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  • China's interest in cyberspace is expressed in the orientation of the Chinese leadership towards the development of innovative technologies in the country, the preservation of sovereignty and the construction of a society of medium prosperity. Chairman of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping in his speeches repeatedly highlighted that nowadays on the Internet it is important to protect the sovereignty and interests of the country.
  • The main purpose of this work is to fully characterize the Chinese system of control and security in cyberspace within the country, to determine its specificity and China's position in the international cooperation and regulation of cyberspace.
  • The work consists of an introduction, the main part, which includes 3 chapters, and conclusions. First of all, it is necessary to highlight the last Chinese Cybersecurity Law and International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace, which were published in 2017 for a clear understanding of what goals Chinese government tries to achieve. In the first chapter, the Chinese perception and its understanding of cybersecurity must be highlighted. Next, describe the key role of Communist Party of China in national cybersecurity, main governmental and military institutions in charge of realizing Chinese policy in cyberspace. The third chapter is devoted to the basics of national Internet security.
  • Finally, the conclusions of the project will fully represent that in China, unlike other countries, the term cybersecurity is perceived differently, and the country itself is on the way to creating a full-fledged structure for ensuring cybersecurity and Internet control, in which the leading role is played by the CCP, and the creation of a legal basis for cyberspace and the separation of civil and military structures allow to effectively ensure security in the national cyberspace.

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