Удосконалення методики оцінки точності навігаційного забезпечення у зонах підвищеної обережності плавання

Аналіз статистичних даних навігаційної аварійності у морських водах України. Розробка методики оцінки точності визначення місця судна. Встановлення залежності між причинно-наслідковими зв’язками й похідними факторів впливу на навігаційну аварійність.

Рубрика Транспорт
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.07.2014
Размер файла 143,5 K

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В диссертационной работе проанализировано статистические данные навигационной аварийности в морских водах Украины. В работе установлена зависимость между причинно-следственными связями и производными факторов влияния на навигационную аварийность. Предложены для широкого внедрения разработанные алгоритм и методика оценки точности определения места судна в рабочей зоне СНСС. Обобщенны и структурированы качественные показатели функционирования береговых средств навигационного оборудования, способы их расчета при навигационном сопровождении по морским путям в зонах стесненного плавания.

Разработанные на основе формализованной оценки безопасности (FSA) алгоритмы оценки навигационной безопасности мореплавания позволили оценить навигационную безопасность мореплавания в зоне украинской части Керченского пролива Азовского моря. Приведенные алгоритмы могут быть применены и для оценки навигационной безопасности мореплавания, в каком - либо морском регионе.

Ключевые слова: навигационное сопровождение судов, береговые средства навигационного оборудования, формализованная оценка навигационной безопасности и региональная система навигационного обеспечения безопасности мореплавания.


Sergіy Y. Infimovskiy. Improvement of method of estimation of exactness support of the navigation in the areas of the compressed swimming - Manuscript.

Thesis for a scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences by specialty 05.22.16 - Shipping. Odessa National Maritime Academy.- Odessa, 2005.

The nowadays issue of the navigation escort of ships in the areas of the straitened and offshore has been worked up in the dissertation.

World statistics have show that up to 75% navigation accidents are taking place in those harbour entrances, harbour approaches and coastal waters with a high volume of traffic and/or significant degree of risk, the considerable particle of which is related to influencing of “human factor”. It is related to high intensity of navigation in the areas of the straitened and offshore cruise. For instance, for the Ukrainian part of the Kerch channel the intensity of navigation has around 40 thousand ships per and year. Actually, it does not make any differences from navigation in the Bosporus channel, where it has had 50 thousand ships. Such large intensity of navigation in the areas of the compressed swimming needs decline of navigation accident rate and development of method of estimation of exactness of location ship at navigation accompaniment of ships. These et al problems stipulate actuality of theme development of the regional system of navigation safety of seaworthiness.

Transportation of the dangerous loads which are the source of ecological accidents and catastrophes, at high intensity the navigations does require development of method of estimation the characteristics of accuracy of the navigation escort of ships in those harbour entrances, harbour approaches and coastal waters with a high volume of traffic and/or significant degree of risk. These and other issues have maked the theme of the dissertation quite useful and modern for today's life. Therefore the aim of dissertation is to develop the regional system of the navigation safety for the ships.

The rate of the complex analysis of the navigation accidents at the Ukrainian seawaters has been worked up. Factors, which are, affected the rate of the navigation accidents have been considered and the consequences of these accidents have been set.

The most dangerous districts at the Ukrainian seawaters in the navigation relation have been determined.

Analytical estimation of probability of development of the emergency case, being based on the factors of the negative influence on navigation safety and average data for certain period of time, has been produced.

Accuracy and probability of receiving of the reliable observation, which are the main indexes of efficiency of safe navigation, have been fixed for the offering method of estimation of the navigation systems for the ships in those harbour entrances, harbour approaches and coastal waters with a high volume of traffic and/or significant degree of risk.

The prosecution on the method has allowed working up the algorithm of estimation the characteristics of accuracy of the area of the system of navigation escort of ships.

The application of theory of the queuing systems for estimation of efficiency of functioning of the systems of the navigation escort of ships in those harbour entrances, harbour approaches and coastal waters with a high volume of traffic and/or significant degree of risk has allowed creating the system of indexes and grinding the requirements to quality characteristics of these systems.

At navigation accompaniment in those harbour entrances, harbour approaches and coastal waters with a high volume of traffic and/or significant degree of risk shipping the constituents of external environment influence on motion of ship: wind, flows, agitations and managing commands of center of traffic regulation of ships of the system of navigation escort of ships in relation to retaining of ship in the set bar of motion (entrances variable). By retroaction of ship on influencing of external environment and managing commands of center of traffic regulation of ships of the system of navigation escort of ships, there is his retaining in the set bar of motion, set algorithm of motion on a channel by the course-changing's and speed of ship (weekend variable).

Casual obstacles of navigation accompaniment, which are related to the unforeseen wind shifts, flow, agitation, for shoal and other v(i), w(i), і ? і0 - are the centered multidimensional processes of white noise.

At additional supposition, in relation to the normal division of casual vectors, the formulated task of navigation accompaniment in the set bar of motion decides by correlations of the filter of Kalman.

The his adjusted is expedience of application of the filter of Kalman for realization as software on PCI real-time on the measure of receipt of measuring of navigation to the parameter during motion of ship on a channel at navigation accompaniment of the system of navigation escort of ships.

Account of the influencing of the human factor on a navigation accident rate and measures, which reduce this influence, has been realized in the offered algorithm of research of influencing of human factor on navigation safety. This algorithm has been developed by the special FSA method in marine industry.

The offered methods of quantity and quality estimation of functioning of the systems of navigation accompaniment of ships and worked up FSA algorithms of estimation of the factors of navigation safety has been allowed to estimate the navigation safety at the Kerch channel of the Azov sea. On the basis of the conducted estimation, the organizational - technical measures, directed on the creation of the effective regional system of navigation safety and improvement of navigation escort of ships in those harbour entrances, harbour approaches and coastal waters with a high volume of traffic and/or significant degree of risk, have been worked up.

Words: Support of Navigation the Vessel, Coast Navigation, those harbour entrances, harbour approaches and coastal waters with a high volume of traffic and/or significant degree of risk The Formal Safety Assessment of the Shipping and the Regional Merchant System of the Safety Support of the Navigation.

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