dongfeng Liu, a professor of sports management and co-dean of the Shanghai School of Economics and Management at the Shanghai University of Sports, told China that he was convinced that: Despite the fact that China is receiving large investments in the development of sports in general, winter sports are still left out.

Purpose: to investigate the origin, development and place of hockey in culture on the territory of Ukraine.


1. To give the general characteristic of ice hockey as a kind of sport based on the data of special literature.

2. To consider the origin and development of hockey on the territory of Ukraine.

Presenting main material

historical hockey ukraine

The origin of the English word «hockey» is not definitively clarified, three etymological versions have been put forward:

- according to one of the versions, it is derived from the Old French «hoquet» - «kovinka», «garliga» (however, in modern French this word has a meaning);

- according to the second version, «hockey» (archaic form hockie) is associated with «hooked» - «curved». The Galway Statute of 1527, which forbade certain types of ball games, also mentions the game of hockie stickes;

- the third version connects hockey with the word «hocky». In England, wooden or cork bungs were sometimes used instead of wooden balls to play on ice. They were called «hocky» because they clogged barrels of rane wine [3].

Modern hockey is played on a boarded-up ice rink with two gates. The duration of the match will be 3 periods of 20 minutes each; the duration of the break between periods is 17 minutes. Each of the two teams during the game in full force has 5 field players and a goalkeeper. The skating rink is divided by transverse lines: the central line, two blue lines, which denote the protection zones of each of the teams, and the gate lines. Additional marking of the rink consists of 5 rounds of throwing the puck: one in the center of the field, two in each protection zone; and the goal area near each of the gates. Additional 4 throw-in points are located in the central zone not far from the blue lines (they are not circled) [1].

The first mention of ice hockey dates back to 1927 (Journal of Physical Education), and in 1930 in Kharkov published a book «New Winter Sports Games» - with a description of «Khok». In February 1932, the Moscow team, assembled from hockey players with a ball, won a meeting with the team of the German workers' sports union «Fichte from Fichte». However, the critics did not approve of the new game: the magazine «Physical Culture and Sports» wrote that «it has a purely individual and primitive character (it is very poor in the combination of the team and in this country». The first mention of ice hockey dates back to 1927 (Journal of Physical Education), and in 1930 in Kharkov published a book «New Winter Sports Games» - with a description of «Khok». In February 1932, the Moscow team, assembled from hockey players with a ball, won a meeting with the team of the German workers' sports union «Fichte from Fichte» . However, the critics did not approve of the new game: the magazine «Physical Culture and Sports» wrote that «it has a purely individual and primitive character (it is very poor in the combination of the team and in this country». The question of whether we should cultivate Canadian hockey can be answered in the negative. In 1936, the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture introduced hockey with the puck into the program of the Institute of Physical Culture, but this did not contribute to the development of the game. After the Second World War, the attitude to the overseas game changed. In February 1946, students of the Institute of Physical Culture held a demonstration match in Canadian hockey «Dynamo». The report, published in the newspaper Soviet Sport, stated: «Canadian hockey is very popular in Europe and North America. Undoubtedly, he can develop in our country in the Soviet Union». Unusual sticks attracted the attention of the spectators - long, light, with a wide hook almost at right angles, not similar to the sticks for «Russian hockey», «weight» and weight.

The history of «Canadian hockey» officially began on December 22, 1946, when a match between the teams took place at the Dynamo Stadium in Moscow.

At that time there were no special equipment and uniforms for the game, the players went out on the ice, but there was no protective equipment. The new sport quickly gained popularity: in the first season Dynamo stands gathered 20-30 thousand spectators.

The accession of the Soviet Union to the International Olympic Committee in 1951 gave a new impetus to the development of the game. The program of the Olympic Games included hockey with a puck, but not with a ball, so the strongest Soviet players in the band were offered to learn a new game. In his first performance at the 1956 Winter Olympics in Cortina d 'Ampezzo, the USSR team immediately won gold. The Soviet hockey school was considered one of the strongest in the world [4].


Ukrainian hockey does not have a clear enough history of the beginning of its formation. Not even all scientists know when the first match was played. Due to the fact that it is quite a «seasonal» sport, it has a relative popularity in our country, and at the same time it is not the best time as a popular sport. Despite the ancient history of the emergence of hockey in our country, hockey has not become widespread, which is the reason for its lack of popularity among young people.


1. McGrath C. The New York Times. URL: https://ukr.wikipedia.org/wiki/XoKen з шайбою.

2. CagoBHUK O. УСІ шляхи ВЄДУТЬ go Hbeoea. Спортивна газета. 2008. № 45. С. 5.

3. Hockey. Online Etymology Dictionary. URL: https://www.google.com/url?

4. Нaйпoпулярнiшi види спорту В різних KpaiHax. URL: https://www.google.com/url?

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