Forms of physical recreation as a basis for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of student youth

Changing the nature and content of physical exercises depending on the motives, interests and needs of a person. The main feature is the use of various forms and means of physical recreation. Analysis of the research of recreation and health systems.

Рубрика Спорт и туризм
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Дата добавления 10.10.2024
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Dmytro Motorny Tavriya State Agrotechnological University

Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Volodymyr Hnatyuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University

Forms of physical recreation as a basis for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of student youth

Olena Sopotnytska

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Altai Abdullaiev

Oleksandr Kyriienko

Inessa Rebar

Oleksii Nesterov

The free form of physical exercises in the process of physical recreation (PR) allows solving mainly health-improving tasks. This is facilitated by various forms of its implementation, which allow changes in the nature and content of physical exercises depending on the motives, interests and needs of the person. However, despite the freedom to choose the content, nature and forms of physical exercises, a positive effect can only be obtained through their competent and skilful organisation, knowledge of their impact on the human body. When using various forms and means of physical recreation, a person develops a sense of natural desire to use them regularly for the purpose of their spiritual and physical development [9, 13].

In addition, it should be noted that physical recreation helps in the fight against bad habits (smoking, alcohol, etc.), which are especially acute in the student period of life, and impede the process of self-affirmation of a young person as a personality, the development of his/her physical culture. It is of considerable theoretical and practical interest as an important element of sports lifestyle not only for students, but also for the adult population, which undoubtedly contributes to the formation of a healthy lifestyle [1, 3].

Analysis of the literature [2, 7, 8, 15, 17] has shown that all forms of physical exercises aimed at emotionally active rest, entertainment, enjoyment of motor activity, restoration of mental and physical strength are included in the content of physical recreation. We will briefly focus on those that, in our opinion, are more appropriate and interesting.

The structural components (types and forms) of physical recreation include: sport for all, active recreation, recreational and health systems, sports and recreational activities, tourism [3, 12].

Sport for all is training in sports with a recreational and health-improving orientation. Their goal is to improve the physical and functional state, strengthen health, develop and improve the physical and mental qualities of student youth. The cyclic sports used in the PR include: athletics, swimming, skiing, cycling, rowing, etc. Acyclic sports include sports games (football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, table tennis, hopscotch, arm wrestling, billiards), martial arts, etc.

The methodological features of such training (as opposed to sports training) are as follows:

Moderation of physical activity in accordance with the social, demographic and biological characteristics of the student;

the possibility of holding recreational and health competitions (sports days, championships, matches, cups, tournaments, memorials, etc;)

individualisation of the use of training and competition forms;

simplification of the rules of training and competitive forms of classes (permissibility of changing the number of participants, size of playing fields, etc.)

Active recreation, the essence of which is:

restoration of physical and spiritual strength spent by the student during the period of educational activity, health improvement and further physical development;

development of the student's abilities and skills related to future professional activities;

deepening and expanding the social activity of the individual in order to harmonise his/her physical and spiritual development.

The following forms are most in demand when organising active recreation for students: outdoor games, competitions, entertainment.

Recreational and health-improving systems are a scientifically grounded set of physical exercises and natural and hygienic factors, different in their functional, physiological and mental orientation, type of motor activity, subject forms of application, impact on the body in accordance with its anatomical and physiological structure, and conditions of implementation. This includes the systems of K. Buteyko, K. Cooper, P. Ivanov, L. Tel, G. Malakhov, A. Strelnikova, M. Ayurveda, G. Sytin, etc. [9].

The specificity of the methodology of their application is the directed formation of the main physical quality of a person-general and special endurance, influence on certain functional systems of the body, activation of its reserve capabilities; various energy expenditures to optimise the human motor regime; work in aerobic and anaerobic modes; combination of motor, hardening and ideal-figurative actions [10]. physical recreation health

Mass sports and recreational activities are competitive and playful activities, the participants of which, taking into account gender, age and fitness, have approximately equal opportunities for active recreation, emotional release, physical activity and achievement of motor results in the exercises available to them. These include: Sports Days, sports holidays, festivals, evenings, Sportland, health trains, etc. The methodological features of organising and conducting mass recreational and sporting events are a special set of competitive exercises, complexity and length of the course, weight of the equipment used, duration and intensity of the exercises [13].

Tourism is one of the most effective types of active recreation, most in demand by different population groups. In terms of form and content, tourist activities are very diverse: hiking, tourist competitions, orienteering, excursions, tours.

The considered forms of physical recreation complement each other and represent different sides of a single health and recreational process, optimisation of vital properties and qualities of a person.

Morning hygienic gymnastics. Morning hygienic gymnastics is one of the various forms that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. It is the least complicated, but effective enough to be incorporated into the school day as soon as possible. For example: students who regularly perform morning hygienic gymnastics have a 2.7 times shorter period of exercise in the first class than those who do not. The same fully applies to the psycho-emotional state: mood increases by 50%, well-being - by 44%, activity - by 36.7% [9].

Systematic morning hygienic gymnastics improves blood circulation, strengthens the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems, improves the functioning of the digestive organs, and promotes more productive cerebral cortex activity. Regular morning exercise strengthens the musculoskeletal system and contributes to the development of physical qualities, especially strength, flexibility and agility. In addition, morning hygienic gymnastics helps to overcome the physical inactivity inherent in modern people, improve health, and increase physical and mental performance.

When performing morning hygiene exercises, certain hygiene rules should be followed: if possible, it is recommended to perform them outdoors all year round, which gives the greatest effect. The effectiveness of morning hygienic exercises depends on the selection and intensity of the exercises performed, as well as the dosage of the loads.

The complex of morning hygienic gymnastics should correspond to the state of health and physical fitness. The complexes should include exercises (1216) for all muscle groups, exercises for flexibility and mobility, and breathing exercises. It is not recommended to perform static exercises, with significant weights, for endurance. The amount of load and its intensity should be limited and be significantly less than during daytime training. Exercises, like all morning hygiene exercises, should not cause fatigue.

When performing morning hygienic exercises, it is recommended to follow a certain sequence of exercises: slow jogging; walking (2-3 minutes); stretching exercises with deep breathing; flexibility and mobility exercises for the arms, neck, torso and legs; strength exercises without weights or with light weights for the arms, torso and legs (bending and extending the arms in a lying position, exercises with light dumbbells - for women 1.5-2 kg, for men 2-3 kg, with expansors and rubber shock absorbers, etc.); various bends and straightening in standing, sitting, lying position; squats on one and two legs, etc.; light jumps or jumps (for example, with a rope) - 20-36 seconds; slow running and walking (2-3 minutes); relaxation exercises with deep breathing.

When composing morning hygienic gymnastics complexes and performing them, it is recommended to increase the load on the body gradually, it should be the greatest in the middle and in the second half of the complex. By the end of the set of exercises, the load decreases, and the body is brought into a relatively calm state. The complex should be updated periodically, as the habituality of the exercises reduces the effectiveness of the classes.

When performing a set of exercises for morning hygienic gymnastics, great importance is attached to proper breathing. It is recommended to combine inhalation and exhalation with movements. Inhalation is carried out when spreading the arms to the sides or raising them up, with stretching, with straightening the torso after bending, turning and squatting. Exhalation is carried out when lowering hands down, during bends, turns of a trunk, during squats, alternately raising legs forward with swinging movements.

Physical training pause. An effective and accessible form of physical recreation is a physical education break. It is performed during study time and solves the problem of reducing fatigue and increasing efficiency. The content and methodology of exercises of the physical education break are similar to those of morning hygienic gymnastics. In addition to the usual exercises included in the complex of morning hygienic gymnastics (such as tilts and turns of the torso, arm movements, pelvic rotation, etc.), it is advisable to include breathing exercises and eye exercises in the physical activity break. They help to activate the nervous system and increase tone. The so-called diaphragmatic breathing (inhalation begins with a protrusion of the abdomen due to the contraction of the diaphragm), consisting of frequent but shallow inhalations and exhalations with a protrusion and retraction of the abdomen, is effective.

Exercises for the eyes consist mainly of left-right, up-down and circular movements.

In order to improve cerebral circulation, exercises consisting of tilting and turning the head are used.

In cases where the conditions do not allow you to perform exercises in a standing position, you can do this without getting up from the table. In this case, the exercises are performed in an isometric mode - tension and relaxation of various muscle groups is produced without changing the posture. For example, straightening your legs, alternately or simultaneously tense and relax the muscles of the legs, then the arms, and the torso.

Weekend hiking. Tourism is an integral part of the lifestyle of students. Among all sports, tourism is one of the most popular.

In any trip, even a small one like a weekend hiking trip, the most important thing is the choice of route. It is developed in advance and in as much detail as possible. First, the timing of the hike is set and, consequently, the weather conditions are determined, on which the choice of clothing, footwear, and equipment depends.

The route of any trip, corresponding to the chosen mode of transport, goals and objectives of the tourist event (regardless of whether it is a recreational or sports trip, even just a tourist walk, sightseeing trip or journey), is the main feature of tourism as a specific type of recreational, health, sports, educational and cognitive activity.

The choice of a hiking area is a creative matter, and the solution to the problem of choice is associated with the analysis of the purpose of the hike, its objectives (educational, sports, cognitive, recreational), financial and material opportunities (in the sense of providing appropriate equipment), the level of preparedness of the group (not only physical and technical, but also psychological, and adapted to the natural and climatic conditions of the region).

The first stage of hiking involves several weekend hikes, and one-day hikes that do not require an overnight stay in the field, the season does not matter. The weather, however, should be "chosen", since beginners go on a hike, even if it is a one-day one. The area of the hike, other things being equal (i.e., if there are interesting routes in the area), is determined by the proximity of access to the start of the route and the convenience of returning.

It is incomparably more important, both from a health and pedagogical point of view, to make hikes throughout the school year not in remote areas, but mainly in your own region or in a neighbouring one. It is important that the routes of the trips correspond to the richness and diversity of their programmes.

The proximity of the hiking area greatly simplifies organisational tasks, but not methodological ones: the route and plan of the hike are usually thought out thoroughly and in detail.

Before the hike, the whole tourist group studies the features of the route on the map: terrain, natural obstacles, forest, rivers, nearest settlements, attractions, historical monuments, museums, construction sites. Duties are distributed among the participants of the hike, and the following are appointed: a housekeeper, a health officer, a chef, a photographer, a correspondent, a guide and a closing officer.

The tourist's clothing should be light, durable, and unrestrictive. The most comfortable is a training or ski suit (according to the weather); women should always wear trousers. Shoes are recommended to be worn out (sneakers, ski or hiking boots), which are worn with cotton and woolen toes.

A prerequisite for preparing for the hike is physical and special tourist training, systematic exercise and sports.

Before the hike, participants are informed of the time of gathering and starting the route, the day's routine and schedule, the time of small and large halts.

The main form of marching order is a chain. Less prepared hikers go in front, and more experienced ones behind. The leader of the line is the guide, who chooses the most convenient and safe places to move. The closing person does not leave anyone behind; helps lagging comrades; controls the movement, transmitting commands to the leading person to change its pace. The distance between the participants of the hike is 2-3 m, in the bush - 3-5 m. It is recommended to start the hike at 7-8 am. The direction of movement is determined by a map and compass.

One-day hike is designed for 6-7 hours of walking. The first halt is made 15-20 minutes after the start of the movement to fit the equipment; then every 45 minutes of the course, 10-15-minute small halts are made. At 10-11 am - breakfast (dry rations: sandwiches with cheese and sausage). At 13-14 hours, a big halt is made, a bivouac is set up, and tourists have lunch and rest. At the discretion of the leader, in accordance with the plan of the trip, a long halt can be designed for 3-4 hours.

During the halt, the leader should use physical training facilities. Physical exercises, firstly, increase the body tone; secondly, increase the functional activity of physiological systems responsible for the removal of radionuclides from the body.

The following principles should be observed when organising and conducting physical exercises during a hiking trip: the principle of safety - such an organisation and methodology of conducting exercises that minimises the threat of additional penetration of harmful substances into the body of a hiking participant; the principle of maximum health effect - the use of exercises that ensure maximum increase in the body's resistance to harmful environmental influences; the principle of individualisation - the use of strictly individual loads in accordance with the

Tourism activities are not compatible with smoking, drinking alcohol, and drug use.

Independent physical exercises. Management of independent training sessions consists in determining the state of health, level of physical and sports fitness of a student at each period of training and, according to the results of this determination, in adjusting various aspects of training in order to achieve their maximum efficiency [6, 7, 8, 11, 12].

In order to manage the process of independent physical exercises, it is necessary to determine the purpose of classes. The goal can be: health improvement, body hardening and improvement of general well-being, increase of physical fitness level, etc.

Independent exercise classes can be conducted individually or in a group of 2-5 people or more. Group training is more effective than individual training. It is recommended to exercise 3-4 times a week for 1-1,5 hours. The best time to train is in the afternoon, 2-3 hours after lunch.

You can also train at other times, but not earlier than 2 hours after a meal, and not later than one hour before a meal or before going to bed. It is not recommended to train in the morning, immediately after sleep, on an empty stomach. Training sessions should be comprehensive in nature, i.e. contribute to the development of the entire range of physical qualities, as well as improve health and increase the overall performance of the body.

Each independent training session consists of three parts: the preparatory part (warm-up) is divided into two parts - general developmental and special.

The general developmental part consists of walking (2-3 minutes), slow jogging (women - 6-8 minutes, men - 8-12 minutes), general developmental gymnastic exercises for all muscle groups.

It is recommended to start with small muscle groups of the arms and shoulder girdle, then move on to the larger muscles of the torso and end with leg exercises. After strength and stretching exercises, you should perform relaxation exercises. The special part of the warm-up is aimed at preparing certain muscle groups and the osteo-ligamentous apparatus for the main part of the class, as well as ensuring the body's neuro-coordination and psychological adjustment for the upcoming exercise in the main part of the class. In the special part of the warm-up, individual elements of the main exercises, imitation, special preparatory exercises, basic exercises in parts and as a whole are performed. The pace and rhythm of the upcoming work is taken into account.

In the main part, sports technique and tactics are studied, training is carried out, and physical and volitional qualities (speed, strength, endurance) are developed.

The final part involves slow running (3-8 minutes), followed by walking (2-6 minutes), and relaxation exercises combined with deep breathing, which ensure a gradual reduction in training load and bring the body into a relatively calm state.

During training sessions (60 or 90 minutes), you can focus on the following distribution of time by part of the session: preparatory 15-20 (25-30) minutes, main 30-40 (45-55) minutes, final 5-10 (5-15) minutes.

In the practice of independent training, the most common are sports games, athletic gymnastics, recreational running, and skiing. Recently, aerobics and shaping have become increasingly popular among girls and women [10].

However, it should be emphasised that these activities must be organised and conducted methodically correctly, as they are based on a competitive method, which, in turn, requires a person to make maximum efforts. Failure to comply with methodological requirements can be harmful. Most often, this happens when untrained people are involved in such events. Competitions are often accompanied by emotional tension, as players strive to «not lose», «win», etc. And if the correct methodology of conducting one-off events is neglected, the desire of participants to «win at all costs» will become prevalent. In such cases, physical activity will be excessive and have a negative impact on the body. In this regard, the methodology for organising and conducting any sporting, recreational and health event begins with determining the expected physical activity, taking into account the age, gender and level of physical fitness of the participants. All of this is taken into account when developing the regulations (programme, scenario) of an event [2, 9].


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  • History of sports betting. The "cash out" option in sports betting. The main determinants of the betting process. To test the hypothesis that the risk-aversion as the factor that makes individuals accept the amount to "cash out" proposed by a bookmaker.

    дипломная работа [651,3 K], добавлен 04.11.2015

  • Kent is county in South East England. Visit in a cathedral as to meet face to face with the charm and magic of architecture. The Cathedral’s history. Naves is the main body of the church. The Childhood home of Anne Boleyn. The gardens of the rose.

    презентация [51,0 M], добавлен 27.05.2015

  • The largest city in the Midwest. The ideal time to visit the Windy City. The main tourist attractions. Best time to visit Chikago. MileNorth Hotel, The Silversmith Hotel & Suites, Manilow Suites Corporate Housing, Fairmont Chicago at Millennium Park.

    презентация [1,0 M], добавлен 17.03.2013

  • Investigation of the main reasons English language jelly. Characteristics of the expansion content Total Physical Response; consideration of the basic pedagogical principles of its use in teaching language inostannomu junior and senior school age.

    курсовая работа [40,2 K], добавлен 21.02.2012

  • American value changes in postmodern period. Greater tolerance and acceptance of pluralism in present day USA. The changing meaning of success. New values in relation to health and physical well-being. A new relationship between work and pleasure.

    презентация [80,2 K], добавлен 23.12.2009

  • Analysis of factors affecting the health and human disease. Determination of the risk factors for health (Genetic Factors, State of the Environment, Medical care, living conditions). A healthy lifestyle is seen as the basis for disease prevention.

    презентация [1,8 M], добавлен 24.05.2012

  • The principles of personal safety in the application of physical restraint. Improving the practice of physical restraint in the activities of the tax police to enhance personal safety. Legal protection of the tax police in applying physical effects.

    курсовая работа [0 b], добавлен 08.10.2012

  • Description of the general laws of physical and colloid chemistry of disperse systems and surface phenomena. The doctrine of adsorption, surface forces, stability of disperse systems. Mathematical description. Methods of research. Double electric layer.

    контрольная работа [688,2 K], добавлен 15.11.2014

  • Extra-linguistic and linguistic spheres of colour naming adjectives study. Colour as a physical phenomenon. Psychophysiological mechanisms of forming colour perception. The nuclear and peripherical meanings of the semantic field of the main colours.

    реферат [193,7 K], добавлен 27.09.2013

  • 8 bad habits that reduce youth and life. Effect of nicotine to the brain, nervous system and the associated excess sweating. The composition of tobacco smoke. Closely relation of sport and health. The harm of smoking for women, the human psyche.

    презентация [777,7 K], добавлен 07.11.2014

  • The characteristic features of the two forms of eating disorders: anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Description body dysmorphic disorder syndrome as a teenager painful experiences of his "physical disability." Methods of treatment and prevention of disease.

    курсовая работа [17,9 K], добавлен 31.03.2013

  • Средства для предупреждения раннего старения - умеренность во всем смолоду и, конечно, занятия физической культурой и спортом. Утренняя гимнастика. Плавание и лыжный спорт. Physical culture and sports. Morning gymnastics. Navigation and skiing.

    реферат [18,7 K], добавлен 19.03.2008

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