Ways of realization integration ukraine's transport system to the EU

The main unresolved issues regarding the integration of Ukraine's transport system into the EU. Ways of effective implementation of the state transport policy of Ukraine on the way to the EU. Transport security is an important element of Ukraine's.

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Ways of realization integration ukraine's transport system to the EU


Sustainable development management system has a great theoretical and practical importance, since the effective use of the potential of both an individual country and its regions to ensure sustainable development is possible only on the basis of conscious, purposeful, scientifically based actions to transform regional systems, and primarily transport.

That is why it is important to analyze the theoretical aspects of regional sustainable development in the EU and Ukraine, which will create a methodological basis for further development of practical mechanisms to ensure balanced regional development. In order to scientifically substantiate and implement really effective and reliable steps to implement the integration processes of the transport system with the EU, Ukraine should identify the problems that have arisen on the path to integration and find out what causes them.

Presenting main material

The content of strategies to ensure, strengthen and maintain the economic stability of the transport sector and their tactical content should be consistent with the overall strategy of the national economy and the infrastructural capacity of the country for which such an assessment is conducted. To ensure the economic growth of the regions, it is necessary to invest in the development of transport infrastructure.

Therefore, the stability of the transport sector and the quality of infrastructure, in turn, significantly accelerate the flow of goods, passengers and labor, contribute to the growth of production and trade, integration processes, eliminate geographical disparities, develop competition and optimize structural relationships of different industries [1].

It should also be noted that ensuring sustainable development is not only a legal issue, which is to develop a regulatory framework; not only the technical problem of finding technical capabilities for optimal use of available resources; but also a scientific problem that requires the development of theoretical and methodological framework and concepts.

For example, the classification of the problems of effective development of the country's transport complex should reflect the problems of research aimed at forming a mechanism for optimizing the parameters and results of development, first of all, infrastructure.

At the same time, it is necessary to create a mechanism and tools for restoring the country's transport potential in the system of external and internal restrictions.

In turn, it is important to maintain a balance between state interests and the interests of business units, to determine the rational legal limits for state intervention in economic processes.

In other words, to solve the problem of state and economic cooperation, an approach should be created that would allow the state to combine administrative methods of economic management and purely market methods of management (financial levers of the state over the economy, the state budget, credit and financial, tax, customs policy, state orders and national loans, direct financial support for business entities, export and import policies, etc [2].

Efficient and uninterrupted operation of transport systems is achieved in many ways thanks to the availability of appropriate infrastructure to ensure maintenance and repair of rolling stock at the optimal time.

As of today, Ukraine's efforts have not brought the desired results in the integration process. The main unresolved issues, according to the authors, are presented in Fig. 1.

Fig.1. The main unresolved issues regarding the integration of Ukraine's transport system into the EU

Another problem can be highlighted in that the liberalization of trade between Ukraine and the European Union is taking place at not the best times for the EU itself.

Rather slow exit from the crisis of a number of EU countries pushes them to continue the policy of the budget economy, which, in turn, reduces the demand for all goods, including Ukrainian.

t is important that the system of transportation of goods and passengers, which operates as a whole, can be both individual (within the transport connection) and mass (transport processes in all transport links).

The exceptional importance of the transport and communication system in ensuring the domestic socio-economic system and ensuring an independent and safe level of development can be fully stated. It is the transport system that functions to overcome temporal and spatial barriers..

Dynamic development has become the main characteristic of the air transportation market of Ukraine in the last years of the precrisis period (until 2020), despite certain problems related to the economic situation in the country [4].

As a result of the analytical analysis of approaches to the study of the external environment of Ukrainian airlines in unstable market economic conditions, the specifics of the application of strategic analysis in aviation enterprises are scientifically substantiated and theoretical principles and practical recommendations for using strategic analysis as a tool for developing and implementing airline development strategy [5, 6].

We fully support the idea [7, 8 ] that in the direction of integration of air transport the results should be the merger of airlines with structures whose activities are directly or indirectly aimed at ensuring the process of aviation commercial operations.

Integration will provide a positive solution to the issues of marketing and competition, cheaper air transportation and improvement of tariff policy, problems of efficient supply, issues of ensuring the receipt of financial resources on favorable terms.

A realistic prospect can be considered when the transport and communication system of Ukraine, taking into account the main functional capabilities of the system, will ensure the achievement of synergy of resources and act as a transfer factor for achieving an independent and safe level of development without significant state investments, but only thanks to the available transport capacity, thanks to the control mechanisms of the strategic structural restructuring.

To form an optimal strategy for the development of the transport system of our country and the processes of its integration into the EU system, it is important to take into account a large set of factors and determine what will be better, more efficient and more important to develop at the moment. It is necessary to develop existing transport corridors linking Ukraine and the European Union or create new ones that will be more profitable in the long term, or perhaps a combination of both options.

The peculiarity of the economic and political situation of the country plays a role in the development of EU consciousness, the need for stability of the country and changing the ability to demonstrate whether it is difficult [9].

This factors are extremely important both for business and management, as well as for the transport system.

The European Integration of Ukraine is a complex, flexible, step-by-step process in other spheres - political, economic, social, cultural.

The European Union cooperates in the framework of such projects of common interest in the integration of transport networks. The priority areas here are the following:

strengthening the combination of transport infrastructure at border crossings of EU member states for faster and seamless interaction;

development of transport infrastructure to strengthen the chains of the transport system network;

introduction of intelligent traffic control systems in transport.

In the fig. 2 presents ways to effectively implement the state transport policy of Ukraine on the way to the EU.

Fig. 2. Ways of effective implementation of the state transport policy of Ukraine on the way to the EU

Thus, the main directions of development of Ukraine's transport system and its integration into the EU system by 2030 are the following:

Ensuring the quality of transport services.

Sustainable funding.

Improving security.

High mobility

Effective public administration of the transport sector [4].

Transport security is an important element of Ukraine's national security. The state and problems of its development at the present stage are becoming a serious obstacle to the realization of national interests and ensuring the economic security of the state as a whole and in its individual elements.


transport security integration

As a result of comprehensive consideration of the peculiarities of Ukraine's transport system to the EU system, as one of the most developed in the world, conclusions were made on the need to improve the strategic and regulatory framework that determines the basic conditions for transport, substantiated priority areas of Ukraine's transport system effective implementation of Ukraine's state transport policy on the way to the EU.


Estimation of transport industry's economic sustainability as an element of strategic management: case of Poland and Ukraine [Електронний ресурс]. - 2020. - Режим доступу до ресурсу: https://cutt.ly/PvWaATX.

Relevant problems of Ukraine's integration into global

economy [Електронний ресурс]. - 2017. - Режим доступу до ресурсу: http://www.baltijapublishing.lv/index.php/issue/ article/


Сучасний стан інвестиційно-фінансового співробітництва України та Європейського союзу [Електронний ресурс]. - 2020. - Режим доступу до ресурсу: https://economic- bulletin.com/index.php/ journal/article/view/700/714.

Транспортна політика Європейського Союзу і України: Навчальний посібник / О.М. Кириленко, В.О. Новак, К.М. Разумова, І.Б. Зарубінська, Т.Л. Мостенська, О.А. Сьомін - К.:Кондор-Видавництво, 2021. - 57 с.

O. Kyrylenko, K. Razumova, V. Novak, A. Guryna. Strategic analysis as a tool for the formation and implementation of air company development strategy. Зб. наук. пр. ДВНЗ «Університет банківської справи» «Фінансово-кредитна

діяльність: проблеми теорії та практики». - Харків: ХННІ, 2020. - №4.

Інтеграція транспортної системи України та ЄС [Електронний ресурс]. - 2019. - Режим доступу до ресурсу: jspui/bitstream/123456789/6213/1/PNK%202019.200.pdf.

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http://ec.europa.eu/smartregulation/impact/ia_carried_out/docs/ia_2 006/sec_2006_0943_en.pdf.

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