Developing orienteering in Ukraine during state of war, indoor orienteering
Analysis of the possibility of training and orienteering competitions during state of war in Ukraine. Educational classes, training, orienteering competitions in forest areas, city parks. Mastering of the navigation skills in present conditions.
Рубрика | Спорт и туризм |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 1,5 M |
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Размещено на
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Parkhomenko Vyacheslav senior lecturer
Berezovskyi Vasyl PhD, associate professor
Oleksandra Parkhomenko PhD, Assistant
The article analyzes the possibility of training and orienteering competitions during state of war in Ukraine. Today, Ukraine is the most mined country in the world, any territory in Ukraine is bombarded and shelled by missiles and drones every day. Therefore, the population is prohibited from entering the territories where hostilities took place, forest areas around cities. In such conditions, it is safe to hold orienteering training and competitions indoors. The authors give examples of such competitions' organization. Indoor orienteering competitions have been held in Ukraine also before war - to hold safe orienteering competitions for children and adults, especially in cold winter weather. Now the advantages of such competitions are not visible from the air crowd of people, which can be a target for enemy fire and that competitions are held in buildings with bomb shelters that can be used during an air raid alarm.
Keywords: orienteering, map, indoor orienteering.
В'ячеслав Пархоменко, Василь Березовський, Олександра Пархоменко. Розвиток спортивного орієнтування в Україні під час воєнного стану, орієнтування в приміщенні. В статті проводиться аналіз можливості проведення навчання, змагань зі спортивного орієнтування в умовах воєнного стану в Україні. На сьогоднішній день Україна найбільш замінована країна в світі, будь -яка територія в Україні щодня підвергається обстрілам ракетами, безпілотними апаратами. Тому населенню заборонено заходити до тер иторій де відбувалися бойові дії, до лісових масивів навколо міст. Змагання з орієнтування у приміщенні проводилися і раніше в Україні та інших країнах, які розвивають спортивне орієнтування - як засіб залучання до спортивного орієнтування дітей молодшого віку, проведення безпечних змагань з орієнтування для дітей та їхніх батьків, учителів шкіл, особливо у холодну зимову погоду. На теперішній час змагання з орієнтування у приміщенні в Україні набули особливої актуальності, саме під час воєнного стану в Україні. В таких умовах навчання і змагання зі спортивного орієнтування безпечно проводити не в лісі, лісопарках, а всередині приміщень з цікавою, розгалуженою конфігурацією будівлі. Перевагами таких змагань є те, що учасників змагань не видно з повітря, не видно скупчення великої кількості людей, що може бути ціллю для ворожих обстрілів; змагання проводяться в будівлях у яких є бомбосховища, і за оголошення повітряної тривоги, яка відбувається в Україні щоденно багато разів на добу, - змагання швидко призупиняються і учасники, судді переміщуються до бомбосховища, а після її закінчення - продовжуються. Автори публікації є провідними спортсменами, організаторами спортивних змагань і тренувань в спортивних секціях, клубах, тренерами спортсменів і збірних команд України зі спортивного орієнтування, спортивної радіопеленгації, і в статті наводять приклади проведення таких змагань, описують дії організаторів таких змагань, наводяться також зразки карт змагань з орієнтування у приміщення в Україні і за кордоном. Орієнтування у багатоповерхових приміщеннях вимагає від учасників додаткових навичок орієнтуватися у просторі за допомогою карти, особливо під час переміщення з одного поверху будівлі на інший поверх.
Ключові слова: спортивне орієнтування, карта, орієнтування у приміщенні.
Since 2014, Russia has started a war with Ukraine, in February 2022 a full-scale invasion of Russians into Ukraine began with hostilities along the entire border of Ukraine with Russia and Belarus, the capture of a large part of Ukrainian territories by the enemy, the encirclement of Ukrainian military units, and their attempt to escape from the encirclement, an d further offensive actions by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). Combat actions, both in defense and during the attack, have become very mobile. That requires all branches of the military to be able to navigate the terrain in different conditions. The war h as progressed to a “drone war" stage - which also requires drone operators to be able to control the drones using maps of the terrain. However, according to the public statements of Ukrainian commanders, the attitude of military personnel to the ability to navigate the terrain, as well as to the acquisition of knowledge and skills in first aid, remains underestimated - which leads to significant losses of personnel. Therefore, the ability to navigate the terrain should be a subject of mastery, training, and acquisition of skills for all segments of the population, especially at all stages of education of the younger generation, as well as urgent training of territorial defense personnel and the AFU. The public organization "Orienteering Federation of Ukraine" and its structural subdivisions in all regions of Ukraine and the cities of Kyiv, Sevastopol are engaged in the development orienteering in Ukraine.
Formulation of the problem
training orienteering war navigation
Orienteering is a sport in which a competitor must find control points that are shown on their map on terrain using map, compass, and navigation skills. Educational classes, training, orienteering competitions are held in various forest areas, city parks. However, during the war in Ukraine, it is forbidden to visit forest areas in the regions wh ere hostilities took place and are currently taking place and the areas adjacent to them. Therefore, to master the navigation skills in present conditions, the territories of city parks, squares, recreation areas, forest plantations or even large buildings with an interesting, extensive network of corridors and halls are forced to be used.
Analysis of publications
Research on this topic has shown the existence of publications that describe the method of organizing and conducting indoor orienteering classes for preschool and school-aged children. Information on indoor orienteering is published on the websites of separate divisions of the NGO "Sports Orienteering Federation of Ukraine" in various regions of Ukraine, other state and public organizations. Conducting indoor orienteering classes and competitions is aimed to develop space perception skills of children of different ages, the ability to navigate in space with the help of a map, scheme of a room, a building, is used as a game method of mastering orienteering skills [3,5-7 ].
Presenting main material
During the war, most forest areas in large areas were mined, access to them is prohibited. Indoor orienteering competitions have been held in Kyiv, mainly for schoolchildren, for almost 20 years and are one of the me thods of orienteering training for different segments of the population. Such competitions took place on February 19, 2023, in one of the educational buildings of the NULES of Ukraine, and on December 9-10, in one of the educational buildings of Taras Shevchenko National University. People aged 8 to 80 and older took part in the competition. The article analyzes the possibility of learning, acquiring skills, and competitive experience by schoolchildren, students, adults, and seniors during indoor orienteering competitions.
The venues of such competitions are not advertised, they are not published in a wide network, but they are distributed through personal communication systems.
Advantages of indoor orienteering competitions.
During orienteering competitions in the forest, beginners often wander, do not know where they are, it is difficult for them to navigate, and sometimes it is even scary to go out into the forest on their own in order not to get lost. During indoor competitions, the competition area is limited (participants do not leave the building), participants often see each other, even if they move in different directions or toward each other, and beginners are not afraid to get lost.
The participants of sports competitions of all sports must go to the bomb shelter during an air raid alert. It is difficult to do this quickly in parks and forests, since the competition area is large, while for indoor orienteering competitions buildings are chosen having bomb shelters, and it becomes easier and faster to ensure the movement of participants to the bomb shelter.
For indoor orienteering competitions, the courses are planned on several floors with the use of various transitions, stairs - which significantly adds to the complexity of the course and is interesting for the participants.
The vagaries of the weather do not affect indoor orienteering competitions. It is easier for judges to use electronic equipment for conducting competitions, recording and displaying the results of competitions immediately after the finish line of each participant.
Indoors, it is easier to ensure the safety of expensive equipment at control points, 1 electronic punching station at a control point costs 90 euros, and stations often disappear in the forest (they are taken by random travelers in the forest, m ushroom pickers considering them a their own forest "trophy" ).
Experience in organizing and conducting indoor orienteering competitions.
To hold a competition, you need motivation (social demand), an idea and specialists who can implement it. Similar competitions were held on February 19, 2023 at the NULES of Ukraine thanks to the cooperation of the organizers of the competition, Viktor Biloshitskyi - the head of the Zelesta orienteering club, the head of the youth tourism and local history center of the Svyatoshyn district of Kyiv, and Vyacheslav Parkhomenko - a senior lecturer of the physical education department of the NULES of Ukraine. The competition on December 9-10, 2023 was also held by the " Zelesta " orienteering club. Such competitions, in addition to the sports goals, have the purpose of vocational guidance - familiarization of the competition participants with the conditions and places of study in the educational institution in which the competition is held. The map of the competition venue is not shown in fig. 1.
Actions of the competition organizer. Conducting a preliminary investigation of the selected building for the competition, sending a letter from the NULES of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (TSNU of Kyiv) with a proposal to ho ld a competition in the educational building, obtaining the approvals of the rector, the dean of the faculty located in this educational building, drawing a map for the competition, creating informational bulletin and regulations about the competition, posting information about the competitio, organization of entries for competitions in electronic form, printing of maps for competitions in accordance with the number of registered participants, preparation of equipment for competitions, formation of judging teams, holding of competitions, placement of information about studies at NULES of Ukraine, TSNU of Kyiv, conducting an excursion to the museum of the faculty, summarizing the results, awarding the winners of the competition (during the awarding ceremony, an air raid alert was announced in the city, therefore the awarding ceremony was held in a bomb shelter located in this educational building), preparation of a report on the competition, posting of an article about competition.
Fig. 1 Map of indoor orienteering competition on February 19, 2023
Indoor competition for children and anyone interested is widely used abroad as a means of learning orientation, diversification of the educational process, education of healthy lifestyle skills, expansion of public interests of students and adults. The map of indoor orienteering competitions in Sweden is shown in fig. 2.
Indoor orienteering competitions provide the participants of these competitions with the opportunity to further master the skills of orienteering, navigation skill, relieve psychological pressure during the war, maintain physical condition, gain competitive experience, acquire skills in organizing similar competitions, get acquainted with the educational instituti ons during the state of war in the country. Participation in such competitions gives the participants psychological relief, confidence that life in the country continues even during the war. And people, a nation that is not conquered by the spirit - it is impossible to defeat. Orienteering training is an urgent need, as evidenced by the introduction of orienteering in the state program "Side by Side" in 2023. [ 4 ]
Fig. 2 Map of indoor orienteering competitions in Sweden
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4. The regulation on the preparation, holding and development of the All-Ukrainian competition "Side by Side AllUkrainian School Leagues in Sports Orienteering" among students of secondary education institutions for the 2023/2024 academic year under the slogan "TOGETHER WE WILL WIN" was approved by order of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine No. 1158/5.2 /23 dated 08.12.2023.
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