Mediating role of parental support in self esteem, academic achievement& sports participation

Parents have an important role in athlete life. Parental support has huge influence in an athlete career. It has a positive relationship with health and academic achievement. Sports participation and parental support may help to increase self-esteem.

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Mediating role of parental support in self esteem, academic achievement& sports participation

Mrudula M., MPEd student Pondicherry University (India)

Devi Krishna K. A., MPEd student Pondicherry University (India)

Reshma M. B., MPEd student Pondicherry University (India)


Parents have an important role in athlete life. Parental support has huge influence in an athlete career. It has a positive relationship with health and academic achievement. Sports participation and parental support may help to increase self-esteem. In this study, we examined the relationship between parental support, self-esteem in academic achievement and sports participation.


In every society family, educational institutions give high importance to academics. Academic achievement is considered as an important developmental outcome because it associated with intra personal, inter personal, organizational, community and environmental variables. It is important because they are strongly linked to the positive outcomes and it can influence a person's various life factors. Because of these influences it is very important to understand what factors that can influence the academic achievement [8]. One of the key factors that determine child's academic outcome in school is parental involvement. Children whose parents have a low involvement have lower academic achievement [10]. Many previous studies suggested that participating in various sports & physical activity improves mental health which in turn outcomes in better academic achievement [8] sports may provide additional cognitive benefits (eg, academic performance) compared to more general physical activity and selfesteem play a crucial role in development of academic achievement.There are many different theories of self-esteem, but most focus on how confident a person feels about themselves. It typically manifests when someone achieves success, receives praise from others, or feels loved by them, and is lower when they fail, receive harsh critique, or are rejected. Self-esteem is most strongly developed at a young age; individuals continue to affect and influence self-esteem throughout our lives. Studies have shown that people who participate in sports have higher selfesteem compared to those who do not.Several studies have suggested that sports participation, parental support, and self-esteem play a vital role in determining academic achievement.

Parental Support

The social support system in youth sport is made up of multiple stakeholders, such as coaches, parents, siblings, teammates, and sport officials [9]. The wide array of support provided by parents, such as informational support (e.g. provision of information regarding competitions and training), practical support (e.g. logistical and financial assistance), and emotional support (e.g. demonstrating understanding and unconditional love) plays a critical role in the development of youth athletes and has been linked to enhanced enjoyment, selfconfidence, and perceived competence in youth athletes [2, 11]. Similarly, autonomy- supportive parenting styles, such as promoting personal autonomy, supporting decision making, and providing appropriate structure allows for more positive outcomes among athletes, such as increased motivation and satisfaction [12-13].

Self Esteem

Your subjective perception of your total value or worth is known as self-esteem. It describes your degree of self-confidence in your skills and qualities, much like self-respect does. A strong sense of self-worth can affect your motivation, emotional health, and general quality of life. However, a self-esteem that is either excessively high or excessively low can cause issues. You can find the perfect balance for you by having a better grasp of your individual level of selfesteem. Decision-making, relationships, emotional wellness, and general wellbeing are all impacted by self esteem. Additionally, it affects motivation because those who have a healthy, positive self view are aware of their potential and may be motivated to take on new tasks [5].

Sports Participation

Sports participation boost overall health of person and it provide tremendous benefits also. Sports participation benefits to mental health and it helps to calm mind, strengthen muscles and bone and it improves various system of the body [4]. Sport involvement has a number of advantageous effects. For instance, participation in sports has been connected to improved academic achievement, school engagement, and long-term educational goals [7]. When compared to adolescents who do not participate in athletics, they are eight times more likely to be active at age 24. parental support self esteem

Academic Achievement

Academic achievement represents performance outcomes that indicate the extent to which a person has accomplished specific goals that were the focus of activities in instructional environments, specifically in school, college, and university. academic achievement should be considered to be a multifaceted construct that comprises different domains of learning. In developed societies, academic achievement plays an important role in every person's life. Therefore, academic achievement defines whether one can take part in higher education, and based on the educational degrees one attains, influences one's vocational career after education. Besides the relevance for an individual, academic achievement is of utmost importance for the wealth of a nation and its prosperity.


In conclusion, parenting style has a major role in athletes ' life. It is one of the major determinants of self-esteem from childhood itself. Parental support in sport participation creates an athlete career more resourceful. Parental involvement in school environment benefits the academic achievements of the child.


1. Adeyemo D. A. Teachers' job satisfaction, job involvement, career and organizational commitments as correlates of student-academic performance. Nigerian Journal of Applied Psychology, 2001. Vol. 6 (2), pp. 126-135.

2. Baker J., Horton S., Robertson-Wilson J., Wall M. Nurturing sport expertise: Factors influencing the development of elite athlete. Journal of Sports Science andMedicine, 2003. Vol. 2 (1), pp. 1-9.

3. Bailey R. Do Sports and Other Physical Activities Build Self-Esteem? Psychology Today. 2019. URL: physical-activities-build-self-esteem.

4. Benefits of Sports for Mental Health. WebMD. 2021. URL: health/benefits-of-sports-for-mental-health.

5. Cherry K. What Is Self-Esteem? Very well Mind. 2022. URL: what-is-self-esteem-2795868.

6. Cote J. The influence of the family in the development of talent in sport. The Sport Psychologist, 1999. Vol. 13 (4), pp. 395-417.

7. Daniels E., Leaper C. Gender Issues. Elsevier EBooks, 2011. Pp. 151-159.

8. Jeynes W. H. The Relationship Between Parental Involvement and Urban Secondary School Student Academic Achievement. Urban Education, 2007. Vol. 42 (1), pp. 82-110.

9. Jowett S., Timson-Katchis M. Social networks in sport: Parental influence on the coachathlete relationship. The Sport Psychologist, 2005. Vol. 19 (3), pp. 267-287.

10. Lara L., Saracostti M. Effect of Parental Involvement on Children's Academic Achievement in Chile. Frontiers in Psychology, 2019. P. 10.

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