tourism and air travel

History of air transport development from ancient times to the present day. Characteristics of the main types and functions of transport services. Features of the organization of transport services. Air traffic safety. Maintenance of the equipment.

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Theme: Tourism and air travel

Tolobekova Aichyrok



1. The history of the development of air transport fromantiquityto the presentday

2. Types and functions of service in transport

2.1 Organization of service in transport

2.2 Passenger Service Attributes

3. Air traffic safety



The words


Internationaltourisminvolves the movement of peoplefromcountrytocountry. Whenstudyingitsdevelopment, itisveryimportanttodetermineitsrelationshipwith the transport industry. Success in the tourismgeneratingmarkets and adequate transport infrastructureareone of the mostimportantprerequisitesfor the development of anytouristcenter. Foritspart, the demandfortourismhasstimulated the rapiddevelopment of the transport industry. Scientific and technologicalachievements in the transport industryover the pastdecadeshavealsoplayed a significantrole in this.

Tourism completelydependson transport, its safety, speed and amenitiesprovidedto tourists duringtheirmovement. Understanding the basics of relationswith transport companies, the rules of interactionwiththem in ensuring the safety of passengers and theirproperty, service, the use of appropriatediscounts and benefitsforsalesisimportantforboth tourists and travel organizers. Tourism developmentisconstrained by the factthat transport systems in a number of countriesdonotmeetinternationalstandardsforconvenience, efficiency and safety, and transport projects in the construction of newairports, roads and railwaysrequirehugeinvestments and timefortheirimplementation.

Lessthanhalf of allinternational travel isonlandroads, with the role of air transport increasingannually. air transport service

In 1992, only 5% of travelersused the railwaysystemforinternational travel (mainly in Europe) and 8% traveled by boat and ferry (forexample, between the UK and France, Italy and Greece, Sweden and Denmark), and 40% of tourists gettingtotheirdestination by air.

Accordingtostatistics, the growthrate of air transport ishigherthanthat of motor transport, whichisdueto the ever-expandinggeography of travel and the existingsteadytendencytoreduce travel time in favor of theirfrequency (the growth of short-termtoursoverlongdistances). Allthiscauses the touristindustrytopaycloseattentionto air transportation. Airplanesare the mostpopularmode of transport in the world. The samecanbesaidabout air travel in tourism. And thereare a number of reasonsforthis:

* Firstly, aviationis the fastest and mostconvenientmode of transport whenmovingoverlongdistances;

* secondly, the service onflightscurrentlyhasanattractiveappearancefor tourists;

* thirdly, aviationcompaniesdirectly and throughinternationalreservation and reservationnetworkspay travel agencies a commissionforeachseatbookedon the plane, motivatingthemtochoose air travel.

Air transport isone of the fastest and mostdynamicallydevelopingsectors of the worldeconomy and everyyearitoccupiesanincreasinglystrongposition in the global transport system.

1. The history of the development of air transport fromantiquityto the presentday

Balloons and airships

Hot air ballooningwascolorfullydescribed by JulesVerne in hissciencefictionstories. The balloonismorethan 220 yearsold, ithas a complex and dramatichistory of development: returningto the end of the 20th century and intensivedevelopmentfortourism, advertising, sports. Today, ballooningis a unique and profitablebranch of the enterprisesystem and a uniqueattractionmethodthatattracts the attention of all, withoutexception. Ballooningisaneliteentertainmentforwealthy tourists.

The firstballoonwasinvented and built in 1783 by the Montgolfierbrothers. Itwas a hugeballoonthatwasfilledwithhot air. The firstpersontofly in a balloonwasJeanFrancos. ThishappenedonOctober 15, 1783 and marked the beginning of anera of aeronautics. The design of the balloonhasnotchangedmuchsinceitsinventionto the present. A balloonisalmostalwayssphericalorpear-shaped.

In 1852, HenryGiffardinstalled a smallsteamengine in a balloonnacelle. Thisenginewasrotated by a propeller, whichallowedtomake the direction of movement of the airshipat a speed of 8 kmperhouragainst the wind. Only 46 yearslater in 1898, AlbertoSantosDumont, a wealthyBrazilianliving in Paris, beganexperimentingwithgasolineinternalcombustionenginestodrive a balloonpropeller. OnOctober 19, 1901, helifted a cigar-shapedballooninto the air and madean 11-km flightoverParis. At the beginning of the 20th century, balloonswereusedforscientificpurposes in the study of the stratosphere, and in 1901 the firsthigh-altitudeclimbwascompleted.

Uncontrolledballoonswerereconstructedintoairshipsthatcarriedmotors and propellers, sophisticatedcontrolsystems. In Germany, the airshipindustrywassuccessfullydeveloping - hugeaircraftwerebuilt and operatedwith a strongframemade of lightalloys, coveredwith a rubberizedfabric, a gas-filledmultisectionalhull. The largestshiphad a cigar-shapedshape 245 m long and 41 m in diameter, itcouldcarry 50 passengerswith a crew of 60 people. in a hitchinggondolaorcargo of 215 tons.

In 1910, Zepellinopened a companythatforthreeyearscarriedout the commercial transportation of morethan 14 thousandpassengers. Theseaircraftcovered a distance of morethan 61 thousandkmwithoutaccidents. In 1919, the airshipfirstcrossed the AtlanticOcean. In 1929, the airship "CountZepellin" madeanunparalleledflightaround the Earth. The Hindenburgairshipmadetenregularcommercialflightsacross the Atlantic.

Usedairships and militarypurposes. During the FirstWorldWar and WorldWar II, airships and balloons of variousdesignswereused in militaryoperationsforobservation and reconnaissance, huntingforsubmarines, and forinstalling air defensebarriers. Formally, the lastairshipwaswithdrawnfrom service in the UnitedStatesonly in 1962. During the era of intensivedevelopment of scientific and technologicalprogress in the secondhalf of the 20th century, balloonsbegantobeactivelyusedfortravel tourism and sports competitions.


A parachuteis a devicemade of durablefabricthatopens in the air likeanumbrella and isusedtoslowdown the descent of anobjectorpersonto the groundfrom a height in the air. Initially - the parachutewasinventedtoensurerescuefrom a damagedaircraftoraircraft and isusedforthesepurposestothisday, with the exception of civilaviationfor passenger traffic.

The parachutewasinventedsimultaneouslywith the balloon, however, regardless of thisdesign (and in exacttranslationfromFrenchitmeans “preventingfalling”). Thereisevidencethat in 1306 in Chinaacrobatsusedumbrellasforjumpingfroma height. The parachutewasfirstdemonstrated in France in 1783. SomeoneLouisSebastianLenormandpubliclyjumpedfrom a treewithtwobeachumbrellas. FrenchmanAndre-JacquesGarnerinwas the firstprofessionalskydiver, hemademanyparachutejumps, includingonefrom a height of 2400 m in England in 1802.

Parachuting ("parachuting") or "skydiving" hasbecome a popularsportforparafoils, internationalcompetitionshavebeenheldsince 1950. The ParachutingFederationhasbeencreated. Activelyinvolvedmilitarypersonnel, youth and evenpeoplewithdisabilities. A parachuteisusedtolandgroups of tourists in remoteareas, forexample, the NorthPole, aswellasrescuers. Skydivingis a commonsport and entertainment. Young and oldarejumping.

Parachutingiscarriedoutnotonlyfromairplanes, butalsofromhighcliffs and mountainslopes.


A helicopteris a uniqueaircraftthatcanverticallytakeoff and landon a smallplatform, hang in the air, perform a horizontalcontrolledflight, including in differentdirections - forward, backward, sideways, toperformturns and otheraerobatics.

Unlike a conventionalaircraft, a helicopterdoesnothavewings. The liftingforceiscreated by a screwhorizontallylocatedabove the cabwithanadjustablebladeangle.

A helicopteriscapable of carryingcargoorpassengers. Passenger helicoptersaredividedintothreecategoriesaccordingto passenger capacity: the firstfrom 2 to 5 passengers; the secondfrom 5 to 12 passengers. Smallhelicopterswithoneengineareusuallyusedforthesecategories. The thirdcategory of largevehiclesiscapable of carryingfrom 12 to 40 passengers and isused in commercial transportation.

The ingeniousLeonardodaVinci in 1438 created the prerequisitesfor the design of a helicopter and developed a propellercapable of rising and fallingvertically, buttorealizehisidea in practicebecameavailableonlymuchlater.

The firstprototype of a modernhelicopterwasbuilt by the FrenchLaunoy and Bienvenu in 1784 (i.e. muchearlierthanairplanes and gliders). In 1843, the Englishman D. Kayleibuilt a steamhelicopter, but the designwastoobulky and heavy and couldrisefrom the ground by a meter. The helicopter, capable of rising air and hangingforseveralminutesabove the ground, wasabletobuild the FrenchmanPaulCornonly in 1907, however, nomethodsforcontrolling the machine in flightwerecreated and the apparatuswastiedto the groundwithropesduringtesting. In 1916, the Austrianscreated a moresuccessfuldesign of the apparatus, whichascendedto a 200-meter height in unmannedmode and stayed in the air foronehour, however, the apparatuswasstilltiedto the groundwithropes.

In 1931, the idea of ??a convertiplanewasrealized, i.e. aircraftwithmotorsthatcouldrotatefromhorizontaltovertical and providealmostverticallanding and take-off. Currently, suchaircraftarewidelyused in militaryaviation. Designdevelopment of helicopterswascarriedoutquiteintensively in differentcountries, butonly by 1938 itwaspossibletocreate a helicopterthatreached a height of 3000 m and completedmorethananhour of mannedflight. Actively in variouscountries, helicopterindustrybegantodeveloponlyafter the SecondWorldWar. In the USSR, severalsuccessfulhelicopterdesignswerecreated, including the mostpowerful - MI-26, capable of liftingupto 40 tons of cargo.

2. Types and functions of service in transport

Service - a type of humanactivityaimedatmeeting the needs of peoplethroughservices.

The organization of service in transport is a combination of alltypes of activitiesaimedat the satisfaction and provision of servicesfor the delivery of passengers and goods.

Transport productsare the completemovement (transportation) of passengers and goodsalong a certainroute.

The types of transport servicesarerelatedto the type of commercialloadtransported by air.

Types of service and functions of staffonboard the aircraft:

1) information, advertising

2) essentialservices

3) catering

4) sale of souvenirs

5) in the event of a criticalsituation, the stewardessmustbetough and highlycompetent.

The types of services and services in transport endwith the baggageclaim and the satisfaction of the moral and materialclaims of the passenger.

2.1 Organization of service in transport

Qualitycustomer service.

In a marketeconomy, the quality of a service, likeanyotherproduct, is a determiningfactor in itscompetitiveness, including in air transport. Worldpracticeshowsthatitisimpossibletoensure the highquality of air transport productsaccordingto the criteria of ensuring safety and regularity of flights, a culture of servicingpassengers and cargocustomers, aswellasprotecting the environment in a marketeconomy, withoutstatecontrolover the activities of air enterprises.

Ensuring the rights of consumers, including the righttosecurity, the righttoinformation, the righttochooseproducts and services, the righttocompensationfordamage, the righttoconsumereducation, the rightto a healthyenvironment, isone of the main functions of the state and hasbecome the prerogative of governmentbodies in a marketeconomy by air atalllevels: state, regional, enterprises.

Quality of service - a set of properties of a service thatdetermineitssuitabilitytomeet a specificneed of a consumer in accordancewithhisrequirements (or the requirements of standards and otherregulatorydocuments).

Passenger service duringflightdelays

Anairportmaynotacceptorreleaseaircraftforweatherortechnicalreasons. At the sametime, thereis a gradualaccumulation of “non-departing” passengersmeeting and escortingpassengers. In suchcases, the airportswitchesto a specialregimeschedule and a taskforceiscreatedthat:

· Compilesanhourlyschedule of aircraftmovement and monitorsitsimplementation

· Controls the preparation of aircraftfordeparture

* decidestocallanyemployeesatanytime

· Checks the validity of the delayedflightdeparturetime, avoidingmultipletransfers

· Keepstrack of accumulatedpassengers, distributesthemamongflightsusingassociated and combinedflights

· Providesclear and timelyinformingpassengers, visitors and staff

· Allocatesforpassengersadditionalfacilitiesat the airport, vehiclesfordeliverytohotels, luggagelockersforpassengers' luggageondelayedflights

· Sendspassengers by othermeans of transport

· Makeschangesto the operatingmode of cateringfacilities (buffets, canteens, etc.)

· Organizesleisureactivitiesforpassengers.

If the flightisdelayedformorethan 1 hour, the passenger isentitledto a forcedrefusal of transportation (the passenger isreturnednotonly the farefor the unfulfilled transportation, butalsoallfeesforpaidservices, iftheywereprovided and werepaid by the passenger, butonlyat the originalairportbefore transportation). Also in accordancewithArt. 120 of the CustomsCode of the RussianFederation, a passenger isentitledtocompensationfordelay in transportation if the delayoccurreddueto the fault of the carrier (25% of the minimumwageestablished by federallawforeachhour of delay, butnotmorethan 50% of the freightcharge).


The maintasks of the service include:

1. the provision of servicesonboard the aircraft

2. flight safety

3. providing a highlevel of passenger service

Toperformthesetasks, the followingrequirementsarepresentedto the service personnel:

· Itisgoodtoknow and competentlyoperateaircraft and specialequipment of the aircraft

· Possesshighmoralqualities, bepolite, helpful and attentive

· Actclearly in extremesituations

· Have a goodappearance

· Know and fullycomplywithjobdescriptions

Maintypes of services:

1. meetingpassengers and placingthem in the cabin

2. visual and verbalinformation

3. issuance of food and drinkrationsprovidedfor by the flightcard

4. trade in souvenirs

5. the provision of firstaid

6. organization of culturalactivities

7. carryingoutactivitiesrelatedtoflight safety and actions in extremesituations

8. disembarkation of passengerswiththeircabinbaggagefrom the aircraft

Types and scope of service dependon:

- class of carriagetowhich the passenger follows

- flightrange and the number of intermediatelandings

- type of aircraft, its passenger capacity and equipment

- the nature of the flight (domesticorinternational).

Basedon the scope of service, type of aircraft, class of service, the number of cabincrewthatarepart of the crewdepends.

Servicesprovidedonboard the aircraft:

1) compulsoryservices (reference, individual, medical, catering, advertising, newspapers, television)

2) recommendedservices (trade in souvenirs, othergoods, filmscreenings, hotelbookings, taxis, tourservices, ticketreservations, telephonecommunications, quizzes, contests, lotteries, boardgames)

3) therearetwotypes of informationonboard:

· Mandatory (welcome, in-flight safety, aboutsmoking, aboutaircraftequipment, about the servicesprovidedduring the flight, abouttrade, aboutfood, about the flightroute, aboutreduction, about the boarding point, informationafter boarding)

2.2 Passenger Service Attributes

The level of service and comfortdependson the class of the airline, destination, carriertraditions, fares, and flightduration.

One of the components of comfortis the type of passenger seat and the distancebetween the seats, the presence of a built-in table, anashtray, a wastebin, etc. In somecases, thischaircaneasilybetransformedinto a comfortablebedoryoucantake the optimalangle of relaxation. Onlong-haulroutes in the first and businessclass, a radiobroadcastingsystemwithindividualheadphonesismounted in the chair, whichistunedto the musicprogramorto the “silence” channel, thatis, enginenoiseiseliminated. In somecases, portableTVsaremounted in chairs. On the aircraft of someairlines in the first and businessclassthereareindividualsatellitetelephones, whichcanbeused by creditcard. Thesephonesareequippedwithmorethan 70% of US airlines.

Hotmealsontranscontinentalflightsareservedevery 4 hours. If the flightdurationismorethan 3 hours, thenhotfoodisservedfromatleast 3-4 changes, aswellastea, coffee, juices. Forcooking, durable, heat-resistant, unifiedplasticdevices and packagingareusedthatallowforquickmicrowaveheating.

Forchildrenon the flights of thisairline, a specialPlanetablueprogramis in place, providingfortheirentertainment, leisure, meals. Particularlyhighlycomfortable service isprovided by thisairlineonlong-haulroutesserved by Concordsupersonicaircraft. In additionto the traditionalattributes of service and comfort, thereareindividuallighting, ventilation, TV, video.


· Mealsusingspecial (notdisposable) cutlery

· Anunlimitedselection of alcoholicbeverages, a constantlyopenbar, a gourmetkitchen, individualslippers, souvenirs, gifts, and alsohavetheirownterminalsforairports in the airportsforfreeshuttletransfers.

Importantattributes of comfortare the level of noise and vibration in the cabin, the presence of specialcompartmentsforhandluggage, the qualifications of staff, etc.

3. Air traffic safety

The aggravation of political and socio-economicproblems, the emergence of vastzones of conflictsituations, terrorism, hostagetaking, criminalization of society - allthisaffected the RussianFederationafter the collapse of the USSR. The directtarget of acts of terroristinfluencewas air transport, accumulatinggiganticfinancial and materialresources, playing a specialrole in maintaining the normalfunctioning of anystate. Anyincident in the air transport causes a hugeresonance in society. Attemptstocapture and captureaircraft, threats and explosionsatairports, otherANVs (acts of unlawfulinterference) in the activities of the GA, seriouslycomplicate the situation in air transport, underminepeople'sconfidence in security, entailseveremoral, economic and evenpoliticalconsequences, damagenationalinterests .

Aviationsecurity - the absence of unacceptableriskassociatedwith the possibility of damagefromunlawfulinterference in aviationactivities.

Aviationsecurityisensured by the aviationsecurityservices of aerodromesorairports, the militarizedsecurityunits of aerodromesorairports, the aviationsecurityservices of operators, aswellas by a speciallyauthorizedbodyvestedwiththisright by federallaw.


1. preventingaccess of unauthorizedpersons and vehiclesto the controlledarea of ??the airportoraerodrome

2. the protection of aircraft in parkinglots in ordertoeliminate the possibility of unauthorizedpersonsentering the aircraft

3. exclusion of the possibility of illegal transportation of weapons, ammunition, explosive, radioactive, poisonous, flammablesubstances and otherdangerousobjects and substancesto the aircraft and the introduction of specialprecautionswhenpermittingtheir transportation

4. pre-flightinspection

5. the implementation of measurestocounteracts of unlawfulinterference in aviationactivities and othermeasures, includingmeasuresimplementedwith the participation of lawenforcementagencies

Aviationsecurityserviceshave the righttodetainfortransfertolawenforcementauthoritiesthosewhoviolateaviation safety requirements, aswellasbaggage, cargo and mailcontainingitems and substancesprohibitedfor air transportation, and in caseswhere the lifeorhealth of passengers, members of the aircraftcreworothercitizensare in danger, applymeasures in accordancewith the legislation of the RussianFederation. Employees of aviationsecurityservicesareallowedtocarry and use service weapons in the mannerprescribed by federallaws.

In ordertoensure the safety of passengers and crewmembers of the aircraft, the aircraft, itsonboardsupplies, crewmembers, passengers, baggage, includingbelongings of passengers, aswellascargo and mail, aresubjecttomandatorypre-flightinspection.

Statecontrolon transport.

Anyinternational air transportation isassociatedwith the crossing of stateborders, so the passenger muststrictlycomplywith the rulesestablished by the countries of departure, transit, destination.

Therearesixbasicdocuments and requirements, the presence and implementation of whichismandatoryforpassengers of internationalflights:

· passport

· Visa


· Airporttax

· customscontrol

· Currencyregulation


Movingis the mostcharacteristicfeature of tourism, and transport, providingthismovement, is the mostimportantindustryprovidingtouristservices. Without transport, thereisnotourism, ifnottotalkaboutwalkingtours and hikes, limited by both the number of tourists and the distance.

Tourist transport isdivided - as transport in general - into: land, water (river and sea) and air. The proportion of certaintypes of transport in tourist traffic isusuallyformeddifferently in international and domestictourism, aswellas in the context of the wholecountryoritsregions.

The importance of air communications in tourismincreasedas the carryingcapacity of aircraftincreased, increasingcomfort, and reducingflighttime. Thisisespeciallynotedsince the mid-50s, whenjetplanesappearedat a speed of 700-950 km / h. Most tourists, especiallythosetravelinglongdistances, useaviationservices. At the sametime, the planecan, figurativelyspeaking, becalled the transport of individuals. The mostmassiveflows of tourists travelingwithspa, business, entertainment, cognitivepurposes, areindividual tourists. And itistheywhomostoftenuse air transport.

Concluding, the popularity of air travel isexplainedfor the followingreasons:

- Aviationis the fastest and mostconvenientmode of transport whentransportingoverlongdistances;

- service onflightscurrentlymeets the needs of tourists;

- Aviationcompanies, havinginternationalreservationnetworks, paycommissionsto travel agencies, therebymotivatingthemtoworktogether.

The presence of variousclasses of service and a flexibletariffsystem, designedforconsumerswithdifferentincomelevels, travel comfort, speed, high service, make air transport one of the mostpopularatpresent.

Thus, wecanconcludethat air transport is necessary in tourism, becauseitismoreconvenient, comfortable and fast transport.


1. Bgatov A.P., Boyko T.V. Touristformalities: study. allowance. - M.: Academy, 2004.

2. Gulyaev V.G. Organization of tourist transportation - Finance and statistics. 2001 year

3. Dolmatov G.M. Internationaltourismbusiness: history, reality and prospects. - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix". 2001.

4. Ilyina E.N. Management of transport services. RussianInternationalAcademy of Tourism. - M .: 1997.

5. Kabushkin N.I. Tourism Management. - Minsk. LLC Newknowledge. 2002.

The words

Balloon-воздушный шар

airship -дирижабль




travel organization-организация путешествия

souvenir -сувенир

at the airport -- в аэропорту

toarrive (at the airport) -- прибывать (в аэропорт)

arrival -- прибытие

todepart -- отправляться

departure -- отправление

boarding -- посадка

boarding card -- посадочный талон

totakeoff -- взлетать

toland -- приземляться

gate -- выход к самолету

customs -- таможня

passportcontrol -- паспортный контроль

togothrough the pasportcontrol -- проходить таможню

tocheckluggage (check in) -- сдать вещи в багаж

captain [`kжptin] -- командир корабля

pilot -- пилот

flightattendant -- стюардесса (стюард)

seat (safety) belt -- ремень безопасности

foodtray -- поднос, столик для еды

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