The effect of fitness training on the motion preparedness of women 23-33 years old
The regularities of building sports training. The study of influence of long-term aerobic exercises on physical state of active young women. Influence of training aerobic orientation with the increase of experience on the component body structure.
Рубрика | Спорт и туризм |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 45,7 K |
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National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
State Tax University
Khmelnitska Irene, PhD in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor
Krupenya Svitlana, PhD in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor
Zhivolovich Svitlana, Senior Lecturer
Kyiv, Irpin
Modern fitness programs require a special individual load as an optimal health-promoting preventive effect of physical activity. At the same time, the interaction of training effects from loads that differ in their nature can be negative. In this connection, a problem arises when an individual wants to develop several different physical qualities as much as possible at the same time. The research objective: to substantiate the effectiveness of fitness exercises on the motor readiness of women aged 23-33. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. 40 women aged 23-33, average age 28±1.3 years, took part in the study. The discussed issues of systematic fitness exerciseses contribute not only to increasing the level of muscle training and improving the condition of the cardiovascular system, but also help to gain confidence in one's own strength, improve the emotional background, and also gain good physical shape. In the training process, strength abilities, flexibility, and endurance were improved; the performance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems increased. An effective training combination was considered to be two aerobic trainings and two statodynamic trainings per week. The duration of aerobic training should be 30-45 minutes, provided that ones are held on different days. A comfortable and effective training regimen that takes place on the threshold of comfort is when women feel the load, but at the same time breathe deeply through the nose and without shortness of breath. Fitness training can improve: health and mental state (minimize the risk of many diseases, increase the level of work capacity and activity); physical abilities (increase endurance, strength, flexibility) of women aged 23-33.
Key words: fitness, muscle activity, women, physical load, strength abilities, flexibility, endurance.
Хмельницька І. В., Крупеня С.В., Живолович С.А. Вплив фітнес-тренувань на рухову підготовленість жінок 23-33 років. Сучасні фітнес-програми вимагають спеціального індивідуального навантаження як оптимального оздоровчого профілактичного ефекту фізичної дії. Водночас взаємодія тренувальних ефектів від навантажень, що різняться за своїм характером, може носити негативний характер. У зв'язку з цим виникає проблема, коли людина хоче одночасно максимально розвинути кілька різних фізичних якостей. Мета дослідження: обґрунтувати ефективність впливу занять фітнесом на рухову підготовленість жінок 23-33 років. Методи дослідження: аналіз науково-методичної літератури, педагогічне спостереження, педагогічне тестування, педагогічний експеримент, методи математичної статистики. У дослідженні приймали участь 40 жінок віком 23-33 роки, середній вік 28±1,3 роки. Розглянуті питання систематичних занять фітнесом, які сприяють не тільки підвищенню рівня м'язової тренованості та покращенню стану серцево-судинної системи, але й допомагають набути впевненості у власних силах, підвищити емоційний фон, а також набути хорошої фізичної форми. У процесі тренувальних занять поліпшуються силові здібності, гнучкість, витривалість; підвищується працездатність серцево-судинної та дихальної систем. Ефективним поєднанням тренувань вважаються два аеробні тренування та два статодинамічні тренування на тиждень. Тривалість аеробних тренувань має становити 30-45 хвилин, за умови проведення занять у різні дні. Комфортний та ефективний режим тренування, що проходить на порозі комфортності, це коли жінки відчувають навантаження, але при цьому дихають глибоко носом, і без задишки. Тренування фітнесом здатні покращити: здоров'я та психічний стан (звести до мінімуму ризик багатьох захворювань, підвищити рівень працездатності та активності); фізичні здібності (підвищити витривалість, силу, гнучкість) жінок 23-33 років.
Ключові слова: фітнес, м'язова активність, жінки, фізичні навантаження, силові здібності, гнучкість, витривалість.
Problem statement
The system of physical training should first be subject to the general principles of training [7]. The age of women from 23 to 33 years is characterized by active labor activity. In this age range, a number of indicators of the physical level begin to slowly decrease. In this regard, it is physical exercises that are of great importance for increasing work capacity and strengthening health. Muscle activity is very important, because under its long-term influence there is a change in the activity of the genetic apparatus and protein biosynthesis, the aging of the body slows down, which prevents some diseases; the body becomes less susceptible to harmful factors.
Special loads are the same stimulus in the training process that stimulates adaptive changes in the body. The changes that occur in the human body as a result of fitness exercises are a vivid example of the adaptation mechanism. The most visible and positive result in fitness exercises is manifested when the character, intensity, volume and other qualities of the exercises are established depending on the organism training, functional state and characteristics of the woman. At the same time, the structure of training should provide such physical loads that will prevent pathological changes in the body and correct age-related disorders in it.
The scientific study was carried out in accordance with the research topic of the State Tax University for 2021 -2026 on the topic "Increasing the physical capacity of various population groups in the process of physical education and sports" (state registration number 0121U113261).
Analysis of recent research and publications
The theory of physical training cannot develop abstracting from the achievements of sports biology. Since the 1980s, attempts have been made to involve biological information to justify the regularities of building sports training [6], paying special attention to the physiological mechanisms of influence on the human body by the methods used during strength training [9].
High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a training mode where individuals complete as many repetitions as possible in sequence to solicit maximal fatigue in a workout. HIIT lower body anaerobic power is less than free exercise and traditional training mode; and upper body muscle endurance is greater in HIIT compared to traditional training mode [5, 10]. Scientists investigated the effect of a 10-week aquafitness program with the inclusion of HIIT on biological and motor parameters of female college students. Three blocks of HIIT (Tabata format) were included into the continuous aerobic training unit. This training resulted a significant decrease in waist circumference, body fat percentage, waist to hip ratio, resting heart rate, an improvement of static balance, flexibility of the hamstrings and lumbar spine and dynamic balance [13]. It was confirmed the effect of eight weeks of HIIT on osteopontin and some bone mineral indexes (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron) on middle-aged women. The implementation of 8 weeks HIIT improved bone mineral density [1].
The influence of long-term aerobic exercises on physical state of active young women was studied [12]. The analysis of women's physical state parameters showed more favorable influence of training aerobic orientation with the increase of experience on the component body structure. Heart rate variability and sensitivity arterial baroreflex of middle-aged women demonstrated that increasing the term of training with aerobic orientation leads to changes which increased low-frequency (sympathicotonic) but decreased high-frequency (vagotonics) effect on cardiac rhythm. sport aerobic exercises training
Struhar, et. al. investigated the blood pressure response after ten weeks of acroyoga and whole body electromyostimulation training programme. Their result is that acroyoga exercise programme and whole body electromyostimulation group led to a postexercise decrease in blood pressure. From the outcome of this investigation, acroyoga exercise programme was much more beneficial with regards to post-exercise hypotension in comparing with whole body electromyostimulation group [14].
Coyne & Woodruff investigated the associations between CrossFit variables (skill, length, and frequency) and women's body image (overall and evaluative dimension), self-esteem, and eating behaviours. Four multiple linear regressions revealed that CrossFit skill was positively associated with overall body image, and evaluative body image, CrossFit length (number of months women have engaged in CrossFit) was negatively associated with disordered eating, and no CrossFit variables were associated with global self-esteem. The improving physical abilities, challenge, community, and mental health were the most mentioned motivations among women. Other motivations included for aesthetics/weight management, the presence of programming, and to act as a role model [3].
Researchers focused also on the substantiation of a personalized approach to designing health-promoting exercise programs for young women based on the genetic factors [4]. On the basis of the data of biological and pedagogical studies of young women, the relevance of genetic factors in determining the type and content of fitness classes was substantiated. The anthropometric and body composition variables (abdominal bend, calf bending, calf circumference) contributed significantly to predict the general aesthetic note, and remained in the final multiple linear regression model.
Modern fitness programs require a special individual load as an optimal health-promoting preventive effect of physical activity. The interaction of training effects from loads that differ in their nature can be negative. In this connection, a problem arises when an individual wants to develop several different physical qualities as much as possible at the same time. For example, the wrong combination in the training process of loads aimed at developing strength and endurance can lead to a significant decrease in the training effect of each of them [2]. Accelerating the synthesis of mitochondria and increasing the level of enzymes that provide the aerobic mechanism of energy supply during endurance work is ensured by the release of stress hormones into the blood, the main of which are glucocorticoids. However, glucocorticoids, mobilizing the body's protein resources, "compete" with anabolic hormones designed to accelerate the synthesis of contractile proteins and increase strength. In turn, short-term powerful training aimed at developing strength and using anaerobic mechanisms of Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) resynthesis "acidify" the internal environment of the body, which prevents the growth of mitochondria ("power plants" that provide the aerobic pathway of energy generation). However, there is an opportunity to simultaneously develop different qualities. If different training influences are combined based on certain rules, and the priorities are correctly set during the selection of goals and tasks, it is possible to favorably influence the simultaneous development of various physical qualities [8]. Therefore, it is necessary for the coach to familiarize his individual with this phenomenon in an accessible form and jointly decide on priorities [11].
The research objective: to substantiate the effectiveness of the influence of fitness exercises on the motor prepareadiness of women aged 23-33.
Methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Participants: 40 women aged 23-33, average age 28±1.3 years, took part in the study.
Pedagogical testing and a pedagogical experiment were carried out directly in the conditions of the training process of women aged 23-33 who are engaged in fitness in order to experimentally check the effectiveness of the exercise on their body.
Statistical analysis
Since the samples of the results of testing the physical abilities of women aged 23-33 years corresponded to the law of normal distribution (which was confirmed by Shapiro-Wilk test), parametric descriptive statistics were used in the study. The arithmetic mean x, standard deviation SD were determined. The statistical significance of the difference between the test indicators was determined by t-test for paired or dependent samples.
Research results
Throughout the research, a group of women held training exercises aimed at improving the body, engaged in acquiring good physical shape, increasing muscle tone, and improving psycho-emotional characteristics.
The optimal structure of a fitness session consisted of three parts: preparatory, main, and final. The preparatory part of the training session has two goals: the first is to "warm up" the muscles and prepare the body for the main part of the session, and the second is to cause some acceleration of the heart rate. During the warm-up, exercises are performed for 2-5 minutes. "Warm-up" consists of simple exercises in terms of coordination, which are performed with a low amplitude, especially in the first 6-8 weeks after the start of training. The warm-up also includes exercises on aerobic simulators. At the end of the preparatory part, stretching exercises were included.
The main part of the training session included strength and aerobic orientation. The strength part of the session lasts from 40 to 60 minutes in the initial program. The strength part included strength exercises with a clearly regulated performance technique, which allows selective influence on certain muscle groups. Exercises that affect the muscles of the abdominal press, back, thighs, and buttocks were most often used. Also, strength exercises and the time of the aerobic part were chosen taking into account the individual aspect.
The final part of the session had a restorative focus. Stretching exercises were used to eliminate psychomotor and general tension. The duration of the final part varied from 5 to 10 minutes. Stretching is aimed at the muscles that are most tired during the session.
An effective combination of training is considered to be two aerobic trainings and two statodynamic trainings per week. The duration of aerobic training should be 30-45 minutes, provided that classes are held on different days. A comfortable and effective training regimen that takes place on the threshold of comfort is when women feel the load, but at the same time breathe deeply through the nose and without shortness of breath.
Pedagogical testing was conducted in the conditions of a sports hall during an educational and training session. Before the tests, a warm-up was conducted for 25 minutes, which included general development exercises and stretching exercises. The women were tasked with performing test exercises with the best possible result.
To determine the level of development of motor readiness, we used the following tests:
• To assess strength abilities: Flexion-extension of the arms in a lying position (number of times); Raising the body from the position of lying on the back (several times per 1 minute).
• To assess flexibility: Bend forward while standing on a gymnastic bench (cm).
Indicators of women's physical fitness at the beginning and at the end (after 6 months) of the experiment are presented in the Table. 1.
Table 1
The indicators of motor preparediness of women aged 23-33 during the experiment (n=40)
Test |
Before experiment |
After experiment |
Statistical difference before vs |
after experiment |
X |
SD |
X |
SD |
Flexion-extension of the arms in a lying position, number of times |
8 |
0.9 |
12 |
1.1 |
p<0.05 |
Raising the body from the position of lying on the back, number of times per 1 min |
25 |
1.8 |
33 |
1.9 |
p<0.05 |
Bend forward while standing on a gymnastic bench, cm |
10.5 |
1.2 |
14.5 |
1.4 |
p<0.05 |
Comparing the results of motor readiness testing, it is the positive growth dynamics of all indicators in women at the end of the pedagogical experiment. A significant (p < 0.05) increase in the indicators of women aged 23-33 was revealed in the tests: " Flexion-extension of the arms in a lying position ", " Raising the body from the position of lying on the back" and "Bend forward while standing on a gymnastic bench".
As a result of the experiment, there was an improvement in strength indicators - the muscles of the shoulder girdle by 50%; abdominal muscles by 32%. Flexibility test results improved by 38%
Thus, the used technique and the selected set of tools in fitness increased the level of motor readiness and had positive dynamics in flexibility indicators and strength indicators, namely, the muscles of the shoulder girdle and abdominal press of women aged 23-33.
Fitness training can improve: health and mental state (minimize the risk of many diseases, increase the level of work capacity and activity); physical abilities (increase endurance, strength, flexibility) of women aged 23-33.
Prospects for further research. Actual area of further scientific research is determination of the effectiveness of the influence of fitness exercises on the functional preparedness of women.
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