The influence of military-sports all-around training on the health of cadets of the security and defense sector
The experience of combat operations in the anti-terrorist operation in the east of Ukraine and the war of the russian federation against Ukraine proved the need to improve the military-applied physical skills of servicemen in moving on the battlefield.
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Дата добавления | 23.09.2024 |
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The influence of military-sports all-around training on the health of cadets of the security and defense sector
Otkydach Vladyslav, PhD, senior lecturer of the department of special physical and combat training of the National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv;
Bohdanov Mykhailo, senior lecturer department of special physical and combat training National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv;
Bondarovitch Oleg, senior lecturer department of special physical and combat training National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv.
The experience of combat operations in the anti-terrorist operation in the east of Ukraine and the war of the russian federation against Ukraine proved the need to develop and improve the military-applied physical skills of servicemen in moving on the battlefield, overcoming obstacles in full equipment and means of ballistic protection, firing small arms from various positions, throwing grenades, close combat (especially all-style combat). There are different approaches to the content of special physical training of cadets. The influence of military-sports all-around training on the health of cadets of the security and defense sector. The results of the study demonstrate a statistically significant improvement in the level of physical health of EG cadets. No statistically significant changes were noted in the representatives of the CG.
Key words: military-sport all-around, health status, cadets, higher military educational institutions.
Откидач В.С., Богданов М.В., Бондарович О.П., Вплив військово-спортивних багатоборств на здоров'я курсантів сектору безпеки та оборони. Досвід бойових дій в антитерористичній операції на сході України та війні Російської Федерації проти України, довів необхідність розвитку та удосконалення військово -прикладних фізичних навичок військовослужбовців з пересування на полі бою, подолання перешкод у повному спорядженні та засобах балістичного захисту, ведення вогню зі стрілецької зброї з різних положень, метання гранат, ближнього бою (в особливості всестильового бою). Існують різні підходи до змісту спеціальної фізичної підготовки курсантів. Проте недостатньо обґрунтовано використання засобів фізичного виховання в системі спеціальної фізичної підготовки, які найбільшою мірою впливають на формування психофізичної готовності майбутніх офіцері в до ведення безпосередніх бойових дій в сучасних умовах. Аналізуючи вимоги навчально -бойової та бойової діяльності до професійної підготовленості військовослужбовців можна зазначити, що для ефективного виконання завдань система спеціальної фізичної підготовки (СФП) має бути спрямована на формування професійних навичок діяти у складних та небезпечних умовах. Стаття присвячена актуальному питанню покращення здоров&арсзл курсантів сектору безпеки і оборони. Гіпотезою дослідження є твердження науковців про поступове покращення стану здоров&арсзл курсантів завдяки заняттям військово-прикладними видами спорту. До дослідження залучено 74 курсантів контрольної групи, які навчалися за чинною системою фізично підготовки та 45 курсантів експериментальної групи, які займалися за експериментальною авторською програмою СФП, яка включає засоби військово -спортивних багатоборств.
Результати дослідження демонструють статистично достовірне покращення показника рівня фізичного здоровЯ^свя курсантів ЕГ. У представників КГ статистично достовірних змін не відмічено.
Ключові слова: військово-спортивне багатоборство, стан здоров^свя, курсанти, вищі військові навчальні заклади.
Formulation of the problem. The key to high combat readiness and combat capability of the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the necessary level of professional knowledge, sufficient motivation, excellent physical development and high functional state of the main body systems of servicemen [1, 2]. Foreign experts I. Mikkola, S. Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi, J. Jokelainen, A. Peitso, P. Harkonen, M. Timonen, 2012; K. Friedl, J. Knapik, K. Hakkinen, N. Baumgartner, H. Groeller, N. Taylor, 2015 confirm that the physical development and functional state of body systems are a guarantee of effective performance of combat tasks by military personnel of various specialties [3, 4]. Authors of domestic scientific works O. Lavrut, T. Lavrut, 2009; O. Olkhovy, 2014; V. Klymovych, O. Olkhovy, S. Romanchuk, 2016, claim that the success of military professional activi ties and the results of professional training of future officers depend on their physical condition [5, 6, 7]. However, physical developme nt and the corresponding functional state of body systems are components of the level of physical health.
Analysis of literary sources. The term "physical health" is characterized and considered by modern scientists from different points of view. V. Bobrytska believes that physical health is determined by the figure, the condition of hair and s kin, the harmonious development of all physical qualities (speed, strength, endurance, flexibility), as well as the ability of the body to maintain the constancy of the internal environment (homeostasis) [8]. A. Furmanov, M. Yuspa claim that physical health is the level of growth and development of body organs and systems; its basis consists of morphological and functional reserves that provide adaptive reactions [9]. According to D. Voronin, physical health is the level of development and functional capabilities of the body's organs and systems [10]. T. Krutsevich considers physical health as a dynamic state, characterized by the reserve of functions of organs and systems, and is the basis of the individual's performance of his biological and social functions [11]. In our opinion, the most acceptable definition of the term "physical health" is the dynamic state of the organism, which can gradually change under the influence of the process of physical education - T. Krutsevich, 2008 [11].
The analysis of the latest publications gives reason to claim that physical training has significant opportunities for improving the level of physical development of military personnel, strengthening their health and increasing professional performance [12, 13, 14]. Researchers claim that military sports are effective means of physical training for military personnel [15, 16, 17]. On the one hand, they provide a high level of general physical fitness, on the other hand, they form professionally necessary applied skills and skills (hand-to-hand combat, overcoming obstacles, military swimming, throwing grenades, shooting, etc.).
Military all-around sport is a Neo-Olypian sport with a military focus and is included in the "List of sports recognized in Ukraine" [18]. Military-sports all-around includes two sections: combat duels and military-sports heptathlon. In Ukraine, militarysports all-around is developed and popularized by the Public Organization "All-Ukrainian Federation of Military-Sports All-Around", which was created on February 8, 2000 on the basis of the Federation of Military-Applied Sports of Kharkiv Region (registered on 31.01.1997). The Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sports" Regarding the Introduction of Service Applied and Military Applied Sports" dated June 6, 2017 No. 2080-VIII decrees the development and implementation of military applied sports in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Since 2010, military sports all-around has been introduced into the sports and mass work of higher military educational institutions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Previous studies have determined the deterioration of the physical condition of first-year cadets of higher military educational institutions over the past 10 years [19]. The hypothesis of the following work was the statement of the authors [17] about the possibility of using means of military applied exercises in the process of sports and mass work to improve the phys ical development and state of health of military personnel.
The purpose of the work - to investigate the impact of military sports all-around training on the level of physical health of cadets of the security and defense sector.
Research material and methods. The study was conducted in the period from January 2020 to September 2021 on the basis of the Kharkiv National University of the Air Force named after Ivan Kozhedub and was aimed at determining the level of physical health of cadets according to the method of G. L. Apanasenko. The experiment involved 45 cadets of the experimental group (EG), who participated in the author's program of special physical training using military sports equipment at another level of higher education, and 74 cadets of the control group (CG), who participated in the current system of physical traini ng. All cadets were informed about participation in the experiment and about their consent.
Anthropometric (measurement of anthropometric data) and medical-biological (rhythmovasometry, electromanometry) research methods were used to determine the level of physical health of cadets. Based on the results of anthropometric and medical-biological measurements, weight-growth, vital, strength indices, Robinson's index, and the time to restore the heart rate to a resting state after 20 squats in 30 seconds were determined. The weight-height index characterizes the peculiarities of the physique and the increase in the ratio of body weight to body length. The vital index allows you to evaluate the reserves of the respiratory system and increase the ratio of the vital capacity of the lungs to body weight. The strength index characterizes the state of the human muscular system and the increase in the ratio of the average arithmetic value of the dynamometry of two ha nds to body weight. The Robinson index characterizes the efficiency of the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is determined by the product of the heart rate and systolic blood pressure, divided by 100. The time of recovery of the heart rate to the state of rest after 20 squats characterizes the physical capacity of a person.
For a detailed analysis of the level of physical health of cadets, a highly informative method was used - express assessment of the level of physical health according to the method of G.V. L. Apanasenko. This technique involves determining the sum of points for each of the 5 indicators (calculated indices) [20].
The methods of mathematical statistics (one-dimensional statistical analysis) were used to prove the regularities discovered in the research process of such hypothesis testing. The probability of differences was estimated by Student's t- test and was considered statistically significant at p<0.05.
Research results. During the experiment, anthropometric and medico-biological indicators of the physical condition of the cadets of the experimental and control groups were determined. Based on the experimental data, the assessment of the level of physical health of two groups of cadets before and after the experiment was determined. The data are included in Table 1.
Table 1
Dynamics of indicators of physical health of cadets during the experiment
Indexes |
Test results |
Level importance |
January 2020 |
September 2021 |
Control group (n = 74) |
Weight-height index, kg-m-1 |
403,18 ± 2,41 |
407,33 ± 2,13 |
р>0,05 |
Vital index, ml-kg-1 |
53,29±0,77 |
52,73±0,71 |
р<0,05 |
Power index, % |
57,26±0,82 |
58,18±1,12 |
р>0,05 |
Robinson's index, conditional units |
85,83±1,19 |
83,97±0,83 |
р>0,05 |
Recovery time Heart rate after 20 squats, s |
88,86±0,83 |
88,03±0,78 |
р>0,05 |
Experimental group (n = 45) |
Weight-height index, kg-m-1 |
404,62 ± 2,63 |
407,24 ± 2,35 |
р>0,05 |
Vital index, ml-kg-1 |
53,29±0,88 |
53,28±0,89 |
р>0,05 |
Power index, % |
56,97±1,29 |
60,61±1,44 |
р<0,01 |
Robinson's index, conditional units |
85,51±1,40 |
81,97±1,42 |
р<0,001 |
Recovery time Heart rate after 20 squats, s |
88,84±1,20 |
85,87±0,96 |
р<0,001 |
Based on the obtained data, an analysis of the dynamics of the physical health indicators of the cadets of the control and experimental groups during the experiment was carried out. The weight-growth index of the students of both groups suffered a slight deterioration. The changes that have taken place are not statistically significant (p>0.05). In our opinion, the slight deterioration of the weight-growth index of cadets at the second level of higher education is associated with an increase in body weight.
We note similar changes in the numerical value of the life index of the representatives of both groups, but for CG students these changes are statistically significant (p<0.05), and for EG cadets, the indicator has not changed statistically (p>0.05).
The analysis of the strength index and Robinson index values of CG cadets proved the absence of statistically significant changes during the experiment. On the other hand, the strength index of EG achievers experienced a statistically significant improvement at p<0.05, and the Robinson index at p<0.001.
The specified changes in the relevant indices - components of the express assessment of the level of physical health according to the method of G.L. Apanasenko was allowed to assess the impact of the experimental program on the state of health of the cadets of the experimental group. Assessment of the level of physical health of the students of the two groups before the start of the experiment shows the absence of statistically significant differences. According to the results of the study, the average value of the assessment of the level of physical health in the EG recipients underwent a statistically significant improvemen t (p<0.001), while no statistically significant differences were recorded in the CG recipients (p>0.05).
Table 2
Evaluation of the level of health of cadets during the experiment, points, (±S)
Indexes |
Test results |
Level importance, % |
January 2020 |
September 2021 |
Control group (n = 74) |
7,39±0,30 |
7,91±0,27 |
7,03 |
Experimental group (n = 45) |
7,87±0,30 |
9,53±0,34 |
21,09 |
Validity of differences between groups |
t = 1,08 |
t = 3,78 |
р>0,05 |
р<0,01 |
In order to determine the impact of the experimental program on the level of physical health of the cadets, we compared the ratio of the express assessments of the students of the two groups before the beginning and after the experiment.
CG before the experiment CG after the experiment EG before the experiment EG after the experiment
Figure 1. Correlation of express assessments of physical health of cadets of both groups before and after the experiment.
low - below average
average - higher than average
In the control group before the experiment, 14 cadets received a "low" grade (up to 4 points according to G.L. Apanasenko's method), 41 cadets received a "below average" grade (from 5 to 9 points), and 19 cadets received an "average" grade (from 10 to 13 points). After the experiment, the number of cadets receiving low grades decreased to 3, the number of "below average" grades increased to 54, but the number of "average grades" decreased to 17.
The results of the experimental group showed significantly better dynamics. The following ratings were obtained before the experiment: "low" - 1, "below average" - 38, and "average" - 6.
After the experiment, there were no "low" grades, 22 "below average" grades, 21 "average" grades, and 2 "above average" grades (14-16 points).
This fact indicates the expediency of using military-sports all-around equipment to improve the health of servicemen. In the course of the formative experiment, the positive influence of the special physical training program was determined on the indicators of heart rate at rest (p<0.05), physical condition according to the method of O.A. Pirogova (p<0.05), strength index (p<0.01), Robinson index (p<0.001), heart rate recovery time after 20 squats (p<0.001), level of physical health (p<0.001 ).
Prospects for further research it is planned to focus on the study of the impact of military sports all-around training on the level of psychological qualities of cadets of the security and defense sector.
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реферат [55,2 K], добавлен 13.01.2016Content of the confrontation between the leading centers of global influence - the EU, the USA and the Russian Federation. Russia's military presence in Syria. Expansion of the strategic influence of the Russian Federation. Settlement of regional crises.
статья [34,8 K], добавлен 19.09.2017Practical aspects of U.S. security policy from the point of view of their reflection in the "Grand strategy", as well as military-political and military-political doctrines. The hierarchy of strategic documents defining the policy of safety and defense.
статья [26,3 K], добавлен 19.09.2017Safety and attitudes toward law enforcement in persistence. Basic approaches to ensure the safety of law enforcement personnel in the development of independent Ukraine. Ways and methods of improvement of system of training of policemen in Ukraine.
реферат [33,0 K], добавлен 02.10.2012