Investment and innovation activity in the conditions of globalization changes in the transport processes of the country
Analysis state of the transport complex of Ukraine. An overview of the multi-component components of the competitiveness of the national transport system and its comparison with transport services in the European market in the context of globalization.
Рубрика | Транспорт |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.01.2022 |
Размер файла | 20,2 K |
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Investment and innovation activity in the conditions of globalization changes in the transport processes of the country
Popova A.M., ph.D.
Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University
Мета дослідження полягає в виявлення недоліків в роботі транспортної мережі та шляхи їх подолання. Методика дослідження. Для досягнення поставленої мети у науковій роботі були використані такі загальнонаукові та спеціальні методи і прийоми дослідження: методи узагальнення та комплексного підходу - для уточнення теоретичних питань формування транспортного комплексу країни, та важелями впливу на виявленні недоліка та вади у транспортній системі країни.
Результати дослідження. Проведений огляд сучасного стану транспортного комплексу України дає можливість зробити висновок, що необхідні зміни та використання нових методів у роботі для підвищення рівня конкурентоспроможності послуг, у яких з'явилися нові характеристики і відповідно необхідне використання нових ринкових інструментів, котрі потребуються як на рівні підприємства та і на галузевому, транспортної системи країни загалом. Так використання нових засобів у транспортній системі дозволяє вирішити декілька завдань, що постають перед постачальниками транспортних послуг, як то: зняття додаткового тягарю з підприємців у вигляді втрат при транспортуванні шляхом підвищення якості дорожнього покриття та комплексу заходів щодо підвищення якості шляхів сполучення і як наслідок зниження собівартості кінцевого продукту (збільшення ефективності виробництва товарів та послуг), а для споживачів пасажирських перевезень є важлива економічна доступність транспортних послуг що дає певно свободу пересування та доступність транспортних послуг для всіх верств населення. Системні зміни у роботі та інноваційні впровадження дозволять не тільки підвищити якість послуг, а й встати на один рівень з європейськими транспортними компаніями. Так знизивши собівартість послуг та підвищивши їх якість можна задовольнити потреби власних споживачів на території країни та забезпечити додатковий валютний дохід за рахунок міжнародних перевізників, послуг з міжнародної доставки вантажів та пасажирів. Усі зазначені питання являються багатокомпонентними складові формули оцінки роботи автотранспорту України, зміни у якому внаслідок глобалізаційних змін у світі та розширення кордонів. Конкурентоспроможність на європейському ринку транспортних послуг це настільки високий рівень, що для створення відповідного рівня національної транспортної системи кожний компонент складної транспортної системи є чинником впливу на ефективність усіх параметрів системи.
Наукова новизна. Визначено на основі питань розвитку транспорту більш комплексне і повне визначення питань виникаючих у транспортному комплексі а шляхів їх подолання з метою підвищення рівня конкурентоздатності вітчизняної транспортної системи, а також можливості залучення додаткових інвестиційних коштів та впровадження інновацій як вітчизняних так і іноземних.
Практичне значення отриманих результаті полягає саме у впливі на зазначені вище фактори з максимальної ефективністю дасть значний поштовх для розвитку всієї транспортної системи України в цілому і автомобільного транспорту зокрема, такі як: завантаженості
автомобільних шляхів у «пікові періоди» та нерівномірність потоків, покриття автомобільних доріг та дороги з твердим покриттям (останнім часом постало важливе питання руху у літній час при значному підвищенні температури великовантажного рухомого складу) та інші питання загального характеру, а також ті які враховують специфіку української транспортної мережі.
Ключові слова: транспортна система, інвестиції, інновації, міжнародне співробітництво, рухомий склад, інфраструктура.
Цель исследования заключается в обнаружении недостатков в работе транспортной сети и пути их преодоления.
Методика исследования. Для достижения поставленной цели в научной работе были использованы такие общенаучные и специальные методы и приемы исследования: методы обобщения и комплексного подхода - для уточнения теоретических вопросов формирования транспортного комплекса страны, и рычагами влияния на выявлении недостатков и недостатки в транспортной системе страны.
Результаты исследования. Проведенный обзор современного состояния транспортного комплекса Украины позволяет сделать вывод, что необходимые изменения и использования новых методов в работе для повышения уровня конкурентоспособности услуг, в которых появились новые характеристики и соответственно необходимо использование новых рыночных инструментов, которые требуются как на уровне предприятия и и на отраслевом, транспортной системы страны в целом. Так использования новых средств в транспортной системе позволяет решить несколько задач, стоящих перед поставщиками транспортных услуг, как: снятие дополнительного бремени с предпринимателей в виде потерь при транспортировке путем повышения качества дорожного покрытия и комплекса мероприятий по повышению качества путей сообщения и как следствие снижение себестоимости конечного продукта (увеличение эффективности производства товаров и услуг), а для потребителей пассажирских перевозок важная экономическая доступность транспортных п слуг что дает определенную свободу передвижения и доступность транспортных услуг для всех слоев населения. Системные изменения в работе и инновационные внедрения позволят не только повысить качество услуг, но и встать на один уровень с европейскими транспортными компаниями. Так снизив себестоимость услуг повысив их качество можно удовлетворить потребности собственных потребителей на территории страны и обеспечить дополнительный валютный доход за счет международных перевозчиков, услуг по международной доставке грузов и пассажиров. Все указанные вопросы являются многокомпонентными составляющие формулы оценки работы автотранспорта Украины, изменения в котором в результате глобализационных изменений в мире и расширение границ.
Конкурентоспособность на европейском рынке транспортных услуг это настолько высокий уровень, для создания соответствующего уровня национальной транспортной системы каждый компонент сложной транспортной системы является фактором влияния на эффективность всех параметров системы. Научная новизна. Определен на основе вопросам развития транспорта более комплексное и полное определение вопросов возникающих в транспортном комплексе а путей их преодоления с целью повышения уровня конкурентоспособности отечественной транспортной системы, а также возможности привлечения дополнительных инвестиционных средств и внедрения инноваций как отечественных так и иностранных. Практическое значение полученных результатов заключается именно в воздействии на указанные выше факторы с максимальной эффективностью даст значительный толчок для развития всей транспортной системы Украины в целом и автомобильного транспорта в частности, такие как: загруженности автомобильных дорог в «пиковые периоды» и неравномерность потоков, покрытие автомобильных дорог и дороги с твердым покрытием (в последнее время встал важный вопрос движения в летнее время при значительном повышении температуры большегрузного подвижного состава) и другие вопросы общего характера, а также те, которые учитывают специфику украинской транспортной сети.
Ключевые слова: транспортная система, инвестиции, инновации, международное сотрудничество, подвижной состав, инфраструктура.
Рurpose of the study is to identify shortcomings in the work of the transport network and ways to overcome them.
Methodology of research. To achieve this goal in scientific work the following general scientific and special methods and techniques of research were used: methods of generalization and integrated approach - to clarify the theoretical issues of formation of the transport complex of the country, and levers of influence on the detection of deficiencies and defects in the transport system of the country.
Findings. The conducted review of the current state of the transport complex of Ukraine makes it possible to conclude that the necessary changes and the use of new methods in the work to improve the level of competitiveness of services, in which new characteristics appeared, and therefore, the use of new market instruments that are needed both at the enterprise level and on the sectoral, transport system of the country as a whole. Thus, the use of new means in the transport system allows to solve several problems facing transport service providers, such as: removal of additional burdens from entrepreneurs in the form of losses during transportation by improving the quality of road cover and a set of measures to improve the quality of the routes and as a consequence of lower cost the final product (increasing the efficiency of production of goods and services), and for consumers of passenger transportation is an important economic affordability of transport young men giving some freedom of movement and availability of transportation services for all segments of the population. System changes in work and innovative implementation will not only improve the quality of services, but also get on the same level with European transport companies. So lowering the cost of services and improving their quality can be met by the needs of their own consumers in the country and provide additional foreign exchange earnings at the expense of international carriers, international cargo delivery services and passengers. All of these issues are multicomponent components of the formula for assessing the performance of Ukraine's motor transport, changes in which due to globalization changes in the world and the expansion of borders. Competitiveness in the European transport services market is so high that, in order to create the appropriate level of the national transport system, each component of a complex transport system is a factor affecting the efficiency of all system parameters.
Originality. Based on transport development issues, a more comprehensive and complete definition of the issues arising in the transport complex and ways to overcome them in order to increase the competitiveness of the domestic transport system, as well as the possibility of attracting additional investment funds and the introduction of innovations both domestic and foreign.
Practical value is precisely the effect on the above-mentioned factors with maximum efficiency, which will give a significant impetus to the development of the whole transport system of Ukraine as a whole and road transport, in particular, such as: traffic congestion in "peak periods" and uneven flows, coverage of highways and hard-surfaced roads (recently, an important issue of traffic in the summer was a significant increase in the temperature of the heavy-duty rolling stock) and other general issues nature and those that take into account the specifics of Ukrainian transport network.
Key words: transport system, investments, innovations, international cooperation, rolling stock, infrastructure.
Problem resolution
transport complex competitiveness
Global globalization processes have a direct impact on international economic relations, and from here it is possible to explore the multifunctional activity of the transport complex. Transport carries out simultaneously two tasks: the first easy movement of goods and passengers from one geographical point to another, and the second is deeper economic content, performing a leveling effect in the economies of countries (moving surpluses, balancing price imbalances in the economies of neighboring regions, compensating for insignificant amount of resources, other).
So Ukraine, due to its geographical position, is part of the European transport system. Thus, the efficiency of the transport system of Ukraine, as part of the pan- European transport system, greatly enhances the attractiveness of the Ukrainian economy for investment activity, while increasing the competitive advantages of Ukrainian enterprises, not only in transport industries.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The aforementioned broad range of economic aspects of the transport process also directly depends on the practical issues of the transport process. Legislative issues are set out in the following legislative acts: Road Transport Legislation (2344-14), Laws of Ukraine "On Transport" (232/94-VR), "On Road Traffic" (3353-12), current international treaties and other normative- legal acts in the field of road transport [1, part 2; 2].
In the work of Zadvornyi Yu.V. [3] defines the criteria for assessing transport infrastructure. To such criteria, the author includes criteria that reflect the characteristics of the transportation process (cost, time of transportation of goods, etc.), and criteria that reflect the activities of the transport complex, or a separate economic entity in general (the share of services performed in this segment of the market, quality indicators of labor, etc). The method proposed by the author is aimed at the complex solution of the acute problems of the development of regional transport infrastructure. One of the classic studies of the problems of urban and regional development, depending on the configuration of the transport network, is work [4]. The paper [5] proposes a method for determining the efficiency of a transport network based on a new criterion aimed at controlling the fleet of vehicles.
Formulation of the problem. Identification of deficiencies in the operation of the transport network and ways to overcome them.
Presentation of the main material
For an integrated approach to assessing the transport complex of Ukraine in the context of globalization [6, 102-104], one should pay attention to the following issues:
- the reduction of the cost of moving by road leads to an increase in traffic, which results in traffic congestion in the "bottlenecks" and the complexity of the motor transport;
- in the water transport there are oriental issues, causing queues for berthing, queues in the loading and loading booths, the "paper" component of the maritime transport remains a separate issue (a large number of papers accompanying documents and a bill of lading);
- air transport is among the issues to be solved by "busy" air routes, increasing the simultaneous movement of which increases the danger of aircraft, the separate components are the overload of landing points and airport terminals, the latest changes in the law also add organizational problems in the form of personnel strikes and other;
- general problems in the execution of all types of international traffic are the implementation of mandatory customs procedures, which is sometimes a separate issue in the peak periods of loading of traffic flows, the complicating factor is the change in the technical scheme of checking the quality of goods and other methods of regulation of export and import activities;
- environmental problems are not generally accepted parts of the economic evaluation of the region, but the importance of environmental safety of the environment should be considered as one of the most important. The above issues began to be dealt with in the Resolution "On Approval of the Concept for the Reform of the Transport Sector of the Economy" (Decree of November 9, 2000, No. 1684, 2).
All this is accompanied by growing competitive advantages, which can only be achieved through innovative solutions. The priority is determined by the expansion of international cooperation, the development of transport infrastructure is allocated to integration processes.
As a rule, the development of transport in each state or region is influenced by the following factors:
- territorial, that is geographic location with respect to the main international cargo and passenger flows;
- own cargo and passenger potential of the state or region, which is an integral part of social and economic potential;
- compliance of the policy of states or their groups about the development and operation of transport systems.
Transport industry - a very complex industry with a multitude of highly specialized nuances. It overlaps many interests, as transport serves all sectors of the economy at different stages of production, distribution and consumption. All this in aggregate outlined a range of problems that require an immediate solution.
The transport system should become more technological, which should be more intensive to apply logistics and innovative technologies, while paying special attention to various aspects of transport safety and environmental protection. In order to overcome the main problems of the last decades, due to the aging and reduction of the rolling stock fleet and the deterioration of its technical condition, there is a reduction in the volume of passenger transportation and transport operations, the deterioration of the quality and safety of transport services.
In the current conditions of the signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, these issues become even more urgent as they determine the need for adaptation and modernization of the transport economy and all its technical regulations to the standards of the European Union, which in turn requires the purchase of modern rolling stock and expansion legislative framework of Ukraine on implementation of decisions of the European Union in the field of transport. In this regard, the CMU adopted a plan of measures for the implementation of directives concerning, inter alia, the transport sector, while the Ministry of Infrastructure has drafted strategic plans for the development of certain types of transport by 2030, which is the continuation of the development of comprehensive measures to improve the state of the transport system of Ukraine .The beginning was made when drafting the Ukraine-2020 Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development when strategic plans for the development of individual modes of transport for the period up to 2020 were envisaged, which included the implementation of a set of measures aimed at admitting private capital and stimulating competition, the introduction of strategic planning for the development of transit the potential of Ukraine. In particular, the draft strategic plan for the development of road transport and road transport provided for the following actions: modernization of the existing road management system, reconstruction and / or technical maintenance of the road network, efficient management of the use of the automobile network, improvement of the quality and safety of passenger and cargo transportation services. To this end, it was expected to develop long-term strategic plans and support the creation of an integrated motor and road management system in place in the EU. Integrated road transport management includes management technologies and road safety measures. In the case of the development of an efficient integrated transport management system and its implementation, it is expected to reduce traffic and travel costs; effective prevention of an accident; Improving road management thanks to new managerial technologies. The new Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 430 of May 30, 2018 "On Approval of the National Transport Strategy of Ukraine for the Period up to 2030" states the following: the lack of conformity of the transport network of Ukraine with the European transport standards and overcoming the problem of dependence of passenger transportation on privileged passenger transportation, their loss-making for transport enterprises; improper quality of transport services.
The following disadvantages were highlighted: systemic underfunding, inadequate maintenance of infrastructure and transport, technical backwardness, which already threatens national security; use of cars with internal combustion engines; insufficient speed of rail transport; low competitiveness of transport services. The implementation of the provisions of this Strategy, according to the developers, will enable strengthening the institutional capacity of organizations involved in the process of harmonizing Ukrainian legislation with the EU and will create grounds for strengthening the mechanism for monitoring its implementation in order to obtain a high-tech transport system. The achievements of the preliminary development were set: the achievement of the strategic goals will be reflected in the increase of cargo turnover by 30 million tons, the attraction of investments in the amount of $ 2 billion, the growth of transit traffic, the annual increase in the economic effect of optimizing logistics in ports, the inclusion of Ukraine in the whitelist of the Paris Memorandum the control of ships by the state of the port, reducing the number of accidents by sea.The list of tasks that developers consider necessary to solve problems is, firstly, to overcome information errors by improving the system for processing statistical data; transfer of greater powers to local executive bodies and increase the productivity of their work; a systematic approach to the development of a national transport network and the use of successful world experience in overcoming such problems with integrated measures taking into account foreign economic relations and regional peculiarities and standards of the EU; and above all greater transparency in work due to new methods of work and technical means; the transition from policy work with consumers to interactive communication; reduction of the influence of public transport system management; improvement of regulatory and legal framework for the development of intermodal, multimodal transport, transport logistics; ensuring the development of multimodal transport technologies and infrastructure complexes to ensure interaction between different modes of transport; harmonization of development of port infrastructure (railway approaches, highways) and port capacity; reducing the processing time of cargo and formalities by simplifying administrative procedures for international transport; provision of development of a priority network of motorways; the introduction of European standards for the design, development and maintenance of highways, improving the level of road quality and the justification for choosing its type, in particular by gradually restoring the performance characteristics of the road network; improvement of quality and durability of highways on the basis of design estimates and conclusions of the feasibility study; the development of a network of road service points to ensure compliance with the requirements of the modes of work and rest of drivers in accordance with the European Agreement on the Work of Crews of Vehicles Performing International Road Transport (EUTRA) (Law of Ukraine of September 7, 2005, No. 2819-IV), and regulations; the introduction of long-term contracts for the maintenance of roads on the basis of their work and the final results; and other measures relating to aviation, rail and waterborne transport.
The problems that need to be resolved are a lot of parametric ones, however, they have the following main areas: lack of funds, inappropriate tax policy, lack of unambiguous job evaluation criteria, low resource management efficiency, poor quality of rolling stock technical condition and its morale (according to experts, it is near 98%), the absence of an effective mechanism of legislation in the field of transport, complexity in the field of currency regulation, the absence of investment and innovation programs with the support of the state, the lack of involvement I private capital to work in the transport sector, and other issues that were not included in this analysis concerning air, rail, water and public transport.
Having extensive transport infrastructure and at the crossroads of the most important areas of world trade between Europe, Asia and other continents,
Ukraine has all the prerequisites for sustainable development of the transport industry within the framework of well-balanced state policy. All these issues are multicomponent components of the formula for assessing the performance of Ukraine's motor transport, changes in which due to globalization changes in the world and the expansion of borders. Competitiveness in the European market for transport services is so high that, in order to create the appropriate level of the national transport system, each component of a complex transport system is a factor affecting the efficiency of all system parameters. The expected results of this program include: modernization of the transport infrastructure of the national model; introduction of full cycle of transport infrastructure; renewal of fixed assets not less than 90%; growth of private investments up to 10 billion UAH per year; from funding and subsidies to early planning; production of rolling stock at domestic enterprises; as well as other events.
Перелік посилань
transport complex competitiveness
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