Mechanisms of state regulation of tourism: EU experience
Rationing of Restaurant and Hotel business to international norms and food safety standards. Establishment of European rules regarding the volume, size and quality of tourist activities. Guarantees of legal, financial and social protection of personnel.
Рубрика | Спорт и туризм |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.10.2024 |
Размер файла | 19,1 K |
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Mechanisms of state regulation of tourism: EU experience
Prokopenko Tetyana Petrivna,
candidate of sciences in public administration,
director, Coral Travel
It was determined that land use planning, in accordance with the concept of the European Commission, involves monitoring the compliance of the tourist business with local and all-Union legislative requirements regarding the use of land in coastal, nature-protected or recreational areas.
It is well-founded that the safety of health and the tourism industry, in turn, involves the regulation of restaurant, hotel and "cafe-economy" to the norms of food safety standards. The "hygiene" and "cleanliness" of the tourist business is taken into account: for this, in particular, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) [2] is involved, which identifies the compliance of the tourist activity with the regulatory and documentary list of the EU, which will be considered later.
It was noted that the idea of work means establishing rules regarding the scope, "size" and quality of tourism activities in the EU member states - primarily, regarding workers and compliance with the concept of ensuring employment. The human resources of the travel company are subject to proper management in the field of employment, social protection, improvement of generally recognized living and working conditions. The NPS category was formed based on the study by the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe of the methodology of the impact of tourism-business on the natural resources of the member states of the Union. EU tourism complies with a list of "environmental requirements" that directly or indirectly minimize negative consequences for natural resources. In this context, the European Green Deal 2019, the EU Strategic Compass 2016 and the EU Global Strategy 2016 are applicable for implementation.
Keywords: mechanisms of state management, context-industry regulation of tourism activity, EU tourism policy, improvement of individual tourism program.
Механізми державного регулювання туризму: досвід ЄС
Прокопенко Тетяна Петрівна кандидат наук з державного управління, директор, Coral Travel
Визначено, що планування землекористування, відповідно до концепту Єврокомісії, передбачає моніторинг відповідності туристичного бізнесу місцевим та загальносоюзним вимогам законодавства щодо використання землі в прибережних, природно-заповідних або рекреаційних територіях.
Обгрунтовано, що безпека здоров'я та туристичної промисловості, в свою чергу, передбачає нормування ресторанного, готельного та «кафе-господарства» до норм безпеково-продовольчих стандартів.
Враховується «гігієнічність» та «чистота» здійснення туристичного бізнесу: задля цього, зокрема, залучається Європейський орган з безпеки харчових продуктів (EFSA) [2], що ідентифікує відповідність туристичної діяльності нормативно - документальному переліку ЄС, котрий буде розглянуто пізніше.
Відмічено, що ідея праці означає встановлення правил щодо обсягу, «розміру» та якості туристичної діяльності у країнах-членах ЄС - в першу чергу, відносно працівників та дотримання концепції забезпечення зайнятості.
Людські ресурси туристичної компанії підлягають належному менеджменту в області зайнятості, соціального захисту, покращення загальновизнаних умов життя та праці.
Категорію НПС сформовано на вивченні Єврокомісією, Європарламентом та Радою Європи методології впливу туризм-бізнесу на природні ресурси держав-членів Союзу.
Туризм ЄС відповідає переліку «екологічних вимог», що прямо або опосередковано мінімізують негативні наслідки для природніх ресурсів.
У цьому контексті застосовними для виконання є Зелений пакт для Європи 2019 р. (European Green Deal, 2019), Стратегічний компас ЄС 2016 р. та Глобальна стратегія ЄС 2016 р.
Ключові слова: механізми державного управління, контекстно-галузеве регулювання туристичної діяльності, туристична політика ЄС, покращення індивідуально-туристичної програми.
Formulation of the problem. The importance of analyzing the content of milestones in the development of state regulation of tourism in the territory of the European Union is due to the need to thoroughly improve the functioning of domestic mechanisms of public administration in the tourism sphere, the active use of which will contribute to the formation of favorable conditions for the development of recreational and related industries in Ukraine.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The issue of the development of state regulation of tourism in the territory of the European Union has long been the subject of scientific research by many domestic scientists. At the same time, it can be emphasized that the scientific studies of the field of tourism, its main meaningful configurations and parameters, the conceptual and categorical apparatus of mechanisms for the implementation of the state development of tourism, as well as the problems of the economic growth of this industry in foreign academic circles, are available today. not fully disclosed.
The general purpose of this article is to analyze and reveal the content of milestones in the development of state regulation of tourism in the territory of the European Union.
Presenting main material
The analysis of the official website of the European Commission allows us to highlight the landmark concepts of tourism in the territory of the European Union: this is, first of all, the unity and regulatory cooperation of the EU tourism industry with the processes of protection of NPS, protection of consumer rights; secondly, emphasis on the preservation of cultural and historical heritage [1].
State regulation of tourism development in the EU is diverse, based on five independent "pillars": formation of land use plans; development concepts of "safety of health and food industry"; cultivation of the idea of "work"; concepts "environmental environment" (NPS) and categories "consumers".
The category of "consumers" and regulation of tourism is based on the concept of protecting the rights of the latter during the registration of tourism agreements. For this purpose, the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of Europe have created special "social legislation" that guarantees the personal protection of the rights of customers. At the EU level, the status of the company - a travel agency and an intermediary agency - is also determined. According to Art. 169 of the Agreement on the Functioning of the EU of 2007 [3], the protection of consumer rights takes place in the context of health, safety and the interests of the latter (all industries, including tourism).
In addition to the above, EU tourism refers to tax regulation, as well as the regulation of the status of cultural heritage as a concomitant object of the Union's tourism and recreation iterations. EU tourism, meanwhile, is structured according to the existing set of rights and obligations of individual companies / enterprises / institutions / organizations. In particular, a tourist enterprise operating on the territory of the Union undertakes to inform the user (potential client) about the conditions of service provision and prescribe in detail the procedure for concluding / changing / terminating the so- called "tourist contract".
The normative-contextual classification of the EU tourism business is formed according to the specifics of the company and the "country of legislation" - there are rules that apply to the territory of all 27 member states and separately - the particular national "tourism management concepts" of separate European legislation. The EU legislative framework also takes into account hotel, infrastructure-service and location ratings to determine the "tourist attractiveness factor".
I would like to note that in countries where the issue of tourist classification is not regulated at the legislative level (Germany, Austria), hotel associations receive a wider range of regulatory powers regarding the definition of the strategy of "hotel- infrastructure" management [4].
Infrastructural requirements for tourism development in the EU provide for the classification of industry companies according to object-specific criteria applicable to hotels, restaurants and cafes (quality of service, customer traffic, "capacity" of providing hotel services. At the same time, an extra-class hotel business must meet " special requirements", such as room standardization, standardization of service quality, certification of hotel premises and contextual equipment. The subspecies of "tourist offer planning" defines the planning-state and legal- private boundaries of the promotion of "tourist offer" among the member states of the Union. In this sector, the legal field of "improvement of the individual tourist program" functions as an element of the development of the EU tourism sphere. business tourist food safety international
The state policy of the EU regarding the promotion of tourism outlines responsible and competent persons for the "advertising development" of tourism in a separate region (country) of the Union. As part of such an initiative, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and the European Commission contribute to the development of marketing strategies that form the adaptive strategic goals of the tourism development of the EU member states.
The tourist inspection of the member states of the Union provides for the obligation to establish the competence, planning, and obligations of tourist companies regarding cooperation with independent controllers, as well as - sanctioning violations of internal and / or all-Union EU tourism legislation (for example, deficiencies in the provision of tourist services, admission "falsified" reservation, etc.).
A separate concept of state regulation of tourism development in the EU is the creation of "tourist legislation" that defines the rights and obligations of users of tourist services. Compliance with the specified requirements is the key to bilateral business-client interaction on the territory of the Union [5].
Therefore, EU citizens have the right to move freely through the territory of 27 member states (including the right to travel, work and live in any country of the
Union). Citizens of "Schengen countries" (most EU member states, namely Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland) also get the absolute right to free travel to other Schengen countries (The border-free Schengen area) without mandatory border control. I would like to note that EU citizens are not required to show their own national identity card or passport during "borderless" travel between EU member states. However, in practice, some countries of the Union and/or the Schengen area may establish national rules that will require the presentation of relevant documentation (paper or electronic format) during a stay in a specific state territory. The common visa policy of the EU (common visa policy) allows for tourist movements through a short-term or transit stay in the Schengen area (a 90-day period in a 180-day period). An entry permit to one Schengen country means the automatic acquisition of the right to travel to any Schengen country without the need to present a travel document.
Bulgaria, Croatia, the Republic of Cyprus, Ireland and Romania belong to the countries of the "Non-Schengen area". When traveling to a non-Schengen country, as a general rule, you must also present a valid ID card or passport.
The status of an EU citizen gives the right to enjoy the same basic passenger rights (regarding travel by air, rail, bus or sea transport within the EU or outside the Union). Travel with pets is allowed subject to compliance with pet passports. At the level of the Union, restrictions are also established regarding the rules for the export of alcohol, tobacco and cash within the borders of the EU member states or outside the borders of this political and economic union [6].
EU tourism policy often provides for the application of "entry refusal". Such decisions are made for reasons of public order, public safety and public health. For this, authorities (in particular, migration services or Secretariats / Ministries of tourism of EU member states) need to prove the existence of a fact of "genuine, real and real-serious threat" to public safety. A person traveling (tourist) has the right to appeal the decision in writing.
Separate rules are established in the EU regarding the travel of EU citizens with family members who are not citizens of the Union (wife, children, dependent parents). For example, the right to a temporary visa-free stay, simplified consideration of a visa request, etc. [7].
Passport and visa-tourist requirements for "non-EU citizens" require the presence of a passport document, the validity of which expires at least 90 days after the planned departure from the country of the Union and, under certain conditions, a visa (depending on the presence / absence of a visa-free regime agreement between a certain country and individual member states of the Union). In some cases, the border services of the Union may require a letter of invitation, proof of residence, return ticket (confirmation of the fact of travel for tourist purposes). The conditions of entry to Ireland are based on the national legislation of the country and differ from the general rules of the EU [8].
Losing or expiring a passport does not allow you to travel to EU countries. To monitor the validity of "tourism documents" (passports) for citizens of the Union, the Public Register of Authentic Travel and Identity Documents Online (PRADO) operates [9; 10].
Therefore, the context-industry regulation of tourist activity in the EU is carried out through normative regulation (Directives of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, Regulations / Recommendations of the European Commission, etc.). At the same time, the legal field of "organizational responsibility" determines the regulatory and legal basis for the regulation of tourism in the EU.
1. European Commission : The regulation of tourism activity in Europe // Режим доступу: https: // growth/sectors/tourism/ busmess-portal/ understanding -legislation/ regulation- tourism-activity-europe_en#:~: text= Tourism% 20regulations%20have%20always%20been,any% 20type% 20of% 20intermediary% 20agency.
2. EFSA: Trusted Science for Safe Food // Режим доступу :
3. European Parliament : Treaty of Lisbon, 2007 : Fact Sheets of the EU // Режим доступу:
4. Laimer, P. The German and the Austrian travel habits : NIT (New Insights for Tourism), 2014. - 23 p. // Режим доступу : naratourismstatisticsweek/ global/pdf/presentation/2-1.pdf
5. European Union : Travelling in the EU // Режим доступу : https://european-union.
6. European Union : Travel documents for EU nationals // Режим доступу : https://
7. Europ. Un.: Travel documents for non-EU family members // Реж. дост.: https: // youreurope/citizens/travel/entry-exit/non-eu-family/ index_en.htm
8. Eur. Un. : Travel documents for non-EU nationals // Режим доступу : https:// youreurope/citizens/travel/entry-exit/non-eu-nationals/index_en.htm
9. Public Register of Authentic identity and travel Documents Online (PRADO) // Режим доступу :
10. Nepomnjashhij, O. M. (2014). Decentraliz. derzh. reguljuv. budivel. dijarnosti: zakordon.dosvid dlja Ukr.[Decentraliz. of state regulation of construction activit.: foreign experience for Ukr.]. Derzhavne budivnictvo - State Construction, 1. -- Retr. from [in Ukr.].
1. Europ. Commission : The regulation of tourism activity in Europe // Реж. дост.: -legislation / regulation- tourism-activity-europe_ en#:~: text= Tourism% 20 regulations %20have%20always%20been,any% 20type% 20of% 20intermediary %20agency.
2. EFSA : Trusted Science for Safe Food // Режим доступу :
3. European Parliament : Treaty of Lisbon, 2007 : Fact Sheets of the EU // Режим доступу:
4. Laimer, P. The German and the Austrian travel habits : NIT (New Insights for Tourism), 2014. - 23 p. // Режим доступу : kankocho/ naratourismstatisticsweek/ global/pdf/presentation/2-1.pdf
5. European Union : Travelling in the EU // Режим доступу : https://european-union.
6. European Union : Travel documents for EU nationals // Режим доступу :
7. Europ. Union : Travel docum. for non-EU family members // Реж. дост.: https: // index _en.htm
8. European Union : Travel documents for non-EU nationals // Реж. дост.: https: // youreurope/citizens/travel/entry-exit/non-eu-nationals/index_en.htm
9. Public Register of Authentic identity and travel Documents Online (PRADO) // Режим доступу :
10. Непомнящий О. М. Децентралізація держ. регулювання будівельної діяльності: закордонний досвід для Укр./ О.М. Непомнящий // Державне будівництво. - 2014. - № 1. - Режим доступу: UJRN/DeBu _2014_1_30. (дата звернення 10.10.2018).
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