Features of the development of the transport system of Ukraine on the way to european integration

The study summarizes the factors, the formation and development of which can significantly improve the structure of the transport complex of Ukraine: the planned pace of transport development, specialization, cooperation, technology development.

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Features of the development of the transport system of Ukraine on the way to european integration


The process of integration into the European Union is an extremely important issue for Ukraine today. Currently, there is a global trend towards integration processes and the development of regional policy. An important component in these processes is clearly the transport system, which largely depends on how convenient, efficient, and fast the connection between certain regions. However, the transport system is important not only in the framework of EU integration, but also to enhance the development of tourism and economic life in general.

Presenting main material

transport complex specialization

Ukraine's transit location and potential indicate high opportunities in this regard. However, the potential and the actual situation can be significantly different, so it is necessary to understand how much our state has realized its potential and what problems may hinder this.

The importance and significance of the transport system in the economic development of any country is difficult to overestimate. Thanks to the creation of efficient and reliable logistics routes, development of infrastructure and other factors of the transport system, faster and better delivery of goods and passenger transportation is possible.

Information channels as components of logistics play an extremely important role in determining the vectors of development of the transport system. The efficient functioning of Ukraine's transport infrastructure is largely due to its geographical location in Central Europe.

The development of the state directly depends on how effectively it manages in various areas. First, it concerns the transport infrastructure.

Today, global trends necessitate constant in perfection of management of transport infrastructure to attract investment. After all, the state and level of development of transport infrastructure is one of the most important factors of socio-economic development as a member state of the European Union, as well as Ukraine. Transport infrastructure occupies 75% of the sector in the services market. Turning to the macroeconomic context, the share of transport infrastructure in the total gross domestic product of Ukraine is 7% [1].

Ukraine's transport system is represented by almost all types of surface, water, air and pipeline transport, however, in terms of development it lags far behind the European system. The main railway lines in this part of the network connect key industrial areas.

Each of the modes of transport of the transport system of Ukraine has its own specifics. To ensure the functioning of the country's economy, all modes of transport must be interconnected and work harmoniously. The total transport network of Ukraine includes 21 thousand kilometers of railways, 159.4 thousand kilometers of paved roads, 1.6 thousand kilometers of existing river waterways with access to the Azov and Black Seas [2].

An analysis of the previous experience of investment in the transport sector and the changes caused by it should be the basis for further decisions for both politicians and commercial investors.

In the process of studying the development of the transport sector of Ukraine, the authors identified features that should be considered when determining the strategic priorities for the development of the transport sector:

the country's economy has suffered a serious political crisis due to the loss of control over parts of the territories and military operations in the east of the country;

distribution of productive forces, population density and other socio-economic factors are not a balanced distribution throughout the territory.

The development of the Ukrainian transport system is an integral part of the Association Agreement with the European Union and has a significant impact on the state strategy for the development of the transport sector and support for certain investment projects. Population density and level of economic development are not evenly distributed across Ukraine and the country. As of 2019, there were a significant number of transport infrastructure facilities in Ukraine (length of roads, railways, number of airports, ports, length of gas pipeline). But, according to international experts, "transport potential is underutilized, existing infrastructure and services are of poor quality, and end users face high logistics costs." [3].

The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine together with the World Bank Group has developed a "Sustainable Logistics Strategy and Action Plan for Ukraine", according to which by 2030 it is planned to attract investments worth about 1,400 million euros for the development of Ukraine's transport system [4].

A significant part of the planned investments will be directed to the development of freight multimodal terminals [5].

The transport sector plays an important role in the implementation of various socio-economic ties both nationally and internationally. Thus, investment and innovation development of the transport sector in the country not only plays a key role but can also contribute to ensuring the appropriate level of formation and development of a wide range of partnerships in both private and public sectors of the economy.

Thus, in parallel with the prospect of developing national transport links as a separate transport sector, it will also contribute to the improvement of other important sectors of Ukraine [6].

The development of transport systems requires the improvement of environmental and economic problems. According to the general theory of economic efficiency, from the socioeconomic point of view - the maximum capacity of transport systems and the high level of social needs in vehicles shows a marked contradiction, especially in large cities. From another point of view, the methodology of assessing the economic damage of transport shows that social and environmental institutions contribute to reducing the reduction of air pollution.

The study summarizes the factors, the formation and development of which can significantly improve the structure of the transport complex of Ukraine: the planned pace of transport development, specialization, cooperation, technology development and scientific and technological progress, as well as socio-economic conditions and competitiveness of our transport sector market.

The global trend is quite noticeable, when most national economies are united in one world system, the global information system and transport routes are improved. A common thing in the production process when individual spare parts or some production operations are made in different parts of the world.

In turn, the specialization of regions and the distribution of labor to create a variety of products is growing. Ensuring the increase of business efficiency and quality of life, as well as the application of a reasonable approach to organizational logistics, communications and transport, in our opinion, is the development of modern, reliable and accessible infrastructure, including information and communication, road transport, energy and innovation infrastructure.

The list of problems, the solution of which will allow to improve the performance of the transport system of Ukraine, is presented in Fig.1. The complexity of solving the above problems and the significant role of information technology for management decisions determine the need to develop and apply a methodology for integrated assessment of the country's transport system.

Thus, the formation of strategic priorities of innovative economic development of Ukraine should take into account both global trends of the industrial revolution, characterized by a humancentered approach, resource efficiency and innovation and integration processes, and the level of innovative development and competitiveness in the world.

The development of the electric car market will open convincing economic, environmental, and social benefits for the country. From the point of view of the national "increasing the competitiveness and efficiency of the transport system, innovative development of the transport sector and the re-implementation of global investment projects [7].

In addition, the production of modern electric cars, electric buses and chargers will provide Ukraine with the expected GDP growth of 2-3% in twenty years [7]. An equally important task is to unlock the potential of our country in the field of "Green" transport, which is one of the requirements of the EU for further effective cooperation, as the possibilities of its development are difficult to overestimate. And, given the geographical location of the country and its transit, "Green" transport in Ukraine should be economically viable.

To determine and understand the direction of development and the process of joining the transport system of Ukraine to the EU system, we consider it necessary to focus on certain aspects of the economic state of development of transport infrastructure of Ukraine. After all, it can and should receive high revenues from transport services, as it has a favorable geopolitical location.

Fig.1. The list of problems, the solution of which will allow to improve the performance of the transport system of Ukraine

* Developed by the authors

Given the fact that international transport corridors can have a positive impact on neighboring areas within 200 km, it would be appropriate to create new high-quality logistics centers in areas adjacent to the main railway and road approaches to Ukraine. [8].

In addition, global trends need to be considered, as the transport sector accounts for almost 10% of GDP, transport services account for 20% of all private investment, and transport infrastructure accounts for about 5% of the world's territory [9].

From the geographical point of view, we consider it necessary to pay attention to the fact that the distribution of the number of profitable transport companies in the regions of Ukraine in the west is much higher, although the profit comes from enterprises located in the south and center, higher. After analyzing the data, we can say that there is an uneven distribution of efficiency of transport companies (not only by location but also by business size) should be taken into account when making decisions about investing in the industry and development of the transport system not only nationally but also regionally levels.

In connection with the intensive development of integration processes of railway transport of Ukraine to the European transport system, the following issues are of great importance: the functioning of international transport corridors (ITC), the introduction of specialized rolling stock that would allow movement on sensors 1435 mm and 1520 mm, the use of European ASCS- technologies based on automatic sensor change systems 1520/1435 mm. This is the development of "East-West" cars for direct transportation of goods by rail of various standards [10].

Achieving the volume of loading of goods by rail reflects the close relationship between the volume of production of goods in industry and agricultural production in Ukraine. Even though Ukraine has some difficulties with the development of the transport system, there are no positive services that show the ability of our country not only to return good results in the past and translate them. Undoubtedly, the pressure of Ukraine and the use of its transit in Europe in the future helps to accelerate the economic development of the state and the realization of its potential.

A necessary component for understanding the integration process and implementing effective steps towards its implementation is to identify and understand the current problems facing Ukraine. Identifying obstacles will help you understand in which vector to move and change.

Ukraine's integration into the EU is a key priority in the country's development. Today, this course is dominant in Ukraine's domestic and foreign policy. This choice is supported by both the majority of political parties in Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. The Association Agreement is the main instrument for rapprochement between Ukraine and the EU: it contributes to the deepening of political ties, the strengthening of economic ties and respect for common values.

Experts of the National Institute for Strategic Studies of Ukraine note the following problems of Ukraine's transport system integration into the EU: limited functioning of transport infrastructure, operational incompatibility of transport networks, inefficient transport infrastructure financing system, lack of effective cooperation in various modes of transport. access to the market of transport services [11].

The main problems of business include corruption, excessive bureaucracy, and a non-transparent judiciary, which is closely linked to the political situation in the country. However, good educational outcomes provide a basis for further development of the country's innovation potential.

It can be noted that the main problems hindering the development of export-import and transit traffic in Ukraine are the unsatisfactory condition of transport enterprises, inefficient use of technologies and their development, ie non-use of existing potential or its use in full force. resources for vehicle upgrades, underdeveloped infrastructure serving foreign economic freight flows, lack of a clear plan of activities and use of resources [12].

The main trend in the development of domestic and world transport is the rapid growth of container traffic, which ensures increased safety of goods, significantly accelerates transshipment and delivery, increases the competitiveness and environmental friendliness of transport products. Given Ukraine's European choice, its desire to integrate into the European transport and trade area, container rail transport is becoming an important element of the transport system and an important indicator of its development. European practice shows that the promotion of rail freight, including container freight, makes it possible to achieve greater energy efficiency, environmental friendliness and transport safety compared to road transport.

The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, signed by Ukraine in 2014, includes a separate provision on the development of combined and multimodal transport, harmonization of regulatory and legal framework with European requirements [13]. The development of multimodal transportation in Ukraine should be based on the elimination of departmental and technological fragmentation of railways, ports, road, and river transport. Studies of factors in the formation of transport systems have shown that the reproduction of the construction of territorial transport and logistics systems requires the fullest consideration of temporal and spatial aspects in improving and optimizing the management of financial, material and information flows to achieve strategic development goals.


Ukraine's European integration is a complex and multilevel, gradual process in various spheres and sectors of the economy and, above all, in transport. But it is the psychological factor - the conscious choice of citizens, support for the country's movement towards the European Union, the establishment of a European identity in Ukrainian society - that is the most important component of Ukraine's entry into the European community. Our country faces several issues that need to be addressed for the effective integration of the domestic transport system with the EU system. In addition to a few political and legal tasks, purely sectoral problems also need to be urgently addressed: the need to introduce new technologies and increase their use at various transport enterprises, which will ensure their more efficient operation.


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