Development of US professional sports and physical culture in the context of the mass media
Justification of the peculiarities of the development of professional sports and physical culture in the USA in the context of mass media coverage. The use of digital media by sports organizations as educational and entertainment PR technologies.
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Дата добавления | 08.06.2024 |
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Department of Physical Culture and Sports, V.O.Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolai
Development of us professional sports and physical culture in the context of the mass media
Leleka Vitalii Mykolayovych Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor
The spectacular potential of sports in the USA is now significantly enhanced by modern mass media, which is discussed in the article. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of the development of professional sports and physical culture in the USA in the context of mass media coverage. The relevance of the article is determined by the fact that modern sports, physical culture, competitions are no longer just a game, but also a serious commercial activity aimed at making a profit.
It is noted that sports organizations, which previously earned through the sale of tickets and sports paraphernalia, the granting of rights to broadcast matches, as well as sponsor support, are now also starting to work with new media, for even greater expansion of the audience and better work with it. The need for information can be satisfied instantly, precisely with the help of new media in the form in which a person wants it. Information about sports competitions is transferred to the Network and is intended for a global audience, the widest range of recipients. Sports organizations use digital media as educational and entertainment PR technologies and receive money from sponsors, media and ticket sales. A modern football club with the help of an Internet site has the opportunity to build a wide base of fans thanks to registration on the site and collection of personal data during the initial purchase of tickets and goods in the club.
Modern sport, having turned into a spectacular and commercially successful show, is focused on obtaining a significant profit, and therefore on the requests of the widest possible audience. Commercialization of sports has many aspects, both positive and negative. Modern sports turn into a show, which even leads to changes in the rules, which is not always positive and contradicts the principles of sports, and the commercialization of sports contributes to the improvement of the quality of the infrastructure and the organization of competitions, which also has a positive effect on the popularization of sports in general.
Keywords: athletes, physical culture, professional sports, mass media, sports broadcasts.
Лелека Віталій Миколайович кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри фізичної культури та спорту, Миколаївський національний університет імені В.О. Сухомлинського
Видовищний потенціал спорту в США нині значно посилюють сучасні мас-медіа про, що йдеться у статті. Метою статті є обґрунтування особливостей розвитку професійного спорту та фізичної культури США в контексті мас-медіа забезпечення. Актуальність статті зумовлена тим, що сучасні спорт, фізична культура, змагання являють собою вже не тільки гру, а й серйозну комерційну діяльність, спрямовану на отримання прибутку.
Зазначено, що спортивні організації, які раніше заробляли завдяки продажу квитків та спортивної атрибутики, наданню прав на трансляцію матчів, а також спонсорській підтримці, нині теж починають працювати з новими медіа, для ще більшого розширення аудиторії та якіснішої роботи з нею. Потреба в інформації може бути задоволена миттєво, саме за допомогою нових медіа в тій формі, в якій цього бажає людина. Інформація про спортивні змагання переноситься в Мережу і призначається для глобальної аудиторії, найширшого кола реципієнтів. Спортивні організації використовують цифрові медіа як просвітницькі і розважальні PR-технології та отримують гроші від спонсорів, ЗМІ та продажу квитків. Сучасний футбольний клуб за допомогою інтернет-сайту має можливість скласти широку базу вболівальників завдяки реєстрації на сайті та збору особистих даних під час первинної покупки квитків і товарів у клубі.
Сучасний спорт, перетворившись на видовищне і комерційно успішне шоу, орієнтований на отримання значного прибутку, а отже, на запити максимально широкої аудиторії. Комерціалізація спорту має багато аспектів, як позитивних, так і негативних. Сучасний спорт перетворюється на шоу, що призводить навіть до змін у правилах, що не завжди позитивно та суперечить спортивним принципам, а комерціалізація спорту сприяє поліпшенні якості інфраструктури й організації змагань, що також позитивно впливає на популяризацію спорту загалом.
Ключові слова: спортсмени, фізична культура, професійний спорт, засоби мас-медіа, спортивні трансляції.
Formulation of the problem
The growth of profits from the sale of rights to television broadcasts of competitions has become, in today's conditions, a decisive factor in the sharp increase in the wages of professional athletes. In no other area of American business has wages grown more rapidly than in professional sports. In 1980, only eight professional sportsmen had an annual income of 1 million dollars, and in 1990, their number was over 150 people. In 2004, the average salary of more than 400 NBA basketball players was more than 4 million dollars per year, while the salary of the President of the United States was only 400 thousand. In the 1997-1998 season, the then-record salary among athletes was received by the leading NBA basketball player M. Jordan ($36 million per year), and in 2004, the leading world golf player T. Woods received an annual profit of 80.3 million dollars According to the American magazine "Forbes", the incomes of the ten richest professional athletes in the USA in 2004 ranged from $25.9 million (Grant Hill - basketball) to $80.3 million (Tiger Woods - golf), and the top 10 richest athletes in the world in the same year, only one representative of a non- American professional sport made it - seven-time world champion in Formula 1 Michael Schumacher ($80 million - 2nd place).
Analysis of recent research and publications
It should be emphasized that the relationship between television and sports is not one-sided. Television not only largely finances the development of professional sports, but also makes good money from it. The more exciting a TV show is, the more attention it attracts from viewers and the more advertisers (firms, companies, concerns, etc.) pay for advertising their products. At the same time, the cost of one minute of advertising depends not only on the type of transmission (in our case, on the type of sport and the rank of the competition - an ordinary meeting, decisive meetings for access to the playoffs or the final of the League Cup), but also on the time of transmission. At night it is cheaper than during the day, and during the day it is cheaper than in the evening. The most expensive advertisement is from 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. However, the type of sport and the rank of the competition is also of great importance. So, the cost of 1 minute of advertising during the MLB championship games varies from 100 to 150 thousand, during the baseball "World Series" up to 500 thousand, and in the broadcasts of the American football Super Bowl in 2012 it is 3.5 million dollars for a 30-second video.
A characteristic feature of the development of professional sports in the USA is the special attitude towards it of the Congress, the Senate and the entire American people. Over the past 50 years, more than 400 draft laws related to the functioning and further development of professional sports have been considered in the Congress and the Senate of the country. According to American sociologists, about 70% of readers buy daily newspapers because of sports materials, which mainly cover professional sports. About 80% of sports TV broadcasts contain information about events in professional sports [1-4].
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of the development of professional sports and physical culture in the USA in the context of mass media coverage.
Presenting main material
Technical progress has transformed the mass media system and all spheres of intellectual activity. Significant changes also occurred in the structure of employment due to the improvement of production processes and the release of time. In the information environment, "the industry of free time - sports, theater, cinema - has gained significant development. For the free time of the reader, listener, and viewer, there is a fierce competition between traditional mass media and various branches of mass culture." There is an absolutely natural connection between the amount of free time and the entire lifestyle, when a person has more opportunities to realize his interests and inclinations. At the same time, the role of the mass media is also increasing, which plays the role of not only one of the factors that organizes the rhythm and dynamics of life, but also the industry of free time [1, p. 125]. professional sport educational
Sport is an important component of modern culture, and its role as a factor of social development, an effective educational and communicative tool is also important. The relevance of the article is determined by the fact that modern sports, physical culture, competitions are no longer just a game, but also a serious commercial activity aimed at making a profit. J. Huizinga noted that in sports "...we are dealing with an activity that is carried out and recognized as a game and at the same time reduced to such a degree of technical organization of material equipment and scientific understanding that its collective and public cultivation is threatened by the disappearance of the spirit of the game itself" [2, p. 117]. In the modern world, sports occupy an important place in the structure of free time, being a significant component of mass culture [1, 3].
The scientific development of the topic is rather small. Few studies in recent years have argued that sport has become an important branch of the economy. In particular, O. Pochinkin notes: "The commercial aspect of sports should first of all influence the increase in the spectacle of competitions, the creation of intrigue and excitement around sports events. All this falls into the field of view of the mass media, because they both earn from this excitement and popularize the sport." In the era of globalization and new technologies, sport cannot develop in isolation. Currently, professional sports are based on the active support of television [3, 4].
It should be noted that initially the sports competitions were amateur, and the participants of the Olympic Games at other times worked in other spheres of activity, but already in the days of antiquity, starting from the 5th century. to n. e., a layer of professional athletes was formed. The system of local competitions-agons with significant prizes allowed representatives of the lower classes involved in professional sports to ensure a prosperous existence. Professional sports became especially widespread, first in Hellenistic Greece, and then in Ancient Rome as a result of a change in the concept of physical education: from the training of soldiers of the general militia, sports turned into a spectacle, and purposefully, like any art form, only the chosen ones participated in it. Created in the 1st century. to n. e. the image of a professional athlete - a fist fighter - demonstrates how the very concept of sports developed at that time. Instead of the harmonious figure of a citizen, characteristic of the classical Greek school, the sculptural portrait conveys in naturalistic detail the hypertrophied muscles of a professional fighter, a broken nose, torn ears and scars, as well as "sports equipment" - gloves with metal inserts on the hands [2, 3].
The industrial revolution and mass production contributed to the fact that more and more people began to have free time, which led to the popularity of sports. At that time, the leisure culture spread intensively, and sports competitions and watching them became a popular entertainment for spectators and a professional activity for athletes. However, since the sale of tickets was the main source of income for sports organizations, the introduction of televised sports events caused their dissatisfaction. They believed that broadcasts of competitions would lead to a decrease in the number of spectators at stadiums, because everyone had the opportunity to watch sports events directly in their own homes [1, 2, 3].
However, it soon became clear that sports broadcasts popularize competitions and expand their audience. One of the most important innovations is instant replay, which first took place in 1963. The same game could be watched over and over again at different speeds and from different points. But with the expansion of the audience, the sport actually depended on the funds coming from television and sponsors, who began to make their demands; taking them into account, even the sports rules were changed. Yes, in the 60s of the XX century. first, the American Basketball League, and then the American Basketball Association, in order to enliven the game and increase the interest of the spectators, introduced three-point shots into the game process, which later became fixed in the basketball rules all over the world [2, 4].
Since 1970, at professional tennis tournaments, in order to shorten the time of matches, the system, which provided for a mandatory difference of two games to win a set, was replaced by the so-called a time break, that is, a decisive game, which was played on the condition that the score was equal 6:6 in the set. At the end of the 20th century in volleyball, where before that you could get a point only on your serve, in order to increase the spectacle, the "rally-point" system was introduced, according to which each draw of the ball provided a point - first in the decisive, fifth game, and since 1998 - and in other parts of the match. In football in the 1960s, instead of the traditional brown, a white ball and colored shirts were introduced to make it easier for spectators to watch. In order to broadcast as many football matches as possible, they took place at different times. For example, UEFA Champions League matches are played on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, and UEFA Europa League matches are played on Thursday evenings, whereas previously they were all played on Wednesdays [1, 4].
In the mid-1980s, experiments were carried out: a moment of the game that could influence the judges' decisions was repeatedly reviewed. The technical conditions made it possible to edit the broadcast in such a way as to cut out uninteresting stages of the game, to broadcast the game a little later, adding commentary; these techniques were most successfully used to cover the Olympic Games. Advances in cable and satellite technology increased hours of sports programming, primarily with the founding of USA TV in 1975 and ESPN in 1979, although both networks later expanded to include other types of programming, and
USA TV eventually began broadcasting mostly non-sports programming. In the 1990s, ESPN-2, "Fox Sports" and other companies appeared, which began to charge a fee for watching certain television broadcasts, for example, boxing matches. Their rise caused new changes in sports and television. Sports organizations began to receive significant funds: "...the necessary financial resources come from the modern sports media complex, which was developed in the countries of Europe in the 1970s and 1980s and acquired its current form in the 1990s." [1, p. 115].
However, nowadays, sports organizations, which previously earned through the sale of tickets and sports paraphernalia, the granting of rights to broadcast matches, as well as sponsorship support, are also starting to work with new media, for even greater expansion of the audience and better work with it. As S. Kvit notes, "the Internet makes it possible to introduce a whole range of services that are impossible outside of it or extremely difficult for the consumer." This means that everything becomes more convenient: fans no longer wait for news or broadcasts that should start at a certain time on a TV channel, or for a newspaper to be published [4, p. 115].
Nowadays, the need for information can be satisfied instantly with the help of new media in the form in which a person wants it. Information about sports competitions is transferred to the Network and is intended for a global audience, the widest range of recipients. Sports organizations use digital media as educational and entertainment PR technologies. A modern football club with the help of an Internet site has the opportunity to build a wide base of fans thanks to registration on the site and collection of personal data during the initial purchase of tickets and goods in the club. In the future, this database can be supplemented with data on all fan agreements with the club, as well as on links to the club's Internet resources, facts about participation in competitions, etc. Internet resources of many European football teams gradually began to borrow elements of currently extremely popular social networks, and this is, it should be noted, a completely different level. It allows the club to increase the effectiveness of its own marketing activities and the entire sales system both in general and for fans, who receive not only the most interesting information, but also various discounts and gifts [1, 4].
Thus, the structure of modern professional sports is an interaction between sports organizations, sponsors, mass media, fans and the state. This interaction is aimed at generating profit by attracting as many spectators as possible to the sporting event. The state can improve its image both among its citizens and other countries, which can provide stable income in the future. Sponsors, due to the association of their brand with a sports event or organization (athlete), receive more customers, therefore, profits; sponsorship also improves the company's image. The mass media reach a wide audience (note, the final of the FIFA World Cup in South Africa was watched by a billion people) and, accordingly, significant sponsorship funds from advertising. Sports organizations receive money from sponsors, media and ticket sales; besides what is important, sport as such is popularized [1, 3].
Summing up, we note that mass media occupy an important place in the sports communication system, which is one of the main channels of public relations. In addition, due to the high trust of the audience and a more positive perception of advertising, it is one of the most effective advertising media.
Modern sport, having turned into a spectacular and commercially successful show, is focused on obtaining a significant profit, and therefore on the requests of the widest possible audience. Commercialization of sports has many aspects, both positive and negative. On the one hand, modern sport turns into a show, which even leads to changes in the rules, which is not always positive and contradicts sports principles. In addition, any outstanding athlete, well-known sports association or club can also be called both a product (brand) and an advertising tool that significantly increases sales. On the other hand, thanks to commercialization, significant funds are flowing into sports, as a result of which the quality of the infrastructure and the organization of competitions are improving, which also has a positive effect on the popularization of sports in general.
So, modern sport is not only a mass social phenomenon, but also a business that is impossible without the support of media and sponsors. The influence of the media on the development of sports, in our opinion, requires careful study in order to find methods for further development and its interaction with the audience and the mass media.
1. Fullan, R. (2000). Change forces with a Vengeance-Routledge Farmer, Taylor and Francis Group [Change forces with a Vengeance-Routledge Farmer, Taylor and Francis Group]. London and New York, 260 [in English].
2. Kvit, S. M. (2008). Masovi komunikatsii [Mass communications]: pidruch. dlia stud. vyshchykh navch. zakl. Kyiv : Vyd. dim «Kyievo-Mohylianska akademiia», 206 [in Ukraine].
3. Medynskyi, S. V. (2006). Perspektyvy zabezpechennia ta rozvytku fizychnoi kultury i sportu sered dorosloho naselennia Ukrainy [Prospects for the provision and development of physical culture and sports among the adult population of Ukraine]. Pedahohika, psykholohiia ta medyko-biolohichni problemy fizychnoho vykhovannia i sportu: nauk. monohr. Kharkiv: KhDADM, 4, 116-118 [in Ukraine].
4. Helland, K. (2007). Changing Sports, Changing Media [Changing Sports, Changing Media]. Nordicom Review, Jubilee Issue. Р. 105-119 [in English].
1. Fullan R., Change forces with a Vengeance-Routledge Farmer, Taylor and Francis Group. London and New York, 2000. 260 p.
2. Мединський С. В. Перспективи забезпечення та розвитку фізичної культури і спорту серед дорослого населення України. Педагогіка, психологія та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного виховання і спорту: наук. моногр. Харків: ХДАДМ. 2006. № 4. С. 116-118.
3. Квіт С. М. Масові комунікації : підруч. для студ. вищих навч. закл. Київ : Вид. дім «Києво-Могилянська академія», 2008. 206 с.
4. Нelland K. Changing Sports, Changing Media. Nordicom Review, Jubilee Issue. 2007. Р.105-119.
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